Technical Writer; writer; engineering writer or proposal writer

December 23, 2016 | Author: api-121408450 | Category: N/A
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Technical Writer; writer; engineering writer, proposal writer, publications, with 21 years experience looking for a Dire...


Narrative Resume of Richard Bottorff, Technical Writer- Detailed Technical Resum e Supplied Follows CHRONOLOGY In my immediate past assignment, the human recourses department of a major Fort une 500 company recognized that many of the skill sets in their management, engineering, and technical staff career ladders were defined in terms of last millennium's human resource codes. In a few short months I was able to update their critical line managers position descriptions and resultant career ladders from a single career level to dynamic career paths with several layers o f advancement responsibilities. Similarly in the technical areas where a single career path was the only option available to such diverse skills as test technicians, assembly technicians, warehousing experts, machinists, planners, parts controllers and others. I was able to organize for each skill, separate position descriptions and multilevel career ladders, where appropriate, leverag ing off of existing descriptions in other skill levels of other career options in the company. Reference 6 Next, a major player in the power industry, realizing their complex procedures f or starting, stopping and operating their huge generating facilities had grown archaic over the decades and no longer accuratel y or comprehensibly reflected modern operation procedural concepts. The facility director was convinced that my broad-based e xperience, (as further presented in following paragraphs) was exactly what was needed to move his archaic operational procedur es to industry nuclear specification standards even though I had no power generating experience in my portfolio. For several months thereafter, with the aid of a skilled operator at my disposal and megawatt generators continually powering-up and powering-down, in concert with consumer demands, as my verification test beds, I converted and validated dozens of out of date, incompr ehensible, error ridden , pseudo-documents to clear, concise, step-by-step procedures typical of the nuclear power industry. This in cluded responsibility for all draft and final input of text, art, and production to company standards. Reference 5. My next most recent endeavor was a follow-on with the same company of two earl ier assignments as a technical writer. In this case, as a direct assignment rather than contractor as earlier, I was specifically cal led back to be the seventh principal to attempt to develop maintenance manual documentation updates to a 50 year old world-wide submarine c ommunication system. This system had been hardware upgraded for 5 decades yet its 16 volumes and 9000 pages of documentati on, per subsystem, update consisted only of scattered notes, software files, specifications, and engineering installation in formation. Refining the documentation of this system consisting of 4 major subsystems, each located in various American States and co untries around the world and each being substantially different from the other, was a daunting task on a rigorous schedu le and limited budget. Too daunting for the busy engineering staff and my predecessors, but with the aid of one artist and a logi stics analyst, I completed updating all documentation of the four major subsystems in concert with the ongoing engineering hardware updat e before government intervention delayed the installation and documentation of the smallest, fifth subsystem. I developed a l ong overdue manual for HF transmitters used by the Voice of America and upon its conclusion I was dismissed as a non-essential. On

previous assignments (contracts) with the company I performed similar documentation efforts on a lesser scale and on one BLACK ass ignment was reassigned to a foreign government and transferred to the Desert Storm war theater to update classified documentati on of hardware used in the war effort. As you can imagine, all of these assignments were of a nature critical to our country's int erests. Reference 2. Previous to the foregoing assignments, I had the distinct privilege to join wi th a long-time associate as the Vice-President Director of Marketing in developing a new fifth software version of a world renowned sim ulation product on an aircraft of which I was intimately familiar. After two or three years of negotiating with the software owner for licensing and at the same time seeking private development funds, my associate and I acquired foreign investment capital commi tments and upon substantial preliminary interim funding, (heretofore sustained by our own finances) immediately committed to lic ensing and populating the software team that we had been accumulating in the Denver area. As funding continued and I set market ing initiatives in the summer of 2001, my research indications showed that the current core software owners, in the millions, were anxiously anticipating the future release. This was August 200l. In September of that year there was a massive tragedy of which w e are all still aware. Not on the scale of lives lost, but more directly adversely impacting the continued financing and development of our product, was the US Government implementation of the Patriot Act which, in essence, made lenders and other fidu ciaries criminally responsible for the source and destination of investment money. In a short time, our backer was unable to ma neuver the intricacies of his extensive world wide investments and chose our software program to be dropped from his financing port folio. Thus ended the career of our cadre of software engineers and developers along with huge expended licensing fees, our own personal wealth, and no small amount of business aspiration. Reference 1. Prior to the Denver disconnect just discussed, I was offered the unique opportun ity as a project leader in an IT branch of one of the largest banks in the US. Having no knowledge of the bank infrastructure and bei ng provided no guidance in development or no direction in which to implement, I followed my superior for a week on endless r ounds of conferences, meetings, and engineering sessions through unfathomable bureaucratic labyrinths (second only to those o f the government) implementing technological updates, installations, and development in conjunction with my more familiar con temporaries, the engineering departments. Voicing my concern of my self-diagnosed inadequacies in the environment, my leader assu red me that I, having navigated the torturous route of my career to date, would have little difficulty following through in the bank ing business and thereafter turned over the reins of her current region wide project of updating office software in 2000 offices in 17 S tates, to me. The following project of implementing new sign-on procedures to offices throughout the country, was more rigorous but the operational date arrived with a successful completion in all stations, I was reasonably pleased with my performance as, s o it seemed was my leader at the bank, but unfortunately, she announced she would have to let me go because a recent downt urn in the bank's stock equities demanded a reduction in hers as well as other departments personnel. The assignment was i mportant by the nature of the challenges out of my

