Technical Specification For GRP Pipes and Piping Component

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Employer Doc. No.

NSRP Contractor Doc. No.

Complex Project Nghi Son, Vietnam

Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical Limited Liability Company

S-000-1360-0012V Rev. 0

Employer Contract No.: XXXXX, Contractor JOB Code: 0-6495-20

Page 1 of 43

Date: 29/OCT/13

Technical Specification for GRP Pipes and Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL) Unit No.: Not Applicable Unit Abbreviation.: Not Applicable Document Class: X











For Construction (Incorporated Employer’s comments) First issue

Operation Centre JOB Code:

Responsible Company











Operation Centre Doc. No.:

Prepared by

H. Mihira

Checked by

T. Shoji

 Approved  Approve d by

T. Yamamoto


Employer Doc. No.

NSRP Contractor Doc. No.

Complex Project Nghi Son, Vietnam

Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical Limited Liability Company

S-000-1360-0012V Rev. 0

Employer Contract No.: XXXXX, Contractor JOB Code: 0-6495-20

Issue Purpose










Responsible Company


Date: 29/OCT/13

For Construction


For Construction (Incorporated Employer’s comments) First issue

Operation Centre JOB Code:

Page 2 of 43










Operation Centre Doc. No.:

Prepared by

H. Mihira

Checked by

T. Shoji

 Approved  Approve d by

T. Yamamoto


Employer Doc. No.

NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)

Contractor Doc. No.


Rev. 0 Page 3 of 43


This specification is sourced from ITB document 3550-8310-SP-0003 “GRP Pipe, Fittings and Installation Requirements for Underground Services” for purchasing GRP pipes and piping components. For pressurized piping requirements, refer to project specification 3550-8440-SP-0002 “Materials Requirements for Pressurized Equipment and Piping”.


Employer Doc. No.

NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)

Contractor Doc. No.


Rev. 0 Page 4 of 43



PURPOSE PURPOSE AND SCOPE..... SCOPE............ .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............................5 ......................5 1.1

Scop Scope e of Material Material Supp Supply.... ly........... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..................................5 ...........................5


Serv Service ice Fluid [HOLD [HOLD]...... ]............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ......................... ..................5 5


Serv Service ice Condi Condition tions..... s............ .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ....................................6 .............................6


Stress and Surge Analysis.............................................................................. Analysis........................................................................................................... .................................. ..... 6


Pipe Supports for Aboveground Aboveground GRP Piping....................................................... Piping........................................................................ ........................ .......... ... 7


DEFINITIO DEFINITIONS.... NS........... ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......................... ................... 7


REFERENC REFERENCE E DOCUMENT DOCUMENTS..... S............ .............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ................ .........8 8 3.1

Proj Project ect Specific Specificatio ations ns & Standards Standards....... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. ...................................8 ............................8


Internat International ional Standard Standards................................................ s........................................................................................... .............................................................. .......................... ....... 8


REQUIREME REQUIREMENTS.. NTS......... .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ...........................10 ....................10 4.1

Gen General eral....... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .................................... ............................. 10


Base Materials......................................... Materials..................................................................................... .................................................................................. ............................................ ........ 11


Resi Resin.... n........... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .................... ....................... .......... 11


Desi Design.. gn......... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ....................... ................12 12


Dimension Dimensions............................................. s......................................................................................... ........................................................................................ .............................................. .. 13


Technica Technicall Requirements.......................................................... Requirements...................................................................................................... ........................................................ ............ 14


MANUFACT MANUFACTURE... URE.......... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..........................14 ...................14 5.1

Fila Filament ment-wou -wound nd pipe pipe....... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ........................... ....................... 14


Fitt Fittings ings and Flanges..... Flanges........... ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ......................... ..................14 14


QUALIFICA QUALIFICATION TIONS S TESTING.. TESTING......... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .......................14 ................14 6.1

Finished Product Products.............................................. s.......................................................................................... ............................................................................ .................................. .. 15


General Qualifications Qualifications Requirements...................................................... Requirements.............................................................................. ............................... ............. ........ 15


NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)

6.3 7

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Special Qualification Qualification Requirements....................................................... Requirements...................................................................................... ...................................... ......... .. 17 INSPECTIO INSPECTION N AND TESTING.. TESTING......... .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ................ ......... 19


Gen General eral....... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .................................... ............................. 19


Acce Acceptan ptance ce Tests......... Tests................ .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ......................... ................................ .............. 19


QUALITY QUALITY REQUIREM REQUIREMENT.. ENT......... .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ....................20 .............20 8.1

Qua Quality lity Assurance Assurance....... .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ................. ................................. ....................... 20


Qua Quality lity Cont Control... rol.......... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ...................... ............... 20


Cert Certific ificatio ation..... n............ .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .........................21 ..................21


DOCUMENT DOCUMENTATIO ATION...... N............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ...........................21 ....................21 9.1


Vend Vendor’s or’s Drawings Drawings....... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ................................... ............................... ... 21 PRESERVAT PRESERVATION ION AND PACKING... PACKING.......... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ..................................21 ...........................21


Marking........................................................................................................................... Marking............................................................................... ................................................... .............. ........... .... 21


Packaging Packaging...................................... .................................................................................. ....................................................................................... ................................................. ............ ...... 22


INSTALLA INSTALLATION TION OF GRP PIPING PIPING SYSTEM.... SYSTEM........... ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ................... ..........................22 ..............22


Piping Materials......................................... Materials..................................................................................... ................................................................ ........................... ............. ............. ......... .. 22


Installatio Installation................................................. n............................................................................................. ............................................................................ ...................................... ........... ..... 22


Design of Pipes, Joints and Fittings.............................................................................. Fittings...................................................................... ............... ............. ......... ... 24


Receiving, Handling and Storage......................................................................................... Storage............................................................................ .................... .......... ... 25


Assembly of Pipe and Fittings........................................................................ Fittings.................................................................................................. ................................ ...... 25


Placing of Pipe in Trench.................................................................................................. Trench............................................................................ ............................ ............. ......... 25


Hydro-te Hydro-testing sting of Pipe....................................................................................................... Pipe........................................................... ............................................................ ................ 25


Flanged Connections..................................................... Connections........................................................................................... ............................................ ............. .............. ............. ........ 25

12 12.1

TECHNICAL TECHNICAL INFORMAT INFORMATION ION REQUIRED REQUIRED FROM VENDO VENDOR.... R........... .............. .............. .............. ...................................26 ............................26 Technica Technicall Details................................................................................................................... Details....................................................................... ....................................................... ........... 26

ATTACHMENT-1: SERVICE CONDITIONS OF GRP FLUID SYSTEMS......................................................28


NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)

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NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)


Employer Doc. No. Contractor Doc. No.


