Technoir Players Guide
April 21, 2017 | Author: Derrick D. Cochran | Category: N/A
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The Technoir Player’s Guide is for use with the core rules found in Technoir, a hightech hard-boiled roleplaying game by Jeremy Keller. Visit for more information and downloads.
CREDITS Writing, Design, Layout, Icons Jeremy Keller
Chris Adkins, Cam Banks, Lenny Balsera, Tracy Barnett, Daniel Bayn, Lauren DeSteno, Mark DiPasquale, Morgan Ellis, Will Hindmarch, Ben Hutchings, Brenden Johnson, Ryan Macklin, Jason Morningstar, Garret Narjes, Michelle Nephew, Sean Preston, Josh Rensch, Melissa Rensch, Colleen Riley, Kira Scott, Travis Scott, Jeff Tidball
Generation.................................................. 3 Verbs........................................................... 4 Adjectives.................................................... 5 Connections................................................ 6 Objects........................................................ 7 Contention................................................ 10 Restoration............................................... 14 Notes......................................................... 15 Exposition................................................. 16
GENERATION 1. Select three training programs
Pick three programs that your protagonist has undergone from the table below. You may pick the same program twice, but not for all three selections.
2. Determine verb ratings
Fill in the first box for each verb on your protagonist sheet. For each program, fill in an additional box for each of the three verbs it teaches.
3. Select adjectives
For each training program, select one of the listed adjectives that best describes your protagonist and write it on your sheet next to a . Or you can come up with your own. Mark both boxes next to that adjective to indicate it is locked.
4. Select three connections
Pick from the starting Transmission. Note the name and city of each connection. You can also add your fellow protagonists to your connections list.
5. Assign relationship adjectives
Go around the table. When it’s your turn, pick a relationship adjective from page “Relationship Adjectives” on page 5 and assign it to one of the characters on your connections list. Repeat as often as everyone can get a relationship adjective.
6. Purchase objects using kreds
You start with 10 Kreds. Buy objects from the catalog in this booklet by paying the listed cost. Write the object and its tags on your protagonist sheet. You can buy additional upgrade tags for 1 Kred each. Objects with the implant tag cost 5 Kreds to install. Connections with the shark, fix, chop, or splice favors can provide loans or discounts. Tell the GM whenever you call in a favor. 2 favors per connection max.
7. Finish the protagonist
Name your character. Write a short description. Start with three Push dice.
TRAINING PROGRAMS Program Bodyguard Courier Criminal Doctor Engineer Escort Investigator Pilot Soldier
Verbs (increase each by 1) Coax, Fight, and Treat Fight, Move, and Prowl Hack, Prowl, and Shoot Detect, Operate, and Treat Coax, Hack, and Operate Coax, Move, and Treat Detect, Hack, and Prowl Detect, Operate, and Shoot Fight, Move, and Shoot
Adjectives (pick one) alert, patient, or protective agile, fast, or healthy brutal, clever, or sneaky attentive, smart, or steady logical, obsessive, or technical limber, savvy, or sexy intuitive, observant, or persistent ace, quick, or spatial brave, strong, or tough
Verbs describe your protagonist’s ability to perform actions relevant to the criminal adventures she will become involved in. They are used to create positive and negative adjectives on other characters and their objects. Here are descriptions of the nine verbs. Listed with each are examples of adjectives it might be used to create.
