Richard, Karin, Michael and James
Acknowledgements The author would like to thank the consultants, Ivo and Ingwor Holmqvist and Gun Sjoberg, for checking the material and making many valuable suggestions, and also my brother and his wife, Claes and Agneta Gudmundson, for providing me with most of the realia for the exercises. I am very grateful to Kungliga Operan for permission to use an opera ticket, to the Svenska Institutet for the photographs on page 226, and to Volvo for pictures of their cars. I am also very much indebted to my colleague, Bente Elsworth, for her help and good advice; to Philip Holmes and Ian Hinchcliffe, whose grammatical works I have used; and to Andrew Corrul1h, Karen Donnelly and David Hancock for the illustrations. Lastly, I would like to thank my editors, Helen Coward, Kate Jarratt and Sarah Mitchell, for their patience and help.
Vera Croghan, June 1995 For UK orders: please contact Bookpoint Ltd, 39 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4TD. Telephone: (44) 01235 400414, Fax: (44) 01235 400454. Lines are open from 9.006.00, Monday to Saturday, with a 24 hour message answering service. Email address:
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CONTENTS Introduction 1 Pronunciation 3 1 Passet, tack! Your passport, please! 13 Formal and informal introductions and greetings. Addressing people and saying 'thank you'. Simple statements and questions. 2 Tack lor maten! It was a lovely meal! 28 Discussing where you live. Phrases used at meal times. Proposing a toast and expressing appreciation. Counting from 0 to 12. 3 Hur dags stiger ni upp? What time do you get up? 41 Telling the time, parts of the day and days of the week. Saying what you do during the day. Counting from 13 to 100 and doing simple sums. 4 Vill du fiilja med? Would you like to come? 55 Discussing leisure activities and the weather. The seasons. 5 Niir iippnar banken? When does the bank open? 68 Phrases used at a bank and about Swedish money. Counting from 101 to 1 000 000 000 000. 6 Hur mycket kostar det? How much is it? 82 Phrases used in shops. Accepting and declining offers in shops. 7 Var Iigger kafeet? Where is the cafe? 99 Asking for and giving directions. Apologising and responding to apologies. 8 Far jag be om notan? May I have the bill, please? 113 Ordering a meal in a restaurant. Stating likes and dislikes concerning food and drink. Complaining about the food or the service. 9 Har du kiirt i hiigertrnfik? Have you ever driven on the right? 130 Asking for, granting or refusing permission. Enquiring about ability and offering advice. Road signs and cardinal points.
14 15
17 18
Midsommar i Dalarna Midsummer in Dalecarlia Discussing where you come from and what languages you speak. Asking others to do things, offering assistance and telling others not to do something. Vart iir ni pa vag? Where are you going? Making suggestions and accepting offers. Asking somebody to speak slowly. Expressing displeasure. Pa fjiiIlvandring i Lappland Walking in Lapland Asking for information and expressing preference. Stating requirements when booking railway tickets. The months of the year. Har ni nagot rum ledigt? Have you a room vacant? Enquiring about hotel rooms and facilities. Booking a room. Asking for information about tourist attractions and events. Expressing satisfaction. Dates. Var har du varit? Where have you been? Saying that you like or dislike something. Making enquiries. Expressing disappointment. Vilken Jinje skajag ta? Which line should I take? Using public transport and hiring a car. Expressing surprise and doubt. Talking about politics. Vad ar det fiir fel pa er? What's the matter? Talking about illnesses and ailments. Medical advice. Persuading somebody to do something. Promising to do something. Expressing indifference. Har du lust att aka skidor? Would you like to go skiing? Making arrangements on the telephone. Phrases used in telegrams. God Jui! Happy Christmas! Writing letters. Accepting and declining invitations. Expressing gratitude.
158 173
202 217 233
249 263
Key to the exercises
Some useful verbs
Swedish-English glossary
Index to Grammar Notes
This course is designed for the absolute beginner and requires no previous knowledge of any foreign language. The aim of the course is to enable you to use Swedish in everyday situations and also to provide some background information about Sweden and the Swedish culture. Swedish is not a difficult language for an English-speaking student to learn. Like English, it is a Germanic language so many words are similar, for example: man, bok, hus, hund, land, hand, finger. Many loan-words from German, French and Latin are also immediately recognisable to anyone with a knowledge of these languages, for example German Frau, {ragen, Freiheit, Rathaus become fru, fraga, frihet, radhus in Swedish. French restaurant, parapluie, sergent, milieu become restaurang, paraply, sergeant, miljii in Swedish. From Latin there is museum, laboratorium, pastor, universitet and so on. In these days of easy communications, TV programmes and films, and science and technology using an international (English!) terminology, more and more American and English words are entering the Swedish language, making it increasingly accessible to Englishspeaking people. -
How to use the book Each of the 18 units follows the same pattern. Introduction. An introduction iu Euglish that explains what you will learn in the unit.
Samtal. (Dialogue.) There are some dialogues at the beginning of each chapter. Using the cassette, listen to them first to see how much you understand, then read them car~fully.
Vocabulary. The vocabulary section that follows each dialogue contains the new words and expressions that you will need to understand it. Riitt eller feI? (True or false?) Statements about the dialogue that may be true or false. The aim of this exercise is for you to check whether you have understood the text. Vad ni behiiver veta. (What you need to know.) in Sweden relevant to the dialogue.
Comments on life
S.. har siiger man. (What to say.) The important words and expressions used in the dialogues are repeated here.
Grammatik. (Language patterns.) Notes explaining grammatical structures and how to create your own sentences. Ovningar. (Exercises.) ~ In these you practise the new words and information you have learnt. Fiirstar du? (Do you unlkrstand?) testing your comprehension.
Further dialogues and texts,
In addition, the symboll!l indicates material included on the accompanying cassette. The best way to make progress is to work a little every day. Listen to the cassette and read the dialogues several times, learning the vocabulary before you start the exercises. Teach Yourself Swedish tells the story of John, a young Englishman who is going to stay in Sweden for a year to gain experience in the import and export trade. He also wants to see something of Sweden. His Swedish friend, Ake, stayed with John's family on an exchange, and now John is going to stay with Ake's family.
2 -
Swedish is probably one of the easiest languages to learn to pronounce as it is usually pronounced as it is written. Once a few general rules have been learnt - and you have mastered the specific Swedish sounds - it is quite straightforward. The easiest way to learn the pronunciation is to listen to the cassette and imitate the native speakers there. The Swedish radio and Swedish films - if they haven't been dubbed - are also very helpful. Radio Sweden can be found on short wave around the world and in most of Europe on several frequencies, e.g. medium wave (AM) 1179 kHz 254 m, although reception is not always good. The most important things to remember when pronouncing Swedish words is that all letters should be pronounced distinctly, even unstressed end vowels, and vowels and consonants in endings, e.g. pojke (boy), fiire (before), sedan (afterwards), triidet (the tree). The Swedish alphabet has 29 letters:
II A a (pronounced Bb Cc Dd E e F f Gg Hh I i J j
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
a) K k (pronounced kft) U u (pronounced u) ell)Vv( be) L I ( vel em) Ww( se) Mm( vel " en) X x ( eks) de) N n ( " y) e) o 0 ( 0) Y y ( " P p ( sata) pel Z z ( em " ku) A {!( a) gel Q q ( " arr) A ii ( ii) hA) R r ( " i) S s ( 6) ess) 0 6 ( " ji) T t ( tel "
3 -
The last three letters are vowels; this means that Swedish has nine vowels, as y is always a vowel in Swedish. The vowels are a, e, i, 0, U, y, A, ii, O. The vowels in Swedish are pure sounds, not a combination of two sounds (diphthongs) as they often are in English. Diphthongs only occur in dialects. The pronunciation of Swedish letters is explained below. However, the comparisons with English sounds are only approximate. Therefore you should listen carefully to the cassette where native speakers have recorded the sounds and sample words. The guide below is only intended to help you if you have any difficulties. For most people, imitating the voices on the cassette is by far the easiest way to learn the correct pronunciation.
Vowels Swedish vowels may be long or short, but vowel length is conI!I The nected with stress. By stress we mean that it is more prominent than the other letters in the word. A stressed vowel is long: • as end-vowel in words of one syllable: ja, vi, nu, se, tva. • before a single consonant in the same syllable (exceptions see below): mor, far, vara, heta, gata, jul. A stressed vowel is short: • before two or more consonants: flicka, gubbe, apple, kall, kopp. (Except before -r: barn, lard.! • in a few common words of one syllable: han, hon, den, min, din, sin. • often in words of one syllable ending in -m or -n: vem, hem, kom, kam, 80m, rum, dum, man, in, kan, men, mun, an.
An unstressed vowel is always short: the last a in tala, resa; the e in pojken, aiker, etc. The vowels are divided into two groups: a, 0, u, A are hard vowels e, i, y, ii, 0 are soft vowels.
tiollS ofthe consonants g, k, and the consonant combination sk before the different vowel groups (see below). Example Swedish letter Pronunciation far (father) like a in father long a katt (cat) like the a- sound in but short a no English equivalent. A little lange like e in ear, but with the tongue med (with) muscles very tense penna (pen) like e in men short e Iiv (life) like ea in heat longi hiss (lift) like i in kiss short i like 00 in moon with tightly long 0 bok (book) rounded lips like 00 in book with less tightly short 0 blomma (j/nwer) rounded lips no English equivalent. Start with longu the u- sound in true, but round hus (house) the lips very tightly like u in full, but not so tensely short u hund (dog) rounded lips as the long u no English equivalent. Like the longy long i but with tightly ny(new) rounded lips no English equivalent. Sounds short y like the short i but with syster (sister) rounded lips ga (go) like the aw- sound in raw long a atta (eight) like 0 in Scot short a like the first vowel in the long a ata (eat) diphthong ea in bear more open than the English shQrt a latt (easy) e in set no equivalent in English. The long ii tongue is in the same position as for e but the lips are rounded siit (sweet) and protruded like the usound in curt short ii bOcker (books) but shorter
This distinction is important for explaining the different pronuncia-
5 -
m!I The short vowels are often slightly more open than the long vowels.
This is most noticeable when an a or 0 is followed by an r. for example: Long vowels
Short vowels
har (here) lara (teach) hOr (hear) dor (dies)
hiirja (ravage) larde (taught) hOrde (heard) dorr(door)
am SWedish letter b e
Pronunciation exercises
t!I Practise the vowel sounds by repeating these words aloud. You will find it helpful to listen to the examples on the cassette first. Long vowels
Short vowels
Karin Malin
Anna Magnus
Erik Eva
Pelle Svensson
Lisa Brita
Nils Birgitta
Ola Moberg
Olle Mollberg
Rut Sture
Ulla Gunnar
Tyra Ystad
Yvonne Yngve
Ake Aland
Marten Angermanland .
h j
Par Vanern
Same Vattern
Oland Soder
Bjorn Onnestad
Note: Some words spelt with
are pronounced with an
example: Mona Roland
d f g
bo (live) like b in bad is found mainly in words offoreign origin. As a rule. it represents the same sound as in the foreign word. Thus it is pronounced as s in front of the soft vowels (e. i. y. a. 0) but as k in front of the hard vowels (a. o. u. A) cykel (bicycle). in stressed syllables. and always cancer (cancer). as k in front of k flicka (girl) approximately as in English. but with the tongue just behind the upper teeth dam (lady) like finfirm fem (jive) like g in go in front of the hard vowels gata (street). (a. o. u. It) or consonants in stressed god (good). syllables Gud (God). ga (go). gris (Pig) ge (give). like j in front of the soft vowels gissa (guess). (e. i. y. ii. 0) in stressed syllables gyllene (golckn). gass (geese). gora (do. make) iilg (elk). like j finally after I and r berg (mountain) het (hot) like h in hot ja (yes) like y in you kan (can). like k in keep in front of the hard ko (cow). vowels (a, 0, U, Ii) or consonants kunde (could). in stressed syllables
kAl (cabbage) klo (claw)
a- sound. for
like ch in church in front of the soft vowels (e. i. y. ii. 0) in stressed syllables
Lotta Stockholm
kedja (chain). kind (cheek). kyss (kiss). kara (dear). kopa (buy)
like I in leaf liv (life) like m in me mor (mother) like n in no ny(new) p like p in plate plats (place) q like k in king quiche (quiche) r is a rolled r made with the tip of the tongue in central and northern Sweden, but in the south it is made with the root of the tongue at the back of the mouth ren (clean) s like voiceless s in see. In Swedish s is never voiced as in measure se (see) t is pronounced with the tongue just behind the upper teeth tand (tooth) v like v in very vem (who) w like v in very. It only occurs in names and words of foreign origin we (toilet) x like ks, never like gz as in example herr X (Mr }() z like voiceless s in see. It only occurs in names and words of foreign origin zoo (zoo) ng like ng in ring, never like ngg as in England ung(young) gn like ngn regn (rain) sk like sk in skate in front ofthe hard ska (sholl), vowels (a, 0, U, A) or consonants in sko (shoe), stressed syllables skuIIe (should), sW (cheers), skriva (write) sk like sh in she in front of the soft sked (spoon), vowels (e, i, y, ii, 0) in stressed skina (shine), syllables skygg (shy), sklir (pink), skon (comfortoble) sch, sj, skj, stj, sHon), tHon) like sh in she marsch (mnrch), sjo (lake), skjuta (shootI, stjiirna (star), passion (passion), station (stotion) m n
8 -
kj, tj
like ch in Charles without the initial kjol (skirt), t- sound tjock (thick)
Note: d, g, h, I are mute in front of j at the beginning of words or in compound words when these consonants belong to the same syllable: cljup (deep), gjort (done, made), bjul (wheel), Ijud (sound). k followed by n is pronounced (unlike in English): kniv (knife), knii (knee).
q, W, x, z only occur in names and foreign words. Then q is pronounced like a k, and W is pronounced like a v. Qu is pronounced like kv, e.g. Qatar, we (toilet), Wennergren, Quist, Quinnan (in old texts or jokingly = woman). X is pronounced like ks, e.g. extra (extra), and z is pronounced like voiceless s, e.g. zebra (zebra). t is pronounced in nation (nation) and motion (exercise).