present field it afforded me, and it's as close as I ever came to breaking a ban k. As much as the previous assignment was beyond my expertise and out of my career environmental comfort zone, this assignment was beyond my expertise but at the same time well within my career environmental zon e. I was assigned, my third for this company (previously of lesser technical demands those being of rewrites to engineering documents in accordance with new hardware revisions), but this time, assigned as a marketing technical writer for the mar keting department. I worked directly with the marketing engineers documenting their specifications, user guides, application guides, and countless marketing updates for the plethora of new chips in their design and production queue. This was the era of silicon fever. While fortunes were being made elsewhere I, in this nationally known company, doggedly pursued, documenting chips for codecs, ADSL, DSL, digital signal processors, light signal processors as rapidly as they would come off of the development line and incorpo rating them in those myriad of blue and yellow books that occupy every developer's library. Reference 4. Resulting from the extensive knowledge of multilevel battlefield communication s ystem I acquired during an Earlier proposal writing assignment, I was contracted to develop an instruction manual for a similar syst em being installed in Saudi Arabia by the contractor. In this second assignment for the contractor I developed a several volume tome from the contractors extensive library accumulated and organized during the hardware and software development phases. I was called back to a company for which I had served 2 previous assignments, o ne contract, one direct and this one of substantially more responsibility then my previous design engineering slot, this time another direct position as Lead Test Engineer. This cooperative venture with international partners, paired the largest French corp oration with a leading developer of surface-to-air missile technology leading to a large manufacturing effort. Although previous e xperience and my engineering education had given me ample background for the assignment, the rigors of international travel, lang uage barriers, developmental problems were troublesome. My task to develop, write, and carry out the test firing of the fir st prototype taxed me and my engineering development staff to the limit. After two years I had developed, from previous firing plans , the scenario applicable to the new missile as well as designed and built pertinent hardware for testing and firing in the field. Many trips back and fourth between Dallas and the French resort area where the test range was located, culminated in me, the Lead Test En gineer, flying on the missile from Dallas to the test sight for the maiden test. Yes, the verbiage is correct and the details explain able should we have reason for further dialogue. After a successful flight, the program's budgetary constraints were invoked and the con tinued development and production was spread out over many years rather than the few years previously considered. Obviously a for ce reduction was in order and I became expendable. References 1 and 3. From personal networks developed on an earlier assignment, I was called back fo r a second time to the subcontractor to provide documentation assistance in the developing and writing of the largest proposal e ffort ever attempted by this American contractor. The effort was to propose an ultramodern battlefield communication network using mul

ti-layered communication systems between all battlefield entities incorporating the lasted frequency agile technology still i n use today. For this effort, I spend countless hours storyboarding, editing, preparing presentations, and writing draft material abou t the elements to be provided to the British Government through the auspices of this huge contract. The proposal was delivered on time and I returned to my normal routine. I completed a number of un-illustrious short-term assignments and was spending most of my time on single family real estate holdings I had been accumulating as a hedge against a vagrant career that had seemed to be developing . With a growing family there was little choice but to seek viable career alternatives and I set out dur ing this period to expand, manage, and maintain income producing properties. These holdings, to this day, continue to provide ample res erve against inadequacies of social security, guaranteed retirement funds, and personal savings. I mention this here to furth er substantiate the caliber of career dynamics associated with this resume. During this period I received a cryptic call from an unknown s ource that made it clear to me I was being solicited in few uncertain terms to take on an assignment away from my home; an assignment of extreme importance and imperative to avoid a national emergency. To shorten up the narrative, a former boss of mine, for wh om I had worked for 5 years, was assembling a team of highly competent procedure writers. Their assignment was to develop procedur es for testing all aspects of the replacement of a defunct NOAA weather satellite, the absence of which demanded the sharing of d ata with a Japanese satellite greatly reducing NOAA's forecasting capabilities, much to the potential detriment of the south c ostal US areas. Needless to say, the demands were enormous, and with no training or time to waste, I joined the team for two years , working around the clock to prepare the next GOES satellite for orbit, which eventually was inserted and the Japanese satellite re turned to its own schedule. The next long but uninspired direct opportunity was my second direct assignment for this company and its affiliates. I prepared instruction manuals for early IT components including multiplexers, demultiplexe rs, codecs, modems etc. Much of the effort centered around developing effective wave pictographs in the laboratories for use in the finished manuals. Unknown to me at the time, this assignment was to be the precursor and trainin g ground for my future effort of developing a new version to an existing aircraft flight simulator documented earlier in this res ume. A British flight simulation company with all of British historically labor intensive peculiarities, contracted me to assist i n producing and developing military instruction manuals for the use in their visual flight simulation systems. I realized there was muc h trouble within the writing effort when the lead writer soon resigned and I was offered his position shortly thereafter. To make a long story short, the British labor intensive efforts to produce technical manuals without the use of modern technology (albeit in its in fancy ) was not a viable alternative and I was charged to bring the publications effort, kicking and screaming, into the era of digital publications while maintaining a cadre of contract workers, untrained clerical staff, and vintage equipment. The British company w as not averse to incorporating developing technology and in several months, under my direction, typewriters gave way to addressograph word processors, which quickly became large disk

