Technology of Filmmaking

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Cairo University, Faculty of Computers and Information Submitted to: Dr. Ihab El-Khodary 1, June, 2014

By: • • • • • •

Basant Mohamed Medhat Tawfik Bassant Mossad Abd El-Rahman Dalia Ihab Yousry Abd-El Fattah Dalia Mohamed Mostafa Zaki Sohaila Muhammad Diaa El-Deen Hager Gamal Hassan Mohamed


Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction ..............................................................................................1 Purpose:...................................................................................................................2 Scope: ......................................................................................................................2 Methodology ...........................................................................................................3 Chapter 2: Development ............................................................................................4 Photography ............................................................................................................5 The first Camera photography .............................................................................5 Black and white photography ..............................................................................5 Color photography ...............................................................................................5 Maxwell ...............................................................................................................6 The digital camera...................................................................................................6 Cinematography ......................................................................................................7 Motion picture .....................................................................................................7 Visual effect .........................................................................................................7 Digital video cameras ........................................................................................11 Chapter 3: 3D ...........................................................................................................12 3D ..........................................................................................................................13 3D viewer systems ................................................................................................14 Passive Viewers .................................................................................................15 Autostereoscopy (glasses-free 3D): ...................................................................17 Motion capture: .....................................................................................................18 Advantages ........................................................................................................18 Disadvantages ....................................................................................................19 Methods and systems .........................................................................................19 Chapter 4: Digital 3D ...............................................................................................20 Digital 3D: ............................................................................................................21 II

` Difference between Old 3D and Digital 3D: ........................................................21 Old 3D movies: ..................................................................................................21 Digital 3D: .........................................................................................................21 Re-rendering of computer animated films: ...........................................................22 Walt Disney Digital 3D: ....................................................................................22 Tangled .................................................................................................................23 Characters and environment movement ............................................................23 Cameras and techniques used in Tangled ..........................................................24 Chapter 5: Fusion camera system ............................................................................25 Fusion Camera Systems: .......................................................................................26 Cament: .................................................................................................................26 Avatar: ...............................................................................................................26 The Avatars Look: ..........................................................................................27 Creating creatures in Avatar: ..........................................................................29 Making Pandora real: .....................................................................................30 Tron Legacy: .........................................................................................................31 Cameras and shooting:.......................................................................................31 Software used, design and effects: ....................................................................33 Visual effects .....................................................................................................35 Chapter 6: IMAX and Red Epic camera and other systems ....................................36 IMAX ....................................................................................................................37 Digital IMAX: .......................................................................................................37 Digital IMAX 3D Camera: ...................................................................................37 Hubble (Astronauts as Filmmakers): ....................................................................38 Red Epic Camera System .....................................................................................39 The Hobbit: ...........................................................................................................39 Technology used: ...............................................................................................39 Visual effects of the hobbit:...............................................................................40 III

` Oz the great and powerful .....................................................................................41 Visual effects in OZ: ..........................................................................................41 Chapter 7: 2D to 3D? ...............................................................................................45 2D films made with 3D forms: Alice in wonderland ...........................................46 Types of camera .................................................................................................46 Technology used ................................................................................................46 Visual effects of the film ...................................................................................48 Old 2D films released in that way then are converted into 3D ............................48 Titanic: ...............................................................................................................49 Jurassic park: .....................................................................................................50 Chapter 8: Future of filmmaking .............................................................................51 4D: .........................................................................................................................52 4D is a technique for presenting not shooting: ..................................................52 Converting 3D into 4D: .....................................................................................53 Marketing 4D films: ..........................................................................................53 5D ..........................................................................................................................53 7D ..........................................................................................................................54 7D definition and popularity..............................................................................54 7D theatre features .............................................................................................55 Difference between 4D and 7D .........................................................................55 Future vision .........................................................................................................56 The Hobbit box office:.......................................................................................56 Conclusion: ..............................................................................................................57 References: ...............................................................................................................58



List of Figures: Figure 1: Black and White Photo ...............................................................................5 Figure 2: Three-color-separation Process (Maxwell Theory) ...................................6 Figure 3: Digital camera ............................................................................................6 Figure 4: Motion picture ............................................................................................7 Figure 5: Development of motion picture..................................................................7 Figure 6: Old makeup ................................................................................................8 Figure 7: Actor looks like a vampire .........................................................................8 Figure 8: Hand seems as it has real wounds by the effect of makeup .......................8 Figure 9: moving background is pkaced behind actors .............................................9 Figure 10: The actor seems as he is really flying ......................................................9 Figure 11: Explosions ..............................................................................................10 Figure 12: Computer make realistic visual effects ..................................................10 Figure 13: Digital video camera ..............................................................................11 Figure 14: Three Dimensional parameters...............................................................13 Figure 15 : How Human’s eye see in 3D II .............................................................13 Figure 16: How Human’s eye see in 3D I ...............................................................13 Figure 17: Active shutter 3D glasses .......................................................................14 Figure 18: How polarization filters work ................................................................15 Figure 19: Chromadepth Glasses .............................................................................16 Figure 20: Pulfrich method’s glasses .......................................................................16 Figure 21: KMQ viewer ...........................................................................................17 Figure 22: Glasses-free ............................................................................................17 Figure 23: Autostereoscopy Display........................................................................17 Figure 24: The face of the actor seem as it is burnt .................................................18 Figure 25: Changing the whole character by motion capture ..................................18 Figure 26: Actor shoot a scene by using markers for motion capture .....................19 Figure 27: Two actors putting marks for motion capture ........................................19 Figure 28: Maquettes ...............................................................................................21 Figure 29 : Computer re-rendering ..........................................................................21 Figure 30: re-rendered character ..............................................................................22 Figure 31: Disney digital 3D....................................................................................22 Figure 32: Tangled environment ..............................................................................23 Figure 33: Rapunzel’s hair .......................................................................................24 V