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PURPOSE AND SCOPE This specification covers the technicalrequirements for GRP (Glass-fiber Reinforced Plastic) pipes and piping components in NSRP(Nghi Son Refinery and Petrochemical) Complex Project.

1.1 1.1

Sco Scope of Materi rial al Sup Supply The following are the items to be supplied by Vendor: 




Bolts and Nuts


Pipe Supports for A/G (Note 1)

 Adhesive Kits Kits (Note 1)

Special Tools

Materials for Trainings

Note 1: Vendor shall propose the required quantities. The prices shall be indicated separately in the proposal, and included in the total price.


Service Fluid [HOLD] The following service fluids are applicable to GRP piping systems:



Pressurized Piping Systems (1) (1) Se Sea a Wat Water er (A (A/G /G,, U/G U/G))


NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)

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(2) (2) Fi Fire re Wa Wate terr (U/ (U/G) G) (3) Potable Water (U/G) (4) Cooling Water (U/G) (5) Treated Water  (6) Continually Oil Contaminated (COC) Water for Pressurized Piping (7) Service (Process) Water 



Non-pressurized Piping Systems (1) Accid Accidenta entally lly O Oilil C Conta ontamina minated ted (AOC) (AOC) Water  Water  (2) COC Wate Waterr ffor or Non-pre Non-pressur ssurized ized Piping Piping


Service Conditions The design and operating conditions (pressures and temperatures)for each service fluid are summarized in Attachment-1.  All piping systems systems shall withstand withstand the fu fullll vacuum con condition dition at ambient ambient temperature. temperature. Non-pressurized Piping System shall have an atmospheric design and operating pressures. Minimum and maximum temperatures the system shall be subjected are between 0 to 50° C.

1.4 1.4

Str Stress and Su Surg rge e Analy nalys sis Vendorshall conduct stress and surge analyses. It is his responsibility to completely evaluate the effects of temperature changes, internal pressure surges and pipeline geometry as per 35508230-SP-0004 – Pipe Stress Analysis Guide (to be replaced with S-000-1360-0005V “Specification for Stress Analysis”) and 3550-8230-SP-0005-Stress Critical Line Index Guide (to be replaced with S-000-1360-0006V “Guideline for Stress Critical Line List Preparation”). It is also his responsibility to determine the need and locations of thrust blocks and anchorages. The analyses shall be completed prior to fabrication.


Employer Doc. No.

NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)

Contractor Doc. No.


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Vendorshall submit the structural design of pipe for the various criteria as listed below: 

Buoyancy for varying water table - to be considered. Water table to be considered as same level with finished grade level.Not to be considered.

Burial depth (H) - Pressurized Piping System:

300mm to 3,000mm

- NonNon-pr pres essu suri rize zed d Pip Pipin ing g Syste System: m:

30 300m 0mm m to 3,00 3,000m 0mm m

Backfill type/density - Embedm dme ent Mater terial: ial:

San Sand with ith Fin ine e

- Comp Compact actio ion nD Degr egree: ee:

High High ((95 95% %s stan tandar dard d den densit sity y at at o opti ptimu mum m mois moistur ture e con conten tentt a as s determined by the Modified Proctor test on BS 1377)

- Soi Soill Sti Stiff ffne ness ss Ca Cate tego gory ry::

SC SC3 3

- Soil Density:


- Soil Modu odulus: lus:

30M 30MPa for for H≤1000 20 MPa for H>1000


Employer Doc. No.

NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)

Contractor Doc. No.


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Maximum/minimum installation temperatures - Min. Temperature:

10 deg.C

- Max. Temperature:

36 deg.C

Live loading The following two load cases shall be considered: - LC-1:

75 kN

- LC-2:

100 kN

In addition, special impact load during start-up, test, or emergency shut-down shall be considered, if any.

1.5 1.5

Pi Pipe pe Su Supp ppor orts ts fo forr Abov Aboveg egro roun und d GR GRP P Pi Pipi ping ng Vendor shall inform Contractor of pipe support locations and types for aboveground piping systems based on the result of stress analysis. Vendor shall submit the following pipe support information with his quotation:


Engineering Guide for Pipe Supports

Support Type

Standard Support Drawings

Unit Price for Pipe Supports, if Vendor can supply them

DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply: Empl Em ploy oyer er--

Nghi Nghi S Son on Refi Refine nery ry and and Pe Petr troc oche hemi mica call Limi Limite ted d Liab Liabil ilit ity y Comp Compan any y (NSR (NSRP) P)


Employer Doc. No.

NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)

Contractor Doc. No.


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Contractor- A Joint Venture formed by JGC Corporation, Chiyoda Corporation, GS Engineering & Construction Corporation, SK Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd., Technip France and Technip Geoproduction (M) Sdn. Bhd., as Contractor for the execution of the NSRP Complex Project Vendor- nominated by the Contractor and approved by Employer  Installation Team(s) - Vendor’strained and qualified GRP Pipe System installers provided by Contractor 



3.1 3.1

Pr Proj ojec ectt Spec Specif ific icat atio ions ns & St Stan anda dard rds s



Project Specifications 3550-8110-PH-0005

Drainage Philosophy


Pipe Stress Analysis Guide


Stress Critical Line Index Guide


Earthwork Specification


Drainage Ma Materials an and Wo Workmanship


Materials R Re equirements ffo or Pr Pressurized Eq Equipment a an nd Piping




Protective Painting Systems


Instrument Piping Specification

Project Drawings To be informed later.

3.2 3.2

Int Internat nation ional Sta Stand nda ard rds s Where no specific revision numbers or issue dates of the international standards are specified, the latest versions of them as of 27, January 2013 shall govern.


Employer Doc. No.

NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)



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British Standards BS 5750

Quality Systems

BS 3396

Specification for E Glass Fibre Rovings for Reinforcement of Polyester and Epoxy Resin Systems

BS 3691

Specification for Loom-State Fabrics, Woven Glass FibreFabrics for Plastics Reinforcement.