processors and finally to early version pcs. Observing the evolution, managemen t transferred me for a short time to European locations in Britain and France to study the company's simulation customers' att itudes for supporting the upcoming technology in their (the customers) requirement base. Would the customers share in the develo pment costs for better modern documentation? Through the next four years I continued the effort to update publication develo pment while at the same time competitive incursion in visual flight simulation blossomed. Eventually the Britain based company divest ed themselves of the flight simulation group which went to Hughes but not before excusing two vice-presidents, a number of middle m anagers, and a publications manager from duty. This contract assignment, during the depths of national engineering demands, f ound hundreds, (and if you count the short term arrivals and departures) thousands of engineers, including this one, scrambling for technical assignments wherever they could find them and at the height of the (now thawed) cold war, taking refuge in what cont racts might evolve. So it was in this assignment; low wages, bitter competition, and national distraction. It was called SAFEGUARD. Thousands of engineers and writers and clerks and logisticians (and me) converged on a sleepy Winston-Salem town in the following years and attempted to compile the data for an ill conceived antiballistic missile system while designers, politicians, and statesm an conferred to bring to fruition the hardware, software, and logistics in an era that preceded the simplest of integrated circuits. On this, I and others compiled hundreds of thousands of schematics, condensing them to thousands of block diagrams, and described them i n millions of words. All this to be supportive of 23, then 15, then 3, and finally 1 single site from which to monitor, track, and sho ot down incoming Russian missiles as they crossed the Canada /US border. The project fizzled to a close with the only viable remainder being an international telephone system built from the dregs of the engineering data at the public expense of countless billions of dollars. I remained on the assignment, completing two years of business administration at the local university and eventually leased o ut our local home and adjourned to our home in Texas that we had maintained during the years in North Carolina. While full time employed at a large aircraft manufacturer, for which I was to la ter work in a number of other assignments in various capacities (already previously presented in this chronology), I eagerly pursued this assignment and began my engineering education. During this time I was employed and promoted in the aircraft industry to Lead E lectronics Laboratory Technician I was afforded an opportunity to expand my writing experience by engaging a tandem assignment with the occupying labor union as co-editor for its monthly house organ of 15,000 circulation. In addition to editorial functions wa s developing galleys, rewriting, editing, attending and reporting on political meeting commentary, distribution, and promotion of the J etPlanesman. I was also the publicity chairman for this very active organization. As a company political appointee in this capacity , I was often assigned speech writing tasks for staff executives and elected company (labor union) officials. All the while, I maintai ned my own cadre of government secret classified electronic technicians in an ultra modern test laboratory environment of the lar ge aircraft manufacturer. SYNOPSIS

I was recruited in my last terms of engineering at Ohio State by a large aircraf t manufacturer in Dallas, Texas to join their Engineering Designers as an associate, designing weapon release systems for military aircraf t under construction and design. As my technical career continued, I accepted more and more interim writing assignments that beca me the mainstay of my family support mechanism. Such assignments took me to the Pacific, Europe, England, and various war zones working directly and indirectly with American, French,. British, Mid-East, and Far-East military and commercial entities. I began my writing career in high school and college as a sports writer/editor although academically pursuing an engineering degree. As the inexorable technical requirements of my educated career overcame my intel lectual capacity of staying abreast, I gravitated to writing opportunities that became available to me, writing assignments mostly of a technical nature and often including such diverse assignments as advertising copy writing for Bic Corporation, Niva Corporation, Frito Lay Corporation, speech writing for political candidates, developing house organs, activity columnist, and others. In the earliest formative years, during my military obligation, in addition to m y engineering technician duties, I was an active Stars and Stripes contributor to house organs both as an organizational columnist, emp hasizing the activities of the military personnel and as a ghost writer for busy commanders, emphasizing the activities of the unit orga nization. I also was privileged to be associated with the military radio network and served as radio announcer, disk jockey and commen tator for the Far East Network in a manner much akin to Robin Williams Hollywood presentation in Good Morning Vietnam (sans dram a). Continuing military obligations lead me to electronics installation teams across the world until discharge. Richard F. Bottorff 314 N.E. 29th Street; Grand Prairie, Texas 75050 972-264-3715, 214-402-2917 cell [email protected] References: 1. Claude Cavanaugh [email protected] President of G 2. 2. Al Lacey [email protected] Graphics Manager Continental Electronics. 3. Joe Johnson [email protected] Huma n Resources Lockheed Martin. 4. Professor Don Brownlee 972-234-6303 Senior Writer Texas Instruments. 5. jaycampbell@ex 6. Erica Depriest, human resources director 972-228-6136. _______________________________________________________________ Technical Writer Richard Bottorff DISCO DoD SECRET (Current) 314 NE 29 Grand Prairie, Tx 214-402-2917 cell 972-264-3715 home EDUCATION Pre-engineering-Ohio State, Electrical Engineering-University of Texas Business Administration-Forsythe Institute, N.C.; Technical Schools-Military Electronics: radio, navigational aids, telecommunicat ions. Industry professional development courses: data processing, avionics, inertial navigation, phased arra y radar; theory, production, and test of digital, analogue, ic, surface mount, fiber optic components, circuits, and , electronic test equipment, and photographic imaging systems; personnel management and labor relations; public s peaking, effective writing.

