Tefal - Kuharica Pf 311

February 28, 2017 | Author: panafi | Category: N/A
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Download Tefal - Kuharica Pf 311...





p 6 - 10

Good tojeknow Dobro znati • Introduction • Uvod • For gluten-free recepti recipes • Bezglutenski • Measures • Mjere • Pripremafermented fermentiraog tijesta • Preparing dough

p 11 - 15

Gluten-free Bezglutenski bread kruh

p 16 - 18

Zdravi kruh Healthy bread

p 19 - 21

Traditional Tradicionalni bread kruh

Uvod Introduction Pročitajte iduće stranice jer sadrže informacije važne za Please readpažljivo these few preliminary pages carefully, as they contain important information uspjeh vaših recepata. to make your recipes a success. Flour: Wheat flour brašno is classifiklasificirano ed accordingjeto the quantity of bran Brašno: Pšenično prema tome koliko it contains and the ash content (mineral matter that remains after posija i koliko pepela ima (mineralne tvari koje ostaju nakon combustion in an oven at 900°C). obrade na 900 stupnjeva) - White flour for pastry: fine flour (T45) -- bijelo brašno za tijesto: fino brašno (T45) Bread flour: special bread flour, bread-making flour for white -bread, Brašno za kruh: kruh, bijeli kruh, bijelo brašno, white flour,posebni wheat flour (T55) pšenično brašno (T 55) - Half-wholemeal flour (T80) -- Wholemeal Poluintegralno (T80) flourbrašno (T110, T150) -Note: Integralno brašno (T110, T 150) Rye flour is classified as: T70, T130 and T170. In the indication of the

type, the number denotes a je fl our is more or less richtom in bran, Napomena: Raženotherefore brašno klasificirano kao that T70, T130 i T170. Prema broju fibres, vitamins, minerals and oligo-elements. se određuje u kojoj mjeri brašno sadrži vlakna, vitamine, oligoelemente i minerale.

You willdobiti not obtain well-leavened if you use a brašno higher Nećete lijepo dignute štruce loaves kruha ako korsitite proportion of bran-rich flour. The quantity of water necessary bogato posijama. Potrebna količina voda ovisit će također o will also vary according to the type of flour. Pay attention to the brašnu koji koristite. Pazite na konzistenciju tijesta, mora biti consistency of the dough, which once formed, must be soft and mekano i elastično i neto primati se za rubove posude. elastic, without sticking the pan.

Brašno možemo podijeliti dvije grupe: brašno za(Contains kruh Flour can be classifi ed underutwo groups: bread flour (sadrži i brašno koje gluten :gluten: wheat, pšenično, spelt, and pirovo, kamut flkamutovo) our) and non-bread flour nije (rye, corn, buckwheat, chestnut, etc.), which kesetenovo must be used in addition za kruh (raženo, kukuruzno, heljdino, itd), koje se to bread-making flour (10 to brašnu 50%). za kruh (10 do 50 %) može koristiti kao dodatak Gluten-free flour: there are many flour known Brašno bez glutena: postoji punotypes vrstaofbrašna koja neas nonbreadmaking quality (not containing gluten). The most kao wellsadrže gluten. Najpoznatije je svakako heljdino poznato known flours are buckwheat known as "black wheat", rice (white tamno brašno, rižino (tamno ili bijelo) od kvinoje, kukukuruza, or brown), quinoa, corn, chestnut and sorghum. To try to recreate kestena i slično. bi potaknuli elastičnost bitnoof je the elasticity of Kako gluten, it is essential to mix glutena, several types izmiješati nekoliko tipova brašna i dodati gustin ili neki drugi non-breadmaking quality flours together and to add thickening pripravak agents. koji će smjesu zgusnuti.

Sredstvo zaagents: zguščivanje: kakothe bi dobili Thickening to obtain correctkonzistetntu consistency and try to imitate the elasticity gluten you canilialso addgumu xanthan gum smjesu možete dodati of i yantum gumu guam vašim and/or guar gum flour to your preparations. pripravcima.

p 22 - 23

Ostalo Others 4

Baker’s yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae): Thispri is apripremi living product Kvasac: kvasac je živi organizam, jako važan essential for making bread. It comes in several fresh yeast kruha. Dolazi u nekoliko obilka; svježi u malimforms: kockama in small cubes, active dry yeast that must be rehydrated, (aktivan suhi kvasac) koji se mora namočiti, instatnt suhiinstant dry yeast liquidkvasac. yeast. kvasac ili or tekući

Suhiyeast kvasac (vžl) Dry (in tbsp)






Dry (in g) Suhiyeast kvasac (g)








Fresh (in (g) g) Svježiyeast kvasac










If you are using fresh yeast, multiply the quantity indicated for dry yeast by three (in weight). To make gluten-free bread, you will have to use specific gluten-free yeast.

Dobro je znati Good to know

Prodaje supermarketima naor odjelima za pekarstvo ili slastičarsvto, ali možete It is sold se in u supermarkets (bakery fresh products departments), but you can also buygait kupiti from i yourvašeg baker.pekara. If you are usingrabite fresh svježi yeast, kvasac, remember to crumble ga it with yourprstima. fingers so that it kod Ukoliko ne zaboravite usitiniti dissolves easily. Ekvivalentna količina/težina između suhog kvasca, svježeh kvasca i tekućeg kvasca. Quantity/weight equivalence between dry yeast, fresh yeast and liquid yeast:

en 6-7

Ukoliko rabite svježi kavasac, pomnožite sa 3 količinu navedenu za suhi kvasac. Za Fermentablekruh, leaven: You ćete can use it instead yeast. This is a natural dehydrated leaven you bezglutenski morat rabiti posebniofkvasac bez glutena. can find in organic food stores (2 tablespoons for 500 grams of flour). Fermentirani kvasac: možete ga rabiti umjesto kvasca. 2 velike žlice na 500 g brašna. Baking powder: It can be used only for preparing fruit cakes or cakes and is never used for Prašak pecivo: može se rabiti samo za pripremu voćnih kolača i nikada se ne rabi za making za bread. pripremu kruha. Liquids: the sum of the temperatures of the water, the flour and the room should be 60ºC. As a Tekućine: suma temperature vode, brašna i sobna trebala biti 60°C. Kaobepravilo, rule, use tap water at 18-20ºC, except in summer, when cooledbiwater should used. vodu zagrijte na 18-20°C a tijekom ljetnih mjeseci može biti malo hladnija. Salt: It is essential for making bread and must be measured accurately. Remember always to