American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)  ASME B16.47 B16.47

Large Diam Diameter eter Steel F Flanges langes NPS 26 through through NPS 48

 ASME B16.5 B16.5

Pipe Flang Flanges es and Flanged Flanged Fittings

 ASME B31.3 B31.3

Process Piping Piping

American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) Standard Test Methods for:  ASTM D 570

Water Absorption Absorption of Plastics Plastics

 ASTM D 696

Coefficient of of Linear Thermal Thermal Expansion Expansion

 ASTM D 1599 1599

Short-Time Short-Time Hydraulic Failure Failure Pressure Pressure of Plastic Plastic pipe, Tubing and Fittings

 ASTM D 2412 2412

External Loading Loading Properties Properties of of Plastic pipe by by Parallel-plate Parallel-plate Loading

 ASTM D 2563 2563

Visual Defects Defects in Glass Reinforced Reinforced plastic plastic laminated Parts

 ASTM D 2583 2583

Indentation Indentation Hardnes Hardness s of Rigid Plastics Plastics by Means of of a Barcol Impressor 

 ASTM D 2584 2584

Ignition Loss Loss of Cured Reinforced Resins Resins


Employer Doc. No.

NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)

 ASTM D 2925 2925

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Beam Deflection Deflection of Reinforced Reinforced Thermosetting Thermosetting Plastic Plastic Pipe under Full Bore Flow

 ASTM D 2992 2992 B

Obtaining Obtaining Hydrostatic De Design sign Basis for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe and Fittings

 ASTM D 3418 3418

Transition Temperature Temperature of Polymers Polymers by thermal thermal Analysis

 ASTM D 3567 3567

Dimensions of Reinforced Reinforced Thermosetting Thermosetting Resin Pipe and Fittings



 ASTM D 4024 4024

Reinforced Thermosetting Thermosetting Resin Flanges Flanges

 ASTM D 638

Tensile properties properties of Plastic Plastic

 ASTM D 695 M

Compressive p properties roperties of of Rigid Plastic

 ASTM D 2105 2105

Longitudin Longitudinal al Tensile Pr Properties operties

 ASTM D 2290 2290

Apparent Apparent Hoop Tensile Tensile Strength

Dutch Standard NEN 7037

Glass-fibre Reinforced Thermosetting Plastic Pipes for Drain and Sewers. Requirements for Test Methods



European Standards EN 59

Glass Reinforced Plastic – Measurement of Hardness by Means of a Barcol Impressor (Glass Reinforced PlasticsDetermination of Loss on Ignition)



International Standard Organisation (ISO) ISO 62

Plastics – Determination of Water Absorption

ISO 9001

Quality Assurance


Employer Doc. No.

NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)

ISO/TS 1 10 0465-1

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Underground IIn nstallation of F Fllexible Glass-Reinforced Pi Pipes Based on Unsaturated Polyester Resin Part 1: Installation Procedures

ISO/TR 10465-2

Underground Installation of Flexible Glass-Reinforced Pipes Based on Unsaturated Polyester Resin Part 2: Comparison of Static Calculation Methods

ISO/TR 10465-3

Underground Installation of Flexible Glass-Reinforced Pipes Based on Unsaturated Polyester Resin Part 3: Installation Parameters and Specification Limits

ISO 14692

Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries- Glass-Reinforced Plastics Piping (All Parts)



Other Applicable International Standards  API Spec 15LR 15LR

Reinforced T Thermosettin hermosetting g Resin Line Line Pipe

Class No 1610

Approval Standard –Plastic Pipe and Fittings for Underground Fire Protection Service, issued by Factory Mutual Research, 1151 Boston-Province Tumpike, Norwood, Massachusetts 02061, USA.


Fiberglass Pipe Desig Design n

 AWWA C950

Fiberglass Pressure P Pipe ipe




General Pipe, fittings and flanges shall be made by the filament-winding process and flanges shall be made by the pressed sheet moulding process. The entire surface of the GRP pipe and fittings material shall be UV resistant material and shall have design life of 25 years.


NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)

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Section 6describes the qualification testing programme and procedure to which a Vendoris subjected before his first delivery of GRP pipe and fittings. Section 7 describes the minimum number of production tests to be carried out for each subsequent delivery of GRP pipe and fittings by a Vendorwhose products have been qualified successfully.  A number of requirements requirements in th this is specification are comp comparable arable to those those of API Specification Specification 15LR”Specification for low pressure fibreglass lines, pipe and fittings”. Pressurized piping shall be designed, manufactured and installed in accordance with ISO 14692 Part 1-4.


Base Materials  All base materials materials shall be new an and d unused unused,, and shall b be e free from contamination contamination and imperfections. The base, for example, resins, glass-fibre reinforcing materials, pigments and other materials, when combined as a composite structure, shall produce pipe, fittings and flanges which meet the requirements of this specification. All base materials shall be specified in writing by the pipe Vendorand certified by the Vendorof raw materials per delivery.


Resin Unless otherwise agreed, the pipe, fittings and flanges shall be made from a bisphenol A epichlorohydrin epoxy resin and an aromatic or cyclo-alipathic amine-type curing agentVinylester or Polyester, with a documented history of successful performance on similar service. Vendorshall provide full details of the type of resin and curing system chosen.



Glass-Fibre reinforcement, Fillers and Pigments Glass-fibre reinforcement for the reinforced wall shall be made of E-glass (for example, low-alkali glass) meeting an internationally accepted standard such as BS 3691, BS 3396 and shall have a finish (coupling agent) which is compatible with the epoxy resin.


NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)

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Fillers are not acceptable. Thixotropic additives added to the resin/curing agent mixture for viscosity control shall not exceed 2% by weight. Pigments are only acceptable as long as they do not affect the performance of the components as defined in Section 6, or if agreed with Employerin order to fulfil special application requirements.



Lining Material Unless otherwise agreed (see Clause 4.3.1), flange surface and all pipe and fittings which are to be exposed to the fluid, shall have a smooth uniform resin-rich lining consisting of: 

 A surfacing mat (tissue) or veil, which may be eith either er a C-glass (example, (example, chemicalchemicalresistant glass) or a synthetic fibre such as linear polyester fibres or polyacrylontrile fibres;



The same resin, which is used for the fabrication of the pipe, fitting and flange.