` Figure 34: The photo has great depth ......................................................................24 Figure 35: Fusion Camera ........................................................................................26 Figure 36: CGI Technology .....................................................................................27 Figure 37: Nine-foot tall people of Avatar .............................................................27 Figure 38: Motion capture suits of Avatar ...............................................................28 Figure 39: Skull caps fitted with tiny camera ..........................................................28 Figure 40: Translating the facial expressions ..........................................................28 Figure 41: Creating the creatures of Avatar.............................................................29 Figure 42: Movement of the creatures .....................................................................30 Figure 43: Floating Mountains of Pandora ..............................................................30 Figure 44: Cameron seeing Pandora through his camera ........................................31 Figure 45: Sony F950 that used in Avatar ...............................................................32 Figure 46: Sony F35s that used in Tron ...................................................................32 Figure 47: The grid ..................................................................................................33 Figure 48: Hyper bike of Tron .................................................................................33 Figure 49: Lighting of costumes ..............................................................................34 Figure 50: Skin tight lighted costume (The back) ...................................................34 Figure 51: Skin tight lighted costume (The front) ...................................................34 Figure 52: Jeff Bridges wearing micro camera helmet – using Chroma Keying technique ..................................................................................................................35 Figure 53: The CLU .................................................................................................35 Figure 54: Hubble Space Telescope ........................................................................38 Figure 55: The IMAX 3D camera ............................................................................38 Figure 56: HFR Technology ....................................................................................39 Figure 57: Scene of a great depth ............................................................................41 Figure 58: The emotions of the flying monkey .......................................................42 Figure 59: Complete computer generated character ................................................42 Figure 60: Marionette made by a puppeteer ............................................................42 Figure 61: RealD projector ......................................................................................43 Figure 62: XPAND active shutter 3D glasses .........................................................44 Figure 63: Computer Generated environment .........................................................46 Figure 64: Her head looks larger .............................................................................47 Figure 65: Her waist is thin ......................................................................................47 Figure 66: She is shrinked........................................................................................47 Figure 67: She is enlarged........................................................................................47 Figure 68: Alice in tea cup .......................................................................................48 VI

` Figure 69: Second monitor with CGC .....................................................................48 Figure 70: First monitor with green background .....................................................48 Figure 71: Steps of converting Titanic into 3D .......................................................49 Figure 72: Jurassic park converting into 3D ............................................................50 Figure 73: 4D theatre ...............................................................................................52 Figure 74: Custom-built 4D theatre .........................................................................52 Figure 75: Snow Flakers in 4D theatre ....................................................................53 Figure 76: 7D theatre I .............................................................................................54 Figure 77: 7D theatre II............................................................................................55 Figure 78: Box office table of The Hobbit from Wikipedia ....................................56



Summary: Technology of filmmaking plays an important role in making all kinds of movies whether romance, action, historic and defiantly scientific ones, This technology has passed by many steps of development like photography which faced many changes then the digital camera appeared with its options and advantages. Also cinematography passed by several years of development from motion picture, appearance of sound and special effects then digital cinematography appear which affects cinematography in a great way. Then we got to 3D filmmaking which is the illusion of depth perception of a film. It is presented to the audience by various viewer techniques such as Active viewer technique, passive viewer techniques and Autostereoscopy. On the other hand motion capture has an important role in 3D Filmmaking including its systems and its advantages. The 3D camera systems and techniques are Digital 3D, IMAX, fusion camera system, red epic camera and other systems which are applied on many movies. As a result of the combination of 3D film with physical effects, 4D is traded as a technique for presenting not shooting The development of the technology took many advanced stages and professional techniques that are invariably engaged in a kind of unspoken deal with technology, in striking a bargain.



Chapter 1: Introduction



Purpose: Many surveys of various technologies that is involved in filmmaking, prove that directors always use technologies in everything concerning filmmaking like capturing, Illusion, image, sound and in presenting them to the audience. Surveys also proved that directors do their best to make technology of filmmaking like a window that makes the audience move onto another world whether fantasy or real but it differs in the tools and techniques used, on the other hand we will make you live in the scientific world behind scenes to know more about these professional techniques. Scope: Technology of filmmaking plays an important role in making all kinds of movies whether romance, action, historic and defiantly scientific ones, we will discuss the phases of technology of cinematography and photography in different decades and its effect on filmmaking by giving many examples about different movies, then we will talk about the future of this technology • In Chapter 2 we’ll talk about photography, cinematography and all the phases of its development. • In Chapter 3 We will discuss what's a 3D, stereoscopy and the difference between viewer system techniques and camera system techniques with illustrating the viewer system techniques, then we will talk about motion capture and its advantages and disadvantages • In Chapter 4 we get in depth into the camera system techniques and we'll start talking about digital 3D and the difference between old and new digital 3D then we will discuss re-rendering of computer animated 3D • In Chapter 5 will move to another different methods which are IMAX and Red Epic Camera and • By arriving to Chapter 6 we will get to know about fusion camera system and the well-known applications on it which are used in Avatar then we'll mention other systems. • In Chapter 7 we will talk about converting 2D movies to 3D with explaining all the steps 2

` • In Chapter 8 we’ll talk about future filmmaking and discuss whether 4D and 7D are real or fiction.

Methodology To bring the world of technology behind scenes to you; we took the track of searching on the internet, reading articles, watching movies, interviews with directors who have different ways of thinking and scientists working in this field and also videos that explain this technology, we divided all the work among us so we collected references, studied the materials and gathered photos that help in understanding the information more clearly, all of this in order to deliver this world to you!



Chapter 2: Development


` Nowadays filmmaking is affected by any development that happen in both photography and cinematography, as they are considered as great factors that play an important role in filmmaking, in order to understand filmmaking and how any change that occur in technology affect the making of a movie, you need to know what is meant by photography and cinematography and the development that happen to them. Photography: It is the art and science of creating durable images by recording the light and this is either chemically or electronically, chemically by using lightsensitive material like photographic film, electronically by using image sensor. The first Camera photography was invented in the early decades of the 19th century; it has more abilities than traditional media (painting and sculpture) as it was able to capture more details and information than it. Photography is the result of combining several technical discoveries, as it passes by many stages during its development over several years. Black and white photography: All photography was originally monochrome (black and white), even when color film appeared, black and white continued for long time; because of its lower cost, its classic photography look and the contrast between white and black, like in Figure 1 which represent black and white photo. Figure 1: Black and White Photo

Color photography then appeared at the beginning in the mid-19th century, it faced many problems as the color fade when it was exposed to light , that’s why there were many experiments on color photography that actually required long exposures (hours or days for camera images) and that didn’t solve the problem either. Many experiments have been made until 1861 when the first permanent color photograph was taken using a principle called the three-color-separation (Threecolor processes) it was published by physicist James Clerk Maxwell.