use fiizuzetno ne salt (preferably ned). kruha i mora se točno izvagati. Rabite fino mljevenu sol. Sol: je bitna zaunrefi pripremu Sugar:također It also contributes the fermentation process; it nourishes yeast andprekrasnu gives your Šećer: sudjelujueto u procesu fermentacije: on hrani kvasacthe i daje kruhu bread akoricu. beautiful crust. Justselike salt, izmjeriti it must bei ne measured correctly and must not come zlatnu Bašgolden kao i sol, mora točno smije doći u kontakt s kvascem. into contact with the yeast. Other ingredients: Ostali sastojci: Fat: It makes your bread softer and tastier. You can use all kinds of fats. If you are using butter, Masnoće: dajucut kruhu mekoću i okus.soMožete bilo koju vsrtuinmasnoće a ako rabite make sure you it into small pieces that it israbiti distributed evenly the dough. maslac narežite ga na male komadiće da se ravnomjerno rasporedi po tijestu. Milk and milk products: They modify the taste and consistency of the bread and have an Mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi: modificiraju okus texture. i konzistenciju te daju, mekuor add a emulsifying effect giving the soft interior a lovely You cankruha use fresh products unutrašnjost i lijepu little powdered milk. teksturu kruha. Možete rabiti svježe mlijeko ili u prahu. Eggs:obogaćuju They enrich the dough, enhance colour oftomu the bread and contribute to a wellJaja: tijesto, daju boju kruhuthe i pridonose da je sredina kruha mekana. developed soft interior. Začini/začinsko bilje: u kruh možete dodati svakojake začine. Njih u pekač stavljate nakon Flavours herbs: Youkako can add allbikinds of ingredients to your bread. You must place these što čujeteand zvučni signal se ne zdrobili tijekom miješenje tijesta. ingredients in the pan after the machine makes a beep, so they are not ground during the Vaš pekač(except kruha provodi sve stadije pripreme kruha, od miješenja, do dizanja i pečenja. kneading for powdered ingredients). Nakon što je kruh gotov, ostavite ga 30 minuta da “odleži” prije nego počnete uživati u Your machine carries out all the stages of bread-making, from rising to baking. You just have to njegovom nedoljivom okusu. leave it to rest on a rack for an hour before enjoying it.


Using the programmes Odabir programa Menus 1, 1, 2 and should be su used for making gluten-freekruha breadi kolača. or cakes. each of the Programi 2 i 3 3namijenjeni pripremi bezglutenskog Za For svaki od tih programmes, only one weight is available. recepata moguća je samo jedna masa. Gluten-free bread and cakes are suitable for people who are intolerant to gluten (coeliac Bezglutenski kruh i kolači namijenjeni su ljudima koji imaju intoleranciju na gluten (celijakiju) disease) found in several cereals (wheat, barley, rye, oats, kamut, spelt, etc.). koji se nalazi u nekoliko žitarica (pšenica,ječam, zob,raž,pir itd.) It is important to avoid cross-contamination with flours containing gluten. Take special care Bitno je da pripreme bezglutenskih recepata ne dođu u kontakt sa glutenom, to clean thekod tank, blades and all utensils to be usedsastojci for making gluten-free bread and cakes. Make sure alsoploču, that the is gluten-free. očistite radnu neyeast rabiteused pribor koji ste rabili za glutenske recepte. Provjerite i da je kvasac bez glutena.

Premixes or Mixes

Gotove-instant smjese za kruhusing (Premix) The gluten-free recipes have been developed preparations (also known as instant mixes)

for gluten-freerecepti bread razvijenu such as Schär Valpiform. Bezglutenski su uzorupotrebu gotovih instant smjesa za bezglutenski kruh These gluten-free preparations are available in supermarkets and/or in specialist stores. They kao što su Schar ili Valpiform. are also available on the Internet. Ove smjese bez glutena mogu se nabaviti u specijaliziranim trgovinama ili na internetu.

Adjusting the results Not all gluten-free Premix brands give the same results. Prilagođavanje recepata

You may have to adjust the recipes and do some trial runs in order to get the best results: Ne daju sve instant smjese iste rezultate.

Neke recepte ćetethe morati prilagođavati kako bitodobili najbolje rezultate: You should adjust quantity of liquid according the consistency of the dough. It should be relatively supple but not liquid. However, cake mixture should be more liquid. Prilgodite količinu tekućine ovisno o konzistenciji brašna. Trebalo bi biti mekano ali ne tekuće. No smjesa za kolače trebala bi biti više tekuća.


Too liquid Previše tekuće


Too dry Previše suho

Dobro je znati

Forbezglutenske gluten-free recipes Za recepte

Before following the recipes to make gluten free bread, please check that the ingredients used don’t Prije same pripreme provjerite da sastojci potrebni za kruh po receptu ne sadrže gluten. themselves contain gluten as indicated on the packaging. Preporuča se brašno bez glutena prosijati prije nego se dodajte kvasac. The consistency of gluten-free flours does not lend itself to optimum mixing: it is advisable Također, prilokom će možda bitiavoid potrebna intervencija: pomaknite to sieve the mixed miješenja flours without yeast to lumpsmala forming. nezamiješane sastojke koji su se primili za stijenku posude i plastičnom ili drvenom spatulom Similarly, help will be required during kneading: bind the unmixed ingredients on the wall ih gurnite nazad u smjesu koja se mijesi. into the centre with a spatula (wooden or plastic to avoid scratching the coating), until they are all incorporated. Tijekom doodavanja sastojaka prilikom pečenja, gurnite ih prema smjesi da ne ostanu na On adding ingredients stijenkama posude. during use, if they become stuck to the walls, push them to the centre of the tank towards the dough using a spatula (wooden or plastic to avoid scratching the coating). Bezglutenski kruh imat će čvršću strukturu i svjetliju boju nego normalni kruh. Bezglutenski Gluten-free bread will have a denser consistency and a paler colour than normal bread. kruh se ne diže kao obični i često ostaje spljošten na vrhu. Gluten-free bread does not rise like traditional bread and often remains flat on the top. Prirodni sastojci bezglutenskih jednostavno ne not dozvoljavaju jako tamnjenje The nature of thekod ingredients used forrecepata gluten-free recipes does make it possible to obtain kruha. Tako će korica kruha često ostati blijeda. good browning of the bread. The top of the bread will often remain fairly white.