Adhesive The adhesive for adhesive-bonded connections shall be of an epoxy type, formulated to be resistant to the fluid to be conveyed, and for the service temperatures and pressures. It shall be of the type and quality regularly supplied by the pipe Vendorfor the duty intended, and as used for  the qualification test (Clause 6.2.6) and shall have a proven record of good service. The adhesive shall be provided in a kit form containing the epoxy resin curing agent (separately and in the recommended proportions), a mixing stick, joint cleaner, sandpaper and brush, together with jointing instructions. The adhesive kit shall have been date stamped at the time of the packaging and shall indicate the required storage conditions and date of expiration of shelf life. The adhesive kit shelf life at 40 C shall not be less than six months from the date of shipment or 12 months from the date of production.


NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)



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Rubber Sealing Rings The sealing rings for the spigot and socket connections shall be made of a rubber type resistant to the water to be conveyed and for the service temperatures and pressures. Vendorshall state the type of rubber, providing evidence for its suitability in the proposed application.



Fixation Rod The fixation rod for thrust-resistant spigot and socket connections with rubber sealing ring(s) shall be made of a flexible thermoplastic material, resistant to the particular service condition, such as temperature, surrounding environment, ultra-violet exposure, etc. Vendorshall state the type of thermoplastic material, providing evidence for its suitability in the proposed application.



Lamination Vendorshall submit the lamination process from preparation to finishing. The lamination surface shall be warmed up during cold weather application to temperature higher than 18°C. Pipe diameters larger than 600mm (24”) shall be laminated. Vendorshall remove the fire protection layer prior to lamination work. After lamination process, fire protection layer shall be reinstated in accordance with Vendor’s recommendation of protection layer installation.



Jointing Methods Jointing method shall be standardized for aboveground and underground systems as follows: 

NPS 24 and below = Adhesive (Taper)

NPS 26 and above = Laminated

Keylock mechanical joint shall be used for all all field joints and for up to 24“pipe diameter. Piping system shall be fabricated in spooled sections to minimise field joints. Field joints for pipes more than 24” in diameter shall be laminated joints. Taper/Taper adhesive joint shall be used for all workshop environment to fabricate more complicated/convoluted spools.


NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)


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Design Vendorshall submit a piping stress analysis report in accordance with ASME B31.3 and full relevant material data relevant to his specific brand of pipes and fittings to enable the Contractorto verifythe piping stress analysis of GRP piping in accordance with ASME B31.3. The components shall also be designed and manufactured to ASME B31.3. Unless otherwise specified, piping shall have smooth uniform resin-rich lining (Clause 4.3.2). Vendorshall provide proper installation instructions and, if requested, adequate supervision at all stages of installation.

4.5 4.5.1


Pipe The pipe standard for filament-wound pipe may be based on either the inside diameter (Di) or the outside diameter (Do). The reinforced wall thickness of the pipe shall be sufficient to withstand the temperatures, pressures and service conditions of the particular application. The wall thickness shall be at least 1.8mm. Lining thickness for filament-wound pipe shall be at least 0.5mm. Pressured-sheet moulding compound (SMC) flanges have no liner but a pressed skin which shall be at least 0.2mm thick.  All piping shall shall have a smooth smooth resin rrich ich top ou outer ter coat. The difference between the largest and smallest diameter (ovality) in each cross section shall be not more than 0.007 Di or 0.007Do. The pipes shall be supplied with either integral Taper-Taper spigot and socket ends suitable for adhesive joints or with spigot and socket ends with rubber sealing rings.


NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)



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Fittings Fittings shall be supplied with integral socket ends to accept either tapered ends for adhesive  joints or for joints with rubber rubber seal sealing ing rings. The reinforced wall thickness of the fittings shall be sufficient to withstand the temperatures, pressures and service conditions of the particular application. It shall be at least 2.2mm. The difference between the largest and smallest measured inside diameter (ovality) shall not be more than 0.007 Di or 0.007 Do.



Flanges The outside diameter and drilling template of flanges shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5 class 150 for pipes up to NPS 24,ASME B16.47 series A for pipes larger than NPS 24 up to NPS 60. Vendor shall design the flanges larger than NPS60 based on ASME B31.3 Para.A304.5.1. Vendor standard drawing for the flanges larger than NPS 60 shall be submitted at the bidding stage. The flange face shall be flat-type. The flange face finish shall be serrated spiral (stock).



Gaskets The gaskets shall be suitable for a full face flange and shall be synthetic rubber with reinforcement. Vendorshall provide recommended flange bolt torques for the recommended gaskets.



Bolts The bolts and nuts materials shall be ASTM A307-B / A563-A. Two washers of ASTM F436 shall be provided for each bolt. The bolts, nuts and washers shall be galvanized.

4.6 4.6

Tec ech hnica ical Re Req quir irem eme ents nts Pipe and fittings purchased to this specification shall meet the requirements as stated in Sections 4, 5 and 6.


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Pipe and fittings for fire protection service shall have a Factory Manual (FM) approval, which implies that they meet a number of requirements additional to this specification. specificati on. This implies that for pipe, fittings and pipe spools a safety factor of 4 shall be adhered to on the short term weeping pressure. The raw materials shall be checked against the sales specification as given by Vendorof these materials. Vendorshall check for each production batch per shift of eight hours the mixing ratiosof resin and curing agent. He shall also record permanently the mixing ratios.


MANUFACTURE Unless otherwise agreed by the Employer, the following manufacturing methods shall be adhered to:


Fila ilament-wound pipe ipe Filament-wound pipe shall be manufactured by winding resin-impregnated continuous fibrous glass strand roving or woven glass roving tape on to the outside of a mandrel in a pre-determined pattern under controlled tension. Vendorshall provide details of filament winding angle prior to commencement of production.


Fitt ittings and Flanges Fittings shall be of a filament-wound construction. Flanges shall be of a filament-wound construction or a pressed-sheet moulded compound (SMC) construction. construct ion. In the latter case of length of the reinforcing fibres shall be at least 12mm.


QUALIFICATIONS TESTING The full program of qualification testing is required before Vendor will be allowed to deliver for the first time. The Employermay require to repeat, completely or in part, the qualificat qualification ion testing of a certain make, for example, because of time elapsed or new developments.


