Technical Writer Training MBA in Houston TX Resume Patricia Holler

May 29, 2016 | Author: PatriciaHoller | Category: Types, Presentations
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Patricia Holler has extensive experience in technical writing and editing, organizing and managing engineering and techn...


PATRICIA ANN HOLLER 281.286.4065 home, 713.320.2931 cell [email protected] Houston, Texas SUMMARY Technical Writer, Training, MBA Extensive experience in technical writing and editing, organizing and managing engineering and technical teams and processes. Skilled in project management, risk management, technical analysis, and training. Adept problem solving skills, working with and coordinating the technical work of engineers, and performing engineering tasks. Reputation for being proactive and “getting things done.” Experienced with Microsoft Project, PowerPoint, Excel, and Word; SharePoint and Wiki code. Possess a strong combination of business, international, and technical expertise supporting the NASA management for the Space Shuttle, Space Station, and Constellation programs. Multi-cultural perspective - Having lived and traveled overseas for 15 years, enjoy a positive understanding and appreciation of cultures world-wide. CHRONOLOGICAL WORK EXPERIENCE SUMMARY F O U N D E R |T EC H N I C A L W R I T E R , T R A I N I N G , MBA Training and Technical Writing Leadership in the Houston, Texas Area


Attending networking events, researching industry leaders, tracking industry trends, and participating in industry discussions S E N I O R P ROJ EC T C O N SU LTA N T |T EC H N I C AL W R I T I N G , T R A I NI NG , MBA The Frontline Group, Houston, Texas


Prepared risk management materials for and participate in training and workshops for Repsol Well Construction; familiar with BowTieXP and barrier management Worked as a team member establishing processes to improve efficiency in consultant placement Developed competency management products: assessment guides, job role templates, competency profiles for drilling and completions engineers, supervisors and superintendents at ConocoPhillips Wrote a Wiki article on Intelligent Well Systems, describing the history, benefits, components, major providers and lessons learned, and edited other articles for ConocoPhillips; familiar with wiki code I N T E R N AT I O N A L P A R T N E R L I A I SO N |T EC H N I C AL W R I T I NG , T R AI NI NG , MBA United Space Alliance, Houston, Texas


International Partner (IP) Liaison – resolved issues, chaired, and organized teleconferences with Europe and Japan; coordinated, facilitated, and documented meetings with IPs (Canada, Europe, and Japan) Payload Integration Manager – guided Payload Developers to ensure hardware was verified and certified for flight and available for successful completion of science on-board the International Space Station (ISS); edited process documentation Flight Payload Manager – ensured the necessary science hardware was properly manifested and documented for launch to the ISS Space Shuttle and Space Station Crew Provisioning – accomplished engineering activities ensuring verification, certification, documentation, and proper packaging of flight crew clothing and personal items; took the initiative to research and document procedures 1

Configuration Management – professionally performed duties as Constellation Control Board Executive Secretary; tracked actions; prepared executive summaries; reviewed, approved, and posted meeting minutes; wrote procedures and desk instructions; trained and coached personnel Risk Management – accountable for Space Shuttle Flight Software (FSW) risk assessments of change requests; developed and presented risk management process to FSW management; attended risk management conferences and training to continuously learn and improve methodologies and risk mitigation strategies; developed and updated schedules for deliverables PAY LOA D I N T EG R AT I O N S P C I A L I ST |T EC H NI C AL W R I T I NG , T R AI NI NG , MBA Lockheed Martin Services, Houston, Texas


Space Station Payload Project Management - assisted the Project Manager; coordinated, facilitated, participated in, and documented meetings between NASA and the IPs; prepared quality presentation material for NASA and Contractor Managers; ensured schedules were met F L I G H T E X P E R I M E N T S C I E N T I ST Krug Life Sciences, Houston, Texas


Human Research Facility Science Program – prepared documents for life science experiments; interfaced with investigators and engineers to ensure biomedical hardware developed met functional requirements Shuttle-Mir Science Program (SMSP) – coordinated tasks requiring understanding of experiments, constraints, hardware, and Russian Space Station Mir activities; developed timelines for crew SMSP activities T EC H N I C A L S P EC I A L I ST Barrios Technology, Inc., Houston, Texas


Business Development – identified new business opportunities, worked proposals, provided interface with teaming partners and Contracting Officers, and provided input to the budget Space Station Operations – researched, developed, produced, and maintained flight preparation schedules; generated process flows S TA F F A SS I STA N T A N D R E CO N F I G U R AT I O N C O O R D I N ATO R Rockwell Space Operations Company, Houston, Texas


Special Projects – identified process improvements; defined, scheduled, tracked goals and objectives; prepared managers for reviews with NASA customers Shuttle Mission Simulators – developed and maintained tracking system for training load documentation, prepared updates to training load schedules and handbooks P ROJ E C T A N A LY ST A D M E D I A C O N T RO L S U P E R V I SO R Singer-Link, Houston, Texas


Coordinated Reconfiguration Management activities for Shuttle simulator training of astronauts Supervised tape librarians and computer operators at JSC, interfaced with user community, technical writing and implementation of procedures A SS O C I AT E A N A LY ST Chimex-Systems, Inc., Houston, Texas


Technical writing and training - procedures for handling classified data and security


EDUCATION University of Houston – Clear Lake, Clear Lake/Houston, Texas: Master of Business Administration in Management, 1988, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas: Bachelor of Science in Advertising, 1976, High Honors Graduate, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society TRAINING AND CONFERENCES Risk Assessment with BowTieXP, Incident Analysis Using IncidentXP, Houston, Texas, 2013 Basic Petroleum Engineering Practices, PetroSkills, Houston, Texas, 2.8 CEU, 2013 Professional Development for Women, Clemson University Workshop, Houston, Texas, 2009 The Seven Habits Benchmark, USA Training Academy, Houston, Texas, 2006 Risk Management Conference VI, Orlando, Florida, 2005 NASA Continuous Risk Management Training, Houston, Texas, 2003 Risk Management Maturity Level Development Training, 2002 PUBLICATIONS Human Research Facility for the International Space Station, SAE Technical Paper 972284, 1997 PRESENTATIONS An Overview of the Human Research Facility for the International Space Station, 28th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 1998 Human Research Facility for the International Space Station, 27th Conference on Environmental Systems, 1997 Human Research Facility for Space Station Alpha, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1996 AWARDS AND CERTIFI CATES Customer Satisfaction Award, Multilateral Integration Meetings, 2010 USA Quest Performance Award and Customer Satisfaction Award, Flight Payload Manager Support for the Japanese HTV-1, 2009 USA Quest for Excellence Performance Award, CMMI-FSW Standard Software Process, 2005 NASA Space and Life Sciences Certificate of Recognition, Human Research Facility Team, 2001 NASA Group Achievement Award, Phase 1A Shuttle/Mir Science Program, 1996 JSC Group Achievement Award, Mir/19/20 and STS-76 Operations and Science Support Team, 1996 JSC Group Achievement Award, Phase 1A Shuttle/Mir Science Project Team, 1995 NASA Certificate of Achievement, STS-71 Spacelab-Mir Mission, 1995 NASA Certificate of Appreciation, Shuttle-Mir Science Program, 1994 NASA Public Service Group Achievement Award, Space Transportation Systems Operations Contract, 1988 JSC Group Achievement Award, 28th Controller Mode Implementation Team, 1983 PROFESSI ONAL AFFILI ATIONS National Management Association, Chapter 533 Secretary, 1999


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