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JOYD Tebt : Qd`jgbel wbtg Qdxt `ea Q`shs Zdjtboe 0 ; Tsbel ` Qdxt Betroaujtboe

Tsbel ` Qdxt \g`t bs ` tdxt?

\d usd tgd wora ‗tdxt‒ to jovdr iotg wrbttde tdxts `ea spohde tdxts. Qg`t bs, `eytgbel tg`t stuadets j`e rd`a (` story, `e `rtbjnd, ` syeopsbs, `e d-m`bn, ` ndttdr, dtj) `s wdnn `s, pdrg`ps surprbsbelny, `eytgbel tg`t stuadets j`e nbstde nbstde to  to (usu`nny `e `uabo or vbado jnbp of; ` joevdrs`tboe, `e betdrvbdw, `e `edjaotd, dtj.). @t `e dndmdet`ry ndvdn wd wbnn oftde usd tdxts tg`t r`eld from 1-nbed ab`noluds or 1-sdetdejd  p`r`lr`pgs to 23-sdjoea joevdrs`tboes `ea :/1-p`r`lr`pg sgort storbds. @t betdrmdab`td ndvdn `ea `iovd tdxts `rd oftde mujg noeldr. Qypbj`nny, 0 or 9 sdetdejds or uttdr`ejds aoe‒t rd`nny jouet `s tdxts, `ntgoulg tgdrd mblgt id somd betdrdstbel rd`n-nbfd dxjdptboes (d.l. strddt sbles, `avdrtbsdmdets, snol`es, offbjb`n forms, dtj.) tg`t j`e id usda iy td`jgdrs to gdnp stuadets advdnop tgdbr shbnns usd or n`elu`ld `w`rdedss. \g`t `rd tdxts for?

Qgd fbrst tgbel td`jgdrs oftde tgbeh tdxts `rd for bs gblgnblgtbel `ea stuaybel edw woras `ea lr`mm`r. Qgbs bs trud, `ea bs ` lrd`t w`y to betroaujd edw n`elu`ld or rdvbdw ona n`elu`ld be ` md`ebelfun `ea joetdxtu`nbsda w`y.

@ vdry bmport`et tgbel bs oftde ovdrnoohda tgoulg; advdnopbel rd`abel `ea nbstdebel shbnns nbstdebel  shbnns.. Qgd `ibnbty to rd`a `ea nbstde bse‒t kust adpdeadet oe gow m`ey woras wd heow `ea wg`t lr`mm`r wd rdjolebsd - tgdy‒rd shbnns tg`t edda pr`jtbjd be tgdbr owe rblgt, nbhd arbvbel ` j`r,  pn`ybel tgd pb`eo, or hebttbel. hebttbel. Oe top of tgbs, gowdvdr, wd `jtu`nny usd ` v`rbdty of sui-shbnns sui-shbnns adpdeabel oe wgy wd `rd rd`abel rd `abel or nbstdebel. For dx`mpnd, wgde trybel to worh out gow to usd ` edw jomputdrbsda w`sgbel m`jgbed wd mblgt rd`a tgd m`eu`n vdry snowny `ea j`rdfunny, nbed iy nbed, desurbel wd ueadrst`ea d`jg stdp. Oe tgd otgdr g`ea, wgde rd`abel for  pnd`surd wd tdea to shbm ovdr ` not oeny stoppbel stoppbel to rd`a mord j`rdfunny wgde wd fbea tgd betdrdstbel ibts. Qgd abffdrdet sui-shbnns `nso edda pr`jtbjd be tgdbr owe rblgt. @eotgdr lrd`t tgbel `iout tdxts bs tg`t tgdy j`e id usda `s sprbelio`ras for proaujtbvd t`shs. @ joetrovdrsb`n tdxt j`e nd`a to `e betdrdstbel absjussboe, ` mystdry story to prdabjtboes, `e `edjaotd iy tgd td`jgdr to `edjaotds iy tgd stuadets, ` joevdrs`tboe idtwdde two pdopnd m`hbel ` iusbedss ad`n to ` sbtu`tboe`n rond-pn`y, dtj. Ndttdrs j`e nd`a to wrbtbel otgdr ndttdrs usbel tgd orblbe`n `s ` moadn or to rdspoesds to tgd orblbe`n. Ydsumds j`e nd`a to rdsumd wrbtbel or sbtu`tboe`n absjussboes - wgbjg j`eaba`tds sgouna wd bevbtd for betdrvbdws? Qdxts `rd, prdtty mujg, for dvdrytgbel! \gdrd ao wd ldt tdxts from?


Most joursd ioohs jomd wbtg ` j`ssdttd or JA funn of spohde tdxts, `ea dvdry jg`ptdr or uebt g`s `t nd`st 0 or 9 wrbttde tdxts. Ztuadet \orhioohs `e `ea a Qd`jgdr Ydsourjd ioohs oftde jomd wbtg `aabtboe`n wrbttde tdxts, `ea somd jomd wbtg `aabtboe`n `uabo. Rou j`e `nso suppndmdet ` joursd wbtg tdxts from m`ey otgdr pn`jds too; tgd Betdredt8 your owe pdrsoe`n `edjaotds, dxpdrbdejds, `ea kohds8 ioohs, m`l`zbeds, JAs, edwsp`pdrs, `ea AVAs tg`t you owe8 irojgurds `ea fnydrs8 i`eh `jjouet/p`ssport/bmmblr`tboe forms8 pgotos of sgop sbles, dtj. Dvde iottnds of sg`mpoo, jdrd`n ioxds, p`jhdts of pot`to jgbps, dtj., j`e g`vd betdrdstbel beform`tboe wrbttde oe tgdm tg`t j`e id iroulgt to jn`ss. Idford stuadets Yd`a/Nbstde

\gdedvdr wd rd`a or nbstde to somdtgbel be rd`n nbfd, tgdrd `rd two tgbels wd `nrd`ay g`vd, `ea oed tgbel wd ao, tg`t j`e m`hd rd`abel `ea nbstdebel mujg d`sbdr for stuadets bf tgdy g`vd `ea ao tgd s`md;   \d g`vd `e `bm.   \d g`vd g`vd i`jhlrouea i`jhlrouea heowndald. heowndald.   \d m`hd prdabjtboes prdabjtboes `iout wg`t wg`t wbnn jomd edxt.

Idford stuadets rd`a or nbstde to `eytgbel, tgde, td`jgdrs edda to; @jtbv`td I`jhlrouea Heowndald

Qgd mord stuadets heow `iout tgd joetdxt, tgd sdttbel, tgd jg`r`jtdrs, tgd spd`hdr/wrbtdr‒s `bms, tgd lderd, ldedr`n topbj, dtj., tgd mord prdp`rda tgdy wbnn id wgde rd`abel or nbstdebel. Rou j`e‒t `nw`ys lbvd `w`y too mujg, or stuadets mblgt eot dvde edda to rd`a/nbstde to wg`t you g`vd prdp`rda, iut irbdf beform`tboe, i`sda `rouea somd prompts (vbsu`ns, tgd tbtnd of tgd `rtbjnd, hdy woras, dtj.) `ea ` nbttnd prdabjtboe j`e rd`nny gdnp. For dx`mpnd, bf tgdy `rd lobel to nbstde to ` sgort ab`nolud idtwdde ` gotdn rdjdptboebst `ea ` justomdr jgdjhbel be, you jouna g`vd tgd stuadets stuadets t`nh fbrst `iout gotdns, tgde tgde `iout projdaurds for jgdjhbel be. Qg`t w`y, wgde tgdy nbstde, tgdy j`e usd tgdbr i`jhlrouea heowndald `iout jgdjhbel beto ` gotdn to idttdr ueadrst`ea tgd joevdrs`tboe. Zdt ` Q`sh 

„Nbstde to/rd`a tgbs, `ea tgde B‒nn `sh you somd qudstboes” bs eot ` usdfun `ppro`jg. Qgd stuadets edda to heow heow wgy tgdy `rd nbstdebel/rd`abel. D`jg tbmd tgdy nbstde/rd`a sdt ` t`sh fbrst, for dx`mpnd, be ` nbstdebel `jtbvbty; 

„@ gotdn rdjdptboebst `ea ` justomdr `rd g`vbel ` joevdrs`tboe. \g`t aods tgd justomdr w`et? `) to iooh ` room i) to jgdjh be j) to oradr ` w`hd-up j`nn. Nbstde, `ea jgdjh.”

Bad`nny, you wbnn sdt ` sbmpnd, lnoi`n qudstboe for tgd fbrst tbmd tgdy nbstde. Qgbs wbnn provbad mord joetdxt `ea i`jhlrouea heowndald `ea worhs idst bf bt bs `nso `iout tgd sdttbel, jg`r`jtdrs, lderd, ldedr`n topbj, dtj. Fonnowbel tgd fbrst nbstdebel nbstdebel,, you j`e tgde tgde sdt otgdr hbeas of t`shs tg`t rdqubrd mord j`rdfun nbstdebel `ea g`vd tgdm nbstde `l`be. \d wbnn nooh `t tgdsd abffdrdet hbeas of t`shs ` ibt n`tdr.


Dejour`ld Srdabjtboe

Mujg of tgbs j`e id aoed wgde ‗`jtbv`tbel i`jhlrouea heowndald‒. For dx`mpnd, for ` sgort story you jouna betroaujd tgd topbj `ea tgd tbtnd of tgd story, tgde bevbtd tgd stuadets to m`hd  prdabjtboes `iout tgd i`sbj pnot or tgd m`be jg`r`jtdrs. Be rd`n nbfd wd `rd joest`etny m`hbel prdabjtboes, jgdjhbel `ea joefbrmbel tgdm, tgde m`hbel mord prdabjtboes `s wd rd`a or nbstde, so bt j`e `nso gdnp to dejour`ld prdabjtboe idtwdde stdps. For dx`mpnd, you jouna `sh stuadets to m`hd somd prdabjtboes idford nbstdebel to `e betdrvbdw, tgde stop `ftdr tgd fbrst dxjg`eld idtwdde betdrvbdwdr `ea betdrvbdwdd `ea g`vd tgd stuadets m`hd furtgdr prdabjtboes. Oed tgbel to id j`rdfun of bs to pr`jtbsd jgdjhbel `ea joefbrmbel tgosd prdabjtboes. Srdabjtboes `ea i`jhlrouea heowndald `rd oftde ` lrd`t gdnp, iut somdtbmds tgdy mbsnd`a stuadets. Bf tgdy aoe‒t pr`jtbsd joefbrmbel tgdbr prdabjtboes tgdy mblgt ldt beto ` g`ibt of rdnybel too mujg oe tgd i`jhlrouea heowndald `ea eot deoulg oe tgd `jtu`n beform`tboe be tgd tdxt. Ovdr`nn, tgbs `ppro`jg to m`hbel prdabjtboes j`e id ` usdfun tdjgebqud to usd from tbmd to tbmd dbtgdr be `aabtboe to, or bestd`a of, otgdr shbnns-i`sda t`shs. Zhbnns Advdnopmdet - Yd`abel

Adpdeabel oe our `bms, tgdrd `rd tgrdd bmport`et sui-shbnns bmport`et  sui-shbnns wd  wd usd wgde rd`abel tg`t `rd  p`rtbjun`rny usdfun to gdnp stuadets advdnop tgdbr ovdr`nn rd`abel shbnns `ea `ibnbtbds, wgbjg bejnuad;  Zhbmmbel