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Changes in the design and/or method of Vendorof pipes and/or fittings will in any case require new or additional qualification tests. The qualification testing shall be carried out on products with representative diameters. The type of product, its pressure and temperature rating and number, etc shall be mutually agreed with Employer (to be fixed later). Representative diameter and products:


Pipe, Elbow 90º, equal Tee and reducer 

Products Representative























diameter (mm) Diameter Range (mm)

500 600


Pipe, Elbow 90º, equal Tee and reducer 

Products Representative









diameter (mm) Diameter Range (mm)

Vendor shall provide materials which werecertified by the qualification testing before as described herein. The test certificate certificates s shall be submitted to Contractor.


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Qualification testing as described herein shall be carried out by Vendorand witnessed and certified by an independent authority recognised by Employer. Alternativel Alternatively, y, testing and certification certificat ion may be carried out by an independent testing organisation. This shall be confirmed by submitting a test certificate witnessed by an independent authoritystating the test results. Employer shall be contacted for those cases where the material will be accepted and released pending some time consuming qualification tests (e.g. the beam deflection test). Such tests may be accepted on their satisfactory completion and the material will then receive the final clearance.


Fini inished Products The following qualificat qualification ion requirements shall apply to the finished products. products. Vendorshall comply with API Spec 15 LR and carry out the following tests. All tests shall be carried out at room temperature.

6.2 6.2

Gene Genera rall Qual Qualif ific icat atio ions ns Re Requ quir irem emen ents ts The general qualifications requirements shall be as per applicable ASTM Standards listed in Section 3.2.3 of this Specification. Specification.



Curing The degree of curing of pipe and fittings shall be determined by boiling samples in acetone (dimethyl ethyl ketone) for 3 hours. After boiling and drying to constant weight the samples shall not show more than 2% loss of weight. The degree of curing may also be assessed by determination of the transition temperature by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) of differential thermal analysis (DTA) in accordance with  ASTM D 3418. 3418. The glassglass-transition transition temperatu temperature re shall be at least 110ºC. 110ºC.


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Glass Content The glass/resin ratio of filament-wound pipe shall be tested in accordance with EN 60 or ASTM D 2584. The glass content of the filament-wound pipe shall be at least 65% by weight, whereas for filament wound fittings the glass content shall be at least 55% by weight.



Consistency of Pipe Material Three samples shall be taken from three places situated 120º apart in the same cross section. The glass content of each sample shall be determined in accordance with EN 60 or ASTM D 2584. The difference in the glass content between two samples shall be not more than 5% by weight.



Water Absorption Pipe and fittings shall not show evidence of delamination or other impairments when tested in accordance with ISO 62 or ASTM D 570.



Linear Thermal Expansion Vendorshall state in his qualification testing report the coefficient of thermal expansion of a pipe length as determined in accordance with ASTM D 696.



Adhesive Bonded Piping System The relevant requirements for the specific component shall also apply for the adhesive bonded piping system. The application of an additional overlap laminate to the joint to obtain the necessary strength is not acceptable.


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Spigot and Socket with Rubber Sealing Rings Joint Piping Systems  A spigot and and socket with rubber rubber se sealing aling rings jjoint oint piping a assembly ssembly shall shall meet the following following requirements: 

No leakages shall occur during hydrostatic pressure testing at 1.5 times the design pressure during ten minutes, whilst the test sections are deflected angularly in such a way that the centre-line of one section of the assembled specimen makes an angle of 1.5° (for diameters up to 600mm) or 1° (for diameters from 700mm) with the centre-line of  the other section.

The joint assembly shall withstand a combination of a bending force and an internal hydrostatic pressure of 1.5 times the design pressure.

The bending force shall be applied in the middle of the joint and shall be calculated depending on the length of the specimens and the support distance. The applied bending force shall be such that the sum of the occurring axial stresses due to the internal hydrostatic pressure of 1.5 times design pressure plus the occurring axial stress due to the bending force shall be two times the nominal axial stress.

 After having having applied the calculat calculated ed bendin bending g force, ten cycles cycles of 0 to 1.5 times design pressure shall be performed.

The pressure cycle time shall be ten minutes (five minutes without pressure, five minutes at design pressure).

The joint assembly shall withstand a combination of a shear force (N) of 20 times the inside diameter (mm) and an internal hydrostatic test pressure of two times the design pressure. The test pressure shall be cycled from zero to the test pressure, ten times, while holding the shear force. The time for one pressure cycle shall be ten minutes (five minutes without pressure, five minutes at design pressure).

The test sections shall be deflected while the pipe units are in horizontal position, by applying a load verticall vertically y at the spigot end of the joint. The shear force shall be uniformly applied over an arc of not more than 180° along a longitudinal distance of one pipe diameter or 300mm, whichever is the smaller, from the sealing of the assembled joint, at the unsupported spigot end of the pipe. The specimens in the test shall be supported on


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blocks, placed immediately behind the bell. Instead of the applied load by external force, the use of own weight of the filled specimen can be chosen. 

The joint assembly shall withstand an internal vacuum of 0.74 bar absolute during ten minutes when (a) deflected angular angularly ly in such such a way that that the centre-line centre-line of one section of the assembled specimen makes an angle of 1.5° (for diameters up to 600mm) or 1° (for diameters from 700mm) with the centre-line of the other section, and when (b) deflected in a ho horizontal rizontal p position osition by a shear force vertically vertically applied applied at the the spigot end of the joint over an arc of not more than 180° along a longitudinal distance of one pipe diameter or 300mm, whichever is the smaller, from the sealing of the assembled joint, at the unsupported spigot end of the pipe

NOTE: (Pressure stabilising for 30 minute minutes s is allowed). allowed).



Flanged Piping System Flanges shall withstand, without any visible sign of damage, a bolt torque of at least 1.5 times that recommended by Vendorat the design pressure. For this test a flanged section shall be bolted against a flat face steel flange. The bolts shall be tightened in 7 mm increments according to the recommended practice. Two flanged section shall be bolted together using the gasket and bolt torque for standard field installation installati on as recommended by Vendor. This assembly shall meet the following requirements: No leakages shall occur during hydrostatic pressure-testing at 1.5 times the design pressure during 168 hours. Retorquing to Vendor’sspecified level after initial pressurisation is permitted. No rupture of the flanged connection shall occur during hydrostatic pressure testing at two times the design pressure for ten minutes. Leaking past the gasket interface is permissible during this test. Bolt torque may be increased if necessary during the test in order to minimise gasket leaking and to achieve the pressure necessary to cause flange failure. Vendorshall provide certified documents for mutually agreed piping diameters


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Spec Specia iall Qual Qualif ific icat atio ion n Requ Requir irem emen ents ts The following tests shall be subject to Employer’s approval prior to delivery of pipe and fittings.