I is mute in karl and viirld.
rs is pronounced like sh in mash in central and northern Sweden, but not in the south, where the two letters are pronounced individually, e.g. person (person). In rd, rt, rl, m the r is assimilated with the following consonant so that these are pronounced almost like their English equivalents in central and northern Sweden. However, in the south the two letters are pronounced individually, e.g. hard (hard), svlirt (difficult), hiirlig (glorious), bam (child).
Pronunciation exercise
I:!m Practise the following tongue-twisters. Pay particular attention to the fact that the same sound can be spelt in several ways! Some of these sentences feature on the accompanying cassette and, if you have it, you will find the practice very useful. b Barbros bror badade bara i Barseback. c Cecilia cyklade genom centrala Cypern efier cigaretter och citroner. d David drack druvsaft och drog igang dragspelsmusiken. f Fiffiga Fia friade till den fOrflirlige Fredrik. g Gerd gillade gyttjebadet efier gympan. Gustav grillade grisen i gryningen. h Helan och Halvan har hiilsats med heja-rop hela halva hOsten. j Det satt en arg iilg i julgranen i Giiteborg.
Kerstin kisade kyligt mot kycklingen i Koping. Karin kramade den kluriga katten Katarina. I Lasse linkade lamt langs Lunds lummiga alleer. m Mats matade manga misstrogna musiker med miljovanlig medirin. n Nisse nobbade nagra nattliga nojen med Nora. p Pelle passade pa att prova pistolen pa papegojan. q Quist diskvalificerade Quinnan. r Rut rosade Rolfs rara renar. s Sven svarade snallt nar Sixten skrek svordomar. t Trofasta Tilda tackade tandlakaren nar han drag ut den trasiga tanden. v Vill du veta var Vilhelm var i veckan? x Xantippa spelade xylofon fdr Xerxes. z Zigenaren Zakarias sag solen i zenit pa Nya Zeelands zoo. ng I England talar engelskoma engelska. gn Magnus vankade lugnt bakom vagnen i regnet. 1m Knut knyt knuten! Knut knot knuten utan knot. sk Den skenheliga chefen i den skara skjortan spelade skivoma i den skona stjamklara skargardskvallen. Det ar skarn att skryta och skravla i skolan. sj Sju sjuka sjukskoterskor skotte sju sjosjuka sjoman. stj Stjal inte stjaman! skj Jag gomde skjortoma i skjulet. tj Karringen tjatade pa tjejen att inte kyssa den tjugonde kinesen pa kinden. Tjosan!
Stress Swedish has sentence stress (the words that are most significant for the meaning are stressed) and word stress (different syllables in stressed words are stressed). Word stress. The stress is normally on the first syllable of every word. except in a number of loan words from other languages where there is no completely reliable rule. A great many by now follow Swedish pronunciation rules, at least in part, but others may retain the stress on the syllable that carried the stress in the original language. That is usually the case with words of French or Latin origin, e.g. restaurang (restaurant), novell (short story), museum (museum), studera (study).
If a word begins with the prefixes be-, fiir-, ge-, the stress is on the syllable following these prefixes, e.g. betala (pay), fiirstd (understand), gedigen (solid). If a syllable other than the normal first syllable is stressed, the vowel in this syllable has been italicised in this book.
Accent Swedish is a tone language, which means that more than one tone may be used in one word. That is why it sounds as if Swedes are singing when they speak. There are two such word accents in Swedish: 'single tone' (also called accent one or acute accent) and 'double tone' (also called accent 2 or grave accent). Single tone, as in English, is used in words of one syllable. Note that even when a one-syllable word takes an ending, it keeps its single tone accent, e.g. boll (ball) - bollen (the ball), hund (dog) - hunden (the dog). Single tone is also used in many two-syllable words ending in -el, -en, -er, e.g. cykel (bicycle), vatten (water), vinter (winter), and in present tense verb forms ending in -er, e.g. reser (travel). Double tone is used in most words of more than one syllable and in most compound nouns, e.g flicka (girl), triidgard (garden), as well as in verb forms ending in -a, -ar, -ade, -at, -ad, e.g. tala, talar, talade, talat, talad (speak, spoke, spoken). In words with double tone the main stress is on the first syllable - a falling tone -, but there is also a strong secondary stress on the second syllable - a rising tone, e.g. lampan (the lamp), spela (play).
Single tone
Double tone
bil-Ien ~el rfser
The difference in tone is used to distinguish between words which are spelt the same way but mean different things, for example:
.'. " Vad heter du?
my wife's name Ake's little brother Anders' firm the name of the town
Ovningar (Exercises)
Change the statements into questions. Familjen Taylor kommer fran England. Robert Taylor ar ingenjor. Det fir John. (d) Han kallas Lasse. (e) Det var alit.
(a) (b) (e)
Write down the appropriate greetings and farewells. (a)
Mother greets sleepy boy in the morning. 4
Replace the bold words with pronouns. Example: John kommer fran England - Han kommer fran England. (a) Anders fro heter mla. (b) mlas man heter Anders. (c) Robert och Jane och John bar i London. (d) Du och din fro fir viilkomna. (e) Du och jag talar engelska.
am 5
Resan var trevlig. (g) Passet fir engelskt. Complete the following dialogue by adding your answers.
Eva You Eva
Hej! Vad heter du? (Tell her your name.) Jag heter Eva. Jag kommer fran Malmo. Kommer du ocksa fran Malmo? You (Say No, I come from England.) Eva Bar du i Oxford? You (Say No, I come from London.)
Complete the following dialogue by adding your questions. You
Bo You
Bo You
Bo 7
(Say Hello. Ask what he is called.) Jag heter Bo Svedberg. (Ask if he comes from Sweden.) Ja, jag kommer fran Sverige. (Ask if he lives in Stockholm.) Nej, jag bor i GOteborg.
Answer the questions relating to the family below. Write complete sentences. Example: Vad heter Svens fro? - Hon heter Svea Andersson. (a) (b) (c) (d)
Vad heter alies lillasysterl Vad heter Lisas pappas fru? (g) Vad heter Ingelas mammas man? (e)
• 8
Vad heter Sveas man? Vad heter Pers lillebror? Vad heter Pers storasyster? Vad heter Olles storebror?
little sister
gift med
married to storasyster big sister storebror big brother
mamma mother pappa
Answer the following questions using the information provided below. Var kommer Greg Harris ifrfm? Vad har han for yrke? (c) Vad heter Mr MacGregor i fomamn? (d) Var kommer han ifran? (e) Vad har han for yrke? (j) Vad har Frida for yrke? (g) Vad iir Fridas eftemamn? (a) (b)
. : . , ~ ~© .....
-->::. .
Greg Harris
Alexander MacGregor
pilot pifot tandlakare dentist
var ... ifr"
liirare teacher Skolliand Scotland
Familjen Andersson
24 -
Frida HAkansson
from ... where Christian (first) name
Forstar du? (Do you understand?)
Samtal (Dialogue)
Goteborg iir Sveriges andra stad, men Goteborg har den storsta hamnen i Skandinavien. Staden kallas 'Lilla London'. Goteborg har manga museer och teatrar. Utanfdr Goteborgs konstmuseum vid Gotaplatsen star Carl Milles beromda staty Poseidon. Stockholmarna och goteborgarna kivas alltid om vilken stad som ar bast.
Me sees two neighbours and introduces John to them.
John Kerstin
John Kerstin
Hej, hej, Ingrid! Hejsan, Kerstin! Det bar ar John fran England. John ska vara bar i ett ar. Han vill giirna tala svenska med er. Hej, John! Vill du fdlja med oss till Liseberg? Ja, garna. Kom da. Vi ska mota mamma och pappa dar. Ar din pappa hemma redan? Ja, han kom igar. Han ar sjokapten och de hade medvind i Engelska kanalen. Ar din mamma ocksa ledig nu? Ja, hon ar ledig hela sommaren, fdr hon iir larare.
hejsan hi! del hlir this er you viii garna would like to svenska Swedish med with viii du folja med oss?
would you
like to come with us? kom dtl come then mota meet hemma home
redan already kom came igiJr yesterday sjOkapten (sea) captain medvind following wind Engelska kanalen the Channel ocksA also ledig free hela sommaren all the summer for because
Goteborg Gothenburg is a Swedish city that many tourists come to first, especially British people. Ferries to and from England, Denmark, Norway, Holland and Germany ply the port; trains from the continent and planes from all over the world go to Gothenburg. There are also large industrial companies there such as Volvo and SKF, the Swedish Ball Bearing Company. Many Scots have settled here and left their mark both on the city and the language.
In this section you are not expected to understand every single word at once. You should try to catch the key expressions and work out the rest from the context.
andra second en stad city, town st6rsta largest hamnen the port, harbour Iilla little mAnga many ett museum (pI. museer) museum teatr.r theatres utanf6r outside konstmuseum art museum vld at
stAr stands beramda famous en staty statue stockholmarna the Stockholmers goteborgarna the Gothenburgers kivas om argue about BUIld always vllken which som that, which bast best
Ratt eller tel? (True or false?) (a) (b)
Goteborg iir den storsta staden i Sverige. Det finns manga museer i Goteborg. Poseidon ar den sttirsta farjan som gar till Goteborg.
Ratt eller tel? (True or false?) (a) (b)
John vill tala engelska med Ingrid och Kerstin. Kerstins pappa iir hemma nu. Kerstins mamma ar inte ledig pa sommaren.
Robert J a, tack! En kall 01 skulle smaka gott. Jane
Jag viII nog hellre ha ett glas sherry, tack.
bar live p6 6versta v6nlngen
on the top
tre three tre trappor upp on the 3rd floor
It was a lovely meal!
upp up tar take hlssen the lift stlg pll step in vllken what a vacker beautiful (on) ulsikt (aJ view
• • • • •
how to discuss where you live phrases used at meal times how to ask for things or decline offers at the table how to propose a toast and express appreciation how to count from 0 to 12
Ratt eller tel? (a) (b) (e)
t Z l - - - - Samtal I!I
Like many Swedes the Svensson family live in a flat of moderate size in a building not more than three to five storeys high, with shops and all amenities nearby. The families arrive and park the cars.
Jane Anders IDla
Har ar det. Vi bor pa oversta vaningen, tre trappor upp. Vi tar hissen. Varsagoda och stig pal Vilken vacker utsikt! Ja, vi ser hamnen och alia Mtama harifran. Ar ni wrstiga? Maten ar strax f,;rdig, men ni viII val ha nagot att dricka fOrst?