Used to influence people through words and body language. Eager Supported Confident
Confused Embarrassed Shamed
Used to notice details and track people. Watched Recognized
Marked Nervous Paranoid
Used to attack bare handed and with melee weapons. Shielded
Stunned Bruised Severed
Used to access and manipulate other’s objects electronically. Monitored Secured Firewalled
Hacked Glitching Crashed
Used to get around under your own power—run, swim, climb, jump. Pushed
Outpaced Sprained Broken
Used to drive vehicles, pilot aircraft, and control mobile machinery. Directed
Shaken Dented Totalled
Used to sneak around and get into places you are not wanted. Hidden Disguised
Distracted Oblivious Blind
Used to attack with ranged weapons, personal or vehicle mounted. Covered
Shocked Bloody Maimed
Used to mend physical and psychological wounds. Stimulated Strong Healthy
Nauseated Poisoned Diseased
Adjectives are traits that make you stand out. Here are a list of potential positive adjectives you could use when creating a new protagonist. You’re not required to use these, you can always make up your own. ace aggressive agile alert analytical angry artistic attentive authoritative bossy brainy brave brutal calm careful charming clever clinical
creative cute deadly detailed determined discrete empathic energetic fast fearless friendly funny handsome healthy heavy impulsive intuitive knowledgeable
Relationship Adjectives affectionate dependent loyal
lustful obsessive protective
large light limber logical loud meticulous musical obedient observant passionate patient persistent practiced precise prepared quick ruthless savvy
seductive sexy short small smart sneaky spatial steady strong stubborn stylish tall technical threatening tough twitchy unpredictable violent respectful sympathetic trusting
Connections are characters that your protagonist knows well. Well enough to do her a solid. They have two main functions within the game: info and favors.
Connections can provide your protagonist with information. When you lean on a connection, the GM will have you roll a die and use the result to consult the Transmission for the city the connection is in.
You can go to a connection for certain favors. Each connection can provide one or more of the following (as listed with their stats in the Transmission).
Sell you a stolen vehicle at an 8 Kred discount (add the stolen tag for free) or buy a stolen vehicle from you at an 8 Kred discount.
Attend a function with you, gaining you access somewhere you wouldn’t be welcome otherwise.
Provide a dose of drugs. First time is free, 1 Kred thereafter. Taking them gives you the negative sticky adjective of high. Once in the next contention, you can treat all the Hurt dice of a roll as positive results. Declare after you roll.
Buy a bulk load of stolen merchandise for 5 Kreds.
Sell you up to three objects in specified categories, each discounted by 2 Kreds. Add the stolen tag to each.
Transport you, a friend, or illicit goods to a destination inside or just out of the city.
Lend you 10 Kreds, expecting repayment. Mark this in the ‘debt’ column.
Install a cybernetic object (or an object with the implant tag) for free. Note that the more you use a connection for favors, the more it will be revealed that he is involved in the ongoing plot. This may result in the connection needing you for a favor or maybe even cause him to turn against you.
Objects are your stuff. High-tech devices that gain you an advantage over the havenots. Each object has a handful of tags that describe its capabilities.
An assault rifle. Tags: burst fire, large, long-range, loud, stock Base Cost: 5
A heavy pistol. Tags: loud, powerful Base Cost: 2
A shotgun. Tags: loud, scattershot Base Cost: 2
A submachine-gun. Tags: burst fire Base Cost: 1
A light, concealable pistol. Tags: small Base Cost: 1 Gun Upgrades: cam, derma-linked, explosive rounds, implant, laser-sight, linked, nerve-linked, scope, silencer
A non-lethal weapon often carried by security personnel. Tags: blunt Base Cost: 1
A Japanese sword. Popular among ronin wannabes. Tags: deadly, sharp Base Cost: 2
A small blade that can be easily concealed. Tags: sharp, small Base Cost: 2 Weapon Upgrades: derma-linked, implant, linked, nerve-linked
ARMOR Jumpsuit
Padded overalls, covered in pockets. Tags: impact armor Base Cost: 1
Kevlar Vest
Standard issue armor for security personnel. Tags: ballistic armor Base Cost: 1
Riot Shield
Clear plastic, portable barrier. Tags: protective Base Cost: 1 Armor Upgrades: condition monitor, derma-linked, linked
Each object listed here costs 5 Kreds or a splice favor to surgically install.