Appearances Unless otherwise agreed, the inside of pipe and fittings shall have a smooth and uniform lining and be in accordance with ASTM D 2563 Level 1. The other parts of pipe and fittings shall be classified according to Level II of ASTM D 2563, with the following exceptions: Air bubble bubble


maximum 2m 2mm; m; 3 bubbles/1000m bubbles/1000mm m2



Level III



Level III, but depth less than 10% of the wall thickness

Pipe and fittings shall be uniform in composition and structure, density and other physical properties.  All ends of pipe pipe and fi fittings ttings shall be c cut ut at right a angles ngles to the axis and any any sharp edges edges shall be removed.



Hydrostatic Design Stress, Pressure Ratings and Hydrostatic Pressure Test The long-term hydrostatic strength of pipe, fittings and joints shall be determined in accordance with Procedure A or B of ASTM D 2992. Vendorshall select the procedure and the size for these tests. Adhesive joints, if any, shall b be e included utilising both the factory and field adhesives and their respective joining and curing procedures, if different. The samples tested shall carry the full end load due to pressure. Testing shall be conducted at a minimum temperature of 20ºC. The hydrostatic design stress determined in accordance with Procedure A of ASTM D 2992 shall utilise a service (design) factor of 1.0. The hydrostatic design stress determined in accordance with Procedure B of ASTM D 2992 shall utilise a service (design) factor of 0.5.


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Pressure ratings for pipe shall be calculated using the hydrostatic design stress for the specific pipe material and the ISO formula for hoop stress in section 3.1.8 of ASTM D 2992. The minimum reinforced wall thickness shall be identified. Vendor shall submit the pipe wall thickness calculation report for Purchaser approval. Flanges shall be pressure rated and hydrostatic pressure tested in accordance with ASTM D 4024. The pipe, pipe spools or pipe joints shall be subjected to a bi-axial loaded hydrostatic pressure test as described in ASTM D 1599. The GRP pipe, pipe spool or pipe joints shall not display a weeping effect below a hoop stress value of 150 MPa. The test pressure shall subsequently be increased tothree times the design pressure and be maintained for at least five minutes. During this pressure test the test specimens shall not show any sign of breakage. NOTE: (This test will cause irreversible deformations in the material; the test specimens shall therefore be discarded).



Stiffness of Pipe The minimum specific tangential initial stiffness (STIS) shall, when tested in accordance with NEN 7037, be not less than: 2.5 kPa for 10 bar piping, 10 kPa for 16 bar piping, 25 kPa for 20 / 25 bar piping.  Alternatively,  Alternative ly, the pipe stiffness stiffness at 5% de deflection flection in accordance accordance with ASTM D 2412 2412 can be determined. In that case the pipe shall be free from cracks or delaminations at a minimum stiffness of: 20 lb/in2 for 10 bar piping 78 lb/in2 for 16 bar piping


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200 lb/in2 for 20 / 25 bar piping



Beam Deflection The modulus of elasticity of the GRP pipe shall have a minimum of 7,000 Mpa at 90ºC when tested in accordance with ASTM D 2925.



Impact Resistance  A steel ball 50mm 50mm in diameter diameter an and d weighing approxim approximately ately 550g shall shall be dropped dropped perpendicu perpendicularly larly on to the surface of the test pipe with a free fall (which may be guided) of 300mm. The ball shall be caught or deflected after the hit so that the rebound does not strike the pipe again. The pipe shall be filled with water containing, if possible, a soluble fluorescent dye. The test shall be made at room temperature and the pipe shall be supported on its bottom axis on a solid flat support. Four drops shall be made on randomly selected areas which are separated by a minimum length of one pipe diameter from each other. The test shall be repeated on the same pipe but with the pipe pressurised at the pressure class of the pipe. Four drops shall be made on different areas from those previously used. The pipe shall then be pressurised to two times the pressure class rating at 25ºC for five minutes. Fittings shall be tested in the same manner except that the drops shall be reduced from four to one in each test. The pipe or fitting shall not show any porosity or visual delamination when examined, e.g. with ultraviolet or normal lamp.




General This section describes the minimum number of acceptable tests required for each delivery of GRP pipe and fittings purchased to this specification from Vendor whose products have been qualified successfully to Section 5.


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 Additionall tests may be established  Additiona established b by y mutual agr agreement eement between between Vendor Vendor and Purchaser prior to any contract award. If the material fails to pass any of these tests, this may constitute sufficient cause for rejection.

7.2 7.2.1

Acceptance Tests  

Visual Inspection  All pipe, fittings fittings and flan flanges ges shall be visually inspe inspected cted as per Vendor’s Vendor’s standard standard practice. practice.



Dimensions The dimensions of all pipe and fittings (Section 4.5.1 and 4.5.2) shall be checked in accordance with ASTM D 3567. The dimensions of all flanges shall be checked to meet the requirement of Section 4.5.3.



Curing The degree of curing of each lot (Note 1) of pipe and fittings shall be checked at random by means of a Barcol Impressor (ASTM D 2583 or EN 59) and shall have a minimum value of 40.



Glass Content (Note 2) The glass content of each lot (Note 1) of pipe and fittings shall be checked (Clause 6.2.2).



Hydrostatic Pressure Test Pipes

Vendor shall perform a hydrostati hydrostatic c pressure test on ten per cent of the pipe in accordance with his standard manufacturing procedure.


Vendor shall perform a hydrostati hydrostatic c pressure test on fittings fittingswherehe wherehe can offer them as part of his standard manufacturing procedure.


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Ten per cent of the pipe furnished under this specification for ASME class 150 shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test at room temperature. The test pressure shall be equal to 1.5 times the pressure class rating and be maintained for at least 15 minutes. During the pressure test the pipe and/or fittings shall not show any sign of leakage. Unless otherwise agreed all fittings, pipe spools and prefabricated piping shall be hydrostatic pressure tested at 1.5 times the pressure class rating of the pipe.



Impact Resistance (Note 2) The impact resistance of each lot (Note 1) of pipe and fittings shall be checked (Clause 6.3.5). NOTES: 1.