COMPUTER SKILLS Programming: Basic, Fortran, Cobol, C+ Platforms, etc: PC, Mac, Windows, DOS, OS2, UNIX, LAN, WAN, Mainframe Desktop Publishing: Interleaf, Frame Maker, Aldus PageMaker, Word, Word Perfect, and Ventura PC Applications: Microsoft Office Word, AutoCAD, Framemaker, Visio, Acrobat, an d Flash 5 Structured Authoring Formats: HTML, XML, Templates, PDF, XDOC SPECIFICATIONS EXPERIENCE Mil-Std 38784, ISO 9000 (9001,02,03,04), Mil-Std-729 8C, Mil-Std-12B, Mil-Std1388, Mil-Q-9858, Mil-Std-109B, Mil-Std-643, Mil-Std-1535, FED-Std-368, Mil-M-49 502, Mil-Std-100, DOD-D-1000, ANSI-Y14, IEEE 802, Mil-Std-881, Mil-Std-335, Mil-Std-1561, Mil-M-38798, Mil-Std -480, Mil-HDBK-63038-1A,-2, Mil-Std-1552A & many others. FORWARD To assist in most positive evaluation of this resume, please observe fo llowing salient features: A. The number of repeat assignments by client and/or customers; for example, 4 by Texas Instruments, 7 by CDI, 4 by Volt, 3 by Aerotek,1 by Pollack and Skan, 4 personal directed assignments, 4 assignments to Rockwell companies, 4 to LTV companies, 2 to ITT, 3 to Continental Electronics, 2 to Bell companies. B. The diverse discipline of assignments including leadership responsibilities. For example Design, Electrical, Industrial, System, Publication Engineer, Missile Lead Test Engineer, Electroni c Test Lab Leadman, Data Analyst, Installation Superintendent, Publications Department Lead Writer, Technical Writ er, Proposal Writer Specialist. C. The wide variety of specialty assignments. For example, Automotive (military heavy duty trucks), Missilery (ICBM, Ground to Air, Missile to Missile Intercept), Aircraft (VSTOL, fighter, t ransport, commercial), Flight simulation (traveling terrain, 3 and 6 degrees of motion freedom, visual systems, 747, L10l l, C141), Communications, (telecommunications, OTH radar, VHF, UHF, Point-to-Point LOS, Troposcater, TV, R adio, VLF). D. Critical foreign assignments entrusted by many clients to peace and wartime theaters in France, Germany, England, Turkey, Greece, Japan, along with direct interface with Saudi Arabian, Jordanian, Israelis, Korean and Chinese nationals. E. Depth of Assignments that range from preparation of the largest single propo sal attempted by ITT to be read and understood by top echelon international government and civilian executives to originating maintenance manual for Army truck mechanics written to Simplified English International Standards F. All assignments implemented from running start, requiring no preliminary or additional skill or technical training to complete client requirements in many industry authoring and output formats G. (xx) Salary/rate tops SYNOPSIS This synopsis is an overview of experience described in this resume. Experiences common to every assignment are described here in order to reduce the duplication within the logi cal entries that follow. The periods of experience levels can be considered to be in excess of 3 months duration skills of a shorter duration are not