An artificial arm replacement. Tags: nerve-linked Base Cost: 1 Upgrades: agile, claws, compartment, detachable, gesture input, matched pair, quick, spring-loaded, strong, synthskin, tough
Electronic inner-ear replacement. Tags: nerve-linked, mic, sound Base Cost: 3 Upgrades: high-frequency, low-frequency, matched pair
Electronic eye replacement. Tags: cam, display, nerve-linked Base Cost: 3 Upgrades: infrared, matched pair, ocular screen, sonar-imaging, thermal-imaging
An artificial hand replacement. Tags: nerve-linked Base Cost: 1 Upgrades: claws, detachable, dexterous, matched pair, strong, synthskin
An artificial leg replacement. Tags: nerve-linked Base Cost: 1 Upgrades: agile, compartment, detachable, fast, matched pair, spring-loaded, strong, synthskin, tough
A cranially implanted computing interface. Tags: cerebral input, experimental, linked, nerve-linked Base Cost: 4 Upgrades: cochlear splice, derma-linked, encryption, firewall, gustatory splice, olfactory splice, optical splice, somatic splice
Reflex Stimulators
A series of nervous-system enhancers that improve reaction time. Tags: nerve-linked, quick, reflexive Base Cost: 3 Upgrades: gesture input
A chip worn against the skin that links a derma-only network to the Interface. Tags: derma-linked, linked Base Cost: 2 Upgrades: encryption, firewall
Augmented reality Interface glasses, earbuds, and motion trackers. Tags: display, gesture input, linked, sound Base Cost: 4 Upgrades: cam, derma-linked, encryption, firewall, mic
GEAR Medkit
Tools and supplies for performing first aid on the injured or otherwise afflicted. Tags: bandages, linked, stims Base Cost: 3
Descent Line
A retractable cable designed to lower a harnessed person at a controled descent. Tags: harness, linked, retractable cable Base Cost: 3
A black bodysuit with coolant to fool thermal sensors. Tags: linked, thermal dampeners Base Cost: 2 Upgrades: condition monitor, derma-linked
Fully automated street vehicle. Tags: automatic, linked, passengers, spheels Base Cost: 14
A high-performance muscle car. Tags: linked, passengers, spheels, turbo Base Cost: 14
Armored truck. Tags: armored, cargo, heavy, huge, linked, treads Base Cost: 16 Upgrades: burst fire, cam, cow catcher, gun, long-range, plow, riot-hose
A high-speed dual-rotor-fan helicopter. Tags: cam, linked, rotor-fans, thrusters Base Cost: 14 Upgrades: burst fire, gun, long-range
An agile, uni-spheel motorcycle. Tags: 3D-shocks, linked, spheels, turbo Base Cost: 14
Rotor-powered drone. Tags: cam, linked, mic, rotorfan Base Cost: 4 Upgrades: burst fire, gun, infrared, sonar-imaging, thermal-imaging
A mini-tank. Tags: armored, cam, linked, mic, robot arm, treads Base Cost: 6 Upgrades: burst fire, gun, long-range
Robotic arthropod. Tags: adhesive legs, cam, linked, mic, small Base Cost: 5 Upgrades: syringe
Tags describe the capabilities and features of objects. Here are definitions of each of the tags listed with the objects in the previous section. 3D-shocks: a 2-axis suspension system adhesive legs: articulate limbs that allow drones to climb up walls (requires small) agile: flexible limb articulation that can perform complicated positioning armor-piercing: fires ammunition designed to penetrate ballistic armor armored: a thick shell that protects from ballistic and impact attacks automatic: designed to self-navigate city streets ballistic armor: protective garments designed to stop bullets bandages: cloth or spray to bind wounds blunt: a weapon designed to inflict crushing trauma on its target burst fire: sprays a cluster of bullets (requires gun category or tag) cam: bi-lens camera system capturing stereoscopic eyeRez video images cargo: can be used to transport large, heavy crates cerebral input: direct mental control of the Interface (trumps gesture input) claws: small blades that extend from the fingertips or knuckles cochlear splice: electronic connection to the ears (trumps mic, sound) compartment: a small, hidden storage space in an artificial limb condition monitor: sensors to track heart rate, pulse, and other vitals cow catcher: attaches to the front of a vehicle to push away obstacles deadly: a weapon designed to inflict fatal wounds derma-linked: personal network connection conducted by the skin detachable: can disconnect from a socket and be reconnected later dexterous: limb articulation with precise control display: high resolution imaging projected into the viewer’s vision encryption: protects stored data from being read or manipulated