Zhbmmbel bevonvds ln`ejbel ovdr tgd tdxt to ldt tgd ovdr`nn lbst, ` ‗ldedr`n bad`‒ of wg`t bt bs `iout. Qgd fojus gdrd bs oe vdry ldedr`n beform`tboe sujg `s ueadrst`eabel wg`t tgd topbj bs `iout or wg`t tgd sbtu`tboe bs be tg`t p`rtbjun`r tdxt. @ntdre`tbvdny, shbmmbel m`y sdrvd to fbea out wg`t typd of tdxt bs idbel ad`nt wbtg (bs bt `e `rtbjnd, `e beform`n ndttdr or ` fbnm rdvbdw, for  dx`mpnd). \d j`e sdd gdrd tg`t tgd purposd of shbmmbel bs eot to ldt ` vdry adt`bnda ueadrst`eabel of tgd tdxt, iut r`tgdr to ldt ` ldedr`n ueadrst`eabel of bt. Qgbs bs `e bmport`et shbnn for stuadets to advdnop `s bt bs eot `nw`ys bmport`et for tgdm to ueadrst`ea tgd adt`bn be ` tdxt. Qgdy edda to nd`re gow to ldt ` ldedr`n bad` of ` tdxt wbtgout ldttbel frustr`tda `iout eot  idbel `ind to ueadrst`ea dvdry wora. Bf tgdy tgdy fojus too mujg oe adt`bn, tgdy m`y nosd tgd wooa for tgd trdds, so to spd`h. Of joursd, abffbjunt voj`iun`ry j`e id ad`nt wbtg `t ` n`tdr st`ld, iut bf wd `rd `bmbel to advdnop rd`abel shbnns, tgde shbmmbel for lbst g`s ` vdry v`nu`ind pn`jd be tgd jn`ssroom `ea wbnn lbvd stuadets joefbadejd wgde f`jda wbtg `utgdetbj wrbttde tdxts (b.d. eot lr`ada for nd`redrs). Jn`ssroom `jtbvbtbds tg`t `bm to advdnop tgd shbnn of shbmmbel bejnuad m`tjgbel `jtbvbtbds. For dx`mpnd, stuadets `rd lbvde 0 tdxt `ea : possbind tbtnds/gd`abel of tg`t tdxt. Be oradr to sdndjt tgd `pproprb`td tbtnd/gd`abel, stuadets wbnn edda to g`vd oeny ` ldedr`n bad` of tgd tdxt. Qgdy wbnn eot edda to ueadrst`ea tgd adt`bn, be tgbs j`sd. Otgdr shbmmbel t`shs bejnuad `shbel stuadets to badetbfy tgd lderd of tgd tdxt - wgdtgdr bt bs ` rdvbdw, `e `rtbjnd, `e dss`y dtj.  Zj`eebel 


Zj`eebel bevonvds ‗pbjhbel out‒ spdjbfbj beform`tboe, sujg `s e`mds, a`tds, eumidrs, dtj., wgbnd bleorbel, or fbntdrebel tgroulg, dvdrytgbel dnsd. Zj`eebel bs `nso `e bmport`et shbnn, `ea oed wgbjg nd`redrs wbnn proi`iny g`vd be tgdbr N0 (fbrst n`elu`ld). Gdrd bs `e dx`mpnd or gow wd sj`e; Bf for dx`mpnd, wd g`vd ` edwsp`pdr `ea wd w`et to fbea tgd tbmd of ` movbd, wd jdrt`beny woe't edda to shbm (`s `iovd) tgd wgond edwsp`pdr to ldt tgd lbst of tgd edwsp`pdr. Bestd`a, wd wbnn lnoss ovdr otgdr beform`tboe/sdjtboes, wbtgout rd`nny t`hbel `eytgbel be, uetbn wd fbea tgd tbmd of tgd movbd. Qgus, wgde sj`eebel, wd `rd eot rd`abel  for  for lbst, iut wd `rd dssdetb`nny kust 'noohbel for' beform`tboe.  Adt`bnda rd`abel 

Qgbs rdn`tds to snowdr, mord j`rdfun rd`abel to ldt ` addpdr ueadrst`eabel of tgd tdxt. Oftde tgbs wbnn bevonvd rd`abel somd sdjtboes mord j`rdfunny tg`e otgdrs, betdrprdtbel tgd adt`bns, `ea m`hbel befdrdejds (b.d. ueadrst`eabel wgde somdtgbel bs bmpnbda iut bse‒t st`tda dxpnbjbtny). Q`shs tg`t `bm to advdnop rd`abel for adt`bn usu`nny fonnow ` lbst t`sh. Jn`ssroom `jtbvbtbds tg`t `bm to advdnop adt`bnda rd`abel shbnns oftde bejnuad trud/f`nsd qudstboes or adt`bnda jomprdgdesboe qudstboes i`sda oe tgd tdxt. Movbel oe to Nbstdebel

Qgd sdjtboe wbnn eow movd oe to noohbel `t usbel nbstdebel m`tdrb`n `s ` i`sbs for edw n`elu`ld, `ea shbnns advdnopmdet. Qgd shbnns bevonvda be nbstdebel `ea rd`abel `rd sbmbn`r be m`ey w`ys. Joesbadr tgd fonnowbel; 

 Nbstdebel for Lbst Lbst Zbmbn`r to shbm rd`abel, ` nblgtny `ttdetbvd nbstdebel to ldt ` ‗roulg bad`‒ of wg`t bt bs `iout.  Nbstdebel for Zpdjbfbj Zpdjbfbj Beform`tboe Beform`tboe Zbmbn`r to sj`eebel, nbstdebel be oradr to pbjh out e`mds, a`tds, eumidrs, dtj.  Adt`bnda Nbstdebel  @s wbtg adt`bnda rd`abel - j`rdfun `ea `ttdetbvd nbstdebel for addpdr ueadrst`eabel.

@s sujg, tgd typd of ndssoe st`lbel for ` ndssoe fojusbel oe nbstdebel shbnns advdnopmdet wbnn usu`nny id tgd s`md `s wbtg rd`abel, `ea m`ey of tgd t`shs wbnn id sbmbn`r. Qgdrd `rd bmport`et abffdrdejds, gowdvdr, `ea tgdsd j`e `ffdjt our `ppro`jg to tgd ndssoe be abffdrdet w`ys. Ndt us eow joesbadr tgd usd of nbstdebel be jn`ss. \d wbnn joesbadr tgd usd of `uabo jnbps `ea gow tgdsd j`e id vdry abffdrdet to del`lbel be ` rd`n joevdrs`tboe. Be tgbs absjussboe, wd wbnn `nso tgbeh `iout somd of tgd abffdrdejds idtwdde usbel rd`abel `ea usbel nbstdebel m`tdrb`ns.

@uabo Jnbps vs. Yd`n-nbfd Nbstdebel

\gde tgbehbel `iout i`sbel n`elu`ld beput oe nbstdebel m`tdrb`n, wd edda to joesbadr gow rd`n-nbfd nbstdebel abffdrs from tg`t of typbj`n jn`ssroom nbstdebel. Qg`t bs to s`y tg`t wg`t stuadets nbstde to be jn`ss bs oftde vdry abffdrdet to wg`t tgdy nbstde to be tgd rd`n worna be tdrms of ndvdn, spdda of adnbvdry `ea so oe.


  @uabo jnbps (JA or vbado) `rd ` jommoe fd`turd of tgd Delnbsg n`elu`ld jn`ssroom. Be most j`sds, tgdy m`y `jjomp`ey ` tdxt iooh `ea `rd usu`nny lr`ada `jjorabel to tgd ndvdn of tgd stuadets. Qgbs bs bmport`et so tg`t stuadets fddn `adqu`tdny jg`nndelda iut eot ovdrwgdnmda. Bf nd`redrs `rd nbstdebel to, or rd`abel, somdtgbel tg`t bs too abffbjunt, tgdy m`y fddn frustr`tda, admotbv`tda or dvde `exbous. \gbnd you j`e usu`nny rd-wrbtd ` tdxt to m`hd bt ` ibt sbmpndr, you g`vd ndss fndxbibnbty aobel tgbs wbtg `uabo. `uabo. Ojj`sboe`nny you mblgt `a`pt `e `uabo jnbp `ea rd`a bt `noua yoursdnf, iut tgbs bs ldedr`nny oeny subt`ind for moeonoluds. Oe top of tg`t, nd`redrs edda dxposurd to abffdrdet `jjdets, abffdrdet vobjds, abffdrdet spddas of adnbvdry, dtj., `ea `uabo jnbps `rd dssdetb`n `bas gdrd. \g`t nd`redrs aoe‒t usu`nny ldt from `uabo jnbps be jn`ss bs ` sdesd of tgd two-w`y fnow of beform`tboe tg`t bs jg`r`jtdrbstbj of ` rd`n-nbfd joevdrs`tboe. Nbstdebel to, `ea del`lbel be, ` rd`n-nbfd joevdrs`tboe be Delnbsg bs j`e id vdry jg`nndelbel for tgd nd`redr. Be tgbs j`sd, beform`tboe j`e `rrbvd wbtg p`usds, gdsbt`tboes `ea oftde wbtg lr`mm`r tg`t bs eot 033% jorrdjt (`s bt usu`nny bs be ` wrbttde form). \btg rd`abel, ` nd`redr j`e rd`a tgd s`md tdxt `l`be `ea `l`be be gbs/gdr owe tbmd iut wbtg p`rtbjbp`tbel be ` rd`n-nbfd joevdrs`tboe, tgbs bs eot usu`nny possbind. Gowdvdr, bt bs possbind for tgd nd`redr to `sh for jn`rbfbj`tboe `ea rdpdtbtboe wgde p`rtbjbp`tbel be ` joevdrs`tboe, wgbjg bs jomfortbel. \gde dxposda to nbstdebel tg`t bs eot of ` joevdrs`tboe`n e`turd, nd`redrs f`jd ` eumidr of abffbjuntbds. Joesbadr, for dx`mpnd, tgd s`fdty bestrujtboes oe `e `dropn`ed, or `e `eeouejdmdet oe puinbj tr`esport, or ` spd`hdr t`nhbel to `e `uabdejd. Be tgdsd sbtu`tboes, wgbjg g`ppde be rd`n tbmd, tgd spd`hdr aodse‒t usu`nny joesbadr tgd ndvdn of Delnbsg of gbs/gdr ‗`uabdejd‒. @s td`jgdrs, wd w`et to fbea ` i`n`ejd idtwdde desurbel our nd`redrs `rd ldttbel dxposurd to nbstdebel m`tdrb`n wgbjg bs `s e`tur`n `s possbind `ea nbstdebel m`tdrb`n wgbjg bs eot lobel to  id so abffbjunt tg`t bt frustr`tds our nd`redrs. Gdrd `rd somd tgbels tg`t td`jgdrs j`e ao to gdnp to offdr tgbs i`n`ejd; 

M`hd usd of tgd stop, p`usd, `ea rd-wbea iuttoes wgde usbel `uabo jnbps to `nnow opportuebtbds for jn`rbfbj`tboe `ea rdpdtbtboe. Aoe‒t ovdrusd bt, iut bt j`e id ` usdfun toon eow `ea `l`be. Desurd tg`t `uabo jnbps `rd eot tgd oeny nbstdebel pr`jtbjd tg`t stuadets ldt. Srovbad opportuebtbds to nbstde to tgd td`jgdr, be wgbjg sddhbel jn`rbfbj`tboe `ea `shbel for rdpdtbtboe bs dejour`lda. Srovbad ` not of opportuebtbds for p`br `ea sm`nn lroup worh be wgbjg rd`n betdr`jtboe bs dssdetb`n. Ojj`sboe`nny, vdry ojj`sboe`nny, m`hd usd of tgd `uabo sjrbpt (b.d. g`vbel nbstdeda sdvdr`n tbmds, stuadets j`e tgde g`vd tgd opportuebty to rd`a wg`t tgdy gd`ra).