included. Engineering experiences differ from assignment to assignment, therefor e, those experiences are detailed in the appropriate sequential entry. Writing experiences are similar in publicat ion activity although differing greatly on subject, depth of coverage, and responsibility levels, therefore, common publica tion activity is described in this synopsis. As subject matter expert in design, writing, editing and production of complex h ighly technical print and online user documentation. Shared or retained responsibility for project management document ation to meet scheduled and budget commitments by participating in, attending, and/or chair, guidance confer ences, reviews, validations, verifications at client, customer, or government foreign and domestic facilities . Lead preparation and/or origination of manuscript text, instructional design and all supporting art, drawings, and d iagrams for TOC, description, installation, operation, theory, maintenance and IPB or RPSTL manuals to provide Integrated Logistics Support of field, intermediate, and depot level operation, training. and maintenance perso nnel. Designed , authored and prepared manuals to client, standard commercial practices, or military/governmen t standards to maintenance level, depth of coverage, and readability required by contract, LSA, provisioning data , while managing version and configuration control on documentation and hardware relationships. Capture all d ocumentation from engineering data, drawings, specifications, notes, personal subject matter expert interviews to validate complex issues as required, and actual writer originated hardware, software, product, or service analysis in variety of authoring and output formats. Completed and/or supervised preparation of clear, concise, accur ate, and verifiable documentation and validation on company production or prototype equipments and personally assi sted verification efforts to customer standards. Fully edited, rewrote, revised, redrew content, as required and provided total production support in assembling standardized documents for a consistent presentation of lo ok and logical flow.. All efforts performed without the need for micromanagement and guidance beyond basic essenti als of client/customer schedule, specification, or policy while fully utilizing client SAP and Darw inian document management systems, and style guides. Functioned as facilitation expert in identifying, localizing, and eliminating publication obstacles in working with subject matter experts and/or language translators during foreign a nd domestic data preparation. EXPERIENCE CONTRACT BUSINESS ANALYST WRITER-Saxon Mortgage, Ft. Worth, Tx (75). Develope d new customer call support through capture, revise, process flow of over 200 active but out dated processes by converting through easily interpreted Visio flow chart presentation in accordance with indi vidually retrieved data from subject matter experts. Using mortgage specific development tools interfaced data with web based content delivery models. Assignment's significant accomplishment was the opportunity to part of specifically selected

highly skilled team dedicated to revitalizing a floundering mortgage entity thro ugh development of modern publication preparation standards. Nov 10-Jan 11. CONTRACT PROCEDURE WRITER-Siemens, Arlington, TX (75) Researched, developed, wrote, and converted to HTMl and XML maintenance and operation procedures including remove, replace, alignment, troubleshooting, test, procedures for advanced mail sorting system for US Post Office. Used adva nced Content Management System and SAP engineering documentation system to produce documents in Framemak er and Word format, then converted to XML utilizing prepared templates as appropriate. Extensive use of style sheets, templates, Astoria (CMS) and exposure to Xmtl, utilizing SAP in all development and production ph ases. Assignment's significant accomplishment was the opportunity to experience modern publication preparation standards. Oct 07July 09. CONTRACT HR JOB DESCRIPTION WRITER-Solar (a Caterpillar Co.) Desota, Tx (60 D eveloped, wrote, and edited job descriptions for multitude of technical and administrative position to update antiquated data to modern procedures for operation of overhaul of Electric Power Generation equipment. L everaged input from experienced operations and engineering staff to develop and validate requirements in accord ance with company standards while working closely with 6 Sigma and Lean specialists. Assignment's significa nt accomplishment was the opportunity to update employee requirements to modern standards. Oct 06-Mar 07 CONTRACT PROCEDURE TECHNICAL WRITER-Exelon Power Corporation, Dallas, Tx (50) De veloped, wrote, and edited plant procedures for operation of Electric Generation Plant from star t-up through full power-up to shutdown of each different unit of the multi-unit generating station. Captured trib al input from experienced operations and engineering staff to develop and validate procedures in to ensure compliance with relevant Federal and Nuclear Regulatory Standards. The Assignment's significant accomplishment was the oppor tunity to bringing an old line operating and documentation discipline up to modern standards. June 06Sept 06 DIRECT SENIOR TECHNICAL WRITER-Continental Electronics, Inc, Dallas, Tx. 3rd em ployment, 1st direct assignment. (50). I was specifically hired to be the seventh principal writer to attempt to capture, develop, and revise maintenance and operations manual documentation to best practice proc edural updates of a 50 year old world-wide VLF submarine communication system. This system had been hardware upgraded for 5 decades yet its 16 volumes and 900 0 pages of documentation per subsystem update consisted only of scattered notes, software files, specificatio ns, engineering installation information, and tribal knowledgexcz. Refining the documentation of this system consisting of 4 major subsystems strategically located around the world, with each subsystem differing in size, l ayout, and capabilities, was a daunting