Familjen Svensson bor pa bottenvaningen. De har en vacker utsikt over hamnen. De viII inte ha nagot att dricka fore maten. Maten ar inte f,;rdig nar de kommer.
familjen the family boHenvAningen the ground floor 6ver over
...IS ....
skulle smaka gott would be nice smaka taste gon nice (loOC) nog probably (here: I think) hellre rather eU glas a glass
alia alf bMama the ships, the boats hlrtfn\n from here 16miga thirsty
In this unit you will learn
would/ike I suppose nAgot something aU dricka to drink forst first kall cold en 01 a beer
(lit. three stairs up)
maten the food strax soon fiirdlg ready ni viii val hB I suppose you
I' .\b
II Half an hour later. IDIa
Jane Anders
before when
Samtal Varsagoda! Middagen ar serverad. Tack sa myeket. Vad far vi? Vi ar mycket hungriga. Inlagd sill till forratt, sedan kyckling, dillpotatis, gronsaker och sallad. Till efterratt ska vi ha
Robert IDla Anders AlIa hOjer glasen
smultron och gradde. Det later gott. Anders, vill du vara snail och servera snapsen! Javisst! SMI och valkomna till Sverige! Skai!
middagen the dinner serverad served vad f'r vi? what will we get? mycket vel)l hung riga hungry Inlagd sill pickled herrings till for (en) lorratl (a) starter sedan afterwards (en) kyckllng (a) chicken dilipotatis potatoes boiled with diff gronsaker vegetables (en) sallad (a) salad
Jane UJ]a
Jane UJ]a
(en) efterriitl (a) dessert vi ska ha we'll have smultron wild strawberries gridde cream del later goll that sounds good vIII du vara snill och . .. please snapsen the aquavit skil cheers Sverlge (pronounced Svirje)
Jane UJ]a
alia all hojer raise glasen the glasses
RaU eller tel? (a) (b) (e)
= a
jag skulle vllja ha I would like to have lite a little (ett) saH saft (en) peppar pepper fAr det vara lite mera? may I give you a little more? mycket girna yes, please, I would love it gllma willingly, gladly it really did taste nice so min satisfied, full up jag m6ste hilla diet I am on a diet en diet a diet kan jag fn can I have? sA gima by all means; with pleasure Ir det hir lagom? will that do? det ir bra that's enough Ingen orsak you are welcome drlcker drink kaffet the coffee
After a little while.
Robert Jag skulle vilja ha lite salt och peppar. Anders Varsagpd. UIIa Far de~ vara lite mera? Robert Mycket garna. Det smakade verkligen gott. Jane Nej, tack, jag iir sa matt. Jag maste Mila diet. Lasse Kan jag fa lite mera efterratt? IDla Sa garna. Ar det har la![om?'" Lasse Tack, det ar bra. ,,'
balkongen the balcony (ett) socker sugar bara only en slat kopp katfe a cup of black coffee
vad vIII ni ha till frukost?
what would you like to have for breakfast? i morgan tomorrow prova tl)l svensk Swedish vad brukar ni ita? what do you usually have? bOrjar begin pojkarna the boys Iii (mjolk) (thin) yoghurt fIIngor cornflakes (en) mjolk milk smorg6sar open sandwiches det blir bra that will be nice samma same fast though te tea det ska du hi you shall have that
RaU eller tel? (a) (b) (e)
When tbey have finished eating. Robert IDla
socker och gradde till kaffet? Nej, tack. Bara en slat kopp kaffe. Vad viII ni ha till frukost i morgon? Vi viii giirna pIiiva en svensk frukost. Vad brukar ni ata? Vi bOIjar med ett glas juice. Anders och pojkarna ater fil och jag ater flingor och mjiilk. Vi dricker kaffe och ater smiirgasar ocksa. Det blir bra, Vi viII ata det samma som ni, fast jag vill nog giirna ha en kopp te med mjiilk till frukosten. Det ska du fa.
clef smakade verkligen goft
De iir inte hungriga. Ulla serverar sill till efterratt. De dricker snaps till sillen.
Robert viII giirna ha mera. Jane iir inte matt. Lasse haIler diet.
Tack for maten! Det var mycket gott. Ingen orsak. Vi dricker val kaffet pa balkongen. Vill ni ha
31 -
Vad ni beh6ver veta
Jngen orsak (lit. No cause) You are welcome, Don't mention it, It's quite all right is the standard reply when someone thanks you for something. Skall and snaps are probably the best known Swedish words to JIlost foreigners, but for the uninitiated, snaps is a dram of aquavit drunk from a small, tapered glass. Skal (lit. bowl) has survived from the days when a drinking bowl was used.
Addresses Addresses are written as follows:
'birddw AMW SVeAA~dtt
Stw 1~n.V\ t AflI.
3~s-J g~ 9(kh~ Storgatan corresponds to High Street, 7 is the number of the house, A the entrance door and III indicates that the person lives on the third floor. 395 84 is the postal code, which always stands in front of the name of the town.
Ata frukost Swedes use the word iita where English people use haue if they actually partake of the meal. Ha would merely imply that they have it in store in the house. Please There are a number of ways of saying please when asking someone to do something, for example: Vill du vara snail och racka mig saltet! Var snail och rack mig saltet! Rack mig saltet, ar du snail! Sniilla Anders, rack mig saltet! They are all interchangeable, so you can choose whichever you like.
Sa har sager man
How to:
Varsagoda When a hostess is ready to serve she invites the guests to come to the table with the phrase Varsagoda, maten/frukosten Imiddagen/k.viillsmaten (supper) iir serverad.
Inlagd sill Every self-respecting housewife in Sweden haS her own - or her mother's - recipe for pickled herrings! Dillpotatis Swedes are very partial to new potatoes boiled with dill. They also use this herb in white sauces, with fish and crayfish. Smultron Wild strawberries are probably the Swedes' idea of heaven on earth! Tack for maten When leaving the table after the meal it is good manners to go up to your hostess and say tack for maten. A word of praise won't go amiss, so don't be shy! Also, when you next meet your host or hostess you should say tack for senast, even if it is months after the dinner party.
ask for things at the table Kanjag fa ... ? Jag skulle vilja ha .. . Jag viII garna ha .. . Jag viII hellre ha .. .
May I haue ... ? I would like to have . . . I would loue to have . . . I would prefer . ..
accept offers Ja, tack. Tack, mycket garna.
Yes, please. With pleasure, certainly.
decline offers Nej, tack. Tack, det ar bra. Jag ar matt.
No, thanks. That's enough. rue had enough (food).
33 -
offer things to others
May I give you a little more? Would you like?
Far det vara lite mera? Ni vi!! viiI ha ... ? •
other phrases
I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. It was very nice. Thank you very much. Cheers!
Jag iir hungrig. Jag ar Wrstig. Det var mycket gott. Tack sa mycket Skitl!
2 The additional definite article lethere is a qualifying word (e.g. an adjective) immediately before the noun, Swedish uses both a separate word - den in front of the adjective that precedes en- words, det in front of the adjective that precedes ett- words, de in front of plural words - and the definite article at the end of the word. the nice flat den fina vitningen the nice house det fina huset the nice houses de fina husen den/detJde is called the additional definite article.
3 Vilken vacker utsikt! Notice how vilken is used in exclamations. You can also use en
1 How to say 'the'
sAclan (such a), e.g. en sadan vacker utsikt! (Lit. such a beautiful
The is an ending in Swedish, not a separate word as it is in English. If the noun is an en- word (common gender) and ends in a consonant, -en is added at the end of the word. If the noun is an ett- word (neuter gender) and ends in a consonant, -et is added. en vaning a flat en hiss a lift
v{mingen the flat hissen the lift
ett vin a wine ett hus a house
vinet the wine huset the house
Nouns that end in an unstressed vowel only add -n or -t respectively, for example: en flicka a girl en gata a street
flickan the girl gatan the street
ett apple an apple ett frimarke a stamp
applet the apple frimarket the stamp
These endings are called the definite article.
Note: The noun following a genitive never takes an end article, e.g. stadens namn (the name of the town), husets nummer (the number of the house).
4 Harifran (from here) Note the inverted word order in words such as:
from here (lit. here from) from there (lit. there from) from where (lit. where from) from above (lit. up from) from below (lit. down from) from the front (lit. forward from) from the back (lit. back from)
hiirifritn darifran varifritn uppifran nerifran framifritn bakifran
5 Kan, ska, viii, maste, far, later These verbs are called modal verbs. They correspond to the English verbs can - shall - will - must - may -let. The important thing about them is that they can only be followed by a plain infinitive, i.e. an infinitive without att ('to' in English) in a two-verb clause, for example:
Can I have some sugar?
Kan jag fa lite socker?
He will stay hRre a year. Han ska vara har ett ar. Do you want some more? Vill du ha mera? Du maste komma till Sverige. You must come to Sweden. Skulle jag kunna fa lite mera? May I have some more? You may come now. Du far komma nu. Let's drop thR titles. L"t oss saga duo
Who is shR? Whose house is it? Which films do you like? What do you want to do?
Note that vad cannot be used before a noun in Swedish as what can be in English. What nonsense is translated as sadana dumheter in Swedish. However, it is possible to say vad for en bi! (what kind of car), vad for ett hus (what kind of house), vad for namn (what kind of names).
Ha (have) and ta (take) are infinitives. The present tense of these verbs are: jag tar du tar hanlhonldenldet tar vi tar ni tar de tar
Vad cannot take a genitive oS. The others form their possessive by adding an os, e.g. vems, vilkens, vilkets, vilkas. Vern can only refer to one person. In plural vilka must be used. Vern if han? Vems hus ar det? Vilka filmer gillar du? Vad viII du gora?
6 Ha - har, ta - tar
jag har duhar hanlhonldenldet har vihar ni har dehar
'1'5 ),...50-,
9 Numerals: 0 - 12
o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
7 A cup of coffee, a glass of sherry There is no word corresponding to of in expressions indicating measure like en kopp kaffe (a cup of coffee), en flaska Yin (a bottle of wine), ett glas vatten (a glass of water).
noll (pronounced 'nM') ett tv~
Ire lyra fern
sex sju
Atla nio (pronounced 'nie' in everyday speech) tio (pronounced 'tie' in everyday speech) elva tolv
8 Vern, vad, vilken (who, what, which) These words are used in direct and indirect questions. They are called the interrogative pronouns. In this unit you have met vad far vi? (what will we get?), vad vill ni ha? (what would you like?), vad brukar ni ita? (what do you normally eat?). The common inter· rogative pronouns are: vern vad vilken vilket vilka
who(m) what which, who or what in front of or referring to en-words which, who or what in front of or referring to ett-words which, who or what in front of or referring to plural words
Note that Swedes use the neuter form ett (not en) when counting.
Ovningar 1
Complete the column below. Example: en viining - vaningen en familj ... en sekreterare ...
ett glas .. . etthus .. .
Answer the questions in Swedish, as indicated.
Vill du ha nagot att dricka? Vill du ha mjolk i teet? (e) Vill du ha mera smultron? (d) Ar det lagom? (e) Vill du hellre ha kaffe?
Han tittar pa (looks at) huset (from above) ....... och (from below) ...... ·, (from tM front) ... .... och (from tM back) ...... . Kommer du inte (from here) .......? Nej,jag kommer (from there) ....... .
(b) (e)
(d) (e)
Answer the questions about the dialogues in Swedish.
Ar de torstiga? Lagar Anders middagen? Viii alia ha mera efterriitt? (d) Vill de inte iita frukost? (e) Taekar Ulla for maten? (a)
(b) (e)
Say the following in Swedish. (a)
(From WMre) ....... kommer han?
(accept) (decline) II would love to) (Yes, it is enough) (I would prefer tea)
Fill in the missing words.
ett pass .. . ett yin .. . ett salt .. . (ettl kaffe .. .
en trappa ... en hiss ... en hamn .. en kopp ... en middag. (en) gradde ...
Fill in the missing numbers. Spell out the words.
Han bar (1) ....... huvud (Mad), (2) ....... ben (legs), (6) ...... . koppar, (3) . . . . .. tidningar (newspapers), (4) ....... flaskor rlidvin, (8) ....... glas, (5) ....... barn (children).
May I have a cold beer, please? Please can I have the salt? John, please serve the wine! Please, give me some coffee. I would like to have some sugar, please.
Complete the dialogue.
You Siv You Siv You Siv You
Ask for the following things in Swedish.
(Say you would like a cup of coffee.) Viii du ha sacker oeh gradde till kaffet? (Say you would like milk and sugar.) Du viII viiI ha en smorgas oeksa?
(Say no thanks, you are not hungry, only thirsty.)
Ar det bra sa? (Say thank you, it was very nice.)
Forstar du? (e)
Smorgbbordet (d)
Ni viII formodligen prova det beromda svenska smorgasbordet. Det iir inte Iika vanligt sam det brukade vara - inte med de hundra
en flaska
(ett) rOdvin
a bottle red wine
(en) apelsinsaft orange juice (ett) vatten water
38 -
riltter sam det brukade ha. Men manga hotell och tina restauranger - oeh frujorna till Sverige - serverar smorgasbord till lunch. For ett rimligt pris kan man iita ... oeh ata ... och ata!