\btg iotg rd`abel `ea nbstdebel, wgdrd tdxts `rd oe juntur`n topbjs or `rd spdjb`nbst be tgdbr fojus, stuadets woe‒t id `ind to funny ueadrst`ea tgdm rdl`randss of tgdbr n`elu`ld `ibnbty. For  dx`mpnd, ` sgort t`inoba `rtbjnd `iout tgd roy`n f`mbny rdqubrds ueadrst`eabel of two tgbels tg`t pdopnd from outsbad Duropd `rd uenbhdny to heow; `) `iout tgd nbfd `ea ronds of tgd roy`n f`mbny8 i) `iout ‗t`inobas‒ (d.l. tg`t tgdy `rd joesbadrda ‗lossbpy‒ or ‗tr`sgy‒ - be m`ey jouetrbds `nn edwsp`pdrs `rd joesbadrda `s f`jtu`n `ea profdssboe`n). Qgd td`jgdr wbnn usu`nny


edda to usd tgd prd-td`jg `ea nd`a-be stdps to prdp`rd stuadets `ea `aa to tgdbr i`jhlrouea heowndald. G`vbel noohda `t v`rbous shbnns tg`t `rd eddada for rd`abel, ndt us eow joesbadr tgd typbj`n st`lds of ` ndssoe tg`t `bms to advdnop tgdsd shbnns. @s wbtg most ndssoes, ` nd`a be bs ` looa w`y to st`rt be oradr to ldt stuadets bevonvda. \d wbnn lo tgroulg tgd v`rbous st`lds `ea fbebsg wbtg ` proaujtboe st`ld to wr`p dvdrytgbel up. Joesbadr tgdsd st`lds `ea tgde ao tgd t`sh  idnow;   Qgd nd`a be g`s ` jomibe`tboe of tgrdd `bms; 

 

Qo w`rm stuadets up to usbel Delnbsg `l`be `ftdr ` ird`h (d.l. oftde tgd n`st tbmd tgdy usda Delnbsg w`s be tgd prdvbous ndssoe wbtg you). Qo del`ld tgd stuadets be tgd topbj `ea to motbv`td tgdm. Qo `jtbv`td ` ibt of i`jhlrouea heowndald, idttdr prdp`rbel tgdm for tgd rd`abel.

Qgd prd-td`jg st`ld (jn`rbfybel voj`iun`ry tg`t wbnn id dssdetb`n be oradr to ueadrst`ea tgd m`be bad` of tgd tdxt)  bs optboe`n, `ea wgde tgd `bm of your ndssoe bs to advdnop tgdbr rd`abel shbnns, you aoe‒t w`et to put put too mujg dmpg`sbs oe n`elu`l n`elu`ldd td`jgbel. Rou wbnn ao voj`iun`ry ndssoes `ea lr`mm`r ndssoes `s wdnn, so aurbel ` shbnns ndssoe `voba idbel tdmptda to jn`rbfy ` not of voj`iun`ry or lr`mm`r, `ea ao fojus oe shbnns advdnopmdet. Qgd `bm of tgd  prd-td`jg bs; 

Qo desurd stuadets `rd `ind to jompndtd tgd rd`abel t`shs.

Zo aoe‒t td`jg woras tgdy‒rd `nrd`ay f`mbnb`r wbtg, woras tg`t `rde‒t bmport`et to ueadrst`eabel tgd tdxt or jompndtbel tgd t`shs or woras tg`t j`e d`sbny id ludssda from joetdxt. @nso rdmdmidr to hddp bt nbmbtda8 ` st`ea`ra rdjommdea`tboe bs 3-4 woras woras for ` 14mbeutd ndssoe `ea eo mord tg`e < woras for ` noeldr ndssoe. Qgd lbst rd`abel st`ld g`s tgrdd `bms;   

Qo del`ld tgd stuadets be tgd tdxt. Qo idttdr prdp`rd tgdm for tgd mord adt`bnda rd`abel t`sh(s). Qo pr`jtbsd `ea advdnop tgd shbnn of shbmmbel for lbst. (Qgbs wbnn gdnp tgdm outsbad tgd jn`ssroom to eot ldt iollda aowe wbtg trybel to ueadrst`ea dvdry wora be ` tdxt, wgbjg j`e id frustr`tbel `ea admor`nbsbel.)

Idford sdttbel tgd lbst t`sh, del`ld tgdm be tgd tdxt - ` irbdf ovdrvbdw betroaujbel hdy jg`r`jtdrs, tdxt typd (d.l. inol, edws `rtbjnd, sgort story), tbtnd, pbjturds, dtj., `ea dejour`ld somd prdabjtboe. Qgde sdt ` t`sh tg`t j`e id jompndtda wbtg kust ` 0-mbeutd shbm fojusbel oe vdry ldedr`n beform`tboe. Eow, g`ea out out tgd tdxt `ea ndt tgdm shbm. @t fbrst tgdy mblgt fddn 0 mbeutd bse‒t deoulg, dspdjb`nny bf tgdy g`vde‒t pr`jtbsda shbmmbel vdry oftde, iut tgd `bm bs eot to jompndtd tgd jomprdgdesboe t`sh, tgd `bm bs to pr`jtbsd tgbs shbnn or rd`abel qubjhny for ` ldedr`n ueadrst`eabel. Bf you stbjh to your tbmd nbmbts, `ftdr sdvdr`n ndssoes tg tgdd stuadets wbnn


ldt ` looa g`eand oe tgbs shbnn `ea wbnn `jtu`nny id `ind to jompndtd ` not of shbmmbel t`shs be 03-:3 sdjoeas. Qgd sj`eebel st`ld bs oftde optboe`n, `s wgdtgdr you w`et to usd bt or eot n`rldny adpdeas oe tgd typd of tdxt or tgd typd of beform`tboe be tgd tgd tdxt. \d typbj`nny sj`e for tgbels nbhd;  

  

fblurds `ea `mouets of moedy tbmds `ea a`tds (d.l. a`td of ibrtg, tgd yd`r somdtgbel w`s bevdetda, tgd tbmd ` movbd st`rts, dtj.)  pdopnd `ea pn`jd e`mds e`mds of oikdjts, looas, btdms (d.l. tgd dx`jt btdms somdoed ioulgt, sona, or tr`ada) hdy woras or pgr`sds rdn`tda to prdfdrdejds to gdnp us adjbad idtwdde optboes

Bf tgd tdxt aodse‒t g`vd `ey of tgbs hbea of beform`tboe, bt bs uenbhdny to rd`nny gdnp tgd stuadets advdnop tgdbr sj`eebel shbnns. Bf bt aods, tgde lbvd tgdm 9-: mbeu mbeutds tds to sj`e tgroulg `ea pbjh out 4-7 btdms of tgbs hbea. @l`be, tgd `bm bse‒t to jompndtd tgd jomprdgdesboe t`sh `ea bt bse‒t to td`jg tgdm voj`iun`ry or lr`mm`r, bt bs sbmpny to pr`jtbsd `ea advdnop tgd shbnn of sj`eebel to fbea spdjbfbj beform`tboe, mujg nbhd sj`eebel ` tr`vdn irojgurd to fbea tgd jost of ` p`rtbjun`r trbp. Bejbadet`nny, tgbs bs ` shbnn tg`t nd`redrs sgouna id rd`soe`iny looa `t be tgdbr owe n`elu`ld. Adt`bnda rd`abel t`shs sgouna id adsbleda to lubad stuadets to ` addpdr ueadrst`eabel of tgd tdxts `s wdnn `s to gdnp tgdm advdnop tgd shbnn of rd`abel j`rdfunny. Bf tgd t`sh j`e id jompndtda sbmpny iy jbrjnbel or ueadrnbebel woras or sdetdejds be tgd tdxt, tgde tgd t`sh  proi`iny bse‒t vdry dffdjtbvd. Bf bt rdqubrds rdpgr`sbel beform`tboe be tgd tdxt, m`hbel befdrdejds, `ea/or rdjolebsbel gow dndmdets be oed sdetdejd or p`r`lr`pg `rd joeedjtda to dndmdets dnsdwgdrd be tgd tdxt, tgde bt bs proi`iny ` vdry dffdjtbvd t`sh.

Lbvd stuadets `s mujg tbmd `s tgdy edda for tgbs. 04 mbeutds bs fbed bf tgd t`sh `ea ndeltg `ea jompndxbty of tgd tdxt rdqubrd bt - you j`e moebtor `ea oisdrvd, iut lbvd tgdm sp`jd to  pr`jtbsd tgdbr rd`abel. @l`be, rdmdmidr tgd `bm bs advdnopmdet, eot tdstbel - desurd tgd t`sh lubads tgdm to ueadrst`eabel. Sroaujtbvd t`shs j`e fonnow to betdlr`td shbnns (oftde tgd rd`abel of ` ndttdr bs fonnowda iy

wrbtbel ` rdpny `ea tgd of ` tgd edwsp`pdr `rtbjndtgd bs fonnowda iy absjussbel bt wbtg ` `ea jonnd`lud or frbdea), to rd`abel pdrsoe`nbsd ndssoe (rdn`td tdxt `ea topbj to tgdbr owe nbvds), to hddp tgdm del`lda.   Q`sh 

@ typbj`n ndssoe adsbleda to gdnp stuadets to advdnop tgdsd tgrdd sui-shbnns (shbmmbel for ldedr`n ueadrst`eabel, sj`eebel for fbeabel spdjbfbj beform`tboe, `ea adt`bnda rd`abel for jomprdgdesboe of adt`bn) wbnn typbj`nny bejnuad tgd fonnowbel st`lds `ea stdps. Qd`jgbel N`elu`ld be Joetdxt; From shbnns to n`elu`ld pobets

\d g`vd noohda `t gow to usd rd`abel tdxts `ea nbstdebel m`tdrb`n to pr`jtbsd rd`abel `ea nbstdebel shbnns. Ndt us eow nooh `t gow to usd rd`abel `ea nbstdebel to prdsdet edw n`elu`ld


 pobets sujg `s lr`mm`r `ea voj`iun`ry. @s wbtg ` ndssoe wgbjg wgbjg fojusds oe shbnns advdnopmdet, ` ndssoe wgbjg fojusds oe n`elu`ld pobets sgouna `nso st`rt wbtg ` nd`a-be st`ld `ea dea wbtg tgd stuadets proaujbel tgd edwny nd`ret n`elu`ld, be ` e`tur`n, frdd w`y. Joesbadr tgbs outnbed of ` ndssoe tg`t usds ` tdxt;   Qgd nd`a be st`ld g`s tgd s`md purposd `s be ` rd`abel or nbstdebel ndssoe, wgbjg bs to del`ld tgd nd`redrs be tgd topbj of tgd wrbttde tdxt/nbstdebel m`tdrb`n tg`t wbnn id usda. Qgd lbst st`ld stbnn `bms to del`ld tgd stuadets `ea to ldt tgdm to pr`jtbsd lbst rd`abel/nbstdebel shbnns, iut tgdsd `rd sdjoea`ry `bms. Qgd m`be `bm bs; 

  Qo provbad provbad ` joetdxt for tgd edw voj`iun`ry/lr`mm`r.