task, on a rigorous schedule and limited budget. Too daunting for the busy engi neering staff and my predecessors, but with the aid of one artist and a logistics analyst, I developed, edited, and completed updating all documentation of the 4 subsystems in concert with the ongoing engineering hardware installati on. This (these) update included originating countless procedures, tests, installations, and adaptations to accu rately explain the existing system and the changes imposed by the updates. I also developed a long overdue manual for HF transmitters used by the Voice of America. The significant accomplishments of this assignment was the opp ortunity to add new life to a system that had served the US Navy for 50 years. June 02-Oct 04 OWNER & DIRECTOR OF MARKETING-G2Interactive, Inc. DENVER, Co. . Partnered with f ormer employer to bring to development the fifth version of an internationally successful flight s imulations software product for which we had purchased the production rights from the Hasbro Corporation. Developed the marketing strategy for introduction of beta a gold release to public in conjunction with contract marke ting entities while standardizing organizational information sources for effective communication. Provided techn ical writing and editing support for engineering and development staff. Monitored company financial inputs origina ting from external US sources. After four years of planning and six months of developmental operation the sudd en impact of incident known as 9/11 led to the termination of overseas financing source as a result of restric tions associated with the US Governmental invocation of the Patriot Act . The office and operation was termin ated in 90 days thereafter for lack of developmental funds. The significant experience of this assignment was the ha rsh reality that even with the best of ideas and intentions, circumstances can destroy the best of opportun ities. June 00-Oct 01 CONTRACT IT PROJECT LEADER-AEROTEK to Bank Of America, Dallas, Tx. (60). Monito red and coordinated IT communication installations updates in hundreds of satellite of fices of Bank of America across the country working with all levels of stakeholders on noninterference operations ba sis. Such updates included new or advanced security log-in procedures, hardware expansion, and software revision s. Important accomplishments were leading, monitoring, and contributing in a complex banking environment utilizing expertise acquired in previous assignments, to rigid banking schedu le and budget constraints. Oct 99-Feb 00 CONTRACT SYSTEM AND PUBLICATION ENGINEER-AEROTEK to Texas Instruments, 3 consecu tive assignments D/FW, Tx. (60). Analyzed air-to-air missile contract test equipment requirements and generated original electronic test and critical item specifications. Prepared detailed te lecommunications switching component data sheets, software user's guides, and applications reports for customer and s upplier use. Wrote specifications for critical design items using applicable specifications, desktop publishing, w

ord processing, manual preparation skills described in synopsis paragraphs. Important accomplishments were contribu ting in a highly skilled team environment, expertise acquired in many previous and diverse assignments on state of the art components to rigid schedule and budget constraints. Aug 95-Oct 99 CONTRACT DESIGNER/ WRITER-CDI to Cincinnati Bell Information Services, Sealy, Tx . (50). Analyzed procedures in medium and heavy duty military vehicle maintenance manuals for req uirements for special tools to perform field and depot maintenance operations. Designed, specified, documented, tested and redesigned where necessary over 50 special tools, jigs, and fixtures not supplied with manufactur ed vehicles but necessary to maintain the multipurpose military trucks. Coordinated with materials tooling an d manufacturing for vending or construction of tools. Reviewed certifications, procedures and specifications of eventual supplies for conformance or resolution of processing problems. Upon approval of the tools, wrote detailed sp ecial maintenance manual appendices describing complete procedures soldiers would use to manufacture and use these special tools. Prepared RPSTL (repair parts and special tools lists) data to support maintenan ce parts requirements. Prepared other appendixes to provide special compilation and procedures to define consuma ble materials, required replacement parts, tools, torques, lubrications necessary for vehicle maintenanc e. All of this accomplished by using fully applicable specifications, desktop publishing, word processing, manual pre paration skills described in synopsis paragraphs. Important accomplishments on this assignment were performing advance d engineering designs then generating technical documentation to international simplified Eng lish standards to Army specifications. Feb 94-April 95 CONTRACT ENGINEERING WRITER-CDI to Rockwell International, Dallas, Tx. (50). Fro m LSA ILS test requirements and using engineering documentation library, prepared detailed main tenance manuals of kingdom wide multi-layered telecommunications system interfacing Saudi Arabian civilian telecommunications network with Royal Saudi Arabian Military telecommunications network and Rockwell Internation al telecommunications equipment and systems. Generated original text and art to produce maintenance ma nuals as described in the synopsis paragraphs utilizing the publication capabilities required as described in the skills paragraph. Prepared original installation, operation, and maintenance manuals for field and depot su pport of Line of Sight diversity transmitters, receivers, modems, codecs, OSP, PTT, DS1, DS2, and DS3 and fiber o ptic multiplexers and demultiplexers, digital switches, and interfaces to existing radio, light wave, and fiber optic/laser system networks. All of this accomplished by using fully applicable specifications, desktop publi shing, word processing, manual preparation skills described in synopsis paragraphs. The significant accomplishm ents of this assignment was being the only continuous writer throughout the production of the manual and ove

