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TABLE OF CONTENTS .......... ...................... ....................... ...................... ....................... ....................... .................. ......... .. 2
Reading is a receptive language process. It is the process of recognition, interpretation, and perception of written or printed materials. Reading proficiency plays a great role in understanding a written written statement accurately and efficiently. efficiently. Reading serves as an important tool in every field of professional service ( service ( Abdul Halim,200!. Halim,200! .
In "nglish foreign language teaching, reading is one of the most important factors in assessing a learner# learner #s linguistic competence. However, it is a common problem for some students to complain about having trouble with how to read efficiently. $tudents $tudents always feel confused about the main idea of the passage even if they can get a full mar% to the &uestions following the passage. In addition , some teachers also find difficulties in increasing efficiency in reading classes. $o, therefore some of approches for teaching reading that teacher has to follow them and some of reading techin&ues .
However, due to many such reasons the students fail to comprehend te'tboo%s properly. his is largely reflected in the poor performance of the
students both in their classes, as well as in their everyday life. $o, life. $o, it is important now to point out the problems e'isting in the present reading leearning and provide some proposals for how to teach reading efficiently. efficiently.
Indeed , the teaching of reading has been an essential part of learning a language ever since foreign language began to be taught ( )elly,*++!.
iao (200-! discusses that reading teaching becomes teaching of language points %nown as grammar and vocabulary. his %ind of "nglish reading teaching to a great grea t e'tent hinders "/ students# language language proficiency. proficiency.
Reading helps in mental development and is %nown to stimulate the muscles of the eyes. Reading is an activity that involves greater levels of concentration and adds to the conversational s%ills of the reader. It is an indulgence that enhances the %nowledge ac&uired, consistently. consistently. he habit of reading also helps readers to decipher new words and phrases that they come across in everyday conversations ( rellet ,200*!
1ouglas(200* ! discusses that $tudents should be trained to be fle'ible in reading by using different %inds of e'ercises such scanning , s%imming ,and critical reading.
Reading is very important to our studying "nglish, especially reading speed, s%ills, factors and steps. $o we should master some good reading s%ills to improve our "nglish levels.
Two approches of were used in this research : uantati!e "ethod and ua#itati!e . Theua#itati!e approche :
ualitative research see%s out the 3why#, not the 3how# of its topic through the analysis of unstructured information 4 things li%e interview transcripts and recordings, emails, notes, feedbac% forms, photos and videos. I investigated "'tensively many of boo%s , 5ournals and webessites and I relied on the these materials for gathering information.$o, the the most parts of the research will involve theoretical basis such as ob5ectives of teaching reading , approaches to teaching reading ,and some of reading techni&ues .and stratigies for developing yor rading s%ills . The ua#itati!e "ethod $%uestionnaires&:
uantitative method method are research techni&ues that are used to gather &uantitative data 6 information dealing with numbers and anything that is measurable. $tatistics, $tatistics, tables and graphs, are often used to present the results of these methods. A five6point scale &uestionnaire was designed for the purpose of the study where students were presented with stated reading difficulties e.g. un%nown words ! and as%ed to grade their difficulty according to the ! 14
agreement scale ( strongly agree 4 strongly disagree !.he &uestionnaire was written in Arabic and distributed to 20 students of the same speciali7ation ( "nglish specialists !. "ighteen response were collected . his &uestionnaire was designed to yield data that would contribute to our understanding of the nature of the problems that that students encounter in
. reading class
8y the way of reading ,a learner can master these high6tech and cultural %nowledge concerning "nglish 6spea%ing countries. As reading is the only time6saved way to absorb foreign advanced technology, by reading, we can learn more and ma%e cont ributions to the construction of our motherland .In that case, reading becomes necessary and urgentbecause Reading can help absorb all %inds of information. Reading "nglish boo%s, maga7ines etc can improve reading ability step by step, speeding up cultivating and forming good reading habits. $o. Reading can help us develop our interest.
8y reading a lot, one can advance their "nglish bac%ground %nowledge and broaden his or her vision, inspire his thought, build the values, train the creative performance and develop his intelligence.
he psycholinguistic view 9s oals of teaching Reading are to to train students to form their e'pectation for a Reading activity ,to encourage students to ta%e ris%s in guessing , in ignoring the fact that they should always be correct , and to train students to use the minimum number of syntactic and semantic clues to obtain the ma'imum amount of information .
$tudents should therefore be trained trained to be fle'ible in reading by using different %inds of e'ercises , i.e. to obtain specific information ( scanning !, to obtain the general idea (s%imming ! , to obtain comprehensive understanding of reading ( through comprehension ! or to evaluate information (critical reading ! . $tudents should be aware of these ways of reading as aims aims so that they can determine proper strategies in reading .( Hasan' *++:!.
he pedagogical approach is organi7ed around a reading passage accompanied by comprehension &uestions .he passage is usually used as .a
vehicle to consolidate structure and vocabulary
;assages which contain syntactic structure and le'ical items beyond the learners9 competence are not easy to comprehend .he procedure to follow this case is to provide a list of the problematic words and phrases and their meanings before learners are given the opportunity to read the passage ."
.hese called
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