Ovdr`nn, tgd `ppro`jg wbnn id tgd s`md `s wbtg rd`abel or nbstdebel pr`jtbjd, iut tgd tdxt btsdnf eddas to id j`rdfunny jgosde. Oftde tgd joursd-iooh wbnn g`vd idde jgosde for you, iut bf you  irbel be your owe wrbttde or or `uabo tdxts, jgoosd oeds tg`t g`vd muntbpnd dx`mpnds of tgd edw n`elu`ld. Qgd sdjoea rd`abel/nbstdebel rd`abel/nbstdebel st`ld bs oftde optboe`n `ea adpdeas oe gow abffbjunt tgd tdxt bs. @ sdjoea rd`abel/nbstdebel t`sh bs oeny rd`nny edjdss`ry bf you aoe‒t tgbeh tgd joetdxt wbnn id jnd`r wbtgout bt. Qgd `bm sgouna id to furtgdr f`mbnb`rbsd tgd stuadets wbtg tgd tdxt, `ea you jouna ao dbtgdr;  

` sj`eebel / pbjhbel out spdjbfbj beform`tboe t`sh  ` nblgt jomprdgdesboe t`sh 

Bf tgd rd`abel/nbstdebel t`shs t`hd too noel, you woe‒t g`vd deoulg tbmd for stuadets to sdd, ueadrst`ea, `ea pr`jtbsd usbel tgd edw voj`iun`ry/lr`mm`r. Sost-td`jg  t`shs sgouna id adsbleda to ao tgd fonnowbel;    

gblgnblgt tgd n`elu`ld be tgd tdxt  usd tgd tdxt to m`hd tgd md`ebel `ea/or usd of tgd edw n`elu`ld jnd`r  usd tgd tdxt to m`hd tgd form (d.l. spdnnbel, wora oradr) of tgd edw n`elu`ld jnd`r  dbtgdr usd tgd `uabo tdxt to m`hd tgd proeuejb`tboe jnd`r, or jn`rbfy tgd proeuejb`tboe yoursdnf 

Qgd fbrst stdp bs `nw`ys to g`vd tgd stuadets fbea tgd edw n`elu`ld (tgd edw voj`iun`ry or lr`mm`r) be tgd tdxt. \btg `e `uabo jnbp tgbs j`e (somdtbmds) bevonvd g`eabel out tgd `uabo sjrbpt. Zomd dx`mpnds;  

Qo gblgnblgt Srdsdet Joetbeuous; Teadrnbed `nn tgd vdris deabel be ‗-bel‒. Qo gblgnblgt `ea jn`rbfy tgd md`ebel/usd md`ebel/usd of edw voj`iun`ry; Gdrd ` < pgr`sds. Fbea ` syeoeym for d`jg oed be tgd tdxt. Qo gblgnblgt Jomp`r`tbvd @akdjtbvds; Nbstde `ea jbrjnd tgd pgr`sds you gd`r. 0-`) bs  ibl iblldr tg`etg`e, j) bs dtj. mord ibl tg`e 9-`) bs id`utbfun tg`e i) bs id`utbfunndr tg`etg`e j) bsi)mord mbs ord id`utbfun


Qgd edxt stdp bs to usd j`rdfunny adsbleda g`ea-outs to m`hd tgd stuadets tgbeh `iout `ea absjovdr tgd md`ebel, form `ea proeuejb`tboe tgdmsdnvds, rdfdrrbel i`jh to tgd tdxt for support. @ntdre`tbvdny, you j`e ao ao ` qubjh jn`rbfbj`tboe yoursdnf (o (oftde ftde proeuejb`tboe j`e oe oeny ny  id aoed tgbs w`y). Bf you ao, tgoulg, tgoulg, m`hd surd your jn`rbfbj`tboe bse‒t too woray. Qgbs j`e  id qubjhdr iut bs `nso ndss mdmor`ind. Qgd pr`jtbjd t`shs `rd dssdetb`n, `s jommuebj`tbel bs ndss `iout ‗joesjbous heowndald‒ `ea mord `iout ‗`ibnbty‒ - nbhd `ey shbnn, pdopnd edda to pr`jtbsd `jtu`n jommuebj`tboe to rd`nny id `ind to ao bt. Heowbel tgd lr`mm`r runds j`e id gdnpfun, iut g`vbel ` joevdrs`tboe wbtg somdoed `ea usbel tgd lr`mm`r (wgdtgdr `w`rd of bt or eot) `pproprb`tdny be tg`t joevdrs`tboe bs tgd m`be w`y pdopnd advdnop. Joetronnda pr`jtbjd t`shs  t`shs  j`e id ndss rd`nbstbj, `ea `rd oftde sdetdejd-i`sda (or bevonvd kust  p`brs of sdetdejds), `ea most bmport`etny tgdy rdqubrd  usd of tgd edw n`elu`ld. n`elu`ld. Q`shs edda rdqubrd usd to id advdnopda wbtg tgbs be mbea, `ea oftde ` rdmbeadr, nbhd ‗usd tgdsd woras‒ or ‗usd tgd Srdsdet Joetbeuous‒ for dx`mpnd, bs gdnpfun. Qgd `bm gdrd bs p`rtb`nny rdbeforjdmdet tg tgroulg roulg rdpdtbtboe, p`rtb`nny ` fojus oe `jjur`jy (wbtg dxpnbjbt drror jorrdjtboe), `ea p`rtb`nny to advdnop joefbadejd idford tgd frddr pr`jtbjd. Frddr pr`jtbjd t`shs sgouna id rdfndjtbvd of rd`n-worna n`elu`ld usd `ea jouna bejnuad joevdrs`tboes, absjussboes, wrbtbel be p`r`lr`pgs, storbds, dtj. Bt bs bmport`et tg`t tgd

joetdxt/sbtu`tboe be tgd t`sh dejour`lds usd of tgd edw voj`iun`ry/lr`mm`r, iut tg`t bt bs eot ` rdqubrdmdet. Ztuadets sgouna usd wg`tdvdr woras or strujturds tgdy fddn idst rdfndjt tgdbr betdeada md`ebel, `ea wbnn bad`nny bejorpor`td tgd edw n`elu`ld wbtg n`elu`ld tgdy `nrd`ay heow. Qgd `bm gdrd bs oe rdbeforjdmdet tgroulg rd`nbstbj, jommue jommuebj`tbvd bj`tbvd usd tg`t bs rdndv`et to tgd beabvbau`n nd`edrs, wbtg ` fojus oe fnudejy `ea betdr`jtboe. Bt bs sulldstda tg`t tgdrd id nbttnd drror jorrdjtboe gdrd `s wd ao eot w`et to betdrrupt our stuadets. Zomd m`y abs`lrdd wbtg tgbs, gowdvdr, `ea oed w`y to desurd tg`t stuadets `rd jommuebj`tbel frddny wbtgout  idbel betdrruptda bs for tgd td`jgdr to kot aowe somd jommoe jommoe drrors `ea lo tgroulg tgdsd `t tgd dea of tgd frdd pr`jtbjd t`sh. Md`ebel Form `ea Sroeuejb`tboe

\d g`vd joesbadrda tgd usd of tdxts (rd`abel `ea nbstdebel m`tdrb`n) for shbnns advdnopmdet `ea n`elu`ld beput. Eow wd wbnn nooh `t n`elu`ld beput be mord adt`bn. Tsbel tdxts to betroaujd n`elu`ld bs ` jommoe pr`jtbjd be tgd jn`ssroom. \gde td`jgbel `ey n`elu`ld pobet (wgdtgdr usbel ` tdxt or eot), wd edda to desurd tg`t tgd md`ebel/usd, form `ea proeuejb`tboe of tgd p`rtbjun`r n`elu`ld pobet `rd jnd`r. Md`ebel rdfdrs, of joursd, to md`ebel/usd. Qgus, bf our n`elu`ld pobet bs tgd prdsdet tgd  prdsdet pdrfdjt to t`nh `iout uefbebsgda st`tds/`jtboes (d.l. st`tds/`jtboes  (d.l. B g`vd heowe Zud for tgrdd yd`rs), tgd stuadet wbnn edda to heow 9 tgbels. Fbrstny, tgbs sdetdejd dxprdssds tg`t B mdt Zud tgrdd yd`rs `lo `ea sdjoeany, tgd f`jt tg`t B stbnn heow heow gdr eow. eow. Ztuadets `rd oftde eot eot `ind to abffdrdetb`td  idtwdde 'B hedw gdr' `ea 'B g`vd heowe gdr'. gdr'. Qgus, jn`rbfybel dx`jt md`ebel bs dssdetb`n. Be tdrms of voj`iun`ry, md`ebel rdfdrs to tgd md`ebel of tgd wora. Qgbs m`y sddm oivbous, iut wd edda to joesbadr suitnd abffdrdejds be md`ebel. For dx`mpnd, joesbadr tgd abffdrdejd be md`ebel idtwdde tgd woras eotorbous eotorbous `ea  `ea f`mous  f`mous.. Iotg rdn`td to tgd s`md bad` of idbel wdnn-

heowe, ydt eotorbous eotorbous g`s  g`s ` edl`tbvd joeeot`tboe. Voj`iun`ry (ndxbs) wbnn id `aardssda be mord adt`bn be suisdqudet sdjtboes.


Form rdfdrs to tgd `jtu`n joestrujtboe of ` lr`mm`tbj`n strujturd (or tgd spdnnbel of ` wora, be tgd j`sd of voj`iun`ry). Qgus, be our dx`mpnd of tgd prdsdet pdrfdjt, wd edda to desurd tg`t stuadets heow tgd form of of tgd prdsdet pdrfdjt wgbjg bs; suik + g`vd/g`s g`vd/g`s (eot) + p`st p`st  p`rtbjbpnd. Qgdy wbnn `nso edda to heow tgd edl`tbvd edl`tbvd form `ea tgd qudstboe form. Sroeuejb`tboe rdfdrs to gow woras `ea strujturds `rd proeouejda e`tur`nny. Be tgd j`sd of our dx`mpnd, stuadets wbnn edda pr`jtbjd be proeouejbel tgd strujturd (prdsdet pdrfdjt, be tgbs j`sd) `s e`tur`nny `s possbind. Qgus, for our sdetdejd (B g`vd heowe gdr for tgrdd yd`rs), stuadets wbnn edda to pr`jtbsd gow tgd wora g`vd g`vd bs  bs proeouejda be e`tur`n spddjg (bt m`y id joetr`jtda to vd). Joesbadr gow wd proeouejd tgd qudstboe, 'Gow noel g`vd you nbvda gdrd?' Be e`tur`n spddjg wd tdea to 'sw`nnow'' `uxbnb`ry vdris. Joesdqudetny, tgd qudstboe wouna souea somdtgbel mord nbhd 'Gow noel'vd yd ide nbvbel gdrd?' Qgbs j`e id deormousny abffbjunt for stuadets `ea tgdy rd`nny edda gdnp wbtg tgbs. Qgbs bs eot to s`y tg`t tgdy sgouna spd`h be tgbs w`y, iut bt bs bmport`et tg`t tgdy `rd `ind to badetbfy wbtg sujg proeuejb`tboe to gdnp tgdm wbtg tgdbr nbstdebel. Joesbadrbel voj`iun`ry, joesbadr tgd abffdrdejd be tgd spdnnbel `ea tgd  proeuejb`tboe of tgd woras stuff, roulg, roulg, tgroulg `ea tgrdw. Q Qgus, gus, wgde td`jgbel ` edw wora wd edda to id surd stuadets `rd `ind to proeouejd bt jorrdjtny. @ mord adt`bnda uebt oe  proeuejb`tboe bs jovdrda furtgdr oe be tgd joursd. joursd.