rcoming the enormous problem involved with combining contributions by many partial authors yet meetin g schedules on an original manuscript of over 1000 pages and 250 original art pieces. Additional c hallenges were, maintaining specified international simplified English standard and interfacin g Wordperfect input to Interleaf Desktop Publishing. Jan 93-Jan 94 CONTRACT PROPOSAL WRITER/TLD ANALYST, CDI to ITT, Fort Wayne, In. (90). Analyzed proposals, RFPs and associated contractual publications for meeting requirements for hardware, s oftware, and ILS support (training, publications, spares, configuration control, in process reviews). Prepared proce dures for proposal presentation, and review. Audited, coordinated and made presentations to proposal administrators. Verified all documents met applicable ISO 900 quality standards acceptable to foreign government (British) requirements. All of this accomplished by using applicable specifications, desktop publishing, word proces sing, manual preparation as described in skills and synopsis paragraphs. The most important feature of this contract was being a significant participant in the largest proposal effort and potential contract ev er attempted by ITT. April 92Dec 92 CONTRACT TECHNICAL WRITER, CDI to Continental Electronics Corp, Dallas, Tx. (50) . Prepared technical manuals, procedures and training documents to provide field and depot level main tenance, operation, theory, test of classified over-the-horizon, digitally controlled and tuned radar surveillance s ystems. All of this accomplished by using fully applicable specifications, desktop publishing, word processing, manu al preparation and overseeing management of electronic and paper based information as described in skills and synopsis paragraphs. The significant feature of this assignment was working directly through Scotland Yar d in order to visit the foreign facilities (England, Turkey, Greece). At those facilities, performed aud it of quality and configuration of site documents to meet hardware and software updates and perfor med validation of new procedural data I generated at US manufacturing facility. June 89-Dec 90 CONTRACT ENGINEERING WRITER ANALYST, CDI to ITT, Fort Wayne, In. (75). Reviewed contractual requirements for customer and in-house administrative reporting of procedural de velopment of hardware and software testing of NOAA GOES weather satellites. Generated appropriate mileston e charts, audit reports, and made formal presentations related to evaluation of test program progress of ITT' s largest satellite program. Prepared hardware and software test procedures for prototype and production conf igurations of GOES weather satellites. Generated all technical data by using applicable specifications, des ktop publishing, word processing, and manual preparation as described in skills and synopsis paragraphs. Verified and validated procedures in environmental laboratories. The most significant feature of this assignment was

the national emergency of the deadline nature of the writing project coinciding with the eminent demise of the primary existing weather satellite. Dec 87-May 89 CONTRACT TECHNICAL WRITER, CDI to CEC, Dallas, TX. (45). Prepared maintenance, o peration, theory, test and illustrated parts manuals for ground based radar transmitters and broadcast band transmitters to military and commercial specification for domestic and foreign customers, Jordan, Korea, Saud i Arabia. Generated all technical data by using applicable specifications, desktop publishing, word processing, ma nual preparation described in skills and synopsis paragraphs. Verified and validated procedures to latest hardware co nfigurations. The significant feature of this assignment was that the equipment documented ranged from simple rf circuitry to automatic digitally controlled cavity tuning assemblies. Jan 87-Nov 87 DIRECT LEAD MISSILE TEST ENGINEER-LTVMEG, Grand Prairie, Tx. (40). Analyzed miss ile test requirements and designed, documented, validated, and verified missile flight test procedures . Prepared presentations of field flight test program to customer and company management; performed test trials us ing these procedures in-house and at field missile test ranges. Designed specific function hardware test equip ment and implemented field hardware and software changes using discrete and BITE hardware and software. Pe rformed engineering functions and generated all technical data by using applicable specifications, desktop pub lishing, word processing, manual preparation described in skills and synopsis paragraphs. The most significant fe ature of this assignment was the extensive foreign travel to interface directly with French technical counter parts in development and carrying out test programs, of which mine was a significant contribution combini ng design, test and documentation skills. Sept 84-Oct 86 DIRECT PROJECT WRITER-Rockwell International, Dalllas, Tx. (40). Analyzed test requirements and performed all phases of preparation of customer, sales, and training software and hardware support data for radio, light wave, and fiber optic/laser systems as used in the telecommunications industry. Wrote original installation, operation, and maintenance manuals for field and depot support of Line of Sight diversity trans mitters, receivers, modems, codecs, multiplexers and demultiplexers, digital switches, and associated hardware. Vali dated and verified all data against engineering designed hardware and software, in production laboratories or custom er field locations. The significant aspect of this assignment was the opportunity to work extensively in quality circles contributing to company efforts for TQM (total quality management) programs for implementing ISO certification. Prepared and gave formal presentations for/to management for impl ementing cost effective procedures that support ISO certification requirements as related to publicatio ns production. Mar 80-April 84

CONTRACT INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER, Pollack and Skan to Aerospatial division of LTV, Grand Prairie, Tx. (35). Specified, designed, documented, and implemented bench stock system for factorywide production facilities. Specified the bench stock to be stocked, the bins to be provided and the locatio ns to be supplied. Designed the factory flow for using, distributing, and restocking. The significant part of th is assignment was setting up a production line. Traveled foreign and domestic to acquire, use, translate, and " re-document" French detailed procedures for assembly and test of French helicopter by English-speaki ng production persons. Dec 79-Feb 80 DIRECT ILS LEAD ENGINEERING WRITER, Redifon, Arlington, Tx. (40). Analyzed test requirements from LSA and provisioning data and performed all phases of preparation of customer, sales , and training software and hardware support data for military and commercial flight simulators to commercia l as well as full Army, Navy, and Air Force Specifications. Support data included, specifications, installation, opera tion, and maintenance manuals including generation of all text, diagrams, and procedures. Once completed, val idated and verified all data against engineering designed hardware and software, in production laboratories or custom er field locations domestic and foreign (Germany, England, France) while coordinating, where necessary, translat ion of documents . Prepared bid submittals, RFQs, SOWs, RFPs for military and commercial documentation requireme nts in conjunction with company contracts and proposals departments. Directed efforts of 15 writers and support personnel in document preparation including hiring, supervision, and performance evaluation. The signi ficant contribution of this assignment was being instrumental in changing the highly labor intensive habits of this British company's publications department to the new and upcoming efficiency of automatic data pro cessing in the ILS and technical writing disciplines and managing a newly formed publication department . Aug 75-Oct 79 CONTRACT DESIGN ENGINEER, Personal contract to Vought Corp, Dallas, Tx. (30). Sp ecified and designed measures to reduce and eliminate reaction of aircraft weapon circuits to EMP and EMI radiation in accordance with Mil-HDBK-263A, 1195, Mil-Std-1760 and others. Originated engineering orders, so urce control drawings, and specifications to vendors to identify Vought and government requirements. The c ontribution on this assignment was being the resident EMP/EMI expert. June 75-Aug-75 CONTRACT TECHNICAL WRITER, Volt to F&M Systems, Dallas, Tx. (30). Prepared speci fications, hardware, and software documents for maintenance and training of audio, video, and telecommuni cation switching equipment for Army, Air Force, and commercial broadcasting companies. Providing detailed lesso n plans for technical instruction of user personnel was the most significant contribution on this assi gnment. May 74-Oct 74