Good to know


Evo nekoliko savjeta za najbolje rezultate. Here are a few tips and simple rules to get the best results from your gluten-free bread.

Dobro je znati




Mjere Measures Use the spoon measurements tsp or tbsp. Priloženu žlicuprovided rabite zafor oznake mžl (malain žlica) i vžl (velika žlica).

1 mžl tsp teaspoon (tsp) mala žlica (mžl)

11tbsp vžl tablespoon (tbsp) velika žlica (vžl)

uesgtho DToij PROG.


Priprema fermented fermentiranog tijesta Preparing dough Sastojci Ingredients Water Voda Dry baker’s Suhi kvasacyeast T55 flour Brašno tipa T55 Salt Sol

500 g 190 ml ml 190 1 tsp mžl 320 gg 1 tsp mžl

Sastojke stavite po naznačenom redu pekač. Zaustavite nakon after 29 minuta i ostavte da stoji Pour the ingredients into the tank in the uorder indicated. Stopprogram the programme 29 minutes to stand forod 1 hr at 20°C, then set aside for 24 na hr at 4°C. 1and satleave na temperaturi 20°C, stavite zatim u hladnjak temperaturu od 4°C i ostavite 24 sata. Savjet: Fermentirano stajati sati. Tip: Fermented doughtijesto can bemože kept for up todo4848hours.



Ingredients Sastojci Water at 30°C Voda 30°C Olive oil Maslinovo ulje Herbes de Provence Mješavina začina Gluten-free dry baker’s Bezglutenski kvasacyeast Salt Sol Brašnoflour* od kvinoje* Quinoa Kukuruzno Corn flour* brašno* Premix* Premix* Sušenetomatoes** rajčice** Roasted


380ml ml 380 40ml ml 30 tsp 33mžl tsp 22mžl tsp 11mžl 40 40 g 40 40 g 340 340gg 150 150gg

Bezglutenski Gluten readkruh

GSlulatnein b


h raud

g elsuateltnysbkriek ferez

d Ko ruahstserdajtčoicm R atao brea am

en 10-11

Sve sastojke stavite uinto pekač Pour the ingredients the prema tank in zadanom the order redu indicated. Mix (vidi upute zathen uporabu). Izmiješajte sastojke označene together and sieve all the ingredients followed with (*). sa (*). the Izaberite program i razinuthe tamnjenja pritisnite Select programme indicated, browningtelevel and then START. Ocijedite od suvišne masnoće. čujeteoil press START. Drainrajčice the roasted tomatoes (removeKada the excess zvučni signal, paper). dodajte sastojke označene sa add (**).the with absorbent Onsmjesi hearing the acoustic signal, ingredients followed by.


GlSulatenni b


1 1

h ruad

elsualtysbkriek zg fere

Kruue hsslai (m M reaailidžitaricama lim )b als eree or cu Ingredients Sastojci Water 30°C Vodaat30°C Sunfl ower oil Suncokretovo ulje Gluten-free dry baker’s Bezglutenski kvasacyeast Salt Sol Corn flour* brašno* Kukuruzno Tamno Brown ricerižino flour*brašno* Premix* Premix* Kukuruzni Corn flakes** corn flakes** Sušene marelice** Dried apricots** Grožđice** Raisins** Orasi** Pine nuts**


380 380 mlml 33 tbsp vžl tsp 2 2mžl tsp 1 1mžl 40gg 40 40 40gg 320 320gg 40 40gg 40 40gg 40 40gg 40 40gg

Sve sastojke stavite uinto pekač Pour the ingredients the prema tank in zadanom the order redu indicated. Mix (vidi upute uporabu). Izmiješajte i stavite sastojkewith (*). together andzathen sieve all the ingredients followed označene ( *). Izaberite programthe i razinu tamnjenja Select the saprogramme indicated, browning level teand pritisnite čujete zvučni signal,signal, dodajte smjesi then pressSTART. START.Kada On hearing the acoustic add the sastojke označene sa (** )ili 160 g bezglutenskih muesli. ingredients followed by (**) or 160 g gluten-free muesli.




GlSuten lani




h ru d

ezgsalty brkei k free

SKeruehdsbarsejaed menkama Ingredients Sastojci Water at 30°C Voda 30°C Gluten-free dry baker’s Bezglutenski kvasacyeast Salt Sol Quinoa Brašnoflour* od kvinoje* Brown rice flour*brašno* Tamno rižino Premix* Premix* Cornflakes** flakes** Corn Sezamove sjemenke** Sesame seeds**


420ml ml 420 tsp 22mžl tsp 21mžl 40 g 40 40 g 40 340 340gg 25 25 g 50 50 g g

Sve sastojke stavite uinto pekač Pour the ingredients the prema tank in zadanom the order redu indicated. Mix (vidi upute uporabu). Izmiješajte i stavite sastojkewith (*). together andzathen sieve all the ingredients followed označene sa mix (*). Izmiješajte i stavite sastojke Add and then the ingredients followed by (**)označene or 75g of mixed sa (**)for ili bread 75 g miješanih za kruh (suncokretove, seeds (sunflower,sjemenki linseed, millet, sesame, poppy). Select lanene,sezamove, sjemenke i prosa.) the programme indicated, themaka browning levelIzaberite and then press program i razinu tamnjenja te pritisnite START. START.

