Teks MC Seminar Internasional

August 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 Assalamu’alaikum  Assalamu’a laikum wr. wb wb.. 

Good Morning ladies and gentleman, my name is Rikho Pradana, and my name is Nadra setyaningrum. It is a wonderful and precious chance for us, to be your Master of Ceremony in this seminars on Tuesday, 16th of September 2019 in Graha Saba Buana Surakarta. Welcome to Graha Saba Buana Surakarta. Diploma nursing study program of Kusuma Husada Surakarta proudly presents international nursing seminars with theme “Improving Quality of Nursing Intervention by Using Evidance Based Nursing” Nursing”   In this beautiful moment, we would like to say sa y welcome to : 1.  The honourable the chief of DPP PPNI Surakarta, Mr. Suminanto S.Kep.,Ns 2.  The honourrable the chief of AIPVIKI Mr. Puguh Widianto S.KP M.Kep 3.  The honourable our speakers in this seminar a.   Neomi B. Yntig,RN,MAN,DM DEAN  b.  Dr. Julius Colonia Dano c.  Dr. Samorahop Banharak Ph.D RN. d.  Mellia Silvy Irdianty, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.PH 4.  The honourable the president president of Kusuma Husada foundation, Mr. Suyatman S.Sos. 5.  The honourable the chief of Kusuma Husada Surakarta health school science, Mrs. Wahyu Rima Agustin, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep 6.  The honourable the chief of Diploma nursing nursing study program of Kusuma Husada Surakarta health school science, Mrs. Meri Oktariani, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep 7.  The honourable all of the lecturer of Kusuma Husada Surakarta health school science and all of my friends who i love and last all of audiences Ladies and Gentleman First of all, let’s say Thanks to Allah, who has been giving us guidance, happiness, healthy, and mercy, so we can attend and participate in this event without any obstacles. Praise and salutation upon our prophet Muhammad saw the last messenger, the best figure of this universe. The person who was able to save us from Jahiliyah era. It’s an honour to me to inform you that this international seminar is made possible by supporter and sponsor. 1. 2. Ladies and gentleman Oas the master ofceremony let us to read the arrangemen in this beautiful event toda today. y. 1.  The first is the opening 2.  The second is reciting Holy Quran 3.  The third is singing Indonesian Anthem, PPNI hymn, and Kusuma Husada health school science hymn 4.  The fourth is welcoming speech 5.  The fifth is Presenting from speaker 6.  The sixth is giving souvenir for speakers 7.  The seventh is giving doorprize for questioner and two audiences 8.  The eighth is break time 9.  The nineth are closing and performing art



L&G 1.  Lets start the function, the first is Opening. Lets open this event by reciting  Basmalah together. L&G 2.  Step on to the following agenda agend a is reciting the holy Qur’an . It will be recited by our ou r sister, Yuliana Yuliana Susilowati (Time is yours) What a beautifull sounds. Thanks to our sister Yuliana Susilowati, May Allah Alw Always ays gives us Guidance and help. Aamiin. L& G 3.  The third agenda is Singing Indonesian Anthem, PPNI hymn, and stikes kusuma Husada hymn who will be led by b y our sister, Rossi. For My sister Rossy, Time is yours (Ladies and Gentlemen please stand up) (Ladies and Gentlemen please have a sit) Ladies and Gantleman 4.  The next Agenda is Welcoming Speech The First welcoming speech speech from the chief of AIPVIKI, Mr Puguh Widianto S.KP M.Kep . for Mr Puguh, time is yours What a delightful speech Mr Puguh Thank you for the welcoming speech. Ladies and gantleman

The next welcoming speech the chief of DPP PPNI Surakarta, from Mr. Suminanto S.Kep.,Ns For Mr Suminanto ,Time is yours What a inspiring speech from Mr suminanto Thank you very much to Mr. Suminanto for the welcoming speech. Ladies and gantleman

The next welcoming speech and also to open this international seminar . For the the chief of S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep

stikes kusuma husada surakarta, surakarta, Mrs. Mrs. Wahyu Rima Agustin,

For Mrs Wahyu Rima Agustin time is yours Thank you verry much Mrs.Rima for the wellcoming speech and open this international seminar. Ladiees and Gantleman

Then the last welcoming speech from the president of Kusuma Husada foundation, Mr. Suyatman S.Sos For Mr. Suyatman time is yours.



Thank you very much to Mr. Suyatman, S.Sos for the welcoming speech. Ladies and gentlemen, We are going to the main agenda, which will be led by our moderator, Mr. Bambang Abdul Syukur S.Pd.,M.Pd S.Pd.,M.Pd and Mrs. Erlina Windyastuti S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep. First of all, Let us to introduce our moderator Mr. Bambang Abdul Syukur S.Pd.,M.Pd S.Pd.,M.Pd and  and Mrs. Erlina Windyastuti S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep. 5.  (Moderator CV) 6.  Ladies and gantleman, please join us in welcoming our moderator Mr Bambang and Mrs erlina thank you very much for the Moderator Thankyou very much for informative and insightful presentation from our amazing speakers 7.  Ladies and gantleman We are going to giving souvenir agenda to our speakers Its an honor to us to invite again our speakers  speakers   1. 2. 3. Please come to the stage to receive the souvenirs,please kindly please Mrs. Wahyu Rima Agustin, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep to handover pass on the souvenirs our honourable speakers 8.  The next agenda is the distribution of doorprize to questioners and two lucky audiences. For the commite Please bring the aquarium to forward (two of lecturers take the coupons from the aquarium then MC take the coupon from lecturers and read it) And now we will open the coupon and tell you who are the lucky audiences today, and the doorprize is given to .... We would like to invite Mrs. Wahyu Rima Agustin, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep come forward to handover pass on the doorprize to the questioner and two audiences, Mrs. Wahyu Rima Agustin, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kep time is yours.. Pleas give applause 9.  Ladies and Gantleman Finally we aregoing to The last agenda as the final agenda for this seminar,closing. To close this event today Let’s recite  Hamdalah together Ladies and gantleman After the break time ,we willl held farewell party for the last grade, To entertain you in coffe break we have special performancefrom ..........



Ladies and gantleman please join us ini wellcoming ....... Givea big hand for us

Finally, from the deepest of our heart we do an apologize for our mistakes and on the name of all commites we would like to say Thank you very much for your kind attention Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullohi Wabarokatuh


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