Teacher s Book
September 28, 2017 | Author: Carnu Augustin Prime | Category: N/A
Short Description
Teacher's Book Succesful Writing!...
lntroduction To the Teacher Successful WritingUpperJnfetmediafe consists ol19 unitswhichcovera,ltypesofcomposition writing(descriptions, nafiatives, transactional andothertypesol letters, argumentative essays, anictes,reviews) required at FcE level.Each unitstartswltha leadjn listeningactivitythroughwhichthe basicplanfor the typeof writingthe unitdealswith is introduced. Thisalsoseruesas a brainstorming activity,givingthe teacherthe chanceto elicitusefultanguage and ideason thelopicunderdiscussion. Detailed theoryandplansareprovided to be usedas a refe.ence bv students. A varietyof modelsin whichthetheoryis appliedarefollowedby exercises lo ioprovestudentswritingski s, focusing on register andstyle.Theexercises aregraded,leadingto theacquisition ofthoseskillsneededforstudents to be abt; to wrilesuccessfully at FCElevel.Topicidentification, revisionboxesand studychecksectionsreintorce students knowledge andremindthemof thestructures previously presented, thushelpingthemrevisethewritingareascovered ln the book TheTeacher's Bookprovides answers to theexercis€s, modeJplans,transcripts ofthe llstening exercises and use{ulteachingtips.At the backot the TeachelsBookare ma*ed modetcompositions to helpteaahersmark student's compositions. Thebookis accompanied by a cassette withallthe listening exercises. Theunitscan eitherbe presented in the ordertheyappearin the bookor teacherscan selectthe unittheywantto presentaccording to theirownjudgement andtheirstudents'needs.Thecoursecanbe coveredin approximately 30
Brainstorming Technique Thebrainstorming technique canbe usedin a the unitspresented in thisbook.Thet€chnique maybe appliedeach limethestudents comeacrossa newtopic,whetherin a modelor a writingassignmenl. Thetechnique is usedas follows:theteacherinvitesstudents lo sayas manywordsor ideasas possiblerelatedto the topc and writeslhem on the board.Theteachermaychooseto guidethe studenrs furtherby havingthemtinkor categorise reJated terms,Students thenproceedwithlhe exercise on theirown, Thistechniqueaimsto stimulatestudents'knowledge aboutthe topic,thusdrawingtog€therideasand essential vocabulary necessary for writinga successful composition. e.g. Discuss theadvantages anddisadvantages of tivingin thecountry. qulef nolsy,no flab,nice gatdens,lob of tees, not manycars,fewrospita/s,,o stress,few schoots,not Brainstorming: matrycinemas,no pollution,healtlrysuftoundings,etc. yourbestfriend. e.g. Describe Brainstorming. T wites the followingkeywordson the boardand asksss to givehim/heras manvwordsas possiblerelatedto eachkevword.
tall, short, well-built, in his ea y twenties, teenaged, oval face, heckles, small nose, wary hah, curly hair, mole, musculaL thin, slim, blond, full lips, large
genercus, aggrcssive, easy going, shy, stubbom, optimistic, rc seved, fiendly, impatient, polite, cheeiu I
playstheguikL playsbasketbal, participates in motorrcces,goes to the Wm, read books,goesto
Conlenls " 5
Peope Descibing
. . Describing Places/Buildings....................
Festivals/Ceremonies/Celebrations Describing
bingProcesses Directions/Desc WitingInstructions/Giving
. ..
Naiiatives - Stories
. .... ..
S talement s W itness
. .. .......-..... FormaandInlormalletterc
' 14 "
' 19 .
. . .
.. 30
(Friendly)Letters'GivingNews....... a lnformal
. .
iolc vingAdvice. b Asking . .
....... c Letters oi Complaint
. 33 .
of Apology.......... d Letters
34 36
.. .
... of Invitation e Letters
Letters ol Applicalion
Transact onalLetters
............... . Essays 'ForandAgainst
Essays .............Opinion
llnit 12
lo ProbemsEssays Provid ngSolutions
. Essays .......... Discursive
. .. goodandbadpoints.................... Assessing
Experiences Reporting
....................................... Assessment Composilion Keyto Revisionand Ertersiol' Section
. . .
62 . "
. . ..
. . ..
.. .
85 91
Unit I
||nill-nescillittqpeom |
(Bet'oredoing the tisteningactivily, T can ask Ss to tett himlhet what infomation is neededin ordet to descrjbe a petson e.g. height, build, age, fucial t'eatutes,chancteL ctothes, etc. T can lnvlle Ss to suggest as many words as
possiblerelatedto eachcategorye.g. height:tall, short,ot'avercgeheight,etc. ss thendo the listeningactivity'.) Height
quite tall
ea y twenties
mid thirtles
short brown
@ goodiunoured Z Aclivities/Hobbies goingto discos n Personality
E -
watchingoldfilms E
muscular E teenaged n moteI
short-tempered Z
cooking Z
Tapescriptfor Ex. 1 (p. 4) (to be heardtwice)
Sarly:Wow,Pam,this beachhouseis beautifut. I wish l'd cornesooner.Whata fantasticviewlyou areso luckymovinghere. Pam: I know,and not just for the house.tve met thiswonderful man,andguesswhat...heasKeome to marryhiml Sarly:Whal?Do I knowhim?Comeon. you must teilme eveMhingl Pam:His name s Pau,and we rnFtat the ma.i'1a, He'sfixingup hisyacht- it's a kindof a hobbyfor him.He toid me it helpshimio relaxwhenhe isn'l working.He'sa writer,you know. Saty: HowexcitinglWhatdoeshe looklike? Pam: Well, he's quite talt and very well-buillprobabiyiromall thathardwo|kon hisyacht. Sarry:Tellme morel Parr: OKI He'sin his mid th rties.He'sgot a nice ovalfaceand gorgeousblueeyes.Hishairis short and brown.He usuallywearsjeansand T-shirts you know,casualclothes. Sarry:So,what'she like? Pam: He'scertainlygood-hurnoured. Paulalways likesto sharea joke. He's qutteimaginative too. He'sneverboring. Salry:Hesoundstoo goodto be Auel Pam: Well, I supposehe can be a bit shod, temperedoccasionally. Youcanjudgefor yourself though.He's inviledbolh of us to dinnertonight. Hes going to cook paella,hts favouriteSpanish dish.He'san excellent cook,you know. Sarry:I can'twaitto meethirnl
2nd paragraph:physicatdescription (tatesixties,of averageheghl, neitherfat nor thin, ptumpround face,wavywhitehair,sparklingblueeyes,casual, comlodable clothes,) 3rd paragraph:characterdescription(generous, good-natured, patient,onty gets annoyedwhen childrenpickherfavourite quitestubborn.) ftowers, 4th paragraph:hobbies(spendsa lot of time lookingailerhergarden,padicipates in localflower shows,raisesmoneyfor charity.) 5th paragraph:comments/feelings (pedectnexf doorneighbour, veryclose,fondof her.) Topicsentencesand suggestedalternatives hasbeenmy neighbour for sixyearc. ^,4avis Mavis movedto our neighbourhood stx years ago. - Physicaliy, Mavistooksyoungerthanmostother womenin thelrlatesixties, Lookingat Mavis,it ts difficu|lto believesne ls in her latesixties. Asfor herpersonality ... As far as her characleris concemed... I\ravis alwaysseemsto be busydoingsomething, Mavisis a very busy person. Allinall,I\,4av s isthepedectnextdoorneighbour_ Mavisis the bestneighbouronecouldwishto nave. -
adiectivesdescribingphysicalappearance:(o0 average(height),neither(tai) {noo thin, ptump round (face),wavy white (hair),sparklingbtue (eyes),casualcomlortable (ctothes)
adjectives describing peFonalily: good_natured, patient,(hardlyevergets)annoyed,stubborn
(Aftet reading the text in Ex. 2, T asks the following comprehensionquestions.) Suggesledcomprehensionquestionsand answers a How long has the wliter known Mavis? ShelHe has known Mavis fot six years, b What does lvlavislook like? She is of avemge height and is neither fat nor thin. She ls i, hel. /ale sinies. Her face is rcund and plump and she has sparkling blue eyes ancl wav/ white haiL She usua//y wears casual, comfonable clothes. c What annoysMavis? Childrcn picking her favouite roses ancl lilies. d Whai are l\raviss good qualities? She is good-naturcd, genercus and patienL e How ooes Mavrsspend most of he' lime? Looking aftet het garden, patticipating in local llower shows or rcising money for chaity. I Do you thinkthe writerenjoyslivingnexl door to Mauis? Yes,very much.
3 square 4 thrn
5 long 6 scar
mu s c u la r 2 broad
Tapescript lor Ex. 5 (p. 6) (to be heard twice) 'A dangerous p4soner escaped lhis rrorning from Spurswallprison.He is believedto be at large in the Waxertonarea and pohce are warn ng the public not to approachhim as he is likelyto react violently. NevilleSlatter is 6 loot 3 inches tall and quite muscular with broad shoulders.He is 54 yearsold and unshavenwiih a square jaw, a large nose and thin lips. He has long untidybrown hairand is bald on top. He also has a scar on h s right cheek Should you see this man, or if you have knowledgeol his whereabouts,pleasecontactyour local policestation. .
e.g. John is 21 John is in his eatu twenties. John is 26 - John is in his mid twenties. John is 29 John is in his late tuventies.
HEIGHT:of medium height,tall, just over six foot, short BUILD: slim, thin, muscular,well-built.oveMeight, skinny,longlegged, round shouldered AGE: middle'aged,teenaged,elderly,in his teons, in his midjorlies, in his lateforties COMPLEXION:wrinkled,tanned,pale,freckled FACE: round, oval, wrinkled, tanned, thin, pale, freckled HAIR: ginger,curly, blond, thick, balding,thin, wa\,y,straight,shoulderlength,short EYES:slanted,almond-shaped NOSE:thin, curved,crooked,freckled,straight LIPS:thin,full SPECIAL features: mole, scar, dimples, beard, moustache,longlegged, round-shouldered
bushynhick/fairlthln/darkeyebtows deep€evpufly/darkeyes complexron rosy/clear/Ialr/pale/spotly/dark nose broad/uptulned/hooked/crooked/thin double/spottychin face thln/pufiy/clean-shaven/pale/oval/spotty lips rosy/lull/thin/pale rosy/hollodpuflY/sPottycheeks hair bushy/thick/fairlrhin/curly/dark broadshoulders
(Bet'oredoing Ex. 3, T should te// Ss thal some llems may apply to morc than one ot' the wotds in the table. After Ss have done Ex. 3, T explainshow ea y, mid,late arc used to hlk aboul someones age.)
Then T gives va ous ages ard Ss make senterces as shown in the example, T can assign the rclative s description as w tten HW.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10
There is no descriptionof his personality because the public only have to be able to identfy him physically,probablyfroma distance as they have been warned not to approachh m
(suggested answers) 1 David Keen was well built wlth iine wrinkles aroundh s eyeswhich showedwhenhe laughed. Willy is in his mid twenties.He has an ovaliace 2 and long curlyhairwhich he t es back in a ponytail.He has a big kitchenwhere he likesto cook for his triends. 3 Helen is dark-sknned with beautiful almondshaped eyes. She dyes her hair, which makes her look youngerthan she is. 4 [,4arcy'smother is an attractivewoman who usuallywearsher long blond hair in a bun.
7 truslworthy 7 1 persuasive 4 honest 8 outgoing 2 laclless 5 lussy 6 reserved 3 frank
8 (Beforcdoing Ex. 8, T shouldexptainthat some of bn lse I lace
D.) omlng I large ig the I react lqute ls oto F and b bald L
t Your Dnarry ble to llance h him.
hnkles Dgneo. d face rpony' D COOk
mono makes
trhy n9
Peteis a veryfairteacher;henevertreats anyof hls studentsas it theywerebetterthanthe rest. l'ry littlebrolheris veryshy; he oftenhidesin his roomiJhe knowspeoplearecomingto the house. Troy is very helpful;he's atwayswillingto tenda helping hand. I\,4urray is quiteaggressive;he'llfight{rntilhe gets whathe wants. Bertis quitereserved;he rarelyshowshisfeelings. Glendais outgolng,andhasa greatabitityto make lriends. Bita is very polite; she alwaysspeakskindlyto people. Thelmais a cheedul person,alwaysbrightand smiling.
the adjectives can be negative or positive, dependingon how they arc used (e.9. ambhious, slry,teseNed,thick-skinned).f a/soremlndsSs to iustify the trcits mentionedin any chancter descriptionthey w te.) Aftet Ss havedone Ex. B, T can assgn the shottparagraphdescribinga rclative as wtittenHW. PositiveQualltles:patient,ambitious,generous, mature,interesting, friendly,lacttul,good-natured, thick-skinned, easy-going, hard-working, lair, shy, helplul,reserved, potite,cheedul. out-going, NegativeQualltles:pessimistic, mean.ambiiious, hostile,immature, impatienl, short-tempered, thickskinned,deceitful, shy,aggressive, reserved
(Suggestedanswers) Janecan be veryborlng;she neverhas anlthing interesling to say. Simonis ratherpesslmistic;he alwaysexpectsthe worstto happen. He tendsto be mean;he countseverylastpenny and hatesspendingmoneyon anything. Jamesisveryambitious;heplansto workhardand reachthetop of his professionbeforehe is thirty. lvlybrotheris verygenerous;he is atwayswillingio giveup histimeor moneyto helpotherpeople. Johnis verymaturefor his age;althoughhe'sonty eleven,he thinksandspeakslikean adult. lMrWalkeris an interestingman;he tellsthe most wonderful storiesthatnevertailto fascinate me, Joannacan be quitehostile;whenshe losesher tempershebecomesquiteunapproachable, [,,1ysisler is very immature;she's thirty-twobut generally behaveslikea child. John is a reallyfriendlyboy; he is atwayssmiling and lovesmeetingnewpeople. Barbaratends to be impatlent;eveMhinghastobe doneimmediately or shegetsangry. l\rylalheris verytacttul;he alwaysknowshow to get hrspointacrosswithoutotfendingpeopte. My grandiather is verygood-natured; he is never unkindor unJriendly. Georgeis rathershort-tempered; he often gets angryrcr no goodreason. Pamis verythick-skinned;her littlebrothersays horriblethingsto herbutshenevergetsupset. Hughis reallyeasy-going;he alwaysmanagesto staycalmin a crisis, Julieis sucha hard-workinggirl;her homework is alwaysin on time. Sylviawasa deceltfulchild;shewouldoftenpretend lo be rllso herpa/entswouldbuyherpresents.
9 (Suggestedanswers) 1 He is humorousbut has a tendencyto be immature. 2 Although he is kind-hearted, he can, on occasron, be absent-minded. 3 Sheis enthusiastic, as well as cooperative. 4 Sbe has a pleasantpersonatity; nevertheless, shecan be shyandunsociable, 5 In addltlonto beingwellbatanced, he atsohas a sensrtive nature. 6 In spiteof the fact that he hasa generous dis, posttto..homtrmeto timehecanbeaggressive. lO Jell Smith: productrve. decisive,cooperative, punctual MaryPelerson:dedicated, nervous,(ioo)sensitive E
Tapescripllor Ex. 10 (p. 7) (to be heardtwice) MB Pinglet Ah,I\rrBlack.I waswonderingil you couldgive me youropinionof the iwo candidates up for promotlon to executive salesmanager. Mt BlackiYes,certainly, Ivtrspringle,perconally, I lhinkJeffSmithwouldbe rnoreappropriate for the position.He'sveryproductive.Oidyou knowthat hes managedto doubleour clienteleoverthe last fiveyears? Mrs Pringre:Really?Excellentl Mr glack: IVm,quite.He'sdeclslvetoo,which,I'm sureyou would agree,is an essentialquatityfor sucha position.He'svery good at usinghis own judgementto make decisions.From what I can gather,hes also coopetalive.He seemsro work verywellwiththe otheremployees. Mrs Pringre:I\rmmm. Butis hepunctilal,Mr Black? Youknowwhatlthinkof peoplewhoaren'tpunctual. Mr BlacktOh yes,I\rrsPringle;he'snevertatefor Mrs Prirgre:Andwhatabouttheotherone?
