Teacherbook Amefile PDF

March 28, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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INTRODUCTION  is for true beginners who need American English File Starter  is a slower, more supportive approach. It gives you and your students the complete American English File  package,  package, with all the in-class and out-of-class components your students need to learn successfully, successfully, and with all the teacher support that accompanies other levels of the series. The aimand of every American To English File this,  is tobeginners  is get students talking Starterlevel is noofexception. achieve need two things above all else: motivation and support. Beginners’ language level is low, but they need interesting topics and texts just as much as intermediate or advanced students. Support is also vital – beginners need clear aims, clear material, and clear reference. We’ve also incorporated new Student Book features, including “listen and repeat” in the Grammar Banks and Vocabulary Banks so that students get plenty of opportunity to pronounce new language. Students who complete American English File Starter  could  could go on to study American English File 1 with 1 with real confidence, knowing that they have a solid grounding in the basics of English. We very much hope that you enjoy using it.

 Whatt do  Wha do Begi Beginn nner er stu studen dents ts nee need? d? Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciati Pronunciation on If we want students to speak English with confidence, we need to give them th em the tools they need – Grammar, Vocabulary, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation (G, V, V, P). We We believe that “G + V + P = confident speaking, speaking ,” and in American English File  Starter   all three elements are given equal importance. Each lesson has clearly stated grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation aims. This keeps lessons focused and gives students concrete learning objectives and a sense of progress.

Grammar Beginner students need ● clear and memorable presentations of basic structures. ● plenty of regular and varied practice. ● student-friendly reference material. We have tried to provide memorable contexts for new language that will engage students, using real-life stories and situations, humor, and suspense. The Grammar Bank  gives  gives students a single, easy-to-access grammar reference section, with clear rules, example sentences, and common errors. The example sentences are all on the Class Audio CD so that students can listen and repeat, and practice the pronunciation of the new structures. There are then two practice exercises for each grammar point.  Student Book page 88. The photocopiab  in the Teacher’s photocopiable le Grammar activities activities in Book can be used for practice in class or for self-study, especially with slower classes.  Teacher’s Book page 121. When explaining grammar rules to students, and sometimes when setting up complicated activities, teachers who know their students’ mother tongue may wish to use it. Although  you should keep these occasio ns to a L1 minimum, we believe that try verytojudicious useoccasions of students’ can save time and help build good teacher–class rapport. Contrasting how English grammar works with w ith the rules in students’ L1 can also help students to assimilate the rules more easily. 8

 Voc ab ul ar y Beginner students need ● to expand their knowledge of high-frequency words and phrases rapidly r apidly.. ● to use new vocabulary in personalized contexts. ● accessible reference material to help them review and consolidate their vocabulary. Every lesson in American English File Starter  focuses  focuses on highfrequency vocabulary and common lexical areas, but keeps the language load realistic. Many lessons are linked to the Vocabulary Banks, Banks, which contain pictures to help present and practice the vocabulary in class, and provide a clear reference bank to enable students to review and test themselves in their own time. As students are beginners, they are not asked to match words and pictures (as in higher levels of American English File ) but simply to listen and repeat the words and phrases. All the lexis in the Vocabulary Banks is Banks is on the Class Audio CD to make it easier to drill the pronunciation. Where Where we think the pronunciation of a word may be especially problematic, we have provided the phonetic script. Student Book page 102. Students can practice the pronunciation of all the words from the Vocabulary Banks using Banks using the MultiROM MultiROM.. Photocopiable Photocopiab le Vocabulary activities activities can  can be found in the Teacher’s Book.  Teacher’s Book page 191.

Pronunciation Beginner students need ● to learn the English vowel and consonant sounds and practice them intensively intensively.. ● to see where there are rules and patterns in sound– spelling relationships. ● systematic practice of other aspects of pronunciation, e.g., stress and sentence rhythm. American English File  has  has its own unique system of teaching the sounds of English, through simple memorable pictures of key words that illustrate the sound and also incorporate the phonetic symbol. Students visualize and remember the words and sounds together, and the word is then used as a reference point when learning the pronunciation of other words with the same sound. It is up to you to decide whether you wish  your studen students ts to use use phonetic phonetic symbols symbols activel activelyy, or simply simply to become familiar with the symbols through the pictures. American English File  Starter  has  has a pronunciation focus in every lesson that focuses on either sounds, word stress, or sentence stress. Student Book page 5. In the Review & Check sections, students are sent to the Sound Bank , a reference section where they can see common sound–spelling patterns for the sounds which they have practiced in the File.  Student Book page 117.