GlSulatenni b


1 1

h ruad

ten elsualtysbkriek zg fere

GMinegdeernbjarekad Ingredients Sastojci Water at 30°C* Voda 30°C Sunfl ower oil* ulje* Suncokretovo Gluten-free yeast* Bezglutenski kvasac Salt* Sol* Brašno od kestena** Chestnut flour** Heljdino brašno** Buckwheat flour** Tamno rižino Brown rice flour**brašno** Premix** Premix**


380 380 mlml tbsp 33 vžl 25gg 25 tsp 1 1mžl 30 30gg 30 30gg 30 30gg 330 330gg

Sve sastojke stavite uinto pekač Pour the ingredients the prema tank in zadanom the order redu indicated. Mix (vidi upute uporabu).followed Izmiješajte stavite together thezaingredients by i(*). Leavesastojke to activate for označene (*). Ostavite stojipossible). nekih 10 Mix minuta 10 minutessa(delayed start da is not together and (odgođeni nije moguć prifollowed ovom receptu). then sieve start all the ingredients with (**).Umiješajte Select the sastojke označene sa (**). program i razinu programme indicated, theIzaberite browning level and then press tamnjenja te pritisnite START. START.



Ingredients Sastojci Water 30°C Vodaat30°C Sunfl ower oil Suncokretovo ulje Gluten-free dry baker’s Bezglutesnki kvasacyeast Salt Sol Chestnut flour* Kestenovo brašno* Brašnoflour* od kvinoje* Quinoa Premix* Premix* Grožđice ** Raisins**

Bezglutenski Gluten-free breadkruh

GSlulatnein b


h raud

g elsuateltnysbkriek ferez

Karuishinsabsrjeeamdenkama R

en 12-13


380ml ml 380 33 tbsp vžl tsp 1,51,5 mžl tsp 11mžl 30 g 30 50 50 g 340 340gg 160 160gg

Pour the ingredients the prema tank in zadanom the order redu indicated. Sve sastojke stavite uinto pekač (vidi Mix together then sieve all the iingredients followed with (*).sa upute za and uporabu). Izmiješajte stavite sastojke označene Select the programme indicated, the browning level and (*). Izaberite program i razinu tamnjenja te pritisnite START. then press START. On hearin g the acoustic signal, add the Kada čujete zvučni signal, dodajte smjesi sastojke označene ingredients followed by (**). sa (**).

gluwteensk eze s et bi k

GluStlaeni fb


2 2


h ruad


n with Premix Valpifor m take o t o Ph

BBrriioocšhe Sastojci Ingredients Mlijeko zagrijano na 30°C** Milk Jaja*at 30°C** Beaten eggs* kvasac Bezglutenski Gluten-free dry baker’s yeast Sol* Šećer* Salt* Otopljeni maslac* Sugar* Premixbutter* Melted Premix


Premix? Schär 140 ml 140 ml 4 24 mžl 2 1tsp mžl 60 g 1 tsp 100 60 g g 400 100 gg 400 g

Premix? Valpiform 200 ml 200 ml4 24mžl 21tsp mžl 1 60 tspg 100 60 g g 400gg 100 400 g

Sve stavite uinto pekač Poursastojke the ingredients the prema tank in zadanom the order redu indicated. Mix (vidi upute uporabu).followed Izmiješajte i stavite together theza ingredients by (*). Select sastojke the programme označene sa browning (*). Izaberite tamnjenja indicated, the levelprogram and theni razinu press START. te pritisnite START.



GGlluBSuteltaezengni lfubf


1 2

hhd rruuaad

k wieelatsttkbbi k ngslu rree reteeze

ad e r b inht m e t u r a k l l VBBierričin o o k ocent ch-m ečseoeko ooncših Ingredients Sastojci Sastojci Ingredients Milk at 30°C* Mlijeko zagrijano na na30°C** 30°C* Mlijeko Mint essence* Milk at 30°C** Esencija mentola* Jaja* Beaten eggs* Beaten eggs* kvasac Jaja Bezglutenski Gluten-free dry Gluten-free drybaker’s baker’syeast* yeast Bezglutenski kvasac* Sol* Salt* Sol* Šećer* Salt* Šećer* Sugar* Otopljeni maslac* Sugar* Otopljeni malsac * Melted butter* Premix Melted butter* Premix Premix Premix Komadićichips** čokolade ** Chocolate


n with Premix Valpifor m take o t o Ph 1 CREATION 1 CREATION


280 ml ml Schär 280 ml Valpiform 140 200 ml 4 drops 1404ml 200 ml4 kapi 4 224 mžl2 24mžl 2 2tsp 21tsp 2mžl mžl 1tsp mžl 1 1tsp 1 mžl 60 g tsp 1 60 tspg 2g mžl 2 tbsp 100 g 100 60 60 g g 55gg 55 gg 400 400gg 100 100 420 400g420 g g 400 g 100 g100 g

Sve stavite uinto pekač Poursastojke the ingredients the prema tank in zadanom the order redu indicated. Mix Pour the ingredients the tank by in zadanom the order redu indicated. Mix (vidi upute uporabu). Izmiješajte i stavite sastojke together theza ingredients followed (*). Select the programme Sve sastojke stavite uinto pekač prema together the ingredients followed (*). Select the programme označene sa (*). Izaberite program i razinu tamnjenja (vidi upute za uporabu). Umiješajte zatim sastojke označene indicated, the browning level andby then press START. indicated, theSTART. browning levelKada and then press START. On hearing te pritisnite sa (*) te pritisnite START. čujete zvučni signal, dodajte the acoustic signal, add thesaingredients followed by (**). smjesi sastojke označene (**).

GBleu zt



nski utferee cakkoela geln PROG. PROG.

3 3

uhaonddšcuhnekeesei sciraake HKarm Sastojci Ingredients Mlijeko zagrijano na 30°C Milk at 30°C** Jaja eggs* Beaten Maslinovo ulje? Olive oil* Sol* Salt* Papar Pepper Otopljnei maslac Melted butter Premix ** Confectionery Premix** Kvasac** Chemical yeast** Šunka narezana na kockice*** Ham cut into cubes*** Zelene masline*** Green olives*** Naribani sir*** Grated Gruyere***

80 ml80 ml 4 4 100 g100 g 1 tsp1 mžl 1g 1g 20 g 20 g 300 g 300 g 2 mžl 2 tsp 250 g 250 g 40 g 40 g110 g 110 g

Umiješajte sveallsastojke označene saby (*)(*) dok nethey dobijete Beat together ingredients followed until become ujednačenu Stavite pekač. pale. Pour thesmjesu. ingredients intouthe tankUmiješajte in the orderzatim indicated. sastojke sa (**) koje ste followed prije prosijali. Then addoznačene and mix the ingredients by (**)Odabeirte previously program i razinu i pritisnite Kada level sieved. Select the tamnjenja programme indicated,START. the browning začujete zvučni signal,On ubacite označene (***). and then press START. hearingi sastojke the acoustic signal,sa add the ingredients followed by (***).