M/ Ereck: Well, Mary Peterson'sdefinitely E dedicated;she'sbeenwithus for eightyearsnow Sadly,shehasa lendencytobe nervous quilea few ol her colleagueshave commentedon the sheseemsto havein facingcustomersl'd ditficulty alsosayshe'stoosensltive she'sbeenknownto burctintotearswhencriticisedl M's Pringre:Oh dear,we can'thavethal now,can we? lt seemsthat Smithwould be our best bet, wouldn'tyou agree? [,1rsPringle. Mr Black:Oh,absolutely, ll
. Although,aswell as, In spiteof lhe factthat,h addition full enthusiastic, PositiveQualities:dedicated, abilities, of cfeativedeas,genuineleadership uses own has made nvaluablesuggestions, initiative,displaysexcellentjudgement,hardresponsible, trustworthy working,conscientious, NegativeOualltles:overbearing This extract is taken from a letter of (thereforeit is writtenin a recommendation formalstyle). of physicalappearance Thereis no description onlydetaLls becausea letterof recommendatjon a persons characterand job relatedqualities/ qualifications.
12 (Before T asslgns Ex. 72 as written HW, helshe erelainslelicitsthe meaningof the adiectiveslisted, and asks Ss to think of examplesto iustity each chancter qualily. I a/so polnis out that the lettel should be written in a t'ormal sb/le that is: no no colloquialEnglish,no chatty abbreviations, useof but useof complexsentences, descriptions the passive,useof advancedvocabulary.) l3 (suggestedanswers) light details (clothes) - physicaldescripUon - characterdescription - hobbies/interests/activities 14 (T can assignEx. 14 as wriftenHW ss use thei notesto write the sameletter in theh own wotds Thislettetshouldbe writtenin an informalst/le) shondark tall,slim,broadshoulders, Appearance: hall
(red)baseballcap Clothes:bluejeans,sweatshirt, shy Character:mature,helpful,easy-golng, gym (working at the) out Hobbies/Activllles: 0 0
Tapescript lor Ex. 4 (p. 8) (to be heard twice)
DearGlendaand Bill, Thanksso much for agreeingto let my bfother, Paolo, stay at your house while he attends his summer course.At leasl someonewill be keeping an eye on niml He ll be arrlvingai Gaiwickfrom M lan at 6 30 in the eveningon the 26lh of July, and as you haven't seen him since he was little Id better gve you a quick description.He's quite tall and slim with broad shoulders. His hair is very daft now ano he's had it cut quite shorl. Like most 17_year-olds today, he'll almost cedainlybe wearingblue jeans and a sweatshirt; he'll probablybe wearinghis red baseball cap as well. haveany problems ldoubt very much that you'11 wlth him, as he s quiie mature for his age and very helplul aroundthe house.Paolo'sgenerallyeasy_ going, but he's often shy aroundstfangers He startedgoing to the gym aboul six months ago and he's keen to continueworklng out whlle he's in England,so il would be gteal it you could help h,m to lind a good gym when ne arrives Thanks again tor helplng out, it's reallykind of you. l'll probably phone atter he's arrived, so hopefullyl'll speaklo you both then.
Love, Pietro
15 1 aggressive 3 nattentive 5 varn 4 shy 2 loving 3 16 a Paragraph b - his wholebody wouldshakewiih laughter funny hefoundsomething whenever he wouldfrownangrilyand stamphisfeet c The writer uses past tenses as the text is ftomthe pastwhothewriter someone describing is usedin seeagain.Thetuluretense isunlikelyto asthewritersayswhathis/her thefrnalparagraph be feeingsforhisfathelsfriendwiLlalways d Thewriterwasveryfondof Archle.Hewillalways memories of him hishappychildhood treasure 17 (suggestedanswers) 5 1 spoilt 6 2 shy 3 sentimental/sensiuve/7 emotional onal 4 reserued/unemot
cheeky/rude stubborn cheerful/good' humoured
enosnrs I keeprng in a16.30 Clm with now and yearoros ue leans E hisred probems andvery Iry easy-
(Suggestedanswers) a Last Saturday I was standing n a corner by myselfat Suzie'sparty trying to decide whether or not tO leave and go home when I spolted Suziedragginga reluctantlookingm ddle-aged nan n my direction.'Darling,you haven't met John l\,lcKayyet, have you? He s a marvettous parnter,you know.' (d/ect speech, susperse)
Paragraph 2: physical appearance (h s/ner height,bu ld, age, factalfeatures,hatr,clothes) Paragraph 3: perconalitycharacleristicsand {e.9.parient. supporlive. easygoing. .uslificatro_ reserved.etc.) Paragraph 4: hobbies/nterests (e.9. likes paintng, enloys going to the cinenra,etc.) Paragraph 5: comments/ieelings(like him/her. luckyto have him/heras a friend)
b lt wasoneollhose beauiifulsummer moningsthal make you doubt the importanceof schoolwhen my besi frend G les and I were calledup to the headteachels office,'Ah,Jonesand Stevenson,' she sm ed. This rs [,4rSimmons;he'll be takng overfiom Mrs Pe*ins for the nexttwo weeks.l'd likeyou 1olake him downto yourclassroom' (diect speech, weather desciption)
Tenses to be used:
What?' cried my best friend, Denise. 'You've never heard of Tom Cruise?'I felt embarrassed atlout my apparenlignoranceand slowlyshook my head. We were queuing up at lhe local cinemawailingto watchwhat lthought would be just anothermediocreHollywoodfilm. However, Ittle did I know how wrong I was on that day,lwo yearcago. (direct speech, suspense)
. . .
Model A s purelydescriptive Model B includesnafiativetechniques ParagraphOutline
x months
ly kindof
lst Paragraph: name ot the person,time you met her (WhitneyHouston,popuar slnger, tamousactress,successiulfilms) 2ncl Paragraph:physica description(gorgeous black hair, kifd brown eyes, beautitul smile, elegantclothes,perfectfigure) 3rd Paragraph: personalitycharacteristicsand jusilfication (warm, genefous, determined, strongwilled) 4th Paragraph: inlerests/activities (glamorous Hol ywood parties, family-mtnded,relationshp with daughle0 Final Paragraph:comments/feelings about the person (incrediblewoman, exhaustingiite but still ooks fresh and beautifulfof lhe cameras)
I laughier ty tis feet e text is lhe wnter b usedin tal his/her $llalways 6 of him.
ude goood
(I shoa/d dlscuss the topics in c/ass before asstgning them as wriften HW.) Suggested paragraph plans 1 Paragraph1: name,lime/placeyou mel/sawthe person(..., school)
PastSlmp/eto say when/whereyou met him/ner Pfesert Smp/e to describehim/her (Thiscompostion can be written in an informal style: chal1ydescription,colloquialEngish. abbreviations,etc.) Paragraph 1: name, iime/place you met the person (auntClaire,movedfrom Australia) Paragraph 2: physical appearance (height, bu ld, age,facialleatures,hair,clothes) Paragraph 3: personalitycharacteristicsand juslllicalion emphasising how these have influencedyou (e-9. frank, irustworthy,lussy, etc. includeexamplesof mannerism) Paragraph4: hobbresinle'esrs{e.9.garderi-g charityorganisations) Paragraph 5: comments/leelings(admire her, respect,etc,) (lnforrnal style can be adopted, as well as narratrvetechniques,) Paragraph l: name, where you heard/read about the percon Paragraph2: physicalappearance(height,born in ... , facalfeatures) Paragraph 3: personality characteristicsand justification(e.9. determrned,honest,stLrbborn, elc,,includeexamples oi mannersm) Paragraph 4: hobbies/interests{alternatvety his/herachievementscan be mentioned) Paragraph5: comments,4eelings (e.9.impressed, admire,etc,) (Notethal this paragraphplan ditlersa littlefrom the one used in the previouscompositons.Some informationcan be excluded (e.9. clothes, hobbes,etc.)dependng on whatwe knowabout this percon H s/Her achievernentscan be menlioned.Pasttensesshouldbe used.)
Unit 2
pl0ces/0|lildin$ t|nil 2- 0escrilil|u I
(Befor"eSs do the listening activily, f can asks Ss what int'ormationis needed in order to describe a place ol building (e.9. name, location, sighb, free'time activities, recommendations then Ss do the listening activify'.) Name:
P a rs @
L o n d o nE
France@ busness fl
Reasonfor visitingi
ItalyE holidayE
PaaceZ Chaillot
lte de ta cii6 Z
shoppingE walkingaroundlvlontmartre Z boattr p on theSeineZ clubblngE
Recommendations:ideaifor holidaymakers Z
too expensiveE
trFTapescriptfor Ex. 1 (p. 11) (to be heard twice)
SarryjYes, lspent some time walkingaround Montmartre-That's the area where many famous anisls and writers lived. leven had nry ponrait paintedby a slreetart st not a very flatleringone mindyou, but t's good for a laughl Jenny: lt soundslikeyou spent mosl ofthe time just walkingaround,lhen. Sarryj I didn't aciually. I took a boat trip on the Seine.ltwasa lovelyday,so ljust re axedin thesun and watched the city go by. I spent some time sittingin caf6s,soakingup the aimosphere and eatinglots of cakesl Jenny:Wel,allcansay s, I wishI'd beentherel SarryjYou defintely oughl to go sometime.lt's the pedect place for a holiday.Look, maybe I can get you a discounton one of our packageho idays. Jenny: Ooh, that would be greatl
Jenny: Sallyl lt's been so long s nce I lastsaw you. Whefe have you been? Sarry.You woni believert. I was in Parislor two Jenny: Oh, you are lucky. The Frenchcapital?For two wholeweeks?Whatfor? Salry.The company l'm work ng for sent ne there to check on threeholels.We re planning10 include Pansrn our nextseason'ssummerholidaybrochure and I had to see which ot the hotels is the mosl approprate for accommodatng our clients. Jenny: That soundswonderful. Sa/lyj We l, yes. lt was hard work but I had enough time 1ovrsitsome places. Jenny: But youve been to Paris beiore, haven'l you? Sallyi Yes, but this iime I had the chance to vtsit some other p aces apaatfrom the well-knownones lke the EifielTowerand NotreDame. Jenny: Whered d you go, then? Sarlyi I visted the Cha lot Palace,wherethere are several museums. The view of the city irom its terracewas splendid,and thefe's an amazng park full ol pools and fo!nlains. Jenny: Soundsreallyn ce. Whereelse did you go? Sarfy:I went to the ile de la Cit6 and the ile SaintLouis they're lwo small islandsin the mrddleof lLe rve' Sei_e.There a'e so.ne las( ndtilg oo parks and buildings.I even visited the dungeons wheretheyusedto keep prisonersbeforeihey were executed.There'san incredibleatmospheredown Jenny: I can imag nel Did you see anylhingelse?
Topic of each paragraph Paragraph2: sightsto see (St Paul'sCathedral, Bg Ben, BuckinghamPaace, the Housesoi Parliament,the Nationa Gallery) Paragraph 3: things 10 do (Shopping: deparlment stores on Oxford street, Hafiods; Evening ent€rtainment: Southbank Thealre complex,theatresof CoventGarden,Soho and its caf6s) Paragraph 4: final feelings/recommendation (exceptionalplace,truly modem city yet keeps its traditionalstyle) (T points aut to Ss that t e w ter has used a quotation to end his composition.)
Unit 2 (Suggestedan6wers) . Sights ol special interest: St Paul'sCathedfal, Big Ben, BuckinghamPalace,the Houses of Parliament,the NationalGallery . Holidaymakerscan shop, go to caf6sand enjoy theatricalpertormances. . I d expectto find a descripiionlikethis in a travel magazne/tJrochure.
1 in 2 onTin 3 through above 5 lrom
6to 8 nearlnexlto/beside/by 9 oul 10 Behind
arou11d famous portrait ring one timelust I on the r the sun g-and rtherel ,. lt s the can ger alays.
Paragraph 1: locaton oflhe office(big companyin huge skyscraper,city centre) Paragraph 2: overaI look ot the office lsoacious. bright,peaceful) Paragraph 3: particulardetails of the otfice (ong curtains,pale pink carpet, several potted plants, wooden desk, uxuriousblack leatherchairs,woodpanelledcupboard) Paragraph 4: final thoughis/leelingsabout the otfice(pleasantworkingenvironment) l'd expectto find this descriplionas part ot a story or letter. Funfalr: the sound of loud musicplaying- hea ng shrieksol peopleon the I des hearing smell of fresh popcorn and candylloss- sme lghls are flashng slght peopleare busUingever!ryvheresighf a breathtakingview sighi
|oppingl Harrods; Theatre bho and
Partoi a lourist brochure Restauranl: delicioussmellof fine cooking sme// soft muslcand quiet conversation hearrg smilingwailer- s,9h1 sai back on comlortablecushionedchairs touch Partof a story
endation et keeps
MountainVillage: cold crisp air makesyour skin tingle- touch All you can hear is the sighingof the wind - healirg snow-coveredmountains slghl thick greenforest- s,ghl -
Partoi a touristbrochure
Jungle: the rustlingof leaves hearng the screechingof parrots hearrg scent of wel earthand exoticflowers sme// warm most air toarch dellghtfullobreathesme// Partol a story 1 Dominated by the Eifte Tower, Paris is well knownfor ils architecture. 2 Locatednearthe city cenlre,the swimmingpool is very popularwth city resdents. 3 Shelteredby trees on eitherside, the holel is a favouritewith peoplewho want a qu et holiday. 4 H dden beyond a range of mountains,the town is best knownfor its wine industry.
6 1Tgoes through the list of ph€ses wth Ss ard asks them to idenw lhe senses used in each. Then, working in cbsed pairs, Ss match the phnses with the picfures, T checks answerslhe, asks Ss fo wrle shoft descipttons for each picture using the phrases.) A: snow-coveredmountains(sight),whislleof co d wind (1ouch/hearing), fresh scent ol pines (smell), towering peaks (si9hl), soft snow (louch) B: crowded sLreers(sighl). colourlul shop signs (s gh0. tall bu ldings(sight).car ho'ns beeping (hearing),hurryingpassers-by(sight) water (s gh1), C: burningsand (touch),crystal-clear palm plants (sigh0, (sigh0, swaying trees exolic (hearing), shrill cries of lropical birds salty sea smell(srnel) D: glossy green peppers (s ght), acrid sme I of old tomaloes (smell), colourful stalls (s gh0, cheerfullyshoutingstallholders(hearing) (Suggestedanswers) B: The crowded streets were iul ol hurrying passers-by. Colourtul shop signs on the tall buildings attractedour attenton. The sound ol car horns beeping filled the ar as traffc cloggedthe streeis. C: We stood on the burning sand, looking at the cryslal-clear water. Behind us there were swaying palm lrees filledwth ihe shrillcries of lropical birds, and the air had a sally sea smell. Dr In lhe marketlwas impressedby the colourlul stalls, and rny aitentronwas attracted by the cheertully shouting slallholders. I bought some glossy green peppers. under the scent of fresh produce was the acrid smell ol old tomaloes.