` Maxwell created the image of the ribbon by taking photos of it three times one through a red filter, one through a green filter and the last one through a blue filter. He then projected the three images onto a wall then recombining them into one color as showed in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Three-color-separation Process (Maxwell Theory)

This process is based on how the human eye can see as it is covered with millions of cells of three types one is the most sensitive to the end of the spectrum which is called (red), one is more sensitive to middle we call (green), and one is the most stimulated by (blue), then this process was developed to be used in making color printers, LCD (Liquid Crystal Diodes) and LED (Light-emitting Diodes) plasma. The digital camera which appears in Figure 3 appeared after passing many years of development; with its different options and abilities that enables the person to use it in any place and time as it takes digital images and videos then it stores them to be used in any other time

Figure 3: Digital camera


` In these days everyone has a digital camera because of its advantages like: reviewing your images and deleting what you don’t want from it, manipulating with the color and the type, you are also able to add to it anything you want. Cinematography on the other hand is the art and technology of motion-picture photography as it involves many techniques like the lightning, the choice of cameras and everything that belong to it like lenses, filters and camera angles also the addition of any special effects. Motion picture is one of the things that actually affect cinematography; it is a photograph on a film that is showed rapidly on to the screen by using light which gives the illusion of actual, smooth, and continuous movement. As in Figure 4 which represent a young girl that is moving fast, it gives you a filling as the photo is moving. Motion picture was affected when the noisy cameras appear (cameras that record both photos and sound), the development of silent cameras made cinematography flexible, the most two effective and important events in cinematography after the coming of sound were color and widescreen processes to achieve a greater depth of the scene.

Figure 4: Motion picture

Motion picture is considered as a very complex type of art as it required the cooperation of all fields like Figure 5: Development of motion picture (sound and photography) like in Figure 5 which represent the development of motion picture and how it is affected by other factors as the picture represent the rolling of dies and gives you illusion with the movement of the dies, at the end of the 19th century this new art form became one of the most popular and effective one of the 20th century. Visual effect is another thing that affects cinematography which could be artificial or mechanical effects that are added to a movie to give it another taste, the first artificial special effects were created through tricks or camera lenses. 7

` Artificial visual effects have developed over ages to be more realistic and to make the audience react more with the movie. From the tricks the makeup which is used to make things appear in different way. Like in Figure 6 which shows the putting of makeup , to make the actor seems as his face is burnt. In Figure 7 the makeup is mad to make the audience think that the actor is actually a vampire. Figure 6: Old makeup

Figure 7: Actor looks like a vampire

After that artificial visual effects have developed to more effective, like in Figure 8 which represent a makeup that has been made to hannd to make it apper as it is real wounds.

Figure 8: Hand seems as it has real wounds by the effect of makeup


` From camera lenses effects in the past is putting a moving background behind the actors, as shown in in Figure 9 the two actors are sitting in the car and the background behind them is moving, to make the audience feel as the car is moving.

Figure 9: moving background is pkaced behind actors

From the things that affect visual effects is the development of the optical printer which made it possible to combine different scenes together and to replace part of an image like making the actors able to fly or make them have some powers. As shown in Figure 10 the actor has a green background behind him and he is hanged by ropes then the camera make him appear as he is really flying.

Figure 10: The actor seems as he is really flying


` Special effects can also be made mechanically like explosions, weapons, building models to be suitable for some scenes like great weapons and battles, like Figure11 where an explosion has happened behind actor. Figure 11: Explosions

The great use of computer has created realistic visual effects as in Figure 12 the computer here is used to create a new shape and make it appear in the movie it is also used to increase the explosions that is made.

Figure 12: Computer make realistic visual effects


` At first directors used movie camera (photographic camera) to shoot a film which is a type of camera which takes a rapid sequence of photographs on the film, it is used for professional purpose, but it has many disadvantages that is why directors love to use digital video camera. Digital video cameras as Figure 13, became the best choice for shooting a film because it has the ability to record at high resolutions, it is much easier to perform transfers, uploads, apply affects and edit on digital media, a major advantage offered by these cameras is the high speed quality.

Figure 13: Digital video camera

Digital cinematography is the process of capturing motion pictures as digital video images. Digital capture may occur on video or hard disks, flash memory, or any other media that can record digital data by using digital movie video camera or any other digital video camera.



Chapter 3: 3D


` Most of us know or at least heard about 3D movies, 3D theaters or 3D televisions but have you ever wondered how do we see a two dimensional photo as a three dimensional photo that appears to look real? Did you try to know the role of physics in such entertainment tools? 3D or a Three-dimensional space in physics is known as a geometric model consists of 3 parameters which are length, width and depth (as shown in Figure 15) but in filming world it's the illusion of depth perception of a film but it's not far from just an application on the definition of physics.

Figure 14: Three Dimensional parameters

3D also called S3D (stereoscopic 3D) which is a technique for creating the illusion of the 3rd dimension (depth) in an image by means of stereopsis for binocular vision (a vision in which two eyes are used together) by meaning of viewing two offset images separately to the left and right eye of the viewer. These twodimensional images are then combined in the brain to give the perception of 3D depth, we can understand how does the right eye and left eye see from figures 15 and 16.

Figure 16: How Human’s eye see in 3D I

Figure 15 : How Human’s eye see in 3D II


` It was discovered that the human brain process separate information from both sides of the brain that they simultaneously process information. One part of the brain process the image’s movement while the other part understand what is actually happening from where we see motion 3D picture. All of these processes to make us view a 3D motion picture depend on various techniques, we can separate them theoretically into 2 branches; the first branch is viewer system techniques which include all the necessary things that make us feel the illusion of 3D like the theatre preparation, glasses and so on. The second branch is camera system techniques which would explain how does a 3D film is being shoot whether the types of cameras used or the software that transferred the film into 3D but we will discuss this branch is the next chapters (See chapter 4, 5 and 6). But we should not neglect the strong relation between both branches as they both depend on each other, and some viewer systems is not applied except on specific camera system techniques and that also we’ll mention later.