GGBlleuuz tt


nski utferee cakkoela genl PROG. PROG.

1 3

kaepra SCKKahorlu ashčtonoo lco keseilali icskairo ud nuddatšn elm asnkod Sastojci Ingredients Sastojci Mlijeko zagrijano Milk at 30°C** Mlijeko zagrijano na na 30°C 30°C Razmućena jaja Beaten eggs*jaja* Umućena Sol* Salt* Sol* Kestenovo brašno** Olive oil* flour** Maslinovo ulje* Chestnut Kukuruzno brašno** Melted butter Otopljeni maslac Corn flour** Kvasac** Papar Pepper Chemical yeast** Otopljeni Crvenibutter papar Crushed pinkmaslac peppercorns Melted Ekstrakt vanilije Premix** Confectionery Vanilla extract Premix** Tamni rum Kvasac** Chemical Dark rum yeast** Šećer u prahu Dimljeni losos*** Smoked salmon*** Icing sugar Nasjeckani Chopped freshsvježi dill korjander


80ml ml 20 20 80ml ml 34 34 1g 11 tsp g 1 mžl 100g165 g100gg 165 20gg 50 20gg 50 2 mžl 1 g 2 tsp 1 g 1 gg1001gg 100 1 mžl 1300 tspg300 g 1 vžl tsp2 mžl 12tbsp 165 g 250 250gg g 165 10 g 10 g

en 14-15

Bezglutenski Gluten-free breadkruh

ingredients followed by (***).

Umiješajte sveallsastojke označene saby (*)(*) dok nethey dobijete Beat together ingredients followed until become ujednačenu smjesu. Umiješajte zatim sastojke označene Umiješajte sve sastojke označene sa (*) dok ne dobijete Beat together all ingredients followed by (*) until they become pale. Then add and mix the ingredients followed by (**) sa (**)Pour kojethe ste prije prosijali. i Umiješajte ostale sastojke i in the ujednačenu smjesu. Stavite uStavite pekač. pale. ingredients intothe the tank in the orderzatim indicated. previously sieved. Then place remaining ingredients sve zajeno stavite uthe Odaberite program i razinu sastojke sapekač. (**) koje ste prije prosijali. Odaberite Then and mix ingredients by (**) previously tank inadd theoznačene order indicated. Select thefollowed programme indicated, the tamnjenja i pritisnite START. program ilevel razinu pritisnite Kada začujete sieved. Select the programme indicated,START. the browning level browning andtamnjenja then press iSTART. zvučni ubaciteOn i sastojke označene sasignal, (***). add the and thensignal, press START. hearing the acoustic ingredients followed by (***).

GBleu zt


nski utferee cakkoela geln PROG. PROG.

3 3

CKKhrru eushhtnoouddtšckuaenkskete ni saira Sastojci Ingredients Mlijeko zagrijano na 30°C Milk at 30°C** Razmućena Beaten eggs* jaja Sol* Salt* Kestenovo brašno** Chestnut flour** Kukuruzno Corn flour** brašno** Kvasac** Chemical yeast** Otopljeni maslac Melted butter Ekstrakt vanilije Vanilla extract Tamni rum Dark rum Šećer u prahu Icing sugar


20 ml20 ml 3 3 1g 1g 165 g165 g 50 g 50 g 2 mžl 2 tsp 100 g 100 g 1 mžl 1 tsp 1 vžl 1 tbsp 165 g 165 g

Umiješajte sveallsastojke označene saby (*)(*) dok nethey dobijete Beat together ingredients followed until become ujednačenu smjesu. Umiješajte zatim sastojke označene pale. Then add and mix the ingredients followed by (**) sa (**) kojesieved. ste prije prosijali. Stavite i ostale sastojke i in the previously Then place the remaining ingredients sve zajeno stavite u pekač. Odaberite programindicated, i razinu the tank in the order indicated. Select the programme tamnjenja i pritisnite START. browning level and then press START.



RapBird zw



ewghraelant ibkr ru e hinolte


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ralni kru egheat breah etw


FSaerlm jačhkoi ukrsuehbread Ingredients Sastojci Water Voda Sunfl ower oil Suncokretovo ulje Salt Sol Sugar Šećer Powdered Mlijeko umilk prahu Brašno T55 Flour (T55) Integralnoflbrašno T150 Wholewheat our (T150) Raženo brašno (T130) Rye flour (T130) Kvasac Dry baker’s yeast

500 g 200 ml 1 vžl 1 mžl 1,5 mžl 0,5 vžl 170 g 80 g 80 g 0,5 mžl

500 750gg 200 270ml ml 1,5 tbsp 2 vžl 1 tsp 1,5 mžl 1,52tsp mžl 0,50,5 tbsp vžl 235g g 170 110 80 gg 110 80 gg mžl 0,51tsp

750 1000gg 270 400ml ml 2 tbsp 3 vžl 1,52tsp mžl 23tsp mžl 0,5 tbsp 1 vžl 340g g 235 160g g 110 160g g 110 mžl 11tsp

1000 g 400 ml 3 tbsp 2 tsp 3 tsp 1 tbsp 340 g 160 g 160 g 1 tsp

Pour thesastojke ingredients into the tank inprogram, the order indicated. Stavite u posudu. Odaberite Select programme indicated, the weight ofSTART. the bread, the težinuthe kruha i razinu tamnjenja te pritisinite browning level and press START.

gralni k


RapidBr wz



h ad

e int wheat breru hole

Who l In




lni kruh gra te heat bre w e PROG. a PROG.