Zdjtboe 9 ; Tsbel ` Q`sh  Betroaujtboe Tsbel ` Q`sh; Movbel from Qd`jgbel wbtg Qdxts to Qd`jgbel wbtg Q`shs

Qgd prdvbous sdjtboe noohda `t usbel dxbstbel tdxts (wrbttde tdxts `ea nbstdebel m`tdrb`n) to td`jg. Be tgbs `ppro`jg td`jgdrs usd tgbs tdxt `s ` i`sbs for td`jgbel8 be otgdr woras, tgd tdxt joet`bes tgd t`rldt n`elu`ld (lr`mm`r or voj`iun`ry) for tgd ndssoe. Qypbj`nny, be tgbs `ppro`jg, tgd td`jgdr wbnn usd tgd tdxt to dxpnobt n`elu`ld (lr`mm`r or voj`iun`ry) `ea tgde ldt stuadets to pr`jtbjd tgbs n`elu`ld iy aobel v`rbous joesonba`tbel t`shs. @e `ntdre`tbvd `ppro`jgoe bevonvds usbel `e t`sh `jtu`n ‗t`sh‒ to` td`jg. `rd lbvde ` t`sh to ao idford fojusbel n`elu`ld. Qgbs bs usu`nny spohdeGdrd, t`sh, nd`redrs iut j`e `nso id ` wrbttde t`sh. Qd`jgbel wbtg t`shs md`es tg`t wd `rd usbel tgd t`sh btsdnf to ldedr`td td`jgbel opportuebtbds. \d `rd eot usbel tgd t`sh to joesonba`td wg`t g`s `nrd`ay idde t`ulgt. Qgbs `ppro`jg to td`jgbel bs i`sda oe tgd bad` tg`t ldttbel stuadets to jommuebj`td wbnn sgow tgd td`jgdr wg`t tgd stuadet n`jhs `ea be tgbs w`y, tgd td`jgdr wbnn id `ind to td`jg `jjorabel to tgdsd abrdjt eddas of tgd stuadets. Qgbs `ppro`jg bs tgdrdford rd`jtbvd be e`turd. Qgus, bt bs vdry bmport`et tg`t t`shs `rd sdt up be sujg ` w`y tg`t tgdy ldedr`td `s mujg jommuebj`tboe (usu`nny vdri`n,  iut somdtbmds wrbttde) `s possbind, `nnowbel tgd td`jgdr to rd`jt to wg`t tgd stuadets `rd n`jhbel. Be oradr to ldt ` adjdet `mouet of jommuebj`tboe out of stuadets wgde `ambebstdrbel ` spd`hbel t`sh, bt bs eot sbmpny deoulg to `sh tgdm to t`nh `iout somdtgbel. Qgdy edda mord support tg`e tgbs. Qgbs support jomds be tgd form of iubnabel up ` spd`hbel t`sh be st`lds so tg`t d`jg st`ld bejnuads, or prdp`rds for, ` spd`hbel opportuebty (bt m`y id tg`t oed of tgd


st`lds be tgd spd`hbel t`sh bs ` sbndet oed wgdrd stuadets `rd lbvde tbmd to prdp`rd wg`t tgdy `rd lobel to s`y edxt). Qgbs st`lbel bs oftde j`nnda sj`ffonabel  j`nnda  sj`ffonabel  `s  `s bt jrd`tds ` strujturda fr`mdworh be wgbjg to ldedr`td jommuebj`tboe. \g`t bs ` t`sh?

\d oftde usd tgd wora t`sh to t`nh `iout `ey t`sh, `jtbvbty or dxdrjbsd tg`t stuadets ao be jn`ss. Be tgbs sdjtboe, wgde wd usd tgd wora ‗t`sh‒ iy btsdnf wd wbnn id rdfdrrbel to wrbtbel `ea spd`hbel `jtbvbtbds tg`t g`vd ` jnd`r jommuebj`tbvd fojus `ea rdqubrd ` jdrt`be `mouet of  proaujtboe tg`t wbnn lbvd tgd td`jgdr ` looa deoulg deoulg s`mpnd of stuadets‒ eddas. Zomd dx`mpnds bejnuad; pdrsoe`n joevdrs`tboes `ea `edjaotds, rond pn`ys, absjussboes, proindm sonvbel, j`sd stuabds, ndttdrs, d-m`bns, sgort storbds, betdrvbdws, `ea dvde „wrbtd 4 sdetdejds `iout yoursdnf usbel S`st Zbmpnd” t`shs. \gde wd usd tgd wora ‗t`sh‒ for dxdrjbsds nbhd lubada absjovdry or tdsts, wd wbnn jn`rbfy tgdm `s ‗jgdjhbel ‗jgdjhbel t`shs‒ or ‗absjovdry ‗absjovdry t`shs‒, or wbnn sbmpny j`nn tgdm dxdrjbsds. Dx`mpnds of tgdsd bejnuad; l`p-fbnns, rd-oradr tgd sdetdejd, jorrdjt tgd mbst`hd, fbnn be tgd t`ind/jg`rt wbtg tgd lr`mm`r runds, dtj. Qgdsd g`vd ` pn`jd be tgd n`elu`ld nd`rebel jn`ssroom, `ea `rd bmport`et for jn`rbfybel or joesonba`tbel edw n`elu`ld nd`ret. Gowdvdr, lbvbel stuadets ` rd`nbstbj `ea jommuebj`tbvd t`sh, sujg `s ` rond-pn`y sbtu`tboe be ` i i`eh, `eh, bs dqu`nny v`nu`ind (somd wouna wouna `rlud mordso), so wd wbnn fojus oe tgosd hbeas of t`shs gdrd. \g`t `rd t`shs for?

Qgd fbrst tgbel ‗td`jgdrs‒ oftde tgbeh of bs; for pr`jtbsbel `ea joesonba`tbel edw woras `ea lr`mm`r. Qgbs bs trud, `ea bs ` lrd`t w`y to gdnp nd`redrs f`mbnb`rbsd tgdmsdnvds wbtg tgd edw n`elu`ld `ea idjomd mord jomfort`ind be rdj`nnbel bt for e`tur`n usd. Bt j`e `nso id `e opportuebty for tgd td`jgdr to nbstde to gow stuadets usd tgd n`elu`ld `ea to id `ind to provbad fddai`jh - joefbrmbel wgde somdtgbel bs `jjur`td `ea provbabel luba`ejd wgde tgdrd `rd mbst`hds. @s wbtg tgd usd of tdxts, tgoulg, pdopnd oftde forldt tgd most oivbous usd; advdnopbel spd`hbel `ea wrbtbel shbnns, `ea tgd `ibnbty to betdr`jt `ea jommuebj`td. @l`be, tgd `ibnbty to spd`h `ea wrbtd bse‒t kust adpdeadet oe gow m`ey woras wd heow `ea wg`t lr`mm`r wd rdjolebsd - tgdy‒rd shbnns tg`t edda pr`jtbjd be tgdbr owe rblgt, nbhd arbvbel ` j`r, pn`ybel tgd  pb`eo, or hebttbel. For dx`mpnd, wgde spd`hbel, wd edda to id `ind to;     

rdj`nn n`elu`ld (woras, pgr`sds, dxprdssboes `ea lr`mm`r) best`et`edousny nbstde to `ea rdspoea to wgodvdr wd `rd t`nhbel to  id `w`rd of jg`elds be topbj rdjolebsd `ea ueadrst`ea otgdr beform`tboe; betoe`tboe, ioay n`elu`ld, ldsturd, dtj.  id `w`rd of wgdtgdr bt bs our ture to spd`h or eot rdj`nn tgd rblgt  n`elu`ld,  n`elu`ld, tg`t wgbjg; o  idst dxprdssds our betdeada md`ebel most `jjur`tdny joevdys our pdrsoe`nbty (d.l. ponbtd `ea rdspdjtfun, jrd`tbvd o `ea podtbj, youel `ea trdeay, n`ba i`jh `ea j`rdfrdd) o bs `pproprb`td to tg`t p`rtbjun`r sbtu`tboe


`ea mord…

 Heowndald `iout  n`elu`ld  Heowndald   n`elu`ld bs kust eot deoulg - wd edda to pr`jtbsd `ea advdnop tgd `ibnbty to usd bt. usd  bt. \gdrd ao wd ldt t`shs?

Most joursd ioohs bejnuad ` fdw sbmpnd t`shs `ea `nso jomd wbtg ‗rdsourjd p`jhs‒ tg`t g`vd jonndjtboes of l`mds `ea `jtbvbtbds. Qgd joursd iooh t`shs r`rdny g`vd deoulg prompts or luba`ejd, tgoulg, `ea tgd rdsourjd p`jhs tdea to id ` mbxturd of looa jommuebj`tbvd `jtbvbtbds `ea motbv`tbel l`mds. Zo ` td`jgdr eddas to jgoosd t`shs j`rdfunny `ea to id rd`ay to `a`pt `ea `aa dxtr` prompts `ea luba`ejd `s edjdss`ry. @ qubjh tbp rdl`rabel prompts `ea luba`ejd; rdmdmidr tg`t „rdstrbjtboe irddas jrd`tbvbty”. Q`sh Zdt Tp & Srdp`r`tboe

Yd`a tgd adsjrbptboe of ` wdnn-heowe absjussboe t`sh usda be n`elu`ld jn`ssrooms. @ftdr you g`vd g`a ` nooh, wd wbnn nooh `t 1 abffdrdet `ppro`jgds to `ambebstdrbel tgbs t`sh. Q`sh; Qgd I`nnooe Adi`td  Ztdp 0

Qgd stuadets (` lroup of 7) `rd be ` got-`br i`nnooe `iovd tgd ojd`e. Qgd l`s bs rueebel out `ea tgd i`nnooe bs st`rtbel to pnummdt. Qgdrd bs ` adsdrtda bsn`ea off be tgd abst`ejd, iut tgdy `rd jnd`rny eot lobel to m`hd bt idj`usd 7 pdopnd `rd kust too gd`vy. 4 pdopnd wouna proi`iny m`hd bt s`fdny. Bt jomds aowe to ` adjbsboe; 4 survbvd, or or eoed of of tgdm ao.  Ztdp 9

Qgd stuadets g`vd rond j`ras (tgdsd jouna id ‗koi‒ j`ras, or ‗pdrsoe`nbty tr`bt‒ j`ras, of mord adt`bnda jg`r`jtdr j`ras). Qgdy d`jg m`hd `e `rlumdet for tgdbr jg`r`jtdr to st`y oe tgd  i`nnooe.  Ztdp :

@ fbe`n votd bs m`ad adjbabel wgbjg 4 pdopnd ldt to st`y oe tgd i`nnooe (tgdy j`e‒t votd for tgdmsdnvds). Zhbnns Advdnopmdet - Zpd`hbel

@ looa t`sh j`e id usda `s tgd i`sbs for ` purd ‗spohde fnudejy‒ ndssoe. Qgd `bm of tgd ndssoe wouna id to advdnop fnudejy (qubjh `ea e`tur`n rdspoesds), betdr`jtboe (`ibnbty to ueadrst`ea `ea rdspoea `pproprb`tdny to otgdrs), `ea jommuebj`tbvd `ibnbty (ldttbel `jross tgd betdeada mdss`ld). Be tgdsd typds of ndssoes wd aoe‒t w`et to put too mujg dmpg`sbs oe nd`rebel edw voj`iun`ry or lr`mm`r, `ea sgouna ao nbttnd or eo drror jorrdjtboe aurbel tgd t`sh, `s wd w`et to jrd`td `e `tmospgdrd wgdrd stuadets `rd spd`hbel wbtgout betdrruptboe from tgd td`jgdr. Of  joursd, tgd td`jgdr eddas to joest`etny id moebtorbel.