3D viewer systems consist of 3 types which are Active viewer systems, Passive viewer systems and Autostereoscopy systems. Active viewers have electronics which interact with the display itself unlike Passive viewers filter constant streams of binocular input to the appropriate eye. Active viewer include Active Shutter System which works by presenting the image alternatively between the right eye and the left eye by blocking the right eye's view and presenting it to the left one, then presenting the right-eye image while Figure 17: Active shutter 3D glasses blocking the left eye and repeating this so rapidly until the two images are combined into a single 3D image, the glasses used to do this sequential operation is called LC (Liquid Crystal) shutter glasses, each eye's glass contains a liquid crystal layer which 14

` becomes dark when there is a voltage, otherwise it's transparent. The glasses are controlled by a timing signal that allows the glasses to alternately darken over one eye and then the other in synchronization with the refresh rate of the screen (See Figure 17) Unlike the Active viewers, Passive Viewers have several systems which are: • Polarization systems: Polarization systems depend on the process of filtering waves of lights emitting from the display which represents the definition of polarization as shown in Figure 18, a polarized 3D system uses polarization glasses to create the illusion of 3D images by restricting the light that reaches each eye, to present stereoscopic images and films, two images are projected installed onto the same display Figure 18: How polarization filters work through different polarizing filters. The viewer wears eyeglasses that contain a pair of different polarizing filters as each filter passes only that light which is similarly polarized and blocks the light polarized in the opposite direction so each eye sees a different image. This is used to produce a 3D effect by presenting the same scene into both eyes, but depicted from a little bit different perspectives. • Color Anaglyph 3D: Color Anaglyph 3D is the stereoscopic 3D effect made by encoding each eye's image using filters of different Figure 19: Anaglyph glasses colors, typically red and cyan. Anaglyph 3D pictures consist of two differently filtered colored pictures, one for each eye. When you view through the anaglyph glasses like the one in figure 19, each of the two pictures reaches one eye, revealing an integrated stereoscopic Figure 20: Anaglyph before and after filtering picture. The brain’s visual cortex fuses this into perception of a 3D scene just like the effect that appears in figure 20. 15


• Inference Filter systems: This technique uses specific wavelengths which are red, green, and blue for the right eye, and different wavelengths of the same colors for the left eye, the eyeglasses that filter out the very specific wavelengths allow the wearer to see a full color 3D image. • Chromadepth system: The Procedure of Chromadepth is based on the fact that with a prism (a transparent optical element with flat) colors are separated by varying degrees. The eyeglasses of this technique (Like the one in figure) contain special view foils which consist of Figure 19: Chromadepth Glasses microscopically small prisms. This causes translating the image by a certain amount that depends on its color. The most thing that distinguish this technique is can regard pictures as clear 2D image if we didn't use the Chromadepth glasses. • Pulfrich method: The effect of this method is based on the human eye phenomenon of processing images more slowly when there is lesser light, as when looking through a dark lens that’s why its glasses is has one dark lens and the Figure 20: Pulfrich method’s glasses other is transparent as shown in Figure 20; because the Pulfrich impact depends on motion in a particular direction to instigate the illusion of depth, over all, this technique is not very useful as much as other stereoscopic techniques. • Over/under format: 3D viewing in this technique is created by placing an image pair one over one another. Special viewers are made for over/under format that tilts the right eyesight slightly up and the left eyesight slightly down. The most common with 16

` mirrors is the View Magic. This technique is achieved using KMQ stereo Prismatic glasses like the one in Figure 21. Figure 21: KMQ viewer

Autostereoscopy (glasses-free 3D): Auto stereoscopic display technologies use optical components in the display, instead of worn by the user to enable each eye to see a different image, the optics split the images directionally into the viewer's eyes, so the display viewing geometry requires limited head Figure 22: Glasses-free positions that will achieve the 3D effect. Automultiscopic displays provide multiple views of the same scene, rather than just two from a different range of positions in front of the display. This allows the viewer to move left and right in front of the display and see the correct view from any position. The technology of Auto stereoscopy includes two broad classes of displays, One of them use head-tracking to ensure that each of the viewer's two eyes sees a different image on the screen, and the other display multiple views so that the display does not need to know where the viewers' eyes are directed (See Figure 23).

Figure 23: Autostereoscopy Display

From the thing that has affected the development of 3D greatly is motion capture, it is a technique that has appeared because of great interfere of computers in filmmaking and the great development of software and programs, it has many advantages and disadvantages.


` Motion capture: It is the process of recording alive motion or movement of objects, it is used in many fields like sports, entertainment, medical applications, film making and video game development which are translated it into a data that can be used for a 3D computer animation, which mean that it’s used to transfer live behavior to digital performance. As in Figure 24 it is used to make the face of the actor burnt , sometimes it is hard to make these things appear realistic by using makeup so directors use motion capture .

Figure 24: The face of the actor seem as it is burnt

Advantages From the advantages of motion capture that it is faster than traditional computer animation of 3D model, complexity or the time of the performance is the same degree as using traditional technique which allows many tests to be made, complex and different can be easily Figure 25 motion capture is used to make the actor appear in that shape because it is easier than using make up and make it is more realistic. Figure 25: Changing the whole character by motion capture


` Disadvantages From disadvantages of motion capture is that the price of the equipment and software is very high and most of times it can’t be afford by producers, any movement that does not follow the rules of physics will not be captured, special types of hardware and software are needed to obtain data. Methods and systems Motion capture started as an analytic tool of photography in biology-mechanics researches that is because it needs the study of human body and it is movement to be used correctly when applying it to some programs on computers, then it passed by several stages of development, nowadays the actors wears markers near each joint to clarify the movement by the places and angles in between the markers. Like in Figure 26 and 27 which shows how actors put these markers while shooting.

Figure 26: Actor shoot a scene by using markers for motion capture

Figure 27: Two actors putting marks for motion capture



Chapter 4: Digital 3D


` In the previous chapter we knew about viewer system techniques and Motion capture, they both have an important role in any 3D film but it would lose its importance without Camera System Techniques such as Digital 3D, IMAX, Red Epic Camera, Fusion camera systems and others. Digital 3D: Digital 3D isn't a specific 3D standard in which films, television shows and video games are presented and shot in digital 3D technology or later processed in digital post-production to add a 3D effect. Difference between Old 3D and Digital 3D: Both old and new 3D movies rely on human vision to create deep, panoramic scenes and objects that seem to fly from the screen. Old 3D movies: • Directors used maquettes (3D physical models) to help them figure out how a 3D character would move in a 3D space as in Figure 28 • Viewers used Anaglyph viewer system to view the 3D motion image.