Inhteogleram lnei aklrubhread W Sastojci Ingredients Voda Water Suncokretovo ulje Sunfl ower oil Sol Salt Šećer Sugar Brašno (T55) Flour (T55) Integralno brašno (T150) Wholewheat flour (T150) Kvasac Dry baker’s yeast

500 g 205 ml 1,5 vžl 1 mžl 1,5 mžl 130 g 200 g 1 mžl

750 g

500 g 270ml ml 205 2 vžl 1,5 tbsp 1,5 mžl 1 tsp 2 mžl 1,5 tsp 180 g 130 g 270 g 200 g 1 mžl 1 tsp

1000 g

750 g 410ml ml 270 3 vžl 2 tbsp mžl 1,52tsp 3 mžl 2 tsp 260 g 180 g 400 g 270 g 2 mžl 1 tsp

1000 g 410 ml 3 tbsp 2 tsp 3 tsp 260 g 400 g 2 tsp

Pour the ingredients into the tank in the order indicated. Stavite sastojke u posudu. Odaberite program, Select the programme indicated, the weight of the bread, the težinu kruha i razinu tamnjenja te pritisinite START. browning level and press START.



lni k

Who lIn




ru ra egheat breah etw

Ingredients Sastojci Water Voda Fermented dough (see page Fermentirano tijesto (vidi10) str 10) 6) Dry baker’s yeast Suhi kvasac Traditional flour T65 Brašno T65 Yellow Žute linseed lanene sjemenke Smeđe lanene sjemenke Brown linseed Sol Salt

500gg 500 17 cl cl 17 75 gg 75 3/4 tsp 3/4 mžl 260gg 260 20 gg 20 20 20 gg 55 gg

750gg 750 25,5clcl 25,5 115gg 115 tsp 11mžl 390gg 390 30 gg 30 30 30 gg 7,5 7,5gg


1000 1000 gg 34 cl cl 34 150gg 150 tsp 1,51,5 mžl 520gg 520 40 gg 40 40 40 gg 10 10 gg

Zdravi Healthy breadkruh


RapBid rzw



ewghreaaln t bi rkeru hoinlet

d a linlasneeendimbrsejeamenkam

Fer Fem rmeen ntir tedan diokr uguhh s

en 16-17

Pour the ingredients into the tank in the order indicated. Stavitethe sastojke u posudu. Odaberite program, Select programme indicated, the weight of the bread, the težinu kruha razinu tamnjenja browning leveli and press START. te pritisinite START.

Prijedlog: kruh ide odlično uz umake i bijelo meso.

Serving tip: this bread goes perfectly with sauce dishes, game and white meat.


RapidB wrz


h d a

egralni k int wheat br ru e hole PROG. PROG.

Who l In



lni kruh gra teheat bre ew PROG.a PROG.

mrrekavdom CKaru rrhots b Sastojci Ingredients Voda Water Sok od mrkve Carrot juice Suhi kvasac Dry baker’s yeast Brašno T65 Traditional flour T65 Gluten Gluten Sol Salt Naribana mrkva** Grated carrots**

500 g 12 ml 6 cl 1 mžl 300 g 3g 6g 60 g


750g g 500 1212clml 6 cl9 cl 1,5 mžl 1 tsp 455 g 300 g 4,5 g 3g 9g 6g 90 g 60 g

1000g g 750 1824clml 12 cl 9 cl mžl 1,52tsp 600 g 455 g 6g 4,5 g 12 g 9g 120 g 90 g

1000 g 24 cl 12 cl 2 tsp 600 g 6g 12 g 120 g

Pour the ingredients into the tank in the order indicated. Stavite sastojke u posudu. Odaberite program, Select the programme indicated, the weight of the bread, the težinu kruha i razinu tamnjenja te pritisinite browning level and press START. On hearing the acoustic START. Kada čujete zvučni signal dodajte sastojke signal, add the ingredients followed by (**).

označene sa (**).

Prijedlog serviranje: odlično će ići crudités uz Serving tip:zathis bread is ovaj ideal kruh for accompanying or beef goveđi gulaš. bourguignon.


Sal K

resaodli ehebbez t frru PROG. PROG.


SKarluth -frbeeezbso reliad Ingredients Sastojci Water Voda Flour (T55)T55 Brašno Dry baker’s yeast Suhi kvasac Sesame seeds** Sjemenke sezama**

500gg 750 750gg 1000 1000 500 gg 200mlml 270 270mlml 400 400mlml 200 350gg 480gg 700gg 350 480 700 tsp tsp tsp 0,50,5 mžl 11mžl 11mžl 50 gg 75 gg 100gg 50 75 100

Pour the ingredients into the tank in the order indicated. Stavitethe sastojke u posudu. Odaberite program, Select programme indicated, the weight of the bread, the težinu kruha tamnjenja pritisinite browning leveli razinu and press START.teOn hearingSTART. the acoustic Kada čujete zvučni signal, dodajte sastojke signal, add the ingredients followed byi(**).

označene sa (**).


cuski kruh an PROG.



bread nch PROG.


ajedstom Bijeli kruh s fermentiraenbim t e r it

Poolish-based wh Za fermentirano tijesto Poolish Sastojci Ingredients Voda Water Suhi kvasac Dried baker’s Brašno T65yeast Traditional flour T65

500 g 11 cl 1/3 mžl 110 g

750 g 1000 g 221 331 16,5 cl g 22 clg 11 cl 2/316,5 1/2 mžl mžlcl 1/3gtsp 1/2 g tsp 165 220 110 g

165 g

442 g 22 cl 2/3 tsp 220 g

Stavite voduand i kvasac u posudu, Dodajte Pour the water the yeast into a dish. Add thebrašno, flour and mix. Cover Pokrijte s neprianjajućom the dish with cling film. Set asidefolijom. for 4 hr atOstavite 20°C. 4 sata na temperaturi od 20°C. White bread

Ingredients Bijeli kruh

500 g

750 g

1000 g

Poolish Sastojci Water Fermentirano tijesto Dry baker’s yeast Voda Traditional flour T65

221 g 331 g 442 g 500 g 750 g 1000 g 11,5 cl 17,5 cl 23,5 cl 221 g 331 g 442 g 1/2 tsp 2/3 tsp 1 tsp 11,5 cl 17,5 cl 23,5 cl 220 g 330 g 435 g Suhi kvasac 1/2 mžl 2/3 mžl 1 mžl Brašno 220 g in the 330order g indicated. 435 g Select the Pour the T65 ingredients into the tank

programme indicated, the weight of the bread, the browning level Stavite sastojke u posudu. Odaberite program, and presskruha START. težinu i razinu tamnjenja te pritisinite START.