Unless otherwise otherwise a agreed, greed, a lot of pipe pipe shall co consist nsist of 900 metres or a fraction fraction thereof thereof and a lot of fittings of one fitting, both of one size, wall thickness and grade.


These tests are destructive tests; if approp appropriate riate a deviation of test frequency shall be established by agreement between Vendorand the Employer.




Quality Assurance Vendorshall have a Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001.


Quality Control Vendorwill be evaluated for ability to perform adequate and sufficient quality control (including inspections and tests performed at sufficient intervals and during production) to ensure that proper and correct base materials are being used, that the finished materials meets physical and chemical specifications and that the finished product meets all dimensional and performance requirements. In order to assure traceability of materials and products, Vendorshall keep a record of all quality control tests performed and shall maintain this record for a minimum period of five years from the date of manufacture.


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Certification Vendorshall keep complete quality control and test reports. He shall submit a certified record of inspection and testing together with a statement of compliance with the requirements. If appropriate, he shall issue a list, showing each deviation from the purchase order.




Vendor’s Drawings



Pipe The following pipe dimensions and tolerances, when applicable, shall be stated by Vendorand shall be in accordance with the certified Vendor’s drawings: 

Pipe inside/outside diameter 

Minimum total wall thickness

Overall pipe length

Effective pipe length

Outside/inside diameter of the end

Length of joint



Conical form of spigot/socket

Spigot or socket chamber for rubber sealing rings and for fixation rod

Shear length, i.e. distance between chamber for rubber sealing rings and fixation rod.

Flanges The following flange dimensions/information, where applicable, shall be stated by Vendorand shall be in accordance with the certified Vendor’s drawings: 

Thickness of the flange


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Rating Bolt hole circle and diameter 

PRES PRESER ERV VATIO ION N AND PAC ACK KIN ING G Preservation and Packing shall be as per Project SpecificationS-000-1450-0001V “Project Shipping and Packing Instructions to Vendor”.


Marking  All pipe, fittings fittings and flan flanges ges shall be perman permanently ently marke marked d with Vendor’s Vendor’s name or trade name, name, the pressure class, the nominal diameter and Vendor’s identificat identification ion code. The markings shall remain legible under normal handling and installation practices. Markings for identifications purposes shall be made in such a manner as not to impair the integrity of the pipe/fittings material. The requirements for marking and colour coding of pipe materials shall be in accordance with Project Specification S-000-1360-0004V “Specification for Identification of Piping Material”


Packaging The pipe and fittings shall be packed in a manner which will ensure arrival at destination in a satisfactory satisfact ory condition. Pipe ends shall be protected with suitable protective covers. The covers shall be securely attached. Fastening is necessary where container transportation is used, to ensure immobilisation of pipe  joints. The bottom of crates shall be provided with skids to facilitate handling by forklift truck. Vendorshall submit his proposed method of packaging for review and approval in accordance with Project SpecificationS-000-1450-0001V “Project Shipping and Packing Instructions to Vendor”.


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11.1 11.1

Pip Piping ing Materia erials ls

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Contractor shall nominate Vendorof the GRP Piping system. This nomination shall be approved by the Employer. Detailed design, spooling, fabrication, installation, hydro-testing- and all other tests shall be by Contractor.

11.2 11.2.1

Installation   Qualification of Installers Vendorshall train and certify Installation Team(s) suitable to maintain programme requirements to carry-out the installation and testing of the in-place pipe works Installation Team Leader for the installation of the pipe shall be appropriately experienced in the  jointing, bedding, bedding, laying, laying, testing an and d backfilling o off GRP Piping sy system. stem.


  Site Supervision Contractor shall supervise Installation Team(s) to ensure compliance with Vendor’s installation procedures, to include, but not limited to, excavation, bedding, handling and backfilling activities. This site scope shall include: 

Minimum number of Installation Teamon site shall be advised. Each team shall consist of an overall Team Leader, Jointing Engineers and Crews. The overall Team Leader shall be a senior Vendor’s representative with extensive experience on GRP pipe and with English language skills. Contractor will interview and approve the candidate proposed for  this position. The other team members shall also be identified with listing of contracts they had worked on.

During installation, Installation Team shall monitor all GRP installation works and shall perform all the jointing to ensure they are done in accordance with this specification. Installation Team shall keep a daily log of their activities. The Jointing Crews names shall be recorded for every joint to allow traceability.


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Vendorshall provide advice and support toInstallation Team. Installation Team shall maintain close liaison with Vendor’s manufacturing facility with respect to drawings, materials deliveries and technical support, and report to Contractor.

Contractor shall provide all necessary specialists test equipment and Installation Team performs all specialist tests on the installation. Contractor shall provide Installation Team with details of in-situ testing methods, with quotation.

Responsibility Responsib ility Matrix:





Training and certifying of Contractors’ Installation Team of GRP piping systems


Setting out to line and level of the system,


excavate trench, provide sheet piling where necessary and dewatering of trench X

Compaction of trench bedding in accordance with project specification X

Supervision of Installation Team to ensure compaction meets the required Specification Pipe laying and alignment



Method statement for minimum requirements


for jointing tolerances Supply of all necessary equipment to enable


 joint to be completed completed Lamination of restrained joints Jointing of unrestrained pipeworks Supervision of Installation Team to ensure unrestrained pipework is installed in





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accordance with Specification Backfill of pipe surround compacted to Project Specification


Supervision of compaction of bedding/pipe


surround Testing of the system, in sections, to ensure


testing meets the requirement of the Specification Provide test medium and all testing equipment Supervision of hydro-testing





Provide testing spools, caps, flanges, etc as


part of the contract to supply Completion of bedding and backfill



Supervision of bedding and backfill operations to ensure the requirements of the Specification are complied with Re-excavation for closing spools


Removal of end caps



Install closing spool and align


Lamination of closing spool joints


Completion of bedding and backfill



Supervision of bedding and backfill to ensure the requirements of the Specification are met Final system test Supervision of the final hydro-test




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  Final Installatio Installation n In order to assure the quality and integrity of the final installation, Contractor is held responsible for all installation activities. This is expected to include all potentially critical operations such as pipe bedding, jointing, testing and backfill. Any re-work arising from this will be deemed to be the responsibility ofContractor.

