Technical English 1 Workbook With Key

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ffinglish Technica Workbook


Pearson Education Limited

Illustrated by Mark Duffin, Peter Harper and HL Studios

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Acknowledgements The publishers and author would like to thank the following for their invaluable feedback, comments and suggestions, all of which played an important part in the development of the course: Eleanor Kenny (College of the North Atlantic, Qatar), Julian Collinson, Daniel Zeytoun Millie and Terry Sutcliffe (all from the Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE), Dr Saleh Al-Busaidi (Sultan Qaboos University, Oman), Francis McNeice, QFOROP, France), Michaela Miiller (Germany), Malgorzata Ossowska-

Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders and we apologise in advance for any unintentional omissions. We would be pleased to insert the appropriate acknowledgement in any subsequent edition of this


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Neumann (Gdynia Maritime University, Poland), Cordon Kite (tir.itish Council,ltaly), Wolfgang Ridder ffHS der Stridt Bielefeld, Germany), Stella Jehanno (Centre d'Etude des Langues/ Centre de Formation Sup6rieure d'Apprentis, Chambre de Commerce et d'lndustrie de I'lndre, France) and Nick Jones (Germany).




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Unit 1 Check-up

Unit 5 Flow

Unit 9 Troubleshooting

1.1 Basics Meeting and greeting people Following instructions Verb be 1.2 Letters and numbers Using {orms Units of measurement How do you spell ...? 1.3 Dates and times Using numbers Talking about travel timetables Making appointments Five oh three, Wednesday the fifth of

5.1 Heating system Explaining how fluids move around a system Present simple Prepositions of movemenl

9.1 Operation Explaining how things work and what things do Revision of present simple 9.2 Hotline Using a service hotline solving a customer's problem Short answers

5,2 Electrical circuit Explaining how an electrical circuit works Zero conditional

5.3 Cooling system Explaining how cooling systems work Reference wotds'. here, it, this Present slmple in routines



2 Parts (l)

2.1 Naming ldentifying things this, that, these, those 2.2 Assembling Saying what you need for a job Using an instruction manual lmperative + object + location 10 2.3 Ordering Using voicemail Ordering by phone How many do you need? What's your name? Please spell that

Review Unit A

Unit 3 Parts @

14 3.1 Tools Describing components Present simple of have 15 3,2 Functions Saying what things do Describing a product Present simple '16 3.3 Locations Saying where things are Adverbials and prepositions oi location


4 Movement

4.1 Directions Describing direction of movement Adverbials of directio direction n can, can't, cannot 4.2 lnstructions Talking about speed Giving instructions lmperative + present simple 20 4.3 Actions Using an instruction manual Explaining what happens When clause

Review Unit B


Unit 6 Materials 6.1 Materials testing

Giving a demonstratron Explaining what you're doing Present continuous


6,2 Properties


6.3 Buying

Describing the properties of materials Present simple

Using a customer call form Buying and selling by phone Checking What's your email acldrc-ss? Could you spell/repeal that'1 How many would you lika?

32 Review Unit C Unit

Unit 10 Safety 10.1 Rules and urarnings Following salety rules and signs Giving and following warnings could, might, must

always... Don't... You mustn't... 0.2 Safety hazards


Giving and following warnings Noticing safety hazards Reporting safety hazards Past tense of be 10.3 Investigations Investigating an accident Reporting an accident Questions in the past simple

Review Unit E

Unit 11 Cause and effect

7 Specifications

7.1 Dimensions

Specifying dimensions How long is it? lt's Ittnt long. The sea has a deplh of 270 metres


7.2 Quantities Specifying malerials

Buying materials for a job Countable and uncountable nouns

36 7.3 Future proiects Describing plans for the future will, won't Time expressions

Unit 8 Reporting

8.1 Recent incidents Taking an emergency call Explaining what has happened Checking progress Present perfect 8.2 Damage and loss Reporting damage Dealing with a customer Past participles as adjectives 40 8.3 Past events Discussing past events Phoning a repair shop Past simple Time expressions 42

9.3 User guide Using a troubleshooting guide Zero conditional + imperative

Review Unit D

1.1 Pistons and valves Expressing causation, permission and orevention Gerunds and infinitives 55 11.2 Switches and relays Explaining how a relay circuit works Further Dractice of ve verb rb oatterns in 1 1.1 56 11.3 Rotors and turbines Explaining how a wind turbine turbine works Further practice of verb patterns in 1 1.1 1

Unit 12 Checking and


12.1 Data Describing specif ications Revision of question forms 12.2 lnstructions Following spoken instructions Confirming actions Describing results of actions Revision of imperative with present continuous 12.3 Progress Describing maintenance work Revision of present perfect, past simple, present continuous, and will

Review Unit F 64 Audloscript 70 Answer key


1 Basics

Use the words in the box to complete the dialogues.

:whafs where what I'm is are

1 A:Hi,


B: Hello, my




A: Nice to meet you. A:


B: I'm from


are you from?


is your name, please?

A: I'm Hans. Pleased to meet you. A: Good to meet you,


B: No, from Russia. A: I'm Danielle.


I 2


6 7

Write Turn Close Sit Raise


Write the words in the correct columns.




your name?




you from Poland?

Use the words in the pool to complete the orders.

3 4 5 3




2 Letters and numbers 1 Wffi


Listen and correct the five mistakes on the business card.

Gr/yson :


Aerospace.Technician Tel:: (0044) (0)1 sA2 AOzgzz Email: alexol

2 ffiFfil


Listen and complete tlrt' lorrl

Match items 1-10 with the riglrt wot.rls

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

gal € kg A in ft km

g 10 C +

11 12m

i3 kw


15 kph 16 rpm 17W

18L 19S


a) b)


d) e)


angle/degrt:t' Celsius



f) gallon

g) h)

i) j)



inch kilogram kilometr
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