Digital 3D: • Directors use digital 3D animators as the one in Figure 29 that can fool your eyes and brain into thinking that they're looking into a 3D space rather than at a 2D screen, it's like looking through a window into real. • It uses any viewer systems.

Figure 28: Maquettes

Figure 29 : Computer re-rendering



Re-rendering of computer animated films: Computer animated 2D movie made with 3D models such as Shrek which can be re-rendered in stereoscopic 3D by adding a second virtual camera if the original data is still in Figure 30. Re-rendered films have the same quality as films originally produced in stereoscopic 3D. Examples of movies used this technique: Toy Story and Tangled. Figure 30: re-rendered character

Walt Disney Digital 3D: Disney Digital 3D in Figure 31 is a brand name of Digital 3D of The Walt Disney Company to describe 3D films made or released by Walt Disney Pictures and shown exclusively using digital projection. It's not a presentation or a production format or technology; it can be presented using any digital 3D technology. Example of Disney 3D: Tangled.

Figure 31: Disney digital 3D

Now we will take Tangled as a detailed Example for re-rendering of computer animated films and Disney Digital 3D. 22

` Tangled In Tangled the Directors wanted to combine between the strength of the basic principles animation traditionally (traditional hand drown style) and the CGI (computer generated imagery) and all that to bring the warmth feeling of hand drawn to CGI, it is also worth mentioning that they used non-photorealistic rendering, but the director wanted the film to feel like a traditional hand-drawn Disney film in 3D that’s why the animators tried to do that by making the computer seems as the pencil which they can call a three dimensional drawing. Characters and environment movement The Disney’s 3D animator took the Snow white house, built it and painted it then he begins to give it some movement and dimension. They used subsurface scattering (A mechanism of light transport in which light penetrates the surface of a translucent object) and global illumination (A group of algorithms used in 3D computer graphics that are meant to add more realistic lighting to 3D scenes) and all the latest techniques convince viewers that the characters and the environment are real as shown in Figure 32 . Figure 32: Tangled environment


` The hardest movement of the characters was the hair movement as it was a big challenge, they wanted it to be soft and smooth hair ,the senior software engineer spent six years in coding the programs in order to make it move in the way they wanted ,they also used discrete differential geometry to produce effects that was desired like the improvement of the version of hair simulation program which is called dynamic wires in order to make people believe that the hair float in water as shown in Figure 33.

Figure 33: Rapunzel’s hair

Cameras and techniques used in Tangled As the directors didn’t want to focus on the realism nor the depth between camera and projector so they tried to use the depth artistically than before and here the role of cameras came at the beginning of using a new technique which is called multi rigging that is made up using multiple pairs of virtual cameras, those pairs of cameras will be acting individually to give depth to the scene for the characters and the background as in Figure.

Figure 34: The photo has great depth



Chapter 5: Fusion camera system


` Fusion Camera Systems: The Fusion Camera System’s invention as shown in Figure 35 was built upon the existing of 3D systems; the previous systems required the use of two cameras. From this point we've to mention the great role of James Cameron and Pace who took the knowledge of how a brain could translate and process a motion 3D picture and created a system that was able to put different components into one complete picture using one camera with two lenses that works together simulating the human eye. So we can define the Fusion Camera System as one camera that is capable of processing multiple aspects at the same time.

Figure 35: Fusion Camera

Cament: Cament is a thing that allows a network of different devices to work together. It is incorporated recording, playback options and images. The Fusion Camera System’s utilization of a cament created a smoother and more cohesive filming process than had ever been possible with other 3D systems. Directors became able to go back and edit filming in a more precise manner because all components of the video had been combined during the filming process. The use of a cament in the Fusion Camera System cut the editing process in half and enhanced the quality of filming. Fusion camera is applied on many movies such as Avatar and Tron legacy:

Avatar: The director (James Cameron) said that the film is a combination of a full liveaction shoot with computer-generated characters and live environments (60% computer-generated elements and 40% live action), this live action was shot with the modified version of the digital 3D Fusion Camera System.


` Avatar was done at 24 frames per second (HFR technology), Cameron used CGI technology as shown in Figure 36 and he used his virtual camera system, by using motion capture in filmmaking, which showed the actor's virtual counterparts in the time of filming, which allowed the director to direct the scenes as if he was shooting a normal scene, but any other elements cannot be seen until the motion capture of the actors is complete.

Figure 36: CGI Technology

From the challenges that faced the crew of the film: • The Avatars Look: The director wanted to create nine-foot tall blue people as in Figure 37, but he didn't want to use makeup nor any costume fittings to make them appear in that way, instead he used technology, he used motion capture but this time he didn't need a computer as he has the fusion camera which make them appear in that shape without any editing, Figure 37: Nine-foot tall people of Avatar


` The actors trained a lot to deal with this technology from the motion capture suits as in Figure 38, to the skull caps as in Figure 39 fitted with a tiny camera positioned in front of the actors' face in order to collect their facial expressions and eyes then it is transmitted to the computers just as in Figure 40, the director did not need repeated cameras nor the lighting setups as it was only one camera shooting. Figure 38: Motion capture suits of Avatar

Figure 40: Translating the facial expressions Figure 39: Skull caps fitted with tiny camera



• Creating creatures in Avatar: This challenge consists of two tough missions: the first was the look of the creatures and the other was the movement of these creatures, the director believe in the team work, so he worked with scientists of different fields and different ways of thinking to figure out a solution for these challenges To create the shape of the creatures they used advanced computer animation techniques to develop the unique look and appearance as in Figure 41 so Computer animation artists spent hours creating these creatures and the other special features.

Figure 41: Creating the creatures of Avatar


` Concerning the movement of these animals they used the special technique of live action in which each movement of the creatures in the film was created using real movements of animals as shown in Figure 42 that were selected as models for the film’s creatures to form the creatures’ movements and special action-capturing techniques. They used special sensors that were placed on the animals which were Figure 42: Movement of the creatures used as models for the creatures in Pandora, and then these movements were translated onto the computer that made it appear real and natural. • Making Pandora real: We know that floating mountains may not exist, but in Avatar it was possible as in Figure 43 advanced 3D filming also helped them in making actors' movements. The special effects and technology used to create the realistic world in Pandora were translated into the camera.