Serving tip:za thisserviranje: bread goesOvaj with kruh any type of dishseatslaže any time Prijedlog odlično s of day. It will appreciated all, especially children because bilobekojom vrstombyhrane. Posebno ga vole djeca itjeris crusty and has sweet taste. imaaslatkasti okus i malo je hrskav.




SSuuppeer q bhread bu rziickkru Ingredients Sastojci Warm 35°C Toplawater voda Sunfl ower oil Suncokretovo ulje Salt Sol Sugar Šećer Powdered Mlijeko umilk prahu Brašno Flour (T55)T 55 Suhi kvasac Dry baker’s yeast

500 g 500 750gg 210 ml 210 210ml ml 3 tsp 3 mžl 1 vžl 0,5 mžl 0,51tsp mžl 2 3tsp 2 mžl mžl 1,5 vžl 1,5 tbsp 2 vžl 325 g 325 445 gg 1,5 mžl 1,5 2,5tsp mžl

750 1000g g 285 210ml ml 1 1,5 tbsp vžl 1 1tsp mžl 3 tsp 1 vžl 2 tbsp 3 vžl 650 445 gg mžl 2,53tsp

1000 g 420 ml 1,5 tbsp 1 tsp 1 tbsp 3 tbsp 650 g 3 tsp

Pour the ingredients into the tank in the order indicated. Stavite sastojke u posudu. Odaberite program, Select the programme indicated, the weight of the bread, the težinu kruha i razinu tamnjenja te pritisinite START. browning level and press START.

RRaapp B Biiddr r

kru sllaattekktiib ziiw e krreuahh zs s d PROG. PROG. PROG.

8 8 8


ltakbtikkirkaurhu zSeileast re d h PROG. PROG. PROG.

10 8 10

Tradicionalni Traditional breadkruh

Sup Seu

pr bidrzbi rkeraudh r prae

en 18-19

ocšelohlh Kruriio KB B g feopf Sastojci 500 g 750 g 1000 g Ingredients Sastojci 500 g 500 750gg 750 1000gg 1000 g Umućena jaja 1 Beaten eggs 1 12 2 12 2 Umućena jaja 1 Otopljeni maslac 115 g 145ggg 230ggg Melted butter 100 125 200 g Melted butter 115 145 230 g Otopljeni maslac 100 g 125 g 200 g Sol 1 mžl 1tsp mžl 2tsp mžl Salt tsp Sol 1 mžl mžl mžl Salt 111tsp 112tsp 22 tsp Šećer 2,5 vžl 3 vžl 5 vžl Sugar 3 tbsp tbsp tbsp Šećer 3 vžl 2,5 4 vžl 34 tbsp 6 vžl 56 tbsp Sugar tbsp Mlijeko 55 ml 60 ml 110 ml 120 ml Milk (liquid) 60 ml 80 ml ml Mlijeko 60 ml 80ml ml 120 ml 110 ml Milk (liquid) 55 60 Brašno T55 280 g 365 g 560 g Brašno T55 250 g 325ggg 500ggg Flour (T55) 250 325 500 g g Flour (T55) 280 365 560 Suhi kvasac 1,5 mžl 2 mžl 3 mžl Suhi kvasac 1,5 mžl 1,5 mžl mžl Dry baker’s yeast 1,52 tsp tsp tsp tsp Dry baker’s yeast 223tsp 33 tsp Bademi cijeli** 20 g Whole almonds** 2040 gg 4040 gg 40 g Stavite sastojke u posudu. Odaberite Pour the ingredients into 70 the in order Grožđice** g tank70 100 gthe 100 140gg indicated. Raisins** gprogram, 140 g

težinuthe kruha i razinu tamnjenja Select programme indicated, te thepritisinite weight ofSTART. the bread, the Pour the ingredients into the tank inprogram, the order indicated. Stavite sastojke u posudu. Odaberite browning level and press START. Opcija: 1 mžl narančine vodice te Select programme indicated, thepritisinite weight ofSTART. the bread, the težinuthe kruha i razinu tamnjenja browning level and press START. hearing the acoustic Kada čujete zvučni signal, dodajte sastojke Optional: 1 tsp orange blossom water. On signal, addsa the(**). ingredients followed by (**). označene Savjet: natopite grožđice u brandyu 1 sat prije nego ih stavljate u kolač.

Tip: soak the raisins in brandy for 1 hour.



Rap Bidr

atektibkrreuh sle ad zsiw PROG.


tkbi rkeraudh Seleat PROG. PROG.

10 10

KKu gelolh f opf Ingredients Sastojci Beaten eggs jaja Umućena Melted butter Otopljeni maslac Salt Sol Sugar Šećer Milk (liquid) Mlijeko Brašno T55 Flour (T55) Suhi kvasac Dry baker’s yeast Bademi cijeli** Whole almonds** Grožđice** Raisins**

500 g 1 100 g 1 mžl 3 vžl 60 ml 250 g 1,5 mžl 20 g 70 g

500 750gg 1 2 100 125gg 11tsp mžl 3 tbsp 4 vžl 60 80ml ml 325gg 250 mžl 1,52 tsp 2040 gg 100 70 gg

750 gg 1000 2 2 125 200gg 12tsp mžl 4 tbsp 6 vžl 80 ml 120 ml 500gg 325 mžl 23tsp 4040 gg 140gg 100

1000 g 2 200 g 2 tsp 6 tbsp 120 ml 500 g 3 tsp 40 g 140 g

Pour the ingredients into the tank inprogram, the order indicated. Stavite sastojke u posudu. Odaberite Select programme indicated, te thepritisinite weight ofSTART. the bread, the težinuthe kruha i razinu tamnjenja browning level and signal, press START. hearing the acoustic Kada čujete zvučni dodajteOn sastojke signal, addsa the(**). ingredients followed by (**). označene

Savjet: natopite grožđice u brandyu 1 sat prije nego ih stavljate u kolač.