Unit 2 7
malor motorway wider concrete bridge
The authorleels some changeswere for the better and some were for the worse.
b) part ol a travelbrochure/magazine article c) acuvities
new block of llats new shopping centre
PS Tapescript for Ex. 7 (p. 14) (to be heard twice) A: ...And wth us lodayto talkabouther newbook s the aulhor GillianMary Hearn.Her latestbook, Ihe Paper Buttefly is set in her hometown of Lewes, in Sussex. Mrs Hearn, lhank you fof lo n ng us, I undersiandthal you went back to Lewesfor the l rst time ln over thidy years atter compleiingyour book. What was it ike for you? B: lt was quite a shock, actually.My book was set in the town as I remembered t, but a loi has changed snce I left. For a start, insteadoi the iields behindthe town whereI usedto play there is a huge supermarket,and what used to be a small road on the outskirts of Lewes has becomea major motorway. A: And what aboutthe housewhereyou grew up , did you go back 10 vislt it? [,4ostof your story takes placearound it. 8: Wel, I was plannlngto, because I wanted my children to see it but I discoveredthat it had been knocked down to make way for a new bLockof flats. A: Thal must have been rathef upsettingfor you. Did you feel that any of the changes were an mprovementto the town? B: Oh yesl I was very pleasedto see that the otd stone bndge over the river has been replaced wilh a wider concreteone - | rememberbe ng scared lo cross the old bridge in case it collapsed.Also, some of the old houses have been knockeddown and a new shoppingcefve has been built in their place,which has madethe town cenlrea much nicerarea. A: I see. Now,te I us a bit about your book ... (After Ss have done the listening activily I ass/gns the w ting paft ol this exerciseas HW.) 8
B (venice) a) nfomal - shortforms,coloquia Engtish e.g. plannirg his ne)ftmove b) part of a story c) reference10s ghls C (Paris) a) /ess formal- addressesthe readerdifectly e.g. Take a tdp/ii you are an art lover you should/Youcan sample;varietyol adleclives e.g. spectacuar, lamous,delicious
D (Switzerland) a) informal shotlfotms, colloquialEng ish e.g. I don t knowhust e and bustle b) part of a letter c) recomme_oalo_
1 beginning rhetoricalquestion/addressing the
2 endmg us ng a quotaton 3 beEnning -sng serses 1o desc.be thp weather 4 erdmg using directspeech 5 beginning creating mystery, antcpaton or suspense 6 end,,'rq describi.g feelinqs.eaclions
: , :
10 (Ex.fi canbe assignedas wtiftenHW aftetSs have ptactised some beginning and endings in class.)
I (
; , .
(Suggestedanswers) a) I\,4ostof us have heard lhe saying 'an Englishman'shome is his castle', but the first time I visileda real Eng ish castleit didn't seem likea homeat all. (r)eginnjng, quotation ) As we leftthe castlemy friendshiveredand said, '| don't know how peopleeverltvedin places ike thal. lhadtoagree, thoughlhad beenimpressed by the senseoJ historythe place gave me, ano the wonderthai a buiidingso old could stil give one a senseof the lifethal had been lved there. (endinq - dhect speech) b) Lookng for the ideal place to spend your surnmer holiday? lf you wafl sun, sandy beac-es. good lood and friend.ypeople. Crele is the answer. (beginning rheto cal question) Afteryour last swirnrn the warm, refreshingsea and your last delicrousmeal in a seaside l4 taverna,you will wish that your holidaywas just begrnnng and not al its end. Butthere'sno need you can aways come oack to ro worry beautilulCrete. (erdlrg use ot serses,) I I moving features: runsthrough,spreadingtrees static lealures: situatedat the end, To the left, as lar as the eye can see, Beyondthe house,on the omer s de
P P P P ?
Unit 2
12 1D
3 A
4 C
large,br ght kitchen(slghi) wooden Iable (touchIsig ht) long, soft sofa (touchls/9h1.) cold vrindy n ghls (hearingltouch) wooden bookcasesftoucrlstght soolhrngpale blue fslghl) colourfulflowers(sigry gentlyswayingin the cold hrceze(hearjnglsight) sweet,iuicy oranges(taste) peaceful atmosphere(hearng) sounds of birds singing(healrgl warm sunllghl(touch) . The writer has used condittonals(woutd + Oare infinitive)becausehe/she s describingsomething relatedto the future.
an ast tm
m) td
le ed nd e.
)ur dy
de Lrst ed to
l3 had lgnoredc (ignored) marbteta wo cali marbte) she hurriedG (hurred) show to us G (showus) greek and egyptianP (Greekand Egyptjan) had studyng c (had been studying) quiet S^|VW(quite) were followedG (followed) /n admiraliongasped WO (gaspedin admiration) such G (so) as G (like) beforeWW (ago) jewellryS (jewellery) saw WW (took) lve WWS (leave) had followedc (followed) bus walt ng WO (waiUngbus) Paragraph l: Name, ocation,reasof for vtsrr Paragraph2: First mpressions/atmosphere Paragraph3: impressionof the creek exhibits Paragraph4: impressionot the Egyptan exh bits Paragraph5: I na thougntstmpressions
Paragraph2: detaits,descripton of the exterior oi place (red brick, marbe steps,bay windows. Paragraph 3: descriptionof the interior01 rne hoJse r^ighor.ate ce'lngs treautirLl anliques. huge crysta chandelie, Paragraph4: concluso. . co.nrrenrs. feeings about the place (a lttte envous, will conlinueto enjoy memoriesand day-dreams) Tenses: presenttenses Style: informai/less formal Suggested paragraph ptan for Topic 2 Paragraph 1: introducton name and location of place,reasonsfor choosingthe pace (Hawal, Pacfic Ocean,sumrnerho iday resort) Paragraph 2: detaits of place, sights (tatl mountains,dense green vegetation,sandy beaches,sparklng blue sea,flowers) Paragraph3l activilies(sunbathing,piayinggoti, tradlUonalsongsand dances,deliciousbuffeL/ Paragraph 4: lFe.ingsand com.ne.ts (dreanplaceto go on hollday,recommended) Tenses: pfesenttenses Style: lormalless fo.mar oepenoiag 01 the audtenceit is addressedto Suggested paragraph ptan for Topic 3 Paragraph 1: tntroducton name, locaton, reason Io. choost4g rhe p.ace tlondon loo, London,schoolvsit) Paragraphs2, 3: detaitsof place and activites (sections,animals,cages,Iuniair) Paragraph4: leeings recomrendal.on(-ice cneeryptace,recommendedforlhe wholeiarnily) Tenses: past tenses Style: nlorma
14 ff shoa/d ask Ss to outtine the parcgrcph ptan fol each topic and decide or, fenses to be used and style to be adapted beforc they write any of lhem as HW) 1 Suggesled paragraph plan for Topic 1
as ne
Paragraph 1: introduction- name and location of place, reasonsfor choosing the place (old mansion, Canterbury Road. lt makes my imaginationrun wild.)
- 0escribin! 0[hds l|nilS
g (BeforeSs do the,ster/ng activityfasks Ss whatinfarmationis neededin order to describean obiect e size' weight,age'etc'TaskssstothinkofVariousadiectives|nounsthat|iteachcategoryandwritesthemonth T cin atsi give nore adiectiveslnounsexplainingleliciting their meaning, then ss do the listening actNtly.)
medium-sized heaw
a a
LousXlV I
v cro'iar
A -l lghibrown n
darkbrown Z
Paintings black
cerman n manoganyfl
French grante
English stone
small rrght
t l
Shape Pattern/Decoration
Colour Origin Material Special Characteristics
n E
PictureA is being described Tapescript for Ex. 1 (p. 18) (to be heard twice)
'Good afternoonladiesand gentlemenand welcometo ollr chariiyauctionin aid oi the ch ldren'shospita ourfirsttemonthesta.dtoday]samedium.szedheavytab]e,datingbacklotheVictorianpeliod'|tissqu inshapewilhornatecarvingsundereachcornerandontheLegs'Thisrchdalkbrowntab|eWoU|dbeac additiontoanyone.shomelv|adeinEngandofihefirlestpolishedmahogany,thistab|ea|sohasaveryh drawer,This drawerslidesunderthe main body oi the table and cou d be usedfor storingcuuery,lettersor other oblects.so,therewehavet.Abeaulifulpece,don'tyouagree?Letsstartlhebiddingatel,500Right'tha t2,300.€2 500 Arethereanymoreofierson thissuperbp ece?No?Well' yo; sLr,t1,700toyou madam,C2,000, it . go ng, go ng, gone and sold 10the gentlemanwith the walkingstlck in the front row Thankyou sir''
Size/ Weight
Patiern Origin
fLoral spherical p aln oft-white rectangular p nkish oval
breathtaklng healy
Co be underlined) A: dark blue, made of lambswool,fairly old, initias J.P sewn on the inLng (a letler to the lost propertyofliceof a hote, policestation,etc ) B: ffty metreslong, resembleda baloon siver, tlashng orange lights all around the bottom (newsreport) C: long, stee , heavy,cold (story) D: beautiful,antique,Ch nese,iinestminiatureblack and whitepearls(catalogue/advertrsement)
1 2 3 4
Polish plalnum Finnish paper Oriental steel
Special Characteristics catuings initials
brown,paper expensve,silk long, datk green, French soft, grey, woollen
takenirom a letterto the lost propertyofficeof a bus company,wrtten by the owner oi the items 2nd paragraph detailed desciptons of ihe itemswhich have been losl 3rd paragraph nlormationaboul where and when the owner of the mssing items can be contacted
5 .9. size,
bl. I square
(T elicitslexplains the meaning of each word beforc Ss do the matching. If Ss have difficu y desc bing the objects, T can read aloud the suggested desciptions, ther Ss descrlbe fhe ob./ects.,4s an efiension T can ask Ss to f/nd plctules of oblecfs and describe them.)
6 (T ask Ss to give the pang@ph plan lot each topic belorc helshe assignseithet of the tlvo as written HW) 1 Suggested ParagraphPtan lst Paragraph: greetng, reasonfor writing (to lelllriend about a recently,boughtitem) 2nalParagraph:detaileddescriptionof ihe item 3rd Paragraph: closing remarks (e.9. friend shouidcome over soon to see the item)
A leather,lightweight,rectangular,stamp in the cenlre,two straps,blue B 18-caralgold band, platinumsetting,large bue sapphire,smalldiamonds C round{aced, gold, Swiss, goid and silver braceet, date display
(Ss can use the infomation given in the kble of Ex.1 p. 18 in the Student'sBook and describe this item.)
Suggested descriptlons
2 Suggested ParagraphPlan lst Paragraph: reason for writing, time/ptace object lost (l am writingto inqurreabout ...) 2nd Paragraphidetaileddescriptionof the ttem (plusconlents) 3rd Paragraph: iniorrnationabout where and when you can be contacled(lrl the eventoi the uggage being found I can be contacled on ... from 6.00to 9.00 everyday.)
A lt's a lightweight travel accessory. tt's rectangularwilh a starnp in the centre. lt's gol lwo slraps. lt's blue and is made of teather. B This ring has got an l8-carat gotd band. lthas a platlnurn setting with a large btue sapphire. The sapphireis surroundedby smattdiamonds. C lt is an elegantround.faced gold Swiss watch. It s got a gold and sllver bracelet and a date display.
(Ss can use Ex- 4 p. 19 in the Student's Book as a
y handy or olher l, thank
Unil 4- [e$il[i||g ]e$liv0ly0erc|n0l|hy0elelruli0Ils Beasonsfor celebrating: fancydress f] Time: lastSaturday@
birthday Z yesteraay!
20 tl
paperplatesandcups Z
hats Z cakeA
housewarmnq E hst Sunday 10
flowers D Plasticcutlery jamtarts tl tood @ champagneI battoons
Aclual day:
singHappyBirthday A watchvideotapes playgames @ eatanddrink Z
ailenjoyedthemselves A
fice of a le rtems 5 ol the Ere and can be
Fn Tapescript for Ex. 1 (p 20) (to be heard twice) Gftndmat Kalet Look at thls photograph Sophe was so beautifulat her blrthdaypady what a lovely dresslOhl lshouldn'thavemissedit ljust shouldn'l' Kate: [/lum,that's OK. I know you wantedto be with us lastSaturdaybul l m sureyou'll make Ltnextyear ior her sixthbirihday. Gtandma: That's for sure Let me see the other photos. Nce! The children all seem to be having lun. How many actuallycame in the end? Kate: Well, let me see Bobbieand his hvo sisiers, Sallyand Mary;Steven,Sarah,Christie,David'Tom' Suzieand Jenny.All ofthem areSophie'sclassmates exceptlor Bobbies slslers Ten,alltogether' Grcndmai fen live_year'oldslLooklng atter that manymust havebeen hardwork, notto mentlonthe preparations. Katei No, not really.I had bought paper platesand cups and plastc cuUeryso I didn't have io do any washingup afterwards.I bought some adorable hats for them as well. Id preparedall the food the day belore the party, but lhad the cake made oy ihe b,akerround the corner' He makes the most delicious cakes in the area The most exhaustng thing was blowlng up balloonsand decoratingthe house with streamersand banners After l had blown up thirty balloonsI finallycollapsed G/andma: I bet you did. Well,how drd thlngsgo on the actuaLdaY? Kalei lt was tunl Once everybody had flnally afiived, George dressed up in a ciown's co$ume and brought n the cake Sophiedidn't realisewho he was unttl he starungsinging 'Happy Birthday" Afterihe cake was cut, the kids playedalew games we'd organsed lor them and then sat down to eat and dr nk, then went on playrng Grancimai lI sounds as if everybody enjoyed themselves. Katei Oh yesl They all had a good t me, and Sophie was very pleased. 2
Topic of each paragraph Paragraph 1: name, time, place of event, reason for occasion (RemembranceDay, Sunday closest thosewho to November11th,Brtain,to remember I and ll) Wars in Wond while fighting died Paragraph2: preparatons carriedout (schoolsand organisations rehearse for the parades, paper poppiesare sold tor the publiclo wear) Paragraph3: descriplionot the actual event (war veierans join the parades, they marcn or are plshed tn wheelchars, crowdscheer,remembrance service held at the Royal Albert Hall, hymns are sung, speeches are made, poppies are dropped
from the ceilingonto the audience) Paragraph 4: comments,linal thoughts (important event,feelingsof respectand pr de) A nationalevent is being described Presenttenseshave been used becausethis is a descripiionoi an annualevert . Ss answeraccordingly.
. .
(A,san extensionI can ask Ss to close thei books and say as many words as possible related to the topic Bemembance DaY.) joyiul, colourful,wonderful'plentitul -lul joyous,glorious,marvellous,luxurious -ous natronal,magical,otiginal,traditional -al -|ng - excting, entertaning,strring, glttering, sparklng
4 1 memorialseruice 2 3 4 5
veteran natonalanthem commernorate wreath
6 7 I 9 10
Patade 21-gunsa ule silence two-minute traditonalcostlmes medals
3 D
4 B
Topic ol each paragraph
Paragraph 1r name, time, place, reason (Prom Nlght, May, hotel ballroom,celebratethe end of hioh school and the beginnng oi adulthood) P;agraph 2: preparations(bookedhotel ballroom, had tickets printed, arranged for food and reireshmentsto be supplied,decoratedhall, dress
Paragraph 3: actual day (parentstook pictures, had a delicateco6age on wrist,limo took her to the hotel, danced, ate, laughed, had fun, best lriend crownedPromQueen) Paragraph 4: feelings (t?ed bul happy, wonderful n ght)
havebeenusedas thlsis (T pointsod thatpasttenses thedesctiptionof an eventwhichthewritetaltended)
6 MayDay
Flowersare cut to rnakegarlandsThemaypolels pLrtup and streamers aretiedto the top Floatsare by loca fortheparade.Food s prepared decorated bakeres for thespectators.
New Year's Eve Party invltationsare sent out and new outfiis are bought. Decorationsand banners are hung and food is prepared.Asthe clock strikestwelve'boitles of champagneare openedand a toasi is made
e lhis s
. Presenttensesare used becauseeach pieceof writingdescribes an annualevent.
the outskirts of the town. We watched the vast numbers of schools competing for pizes which were awardedfor the most impressiveperformance arld costumes, Outs de the stadium, we saw enthusiasticrevellersall over the city dancingtheir way throughthe wortd's noisieststreetparty which lasteduntilthe end ol the carnival.
a 1 spacious 2 sparkling 3 joJ,4ul b 1 Blinding 2 magical 3 spellboLrnd c 1 Vaditional 2 enthusiastic 3 dazzllng
8 . 1 most spectacular/most lmpressrve (most 2 3 4 5 6 7
a €l littering,
8 t lence 6tumes
I end of
0 Dd and lI, dress prcturesi er to the I fr end ondedul
ryPolers bats are by local
ifits are |ng and !, botlles |aOe,
Paragraph plan Paragraph 1: name, where, when, reason for ceiebrating{Rio Carnivat,Bio beforeLent) Paragraph 2: Preparations(costumes,oands practisemusic,dancersrehearse) Paragraph 3: aclual event (samba scnoots competein stadium,peopledance in streets) Paragraph4: feelings, comments,finalthoughts (lun,everyoneJooksforwardto the event)
r (Prom .