Gdrd bs `e outnbed of ` typbj`n Zpd`hbel ndssoe wgbjg `bms to advdnop spd`hbel shbnns (be otgdr  woras, eot to pr`jtbsd ` lr`mm`r pobet, for dx`mpnd). Be oradr to ldt stuadets motbv`tda `ea betdrdstda idford aobel tgd t`sh, ` ldedr`n ovdrvbdw of tgd topbj of tgd t`sh bs eddada. Qgbs wbnn desurd tg`t stuadets `rd tgbehbel `iout tgd topbj `ea (pdrg`ps suijoesjbousny) `jtbv`tbel voj`iun`ry voj`iun`ry tg`t tgdy m`y `nrd`ay g`vd. Qgbs st`ld jouna bejnuad sgowbel pbjturds, or `shbel qudstboes `iout tgd topbj.   Oejd stuadets `rd del`lda, bt bs ` looa tbmd to prd-td`jg `ey voj`iun`ry tg`t stuadets m`y edda to p`rtbjbp`td be tgd t`sh. For dx`mpnd, bf tgd t`sh bs to orl`ebsd ` j`mpbel trbp for ` f`mbny, bt bs bmport`et tg`t stuadets g`vd tgd edjdss`ry mbebmum voj`iun`ry to p`rtbjbp`td be tgd t`sh. Qgbs wbnn id adjbada iy tgd td`jgdr iut m`y, be tgbs j`sd for dx`mpnd, bejnuad woras sujg `s ‗tdet, l`s joohdr, snddpbel i`l `ea m`tjgds. Fonnowbel tgbs, stuadets sgouna  ir`bestorm v`rbous bad`s toldtgdr `s ` jn`ss. Qgbs eot oeny ldedr`tds ` v`rbdty of bad`s iut bt `nso lbvds stuadets ` jg`ejd to sg`rd voj`iun`ry `ea nd`re from d`jg otgdr.

@ftdr tgbs ir`bestormbel sdssboe, stuadets sgouna ldt toldtgdr be sm`nn lroups to put toldtgdr tgdbr owe bad`s wgbjg wbnn nd`a beto tgd st`ld of absjussbel, be tgbs j`sd, tgd j`mpbel trbp  pn`es for tgd f`mbny `ea kustbfybel tgdbr bad`s `ea jommdetbel oe d`jg otgdr‒s bad`s.   Oejd tgd `jtu`n spd`hbel t`sh bs aoed, tgd td`jgdr wbnn lbvd fddai`jh. Qgbs fddai`jh jouna bejnuad jommdets oe tgd t`sh jgobjds `ea jomp`rbel abffdrdet lroups‒ jgobjds, iut bt sgouna `nso joet`be ` n`elu`ld dndmdet wgdrd tgd td`jgdr pr`bsds looa n`elu`ld usda `ea `aardssds n`elu`ld wgbjg w`s usda bejorrdjtny. Sr`bsbel looa usd of n`elu`ld eot oeny iubnas joefbadejd be tgosd wgo usda tgd n`elu`ld wdnn, iut `nso sdrvds to dxposd otgdr nd`redrs to tgbs n`elu`ld `ea deldeadrs `e devbroemdet wgdrd tgdrd bs joest`et nd`rebel, eot oeny from tgd td`jgdr, iut `nso from jn`ssm`tds. Gdrd `rd ` joupnd mord bad`s for t`shs tg`t `rd lrd`t for advdnopbel spohde fnudejy be tg`t typd of ndssoe. J`e you tgbeh of `ey otgdrs? Q`sh Oed; ‗Qgd Idst Idst Ad`n‒ Yond-pn`ys Yond-pn`ys

0. G`nf tgd stuade stuadets ts `rd justomdrs justomdrs `ea `ea tgd otgdr otgdr g`nf `rd s`nds s`nds st`ff (otgdr (otgdr v`rb`tbo v`rb`tboes es `rd  possbind, of joursd). D`jg justomdr g`s ` rond-j`ra wbtg beform`tboe `iout tgdbr  pdrsoe`nbty `ea tgd proaujt(s) tg`t tgdy edda `ea/or `ea/or w`et. D`jg s`nds pdrsoe g`s ` rond-j`ra wbtg tgd looas tgdy g`vd, rdjommdeada rdt`bn prbjds, `ea profbt rdn`tda beform`tboe to gdnp wbtg adjbsboes `iout absjouets. Eot `nn s`nds st`ff g`vd `nn  proaujts, iut tgdy g`vd most. most. 9. Justomdrs Justomdrs worh `s ` lroup lroup to ir`bestor ir`bestorm m abffdrdet abffdrdet dxprdssboes dxprdssboes tgdy mblgt mblgt edda edda `ea to absjuss gow idst to ldt now prbjds. Zgophddpdrs worh `s ` lroup to ir`bestorm ir`bestorm dxprdssboes tgdy mblgt edda `ea to absjuss gow to joevbejd justomdrs tg`t tgdbr  proaujts `rd tgd idst.


:. Ztuade Ztuadets ts mbelnd mbelnd,, wbtg just justomd omdrs rs lobel lobel to dvdry dvdry sgop  sgop `t nd`st oejd - trybel to ldt ‗tgd  idst ad`n‒, `ea sgophddpdrs trybel to m`hd ` adjdet profbt. Q`sh Qwo; Sroindm Zonvbel Zonvbel J`sd Ztuay

0. Qgd wgond wgond jn`ss jn`ss bs lbvde lbvde ` proindm proindm sbtu`tb sbtu`tboe. oe. Oftde tgd idst idst proindms proindms wbnn wbnn id `iout `iout  iusbedss trouinds (d.l. ad`nbel wbtg puinbjbty bssuds `ftdr toxbj jgdmbj`ns g`vd idde absjovdrda be oed i`tjg of ` proaujt from your your jomp`ey) or devbroemdet`n proindms (d.l. ` sm`nn bsn`ea jommuebty tg`t rdnbds oe fbsgbel to survbvd g`vd to ad`n wbtg `e obn spbnn). Qgd mord i`jhlrouea i`jhlrouea beform`tboe `ea joetdxt sdttbel tgd idttdr. 9. Lroups Lroups ir`bestorm ir`bestorm fonnow-o fonnow-oe e joesdqudejd joesdqudejds, s, potdetb`n potdetb`n sonutboes, sonutboes, `av`et` `av`et`lds lds `ea abs`av`et`lds of abffdrdet sonutboes. :. Ztuadets Ztuadets `rd lbvde lbvde rond-j`ras rond-j`ras (d.l. m`rhdtb m`rhdtbel el m`e`ldr, m`e`ldr, proaujtbo proaujtboe e m`e`ldr, m`e`ldr, jgbdf `jjouet`et, dtj., d`jg wbtg abffdrdet v`nuds `ea betdetboes) wbtgbe d`jg lroup. D`jg lroup `nso g`s ` jg`brpdrsoe `ea tgdy gona ` mojh mddtbel to absjuss gow to sonvd tgd sbtu`tboe. Qgd `bm bs to jomd to `e `lrdda sonutboe. sonutboe. Q`sh Qgrdd; Zpot tgd Abffdrdejd

0. Rou g`vd g`vd two v`rb`tbo v`rb`tboes es of ` pbjturd pbjturd of ` sbelnd sbelnd sjded sjded (` typbj`n typbj`n spot-tgd-ab spot-tgd-abffdrdej ffdrdejdd `jtbvbty - Sbjturd @ `ea Sbjturd I). Betroaujd tgd joetdxt `ea sjded, `ea g`vd stuadets jommdet oe ` fdw tgbels tgdy j`e sdd be oed of tgd pbjturds. 9. Abvbad Abvbad tgd jn`ss beto beto two lroups lroups (Lroup (Lroup @ `ea Lroup Lroup I). D`jg lroup lroup worhs worhs toldtgdr toldtgdr to absjuss `ea pr`jtbsd adsjrbibel tgdbr pbjturd be adt`bn (b.d. Lroup @ absjussds Sbjturd @). :. Qgdy rd-lrou rd-lroup p beto p`brs p`brs - `e @ `ea `ea ` I toldtgdr. toldtgdr. D`jg D`jg p`br sbts sbts i`jh to i`jh so tgdy tgdy j`e‒t sdd tgdbr p`rtedr‒s pbjturd. Qgd try to fbea tgd abffdrdejds iy adsjrbibel d`jg  pbjturd out noua to d`jg otgdr - jbrjnbel tgd `pproprb`td `pproprb`td `rd` wgde tgdy adsjrbid p`rt of  tgd pbjturd abffdrdetny.

Zhbnns Advdnopmdet - \rbtbel

Qgdrd `rd two jommoe `ppro`jgds to advdnopbel wrbtbel shbnns. Be ` ‗moadn tdxt‒ `ppro`jg tgd stuadets fbrst rd`a ` moadn tdxt `ea tgde stuay somd voj`iun`ry or lr`mm`r from tgd tdxt, `s wdnn `s tgd n`yout. Fonnowbel tgbs, tgdy wrbtd tgdbr owe vdrsboe usbel tgd tdxt tgdy‒vd rd`a `s ` moadn. Qypbj`nny tgbs `ppro`jg bs usda to mostny to advdnop `jjur`jy be rdn`tboe to tgd voj`iun`ry, lr`mm`r `ea n`yout. \gde wd w`et to advdnop jommuebj`tbvd `ibnbty be wrbtbel, `ea to gdnp stuadets advdnop  ir`bestormbel, beform`tboe orl`ebsbel, `ea ar`ftbel shbnns wd j`e usd ` ‗projdss‒ `ppro`jg. Qgbs typd of ndssoe bs `iout tgd projdss of st`rtbel out wbtg bad`s, tgde pn`eebel gow `ea wgde to betroaujd d`jg bad`, ar`ftbel, dabtbel `ea rd-ar`ftbel, dtj. Qgd fbe`n proaujt bs sdde `s  kust oed `bm of tgd ndssoe - tgd projdss bs sdde `s dqu`nny, or mord, bmport`et. \g`t st`lbel wouna you dxpdjt be ` projdss ndssoe? Gdrd bs `e bad`. @ typbj`n wrbtbel ndssoe sgouna st`rt wbtg ` nd`a be (idford st`tbel tgd `jtu`n wrbtbel t`sh of  tgd ndssoe), so `s to ldt stuadets del`lda be tgd topbj of tgd wrbtbel t`sh to fonnow. Bf tgd t`sh 


rdqubrds tg`t stuadets wrbtd `e dss`y oe wgdtgdr sjgoon uebforms `rd ` looa bad` or eot, tgd nd`a be mblgt bejnuad qudstboes qudstboes sujg `s ‗Ao/aba you wd`r ` uebform uebform to sjgoon?‒ Or ‗Bs tgbs ` jommoe pr`jtbjd be your jouetry?‒ Dtj. Qgd bad` gdrd bs to ldt stuadets tgbehbel `iout tgd topbj.

Oejd stuadets `rd del`lda, prdsdet tgd qudstboe of tgd wrbtbel t`sh `ea ir`bestorm bad`s wbtg tgd jn`ss. Be tgd j`sd of tgd dss`y `iout uebforms, uebforms, bt m`y id ` looa bad` for you to g`vd two jonumes oe tgd io`ra `ea be oed jonume wrbtd ‗Sobets be f`vour of uebforms‒ `ea be tgd otgdr, ‗Sobets `l`best uebforms‒. Zpdea ` fdw mbeutds ldedr`tbel bad`s gdrd. Fonnowbel tgbs wgondjn`ss st`ld, `sh stuadets to spdea somd tbmd beabvbau`nny worhbel oe tgdbr owe bad`s `iout wg`t tgdy w`et to bejnuad be tgdbr dss`ys `ea tgbehbel `iout tgdbr owe pobets of vbdw oe tgd m`ttdr.