Figure 43: Floating Mountains of Pandora


` Cameron was able to look through his camera and see the whole world of Pandora surrounding it as shown in Figure 44 which can be modified easily. It allowed him also to create a better flow in filming and produce more realistic effect. In this film there were many innovations including a new system for lighting of massive areas like Pandora's jungle, a motion capture stage or volume six times larger than any previously used to simulate the Pandora size. Figure 44: Cameron seeing Pandora through his camera

Moving to another example… Tron Legacy: Earlier Technology used: At first the film was not in 3D so it was quite boring although the technology used wasn't bad, it was the first film that computer animation studio was made especially for it, when the film began to develop it was named (Tron Legacy) it began to grade from the simplest technology like the Chroma keying which was used to allow more freedom in creating effects to the more complicated techniques. This film has helped the pioneers to have more knowledge in the computer generated special effects of movies.

Cameras and shooting: They decided to improve the cameras used in Avatar; that they developed the lenses and they improved the system as they made a breathless mix between live action and photo realistic animation. 31

` The film was shot in dual camera 3D using Pace Fusion rigs like the one used in Avatar but not exactly the same, in which Avatar used Sony F950 cameras while Tron used F35s.

Figure 45: Sony F950 that used in Avatar

Figure 46: Sony F35s that used in Tron

As they seem a like F35 have many benefits more than F950as it has a full 35mm sensor which gives that beautiful cinematic shadow depth of field. It worth mentioning that the beginning of the film was shot in 2D, but 40 minutes of the film were enhanced for IMAX, all the scenes on the grid were shoot in 3D using camera that was developed mainly for that, while those scenes in the real world were shoot in 2D then they were finally altered by the three-dimensional elements.



Software used, design and effects: The director faced two big challenges: the grid and the customs of the actors. • The first challenge was the grid as he wanted the audience to feel that the grid was real as in Figure 47.

Figure 47: The grid

so he tried to make the widest hyper bikes as in Figure 48 so he believed that he should co-operate with people who were out of the film industry field like architecture and automotive designers so the grid would look like an advanced version of cyberspace.

Figure 48: Hyper bike of Tron


` They wanted the place to be as dark silhouetted objects dipped in an atmosphere with clouds in-between, that's why lights were major of Tron look as in Figure 49 so the lighting was spread through every prop on the set.

Figure 49: Lighting of costumes

The second challenge was the design of the costumes so he made skintight lighted costumes as in Figure 51. It was very complicated to get the batteries for the electroluminescent lights that they used, on the back of the suit was an illuminated disc that consists of 134 LED lights that attached to the costumes via a magnet as in Figure 50.

Figure 51: Skin tight lighted costume (The front)

Figure 50: Skin tight lighted costume (The back)


` Visual effects To make the visual effects happen ten companies participate, the production team blended several special effects techniques like Chroma keying (Blue background) and the micro cameras which they used as shown in Figure 52, but the most complicated part was to create a digital human.

Figure 52: Jeff Bridges wearing micro camera helmet – using Chroma Keying technique

The actor (Jeff Bridges) was in his sixties but they wanted him to appear in his thirties, this was named as CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) it was the first photo realistic 3D digital character based on living actor in the film history, they used four micro cameras with infrared sensors to capture all 134 dots on bridges face as in Figure 53

Figure 53: The CLU



Chapter 6: IMAX and Red Epic camera and other systems


` There is another type of camera system techniques which is IMAX. IMAX stands for Image MAXimum, it's a motion picture film format and a set of cinema projection standards, it has the capacity to record and display images of much greater size and resolution than traditional film systems that's why most of other movies formatted in other systems usually transferred into IMAX format and displayed in IMAX theatre when Digital IMAX appeared. Digital IMAX: IMAX released digital IMAX projector system due to the costly projectors and difficult mass produce, It uses two projectors that can present either 2D or 3D content but it had a disadvantage that the resolution of the Digital IMAX was much lower than the regular IMAX film, one of the movies that released in Digital IMAX 3D is Final Destination 5. Although a Digital IMAX projector has a low resolution, a Digital IMAX Camera is not the same. Digital IMAX 3D Camera: After a alongside vision research, IMAX released a 4K (a generic term for display devices) 3D digital camera with the similar wide resolution of traditional IMAX film cameras, however we can't replace the high resolution film cameras with the digital IMAX cameras completely due its high cost but we can use it partially due to its lightweight and small size. Due the high resolution of the IMAX Digital Camera, it's used in shooting 3D documentary movies such as Born to be Wild and Hubble.


` Hubble (Astronauts as Filmmakers): NASA worked with the IMAX Corporation and Warner Bros. Pictures to produce Hubble 3D that talks about footage of spacewalking astronauts repairing Hubble (The space station) from which astronauts acted as filmmakers. The footage seen within the movie was compiled from multiple sources, The IMAX 3D camera contained a mile of film that allowed 8 minutes and 30 seconds of footage to be recorded, including taking IMAX cameras into space to Hubble Space station as in Figure 54: Hubble Space Telescope Figure 54 the telescope Servicing on the Space Shuttle allowed the camera to shoot footage of the satellite close-up and during maintenance.

In this film, The IMAX camera flew on the ORUC (Orbital Replacement Unit Carrier) and looked up at Hubble, offering a previously unseen and unique perspective. They used also a hand-held free-floating camera inside the crew cabin itself. The camera had three lenses for versatility as shown in Figure 55.

Figure 55: The IMAX 3D camera


` Moving to another important type of Camera system techniques which are Red Epic Camera… Red Epic Camera System is a system that uses special software to cope with the movie needs, it consists of several versions and the most advantage of this system is the high resolution that it can get up to 5K. Examples of movies used this system: The Hobbit and Oz the Great and Powerful. The Hobbit: Technology used: The Hobbit is one of the most disappointing cinematic experiences in recent memory that filmed in 3D Technology using red epic cameras, they used in this production 48 epic cameras and they also used a specialty rig designed by 3ality technical (company based on high definition), using two cameras and mirror in order to achieve the effect that similar to that of human sight to achieve the 3D mode and technology. The Hobbit was filmed at 5K resolution that is clearer than the 4k resolution. Using “HFR” technology: In this film the director did not shoot the film in 3D but he used the technology of “HFR” which stands for High Frame Rate. It’s just a few frames faster than what the brain needs in order to trick the viewer into seeing what effectively still images are, appear to move on screen as shown in Figure 56.