CONTRACT TLD DATA ANALYST, CDI to Western-Electric, Winston, NC. (25). Analyzed maintenance requirements of multiple processor controlled phased array radar anti-ballistic missile system and generated maintenance support documentation based on LSA and provisioning data, component failure analysis, reliability, type of replaceable unit, relative technical skill required to maintain, spares available, salvage value, and impact of these on basic mission in accordance with Mil-Stds-1369, 1388, 1390 and others. Prepared maintenance diagnostic system documentation in the form of flow charts, logic diagrams, bloc k diagrams, descriptions and maintenance procedures to field and depot levels of maintenance and support. Th e most important aspect of this assignment was the privilege and discipline experienced in working on a pro ject using over 300 technical writers. July 70-April 74 CONTRACT ENGINEER, Personal contract to Engineering Services, Houston, Tx. (25). Prepared specifications for customer contracts related to repair and maintenance of multi-story pneumatic tu be and elevator package delivery systems, security systems, fire alarm systems, and CCTV monitoring systems. Wro te operational procedures and training aids and instructed customers about the use and maintenance of equipmen t. The most important contribution on this assignment was assisting a startup business that needed spe cial technical capabilities that included engineering, writing, proposal, and building crafts e xpertise. April 70-June 70 CONTRACT SUPERINTENDENT, Volt to Lamson Co., Dallas, Tx. (25). Directed installa tion, in S.W. United States, of pneumatic and elevator package delivery systems, including negotiatin g labor contracts with labor union locals, direct supervision of installation team effort, and coordinating with co mpany and vendor suppliers for delivery of materials and supplies at job site in sequence of installation requirements. The most important aspect of this assignment was utilizing past experience dealing with labor union issues in a te chnical building crafts environment. Dec 69-April 70 CONTRACT ENGINEER, Personal contract to Textronics Co., Dallas, Tx. (20). Design ed electronic security systems for offices, manufacturing facilities, and museums to provide alarm agai nst, fire, intrusion, rising water, smoke, and theft. Coordinated all installation activities with sub-contractors, installers, and architects for installation phase-in. The significant experience of this assignment was being totally respon sible for all activities of the job, from basic design to final sell off to the customer architect. July 69-Nov 69 DIRECT DESIGN ENGINEER-LTV Aerospace, Dallas, Tx. (18). Designed electrical harn esses, cables, and electronic circuitry for production and flight-test aircraft including power dis tribution, squib control, and instrumentation. Installed and field tested gattling gun and gear down and loc ked systems. Evaluated and

documented test results of environmental test aircraft subjected to temperature and humidity extremes in test chambers. Coordinated with weapon manufacturers and military customers to pro perly interface weapons and their release capabilities from production and flight test aircraft. Promoted to QUALITY ENGINEER to provide support for equipment installation on production and flight test aircraft. The m ost important aspect of this assignment was the opportunity to contribute to special research projects by uti lizing past technical bench experience. May 66-June 69 DIRECT ELECTRONIC TEST LAB LEADMAN-NAA Division of Rockwell, Int., Columbus, Oh. (15). Supervised repair and trouble shooting of inertial guidance, avionics, flight control, ECM , SLR components, assemblies and systems. Trained new technicians on use of BITE and VAST equipment. Provide d flight line support of test operations. All aspects of contribution to this assignment were very significant because flight line support was real time in order to maintain reconnaissance mission schedules of the war e ffort. Jan 62-April 66 REFERENCES (as of dates of assignments): 1. [email protected] 2 . Al Lacey [email protected] Graphics Manager Continental Electronics. 3. Joe Johnson johnsj1@sboglobal. net Human Resources Lockheed Martin. 4. Professor Don Brownlee 972-234-6303 Senior Writer Texas Instr uments. 5. [email protected] 6. Erica Depriest, Solar human resources director 972-228-6136.

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