experimental: state-of-the-art but untested technology explosive rounds: fires rounds that explode on impact fast: limb articulation for rapid movement over ground firewall: protective software to prevent hacking gesture input: captures body movement to interact with the Interface gun: adds a mounted firearm to a vehicle or drone gustatory splice: electronic connection to the nerves that handle taste harness: straps and rigging worn to suspend the wearer comfortably heavy: weighs more than other objects in its category huge: significantly larger than other objects in its category (trumps large) impact armor: protective garments designed to stop blunt and sharp attacks implant: an object not puposefully cybernetic is installed inside the body infrared: senses light beyond the human-visible spectrum large: bigger than other objects in its category laser-sight: projects a harmless laser for accurate aiming linked: wireless connection to personal and Interface networks long-range: fires projectiles over long distances (requires gun category or tag) loud: makes a high volume, imposing noise
Some tags mention that they trump other tags. This means the other tag can’t be used to react against an action from the trumping tag. matched pair: the object comes with an mirrored twin mic: a sensitive omni-directional microphone nerve-linked: network conducted via the nervous system (implanted objects only) ocular screen: a high resolution video display on the surface of the eyes olfactory splice: electronic connection to the nerves that handle smell optical splice: electronic connection to the eyes (trumps cam, display) passengers: can transport more people than just a pilot/copilot plow: attached to the front of a vehicle to push away snow or other debris powerful: a gun that fires high-caliber rounds protective: a barrier to shield the user from attacks quick: limb articulation that moves rapidly within one’s personal space reach: a melee weapon that is longer than most reflexive: stimulates the user to react rapidly to stimuli retractable cable: a length of steel cable that winds up with a small motor riot-hose: a non-lethal weapon to push back pedestrians robot arm: an articulate limb controlled remotely rotor-fan(s): rotor blades housed in a cylindrical shell scattershot: sprays projectiles in a widening pattern (requires gun category or tag) scope: an aiming mechanism with zoom lenses sharp: designed to cut or pierce a target silencer: gun attachment that dampens noise (incompatible with burst fire, loud, scattershot) small: reduced in size, generally concealable somatic splice: electronic connection to the skin (trumps touch feedback) sonar-imaging: emits and senses sound waves, presents data visually sound: three-dimensional, immersive audio playback spheels: spherical wheels that allow 360-degree maneuverability spring-loaded: stores kinetic energy to be released at an opportune time stims: a dosage of steroids to jumpstart the adrenaline system stock: an attachment for a gun to help hold it steady against the shoulder strong: limb articulation that can apply great force synthskin: artificial dermal layer that imitates human skin syringe: a needle that can deliver a dose of a drug thermal dampeners: coolant used to fool thermal sensors thermal-imaging: heat sensors displayed as a visual overlay thrown: a weapon that is hurled at a target thrusters: jets that provide increased speed in the air treads: traction system to provide mobility over rough terrain touch feedback: gives a tactile response to Interface interaction tough: can endure large amounts of wear and impact toxin-filter: scrubs harmful chemicals from airways or bloodstream turbo: engine enhancement that provides increased speed over smooth streets
CONTENTION 1. Recharge Push dice
The player starts an action with all of her Push dice charged.
2. Assemble the dice
The player gets a number of Action dice equal to her rating in the verb she is using. She can add a Push die for each postive adjective, object, or tag that helps her. She must take a Hurt die for each negative adjective she has.
3. Describe the action
The player uses her verb, adjectives, objects, and tags to inspire a narrative of the action that would assert the intended adjective on her target.
4. Roll the dice
The player rolls all of her Action, Push, and Hurt dice. The Hurt dice cancel out any and all matching Action and Push dice. The highest number on her surviving Action or Push dice is her result.