\gde stuadets stuadets g`vd ` roulg bad` of tgd pobets/bad`s pobets/bad`s tg`t tgdy w`et to bejnuad be tgdbr dss`y, tgdy sgouna tgde tgbeh `iout gow to prdsdet tgbs beform`tboe. Qgbs bmport`et pn`eebel st`ld `nnows stuadets to orl`ebsd tgdbr bad`s beto p`r`lr`pgs to jrd`td looa strujturd tg`t wbnn id `jjdssbind to tgd rd`adr.

Iy eow tgd stuadets sgouna g`vd ` roulg pn`e `ea `rd rd`ay to wrbtd tgdbr fbrst ar`ft. Oejd tgdy g`vd wrbttde tgdbr fbrst ar`ft, tgdy wbnn edda to dabt bt. Bt bs nbhdny tg`t stuadets wbnn w`et to dabt tgdbr owe ar`ft wbtg tgd gdnp of tgd td`jgdr, wgo wbnn id joest`etny moebtorbel `ea lbvbel beput. Gowdvdr, tgdrd bs ` not to id s`ba for pddr dabtbel wgdrd stuadets dxjg`eld tgdbr roulg ar`fts ar` fts wbtg wbtg tgosd tgosd of tgdbr tgdbr jn`ssm`t jn`ssm`tds. ds. Fonno Fonnowbe wbel l tgbs tgbs dabtbe dabtbel l projdss projdss,, stuade stuadets ts wbnn wbnn wrbtd wrbtd `eotgdr ar`ft `ea tgde dabt tgbs oed. Fbe`nny, wgde tgdrd g`s idde suffbjbdet ar`ftbel `ea dabtbel, stuadets wbnn id rd`ay to wrbtd tgdbr fbe`n jopy. Qgbs fbe`n jopy j`e tgde id g`eada be to tgd td`jgdr or rd`a `noua be jn`ss or   postda oe jn`ssroom w`nns for otgdrs to rd`a. \rbtbel t`shs j`e oftde id i`sda oe spd`hbel t`shs (d.l. tgdy wrbtd ` sgort story i`sda oe ` rond-pn`y or ` rdport `ftdr ` mddtbel sjde`rbo, dtj.), `ea `rd lrd`t `ftdr rd`abel t`shs (d.l. stuadets rdpny to ` ndttdr from ` frbdea or tgdy wrbtd m`l`zbed ‗@loey @uet‒ rdspoesds to ‗B g`vd ` proindm‒ ndttdrs, dtj.). Gdrd `rd ` joupnd of otgdr otgdr bad`s for wrbtbel t`shs tg tg`t `t j`e id usda be ` ‗projdss‒ ndssoe. J`e you tgbeh of `ey otgdrs? Q`sh Oed; @uto-Ibolr`pgy @uto-Ibolr`pg y

0. Zdt tgd sjded sjded (mord (mord rd`nbstbj; rd`nbstbj; prdp`rbel prdp`rbel ` inol inol p`ld p`ld oe ` pdrsoe`n pdrsoe`n wdi-sbtd8 wdi-sbtd8 mord mord jrd`tbvd; you `rd eow 64 yd`rs ona `ea f`mous, ` m`l`zbed w`ets to puinbsg your  ibolr`pgy). Qgd `bm bs for stuadets to bejnuad ` jomibe`tboe of ‗pdrsoe`n beform`tboe‒ (d.l. funn e`md, a`td of ibrtg, e`tboe`nbty, dtj.), nbfd dvdets (d.l. lr`au`tboe, j`rddr movds, m`rrb`ld/f`mbny adt`bns) `ea beform`tboe `iout betdrdsts `ea  pdrsoe`nbty.


9. Ztuadets Ztuadets lo tgroulg tgroulg `nn `nn tgd stdps be tgd tgd projdss wrbtbel wrbtbel - fbrst ir`besto ir`bestormbel rmbel tgd tgd hbeas of adt`bns tg`t mblgt id bejnuada, `s ` jn`ss8 tgde movbel oeto pdrsoe`n roulg eotds, dtj. Iut, stuadets aoe‒t put tgdbr e`md or `eytgbel `eytgbel too oivbous tg`t lbv lbvds ds tgdm `w`y. :. D`jg fbe`n fbe`n jopy jopy bs jonndjtda jonndjtda,, sguffnda, sguffnda, tgde tgde pbeeda pbeeda up `rouea `rouea tgd room. room. Ztuadets Ztuadets ldt up `ea w`eadr `rouea be p`brs or tgrdds absjussbel wgo tgdy tgbeh wrotd d`jg `uto ibolr`pgy. Q`sh Qwo; Qwo; @ Ndttdr Ndttdr of Jompn`bet

0. Tsd pbjturds pbjturds `ea `ea qudstboes qudstboes to to sdt tgd tgd sjded; sjded; Rou‒vd Rou‒vd kust idde idde oe ` gonba`y gonba`y `iro`a. `iro`a. Rou ioulgt ` p`jh`ld tour tgroulg ` wdnn-heowe tr`vdn `ldet - `ea be tgd irojgurds `ea adsjrbptboes bt noohda f`et`stbj. Be trutg bt w`s `e `isonutd abs`stdr. \rbtd to tgd tr`vdn `ldet to jompn`be `ea rdqudst somd form of jompdes`tboe. 9. Srojdss Srojdss wrbtbel wrbtbel `s `iovd `iovd wbtg; ir`besto ir`bestormbel rmbel otgdr otgdr proindms proindms `ea `ea `pproprb`td `pproprb`td jompdes`tboe8 roulg eotds8 ar`ftbel dtj. :. Fddai`jh Fddai`jh oe fbe`n jopbds jopbds j`e j`e id aoed aoed be oed of two w`ys; w`ys; (`) Qgdy Qgdy dxjg`eld dxjg`eld ndttdrs ndttdrs wbtg ` p`rtedr p`rtedr `ea rd`a tgdm t`hbel oe tgd rond of M`e`ldr of tgd tr`vdn `ldejy. Qgbs bs fonnowda up wbtg two rond-pn`ys (oejd wbtg d`jg pdrsoe be tgd p`br `jtbel `s M`e`ldr) i`sda oe tgd ndttdrs. (i) Qgdy d`jg p`ss tgdbr tgdbr ndttdr to tgd pdrsoe oe tgdbr rblgt. Qgdy t`hd oe tgd rond of M`e`ldr of of tgd tr`vdn `ldejy, `ea wrbtd ` ndttdr be rdspoesd. Ydspoesd ndttdrs `rd tgde p`ssda i`jh, i`jh, `ea stuadets fbea out wgdtgdr tgd M`e`ldr g`s lbvde tgdm `e `pproprb`td `ponoly `ea jompdes`tboe. Q`sh Qgrdd; Qgrdd; Jrd`tbvd \rbtbel \rbtbel wbtg Musbj`n Musbj`n Dmotboe

0. Srdp`rd Srdp`rd 1 to 6 pbdjds pbdjds of jn`ssbj`n jn`ssbj`n musbj musbj be ` w`y tg`t tg`t you j`e d`sbny d`sbny pn`y :3 sdjoeas sdjoeas of  d`jg pbdjd wbtg nbttnd gdsbt`tboe idtwdde tgdm. Jgoosd vdry abffdrdet stynds/mooas (d.l. oed pbdjd j`e id nblgt `ea a`bety, `eotgdr a`rh `ea mystdrbous, `eotgdr trbumpg`et, dtj.). Zdt ` sjded tg`t‒s nbhdny to prompt jrd`tbvd wrbtbel (d.l. ` g`uetda gousd sdttbel, ` adtdjtbvd mystdry, mystdry, dtj.). Q`hd ` mbeutd or two to ldt tgdm beto tgd joetdxt. 9. Qgd ir`besto ir`bestormbel rmbel `ea `ea roulg roulg eotds stdp stdp bs jomibeda jomibeda - stuadets stuadets g`vd g`vd to dxtdea dxtdea tgd tgd story iy m`hbel eotds `iout wg`t g`ppdes edxt, iut… tgd eotds g`vd to rdfndjt tgd mooa of d`jg pbdjd pbdjd of musbj. Oejd tgd musbj g`s fbebsgda, fbebsgda, tgdy tgde wrbtd qubdtny for ` wgbnd `ea fndsg out tgd story. :. Qgdy rd-lrou rd-lroup p beto sm`nn sm`nn lroups lroups `ea sg`rd sg`rd tgdbr tgdbr storbds (` jomibe jomibe`tboe `tboe of rd`abe rd`abel l `noua `ea rdpgr`sbel, dtj.). Sr`jtbsbel Edw N`elu`ld

@eotgdr bmport`et usd of t`shs bs to provbad spohde or wrbttde pr`jtbjd of ` p`rtbjun`r n`elu`ld pobet (lr`mm`r or or voj`iun`ry) `ftdr stuaybel bt be ` n`elu`ld ndssoe. Qgdsd typds of  t`shs `rd lrd`t for tgd Frddr Sr`jtbjd st`ld mdetboeda be „Qd`jgbel N`elu`ld be Joetdxt” be tgd sdjtboe oe td`jgbel usbel ` tdxt. @ lrd`t dx`mpnd bs tgd Zpot tgd Abffdrdejd Q`sh tg`t wd betroaujda d`rnbdr. \gde adsjrbibel ` id`jg sjded to d`jg otgdr to spot tgd abffdrdejds, for dx`mpnd, stuadets `rd vdry nbhdny to nbhdny to  proaujd n`elu`ld nbhd; 

Qwo lbrns `rd swbmmbel ed`r tgd trdd.


 

Zomd pdopnd `rd pn`ybel vonndyi`nn. @ youel ioy bs iuybel `e bjd-jrd`m. bjd-jrd` m.

D`jg of tgdsd sdetdejds usds Srdsdet Joetbeuous. Zo tgbs wouna id ` lrd`t t`sh to u usd sd `s tgd m`be pr`jtbjd `jtbvbty be ` ndssoe td`jgbel tgd stuadets `iout Srdsdet Joetbeuous. Be ` shbnns ndssoe (d.l. ` ndssoe to advdnop rd`abel shbnns or ` ndssoe to advdnop spd`hbel shbnns) tgd `bm ` proaujtbvd t`sh`bssubt`ind to advdnop fnudejy. @s sujg, wgde jgoosbel ` t`sh wd fojus mord oeof jgoosbel oed wbtg topbj or sbtu`tboe. sbtu`tboe . Be ` n`elu`ld ndssoe (d.l. ` lr`mm`r ndssoe to jn`rbfy `ea pr`jtbsd usbel tgd Srdsdet Zbmpnd to t`nh `iout tbmdt`inda dvdets) tgd `bm of ` pr`jtbjd t`sh bs to provbad `e opportuebty to pr`jtbsd usbel tgd edw n`elu`ld be ` rd`nbstbj joetdxt. Be tgbs j`sd, wgde jgo jgoosbel osbel ` t`sh wd fojus fojus mord oe jgoosbel oed tg`t bs nbhdny nbhdny  to dejour`ld usd of tgd  tgd edw n`elu`ld. n`elu`ld. Zo wg`t hbeas of spd`hbel (or wrbtbel) t`shs `rd nbhdny to dejour`ld usd of Srdsdet of  Srdsdet Zbmpnd to t`nh `iout tbmdt`inda dvdets? dvdets? 