Man btiIjar vid ena iindan av bordet med fiskriitter - sill, riikor, lax o.d. - sedan kott och iiggriitter, sedan efterriitt, sedan ost. Man dricker OJ och snaps tiII smorgasbordet. Men ta god tid pa dig - det kan ta manga timmar!
Swedish tradition-
al buffet
the table fish dishes fakor prawns (en) lax salmon o.d. (och dylikl) etc. (ell) kall meat aggratter egg dishes fiskratter
formodligen probably lika vanllgt som as common as brukade vara used to be hundra hundred ratter dishes fina fine restauranger restaurants .arjorna the ferries ett r/mligt pris a reasonable price man one, you ena andan BV one end of
(en) ost
la god lid
time tim mar samma
What time do you get up?
allow plenty of
the same
/n this unit you will/earn RaU eller fel? (a)
(b) (e) (d)
• • • •
Smorgasbordet iir mycket vanligt i Sverige. Smorgasbordet har alltid hundra riitter. Man kan iita sa mycket man viii for samma pris. Man behOver inte mycket tid for att iita smorgasbord.
how to say what time it is how to say what you do during the day how to say the days of the week and parts of the day how to count from 13 to 100
1 Z l - - - - Samtal II Jane and Vila discuss the daily routine in the Svensson family. Jane Ulla
Ake UIla
Hur dags stiger ni upp pa morgonen? Jag stiger upp klockan halv sju, for vi iiter frukost tiD over sju. Lasse bOIjar skolan klockan atta, sa vi maste ga hiirifran kvart i atta. Jag stiger upp tjugo i sju. Jag maste vara pa kontoret k10ckan nio, sa jag kOr hiirifran fern over halv nio. Min viickarklocka ringer k10ckan sju. Jag bOIjar ibland klockan atta och ibland k10ckan nio pa universitetet. Jag tar sparvagnen fern i halv nio i morgon. Vi dricker formiddagskaffe k10ckan halv elva och iiter lunch k10ckan ett, men det gor vi pa jobbet. Jag arbetar ju deltid, sa jag gar hem efier lunchen. Jag handlar middags-
41 -
Jane mla
Anders il
maten pa vagen hem. Lasse slutar skolan kloekan halv fyra, sa vi drieker te nar han kommer hem pa eftermidda_ gen, ungefar kvart i lYra. Nar ater ni middag? Inte forran halv sju pa kvallen nar alia har kommit hem. Vi drieker te nar Lasse har gatt till sangs vid halv niotiden. Ulla oeh jag gar oeh lagger oss lite over elva, men Ake stannar uppe till efter midnatt. Han ar en riktig nattuggla.
hur dags? at what time? stiger upp get up halv sju at half past six ti~ over sju ten past seven borjar skolan starts school en skola a school kvart i ~Ha a quarter to eight tjugo i sju twenty to seven ett kontor an office fern over halv nio twenty-five
to nine en vackarklocka an alarm clock ringer rings ibland sometimes en sptervagn a tram fern i halv nio twenty-five past eight
(ett) farmiddagskaffe
gor do jobbet the place of work
arbetar work ju of course, as you know
deltid part-time hem home handlar shop
pte vigen hem
on the way home
slutar finishes pill eftermiddagen
about inte forran not until ungefilr
Ake Ake
John Ake
pa kvallen
in the evening har glltt till sangs has gone to bed vid halv nio-tiden around half past eight g6r och Jagger oss go to bed lite over a little past (en) midnatt midnight riktlg true en nattuggla a night-owl
Aka and John discuss what they do in their spare time.
in the
Lasse borjar skolan kloekan nio. Ake borjar ibland kloekan atta pa universitetet. De drieker te kloekan halv elva pa formiddagen. Lasse gar oeh lagger sig ungefar tjugo over nio.
RaU eller fel? (a) (b) (e)
Vad ska vi gora i kviill? I kviill mltste vi stanna hemma och se efter Lasse. Dina foraldrar ska ju ga pit konsert oeh det ar mandag idag och dlt gar mamma oeh pappa ut. Mamma gltr pit en kurs i fransk konversation och pappa diskuterar politik med sina parliviinner. Men vi kan spela skiv~r eller titta pit TV. Gar du ocksa pit nagon kurs? Ja, pa tisdagarna lar jag mig spela gitarr, oeh pit torsdagarna gar jag pa en fotokurs. Vad gor du pa onsdagama da? Dit brukar jag traffa mina viinner. Vi gar oeh fikar eller kanske pit bio. Pit fredag ska vi ga pa en popkonsert. Vill du folja med? Ja, giima. Vad Mnder pit lordagar oeh sondagar da? Pa lordagama gar jag till min idrottsklubb, och sedan gar vi ut pa stan. Pit sondagarna gar vi i kyrkan pit morgonen, oeh pa eftermiddagen gar jag oeh pappa pa fothollsmatch.
III I kvllil
tonight look after dina your forBidrar parents en konsert (pronounced k6nsar) a concert (en) mAndag (a) Monday Idog today ut out en kurs a course fransk French en konversation a conversation dlskuter8r discusses (en) polillk politics sina his partlvanner friends in his political party spela sklvor play records lilta look nAgon some pi. tisdagarna on Tuesdays lir jag mig Ilearn Be efter
en gltarr a guitar p6 toradagarna on Thursdays en fotokurs a course in photography
pA onsdagarna on Wednesdays triffa meet j en van a friend fikar have a coffee kanske perhaps (en) blo cinema pi fredag on Friday en popkonsert a pop concert folja med come with us hinder happens pi lordagar on Saturdays p8 sondagar on Sundays min my en Idrottsklubb an athletic club,
a sports club pA stan (from staden) into town I kyrkan to church en fotbollsmatch a football match
... .e
Ratt eller tel? (a) (b)
Lasse maste se efter John och Me i kviill. Me gar inte pa nagon kUTS. Me triiffar sina viinner pa onsdagarna. Pa lordagarna gar Me och Anders pa fotbollsmatch.
Sa har sager man
How to: say what time it is
Vad ni behover veta Clocks Ett armbandsur - ett fickur - en viickarklocka - en ringklocka - en kyrkklocka (a watch - a pocket watch - an alarm clock - a bell - a church bell)
K10ckan iir ett. K10ckan iir fern over ett. K10ckan iir kvart over ett. K10ckan iir tjugo over ett. K10ckan iir halv tva. K10ckan iir tjugo i tva. K10ckan iir kvart i tva. Klockan iir fern i halv tre. Klockan iir fern over halv tre.
It's one o'clock. It's five past one. It's a quarter past one. It's twenty past one. It's halfpast one. It's twenty to two. It's a quarter to two. It's twenty-five past two. It's twenty-five to three.
KlOCKAN EnrrvAelc.
~ ~\....; .., .
~··~'" ----=
Although Swedish has the words armbandsur and fickur, the word klocka is the normal word used both for clock, watch and bell. When telling the time, it is the only word used. Coffee Swedes usually drink coffee in the morning, and coffee or tea in the afternoon. Late at night they usually drink tea, often without milk. A lot more coffee than tea is drunk, in fact more coffee per person is drunk in Scandinavia than anywhere else in the world.
;-tt • """5
Note that half past an hour in English corresponds to half to the next hour in Swedish, e.g. halv sju (halfpast six). Note: No preposition is used where English has at; for example, skolan biirjar klockan iitta (school starts at eight o'clock). It is also possible to abbreviate klockan to just kl., e.g. kl. 1 (one o'clock). If you use the 12-hour clock, fm or (fOrmiddagen) corresonds to a.m. and em or e.m. (eftermiddagen) corresponds to p.m.
use other common expressions in connection with clocks
Hur mycket iir klockan? Vad iir klockan? Min klocka gar fel. Klockan gar fern minuter fore. Klockan gar tre minuter efter. Klockan star. -
What time is it? What time is it? My watch is wrong. The clock is five minutes fast. The clock is three minutes slow. The clock isn't working.
K10ckan har stannat. K10ckan gar ratt. K10ckan slar tolv. •
TIu! clock has stopped. The clock is right. The clock strikes twelve.
fliekor . -0 denotes that the word is unchanged in its plural form.
What time do you get up? Wlu!n do you have breakfast? Wlu!n do you go to bed? What time do you go to bed?
(pronounced: sonnda) siindag mandag (pronounced: mannda) (pronounced: tisda) tisdag (pronounced:onsda) onsdag torsdag (pronounced torsda) (pronounced: freda) fredag (pronounced: lorda) lordag Notice that Swedish does not use a capital days of the week.
2 Veckodagarna (the days of the week)
ask about daily routine Hur dags stiger du upp? Nar ater du frukost? Nar gar du och lagger dig? Hur dags gar du och lagger dig?
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
letter for the names of the
1 Plural forms of Swedish nouns The plural ending of most English nouns is -8, e.g. girls. It is not quite so simple in Swedish as there are five main ways of forming the plural. These are called the five declensions. Fortunately it is usually possible to tell which declension a noun belongs to from the form of the noun. The nouns belonging to the first declension are en- words, and the majority end in -a in their singular form. They drop this -a before the plural ending -or is added. tva flickor tva gator tva skolor
en flicka en gata en skola
A small number of first declension nouns do not end in -a in the singular, so the plural ending is added to the singular form:
a rose two roses
en ros tva rosor
You have already encountered some of these first declension nouns,
e.g. en mamma, en pappa, en firma, en trappa, en resa. From now onwards, nouns will be listed as they appear in dictionaries. You can then see immediately from the endings if a noun is an enword or an ett- word, and the plural ending is also given. Thus the dictionary would give you e.g. f1ickla (-an -or) where the -an ending tells fOU that f1ickan is the definite form singular (so the word must be an en- word). and -or tells you that the indefinite form plural is
3 Pi'll The versatile preposition and parts of the day. Vad ska du gara
pa is used both with the days of the week
pa sondag?
Pa lordagarna spelar Ake fotboll. I England dricker man te pa morgonen. Lasse gar till sangs tidigt pa kviillen.
What are you going to do on Sunday? On Saturdays Me plays football. In England one drinks tea in tlu! morning. Lasse goes to bed early in tlu! evening.
4 Adjectives An adjective is a word that denotes quality, e.g. stor (big, large), fin (fine), dyr (expensive), hillig (clu!ap), vaeker (beautiful), lang (long), bOg (high), svar (difficult). In Swedish adjectives take endings which have to agree with the noun that the adjective refers to, i.e. an adjective referring to an enword in (the indefinite form) singular is in the basic form (the form you find in the dictionary). whereas an adjective referring to an ettword in (the indefinite form) singular has -t added to the end.
All adjectives referring to plural nouns (i.e. both en- and ett- words) must end in -a: en stor stad en fin bat en dyr klocka
ett stort museum ett fint yrke ett dyrt land
museet ar stort
stora museer
24 ijugofyra
fina yrken dyra klockor
26 ijugosex 27 ijugosju 28 29 30 31 40
biltarna ar stora
From now onwards, adjectives will be listed in the vocabularies in their basic form only, i.e. as they appear in the dictionaries, unless they are irregular.
50 60 70 80 90 100
5 Ga Gli is the normal word for translating the English verb to go or to trauel about vehicles. If a person is using some means of transport ua is the most common word for translating go, as gli cannot be used. Gli used about a person or persons can only mean to walk or to leaue, for example: Nar gar taget? Farjan gar till England. Gar du till kontoret? Jag maste ga nu.
ijugoatta ijugonio trettio, tretti trettiett etc. fyrtio, fyrti (always pronounced 'f6rti') femtio, femti sextio, sexti sjuttio, sjutti attio, Ani nittio, nitti (ett) hundra
En is used before en- words, e.g. tjugocn veckor. Ett is used before ett- words, e.g. tjugoett iir. Thus: etthundratjugocn dagar (121 days). Note: Swedish uses a decimal comma instead of a decimal point. Matematik (arithmetic)
When does the train go? The ferry goes to England. Do you walk to the office? I must leave now.
This is the normal way to do simple sums: 2 +2 = 4 4- 2=2 3x3=9 9 .;- 3 = 3
Note also the following expressions: Han gar i skolan. Hon gar i kyrkan.
ijugoett (-en) (often pronounced 'tjuett', 'tjuen')
22 ijugotva
This rule also applies to adjectives when the adjective follows the noun that it refers to and a form of the verb to be: staden ar stor
He goes to school. She goes to church.
(tva plus tva ar lYra) (fyra minus tva ar tva) (tre ganger tre iir nio) (nio delat med tre ar tre)
6 Numerals: 13 - 100
1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
tretton fjorton femton sexton sjutton arton nitton tjugo
Fill in the correct plural form of the nouns in the following sentences.