It was definitelythe best holidayt've everhao and I look foMard to berngatJleto go there again when l'm olderl
extraofdrnary, elc.) grand,iively(splendid/magnificent, elc.) Brightlycoloured(brilliant,etc.) lively(interestng, etc.) huge (enormous,etc.) numerous(countless,etc.) most spectacu/ar,most impressive (mosl amazrng,etc.) grand, lively, thritting (exciiing/exhlaraiing/ ama2tng,elc,)
P'psenl te-ses have oeen -sed as rhis s a descriptionoi an annualevent
(Suggesledanswers) (The narration ot' the event ca, be asslgred as written HW after T has elicited tom Ss that pasl tenses should be used as Ss will not be desc bing an annual event but an event they paiicipated in some lme ago.) Lasl yea., my familya.d I went to Fliooe Jdneiro01 holiday.We went fof the iast few days before rne forty-day fasting perod of Lent, at the end of Febrlary, lt was wonderfulbecausewewereableto go to the amazing Rio Carnival which aftracls holidaymakersfrom all over the world everyyear. It was obvious that people must have been preparing lor months beforehand because the costumeswere beautifullydesignedand decorated. l'd never seen people dancing as brillianflyas the samoaoancers. The main part of ihe carnivattook ptace in ihe Sambadrome,which is a huge, grand stad um on
ll is dlflerentbecauseths rs a descriptionofan event as you experencedit, This model uses past tenses whereasthe modelin the book usespresenltenses, (4s a, exterslon fasks Ss to close theh books and say as many wofts as they can remember related to the topic - Rio Camival.) I
p (commasmisslng) bookingsdressfittingstnvitations correctWW (suilable) had everythingWO (everythinghad) on G (in) All we WO (Weall) turnt S (turned) puledS (pulled) smooth G (smoothly) The fatherof SallyG (Sa y's lather) hoUyWW (warmly) come G (came) besideto G (nextto/beside) SallyP (Sally's) had taken G (had been taken) which it G (which) aP(4 drove G (had driven) Toplc of each paragraph Paragraph 1: event, place, time (wedding, rocal church,lastJuly) Paragraph 2: preparationsior ihe wedding (bookings, dress fittings, invrtations,flowers and food organised,receptionpJacefo!nd) Paragraph 3, 4: descrlpton of the event (bride came In a car, bride's falher led her to church, bridesmaids,mothercrying,reception) Paragraph5: leelingsaboutthe wedding{happyday) Past lenses have been Llsed because lhe event being described was a particularone which rooK place beforethe time of writing. f s a, e{ersbn fasks Ss to ctosetheirbooksand sayas matrywons as possibletelaEd to ke topjc a wedding.)
Unit 5 gong until you get to a roundabout Take the first turningon the right at the roundaboutand you will tind yourseli on Grange Road, where l live [,1y houseis on the left hand side,opposte the church
planfot eachtopic I O O asksSsto givetheparagrcph going justify ta use. then the tensesthey are and assignsanyone ol the topicsas wriftenHW) Paragraphplan (lor all four topics) Paragraph'l: name,Place,trme,reason Paragraph2: preparatrons Paragtaph3: ihe actualevent Paragraph4: finarlhoughtsand leelings
3 P re p a ra t io n1: B
OperatlngInstructions:1 B 2E 3G
Tensesto be used Topics 1, 3: Presenttenses,as these will be whichthewriterd d notattend oflestivals descriptions Topics2, 4: Pasltenses,as Sswilldescrbe events whichtheyattendedsometimeago.
3 Listen 4 Dial
5 put 6 remove
Well, now dial your numbercarefully.while you are talking,you can seethe numberof unitsyoll areusingas itwiilshowup on the digitaldisplay After you've finishedyour call, put the receiver down and removeyour card from the machine
It'seasy,isn'tit? A: lt is, indeed!Thanks. 2 1 Turnleft 2 tlrning
3 past 4 lett
5 opposrte
Suggesteddirectionsto reachJennifer'sholse lrom lhe bus stalion. Turnrightwhenyoucomeoutoithe busstationand takethefirstturningon yourleftwh ch willtakeyou and the into BriarRoad.Go paslthe supermarket turningfor DoverRoadon your righi and keep
Operating instructions: switch ofl, remove,place' close, lower, begin, remove, serve, put wal, release,swtch, pul A 1 grale,sprinkle 2 peel,boil B 1 bake 2 Fty, sizzle
3 slmmer 4 chop 3 gr ll 4 lvlelt,blend
5 beat
5 Slice 6 Siir
e' Sequencewords:F rst,Next,then,Meanwhi Atterthat Tenses: imperaiivebecauseinstructionsare beinggiventor maklnga dish Each prece ol Inrormationis given in chronologicalorder
1 insert 2 Enier
Tapescriptfor Ex, 1 (p. 24) (to be heardtwice) Excuseme, could you lell me how 10 use thls cardphoneplease?lve been irying to call my parentsin Spain,but lcan'tgetthe phonetowolk Oh sure, no problem.Flrsi pick up the recerver and insert your card into the slol. See? Here, wiih the arrow on the left side pointingiorward OK, now what? Now lisienior the diallinglone. Can you hear it?
4 C 5A 6F
Preparation:lill, make sure,check, pul
ltomsses 0esuibing 1 pickup 2 insed
Examplesof lhe imPerative
li]ecli0nsi lnslrucli0|ls/0iyin! ||nil5- ll{illing I
B 1 put
3 push/press 4 press/push
5 Remove 6 collecl
2 lookthrough 3 Point 4 Hold
Howto usea cashcard B, Howto use a videocameraIn order10recoro something T
2 T 3 T
5 6
7 8
F (useoi the sensesmakesyour descipuon moreinteresting) F (detailsof the interiorarenecessary) F (it can be wrtten n a lesslormalslylewhen the writerwantsto havea persuasveeffecl on the reaoe4 T in chronologica F (we mustgive instructions iollowed) easily they can be so order
Unit 6 € lhe first
(T should discuss each topic belore Ss write any of
Tochangelenses, presstheblackbuttonattheoase of the lensandtwistthe lensoffclockwise. Boththe camerabodyandthelenseshavea redspot. Alignthe red spoton the lenswiththe one on the camerabody. Insedthe lens and twist ant-clockwise. The lens locksin placewhenthe buttonclicksout.
I lve. [,4y
4C 7D
put wal,
stir leanwh le,
Topic 1 Poinls to consider: The recipe is divided into two sectrons: ingredients and preparation. The nlormationshould be given n chronologicalorder using sequencewords. Each stage ts writtenon a new line.lmperativeis used. (Ss can use Ex.5 p. 26 in the Studenl'sBook as an example.) Topic 2 Points to consider: lmperativeis used. Eachstage s w'itten on a new line. Info'marion s given In chronologicalorder ltnkedwith sequencewords. (Suggestedinstruclions) Operating Inshuctions: C.D. player
col ecl 4 Hold
Controls The controlsare on the ld of the playerfor ease of use, The function buttons are all soft louch. To aclivateone pressit ightly. Headphones The headphonesplug into the smallerol the two sockels on the righthand side. The second s tor loudspeakers. The headphoneunitincludesavolume controland play,stop and skip buttonswhichcan be used insleadoflhose on the playeritself.
Batteries Turn the camera upside down. The baltery compadmenlis on the righthand side. To open t, push the carcr oown a-d shdeir lo rhe right. Insertthebatterywith itsterminalstacingdown then closethe lid.
6ive effect
rcnological d)
Paragraph1: reasonfor writing Paragraph2: dkectionson howto reachthe house Paragraph3: endthe letter
|Jnil 6- llilrulires -Slorhs t lB
Operating Instructions: SLR Camera
Firstopen the batterycompartmenton the bottom of the player and nseft four standard 1.5 volt batteries.The red power indicalorshoutdthen trghi up. Alternatively, the adaptorcan be used. Connecl it to the port on the left-handside. However,when the payer is not in use the adaplor shoutd be
ctions are given in
Topic3 Pointsto consider:T rerri-ds Ss of expressions usedto give inslructions (SeeEx. 2 p. 24 in the Student'sBook).T also remindsSs ot how we begin/end a ldendlyletter(Dear+ yourfriend'sfirsl name Yours,+ yourfirstname)and givesSs the followingplanto useIn orderto writethe tetter.
To open ihe cameras rear cover,slidethe carcnon the left-hands de down. Insertthe film cartridgeon the left and pull the film out to the right until it crossesthe white line. Then shut the cover, and the lilm will be automalicallywound on.
3 C
4 A
s D
Tapescript for Ex. 1 (p. 27) (to be heard twice) 'Don't go too far out to sea. lt looks as though there might be a storm,'the boat ownerwarned us as we set off on our fishingtrip. Rick and lwere both in high spiritsas we sarled away; there were a few grey clouds in the sky br,'lwe wefefartoo excitedaboulourtripto payanyattention. Beforelong, though, we lound ourselvescaught n lhe m ddle of a terriblestorm.Huge drops of rain lashed agalnst the boat and the sky ftashed and roafeo aboveus. By now we were very far from the shore but we noticed a srnall island ahead o1 us. 'Look, Rickt' I shouted 'Head for the lsland.' Steeringfrantically towards t, we suddenlyheard a loud crash as the boat smashedinto a sharp rock. We were thrown violently lnlo the rolling waves and terrified, we r'eganto swrmtowardsthe istand. We managed to feach a stretch ot beacn ano dragged ourselves,exhausted,to the shelter of some trees. Thankfully,it was still light and the storm was beglnningto die down, so we gathered driftwoodand piled it up 1omake ourselvesa fire. As we were sitting by the crackling flames, wonderingwhat to do next,we heardthe sound 01 a helicopter overhead.Jumping up and waving
Unit 6 madlywe yelled, Herewe arel Helpl Saveusl' Within minutes a Lifeboatappeared,and as we climbedinto it, rel evedto be fescuedbut still a ittle shaken by our experience,we saw the concerned tace oi the fish ng boat owner, 'Welcomeaboard. l'm glad you're sale but pleaselistento me next lime you want to go fishing!' 2
6 A iwh e n 2 lmme d ia t e ly 5 Meafwhile 3 As soonas 6 At last
2nd paragraph - development(littleman gestures wilh battery,puzzLirgScott) 3rd paragraph - development(Scottunderstands and g ves batteries,liitle man leaves) 4th paragraph - conclusion(Scott's'dream' turns oul to be true)
1 before 2 since
'bal of brilliant yellow Descriptivetechniques ight,' 'Strange ittleman ... wilh orangesk n, eic.
The passengerspanicked. t 4 l Thepilotmanaqedto controltheplane. The aeroplanestartedfalling. l5 | Thellightconlinued. The llighldhendanls cdlrredrhepassengers
Ime words: as, As soof as, atter,then, Suddeny, When,lmmediatey, When,before,Then
Plot line B
Adverbs: lighl, iast, completely, Suddenly, so, urgently,franlically,lmmediately,warmly Direct speech: 'Sleep tight, Scottie', 'Hello, l'm Scott.Who are you?', 'Whatdo you want?' The model usesa var ety ol adjectivesand adverbs to keep the readels interest. Beginnings B (setsthescenedescribng weather, use of descrrptveadlectivesand senses) Endings - A (ends the slory referringto feelings, use of descrptiveadlectives,use of directspeech)
Beginnings 2 a, d, e
3 a, c, f
2 d,e
1 c, d
fr-l The car stopped. t5 | Kevinwa ked away. t4 |The car sank n the mud. ls I Kevingot out of the car.
not very successful(weathedsufioundings, feelings/moods) 2 C - describingweather,referringto feelings 3 A ' rhetoricalquestion/referring to feelings, rhetoricalquestron
Kevinwas drivingin the rain.
(Suggestedplot lines) a . eav ng on plane10ra hollday . sudden storm/hijackng aitempt . forced landlng . ong delay beforerescue . enorng b . vist to a castle . strangeincidentshappen . wrilerfeels scaredand leavesthe caslle . enotng
3 a,b,c
1 B
. .
(Suggestedanswer for rewrite) . lt was such a dark night that John could hardly see his hand in front oi hisface. He lookedat his waich'12.45'. He suddenlyshivered withfear.
5 Alter 6 finally
Adjectives: asleep, exhausted, who e, new, yellow,bright,strange,lttle, tal, orange, brillranl, huge, blue,frightened, friendy,miniature, untidy, puzzled,litt e, unusual
3 when 4 then
7 then
Plot lineA
. The slory ls writtenin the 3rd pe6on. .
John eveniuallyfound the iront door. He heard footslepsbehrndhim, pulledthe door open and dashed outside.What a relieJit was to see a policemanstandingtherel
I t I I I
boss givesdifficultassignment writer (empoyee) misunderstands/makes big mistake enotng
8 (Suggestedlist of events) . . . . .
takesall his moneyto cas no beginswinning gambIng continues losesa I his money ge$ sacKeo
a 5
l2 (
9 tr focuses Ss' aftention an the new vocabulary
presented in Exs. 8, 9, 10 and 11. Ss should memorisethesewords.T checksin the next lesson.)
Unit 6 tard and
Big: enormous, massive, gigantic, huge (targe, vasl, etc,)
13 t
Small: minrature,micfoscopic,tiny (minute,petite, etc.) Very: absolutely, entirety, thoroughly, extremety (completely,totally,elc.) Bad: hoffible,hornfytng,nasty,disgusting,terribte, unpleasant(revolting,tefiirying,aMut, etc.) Good/Nice: delightful,superb, terrific,wonderful, fabulous(excellenl,fantastic,etc.) (Suggestedanswers) A 1 massive 6 2 gigantic 7 3 enormous 8 4 thoroughly I 5 horrible 10
huge liny huge drsgusling absolutely
B 1 2 3 4 5
wonderful horrible extremeiy huge terrble
IO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
delightlul superb tiny terrific absolulely
6 7 I I 10
franticay/urgen|y anglly/threateningty/suddeniy miserably Suddenly sarcastically irantically/huriedty/Ltrgeniy/netuously angrily/threateningly conlldently/paliently/catmiy
I I Walk Fun dash.st.oh.wander.rush {timp.,ace. march) LOOK gaze,peer,peep (stare,watch) Say hlss,murmur,yell,sigh, mutter,moan,shriek, whisper,exclam (shout,mumble,scream,groan, gasp) Smile/Laugh giggte,chuckte,grin (smirk,sneer) (Suggesledanswers) I stfolled 6 2 dashed/rushed 7 3 mlttered 8 4 sighed 9 5 whispered/hissed 10
shrieked gazed peered gfinned glggled/grinned
1 2 (Suggestedanswers) tlary
1 grinnrng, svolled 2 yelled,stared,rushed,muttered, sighed
hootingcars - hearng loul smellingexhaustfumes sme// (cut) burning touch (head)throbbingwith pain rouch saltytaste ol btood taste po|ce car screeched hearlng sirenwailtng- hearng lighlsilashing- s/ght dark doorway- slght
2 ho1 touch shadyverandah slght purplemountains slght tragrantflowers srre// blazedwith colour- slght sharplysweetlemonade taste genflehum of cnckets, hea,ng lwttering of birds ,earmg soft; cool breezebrushedmy skin aoach smellof the rich earth- s/rel/ annoytng buzz - heating
14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
crackle,rustte howl rattle twinkie roar rumble pound
I I 10 11 12 13 l4
wal creak crackle,flicker,roar bang hooi flicker flash
Suggestedwords to be used in a story enti ed 'A Haunted House, leaves rustJe,wind/wolf howls, chains ratfle, fire roars, tftunder rumbles, heart pounds, cats wail, staircase/iloorboardscreak, ftames fticker, door bangs,owls hool, candlesfllcker,lightningiJashes 15 (Suggestedanswers) . frlendsdecide10exploreold house . tutt moon and bats flying . open door into darknessand go inside . cat runs oul of anotherroom, scaringthem . one of ftiends disappears . suddenly a greenJaced wtch appears and shr eks; fiends lerrified . iriend takes off wilch,smask, taughing
16 1 B
2 E
3 D
4 A
s c
Have you ever wished that your holidayswere move exciling?| cedalnlyhad qlrtil my experience on the firsi day of a photo safarihotidayI took with my friend Howardlasl June.