Figure 56: HFR Technology

It’s called “Persistence of Vision Theory” which go side by side with the motion blur which we can get it by shooting at 24 FPS (Frame Per Second) and at 1/48 of second ,is just an important in making look (cinematic) and simulate the human sight without any different in depth.


` Visual effects of the hobbit: Unlike using the full-body make-up and prosthetics, in The Hobbit they used computer-generated faces and CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) which is an application of computer graphics to create or contribute to images in art, printed media, video games ,films ,television programs ,commercials and simulators the visual scenes may be two dimensional (2D) . They can also use by a home user and edited together on programs such as windows movie maker or IMovie)


` Oz the great and powerful The film was shot in Red epic 3D camera with using computer generated characters. Visual effects in OZ: The Land of Oz was designed to bring the sense of great depth to the scenes as in Figure 57s, the amazing in the movie was not only the computer-generated characters but also this depth of 3D which was added to each environment which make the audience feel as it is real, the director began shooting alive action against the blue screen, then it was completed by computer generated imagery,

Figure 57: Scene of a great depth



The director faced many challenges to make the characters of the movie and from these characters: • The flying monkey, Finley: It was designed so that the skin be wrinkle and to have fur to make the expressions and feelings appear on him as shown in Figure 58.

Figure 58: The emotions of the flying monkey • The china girl: It was a marionette made by a puppeteer as in Figure 60, in the movie it was a complete computer generated character as in Figure 61 it was a great challenge as they all had to work under certain conditions; most of the performance was created by placing the head and creating very suitable facial expressions, this marionette played a role with the inter action with actors as it was better than the classic tennis ball on the stick that they were acting with and that helped in making the eye line right.

Figure 60: Marionette made by a puppeteer

Figure 59: Complete computer generated character



All the systems that we have mentioned in details whether Camera systems techniques or Viewer system techniques are not all what exists but there are many other techniques like: • Dolby 3D. Dolby 3D uses a digital stereoscopic projection technology with circular polarizing system. It needs a special type of 3D glasses with special multi-coated lenses which is expensive, the projection screen required in a Dolby Digital 3D system is actually the same as the one used for a standard 2D digital projection screen.

• RealD 3D. RealD 3D uses digital stereoscopic projection technology as shown in Figure 61 with a circular polarizing system as same as the Dolpy system. Glasses used in RealD 3D is not expensive to produce. The theater requires a special type of silver screen that can keep up with the polarization needs of the stereoscopic images being projected. The disadvantage of this screen is that it might produce reflection issues on the viewer and it can't present movies in 2D.

Figure 61: RealD projector



• XpanD 3D. XPAND 3D is a brand name of a system for presenting 3D films in home theater, digital cinemas, video games and other applications. XPAND utilizes active-shutter 3D glasses as the one in Figure 62.

Figure 62: XPAND active shutter 3D glasses

• MasterImage 3D. MasterImage 3D is a company that releases stereoscopic 3D systems for theaters, and auto-stereoscopic (glasses-free 3D) displays for mobile devices. • Panavision 3D. Panavision 3D is a system for presenting 3D film in a digital cinema. It's a passive stereoscopic 3D system that utilizes spectral comb filters produced using thin film optics technology. The visible spectrum is broken into alternative bands of light that evenly span the entire visible spectrum.



Chapter 7: 2D to 3D?


` There are many films that are released in 3D these days, but these films have different ways of making; some of them are shot in 2D with using CGI or 3D models to be converted to 3D, while others are shot in 2D and they released in that way and after many years they were converted to 3D. 2D films made with 3D forms: Alice in wonderland Types of camera In this film a traditional camera was used then it was converted to 3D using computer-generated, as the director felt it would be less time-consuming. They knew from the beginning that it would be shot by stereoscopic camera and they were going to use two 3D cameras but at the end they decided not to use 3D for many reasons. The first reason that they wanted to use a camera with high resolution and there wasn’t a real 4K camera to give them the resolution they wanted. The second reason that it was a live action movie with few computer generated characters, they didn’t use stereo because most of characters and environments were computer generated, they were taking components then they put them into the plate. Technology used Most of characters in this film were computer generated and they kept changing their sizes to be suitable with the different places and environments as shown in Figure 63, from the challenges that the director faced is that when all the characters were in one scene they would fit it so the viewers won’t feel that the characters are contradicting, so they came up with many interactive and suitable ideas.

Figure 63: Computer Generated environment

The most two challenging characters in the film were Red Queen and Alice: 46

` • The Red Queen: The challenge was how her head and her waist would be in order to be suitable with the scenes, the director made a trick on her neck and collar, he got a piece of her clothes and used it to below her neckline, he also made her waist thin to show her head bigger, but to track her head he put garbage matte over her head to make it larger as shown in Figure 64 and 65, then he controlled her size by changing its percentage then he can make it smaller as he wanted.

Figure 65: Her waist is thin

Figure 64: Her head looks larger

• Alice: The challenge was how to change her height to fit the scenes, they constantly changed her size by shrinking her size to fit the tiny door and small environments, as in Figure 66 or enlarging her to be giant to fit the large environments as in Figure 67, they used 3D to make the change of her size better by putting the camera low so that she would be taller and putting the camera high to make it her shorter while things big.

Figure 66: She is shrinked

Figure 67: She is enlarged


` Visual effects of the film In this film the visual effects was used to make the audience feel what Alice was facing in different adventures When Alice is trapped in a teacup, you feel that too as in Figure 68

. Figure 68: Alice in tea cup

They used the green screen to make the eye lines correct, the environment was a very hard challenge so that they made lots of environments which allowed them to have two monitors one with the actors over the green background and the other the actor appear in as shown in Figures 69 and 70.