11.3 11.3

Design Design of Pipes Pipes,, Joint Joints s and and Fit Fittin tings gs Design of underground piping shall be in accordance with ISO 14692 as indicated in ASME B31.3. Vendor shall include the Finite Element Analysis of selected pipe fittings, as directed byContractor. Typically, this will include large diameter pipes at road crossings and will take into account all possible combinations of dead and live loading. Piping shall be analysed to verify that the maximum stress/strains due to combined loadings are within the allowable limits. The analysis of fittings shall not include any allowance for backfill being in place. Coupling type joints shall not be used for gravity or pressurised systems, full details of jointing and type of joints to be submitted for approval to the Employer.

11 11.4 .4

Rece Receiv ivin ing, g, Hand Handli ling ng and and St Stor orag age e When pipe arrives on site, it shall be thoroughly examined for damage byContractor. Any damage or blemishes shall be reported reported to Employer’s Representative. No damaged pipe shall be used without the approval ofEmployer’s Representative. Receiving, handling and storage shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of relevant Project Specification.

11 11.5 .5

Asse Assemb mbly ly of Pi Pipe pe and and Fitt Fittin ings gs  Assembly of pipe pipe and fittings fittings shall be ca carried rried out in accordance accordance with the relevant relevant Project Project Specification.


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11 11.6 .6

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Pl Plac acin ing g of Pi Pipe pe in Tren Trench ch Placing pipe in trench shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Project Specifications 3550-8310-SP-0009- Earthwork Specification and 3550-8310-SP-0011- Drainage Materials and Workmanship. It shall be also in accordance with Technical Report ISO/TS 104651.


  Bedding and Backfill Bedding and backfill shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Attachment 1 of this document and Document No. 3550-8310-SP-0009-Earthwork Specification. Backfill over drainpipes shall meet the particular requirements of Document No.3550-8310-SP-0011- Drainage Materials and Workmanship, Section 5.


  Protection of Pipe Pipe bedding, installation, testing and backfilling shall be planned and carried out as a continuous operation so that pipe is not left open in trenches and exposed to possible damage from equipment, falling rocks or contamination of bedding or backfill with dislodged rock fragments.

11 11.7 .7

Hydr Hydroo-ttes esti ting ng of Pipe Pipe Drainpipes shall be tested in conjunction with pits and meet the requirements of Document No.3550-8310-SP-0011- Drainage Materials and Workmanship, Section 5.

11 11.8 .8

Fl Flan ange ged d Conn Connec ecti tion ons s Supply of Carbon Steel valves, the male flanges and all other loose items shall be by Contractor. Vendorshall supply the maiden flange. The depth of the maiden flange shall be identified by Vendorand shall be informed to Contractorfor the determination of bolt length.


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12.1 12.1

Tec ech hnica ical De Dettail ils s

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Vendorshall submit the following items with their Quotation: 

Gasket & O-Ring Material Specifications

Locking Strip Specifications

Completed Supplier Submittal Form for each service

GRP Manufacturer and Type

Resin Manufacturer and Type (including chemical resistance listing for the specific resin, showing the ultimate service temperature and life)

 Adhesive Manufactur Manufacturer er and Typ Type e (includin (including g number o off bonds per adhesive kit kit and working time/pot life)

Method of manufacture and jointing of pipe, fittings and small bore connections

Details of Size/Component Restrictions versus Service Design Requirements

Pipe and Fittings Dimensions and Weight per Diameter  1)

Nominal Size


Outside Diameter  


Inside Diameter  


Wall Thickness


Taper Angle


Adapter Dimensions


Taper Length




St Stan anda dard rd Join Jointt L Len engt gths hs (P (Pip ipe eo onl nly) y) wi with th Plai Plain n End Ends, s, Sp Spig igot ot En Ends ds an and d Spi Spigo gott &

Socket Ends 10 10))

Mini Minimu mum m and and ma maxi ximu mum m Prep Prepar ared ed Spi Spigo gott Diam Diamet eter ers s (Fie (Field ld pre prepa pare red d ends ends))


NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)

Employer Doc. No. Contractor Doc. No.


Spigot Insertion Depths


Minimum Bending Radius


Maximum Deflection pe per Pipe Length


Minimum L Le ength ffo or 1 10 0 De Degree Ch Change

Pipe Performance

1) Static Static Design Design Pres Pressure sure Ratin Rating g 2) Ultimate Ultimate Internal Internal Pres Pressure sure 3) Ultimate Ultimate Collapse Collapse Pres Pressur sure e 4) FV Pr Pres essu sure re 5) Maximum Maximum Cont Continuo inuous us P Press ressure ure 6) Maxim Maximum um Surge Surge Pres Pressur sure e 7) Maximum Maximum Install Installed ed (Fi (Field) eld) T Test est Pre Pressur ssure e 8) Maximum Maximum Fact Factory ory Test Pres Pressure sure 9) Ultimate Ultimate Intern Internal al (Weep) (Weep) P Press ressure ure 10)Maximum Allowable Vacuum Pressure 11)Specific Tangential Inert Stiffness 12)Transverse Stiffness

Mechanical Properties

1) Tensile Strength (Longitudinal (Longitudinal & Circumferen Circumferential) tial) 2) Tensile Modulus (Longitu (Longitudinal dinal & Cir Circumferenti cumferential) al) 3) Hoop Hoop St Stre ress sses es 4) Compress Compressive ive Stre Strength ngth (L (Longi ongitudi tudinal) nal) 5) Compress Compressive ive Mod Modulus ulus (L (Long ongitud itudinal inal))


Rev. 0 Page 39 of 43


NSRP Complex Project Title:: Technica Title Technicall Specificati Specification on for GRP Pip Pipes es and Piping Piping Components (Incl. CIVIL)

Employer Doc. No. Contractor Doc. No.


6) Long Long Term Hydrosta Hydrostatic tic (Des (Design ign Bas Basis, is, Static Static & Cyclic) Cyclic) 7) Poiss Poisson on’s ’s Ra Ratio tio (vyx/vxy)

Physical Properties

1) Ther Therma mall Conduc Conductiv tivity ity 2) Coefficie Coefficient nt of Ex Expans pansion ion ((Line Linear) ar) 3) Flow Coeffici Coefficient ent (Haz (Hazenen-Will Williams iams & Mannin Manning’s) g’s) 4) Speci Specific fic Gr Gravi avity ty 5) Barco Barcoll Har Hardn dness ess..

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