The morningsLrnwas blazinaas we set out on ourfirst trip intothe jungle.A guide led Howardand me into what we hoped would be a day ot successful photography. We had been walkingthroughthe undergroMh for some lime when our guide suddenlv stopped in his lracks. Directlyin front of us was a narrow valey almost hidden bv creeoersand leaves, 'PhewlThai was close,'saidHoward.'l suppose we'll haveto turn back now,' As soon aq we had startedthe long walk back we heard a low orowlino sound coming from the trees in front us. We stood, frozen with iear. Meanwhilg, the gte!4q orew louder and llle]r the leaves parted te letteal twg ycly XllgllllsqklnS iiol!. The lions preparedto spring. Ilqmoment lhey eapt nlo the arr we threw ourselvesto the ground. The lions sailed over our heads, and plungedinto the narrowvalley. As we shakilymade our way back to the camp we couldn't believewhat a lucky escape we had had. Howard wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, 'Maybe it's time 10 go back to good oldfashionedbeach holidaysl' 3 D 4t
5 F 6A
7 H 8C
Atter an hour's drive they reached a wooded mountainside.The man parkedthe car in a narrow road and ordered her to get out. The snow was deep and a cold wind was howling through the trees.'Walkl Tony is waitingJoryou,' he h ssed. Hesitanlly,she startedwa king towards the snowcoveredcabin, but, thinking of what was about to happen to her, she soon collapsed onto the icy snow, The man grabbed her, flung her over his shoulderand headed Jor the cabn. When he reachedthe place,he kickedthe door open, threw her on a bed and startedlookingfor Tony, only to find thal therewas no one thefe apaft from himsell and Sarah.Feelingratheruneasyhe went lowards the front door ol the cabin. Hands upl a man's voice said harshlyas he openedthe door. l8t 2 3 4 5 6 7
9 E
1 G 2B
Tapescript for Ex, 17 (p. 34) (to be heard iwice)
1D 2E
'l hope Tony wonl notice the mrssing money, thoughtSarahas she carefullyput the moneyin her wardrobe.li was reallyco d outs de and the central heatingwasn't on. Sarah dec ded to have a quick rest belore she leil town. She lay on her bed wrappedin a blanket.Soon she fell asleep,only to be woken up by the soundofthetronl door opening downstairs.Terriled, she went lor the window but before she managed io open ii a man dressed e_t'rely In black, weanng a rrash and ca'ryi^g a gun, enteredher room. Polntinglhe gun at her, he ordered her to g ve him the money, then tied her arms behind her back and dragged her out of the houseand into his car. While he was speeding down the street he nuhpred. 'You shouldnr have done |I. Tony rs very displeasedwith you.' She sad nothing bul fell sweat pouring down her back. She knew she shouldn't have laken the money, however much she needed it. She has wanted to slart a new lfe and Tony had plenly to spare. She had stupidly hoped she would havetime beloreTony found out, butthen how couldthis haveescapedhis attention? And Tony had a certainway of keating peoplewho belrayedhim.
hit stared gasped looked realised had made had arrived 3 F 4 G
I I 10 11 12 13 14 5H 6 A
pulledout read had explained did not sleep
7 B 8 c
I | 10 J
did WW (made) drlvedG (drove) hard G/ww (hardly) breaksWW (brakes) him WW (himsel0 the P (The) to G (to omltted) his eyes closedwO (closedhis eyes) lightedS (lit) neNoLrsG/WW (nervously) laying$ryV(V ng) (exhausted) exhaustingG/ryVW helloP (HelLo)
SoryS (Sorry) Its G/P (lt s)
10 2H
3A 4C
5F 6 B
7G I E
Startflashbacknarraton wiih A or G 1 F (Direclspeechcan be used to begin a story, thus makingthe story more excitng.)
2r 3 F (A combinalionof narrativeand descriptive technques makesthe storymoreinteresting,)
Unit 7 4 F (Use of the senses while setting the scene arousesthe readers'interest.) ougn me
i about to b the rcy
2 strangerhad followedShe ta to her home from her ottice Sheilatried10lose him gets back home and thinks she has lost h m doorbeI rings man at the door - introduceshimsell as one ol her schoolmates(creattngsuspense and use of flashback naffalion are important elementsnthsstory) 3 Ann waits for Peter Peter comes - Ann suggeststhey havea drinkbeforegoingout as she b ngs the drinks,she trips overthe cal and splllsthedrinksontoPetelstrousers- Ann offers to drylrousers- accidentally leavesironon ihem and theyare bumt - Ann apologises- theystay in and havedinnerthere, sheordersChineseas she eats the food she spillssauceon Petels shirt - she bringsa clean cloth and a bowl of walerto washthe stainaway spillswateronto Peter'shead Petergetsfed up and teaves
|JnilT - l{ihe$s Sloh|llem (T can advise Ss to take notes while listening to the (Suggesledanswers)
in a slory, 9.) bscriptive leresting.)
He checkedthe housenumberandthenranto the nearesttelephone boxandcalledthe police. I The policedidn't manageto arrestthe burgtar becausehe had leftby the timetheygo to the
6 F (Evenisshould be in chronologicatorder unless using flashbacknarration - or else the slory can't be lollowedby the feader.) 7T 8T
22 (Suggestedplot lines) 1 apply for a job - get an appointment- go to the companypfemises receplionistgreetsme ry,onryro warmy when I introducemyself- lam led to m himself the manager'sotfice manager is also very I towards friendly secrelary enters manager's office 'a mans and, ratherpuzzled,announcesanotherperson who has go1the same name as me.
1 1K
1 At around9.00 last nlghl. 2 He was go ng home. 3 A burglar(openinga gardengale and going into the garden) 4 A long coat and a hat. 5 Throughlhe gardenlowardsa side window. 6 No, therewasn't. (Therewere no lightson in the nouseJ 7 He brokethe glassofthe side windou unlocked the windowand then climbedinto the house.
. A burglaryis describedI
Tapescriptfor Ex. 1 (p. 37) (to be heardlwtce) Poticeman:Now,can you remember whattime it Witress: Yes. lt was 9.00. I was on my way home from work when I saw a burglaropen a gardengate and go Intothe garden. Poricernan:And wherewere you when you saw ihe burglary? Witness:I was waikingdown Stamfordstreet.When I reahsedwhatwas happening,I hid ber'no a tee. Policema Do you rememberwhat the burglar lookedlike,what he was wearing? Wilr|ess:He was rathertallandthin but tcouldn'tsee his face as lt was dark. He was weaing a ong coal and a hat. Policerrar: And what exactlydid you see,sir? Witness: The blrglar went through the garden lowafdsa side wndow. lhere were no lightson In the houseso I lhink he must have knowntherewas no one at home. He took something out of his pocket,broke the glass,unlockedthe window and climbedin. PoriceDan:So what dld you do then? Wllress: I checkedthe house number,ran ro rne nearesilelephonebox and telephonedthe police. Your men arived 10 minules later but the burglar musl havegot awayin the meantime. Poriceman:Thankyou, sirParagraph 1: t me, place,peopteinvolved(Monday evening,11.15pm,3rdfloorof ScopeLtd,two men runnrng) Paragraph 2: main evenls (descriptionsof men, pursuedthe men, they got in a car, droveaway) Paragraph3: laterevents(bomb exploded,ftames coming out of the 3rd floor windows) Paragraph4: final results(calledthe policeand fire brigade) . . .
The witnessstaiementts aboilt a bomb/arson attack. lt is writtenin the first person. Examplesol hypothesis: t musthavebeenaboul11.15pm they must have been professionals
Unit7 3
(Suggesled answers) 2 Therewere no signs of a break-in so the back door must have been left unlocked. (1st is evidence, 2nd is hypothesis)
1 speeding 2 crashed 3 directon
5 collding 6 skrdded
7 passer-by 8 injured I damaged
(f ca, ask Ss to c/ose their boaks and say as many words as they can remember relate.l to cal acci.Jents,then encoutage Ss lo lrse these wo,.c1s to describe the accident illusttated in the diagram.)
3 The kidnappersmust have got scaredbecause they let the v/ctim go beJorethe fansom was (1stts hypothesis,2n.J is evidence)
(Suggestedstatement) lwas just about to cross the road at lhe zebra crossng on East Street when a red caT came speedingdown the road.As ltLrrnedto watch,I saw a yelow car crossingthe junclion.The drivercan't have had time to brakeand collidedwth the yellow car The lighiswerered soihe accdenl wasdei nitey the red cals tault bul I don't thnk anyone was injuredalthoughboth carcwere lradlydarnaged.
4 The securityguard didn'l tfy 10stop the robbery and disappearedatterwards,therefore,he must have been a memberoi the gang. (1st is evidence, 2nd is hypathesis) 5 The burglars must have been watching the house for days because they knew that the ownerswere away. (1stis hypothesis,2ndis evidence) 6 The thief rnust have been a store employee ltecause money was sto en from the hidden (1stis hypothesis,2ndis evidence)
4 (Suggesledanswers) 2 As soon as llurned the cornerI noliceda woman running down the stfeet. All of a sudden a policemancameoutofa bu ldingand ranafterhef. 3 All of arsudden, the car skdded then crashed intothe one in front.Al the samelime I heardthe sound of glass breaking.Both drvers jumped 4 | smeltsomethingburningwhileI was watching TV. I decidedto invesligateldiscoveredthat rny oven was on iTe. When I saw a rnan with a gun I panickedand 5 mmediatelystarted scfeamng for help. Then the man ran awaydown ihe street.
5 (Suggesledanswe0 I was drvng along the 827 road on Tuesday eveningat about 7.00 when lsaw brghi green rlas'li_gighls drecrly abovFTe. My rd' enginF suddenlystopped,so got out at once and saw a huge, grey metalobject t must have been aboul 100 metresaway.ll cou d only have been a IJFO.ll spun aroundquicky and then dsappeared.The whole th ng must have only lasled a lew minutes, but when I looked at rny watch, that had stopped too. F nally,wher got back into my car,the eng ne startedup again,so I drove back home.
(T elicitsplan fran Ss. I a/soremlrds Ss to irclude trypothesisand evidencein theirstatements.) Suggesled Paragraph Plan 1 Paragraph 1: time. place (yesterdaymorningai around10,shoppng n supermarket) Paragraphs2,3: eventslsbtryingto stea th ngs bulgingpockets,I ca led the securityguard) Paragraph4: resut (the man was arrested) nor_i_g 2 Paragraph 1: rme. pace (Naonday 8.30,H lfordBank) Paragraphs 2, 3: events (l was in the queue. man pul ed out a gun,askedus to lie on the floor demandedto be givenmoney.cashieractivated alarm,po ice came,went afterthe thie0 Paragraph4: resut (th ef managedto escape) 3 Paragraph1: lime, pace (lasl nght corning home from work) Paragraphs 2,3: events (sb entered my ne ghbours garden I hid behnd a tree,he tr ed Paragraph4: resut (manwas arrested)
sserby ureo maged ry as many agram.)
the zebra drivercan't the yellow ls defintely maged.
Unil I - torlnol o|ld llllomrl lelhN Tipslor WrltingLetlers lf youarewritingto a iriendof yours,or to yourtiroth;taEGi/cousin/nie;;:ffi address him/herus ng Dear and his/her name (e.g Deat paul, nol Dear Ftiend;Dear Ann, aoI Dear Sisteror Dear SisterAnn).ll you arc wnttngto an aunt/uncleof yours, you addresshlm/herusing Dear + kind of relation + name,e g. DearlJnclepeter, nol Dear Uncle.lf you arewritingto your mum, dad, grandpa or grandma,you write Dear + kind ol relation (e.9. Dear Mun, Deat Grandma, no| Dear Mum Sally,Dear Gnndma Susan). ln forma letters f you know the name ot the recipienlyou sign using yours sincerely and your lull name. lf you don't know the name of the rec pient,you sign us ng yours faithfully and your iull name. lT can make a ttunsparencylphotocopies ot' this table t'or students rct'erence.) Formal lelter when we know the name of lhe recipienl 3 SvvanSt, Br ghlon 2nd August,1997 (youraddress)
mornrngat lea things, luaro) €sleo)
PersonnelNIanager, SunCompany, 46 ChurchSi,
y morning
(the recipent s address)
the queue,
DearI\,4r Smith,
4 MapleSt, Br ghton, England 5th ltlay, 1997 (youraddress) The l\,4anager, The ABC Hotel, 12,rue des Paqus, Geneva, Switzerland (the rec pient'saddress) Dear Sir/lvadam,
r activated
Yourssincerely, C aireSimrnons
o escape) ht. coming
Folmal letler when you do not know the the recipient
Yoursfaithfully, AlisonTolley
Semi-formallelter showing respect lor the recipienl with whom you are on lriendly terms
e€ ne 1fie0
Informal lelter 37 ParkRoad Bristol 6th November, 1997 (youraddress)
5 Hi[ St, Glasgow 17thlMarch,1997 (youraddfess)
Dearl\rrll\,,lrs Smth,
Love/Begards/Best wishes/Yours, Sue
Love/Regards/Best w shes/Yours, lMoly
* Remember thai il is notnecessary to wr te addresses in the FCEExam.
UnnI fNofe: I shor//daskSs lo memotisethe usefutLanguagesecllots as theyare prcsentedin eachsubunit.T checks in thenert lesson.fls a/so advlsedto ask Ss to unde ine the usefullanguagein each modelandtryto replacett with other similar exoressions.)
useful Languagefor LettersAskinglor Advice
wntingto ask lor your advice/ lwould be gratelul f you could olfer your advice/ Cou d you possiblyoffer youradvice/ lwonder f you couldhelpme wrtha ptootem,elc.
t lnformal
Formal Opening I am wrting to ask il you could help me with / | would Remarks appreciateit if you could give me some adviceabout /
I'm wfiling to ask for your adv ce / Can you give me your advce / l've got a problemand I need your advice,etc.
cl t
Closing I would apprecateit f you could give me your advrceas What do you think I shou d do? / Please let me knowwhat you think I shoulddo. / Remarks soon as poss ble / | look iorwardto recelvingyour advice/ lt would be of greathelp if you could adviseme, P easetell me what lo do, etc. etc.
UsefulLanguagefor LettersGivingAdvice lnformal
Formal Thankyou for your letterfequesung/ | am writingin replyto your letleraskingfor adviceabout / | hope the followng adv ce will be of some help to you, etc.
I just goi your letterand I think I can help you / | was sorryto hear about your problem.Here'swhat I think yol shoulddo, etc.
I stfonglyrecommendthat / | would suggestthat / I believethe besi courseof act on is / | would adv se you to / You should / You ought to / lf I were you l
Why don't you / YoLrshould/ You ought to / lt would be a good idea to What you shoulddo is / How about / I think you should/ The best advice can g ve you rs,etc.
Closing Remarks
I trust you wi I acceptlhis advice/ | hope this will tle of help / | would very much like to know if this was he pful, etc.
Hope this has helped/ Let me know what happens,etc.
Opening Remarks
cl I
c t
UsefulLanguagefor Lettersof Complaint Mitd
L Strong
Opening Bemarks
/ on I am wrilingto compain about / regardLng accountot / becauseoi / on the subiectol / | am wrilingto draw your attenton lo / | am writ ng to you in connection wth, etc,
I was appalledat / | want to express with / lfeel my strong dissaiistaction must protest/ complan about,etc.
