Telemann - 12 Fantasias Con Facsimile -Ed[1]. Musica Rara

June 25, 2018 | Author: José David Laguna Bermúdez | Category: N/A
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Download Telemann - 12 Fantasias Con Facsimile -Ed[1]. Musica Rara...



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Matt Matthe heso son' n' "Ehr "Ehren enpf pfor orte te'" '" They They ar list listed ed betw betwee ee tw work work comp compos osed ed in 1731a 1731and nd 1733r 1733res espe pect ctiv ivel ely; y; henc henc th date date 1732 1732 whic whic G. Haus Haussw swal al assi assign gned ed to them them in th firs firs mode mode edit editio io of thes thes Fant Fantas asia ias' s'

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174013 othe others rs prob probab ably ly by Quan Quantz tz an Joha Johann nn Mart Martin in Bloc Blockw kwit itz,po z,poss ssib ibly ly comp compos osed ed arou around nd 1725 1725in in Dres Dresde den" n"

flut flute. e. On th oneone-ke keye ye flau flauto to trav traver erso so each each tona tonali lity ty ha it ow colo colour ur an expr expres essi sive ve qual qualit it

"Son "Sonat at

resu result lt of

Meto Metodi dich che" e"

"m er nata nata re veme veme (s -fas -fas -fas -fas (IV, VI), VI), suit suit (VII (VIII, I, X), (I). (I). Ther Ther is also also grea grea dive divers rsit it in th stru struct ctur ur of indi indivi vidu dual al move moveme ment nts, s, rang rangin in from from th stri strict ctes es fugu fugu ;V, yric yrical al ov me (II, (II, 3; ;VI ,al ;V, ;XI nd co cert cert li rtuo rtuo iece iece (XI, (XI, ),t he yp ca baro baro ue danc dances es llem lleman an (V II ),c rren rren (X; 1),sarabande (IX, 1),minuet (X, 3), passep passepied ied (I, 2),gavotte 2),gavotte (X,2), bourree (II, (II, 4; IX, 4; XII, XII, 4) rond rondea ea (IV, VI, VII, VII, 2) polo polona nais is (VII (VIII, I, ), gu III, III, an ca arie arie (Y, 3)15.

mo stra strate te sk in ri fo he lu e:judi e:judici ci hi ho ce ey xhau xhau he echn echn ca abil abilit itie ie of th flau flauto to trav traver erso so with withou ou ever ever havi having ng reco recour urse se to empt emptyv yvir irtu tuos osit ity, y,an an show show hi vers versat atil ilit it

fore foreta tast st

of comp compos osit itio ion. n.Y' Y'

Notes 1.


20 nd ",

Pari Paris, s, 1708 1708 7. C( th crit critic ical al repo report rt in "G.F "G.F Hand Handel el th comp comple lete te sona sonata ta fo treb treble le reco record rder er an bass bass cont contin inuo uo", ",

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en ra ng an

he rese resenc nc of

eleman eleman

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he(w he(wro ro g)ti g)ti le

174013 othe others rs prob probab ably ly by Quan Quantz tz an Joha Johann nn Mart Martin in Bloc Blockw kwit itz,po z,poss ssib ibly ly comp compos osed ed arou around nd 1725 1725in in Dres Dresde den" n"

flut flute. e. On th oneone-ke keye ye flau flauto to trav traver erso so each each tona tonali lity ty ha it ow colo colour ur an expr expres essi sive ve qual qualit it

"Son "Sonat at

resu result lt of

Meto Metodi dich che" e"

"m er nata nata re veme veme (s -fas -fas -fas -fas (IV, VI), VI), suit suit (VII (VIII, I, X), (I). (I). Ther Ther is also also grea grea dive divers rsit it in th stru struct ctur ur of indi indivi vidu dual al move moveme ment nts, s, rang rangin in from from th stri strict ctes es fugu fugu ;V, yric yrical al ov me (II, (II, 3; ;VI ,al ;V, ;XI nd co cert cert li rtuo rtuo iece iece (XI, (XI, ),t he yp ca baro baro ue danc dances es llem lleman an (V II ),c rren rren (X; 1),sarabande (IX, 1),minuet (X, 3), passep passepied ied (I, 2),gavotte 2),gavotte (X,2), bourree (II, (II, 4; IX, 4; XII, XII, 4) rond rondea ea (IV, VI, VII, VII, 2) polo polona nais is (VII (VIII, I, ), gu III, III, an ca arie arie (Y, 3)15.

mo stra strate te sk in ri fo he lu e:judi e:judici ci hi ho ce ey xhau xhau he echn echn ca abil abilit itie ie of th flau flauto to trav traver erso so with withou ou ever ever havi having ng reco recour urse se to empt emptyv yvir irtu tuos osit ity, y,an an show show hi vers versat atil ilit it

fore foreta tast st

of comp compos osit itio ion. n.Y' Y'

Notes 1.


20 nd ",

Pari Paris, s, 1708 1708 7. C( th crit critic ical al repo report rt in "G.F "G.F Hand Handel el th comp comple lete te sona sonata ta fo treb treble le reco record rder er an bass bass cont contin inuo uo", ",

reco record rder er ra

os ti


plai plai ed

ethe ethe



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