Figure 70: First monitor with green background

Figure 69: Second monitor with CGC

Old 2D films released in that way then are converted into 3D Lots of directors have decided to change their movies to 3D in order to have better quality also because 3D movies became so popular and a success now days. Converting into 3D is the process of transferring 2D film to 3D one, as you create imagery for each eye from 2D image, converting film from 2D into 3D is just like adding depth to digital images that is preserved in the brain; it needs accuracy and great experience to be done well. 48

` Titanic: Converting the film to 3D needs some steps which are 1. Filling in Shadows: When creating dimensions in 3D, the artists had to produce separate images that would cover both right and left – eye views, this is considered one of the hardest challenges ever in conversion, which is replacing shadows (this operation like placing your hand in front of your eye and concentrating on the background you will be able to see part of it, but if you switch eyes you will be able to see the part that you couldn’t see before) in 2D one eye view doesn’t exist that’s why they had to construct a new image fits to the shadow Here, parts of the ship were taken from other frames and painted in to fill the shadow. 2. Adjusting depth: One of the complexities of converting to 3D is create depth between a person and someone closer to the camera. 3. Creating a depth map: Figure 71: Steps of converting Titanic into 3D In this step artists create dimensions for the characters in both body and face, when this scene was shot by 2d camera they took it from far away where many people appear. 4. Rot scoping: Everything has a depth around it, in this stage they remove the thing from the depth around it; here the artists draw lines around the object that needed to be on a different depth plane


` Another 2D movie that was changed into 3D: Jurassic park: Jurassic park was changed to 3D to have better quality and to be seen in 3D, It passes by several steps to be converted: 1. Rot scoping: This is the process of making frame to each single image to be able to assign its depth 2. Depth map: This is where real artistry comes in with different frames to assign their depth 3. Creative feedback: When the depth map is complete, the filmmaker here takes a look to all the work that has been done, and he gives a feedback about it. When the filmmaker is happy with the depth map he begins to clean up. We can see the steps in Figure 72.

Figure 72: Jurassic park converting into 3D



Chapter 8: Future of filmmaking


` 4D: 4D in movie world doesn’t mean 4 Dimensional spaces by the definition of physics but it’s just marketing term for entertainment presentation system combining a 3D film with physical effects that occur in the theatre just to attract people as shown in Figure 73.

Figure 73: 4D theatre

4D is a technique for presenting not shooting: 4D is traded as a technique for presenting not shooting; it’s a technique for presenting in custom-built theaters at special venues such as Amusement parks and Theme parks as shown in Figure 74 but some movie theaters have the ability to present 4D versions of wide release 3D films such as "Avatar" and “Journey to the center of the earth“.

Figure 74: Custom-built 4D theatre


` Converting 3D into 4D: We can separate the effects that are made to convert 3D into 4D to 3 things: • First: 4D films include rain, wind, stunning lights and vibration. • Second: 4D venues may be vibrate or move few inches during the presentations. • Third: Hall effects may include smoke, rain, lighting, air bubbles and special smells. Marketing 4D films: Some times 4D films have been considered as 5D, 6D or 7D in order to show the unique effects in their theatre effects it is only marketing labels. 5D The 5D screens have some important components of the theatre which are the accurate conjunction with the motion of objects and stereo systems to create the mood which is suitable to the scene to make a simulation of the world in the film to the world of the watcher. As an example of the physical conditions they make lightning for a rainy day, water sprinklers, snow flakers for snow periods as shown in Figure 75,and other features like seat effects like flowing water, chair movements, vibrations and rotations and that is through automatic chair controllers, hydraulic and electric and color scheme to be suitable for the film environment and there is more innovative systems involving the sense of smell by incorporating fragrances to make it a completely sensory impression.

Figure 75: Snow Flakers in 4D theatre


` 7D 7D definition and popularity 7D is known as the mobile cinema which is considered as the new technology that will give the viewer the feeling of the adventure during one sitting, this technique requires screening of most of the films that are recently produced while the introducing of the physical effects that in touch with the movie like the blowing of wind and air, falling of rain and snow, generally changing in the weather conditions also seating effects like raking, feet sweeping, wetness, and rapid vibrations. make the audience feel that they are included in the film in a tricky way as shown in Figure 76, that will help to increase the viewer’s entertainment for example if they in the winter and there is a summer film that will be cool for them, that also what made this kind to have a great popularity in a short time.

Figure 76: 7D theatre I


` 7D theatre features It’s like the feeling of watching a film in 7D but this time in theatre, that theatre is quite few but became loved for most people of all ages. It’s based on a system of a chair that is hydraulically made with 6 chairs related together, it’s mainly focused on special effects like air conditioning, lightning conditions, raindrops, falling snow as shown in Figure 77, and those effects which make the viewer feel the film is real.

Figure 77: 7D theatre II

Difference between 4D and 7D The 4D films usually can be watched on a 3D screen and vice versa, depending on the stage equipment available at the client disposal. on the other hand for the shows of 7D movies includes many equipment and it is more interested to the watchers, these ways include High-end 3D video servers that enable both HD and SD formats to run in perfect sync, personal speakers and comprehensive package among others.


` Future vision As technology makes our life easier, technology made a leap in the box office and its future. The first computerized box office arrived in the early of the 1980s. That shows the effect of technology on making movies which affect the box office in the all world like: Avatar and The Hobbit. The Hobbit box office: Figure 78 represent box office ratings that show the effect of technology on the film.

Figure 78: Box office table of The Hobbit from Wikipedia



Conclusion: This investigation has led to the following conclusions: 1.

Every moment technology keeps developing to reach another level to take you to another world full of imagination, fun and useful (4).


The successful producer and director needs to be talented and hard-working to make sense of the tools he has and how to use them wisely (22).


There is a difference between the Viewer system techniques and the camera system techniques and each have several methods (12).


Digital 3D is a good improvement of Old 3D (21).


The ability of directors like James Cameron to make change in filmmaking that's by developing the fusion camera system which made him a scientist, director and camera man (26).


The strong vision of the director can open many doors of creativity to be achieved in real world (37).


There is difference between scenes shot in 2D and those shot in 3D (46).


The bright future of filmmaking will open a new track to creativity (52).



References: Digital camera

(24/5/2014) Photography

(22/5/2014) Cinematography

(26/5/2014) Film vs. digital (12/5/2014) 3D


Digital 3D (10/5/2014) RealD cinema (22/5/2014) red Epic camera (31/5/2014) Fusion camera (19/5/2014) Active shutter 3D (5/5/2014) Imax (26/5/2014) 58

` Dolby 3D (16/5/2014) 2D to 3D conversion (9/5/2014) 4D (30/5/2014) 7D theatre (18/5/2014) Alice in wonder land (28/5/2014) OZ the great and powerful (26/5/2014) Tron Legacy (2/5/2014) Hubble 3D (9/5/2014) Avatar (22/5/2014) ch%3Fv%3D1wK1Ixr-UmM&h=GAQEdkOwd 59

` The Hobbit (23/5/2014) Tangled (18/5/2014) Box office (15/5/2014)


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