Closing Bemarks
youwillreplace/ | lrustthe srtuatlon I hope/assume / wil improve/ | hopethe matierwillbe resolved etc. I hopewe cansortth s mattefouramicably,
I insisiyou replacethe item at once / demanda fullrelund/ lhopethatlwil nol be forcedtoiakefurtheraclon, etc
a t
UsefulLanguagefor Lettersof Apotogy Opening Remarks
I am writingto apologisefor / I must apotogisetor / Pleaseaccept my sincerestapologes for / How can I apo ogrseenoughfor / | must apotogiseprofusely
I nope you wi I understandwhen I say that / Whatcan I say, exceptt,m sorry thal / l'm sofiy for / | owe you an aporogy/ | m so sofiy if I upsetyou in any way / I can t describehow sofiy I am and how guity I feet,etc.
Closing Remarks
Onceagain,sincerest apologes for / | hopeyou wrl accept my apologies/ | hope my apo ogiesw ll be/
I hope you believeme when I say how sorry I am / | can t te I you how sorry I am / | beg you to lorgtveme tor /There rs no excusetor...and I hopeyouI lorgNe rne,etc.
UsefulLanguagefor Lettersof Invitation We would be honouredi you / | cordia y inviteyou i m writingto nvlteyou to / Id ove it i to / Your presencewould be appreciatedat / you are you cou d come io / We'reorganis ng invted 1oattend,etc. a ...and wouldloveil if you coutd I about
rn nKyo
Closing Remarks
We would be gratefulif you could / pteaseinorcare whetheryou w I be able to attend.etc.
I id eat o
y aboul / t advlce
I hope you l be abteto make it / Hope you can come / Looklnglorwardto seeingyou then / Please et me know as soon as poss bte, etc.
UselulLanguagefor LettersAcceptingan Invitation I am wrilingto thank you tor the k nd nvitation/ Thank Thanksior the invitalion to ... , ... you for the k nd lnvitaton which I would be honoured soundslovely l'd love / to come to ... . Closing Remarks
See you then / We're reatlytooking
UsetulLanguagefor LettersRefusingan Invilation
h l leel I u - elc. llonc e/l that I will
I look forwardto see ng you / We awaitthe eventwth greatanticipation,etc.
Opening Bemarks
We thank you fof you recent nvitationio ... bul / | regrelto informyou that we wil be unableto accepl your kind nvitalionto ... , etc.
Thankslor the invitaton,but / Thanks lor Invt ng me to . . , but l rr1atraidI
Closing Bemarks
I am sorryio missthe oppodunityof / Thankyou aga n 1orthe invtation/ | hope we will havetne opportunityto meet,etc.
I hope we can get togethersome othertime / l'm reallysofiy we,l have
UsefulLanguagefor Lettersot Application(for a iob) ol/ / | amwritinglo applyior the posl/job/posrtron *,th t"g"td ro youradvertisement r u-iilllowit--itrg which I saw advertisedin, etc Fleferenceto expeflence
of Two For the last/pastyear I have oeen worKlngas Since/Fot / | have had experience / etc before . yearsago lwas employedas / | worked as any I would appreciatea reply at your earliestconvenience/ PIeasecontactme regardrng any al glad an inteMew attend to be I would queriesyou may have/ | enclosemy CV and you in due course, from convenientto you / | look lorwardto hearing
useful Languagefor Lettelsof Application(for a course) Opening Remarks
I woLrldlike to appy for admissionto the
beginning/ | would like lo be consideredfor' etc
ln / | am due lo take examinalionsin / I havetaken/passedihe Beferenceto I hold a certificate/degfee
Closing Remarks
courses/degree examinalion/ | hold tie followingqualification/ | have completedthe following course/ lry degtee is in English,etc irom I would appreclatea reply at yoLlrearliestconvenience/ I look forwardto meetlng/hearing my ol fudier-details you / Pleasecontactrne regafdingany queriesyou may,have/ I enclose lo date / | hope that you will considerme tor entry' etc ;ducation and qualificationa
UsefulLanguagelor LettersRequestingInformation
To introduce lirst request
I am writingto lnquireabout/inconnectionwilh, etc
I wanl Youto tell me / Can Youlet me
Couldyou possiby send / | would be grateiullf you could / Would it be possiblefor you to telvtosend me / | would appreciatesome informationabout,etc
Can you send/tellme / | wani to know,
To inlrocluce Couldyoualsopleasesendme/ AnothermatterI on is / | wouldalsolikesome needlnlormalion further on, eic. nlormatron requests Closing Bemarks
I look fo&ard to receiving/ | would appreciateit ii me as soon as poss:ble etc you cou d i'1forn_
Can you also find out / | also want to
Pleaselel me know/Sendrne the deiails/Tellme soon, etc-
UsefulLanguagetor LettersGivingInfolmation lnlormal
Formal Opening Eemarks
I am writingin replyto yourletteraskinglor iniormalion This is what llound out / Rernember the informationyo! wanted?/ You aboui/ | amwritingto iniormyou about/ In replyto wanied me to tell You a lew things yourquery,elc. aoout,elc.
Closlng Remarks
I hope that I have been of some assistanceto you / Pleaseinformme lf I can be oi any furtherasslslance/ I hope I have answeredall your questions/ Pleasedo not hesitateto contactme if you requiteany further iniormaton, etc.
I hope this w ll help yorl / Let me kno\ ii you need any more help, elc
UntrI a) Layoutslor formattetters:A, D Layouisfor informal/friendly letters:B, E
= itionofll
Note: LayoutC s used when wlting to someone we know tJulwhom we afe not very closeto. (semirormarl b) LayoutC for a ieacher LayoutBiorafriend LayoutA for a company rnanagerwhose name you don t know LayoulD for a company managerwhose name
To the teachef: Tell your Ss to bear jn mind that wheneverwriting a letter they must deckje on these ttyo points: a) who is writing the tettet and b) who is gaing to lead the lefter. These[^to poinb are i npoftanr lor the correct planning and content of the lefter.
(Teachet is advised to use the pause button after each lefter is heard) Letter 1 Informal G ving news and makingan nvitation
Dea. Jane, ll was love'v hearfro-nyo- again._ 'o Hope1o hearfrom you soon, Love Sally Letter 2
Complainlngabout the service at a fast-food restaurant
DearSir/Madam,l'm wrilingto complainaboul ._.- I leel very stronglythal sth should be done ..., yours iathfully,Jean Edwards([rrs)
Lelter 3 nforma/ Invitinga friendto an event
Dearl\/ark,l'm wriUngio inviieyou ... - let me Know f you can come. Bestwishes,John Letter 4
'-""'l __l
Tapescript for Ex. 2 (p. 40) (to be heard twice) 1 DearJane, It was lovely to hear from you agaln. I recetvedyour tetterlhis morn ng, and lthought l d write back straightaway.t,vegoi so much to lett you; qu te a lol has happenedsince we ast mel. My new school is great and l,ve made a lol of ldendsalready.The teachersafe very friendly and helpful,so I don't feetat alt strangeor lonety here. Sometimes being the .new gf, is frlghtenng but everyones been so kind. [,4ybiggest news ts wifnlng a compett on. I enleredone In a magazne and won a ho idayfor two in Ventce.What are you dolng rn July and hows your lalian? Let me know il you fancy a lree trip to Venlce,We couldcatch up on losttirneano nave a realy niceholidaytogether. Hope to hearirom you very soon. Sally 2 DearS r/Madam, I am wrtrng to comptan about the dreadiLrl seruice at the Golden coose. fasl iood reslaurantin StoneStreet. I took my two young children there ast Sundayas a specia treal and I was very upset by the servicewe received To begin wlth we waited al the countef for over fifteen m nutes Detoreour order was taken.They then gave us somethingcompletetydifferentto whar we nao orderedand the assistantgot very angry when I pointedthts out. When we sat down, the table was llll of empty canons and dirty plates and, agan we waited another ten minutes before someone came to clearthe table. I was very disappointedand so were my two children,who had been lookingforwardto thetr meal. I feel very strongtythat somelhng shoutd be done lo make sure that custornerswho are paytngrcf a servicereceivea ilfle courtesyand Yourslaithfully, Jean Edwards(l\,4rs)
Applyingfof a job DearMr Evans,l'm writingto apptyfor ...- | enctose my CV and look fo&ard to meeting you ... youTs sincerely,CafolineEdwards(Ms)
Unit 8 3 Dear lvlark, l'm w ting to nvile you io the barbecue we're havingal the rugby club next weekend. As ils s rheend o' lhe rugbyseason.we ve decided to celebrate this year by holding a barbecue.The club's an ideai place as theres plentyof roomouts de and we re go ng to put up a tent for refreshmentsThrs was the coach's idea he says if it rans we can cook the barbecue n the lentl Fach club rrembpr s i'1vrrFd lo bri.g a guesl, and knowing how much you love barbecues, lthoughtl'd askyoulojoin us as l'm sureitwillbe a ot of fun.Therewillbe musicand dancinglateron, too. It starts at 7.30 on Saturday and you're welcometo spend the weekend at my place f
1 Formal beginning - lelterof inviiaton lelteraccepiingan 2 lnformal- ending invltalion letterglv ng 3 Formal - beginnng information 4lnformal beginning - letrerol invitation 5Informal ending - etterof apology 6 Formal beg nning - letterof complaint letteraskingforadvce 7 Formal - end ng lettergivingnews 8 lnformal- end ng letterexpressing I Formal - ending thanks letierexpressing 10 Intormal beginning regret renerexpressLng 11 Inlormal- ending 12 Informal- ending
Let me know if you can come.
Yourssincerely, CarolineEdwards(lMs)
31 2 3 4 5 6 l 8
formal letterexpressingregrei nformalletterexpressingthanks nformallettergivingadv ce informalletterrefusng an invtalion formalletteraskingfor iniormaton forma letterot applicationfor a job informa letteraccepiingan rnviiation 'ornal letler expressingcong'at-lalions
(fft||dly) llells telhrs0ivillg I ll|lomd
Besl wishes,
DearMr Evans, lam writing io apply for the post of PersonnelManageras advertisedin Mondays 'DailyHerald'. I studiedBusiness Ianagementat Bracknell Polytechnic,and also havea certitcale in [,{edia Studies.I have been working as a Department Ivanager ior a large store lor ihe past three years, and am responsible for the general lMydutes nclude runningof my depar1menl. stafftfainingand supervisionand lthereforefee ihal I have ihe expefience requ?ed for the positionyou advertise. PLeasecontacr -ne regarding a1y queries you may have, I enclose my Cvand look foMard lo meetingyou shouldyou requireme to atlendan interview.
congratulations leitergivingadvice
Becausehe has been extremelybusy. He th nks it s a rea ly excitingplace. ll is veryhot and humid. He faintedwh le wailing in a queue. They are all very irierldly and have done lheir besi to make him feel at home. thaneverbeiore. i No.He hasmoreresponsibilities g He is happy (in his job) and enjoys the change a b c d e
m Tapescriptlor Ex. 1 (p. 42) (lo be heardtwice) Haveyou heardlfom Steve? B i Oh yes, I got a letterfrom him yesterday.
Whafs he got to say? B : Here,let me readit to you. 'Dearlvlark,l'm sorry
it's taken me so long 10 write to you, but lve been extremelybusy.' A i Oh, excuses,excuses. B: 'l'm beginningto settlein, which meansthat l've finaly had a chanceto explorea bit. Hong Kong is a reallyexcitingplace. Last night lwent to a restaurantand t ed eating with chopstcks lor the t rst time. I think I made a fool of myselfl' Yes, I can imaginethal. Carryon. B: 'Thereis a constantbLrzzof noisethat goes on a I night,which makes it difficultto gel to sleep sometimes, but l'nr getting used 10 t. The weatheris very hot and hum d which can be a bil unp easant. A couple of days ago, I actualy 5 fainted while waiting in a queue. Fortunately, though. nosl build_gs and ca15 are air. condtioned.'
Unit8 A: What else does he say? B: Well,let me see, 'My new colleaguesare all very friendlyand have done their best to make me feelathome.Whenlfirsiarrved,lwas invitedto an olfice luncheon and was personally introduced1o the who e staff. I have my own secretary, and a big private otfice with a spectacularviewof the harbour However,I have moreresponsbilitiesthan everbeiorebut ior the time beingl'm happy,and HongKongis a nice change fiom cold, gloomy Londonl Anyr'vay, that's all my newsior now. Drop me a line ii you get the chance. l'd love to hear from you. Give everyonemy regards.Bestwishes,steve.' A: Well, that's a nice letter, and l'm glad to hear he s do ng so well...
Bptrngan 1€
po ogy Dmplarnt ng for advice E news essing
essrng dions rg advrce
su table opportunity= chance have becomefarniliar= m geftingto know impfovlngconsiderably= gettingmuch better I hope to return= I hope ta come I look foMard to hearingfrom you soon = P/ease wnte back soon Yourssrncerely- loye 6
Paragraph 1: reason lor wrtng (1o say what happenedlastweek) Paragraphs2,3: development(last minute .reeli_gcalled meetng wasaclualya q-rprige party- descrrptionof the party) Final paragraph: closing remarks (was slrrprsed, gratefu hope you are well, wriie soon)
Vsitt ng S (V siting) was G (hasbeen) wonderfullyG (wonderful) I ke G (as) have riddenG (rode) a so are WO (are also) had G (have) oponunty s (oppodunty) airicaP (Afiica) excitedG (exciting) baloonS (balloon) teamsWW (herds/groups) absolutelywas WO (wasabsolutely) nothingG (anlthing) w ll get G (geD
lns sy.
e done the r
i the change
rrd twlce)
1 2 3 4
pu, but l've
arrived/ haven'tseen / havespent have been / haven'thad / went flew / has gone / have been / got sold / haven'tmoved/ haven'tfnlshed / started
4 1 told tansthat l've . Hong Kong t lwenttoa ropstrcksfor I myselfl' flal goes on gei to sleep I to it. The t canoeao[ o. I actually Fortunately. us afe air.
2 arrved 3leamed/learnt 4 Sat 5 put 6 filled 7 waiched 8 kicked t has seen
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
has taught/ teaches havelearnt found/lnd got up ted co lected have enjoyed thought
A vlsitto a iarm
ielt obligedto wrileto inlotm= I iusthad to write P easeacceptmy sincereapologies for not wrting = Sorryfor not writing
1 Paragraphplan
2 Paragraphplan Paragraph 1: reason for writing (to lett your Paragraphs2, 3: descriptionof the apartmenv o/ace5you tsavesee1.weather.plans Final paragraph:closjngremarks
b.lslins lor/0ifin0 ldvhe (T should explain that an agany aunt is someone wha answerspeople s lelters asking t'or advice in a magaznetnewspape4 I
A a b c d
Aunt e Barbara,an agony aunt. lt is iniormal. To ask tor adv ce. Pat argues wth her daughterabout her friends,clothesand her going out.They can't agreeon anythingand now she's planningto eave home, e Pat begins the elter wlth: 'Dear Aunte Barbara,Pleasehelp me.'and ends wiih 'Whatcan I do? Yours,Pat.'
Tapescriprfor Ex. 1A (p. 44) (to be heard lwice) A: Oh Jane,you wou dn'i believethe problemsl'm having with Sarah just now. Since she turned sixteen, all we do is argue. A: Really?Well don't worry, Pat. lt's just a stage shes goingthrough. A: Well, I even wrole lo an agony aunl lor adv ce. I didn't know whal etseto do. B: Did you? What did yo! tell her?