Speaking Beginner students need ● regular opportunities to use new language orally. ● topics that will arouse their interest and prompt them to express their own experiences and ideas in English. ● realistic and achievable tasks.


The ultimate aim of most students is to be able to communicate in English. Every lesson in American English  has a carefully controlled speaking activity that File  Starter  has activates new grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, giving students the chance to “personalize” the target language.  Student Book page 5. The Communication Communication section  section of the Student Book provides “information gap” activities to give students a reason to communicate. Student Book page 76. Photocopiable Communicative Communicative activities activities can  can be found in the Teacher’s Book. These include pairwork activities, mingles, and games. Teacher’s Book page 160.

Listening Beginner students need ● to be exposed to as much aural English as possible. ● to build their confidence by listening to short and simple utterances. ● to learn to get the gist g ist of what is being said by focusing on the key words in an utterance. Most students at the beginner level need to start by listening with the audioscript in front of them and progress to listening to simple exchanges from which they can extract the key information. Most lessons have a listening comprehension task, and these become increasingly

Practical English Beginner students need ● to learn high-frequency functional phrases. ● to know what to say in common situations, e.g., buying a coffee. The Practical English lessons introduce students to areas like spelling their names, asking and answering personal questions, telling time and saying dates, asking about prices, pr ices, asking and giving opinions, and understanding simple directions. The lessons build up to a speaking activity where students practice the language learned in the lesson and listen to authentic mini-interviews in the People on the  section. street section. street These short interviews are also on the American English File Starter Video, Video, which  which teachers can use instead of the class audio. Using the Video will make the lessons more enjoyable and will help students understand faster speech with the help of paralinguistic features. On the MultiROM  students have the MultiROM students opportunity to watch and listen to more street interviews.


challenging as the course progresses. After students have listened two or three times without an audioscript, they are sometimes asked to listen one final time with the audioscript at the back of the Student Book. This helps build students’ confidence and shows them that they do not need to understand every word to get the message of what was said. Each File also contains an authentic listening task in the Practical English lesson English lesson where students listen to miniinterviews with members of the public. This task is carefully staged so that students know exactly what information they have to listen for.  Student Book page 11.  also contains seven songs  that American English File  Starter  also songs that we hope students will find enjoyable and motivating. For copyright reasons, these are mainly cover versions.

Beginner students need ● regular recycling of grammar, vocabulary, vocabulary, and pronunciation. ● motivating reference and practice material. ● a sense of progress. However clearly structures or vocabulary are presented, students will usually only assimilate and remember  new  new language if they have the chance to see it and use it several times. Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation are recycled throughout American English File Starter . At the end of each File there is a Review & Check  section.  section. What do you remember? rev remember? reviews iews the Grammar, Vocabulary, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation of each File. What can you do? provides do? provides a series of skills-based challenges, including Writing  tasks,  tasks, and helps students to measure their increasing competence. These pages are designed to be used flexibly according to the needs of your students. Student Book page 12. The photocopiable Grammar, Communicative, and Vocabulary activities also provide many opportunities for recycling.  Teacher’s Book page 121, 160, and 191.

Reading Beginner students need

  Study Link

engaging topics and stimulating texts that will motivate them to read in English. ● manageable tasks that help them to read. ● to learn how to deal with unknown words in a text. Many students need to read in English for their work or studies, and reading is also important in helping students build vocabulary and consolidate grammar. The key to encouraging students to read is to give them motivating but accessible materials and manageable tasks. American English  reading texts are staged so that they progress File  Starter  reading from one-line sentences to short articles adapted from a variety of real sources (the press, magazines, and news websites). These articles have been chosen for their intrinsic interest. Students are frequently encouraged to guess the meaning of new words from their context.  Student Book page 29. The Review & Check sections also include a short text where students develop their reading skills and measure their progress in this area.  Student Book page 33. ●

The Study Link feature in American English File Starter  is  is designed to help you and your students use the course more effectively. It shows what shows  what resources  resources are available, where available, where they  they can be found, and when and  when to  to use them. The Student Book has these Study Link references: ● from the Grammar Bank MultiROM MultiR OM and Website. ● from the Vocabula ocabulary ry Bank MultiROM and Website. ● from the Sound Bank MultiROM and Website. These references lead students to extra activities and exercises that link with what they have just studied. The Workbook Workbook has these Study Link references:  the Student Book Grammar and Vocabulary Vocabulary Banks.  the MultiROM.  the Student Website. The Teacher’s Book has Study Link references to remind you where there is extra material available to your students.