(a) John talar svenska med tva svenska (girls) ...... . (b) Ett ar har femtitva (weeks) . ..... . (c) Lararen vill ha svar pa alia (questions) ...... . (d) I Giiteborg finns det manga export-(jirms) ...... . (e) Anders iippnar tva (bottles) ....... riidvin.
Manga iferries) ....... gar till Goteborg. De har flera (clocks) ...... . (h) Det bor inte sa manga (people) ....... i Sverige.
(viii) Hur dags ater du middag? (ix) Hur dags gar du och lagger dig?
svar (-et, -0) answer IrAg/a (-an, -or) question
mannlskla (-an, -or) people
Make sure that the adjectives are in their correct form, and that the story makes sense.
Answer the following questions in Swedish. (a) Vad gor Ulla pa mandagarna?
Eva bar i ett ....... hus i en ....... stad. Han har en ...... . utsikt over en ....... park. Hennes lagenhet ar mycket ....... , men ocksa mycket . . . . . .. . Han har bott dar en ....... tid, sa det blir ....... for henne am han inte kan stanna dar. Det finns inte sa manga ....... lagenheter sam en ....... student har red med.
(b) Vad gor Ake pa tisdagarna? (c) Vad gor Ake pa onsdagarna? (d) Vad gor Ake pa torsdagarna? (e) Vad ska pojkarna gora pa fredag?
Vad gor Ake pa lordagarna? Vad gor familjen Svensson pa sondagarna?
Fill in the missing adjectives in the story below. Choose from the following adjectives and use each adjective only once: billig, dyr, fattig, fin, lang, hog, stor, svar, trevlig, vacker.
(a) Look at the clocks and say in Swedish what time it is.
park (-en, -er) hennes
liigenhet (-en, -er) bott
Answer the questions in Swedish. (i)
(ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii)
Hur dags ringer vackarklockan? Hur dags stiger du upp? Hur dags ater du frukost? Hur dags gar du hemifran? Hur dags biiIjar du arbeta? Hur dags ater du lunch? Hur dags slutar du arbeta?
• 6
tid (-en, -er) time fattig poor student (-en, -er) student har reid med can afford
her flat
Insert the correct verb in the sentences below. (a) Taget ....... k1. 21.08. (b) Hur alia ....... du till Sverige? (c) Flyget ....... till London fyra ganger am dagen. (d) Lasse ....... till skolan kl. kvart i atta. (e) Han ....... sparvagn till kontoret. (j) FaIjan ....... till England varannan dag. (g) ....... du till arbetet? (h) Jag skulle vilja ....... till manen. tag (-et, -0)
train how often? Ilyget (colloquial) the planes fyra ganger am dagen four times a day hUr ofta?
spArvagn (-en, -ar) tram varannan dag every second day skulle vilja would like to man/e (-en, -ar) moon
Fill in the words for the numbers in the following statements. Nar man iir (18) ....... ar far man rosta. (When you are 18 years old you can vote.) (b) Man far kopa briinnvin i Sverige niir man ar (20) ....... ar.
51 -
(d) (e) (j)
(g) (h)
(You can buy aquavit in Sweden when you are 20 years old.) Tva veckor ar detsamma sam (14) ....... dagar. (Two weeks is the same as 14 days.) Februari har bara (28) ....... dagar. (February has only 28 days.) Fyra manader har (30) ....... dagar. (Four months have 30 days.) Sju mfmader har (31) ....... dagar. (Seven months have 31 days.) Ett halvar har (26) . . . . . . . veckor. (Half a year has 26 weeks.) Medellivslangden i Sverige ar (75) ....... ar for man och (81) ....... ar for kvinnor. (The average life expectancy in Sweden is 75 years for men and 81 years for women.)
Do the following calculations in Swedish. Write the numbers in words. (a) 14 + 23 = ...... . (b) 52+36= ..... .. (c) 87 - 13 = ...... . (d) 34 - 21 = ...... . (e) 7 x 7 = ...... . (f) llx 5= ...... . (g) 93 + 31 = ...... . (h) 28+ 7= ...... .
I garaget star den finaste presenten - pappa och mamma har kopt
en dyr mountainbike till honom. Lasse har inte tid att ata frukost. Han viII ut oeh eykla genastl
ling (-en, oar) vet knows
hans his chOklad (-en) chocolate vlopgridde (-n) whipped cream honom him l6delsedag (-en, oar) birthday IJunger sing
present (-en, -er) present mormor grandma (lit. mother's mother) stlckal knitted
tr6j1a (-an, -or) sweater farmor grandma (lit. father'S mother) 'a"ar grandpa (lit. father's father)
sklckat sent pengar money garage (-t, -0) garage
stands finest kopl bought har In1e tid hasn't got time cykla cycle genast at once
RAtt eller fel? (a) (b)
Lasse stiger upp kloekan sju pa fOdelsedagen. Mormor har stickat en troja till Lasse. Farmor oeh farlar har skiekat en mountainbike.
Sveriges befolkning
Forstar du? En ovanlig dag
sondag stiger Lasse inte upp kl. 7. Han stannar i sangen for han vet att hans mamma kommer med choklad med vispgradde pa sangen till honom. Hans pappa och hans storebror kommer ocksa oeh sjunger for honom, fdr det ar hans fodelsedag. Han far manga presenter. Av Ake far han en ny fotholl. Mormor har stiekat en troja at honom, oeh farmor och farlar har skiekat pengar till Lasse.
Anda in i var tid var Sveriges befolkning mycket enhetlig Mde vad betraffar etniskt ursprung, sprltk, religion oeh kultur. De enda minoriteterna av betydelse var ungefar 15 000 lappar i norr oeh finnar. Men under oeb elter andra varldskriget kom manga flyktingar till Sverige. Under 60- oeh 70-talet kom en halv miljon utliinningar till Sverige fdr att arbeta, i syrmerhet fran Finland, men ocksa fran Jugoslavien, Grekland och Turkiet. De kom av ekonomiska skal. Sedan dess hat Sverige huvudsakligen tagit emot politiska flyktingar fran Asien, Afrika oeh Sydamerika. Av Sveriges 8,7 miljoner invanare ar nu omkring en miljon invandrare. De har bidragit till att giira Sverige till en mangkulturell nation.
befolkning (-en, -ar) population anda in i vir tid right up to today enhetlig homogeneous bilde ... och both .. " and vad betrBffar with regard to etnisk ethnic ursprung (-et, -0) origin sp,ik (-et, -0) language religion (-en, -er) (pron: relijon) religion
kultur (-en, -er) culture enda only minoritet (-en, -er) minority av betydelse of any importance ungefar approximately lapp- (-en, -ar) Laplander i norr in the north finn/e (-en, -ar) Finn andra vsrldskriget the Second World War
flykting (-en, -ar) refugee under 60- och 70-talet during the
en halv miljon half a million utlanning (-en, -ar) foreigner i synnerhet especially Jugoslsvien Yugoslavia Grekland Greece Turk,et Turkey ekonomisk economic skal (-et, -0) reason sedan dess since then huvudsakligen mainly tagit emot received politisk political Asien Asia Afrika Africa Sydamerlka South America invilnare (-n, -0) inhabitant omkring around invandrare (-n, -0) immigrant har bidraglt till have contributed to mangkulturell multi-cultural nation (-en, -er) nation
VILLDU FOLJAMED? Would you like to come?
In this unit you will/earn • • • •
"60s and '70s
RaU eller fel? (a) (b) (c)
Ii (d)
Sveriges befolkning var mycket homogen. Det finns mlmga minoriteter i Sverige nu. Ekonomiska flyktingar har kommit fran Asien, Mrika och Sydamerika. Politiska flyktingar kom till Sverige huvudsakligen pa 60- och 70-talet.
how to talk about leisure activities how to ask what the weather is like how to say what the weather is like how to describe the seasons
Samtal John asks Ake about the summer cottage. Finns det nagonting man kan gora dar ute pa landet? 0, ja. Vi kan bada och segla, och spela tennis eller golf. Och ibland ar det dans pol. bryggan pa IOrdagarna. John Har ni plats fOr oss allesammans i sommarstugan? Ake J ada. Vi har tva sovrum och ett stort vardagsrum med oppen spis. Och badrum med bastu. Vi ater alltid pa verandan om det ar vackert vader. Vi killar sover i gaststugan, dar vi har tva vaningssangar. Dar kan vi spela var egen musik utan att stora nagon. I morgon bitti ska jag jogga i skogen, och sedan springer jag ned och tar mig ett dopp i havet fore frukosten. Vill du folja med? John Om du kan vacka mig, for jag vaknar nog inte sjalv. John
verand/a (-an, -or) veranda om if vader (vadret, -0) weather klil/e (-en, -ar) boy sover sleep gaststug/a (-an, -or) guest-house vanlngssanQ (-en, oar) bunk bed
gora do ute out pill landel in the countryside oh bada go swimming segla sail spela play tennis (·en) tennis eller or golf (-en) golf dans (-en, -er) dance brygg/a (-an, -or) jelly plats (-en, -er) room
allesammans all of us jadll oh yes sovrum (-met, -0) bedroom vardagsrum (-met, -0) siftingroom oppen open spls (-en, oar) here fire(place) badrum (-met, -0) bathroom bastu (-n, or) sauna
egen own musik (-en) music utan without stora disturb ntlgon anyone i morgon bitti early tomorrow morning jogga go jogging skog (-en, oar) forest springer run tar mig ett dopp have a dip, plunge fore before vacka wake, rouse vakna wake up sjiily by myself
'1', VUa ;
Pa IOrdagskvalien ar det alltid dans pa bryggan. De ater pa verandan nar det ar vaekert vader. Ake oeh John ska jogga pa morgonen.
bara only sommar (-en, somrar) summer komma med och bacia come swimming meetan while sol (-en, -sr) sun sklner is shining ganska rather varm warm vatten (vattnet, -0) water 6tmmstone at least grad (-en, -er) degree det ska bll ski)nt it will be nice dopp (-el, -0) dip, plunge for lange too long strand (-en, strander) beach
kUst (-en, -er) coast heY (-aI, -0) sea b6de __ . och both ... and del stormar a gale is blowing lugn calm ak6n nice, pleasant vAr (-en, -ar) spring h6st (-en, -sr) autumn plocka pick bir (-el, -0) berry .vamp (-en, -ar) mushroom vlnter (-n, vlntrar) winter Aka sk/dor go skiing Ika skr/dskor skate anvAnder use hela Aret all the year
Ulla Jane
The families arrive at the Svenssons' summer cottage.
hIr ute vld out here by
III Anders
t z l - - - - Samtal Jane Anders
Vill ni komma med oeh bada medan solen skiner? Det maste ni. net iir ganska varmt i vattnet, atminstone 18 grader. Ja, det ska bli sklint med ett dopp. Vi ater middag k10ekan sex, sa stanna inte fOr Hinge pa stranden.
III After breakfast the next morning_
RaU eller fel? (a) (b) (c)
Sa vaekert det ar har ute vid kusten! Ja, havet ar vaekert Mde nar det stormar oeh nar det ar lugnt. Det ar sa sklint har. Pa varen finns det sa myeket blommor, oeh pa Msten kan vi ploeka bar oeh svamp. Pa vintern Aker vi skidor eller skridskor har, sa vi anvander stugan hela aret, inte bara pa sommaren.
Vadret ar inte sa fint idag. net ar molnigt oeh det blaser lite for myeket. Jag hade planerat att vi skulle segla ut till en liten Ii och ta matsaek med oss. Men i morgon ska det bli solsken igen, sa det ar bast att vi vantar med seglingen till i morgon. Spelar du tennis, Jane? Ja, men jag spelar inte sa ofta, sa jag iir nog inte i sa fm form. Vi kan val spela en match sa far vi se hur det gar. Far vi lima gollklubborna? J a, men Robert oeh jag ska ga en runda i eftermiddag om det inte regnar, sa ni maste vara tillbaka senast kloekan ett. net ar vi siikert, for vi ska bara ga nio hAl. John oeh jag tanker meta i eftermiddag. Fisken brukar nappa nar det iir mulet som idag.
. P1ders
III I molnlgl cloudy det blliser there is a breeze lite for mycket a little too much hade planeral had planned liten small o (-n, -ar) island matsack (-en, -ar) packed lunch solsken (-el, -0) sunshine igen again del ar bast att vi vanlar we had better wait segling (-en, -ar) sailing ofta often form (-en) form
malch (-en, -er) match lilna borrow gollklubb/a (-an, -or) golf-club g8 en runda playa round del regnar it is raining tillbaka back senast at the latest del ar vi sakert we are sure to be h61 (-1, -0) hole tanker intend to mela fish, angle brukar nappa usually bite mulet overcast
Celsius (1701-44) who gave his name to the Celsius therJIlOlIIeter, which uses the freezing and boiling point of water as the beBic endpoints.
har sager man
How to: • ask what the weather is like Vad iir det fOr vader idag? Hur iir vadret:
What sort o{weather is it today? What's the weather like?