UnitI A: Hold on, lve got a copy oi the letterhere Dear Auntie Babara, Pease help me l,{y sixteen year old daLrghterand I can l agreeon anym ng we argue aboul her friends, her clothes her going out. Now she s retusingto speak to me She goes to her father is she needs permisson to do somelhng and he usually says yes Io anythingshe wants, which makes me look ike lhe bad one. Now she's threateningto leave home. What can l do? Yours, Pat Thats t l m waitingfor the teply now. B: wel . I hope she can help you l hateto see you alLupset like this . . B a To give adv ce. b To talk to her daughter about her own teenageyearsand to explainto her husband that t is impodantfor him to suppon her' c The etterbegins Dear Pat, l'm sorry to hear ... and ends'l hopethisletterwillhelpyou Best ol luck, AuntieEarbara" d li is Lnlormal
ModelB Paragraph 1: thanks lor etter - expres unoer$anorng and reasons(choos Paragraph2: suggesUons plenty oi trult an it eat diet and stick to vegetables- exercse) Paragraph 3: suggestionsand reasons (lo baskelballteam give yourselflittlerewards) Paragraph4: closingremarks
(Suggesled answers) Model A Manythanksfor your etterrequesting I believethe bestcourseof actionwould lle to I woLrldalso stronglyrecommendthat you I would advtseYouto ... I hopethiswll be of help
Tapescript for Ex. 18 (p. 44) (to be heard twice) Dear Pat, l'n sorry to hear you're havingproblemsbut I d you by tellingyou that most parents ike to reassLrre Inrougn go whalyou'F erperenci'19 I k-ow to ner you, finda wayol relating lwould lf lwere your leenage own ot some sharing How about problemswith her and lettingher know that she s not alone in the way she iee s right now? Why don't you speak10 your hLlsbandtoo, and explainto hlm that it s impodanthe supponsyou n what you're irying to do? I hope this letterwill help you The felatLonshrp betweenmotherand daughtefis very special,but t does need a lot ol work on both sides Bestol lLlck, AuntieBarbara
The flrst plan (askingtor advce) was used for the first letter (Pat's letter) whereas the second plan (giving advice) was used ior the second lelter (AuntieBarbata'sletteo
Model A is a iormal lettef giving advice and B ls an lnlormallettefgiv ng advlce l\,4odel
ModelA ro' IFIIe'e'pressinq Paragraph 1: lLahl^no understandjng
Paragraph 2: suggestionsand reasons (list c 5 see a careersotficer wfiteto universiiie careeTs, askingfor ProsPectuses) Paragraph3: closingremarks
Model B I just got your letter and I think I can g ve yo someadvice... Heres whatlihinkYoushoulddo .. Whydon'tyou ... You should... Howaboutlolnlng... Lei me know what happens
4 (suggested answers) 1 You shoud buy travellerscheques instead c takng cash. Also, make sure someone know where you're planningto be so they can get I louch with You,etc. 2 You should be very polite becausepeoplewrl good mannersalwaysimpressmy parents'Alsc t would be a qood idea to dresssrnartly,elc 3 | would suggest that you make sure the bos knows when You've done a good job o something.You ought to start putiing in a ie\ extra hoursto show that you are willng to wor hard,etc. 4 | strongly recomrnendthat you reduce yoL consumpiion oi meat, because it is high cholesterol.You oughlto stari eatingmorefres vegetables,etc. 5 lf I were you, l'd get the car checked out by mechanicbeforebuyingit, to makesurethat th askto takea te! engne is OK.Also,you shoLrld drive, etc driveto see what it's like to
Unit I 6 (isl ol iversilies
5 1 Paragraphplan
ride everyday to get to the beach.However,rne brochure said ihal the beach was only a ten mnute wak away.I demandthat I shoutdbe givenalLrllrefund, or twillbeforcedto taketegal aclion. IvlrsJoy Brown. Oh dear. Donl te me that the other lettersare also going lo be trom angry customers? B: I'm afrad they are, sir ...
Paragraph 1: reasonfor writing(askadvice) Paragraph2: descripiionof problem(wantto go on a holidaybu you pd.emswon t tet yoL go) Final paragraph: closing remarks (write back soon with advice)
expfess 2 Paragraphplan Paragraph1: expresssympathy(sorryyou Jaied
lruil anc
(Suggestedanswers) 1 e IVy2,yeaFolddaughtercul herselfon the toy even though you claim it s safefor chitdren over18 months. 2 g We were told therewould be a 20% discount rf we ordered before June. Nevertheless, when we receivedthe b I we reallsedwe nao been chargedthe full price_ 3 d The top rack oilhe d shwasherhas broKenIn spite ofthe fact that I haveonty used it three times. 4 b I i_for.red you o' my change or busrness address bul you still keep detvering equipmentto ihe wrong address. 5 a I received a etter saying my licence has expiredalthough tsent you a chequeto renewil a month ago. 6 f The shirts bright red collar had turned pink, despite the fact that the tabel statesthat t can be washedal h gh lemperatureswithout the coloursfading. 7 c I booked a roorn with a private batnroom, However, I had to share a bathroom with olher guesls.
Paragraph2: suggestionand reason(get some qualifcatons,find a betlerjob in future) Paragraph3: s-ggest'o. and.eason (see a cafeersadvisorto help you choosea course) Final paragraph: closing remarks (witt do everythingto help)
3 Paragraphplan lbe to .. ou...
Paragraph 1: reason for wnttng (askng ior advice) Paragraph 2: description of probtem (mum lreats me like a young child comptainsabout not spendingt me at home, not interestedin my lfe critlcisesmy cloihes Paragraph 3: closng remarks (how can I be lrends with my mother)
gve yo!
c.telhrs olColnIloinl a hotel,guest c long,ten minute
y. etc he bos! job or in a lev
high ir
out by i r thattlrl xe a les
The clenl complainedaboul the hotel,the crowded fesortand the lact that the beachwas lar awayfrom the hotel.She askedlor a futt relund.
m gel rr rplewtf
Tapescriptfor Ex. 1 (p. 46) (to be heard twice) l: Good morningJanice.Has the post arrved yet? 8: Er...yes creenway,it has, but ... ^,4rLets have a look then. 'Dear Mr A: Ah, good. Greenway,I want to express my extreme dissatisfactonwith the Caribbeanholiday I booked with your agency.I iust got back and I have to say it was the worst holidayI have ever h"d ro oegrnwitr I to,nd mysetfstayingt. a huge multi-storeyhote allhoughI had beenlotd thal I wouid be staying n a famiv-run guest house. What is more, the resort was crowded wth tourstsbut Jhad beentotdthat t was quiet and unspoit.Finally,I had to take a ong bus
Paragraph1: reasonfor writing Paragraph2i complairt 1 with justifcatron(not seated until 9.00, although we had bookeo a tablefor 8.30) Paragraph 3: complaint2 wtth justiftcation (wrong startersbrought though order fepeated Paragraph 4: complaint3 with justrficaton (chocoate gateau was stale allhough menu claimeddessertswerefreshtypreparedthat day) Paragraph5: closingremarks
lt is a slrong letterof comptaint.
Complaints weren'tseateduntil 9 0,clock water broughtwrong starters chocolategateauwas stale
Unit 8 Justilicallon
had booked a table ior 8.30 had repeated order to check the waiter had heard co(eclly menu claimedalldessertswerefreshlyprepared thal day
who G (which) took WW (purchased/bought) properlyit wofked WO (il worked prope y) come G icame) Also WW/G (However) it G (there) whileWW (during) havetaken G (look) tryed S (tried) hit S (heat)
iPo wrong WW (faulty) will resolveG (willbe resolved) faithlulyS (faithfully) nancy P (Nancy) Dear Mr Haynes, I am wrting to complainabout the two Alsatian dogs that you own. AlthoughI haverepealedlyaskedyou to prevent the dogs from leavingyour garden,you haveiarled io do so. As a result,mylront lawnhas beendug up twice overthe past threedays. Furthermore, theircontinualbarkingisextremely disruptive,bolh to local residenlsand mysell. Finaly, I feelthat thesedogs havea iendencyto be aggressive,as I have told you in the past. Nevertheless, they are allowedio roam the streets of our neighbourhood, wh ch I consider unacceptable. I hope that, having made my feelings clear to you, this mattercan be resolved, Yourssrncerely, WilliamPenton .
Althoug'' 2 Furthe.nore
3 However
Thelanguageis mlld.(e.9.I am writingto compla ..., I feel disappointed ... hopethat stepswill b taken .,., trust this matterwill receiveimmedr attention) 1 Paragraphplan
4 for G (about)
This letter is a ratherstrong letterof complaint, and it is obv ous that the writer is very annoyed about his neighbouls dogs. (e.9. I consider unacceptable... hope, havingmade my leelings clear ... maftercan be resolved)
(Tcan askSsto includethe pointsfromthelead in tableusingthei awn wotds.)
Paragraph1: reasonforwritins(complain abo theholiday) Paragraph 2: complainl1 withjustifcaiion(huq multi-storey hotel insteadof lamily-rungue house) (res Paragraph 3: compainl2withjustification q crowded withtourists alihough itwassupposed bequietandunspoilt) Paragraph4: compalnt 3 with justificati (beachan hoursbus rde awayalthoughit w4 sLrpposed 1obe nearthe hotel) Finalparagraph: closingremarks(demand afq refund) 2 Paragraphplan
Paragraph1: reasonforwriting(complaln abo player) cassette Paragraphs2, 3: complantwth jusiiiicat (rewnd button broken,damagescassette sounounclea4 Flnal paragraph:cosing remarks(dema repacemenl)
d.toiler$ olloolosy
a Eecausehe didn't tum up lor h s date wlth Juli yesterdayand wantsto apologise. b He was about 10 leavehls housewhen he got 1 phone call from his Aunt Tina saying that hi grandmotherhad fallen and hurt her leg. Dav had 10 drive her to the hospitalas she had n other way of gelUngthere. lt all happeneds quicklythal he d dn'l havetime to phoneJulie c 'Please lorgive me and have lunch with m tonight.Love,Oave' d Informal
Unit I 3 However
wit ng to complan that steps wil be ecerve immedate
g lcomplain aboul rtr-srl{caton (huge I iamry run guesl justdication (resorl a lvassupposedto wrth justification ay although t was tl tks {demanda tull
g (compra n aooLn I wfih juslilcatol. r'rages casseres. 2
h s dale wilh Julie gse. JSeWhenne gol a E saying that h s turt her leg. Dav€ lai as she had nc I all happenedsc p to phoneJulie.
Tapescriptfor Ex. 1 (p. 49) (to be heard twice) A: 8: 4: 9r
What'swrongJulie? Oh it s Dave.l'm reallyfed up with him. Why?What happened? Wel we d arrangedlo meet outsidethe cinema at I last night but he ddn't show up. I stood :herelor an hourl Deliyeryboy: I\,4iss Julie Gall? 8: Yes. blivery boyt fhese llowers are for you. g: Oh.thanks. l: i/hat a beautifulbouquetiWho are theytrom? !l -et s see ... There'sa lenerattached. lear Julie, Im writing to say how sorry l am for not :Jrning up yesterday.Pleasegive me a chance :. explainand apologise. 1was jusl about to leavemy house ast night rhen I got a phone call from my Aunt Tina. lt :urned out that my grandmotherhad iallen and rurl her leg and I had to drive her to the hospital as she had no other way of getting there. lt atl tappened so quickly that I didn't have trme to P ease forgiveme and have dinner with me ronrgnr. Love,Dave' A: ,Vel. that explainseveMhing. 9: Yes maybeI should give him a call. :gaf Mrs Brown, On behalf of Sunrse Travel,please accept my s -cere apologiesfor your d ssaUsfaction with your :albbean holidayin February. Due lo a computer error we were torced to :-ange your accommodationat the last minuteto Arral we had been led to believe was a hoiel of :cua ly high slandard.Sadly, it was not until later :ral we discoveredthe holel in question did not _1eetthe requirementsdemandedof SunriseTravel aacommodaiion. As a long establshed travel company, we are r/el aware oi the upset that can be caused by croblems experiencedwhile on holiday. For this .easonwe would likelo offeryou a weekendfor two 1 Pansal a toD.classholel as compensation. Once again, our sincerest apologies for the lconvpn,encecaused.we look lorward10 heari'lg
Yourssincerely, JohnGreenway
a To apologisefor the inconventencecauseo ro lMrsBrownduring her holday. b The company was forced to change its accommodalionat the last minute due to a compulererror, c l\,{rsBrown s offereda weekendfor two in Paris as compensatron.
{ormal. (e.9.on behalfoi...,dueto ...,we look lorward to hearing...) Paragraph1: reasonfor writing(apotogise for inconvenrence caused) Paragraph2: reasonfor inconventence causeo (computer error,accommodalion changed) Paragraph3: promiseto make up tor rnconvenience caused(offerweekendfor two n Paris) Paragraph 4: closingremarks.
3 Letter A 1 2 3 4 5
to apologise 6 dlsgracefulconduct 7 | realse 8 resolvethe matter I Due to my absence 10
However severelyreprimanded rest assured this incident deteryou
Lelter B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
to say how sorry | am bad behaviour | know sort oul the problem BecauseI wasn'tthere but properlytold ofl be sure what happened put you off
a LetterA is formal,letterB is inlormal b LetterA is wltten by the managerof a shop to apoogise for a shop assistant'srude behavour. Letter B is written by one friend, Joann-" lo another,Belinda,lo apologlsefor her son s bad c The final paragraphin Letter A expressesthe shop managels hope that the customerw tt go on usingthe storeand he offersa complimeniary gift in order 10 make up for the inconvenence caused. The ftnal paragraph rn Letter B expressesJoanne'shope that her friend will not be put otf golng round to theif house ano sne invitesher to dinnerto make up tor the problenr
I\rr Johnson wrole a letter to lvr Brown complainingabout a shop assisiani'srude behaviourtowardshim, Belindawrote a letterto Joanneto complainabout her son's behavrour. (Suggestedanswers) Letter A i ii
Yes, it sounds like fun. I can 1 wait 1o see again. Now what am I going to wear ...?
Pleaseacceptmy sincetestapologieslor ... / ior ... , I mustapologise you I hope will accept my apologiesand that thisincident..., etc.
Ann and Davidare going lo readthis letter. are Bill and Laura'sfr ends. It is informal. .
warmingparty of new house( Paragraph2: description deiached,3 small but cosy bedrooms,s
back garden,huge ktchen,big living terrace) to house ParagEph3: d rections
Letter B tl
l'm sorryfor .../ | oweyou an apoiogylor . . I hopeyou believeme whenI sayhowsorry I am aboutwhathappened... . etc.
Paragraph 4: closing temarks (We hope be ableto makeil. Lookingforwafdto seeing rnen)
Paragraphplan Paragraph1: reasonior writing{apologselor notbeingableto work) (tamilycfiss) Paragraph2: explanaton to make Finalparagraph:expressregret/desire soffy,will work next up lor situation(extremely
e.telhr$ ollnviloliol| I
Opening Remarks:We?ewritingto inviieyou Closinq Bemarks: We hope you'l be able makeit... Replacewilh: We re happylo invte you Lo We 'e orga_si'1g We'd love it f you could come to ... Hopeyou can come / Hopeto see you then / us know it you can make it ,..