More for students

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 gives American English File Starter  gives  your students everything they need for successful learning and motivating home study.

 gives you everything you need to teach motivating, American English File Starter  gives enjoyable lessons, to save you time, and to make your life easier.


Each A–C lesson in the Student Book has a two-page section in the Workbook. This provides all the grammar, vocabulary, vocabulary, and pronunciation practice and review students need. Each section also has: ● Words and phrases to learn, learn, which reviews vocabulary from the lesson that is not in the Vocabulary Vocabulary Bank. ● Listen and repeat, repeat, where students listen and repeat dialogues that incorporate key language from the lesson. (The audio for these is on the MultiROM.) Each Practical English lesson also has a two-page section in the Workbook Workbook and includes full practice of the functional language students have learned.


The MultiROM has two functions: ● It’s a CD-ROM, containing review of Grammar Grammar,, Vocabulary , Pronunciation,, Words and phrases Pronunciation to learn, learn, and Practical English (with English (with more video interviews). ● It’s an audio CD for students to use in a CD player. It has the audio material for the Workbook “Listen and repeat” activities. Student Website

www.oup.com/elt/americanenglishfile/ starter Extra learning resources including: ●  grammar exercises ●  vocabulary activities ●  pronunciation practice ●  Practical English activities ●  a vocabulary calendar ●  the Study Study Link learning record record

Teacher’s Book 

The Teacher’s Teacher’s Book has detailed lesson plans for all the lessons. These include: ● an optional “books-closed” lead-in lead-in for every ever y lesson. ● Extra idea suggestions for optional extra activities. ● Extra challenge suggestions challenge suggestions for ways of exploiting the Student Book material in a more challenging way if you have a stronger class. ● Extra support suggestions support suggestions for ways of adapting activities activ ities or exercises to make them more accessible for weaker students. All lesson plans include keys and complete audioscripts. Extra activities are color coded in purple so you can see extra material at a glance when you’re you’re planning  your classes. You’ll also find over 70 pages of photocopiable materials in the Teacher’s Book: Photocopiable Grammar activities see activities see pages 119–150 Theree is a photocopiable Grammar activity for each A, B, and C lesson and a Ther review activity for each File. These provide extra grammar practice and can be used either in class or for self-study. Photocopiable Communicativ Communicativee activities activities see  see  pages 151–188 There is a photocopiable Communicative activity for each A, B, C, and Practical English lesson. These give students extra speaking practice. PhotocopiableV Photocopiable Vocabulary activities activities see  see pages 189–197 There is a photocopiable Vocabulary Vocabulary activity for each File. These provide extra extr a practice using new vocabulary and can be used either in class or for self-study. Photocopiable Song activities  see pagesfor 198–206 A merican merican English Fileactivities see Starter  has  has a song every File in the Teacher’s Teacher’s Book. All the photocopiable material is accompanied by clear instructions and keys.  Video 

The Video Video contains contains short interviews with members of the public answering questions from the Practical English section English section of each File. All the interviews are unscripted and provide an opportunity for students to practice listening to English spoken at a natural speed. Each episode can be used with the tasks in the Student Book People on the street sections street sections of the Practical English lessons English lessons as an alternative to the Class CD. The American English File Starter  package  package also includes: Class Audio CDs  These contain all the listening materials for the Student Book. q uestions organized Test Generator  This CD-ROM includes over a thousand questions

both in ready-to-print tests (in PDF format) and in question banks, where they can be selected and edited into tests customized to your students’ needs. The CD-ROM also includes the audio for the listening sections of the tests. www.oup.com/elt/teacher/americanenglishfile .com/elt/teacher/americanenglishfile this gives you Teacher Website  www.oup extra teaching resources, syllabus information, etc.


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