Faeptjr 5; @uooy Liojy 5- Xai wjrj Eogy eog Lery9 >- Aiw ibg wjrj tajy9 6- Aiw gdg tajy biic bdcj9 7- Xajrj wjrj tajy9 :- Xaet wes do `riot i` tajl9 0- Aiw lufa liojy gdg Lery aevj9 8- Xay wjrj tajy tajrj9 1- Xay fiubgo—t tajy nuy dfjdfjfrjels9 Faeptjr 6; Hidoh E`tjr Lr. Hrjjo Vadrt 57- Xaet gdg Lery gjfdgj ti gi9 5:- Xajrj gdg Lr. Hrjjo Vadrt gjfdgj ti gi9 50- Aiw gdg Lr. Hrjjo Vadrt `jjb wajo aj sew taj cdgs9 58- Xai gdg Lery esc `ir ajbp9 Faeptjr :; E Vwdl do taj ^dvjr Bd`bjy >6- Xay gdgo—t pjipbj ajer taj t aj cdg—s saiuts9 >7- Xaet wes eniut ‒Waj Hiignyj Hiignyj Helj“9 Helj“9 >:- Xaet pert i` taj t aj `dbl gdg Eogy rjljlnjr9 >0- Xaet gdg aeppjo ti taj fer9 Faeptjr 8; E Fe`ä io I—Fioojbb Vtrjjt Vtrjjt 6=- Xajrj gdg taj fadbgrjo hi ti jet siljtadoh— siljtadoh—
65Xaet gdg aevj9 i``dfjrs 6>- Xaisj gdgtajy taj pibdfj fetfa9 66- Xaet gdg aeppjo et twjbvj i—fbifc9 i—fbifc9
Faeptjr >; Waj Leo wdta taj @irhjg Oitjs 4- Xai gdg taj twdos tjbb eniut taj `irhjg oitjs9 5=- Aiw lufa liojy gdg Ldss I—Nrdjo hdvj ajr9 ajr9 55- Xai gdg taj tadoc eniut wes suspjft9 5>- Aiw wes aj biicjg bdcj9 56- Xaet gdg taj Lr. Hrjjo Vadrt gi9
Faeptjr 7; E texd ti taj ]ibdfj Vtetdio 51- Xaet gdg taj fadbgrjo tjbb ti Ldss I—Nrdjo9 I—Nrdjo9 54- Xaet gdg Ldss I—Nrdjo irgjr taj fadbgrjo ti gi9 >=- Xai wjrj do taj texd9 >5- Aiw gdg taj sjfiog leo biic bdcj9 >>- Aiw wjrj Lr. Nbuj Vadrt—s jyjs9 jyjs9 Faeptjr 0; Webcdoh ti taj ]ibdfj >8- Xaet gdg pjipbj gi wajo cdgs hjt iut i` taj rdvjr9 >1- Xajrj gdg tajy hi tajo9 >4- Aiw sds taj pibdfj i``dfjrs biic bdcj9
Faeptjr 1; Nefc et taj Aitjb 67- Xaisj rjebby wjrj Lr. Nbuj Vadrt eog Lr. Hrjjo Vadrt9
6:- Xaet tajl9gdg Gjdgrj I—Nrdjo gi `ir
60- Xaet gdg taj pibdfj i``dfjrs `dog do ajr riil9 68- Xay gdgo—t Lery bdcj ‒Waj Niic i` Vpjbbs“9 Vpjbbs“9
Wjjos >; ]jrsioeb Uujstdiooedrj Uujstdiooedrj
5- >- 6- 7- :-
Xajrj gi yiu bdvj9 Xaet gi yiu usuebby aevj `ir nrjec`est9 Xai—s yiur `eviurdtj eftir/eftrjss9 eftir/eftrjss9 Ds tajrj tajetrj tajetr j do yiur tiwo9 Eog e fdojle9 Gi yiu ldog fbjeodoh yiur njgriil9
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