5. Determine Reaction
The verb the target uses to react determines his reaction rating. For each, positive adjective, object, or tag that helps him, he can discharge a Push die and increase his reaction rating by 1.
6. Resolve the roll
If the player’s result is higher than the target’s reaction rating, her action is effective.
7. Apply the adjective
With an effective action, the player asserts a new adjective on the target. By default the adjective is fleeting. She can spend 1 Push die from her rolled dice to make it sticky. She can spend 2 Push dice to make it locked.
8. Discharge Push dice
Any Push dice left in the player’s roll are discharged.
9. Respect the adjective
Play continues with the new adjective representing a change in the narrative.
After any scene in which you received an adjective that describes physical damage, roll a Hurt die for each sticky or locked negative adjective that applies to your character directly. If you roll a 6, you receive the sticky negative adjective of dying. If you roll two or more 6s, you receive the locked negative adjective of dead. Both adjectives can be recovered from using the rules on the following page.
After a contention, use this procedure to mend negative adjectives and advance your protagonist’s verbs.
Fleeting Adjectives are immediately removed
After a scene is over, any fleeting adjectives go away right away.
Sticky Adjectives require mending
To remove a sticky adjective that describes physical, emotional, or social damage to your protagonist, make a Treat roll. To remove a sticky adjective that describes damage to an object’s hardware, make an Operate roll. For software, make a Hack roll.
Locked Adjectives require replacement surgery
For a locked adjective that describes physical, emotional, or social loss to your protagonist, implant an object that replaces what has been lost. This downgrades the adjective to sticky, which can be mended as above. For a locked adjective that describes damage to an object, pay half the object’s full cost for replacement parts. This downgrades the adjective to sticky, which can be mended as above. (Or you can always obtain a whole new object.)
Roll the dice
Whoever is making the roll adds a Hurt die for each of their own negative adjectives and one for each of the negative adjectives of their patient. If the patient is attempting to improve one of their primed verbs, they should indicate which one before a roll is made. The difficulty rating is 4.
Resolve the roll
If the roll’s result is higher than the difficulty rating, the adjective is eliminated. If the roll’s result is equal or less than the difficulty rating, the adjective remains. Another attempt cannot be made until the character received another sticky or locked adjective. If one of the Hurt dice results is higher than the primed verb that is intended for advancement, the verb’s rating increases by 1. Not to exceed 5. If the verb increases, any and all prime marks are erased. If the verb does not increase, all existing prime marks remain.
When a replacement part is implanted to downgrade a locked adjective to sticky, the character needs about 48 hours of recovery time. After a treat roll is made to remove a sticky adjective, the character needs about 24 hours of recovery time. Repaired or reprogrammed objects only need a few hours to peform the necessary fixes.
It’s like we’re living in the future...
The city streets buzz with illusory neon lines, animated, playing out just over the grimy surface. The Internet’s gotten too big for any screen, so they feed it right to your eyeballs. You see it everywhere. It spills out onto the streets. It guides selfdriving cars through automated intersections. It’s the cartoon some kid wears to school. It’s your personal shopper. We wear the hardware that runs it: in the glasses that let you see it, the chip sewn into your jeans, the electronics of your prosthetic leg. They’re all linked together in a living, thrumming network that spans the world. They call it the Interface. We call it the Big Lie.
Under all those pretty graphics, the city is dirtier than ever. Soot floats in from the deregulated coal plant; it cakes over everything. The weather is less predictable than ever. Wind and rain, then a drought, then a blizzard, then a hurricane. Hell is swelling up around us and we don’t seem to care. We’ll burn those carbon fuels as long as the corporate-sponsored wars keep winning what’s left of them. We’ll do it until we choke on the smog.
The rich are opulent. The poor are decrepit. There isn’t much left between. Record numbers of the city’s population are unemployed. When robotics do the blue-collar jobs and software handles the white-collar ones, what’s a flesh body to do? Join a corporate army and get shipped off overseas. Send the paycheck home so the family can buy useless, corporate crap or lose it to the rampant runs of criminals. Criminals like you.
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