@ rond-pn`y; @ pdrsoe wgo bs edw to tgd jbty, `ea eddas to fbea ` ius routd to ldt to sdvdr`n koi betdrvbdws gd/sgd bs prdp`rbel for, j`nns tgd tr`esport`tboe gdnp nbed for `avbjd. Qgd tr`esport`tboe rdprdsdet`tbvd g`s sdvdr`n ius routds `ea tbmdt`inds (nbhdny to usd mostny Srdsdet Zbmpnd). @ proindm sonvbel sjde`rbo; @ ponbtbjb`e bs vbsbtbel yo your ur jbty. Qgd m`yor g`s gbrda gbrda ` td`m of Dvdets M`e`ldrs to jo-orabe`td tgd dvdet. Qgd lroup g`s g`s ` sgddt wbtg v`rbous `spdjts, sujg `s tgd tr`vdn routd, sdjurbty adt`bns, tbmbel for abffdrdet st`lds of tgd dvdet sujg `s tgd opdebel jdrdmoey, dtj., tg`t tgdy edda to prdp`rd (ndss nbhdny to usd Srdsdet Zbmpnd) `ea tgde prdsdet (nbhdny to usd ` jomibe`tboe of Srdsdet Zbmpnd `ea otgdr strujturds).

 Eotd tg`t ` absjussboe i`sda `rouea ‗your pn`es edxt edxt wddh‒ wouna id uenbhdny to rdqubrd rdqubrd Srdsdet Zbmpnd, idj`usd bt bs most jommoe wbtg mord offbjb`n sjgdaunds `ea wd tdea to usd otgdr tdesds to t`nh `iout mord pdrsoe`n futurd `rr`eldmdets. Qd`jgdrs edda to jgoosd j`rdfunny. Qgd bad` of tgbs `ppro`jg bs to id mord rd`jtbvd to tgd stuadets. Iy g`vbel tgd stuadets ao tgd t`sh fbrst, tgd td`jgdr j`e moebtor `ea nbstde be, eotbel wg`t tgd stuadets j`e/j`e‒t ao `nrd`ay. Qgd td`jgdr j`e stbnn jgoosd jdrt`be btdms of lr`mm`r `ea/or voj`iun`ry to fojus oe be `av`ejd, `ea tgbs wbnn `ffdjt gbs/gdr adjbsboe `s to wg`t t`sh to usd, iut oejd you `rd f`mbnb`r wbtg tgbs `ppro`jg you j`e jg`eld tgd lr`mm`r/voj`iun`ry fojus i`sda oe wg`t tgd stuadets `jtu`nny aba or abae‒t usd sujjdssfunny. I`sbj`nny, bt md`es tgd ndssoe bs `i `iout out tgd stuadets `jtu`n eddas r`tgdr tg`e wg`t tgd td`jgdr prdabjts tgdy edda. Qgd `bms of tgd nd`a be `rd eo abffdrdet to usu`n (w`rm up, del`ld, `ea `jtbv`td i`jhlrouea heowndald). Qgd t`sh  jomds  jomds edxt, iut bs abvbada beto tgrdd sdp`r`td st`lds; 

Srdp`r`tboe  tgroulg ir`bestormbel, eotd-t`hbel, pn`eebel, dtj. Qo desurd stuadets `rd rd`ay for tgd t`sh `ea tg`t jommuebj`tboe wbnn n`st.


Jommuebj`tboe - stuadets `jtu`nny ao tgd t`sh, wbtg ` fojus oe fnudejy `ea jommuebj`tboe. Qo provbad pr`jtbsd usbel tgd n`elu`ld wbtg ` fojus oe fnudejy `ea jommuebj`tboe. Qo `ssdss wg`t voj`iun`ry/lr`mm`r tgd stuadets j`e/j`e‒t usd `jjur`tdny `ea `pproprb`tdny. Srdsdet`tboe  - d`jg lroup g`s oed stuadet rdport i`jh to tgd wgond jn`ss summ`rbsbel tgdbr t`sh or tgd rdsunts of tgdbr t`sh8 tgbs tbmd ` mord form`n typd of spd`hbel wbtg

bejrd`sda fojus oe `jjur`jy (tgdy prdp`rd ` ibt `s ` lroup idford tgd `jtu`n  prdsdet`tboe) Qo provbad pr`jtbsd usbel tgd n`elu`ld wbtg ` fojus oe `jjur`jy `ea `pproprb`td usd. Qo furtgdr `ssdss tgdbr voj`iun`ry/lr`mm`r usd. Qgd rd`abel/nbstde rd`abel/nbstdebel bel fonnow up bs optboe`n, iut bevonvds sddbel or gd`rbel `e dffdjtbvd `ea `jjur`td spd`hdr (for dx`mpnd, ` lroup of e`tbvd Delnbsg spd`hdrs) jompndtbel tgd s`md t`sh, `ea jomp`rbel tgd n`elu`ld tgdy usda, `s wdnn `s tgd bad`s, wbtg tgdbr owe;  

  Qo provbad provbad ` looa moadn moadn for jomp`rbsoe.   Qo nd`a be to tgd n`elu`ld n`elu`ld fojus.

Qgd n`elu`ld fojus jomds `nmost n`st. Bt bs oeny `ftdr tgd stuadets g`vd trbda, `ea tgd td`jgdr g`s g`a ` jg`ejd to moebtor `ea tgbeh `iout wg`t n`elu`ld tgd stuadets rd`nny edda tg`t tgd edw voj`iun`ry or lr`mm`r bs betroaujda (or `nrd`ay f`mbnb`r voj`iun`ry or lr`mm`r bs jn`rbfbda furtgdr idj`usd stuadets `rde‒t usbel bt deoulg or `rde‒t usbel bt `pproprb`tdny). Adpdeabel oe wg`t tgd stuadets edda, tgd td`jgdr wbnn jn`rbfy somd or `nn of;   

tgd md`ebel `ea usd tgd spdnnbel `ea sdetdejd strujturd `jjur`td `ea e`tur`n proeuejb`tboe

@ea tgd td`jgdr m`y fojus oe tgd n`elu`ld gd/sgd pn`eeda be `av`ejd, or otgdr n`elu`ld tg`t j`md up `s tgd stuadets wdrd aobel tgd t`sh - for dx`mpnd n`elu`ld tgdy usda be`jjur`tdny or be`pproprb`tdny, or n`elu`ld tgdy jnd`rny eddada iut abae‒t usd. Joetronnda pr`jtbjd bs usda mostny for joesonba`tboe `ea rdbeforjdmdet `ea j`e `nso id `

mord del`lbel fbebsg to tgd ndssoe tg`e fbebsgbel oe tgd n`elu`ld fojus wouna id. Bt aods `bm to provbad pr`jtbsd wbtg ` fojus oe iotg md`ebel `ea `jjur`jy, tgoulg. Be ` eutsgdnn, otgdr n`elu`ld ndssoes lo from td`jgbel to e`tur`n pr`jtbjd, `ea tgbs typd of ndssoe lods from e`tur`n pr`jtbjd pr`jtbjd to td`jgbel. Bf you provbad ` looa i`n`ejd of of shbnns-oeny ndssoes, n`elu`ld td`jgbel from ` tdxt wbtg pr`jtbjd fonnowbel ndssoes, `ea n`elu`ld td`jgbel fonnowbel ` t`sh, tgd stuadets wbnn id surd to ldt ` ibt of dvdrytgbel. Srdp`r`tboe Srdp`r`tbo e for t`sh idnow

Oe p`ld 03 be sdjtboe 0 of tgbs uebt, wd noohda `t gow somd `jtbvbtbds fojus oe tgd md`ebel/usd of edw n`elu`ld, otgdrs oe form `ea otgdrs oe proeuejbtboe. Gdrd `nso, tgd qudstboes idnow rdn`td dbtgdr to md`ebel/usd, md`ebel/usd, form or to proeuejbtboe. Gowdvdr, `s wd `rd fojusbel eow oe td`jgbel wbtg t`shs, wd j`e `ssumd tg`t tgdsd `jtbvbtbds or td`jgbel


tdjgebquds m`y id ` rdsunt of wg`t bs ldedr`tda from ` jn`ssroom t`sh. L. For d`jg d`jg `jtvbty or td`jgbel td`jgbel tdjgebqud, tdjgebqud, adjbad wgdtgdr tgd fojus fojus bs oe oe md`ebel/usd, md`ebel/usd,  form or proeuejb`tboe. proeuejb`tboe.


Sroeue Sroe uejb jb`t `tbo boe e Md`e Md`ebe bel l Form Form 0 . Jgoosd tgd idst runds - Qgd stuadets nooh `t 4 dx`mpnd sdetdejds from tgd tdxt, tgde adjbad wgbjg runds rdfndjt tg`t btdm of lr`mm`r; „Qgd Gonade bs tgd f`stdst. Bt bs `nso tgd iblldst, `ea `ea bt bs tgd ulnbdst. Qgd Qoyot` bs tgd most `ttr`jtbvd, `ea `ea tgd V\ noohs tgd most jomfort`ind.” jomfort`ind.”

0. 9. :. 1. 4.

Tsd ‗tgd ‗tgd ____ ____-dst -dst‒‒ wbtg wbtg sgort sgort `akdj `akdjtbv tbvds. ds. Tsd ‗tgd ‗tgd ____ ____-dst -dst‒‒ wbtg wbtg noel noel `akdjtb `akdjtbvds. vds. Tsd ‗tgd ‗tgd most most ______ ______‒‒ wbtg wbtg sgort sgort `akdjt `akdjtbvd bvds. s. Tsd ‗tgd ‗tgd most most ______ ______‒‒ wbtg wbtg noel noel `akdjtb `akdjtbvds. vds. Tsd ‗tgd ‗tgd _____ _____-bds -bdst‒ t‒ wbtg wbtg noel noel `akdjtb `akdjtbvds vds..

6. Tsd ‗tgd ‗tgd __________-bds bdst‒ t‒ wbtg `akd `akdjtbv jtbvds ds deabel deabel be ‗y‒. 9 . L`p-fbnn Jopybel - Jompndtd tgd sdetdejds t`hde from tgd tdxt; 0. B ____ ____ arbv__ arbv__ oe oe tgd gblg gblgw`y w`y wgde wgde my my wbfd wbfd j`nnda. 9. Zus`e Zus`e `ea `ea Nbea` Nbea` ___ ___ lossbp lossbp___ ___ `iou `ioutt tgd ioss ioss wbtgout rd`nbsbel gd jouna gd`r tgdm. :. \g`t \g`t ____ ____ you you ao___ ao___ wgde wgde tgd tgd sbrde sbrde wdet wdet off? off? : . i) Jn`p to tgd id`t  - Qgd td`jgdr st`rts jn`ppbel `t `e dvde `ea std`ay p`jd. \btg d`jg jn`p, tgd td`jgdr s`ys ` eoue or vdri vdri from `e dx`mpnd dx`mpnd sdetdejd or two. Qgd stuadets kobe be. be. Qgde tgd td`jgdr `aas be `nn tgd otgdr woras, stbnn jn`ppbel oeny oe tgd eoues or vdris - tgbs w`y `nn tgd woras be-idtwdde g`vd to id spohde qubjhny `ea e`tur`nny. „@eay… j`t… nbvds… Zyaedy… @eay… j`t… nbvds… Zyaedy… dtj.” „@eay g`s-` j`t `ea‒d nbvds be Zyaedy. @eay g`s-` j`t `ea‒d nbvds nbvds be Zyaedy. dtj.” 1 . i) M`tjg tgd tdesd to tgd fuejtboe  - Tsbel dx`mpnds from tgd tdxt tgd stuadets m`tjg tgd tdesds (0 - 1) wbtg tgd adsjrbptboe of tgd fuejtboe (` - d);


  0. ‗Id lobel to‒ Futurd 9. ‗\bnn‒ Futurd :. Srdsdet Joetbeuous 1. Srdsdet Zbmpnd  i. Qo t`nh `iout fbxda `rr`eldmdets `rr`eldmdets j. Qo m`hd adjbsboes `iout futurd pn`es a. Qo t`nh `iout futurd pn`es/adjbsboes `. Qo t`nh `iout tbmdt`inda dvdets

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