Paragraphplan for Paragraph1: reasonior writing(apoLogise whilestayingin cottage) sthihathappened Paragraph 2: explanalion(phone rang redwinespilledon carpet) suddenly, Finalparagraph:expressdesireto makeup lor stuation(willhaverugcleanedandwillpayforit)
Paragraph 1: salutation, nvitationto house
IvlodelA s a letteracceptingan invtation.1,4 B is a letterrefuslngan invitaiion. b They are both informal. Model A
a The letterhas beenwrtten to invitea coupleto a Chistmas party. 'DearJohn and Anr ...', Love,Judy and Richard / wilh an introductionand a salutation nformal(it is sent to friends)
Paragraph 1: ihanks for invitation Paragraph2: acceptanceof invitation Paragraph3: offeringhelp Paragraph 4: asking if they can bring 0augmer Paragraph5: closingremarks
Tapescriptlor Ex. 1 (p. 51) (to be heardlwice)
Model B
Look,we got a letterfrom Richardand Judy. Bl Whatdoes it say? Al 'Dear John and Ann, I'm writingto inviieyou to our Christmaspa.iy on December 18ih. Were planning to have cocktails at about 8.30 and then at 10.00 a pre Christmasdinner. I hope that you'l both be able lo come. lt shouldbe greatfun. Lookingiorward to seeingyou. Love, JudyanoBrchard.OhlWe haventseen Ihemin agesl
Paragraph l: ihanks for invitaiion Paragraph 2: refusal oi invitaton, givin reasons(John'smother'sbirthdayon the sam dav) Paragraph3: lulurepld_s(panyon NewYea Eve) Paragraph4: closingremarKs
I to seether
Openlng Remarks Ar Thanksfor your lnvitation B: The Christmaspartyyou invrtedus to sounds lovely.
rs letter.The\
Closing Remarks a r_a_ksagai. a_d seeyou on lhe 18th. B: Thanksfor the invitation,and hope the party goeswell. house (semi
Replacewith: Ar Manythanksfor ihe invltation 3 Thankyou for the kind invitation A LookingioMards to seerngyou on
liv ng room
b hope youl ro seerngyol
a o Invfieyou I( fl be able t(
3: nraight along, roundabout,tum left, turn rght, _ -.ctron, one-way street, zebra/pedesirian :::ss ng trafiiclights
a I d g b
(informal,givinginformation) (formal,apology) {informal,askingtor advice) (formal,congralulations) (formal,givingadvice)
Paragraphplan (informal slyle) Paragraph'l: thanksfor inviiation Paragraphs 2,3: developmenl(Debbie is excited,lookingioMard to seeingeveryone,wi I be sureto bring some CDs) Final paragraph:closingremarks(letme know if you need anythng, see you on Friday)
2 Paragraphplan (formalstyle)
m feallysorrywe'll haveto mlss t
5 ' . lformal,acceptingan nvitation)
3 4 5 6 7
Paragraph1: thanks{orinvtation Paragraphs 2, 3: relusalwilhreason(willbe out ol lhe counlrydue to businessmatters- can1 reschedu e, bestwishesfor theday) Finalparagraph:closingremarks(apologrse for not berngableto attendcelebralion)
€ ( nformal,askingfor inJormaton)
organsrnga you then / Le
l. teiler$olloolhdio||
full timesaleassistant
pad'tme salesassstant
twoA levelsin art and maths
twoA levelsin mathsandgeography
Applicanl's experience
sixmonths/ localcornershop
sixmonths/ centralcofteeshop
responsible andVustworthy
decsiveand energetic
Applicant's additional information
enclosedCV / availablefor inlerview
and relerence
encloseda photo / availablefor interview
Job advenised
tion n bring thei
Applicant's qualilles and skills
rtion, givin(
Unit I t
A: Listenlo this ad Laura What do you think? 'Fuil-timesalesassistantrequtredfor high street 0epanmentstore.' B: That soundsgood. A: lthink lllapply. passme somepaper,wi you? Now. Hetto.Iwoutdri\ethe joo as ... B: You don t starta lenerofappticationlikethat.Let me show you. 'Dear Sir/l\,1adam, I am writing rn response to your advertisement in loday,s 'N,4anchestef Guardian'for a full time sales assislanl.' A: Great,what shall I write next? B: Well, you should tett them about any retevant qualificaUons and trainingthat you have. A: Howaboutthis, 'l havetwo A teveisin mamsano geography. For the tast stx months I have workedas a Saturdaysalesassislanlin my local cornershop.' B: Yes that's fine. Now, you shoutdsay something about your qualitiesand sk lls. A: Hmm ... How about 'l am a very responsibleand trustworlhy employee as my presenr Doss entrusts me with the lask of closing the shop and depositingthe day's moneyln the safe.'? B: Yes, that sounds really good! Now write a few thrngsto end the letter. A: Likethis? 'l haveenclosedmy CV which listsrny educatonal backgroundand work experience.I am availablefor an interviewat your earliest convenrence,Yoursiaithfully,Jane Burows,, 8: That'sperfect,Janel A: Great.Thanksa tot, Laura.t,ll go and type rt up and get a copy of my CV to send them. (Sugge6ledanswers) The girl applying lor the job has included deiails arJouther qualifications,saying that she has two A levelsin mathsand geographyand also about her previousexperience- six months as a Saturday salesassistanlin her localcornershop. She ts also responsibleand trustworthyas she was entrusted with closingthe shop and deposilingthe money rn the safe. She has enctosedher CV with the tetter and said that she rs avaitable i they wish to interviewher.The letteris formal_ 2
h ght eld P (Highiield) was G (havebeen) wastedWW (spenl) interestedextremelyWO (extremetyinteresied) luly S (fully) the all WO (alllhe) atend S (atlend) hear G (hearing)
Tapescrlpt tor Ex. 1 (p. 54) (to be heard twice)
placeWW (posilion/posr) advertsing G (advedised) year G (years) liverpoolP (Llverpool) at G (in) workedWW (employed/ c (working)
Paragraph 1: reason for w ting (apptyingio leachingpost) Paragraph 2: qua licatons (degree in Spc Science/ teachingassistantin a PE departme two yearsas a swimmingcoach) Paragraph 3: qualilies and skills (patie encouragrng) Paragraph 4: closrng remarks (availabletor interview)
Informationin CV that has not been inctudeorfl I letter: Date of birth, education from 19e5-19 GCSEqualifications, intefestsand references
Opening remarks: I am wrrtng with regardto y( advedisementfor .._
Closing remarks: lwoLrldapprecialea replyat y( earlest convenience.
4 . (Suggestedanswers)
Teacher:paiienl,a ert,open-mnded,dedicak organised,approachable,understanding,ca imaginative,creative,knowledgeabte,kir confideni,good communicationskilts,sense h!mour, polite,conscienlious, loleranl Pharmacisl: alert,s^ilful.oed cared.organis logjcal,able lo cope in a crisis, abte to w( underpressure,polite,consctentous Doctor; patient, alert, skitful, dedicate organised,approachable,understanding,cal knowredgeablF. corloed, 200 rniured,10 dead.etc.) Final paragraph: comments, referenceto luture deveopments(head ot emergency seryicescomments on the efficientrescue ooeratior deoarl.nert ol lranspolat on is investigaing the acc dent etc.) Paragraphplan for survey reports Inlroductionsld e p-.pose and (onlenl o' your report(lo ana ysethe resuts ot a survey on ihe lvoes o' TV orog'arn.resyoung peopleprerer) Development: summariseyour infofmatior under suilable sub-headings(Talk shows: ony 5oo prerer ral( shows. etc.; News Programmes: mlnorty prefer these lypes only 12.. Comedy shows: majority preferthese.etc ) Conclusion: end with a gefera conclusion and. iJ necessary,make recommendations/ suggestrons (Recommendations: perhaps TV lournalsts should improvethe qualityo1 some ol therr programrnesto altract young
d. Paragraphplan for reporling expedences
Introduclion: state topic and set the scene (what when - where who) (last Saturday night, farewell party for Mr Belling, many attended) Main Body niormallon in chronologtcal order under suitable sub-headir1gsor letters/numbers(1. Mr Belling arrived,was touched to see so many people present.2, dinnerwas served.DJ played music, etc. 3 studenlspresentMr Bellingwilh gi{t,laculty presentgift to Mr Belling.4. He made short speecn,erc.J Conclusion: summarisepoints, refer to feelings/moods/consequences (everyone was sad to see hrm go. he was thankfulfor the party,etc.) 2 Topicsrequiring sub-headings: a c d 3 Includefacts and generalsatons rn the survey report (c). 4 Include Inking words to contrasl positiveand negalrveaspects n (a) (assessng good and bad points). 5 News reports(b)
6 Presenltenses:assesslng goodandbadpoints (a),surveyrepods(c) Past tenses: news reports(b), reporting experences(d)
alton, given 200 ce to pncy
. . .
on is
urvey oung aton hese prty rsion
. . . '
haps Ity oi )ung ces cen-6 .day
nany Dical
n.2. c.3. Dulty hort r to I fol
an0 oao
articlestatingan opinion iormalstyle include informationon: lhe elfects of smoking, esp. the etfects of second-hand smoke; non-smokersrights Paragraph 1: statetopic, your oprnron Paragraph2: argument1 and reason(health r sks) Paragraph 3: argument2 and reason (non, smokers'rights) Paragraph4: opposingviewpoinl(smokers' righis) Paragraph5: conclusion(restateopinion) articleprovidlngsoluttonsto prob ems may be formalorlessformalinstye articleshould statethe problem Paragraph 1: introductron(slate probtem, IOprc) Paragraph 2: first suggestion(e.9. recycte) ano resuI Paragraph3: secondsuggestion (e.9.don't lrtter)and resull Paragraph4: thrd suggesiion(e.g. buy 'green' products)and result Paragraph 5: conclusion(resultswhich will occur if everyone follows this advice and summariseopinion)
. .
articlestatingan opinionor givingadvantages and disadvantages iormalstyle artrcle shouid present both sides of lne argumenl and give an opinion atter balancingboth sides
Plan A (for and against) Paragraph 1: introductron stateihe ssue Paragraph2: ponts in tavour of childrenusing computers (e.9. good educational tool, teachesusefulskills) Paragraph 3: points againsi chitdrenusing computers(e.9.chi/drenshoutdexerciseby playingoutside,childrenwho use computers usuallyonly play computergames) Paragraph 4: conclusion (give opinion basedon a tatrconsiderationo{ both sldesof tne argumenl)
Plan B (opinion) Paragraph 1: stale the topic and your oprnron Paragraph2: v ewooi^t1 ano reasonqte.g good educationaltool makestearnng fun) Paragraph3: vewpoint2 and reason(e.g. teachFr use'ul skills good to. job prospects) Paragraph 4: opposing viewpoint and reasons (e.9. children shoutd ptay together outside,not alone nside mss out on learningvital soc at skills) Paragraph5: restateyour opinion
4 . . . .
art c e mak ng suggestions informalstyle usefultips for languagelearners Paragraph 1: introduction(state probtems faced by anguagelearners,presenttopic ol art cle) Paragraph 2i suggestion1 and resutl (e.g. use mentat ptclures in word associaton method) Paragraph3: s-ggeslio-2 a-o resu tc.g write sentenceswh ch use the wordsyou are tryingto learn) Paragraph 4: suggestion3 and resuti (e g. use ilash cardsto test oneselfreg!larly/ Paragraph5: conclusion(statethe resultof usrngthe suggestons given)
5 . . .
article statingan op n on tormalstyle should include informationon popularlfee time activttes, the amoLrntollree ttmeyoung peopte have,an anatysisof iypicat habitsof young people . Paragraph 1: state the topic and your oprnron Paragraph2: v'ewpotnrj and.easo- {e.g reading,studying w se) Paraqraph 3: viewpoint2 and reason (e.g. socialising,sport - wise) Paragraph 4: give the opposing viewpoift and.easo.sre.g.wat(^i.g TV.videoga-ne5. crime bad) Paragraph 5: conclusion (reslate your opinion)
(Note: T should use topic 6 to demanstrate how same topicsdemanda cambinationol the skils Ss iave /ea.nt dunng the SucLessfutWtiting Upper-lntermediate courseand thatnat alltoptcs fit neaw into a specificcategory.)
tone i flf"ifjftfu"0""-"r, narrative
shoulo Includethe reaso.s
Ine wrrtersraned
expranation olwnvil
Faragraph l: jntroduction rci,ra
p Youn il!,iii'.";o o"o"n'"mons
matn headtng fV preferences amongy people In rny counlry . sub-headtnqs: lnlroductron htrd programrnesre.g. documentaries operas,cartoons.etc,) ,lna,ys,s o, popu
Jl: :,::fE:ff:#;;"'"#;:lii:'ii;:
redsons why i3.1"#:li,iJ,:::";?: :enerar
ffJ",'"'ff"1"::,T::;i"", arwayswanredro workrn*m I#:*: t,ale, anJ tou,ism
r,i" {e.9.mostyou;gpeo;ie .:.'^_"-Tn € warchtngdOcumenlales I Conciusron
3 . repod assessingqood and bad oor.is . wfl$en by a spods club membei . w'nen rorclub authorir,es owners rrusl , sho-u,oinclude a descriptionor lhe .acr whJcheyist at present 1".o. p "*,--,"^ syn. squas',. *",.i,1,."""'ji"l"l,lY conoilionrheyare|n,aDO _*,"""u *o
as't isan il#.,i5:"::,,ff1 Frs'isn ::l:Sraeh
shoutdincludpan exptanatron ol Ine da ryPes of TV progrdmfi\esand stare ,
4: co.ctusionrstarethe resulL of
;:;:il,:": ;"lffilt'# a'ep'oe,ess,nsi 7 . arilcleof descnption/gtvtno Informahdn . may be Informat or tessdrmal . snoutd include a desc.;ot;onof lhe relarive cnosenand thetr unioue tnff,,"""-. "
bespentlo r.norove r"".,ro
.- marn,headrng .Reoort ""J,,.i"i",,, o,r now rno oonated10club should be soenf . sub-headings:Introductron ) n-.^.,^,,-
r'."J,i;:i::T: ;i#l: "r *nr,n,"',".
Paragraph i: jntroduclron ltdenlitu I
*' .'"iil;;'J;l i""i,T'l'J ;iJ":":'
::lx'j::$,;":/;:, :Tl:"" "n:l::"ffi
Paragraph3i exprain Ine,ntr"encJrr.,s personhash6don voU l1T-gr."Ch.1, concrusionrg,ve persona, rnou9htsfeetjngs abouttfrepeison).' '
N 1.
reponassesslng goodand bad ooinr< an emptoyee youremptoye/boss snouldrncludea descriptton ol thc h^rot,, rocus.onpanjc-raf "". soo;;;;;J'#i; raxr,neaotngt,Beporton ihe FiveSeasons
,lll.P:"'in:' o L tr,u e s(e .9 . s w trn mi no oool
rc..oori ^ a,ea., len.,,s ;ouds. #:';.:""T:i" ," S. maids.,eception "# 0".r. *"i"."
. i,. ;",""".jj1il,n"r"f n""o.."nout,o" 2.
o'u'no I inrormation (survey "n",n"'nn
irom a pen,frjend to a penjriend in a foreign country
j::llto: :i.:,::l ""-"r'.i'n",,,il',''
r\ew Iacrtttes needed Beco.rmendatron{
' 5::f "J:fl::l T""; ::l;lY,jt::"H
Srud'lCheck3 .
lferent teople young ts ol soap [.iranry enjoy
$eesl cilities t pool, , the |nOUO cilt es noney
n(s) mmer er(nor
nnring livities fts eisure tnera s ano ol the
le and toucls hoose prices
main head ng: 'Reporton the X Department Slore' sub headings: Introduction / Variety of Products/ SeNice/ P ces/ Recommendation (o'Advice/ Concluson. esp. reporlenoswitn a negativeconclusion) assessinggood and bad points employeeof a localtouristinformationoffice touristiniormationoffice 'ocatronol matn s-ooong a ea. rypes ol shops (e.9. boutiques,loy shops, hardware shops,eic.),varietyof products(e.g.one can find anything one wants from pins to furnilurel.prices reg. reasonablep',ces some shops are ratherexpensive) marn headtng: Beport on the shopping faciliUesin Brocklehurst' sul'-head'ngs:Introduction Localion Types of Shops / Vaiety of Products Pr.ces Recommendation
2 . letterof advice . informal . e.g.I wassorryto hearthatyou,releelingso unhappy in yournewhome... . e.g. I hopemy adviceis usefutand wi help you ro cneerup. . e.g.DearJane, . e,g.Love,+ firstname . e.g. a) join a ctub, b) make triendswith nergnoours . Paragraph1: thanksfor tetter/ express understanding of problem Paragraphs 2,3: suggestion(s) andreason(s) Final paragraph:closingrerra.l.s , f,rsr leltergivingand asklngfor information rnformal e.g.IVynamersJohnIVills, andl'mwrtingto tellyoua bit aboutmyself. e.g. l'm lookingfoMardto hearingfromyou soon. e.g.DearPierre, e.g.Begards, John description of yourself (appearance, character,hobbies and questionsabout recipienfsfamilyand hometown) Paragraph1: reason(s) lor writing Paragraph2: description of yoursetf Paragraph3: questions to the recipient Final paragraph:closingremarks+ first name
surveyrepon bookshopemployee your manager who you questioned and what you as
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