• say what the weather is like
RaU eller fel? (a) (b) (e) (d)
net ar varmt i vattnet. Man far inte plocka bar och svamp i Sverige. Robert och Jane och John viii ga och bada fore middagen. Fisken brukar nappa nar det ar vackert vader.
Vad ni beh6ver veta Sommarstuga Also called sommarniije (summer pleasure!). A surprisingly large number of Swedes have a second home, either their own or rented. It is used during the long summer holiday - schoolchildren are on holiday for around ten weeks in the summer - when one of the parents usually moves out to the summer house with the children, and the other parent joins the family in the evenings or, if the distance is too great, at the weekends. Nowadays it is popular for the parents to stagger their summer holidays, so they can be with the children 4-5 weeks each during the vacation. It is also used during weekends and holidays during the rest of the year. Sometimes there is an annex in the ground, a giiststuga or lillstuga, for guests or grandparents.
The weather is nice. The weather is bad. The sun is shining. There's a moon tonight. It's raining. It's windy. It's blowing a gale. It's snowing. There is a hailstorm. It's cloudy. It's overcast, dull. It is thundering. There is lightning. It's warm. It's cold.
Det iir vackert vader. net iir daligt vader. Det ar solsken. net ar mansken ikvall. net regnar. Det blaser. net stormar. net snoar. nethaglar. net ar molnigt. net ar mulet. net askar. net blixtrar. net ar varmt. net iir kallt.
Note how Swedish uses impersonal expressions (expressions with det as the subject) in most phrases concerned with the weather.
1 Plural forms of Swedish nouns
18" Centigrade is called 18" Celsius by Swedes after the Swede
The most common plural ending of Swedish nouns is oar. This is the plural ending of the following words:
59 -
en- words that end in an unstressed -e in the singular. They drop this -e when the plural ending is added: en pojke en timme en finne
tva dagar tva bilar tva sjiiar tva varar tva lappar
two lakes two springs two Laplanders
tva hastar tva sillar
two horses two herrings
two days
a horse a herring
Z I landet, pa landet I Jandet means in the country (i.e. in England, in Sweden), whereas
pi Jandet means in the countryside.
two cars
a birch a pine
tva bjiirkar tva tallar
two birches two pines
a flat a newspaper
tva vliningar tva tidningar
two flats two newspapers
most en- words ending in unstressed -el, -er, -en. These drop the -e of the last syllable before adding the -ar: en cykel en vinter en iiken
a day a car a lake a spring a Laplander
words ending in -ing, for example: en vaning en tidning
two boys two hours two Finns
tva somrar two summers ensonunar a summer a finger tva fingrar two fingers ett finger .(Jtt finger is the only ett- word belonging to the second declension!)
3 Kille, tjej There are of course many syoonyms for very common words. Whereas pojke is the normal word for boy, the words kille and grabb are common slang syoonyms, favoured by the young people themselves. For flicka (girl) there are the syoonyms tjej, jlinta, tos, though only the first one is really popular these days.
trees which are native of Sweden: en bjiirk en tall
an hour a Finn
most animals, for example: en hast en sill
tva pojkar tva timmar tva finnar
a boy
most en- words of one syllable. (A syllable is a vowel with SUrrounding consonants.) For example: en dag en bil en sjii en var en lapp
a cycle a winter a desert
tva cyklar tva vintrar tva iiknar
two cycles two winters two deserts
4 Me, you, him/her/it, us, you and them These words are called object pronouns. They are used when the pronoun is the object of the verb action, for example: Robert loves her (Jane): she (Jane) is the object of Robert's loving. Below is a complete list of the object forms of the personal pronouns: me you him her
us you them
words ending in -dom, for example:
tva sjukdomar two illnesses Note the following irregular plurals:
mig (pronounced 'mej') dig {pronounced 'den honom (pronounced 'hAnnAm') henne den/det ('det' is pronounced 'de') ass (pronounced 'ass') erlEr dem (pronounced 'damm')
en sjukdom an illness
en mo(de)r en dotter en morgon en afton
a mother a daughter a morning
tvamodrar tva dottrar tva morgnar tva aftnar
an evening
two mothers two daughters
two mornings two evenings
Note that these forms must be used if a preposition precedes the pronoun, for example: Har ni plats for oss? Vi ska ta matsack med oss.
61 --
5 De fyra ilrstiderna (the four seasons)
The four seasons are called: sommar
hOst vinter
Jag vaknar tidigt. tnla vacker Lasse kl. 7.
Note how Swedes use the preposition pa where English people would use in: pa hosten, pa vintern.
The English verb play corresponds to two verbs in Swedish: spela and Ieka. The difference between them is that spela is used about organised play, when there are written rules to be followed, but leka is used about spontaneous playing, for example playing with dolls or trains.
the day before yesterday early the day before yesterday yesterday early yesterday morning early this morning today this evening tomorrow early tomorrow morning the day after tomorrow
i morse
idag i kvall i morgon II'.
i morgon bitti i overmorgon
Stefan Edberg spelar tennis. Barnen leker i sandladan.
10 Sjo/hav (sea) Beware! Although the Swedish word sjo is the same word as sea, it means lake. The English word sea is normally translated with hay, although the names Nordsjon (the North Sea) and Ostersjon (the Baltic) are exceptions to this rule - probably because the Swedes have regarded them as their own lakes since the time when most countries around the Baltic were Swedish.
7 Lilng/lange (long)
Anders ar lang. Det var en lang natt. Ake vantade lange pa John.
Ovningar 1
Fill in the correct plural forms in the sentences below. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Anders is tall. It was a long night. Ake waited a long time for John.
Stefan Edberg plays tennis. The children play in the sandpit.
Note: spela is used about music and the theatre.
Note that bitti can only be used about future time, normally only about tomorrow morning, whereas tidigt can be used both about past and future time.
Both lang and Hinge are translated as long in English, but they are not interchangeable. Lang can also mean tall. Lang is an adjective, and therefore takes endings which agree with the noun to which it refers. It can be used both about time and distances. Lange is an adverb, and does not take any endings. It refers only to time and can never be used before a noun.
I wake up early. Ulla wakes Lasse at 7 o'clock.
9 Spela/leka (play)
6 Some time expressions i f6rrgar tidigt i f6rrgar igar igar morse
Vacka/vakna (wake)
The Swedish verb vakna is used to translate wake if you wake by yourself, but if.you are woken by some other person or means, the verb to use IS vacka:
spring summer autumn winter
Ulla och Anders har tva (boys) ...... . De har ,Uta (beds) . ...... i sommarstugan. Alia (young people) ....... viII ha mountainbikes. En vecka har sju (days) ...... . Det finns m!mga (boats) ....... i Stockholm.
UIla har tolv (CUpS) ....••• Volvo giir manga (cars) ...... . (h) Lakama kan inte bota alia (illnesses) ...... . (i) Manga (refugees) ....... har kommit till Sverige.
(e) Vad iir det for vader pa hOsten? (d) Vad ar det for vader pa vintem?
ungdom (-en, -ar) young people lakare (-n, -0) doctor
Assume that it is Sunday today. Answer the questions in Swedish. (a) Vad var det for dag igar? (b) Vad var det for dag i forrgar? (c) Vad ar det for dag idag? (d) Vad ar det for dag i morgan? (e) Vad ar det for dag i overmorgon?
Insert the correct preposition, i or pa, into the following sentences. ... det landet ar det farligt att Aka ut ... landet, for det finns manga vilda djur dar. (In that country it is dangerous to trauel out into the country as there are many wild animals there.) (b) Det finns manga sommarstugor ute ... landet. (c) Det har ofta varit krig (war) ... det landet. (d) Alia far plocka bar och svamp ... landet i Sverige. (a)
(a) James alskar (loues) Catherine. James och Catherine ser pa utsikten. mla serverar dig och mig. Du och jag ska ata middag has Anders. (e) Jag och Eva ska hjalpa (help) dig och honom. (j) Robert och Jane bar has Anders och mla.
De bar pa en ....... gata. Robert vantar (is waiting) ....... pa Jane. Det tar ....... tid innan varen kommer. Varfor var ni sa ....... pa stranden? Det var ett ....... ar. (j) Me stannar uppe ....... pa natten. (g) Flyktingama kom i ....... biltar. (h) Den sam vantar pa nagot gott vantar inte for ...... .
Answer the questions as fully as possible in Swedish. (a)
Fill in the correct word, lang or lange, in the following sentences. Make sure that the correct endings are added when necessary. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Replace the words in bold with the appropriate pronouns. Example: mla ger Lasse mera smultron - Ron ger honom mera smultron (b) (c) (d)
Vad ar det for vader pa sommaren?
Insert the appropriate verb, viicka or vakna. Make sure that you use the correct endings (infinitive or present tense endings). Det finns manga satt (ways) att ....... manniskor pa am de inte ....... sjalva. Nar solen skiner pa dem ....... de flesta (most people). En viickarklocka sam ringer ....... niistan alia. Rockmusik brukar ....... mammor och pappor. Om ingenting annat ....... en pojke eller en flicka sa brukar kallt vatten ... . . . . demo Da ....... de genast.
Vad ar det for vader pa varen?
Fill in the missing present tense forms of the verbs spela or leka. Pele ....... fotboll. (b) Lasse ....... kurragomma (hide-and-seek). (c) I St. Andrews ....... man golf. (d) ....... du fiol (uiolin)? (a)
(e) ([)
Barnen (the children) ....... pa stranden. Nationalteatern....... Strindberg (the best known Swedish playwright, 1849-1912).
Ni har nog Mrt att Sverige har en hOg levnadsstandard. Den ar {aktiskt bland de hOgsta i varlden. Svenskarna bor bra och ingen behOver vara hungrig. Manga har sommarstuga. De flesta har video, fargteve, frys osv och de tycker att det ar sjalvklart att man sks ha bi!. Men det har inte alltid varit sa. For hundra ar sedan var Sverige ett mycket fattigt land. En fjardedel av svenskarna emigrerade mellan 1850 och 1920 eftersom de inte kunde forsorja sig i Sverige. De flesta akte till USA. Nu ar det tvartom. Manga invandrare har kommit till Sverige for att fa ett battre liv.
(a) (b)
10 Complete the following dialogue.
You (Say Good morning, and ask what the weather is like.) Partner Det ar vackert vader idag. Solen skiner och det ar You Partner You Partner
You Partner You Partner
ganska varmt. (Say Good, would you like to go out to the summerhouse?) Ja, garna. (Say We can go swimming.) Det ;if nog inte sa vannt i vattnet nu pa hOsten, men vi kan spela tennis. (Say you would rather go sailing ifit isn't too windy.) Ja, vi kan ta matsack med oss och segla ut till en liten O. (Say Tomorrow it is Sunday and we can play golf in the morning.) . Bra. Vi kan ocksa plocka bar och svamp pa eftermiddagen innan vi Aker hem. (Say it will be nice.)
Forstar du?
Insert the correct word, en sjo or ett hay in the sentences below. Make sure that the words are in the correct form. Den stora ....... vid Stockholm heter Miilaren. ....... mellan Irland och Amerika heter Atlanten. (c) ....... 80m ligger mellan Sverige och Finland kallas Ostersjon. (d) Det finns hundra tusen ....... i Sverige. (e) Vikingarna seglade over det stormiga . . . . . . . som kallas Nordsjon. ([) Vad kallas ....... utanfor Japan? (g) Om du vill se Nessie maste du aka till Loch Ness-...... .
hart heard levnadsstandard (~en, ~er) standard of living lakllskl really bland among de hogsta the highest virld (-en, ~ar) (pronounced 'yard') world svensk (-en, ~ar) Swede behover need de fiesta most people video (-n, videoapparaler) video
lilrgleve (-n, leveapparater) colour TV frys (-en) freezer osv (och sa vidare) etc. de tycker att det ar sjalvklart take it for granted
man ska ha bi lone should have a car varit been for ... sedan ago fattig poor land (-et, lander) country fjardedel (-en, ~ar) quarter emigrerade emigrated mellan between eftersom as forsOr'ja 51g provide for themselves de fiesta most of them akte went tvartom the opposite har kommit have come battre better liv (-01, -0) life
Ratt eller fel? (a) (b) (c)
Manga invandrare kom till Sverige for hundra ar sedan. Sverige har en hOg levnadsstandard. Alla svenskar har bi!.