Tip: soak the raisins in brandy for 1 hour.



tbkriekarduh eSelta


10 10

cuski kruh

Fre Fr

an bread nch



SSaennddw vičchkrburhead Ingredients Sastojci Cold milk mlijeko Hladno Eggs Jaja Dry baker’s yeast Suhi kvasac T55 flour T55 Brašno Gluten Gluten Šećer Sugar Sol Salt Maslac ** Butter**


g g 750 g g 1000 g 500 g 500 750 1000 mlml 210 mlml 240 ml 120 ml 120 120 240 1 1 1 2 2 1 tsp vžl 11/3 tsp 2/3 mžl 2/3 1tsp mžl 1 1/2 g g 410 g g 550 g 275 g 275 410 550 3g 5g 5g 7g 7g 3g 20 g 20 g30 g 30 g40 g 40 g 1 mžl 11/2 2 mžl 2 tsp tspmžl 1/2 tbsp 35 g 35 g55 g 55 g75 g 75 g

Tradicionalni Traditional breadkruh



Rap Bid

elaetkbi rkerauh sw zi s d PROG. PROG.

en 20-21

Pour thesastojke ingredients into the tank in program, the order indicated. Stavite u posudu. Odaberite Select programme weight of the bread, the težinuthe kruha i razinu indicated, tamnjenjathe te pritisinite START. browning level and press START. On hearing the acoustic Kada čujete zvučni signal, dodajte sastojke signal, add the ingredients followed by (**). označene sa (**).

d am e o r d e K b r m u i h a s d m i b a m d e Honey and almon Sastojci Ingredients Voda Water Suhi kvasac Dry baker’s yeast Sol Salt Med Miel Brašno T55 T55 flour Nasjeckani prženi Chopped bademiroasted ** almonds**

500 g 750 g 1000 g 500 g 750 g 1000 g 140 ml 140 210 280 mlml 210 mlml 280 ml 1/2 mžl 3/4 mžl 1 mžl 1/2 tsp 3/4 tsp 1 tsp 3/4 mžl 1 mžl 1/2 vžl 3/4 tsp 1 tsp 1/2 tbsp 70 g 100 g 140 g g g 225 g 70340 g 100 450 g 140 g 70 g

225 g 70100 g g

340 g 100 g g 140


450 g 140 g

Pour the ingredients into the tank in the order indicated. Stavite u posudu. Odaberite program, Select thesastojke programme indicated, the weight of the bread, the težinu kruha tamnjenja pritisinite browning leveli razinu and press START.teOn hearing START. the acoustic Kada čujete signal, dodajte signal, add thezvučni ingredients followed by sastojke (**).

označene sa (**).






PPiizzzza tijesto Ingredients Sastojci Water Voda Olive oil Maslinovo ulje Salt Sol 0,5 mžl Flour (T55)T55 Brašno Dry baker’s yeast Suhi kvasac

500 g 160 ml 1 vžl 0,5 mžl 320 g 0,5 mžl

500 g g 750 g g 1000 g 750 1000 160 mlml 240 mlml 320 ml 2400 320 1 tbsp 1,5 vžl 1,5 tbsp 2 vžl 2 tbsp 0,5 1tsp tspmžl 1,5 tsp mžl 11,5 320 g g 480 g g 640 g 480 640 0,5 1tsp tspmžl 1,5 tsp mžl 11,5

Pour the ingredients into the tank in the order indicated. Select Stavite sastojke u posudu. Odaberite program i the programme indicated and press START.

pritisnite START.




13 13

AKlomlaočnsdbcaadkeemima Sastojci Ingredients Umućena Beaten eggs*jaja* Sol* Salt* Šećer* Sugar* Otopljeni maslac Melted butter Tamni rum Dark rum Mljeveni bademi Ground almonds Raženo brašno (T150)** Wholewheat Kvasac** flour (T150)** Chemical yeast**

1000 g 1000 g 200 g 200 g 1 prstohvat 1 pinch 190 g 190 g 145 g 145 g 3 vžl 3 tbsp 180 g 180 g 210 g 210 g 3 mžl 3 tsp

Stavite sastojke u posudu. Prvo umutite sve sastojke

Pour the ingredients into the tank in the order indicated. First označene sa (*) sve dok ne dobijete ujednačenu of all beat all the ingredients followed by (*) together until they smjesu. Umiješajte zatim sastojke označene sa (**). become pale. Sieve, mix and then add the ingredients followed Odaberite program, težinu kruha i razinu tamnjenja by (**). Select the programme indicated, the browning level and te pritisinite START. then press START.



14 14

Ingredients Sastojci Strawberries, peaches, rhubarb or apricots Jagode, breskve,rabarbara i marelice Šećer Sugar Limunov Lemon juice sok Pektin Pectin

10001000 g g 580 g580 g 360 g360 g 1 1 30 g 30 g

Ostalo Others

Đem Jam

CKoom i s mppoottei si đaenm dojavm

en 22-23

Cut and coarsely chop the fruit. Pourzajedno the ingredients into the Narežite voće. Stavite u posudu sa ostalim tank in the order indicated.program i pritisnite START. sastojcima. Odaberite


jes PTasta


15 15

FSrvejsehžaptajsetsatenina Sastojci Ingredients Water Voda Beaten eggs jaja Umućena Salt Sol Flour (T55)T55 Brašno

Suha tjestenina 500 g 45 ml 3 1 prstohvat 375 g

Suha Dried pasta tjestenina 500750 g g 45 ml 50 ml 3 3 1 pinch 0,5 mžl 375500 g g

Dried Suha Dried pasta pasta tjestenina 750 g10001000 g g 50 ml 90 ml 90 ml 3 66 0,5 tsp0,5 mžl 1 tsp 500 g 750750 g g

Pour the ingredients into the tank in the order indicated. Select the programme indicated andOdaberite then press program START. i Stavite sastojke u posudu.

pritisinite START.






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