--- 67 -
bank is situated tIIIII (-e!, -0) market place eppnar apens vIJd8 change .nger shuts ts III withdraw Ir6n from
BANKEN? When does the bank open?
Banken oppnar klockan tre och stanger k10ckan halv tiD. Anders ska satta in pengar pa sitt konto. Lasse viII att Anders ska satta in Lasses fodelsedagspengar pa hans sparbanksbok.
Samtal At the bank.
In this unit you will learn
• • •
phrases used at a bank phrases used about Swedish money how to count from 101 to 1 000 000 000 000
Robert Anders Robert Anders Lasse
Robert KassOrskan
Robert Kassiirskan
Var ar banken? Den ligger vid torget. Nar oppnar den? Jag maste viixla pengar. Banken oppnar inte forran klockan halv tiD och den stanger k10ckan tre. Jag ska ta ut lite pengar fran mitt konto sa du kan folja med mig. Pappa, kan du satta in pengarna som jag lick pa fodelsedagen pa min sparbanksbok? Ja, det ska jag garna gora.
savings book do
Ralt eller fel? (0) (b) (e)
konto (-t, -n) account sIAl so ollila In deposit lick got sparbanksbok (-en, -bocker)
.....k (-en, -er)
Robert I
Jag skulle vilja liisa in de har resecheckarna. Har ni legitimation? Jag har passet. Racker det? Det gar bra. Hur viII ni ha pengarna? Det mesta i sedlar, men lite viixel. Kan jag fa en femhundrakronorssedel, fyra hundralappar och resten i viixel, tack! Vilken ar viixelkursen idag? Det star pa den har listan? Kostar det nagot? Ja, vi har en fast expeditionsavgift. Varsagod, har ar pengarna. Tack sa mycket.
Jag skulle villa I6aa In de hir
I would like to
cash these
resecheck (-en, -ar) cheque kaasOrska
cashier (female) proof of identity
(an) legitimation
racket det? is that enough? det gir bra that's al/ right hur? how? det mesta most of it femhundrakronorssedel (-n, -sedlar) 500 kronor (bank)note hundralapp (-en, -ar) 100 kronor note
rest (-en, -er) rest vaxel (-n) cash, (small) change vaxelkurs (-en, -er) exchange rate st'r is shown (lit. stands) den har this listla (-an, -or) list Iii
en femtiooring a 50 ore coin en enkrona a 1 krona coin en femkrona a 5 kronor coin en tiokrona a 10 kronor coin
kostar del n.Agot? does it cost anything? expeditionsavgift (-en, -er) commission, service charge fast fixed avgift (-en, -er) charge, fee
en tjugokronorssedel a 20 kronor note en 'tjuga' (slang) a 20 kronor note en femtilapp a 50 kronor note en hundralapp a 100 kronor note en femhundrakronorssedel a 500 kronor note en tusenlapp a 1000 kronor note
Riitt eller tel? (a) (b) (c)
Robert maste ha passet med sig pa banken. Robert vill inte ha sedlar, bara vaxe!. Det kostar pengar att liisa in resecheckar.
100 "
Vad ni beh6ver veta
"• ~
" "w
As mentioned in the dialogue, banks open at 9.30 a.m. and shut at 3 p.m. They are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. However, in the major tourist cities you can also change money at Forex. They are open seven days a week and stay open till late at night (times vary). You can find Forex at the main stations and, sometimes, in the main street. Credit cards are generally accepted in the same sort of places as in other countries, though cash transactions are still the norm.
"w ~
Swedish money The Swedish monetary units (SEK) are called kronor and oren. 100 ore = 1 krona.
are expressed as follows:
In writing
In speech
1.50 or 1,50 6.75 or 6,75
enMemti sexasjuttifem
Since the withdrawal of the smaller coins, shops automatically adjust the final bill to the nearest 50 ore. Note that Swedes use the plural form kronor but the singular form lire when they talk about prices. You can say either tio kronor och femti ore or, more common, tioitfemti. Also note that Swedes use the plural form pengar when referring to the amount of money, for example: Hon har valdigt mycket pengar.
She has a lot or money.
The singular form en peng is only used to mean a coin.
70 -
71 -
Grammatik - - - - -
When cashing cheques or withdrawing money - or buying alcohol from Systembolaget (the State Liquor Shop) - you may be asked for proof of identity, legitimation (often abbreviated to just leg) for security reasons. Adults usually use their driving licence and Swedes under 18 normally carry an identity card, with photo and social secu. rity number, but a passport is enough for foreigners.
. Word order in questions
fou aJready know the word vad. Here are some more question words fQm the dialogues: hur (how), nar (when), var (where), varfiir
(iii"'), vem (who), vilken (which).
Stucty the sentences below and pay particular attention to the word
Sa har sager man
Hur viII ni ha pengarna? Villren iir vaxelkursen? Var Iigger banken? Vem ska ni traffa? Vad ska du gora
How to: •
ask for information Var ar banken? Nar oppnar banken? Nar stanger banken? Vilken ar vaxelkursen? Kan ni lOsa in en resecheck?
, I
Kan ni vaxla en hundralapp? Kan ni vaxla en tjugokronorssedel i enkronor? Kostar det nagot? •
When a question starts with a question word, the verb comes in the IIIICOIld place, immediately after the question word, then comes the lUbject, then the second verb (if any), followed by other parts of the _tence. Thus the word order pattern is: (1) (2) (3) question word verb 1 subject
verb 2
other things
(objects etc.)
2 'Do'in questions
say what you need
I must change money. I shall withdraw money. It is O.K.
Jag maste vaxla pengar. Jag ska ta ut pengar. Det gar bra. •
Where is the bank? When does the bank open 1 When does the bank close? What is the exchange rate! Can you cash a traveller's cheque? Can you change a 100 kr note! Can you change a 20 kr note into 1 kr coins? Does it cost anything?
How would you like your money? What is the exchange rate? Where is the bank? Who are you going to meet? What are you going to do?
Notice that there is no Swedish verb corresponding to the English
verb do when used in questions. Swedish uses a simple verb form, for example:
state your financial position Jag har inga pengar. Jag har mycket lite pengar. Jag har tillrackligt med pengar. Jag har lite pengar kvar. Jag har mycket pengar.
Talar du engelska? Bar ni legitimation?
have no money. have very little money. have enough money. have some money left. have a lot ofmoney.
Do you speak English? Do you have proof of identity?
Similarly, with a question word: Niir iippnar banken? Bur lang tid tar det?
72 -
When does the bank open? How long does it take?
Plural forms of Swedish nouns
3 Word order in negative statements and questions
of the third declension nouns are en- words, although a small
If a statement contains a negative word, e.g. inte, icke, aldrig (not never), the negation is placed directly after the first verb, for example; Jag talar inte svenska. Jag kan inte tala svenska. Det ar inte svart. Banket oppnar inte forran klockan halv tio.
>.JiIUIIIber are ett- words. The plural ending is -er. "!be words belonging to
I don't speak Swedish. I cannot speak Swedish. It isn't difficult. The bank doesn't open until halfpast nine.
that was stressed in the original language, so if the last syllable of an __ word is stressed, its plural ending is most likely to be -er.
You will probably recognise most of these words, as they have become 'international'.
Don't you speak Swedish? Can't you speak Swedish? Isn't it difficult? Doesn't the bank open until half past nine?
Other words belonging to this declension that you already know are: llekund, minut, mdnad, grad, student, vaxelkurs, kust, ladustri, telefon, kamrat (friend), maskin, cigarett, diet, lunch, ...,sent, restaurang, religion (pronounced 'relijon').
Negative questions starting with a question word follow the same rule, i.e. first the question word, then the verb, then the subject, then the negation, then the second verb (if any), then other things. (1)
question word Nar Varfiir Vem
verb 1
kan vill viII
jag ni han
negation inte inte inte
(5) verb
Note: • A number of the third declension nouns are irregular in that they change their stem vowel in the plural, for example: en stad - tva lUider, en natt - tva natter, en hand - tva hander (hand), en tand - tva tiinder (tooth), en strand - tva strander, eft land tri liinder, en bror - tva broder, en son - tva saner.
(6) 2
tva banker tva familjer tva balkonger
. en bank en familj enbalkong
If a question contains a negation, the negation is placed after the verb and subject, for example: Talar du inte svenska? Kan du inte tala svenska? Ar det inte svart? Oppnar banken inte fOrran klockan halv tio?
this declension are mainly 'borrowed' from
r.rench or Latin. These have usually kept the stress on the syllable
objects etc.
pengar? ta ut r Gustav Vasa, the father of the country, was crowned King of Sweden in 1523. (g) Peace of Westphalia, Sweden recognized as a European (h) (i)
Great Power, in 1648. Sweden loses Finland to Russia in 1809. Sweden's last entry into war in 1814. Universal suffrage in 1921.
A British, an American and an Australian tourist have lost their passports overboard in a boating accident. They must find their embassies to get new passports. Read out the addresses to them. Brittiska Ambassaden Skarpogatan 6-8 11527 STOCKHOLM (read: Postnummer etthundrafemtontjugosju) Telefon 0816670140 (read: Riktnummer noll atta. Abonnentnummer sex sex sju noll ett fyra noll) Amerikanska Ambassaden Strandvagen 101 115 27 STOCKHOLM Telefon 0816630520
Australiska Ambassaden Sergels torg 12 103 86 STOCKHOLM Telefon 0816244660
land (081, lander)
10m as geograflbocker geography books ..ar om tell nAstan almost Mgelyigen as the birds fly om du kor b/l if you drive en syensk mil a Swedish mile (= c. 6 English mites) en milJon a million gAnger times sA ... som as ... as Storbritannien Great Britain
f HI::. f:jANK UfJI::.N!'
tilckt ay covered with skog (-en, -ar) forest det tinns there is, there are sjo (-n, oar) lake berg (-et, -0) mountain illy (-en, -ar) river (Scandinavian large river) bordig fertile slii" (-en, -er) plain sodra southern mellersta central Norrland the name given to the northern haft of Sweden ren (-en, -ar) reindeer
Alitt eller fel? (a) (b) (c)
Storbritannien ar tva och en halv ganger sa stort som Sverige. Hela landet ar tackt av skog. Bara 15% befolkningen bor i Norrland.
Forstar du? Sverige iir ett langt och smalt land, som alia geografibocker talar om fOr oss. Det ar nastan 1000 engelBka mil Iangt fagelvagen, men om du kor bil far du kora 1250 engelBka mil, ener 200 svenska mil! Bara 8,7 miljoner manniskor bor i Sverige, men landet ar tva och en halv ganger sa stort som Storbritannien. Halva landet iir tackt av skog. Det finns ocksa 100 000 sjoar, hOga berg, stora alvar och bordiga slatter dar. 85% av befolkningen bor i sodra och mellersta Sverige, sa om du Aker upp till Norrland far du inte Be sa manga ml!nniskor - du far kanske se flera renar an manniskor!
81 -
kilo (-I, -en))
in ~"nlng
(-en, oar)
food hall ~ (..el, -0) department store go shopping, buy buy only flniP
..... (-n, -0)
br6d (-el, -0)
litre bread
kilo half a kilo bit (-en, oar) piece dussin (-el, -0) dozen frukt (-en, -er) fruit silting everything farskare fresher billigare cheaper hinner vi? will we have time? IIUa look kliider (plural) clothes annat other things
etl halvt kilo
Samtal At the market. Vad kostar tomatema? 26 kronor kilot. Det var dyrt. Da tar jag bara ett halvt kilo. Kan jag fa U1Ia en bunt morotter ocksa och den dar gurkan? Fiirsliljaren Varsagod. Potatis behOver vi med. 2 kg, tack, och lite dill och una persilja, och ett stort salladshuvud. Forsliljaren Ska det inte vara lite blabiir? De ar sa fina idag, och de kostar bara 12 kronor litem. Jo, tack, det var billigt. Jag tar ett par liter. Hur una mycket kostar blomkalen? Forsiiljaren 20 kronor styck. una Nej, tack. Det var for dyrt. Men lite frukt maste jag ha. 8 stycken applen och 4 stora paron, tack. Fiirsiiljaren Var det alit? Ulla Ja, tack, nu racker det. Fiirsiiljaren Det blir 90 kronor jamnt. Ulla Varsagod, det ar jamna pengar. Fiirsiiljaren Tack sa mycket.
/n this unit you will/earn
• how to ask for things in shops • how to accept offers in shops • how to decline offers in shops
~---- Samtal
Ulla and Jane are going shopping. fila
Jag maste kila in pa matavdelningen pa varuhuset och handla lite mat. Jane Vad ska du kopa? fila Bara farskvaror. Kott och fisk har vi i frysen. Jag har gjort upp en lista. Vi behOver 3 liter mjolk, broo, 112 kg smor, en bit ost och ett dussin agg. Gronsaker och frukt koper jag pa torget for dar ar allting farskare och billigare. Jane Hinner vi titta pa klMer och annat ocksa? Jag viII gama kopa nagot svenskt att ta med mig hem. fila Javisst, det gar bra.
how much are? tamat (-en, -er) tomatoes forsiiljare (-n, -0) market-trader kan jag fa? may I have? bunl (-en, oar) bunch morat (-en, mOfatter) carrot
gurk/a (-an, -or) cucumber potatis (-en,l-arl) potato per.ilia (-n) parsley .allad.hLNud (-el, -en) lenuce (lit. head of lettuce)
ska det Inte v.a?
wouldn't you
bl6bir (-81, -0) bilberry jag lar I'll have (lit. I take) ett par a couple of blomk61 (-8n, blomk6lshuvuden) cauliflower
styck (plural stycken)
Den ar for stor. Har ni nagon mindre? Ja, men det blir ett annat monster. Den koftan k1ar dig verkligen. Och den passar perfekt. Jag tar den. Kanjag fa ett Moms-kvitto, tack! Varsagod.
(lit. per piece)
for d)11 too expensive apple (-I, on) apple piron (-81, -0) pear var det alit? was that all? det rlcker that is enough jlmnl exactly llmna pangar the right amount
nl!igon (nl!igot, nl!igra) some, any slkert surely strumpbyxor tights ett par a pair triskor clogs damavdelningen ladies' wear koftla (-an, -or) cardigan
Ratt eller fel? (a) (b) (e) (d)
Jane viII kopa nagot svenskt. Ulla koper kott pa torget. En liter tomater kostar 26 kronor. Ulla far ingen vaxel av rorsiiijaren.
kvalilet (-en, -er)
helylle pure wool monster (monstret, monster) pattern
prova try on mlndre smaller kllr suits passar fits
~---- Samtal
Ulla and Jane go to the clothes department. Ulla wants to change a T-shirt which Lasse got for his birthday.
Moms-kvitto (-t, -n)
Kan jag fa byta den har trojan? Den var for liten. Jag vill ha en storre storlek. Har ar kvittot. Expediten Nasta storlek ar tyviirr sluts8.ld. Vill ni ha pengarna tillbaka eller viII ni ha nagot annat? mla Har ni inga andra trojor i en storre storlek? Expediten Jovisst. Vi har manga olika sorter. mla Vilken tror du blir bast? Jane Den diir blir sakert bra. Jag ska ocksa ha nagra strumpbyxor och ett par svenska traskor. Expediten De finns pa Damavdelningen. Jane Jag skulle ocksa vilja ha en sMan dar fill kofta som du har. Var den dyr? mla Ja, men det ar bra kvalitet. Det iir helylle. Den kan du kopa pa HemsWjden. Jane Hur mycket kostar den dar koftan med det vackra monstret? Expediten Den kostar 750 kronor. Vill ni prova den? Jane Ja, tack.
VAT receipt
RAtt eller fel? (a) (b) (e)
Lasses troja var for stor. mla far inte byta trojan. Jane koper en helyllekofta.
Vad ni behover veta Shopping Shops are usually open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. except on Saturdays, When they close at some time between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Large stores often have a late evening opening, and a number are open on Sundays. Meat, vegetables and fruit are bought by the kilo (kg) in Sweden.
Sandwich meat and less weighty things are sold by the hekto, abbre_ viated to hg (hectogramme). Milk and liquids (and sometimes berries and soft fruit) are sold by the litre, and so is petrol. lib 1 hg 1 kg 1 liter 1 E. mile 1 Sw. mil
= = = = = =
"'1" '-'>
I don't like it. I can't afford it. I had better wait.
Jag tycker inte om den. Jag har inte rad med det. Det iir bast attjag viintar. • ask for information
453 g 31/2 oz 2.21bs 13/, pints 1.6 km 10 km (c. 6 English miles)
Hur mycket kostar den/det/de? Vad kostar den/det/de? Hur mycket viii ni ha? Racker det? Nltgot annat? Var det alIt? Det blir 20 kronor jiimnt. Det iir jiimna pengar. Kan jag fa ett kvitto? Kan jag betala med pundldollar? Kan jag betala med kreditkort? Varsagod.
Moms Swedes pay a tax called Moms (VAT) on most goods that tourists may want to buy, but foreigners can get that refunded at the departure port if they ask for a Moms kvitto at the time of purchase in shops displaying the usual Tax-free sign. The goods must be bought not more than a week before departure. It is well worth the trouble, as Moms is quite high.
Sa har sager man
How much is it/are they? How much is it/are they? How much would you like? Is that enough? Anything else? Was that all? That is 20 (SEK) exactly. That is the right amount. Can I have a receipt? Can I pay in sterling/dollars? Can I pay by credit card? Here you are.
Grammatik - - - - -
How to: •
1 'Of'in quantity or measurement expressions
ask for things in shops Har ni nagon/nagot/nagra ... ? Kan jag fa lite ... ? Jag skulle vilja ha .. . Jag ska be att fa ... ? Skulle jag kunna fa ... ?
The English preposition of has no eqnivalent in Swedish after words denoting quantity or measurement. Note also that Swedish uses the singnlar form of the measurement terms. en halv liter fi1 tre liter mjolk fyra hekto ost rem kilo potatis ti~ kilometer hundraattio mil
say what you want Jag tar den/det/dem. Ja, tack, det iir bra.
Have you got any . .. ? Can I have some. . . ? I would like to have . .. May I have ... ? Could I have. . . ? I'll take it/them. Yes, please, it's good.
say that you don't want something Nej, tack, det iir for dyrt. Nej, den passar inte. Det iir inte vad jag viII ha. Den iir for stor. Den iir for liten.
No, that's too expensive. No, it doesn't fit me. It isn't what I want. It's too big. It's too small.
half a litre ofyoghurt three litres of milk four hectogrammes of cheese five kilos of potatoes ten kilometers hundred and eighty Swedish miles
2 Halv, halvt, halva HaIv is an adjective and as such it takes adjective endings which
have to agree with the noun that halv refers to. Pay particular atten_ tion to the word order.
()ertain adjectives have irregular forms in the comparative and the B1Jperlative. They are very common adjectives, so you will see them Blore often than the regular adjectives. You have already met these adjectives - here are their comparatives and superlatives:
haifa month haifa year half the month two and a half months
en halv manad ett halvt ar halva manaden tva och en halv manad
In the last example you should notice that, unlike in English, a noun following en halv is in the singular even if it is preceded by a word in the plural. Note that in compound nouns the basic form halv- is used: en halvtimme ett halvar
good large high small long low much many young old
Det finns flera pojkar an flickor i klassen.
cheap, cheaper, cheapest fresh, fresher, freshest
better best larger largest higher highest smaller smallest longer longest lower lowest more most more most younger youngest older oldest
There are more boys than girls in the class.
but I would like more tea, please.
Jag viII ha mera te, tack.
The form that denotes the higher degree is called the comparative (here: billigare), and the form that denotes the highest degree is called the superlative (here: billigast).
The adjective dailig has two comparative and superlative forms: daJig
However, adjectives that end in -er, -eJ and -en drop the e when the endings -are and -ast are added:
samre varre
sarnst viirst
bad bad
worse worse
worst worst
Note that siimre means less of a good property (e.g. health) but viirre means more of a bad property (e.g. bad behaviour).
beautiful simple
The comparative never takes any endings, either in the indefinite or the definite form, singular or plural.
ripe, mature
Some adjectives are compared with mer and mest instead of endings, just as more and most is used in English. In Swedish, adjectives that end in -isk, present and past participles and very long adjectives form the comparative and superlative with mer and mest, for example: Han ar mer praktisk an Ake. De mest intresserade eleverna. Det ar mer meningsfullt.
bast sWrst htigst minst langst lagst mest flest yngst iildst
Please note that more and most must be translated into Swedish with fJerla and nest if you can count the noun that it refers to, for example:
in English, most adjectives are compared with endings, for example:
vacker, vackrare, vackrast enkel, enklare, enklast mogen, mognare, mognast
flerla ung yngre gammal aldre
half an hour half a year
billig, billigare, billigast ffirsk, farskare, farskast
mycket mAnga
3 Comparison of adjectives Ai;
biittre sWrre htigre mindre langre lagre
bra/god stor hiig liten lAng
en battre bil den battre bilen
ett battre hus det battre huset
manga battre bilarlhus de battre bilarnalhusen
However, the superlative does take endings in the definite form. Superlatives ending in -ast add an -e. Superlatives ending in -st add an -8 (or -e if referring to a male in the singular), for example:
She is more practical than Ake. The most interested pupils. That is more meaningful.
den finaste bilen det finaste huset de finaste bilarnalhusen de basta bilarnalhusen den basta bilen det basta huset
More about the present and past participles in Units 13 and 16.
adjective Iiten has an extra form, lilla, which is used in the
or in main clauses with more than one verb, because of the rules governing the position of inte in Swedish. (See Units
definite form singular, and also when addressing people, Usually where English people would use dear. Sometimes lille is used when addressing boys. It also has a special form in the plural, sma. en Jiten bi! den lilla bilen Lilla Ingela!
ett litet hus mfmga sma pojkar det lilla huset de sma pojkarna Lille Lasse!
. 5 Ett par (a pair ot/a couple ot) 'DIe Swedish ett par corresponds both to a pair of and a couple of, for ePlDple:
4 N6gon - ingen - annan - sMan - hel - all These words can be used either together with a noun (in which case they are adjectives) or independent of any noun (in which case they are pronouns). They take endings which are similar to the adjective endings. The forms of the words are identical whether they are adjectives or pronouns, for example:
some / any no another / other such whole all
mi.gon bil ingen bil en annan bi! en sMan bi! en hel vecka all mjolk
nagot hus inget hus ett annat hus ett sadant hus ett helt ar allt salt
Note: A pair of scissors is en sax.
nagra pojkar inga pojkar andra pojkar sadana pojkar hela dagar alla flickor
6 This, these, that and those These words are called demonstrative adjectives when they precede a noun, but they can also be used as pronouns if they replace a noun. In Swedish they have different forms depending on the gender and number ofthe noun that they refer to or replace.
In the following examples they are used as pronouns:
Somebody is playing the piano. Nobody wants it. Others say something else. I want one like that.
Nagon spelar piano. Ingen vill ha den. Andra sager nagot annat. En si'tdan villjag ha.
a pair of shoes a pair of trousers a couple of litres of bilberries a couple of friends
ett par skor ett par byxor ett par liter blabar ett par viinner
En- words
Ett- words
Plural forms
den har (this) den dar (that) den (stressed the)
det har (this) det dar (that) det (stressed the)
de har (these) de dar (those) de (stressed the)
When these words are used as adjectives (i.e. when they precede a noun) the following noun must take the definite form:
Note also the pronouns nagonting (some/any/thing), ingenting (nothing), allting (everything), as well as nagonstans (some/any/ where) and ingenstans (nowhere).
den har gatan den dar pennan den gatan
Ingen/inget/inga can only be used instead of inte nagon/inte nagot/inte nagra when the words inte and nagon etc. stand together, for example:
det har huset det dar passet det huset
There are also the demonstratives denna/detta/deBsa but they are mainly used in written language. A noun following these words should be in the indefinite form, for example: denna bok, detta ar, dessa manniskor.
Han har inte nagra pengar = Han har inga pengar. but Han sa att han inte hade nagra pengar. This means that ingen/inget/inga cannot be used in subordinate
de har gatorna de dar blommorna de blommorna
91 -
7 Styck, stycken This is a tenn widely used when shopping and in the import and export trade. There is no English equivalent. Here it means of the", but it corresponds more commonly to apiece, each or per unit~ fo; example: Citronerna kostar 2 kronor styek. Kanjag fa tre (styeken) kotletter?
Ask politely for the following things in a shop. (a) 1 litre of milk. (b) 1f2litre of yoghurt. (c) 1/2 kilo of butter. (d) 11/2 dozen eggs. (e) 2 loaves of bread.
The lemons cost 2 kr each. Can I have three chops, please?
In the last example stycken is best left untranslated. You don't have to use it, but you may hear it from time to time.
8 Plural forms of Swedish nouns Fourth declension nouns take -n in the plural. This is by far the smallest declension, as only around 4% of Swedish nouns belong to this category. They are easily recognisable, as they are all ett- words and all end in an unstressed vowel, usually -e, for example: ett apple ett yrke ett kvitto
• .~
tva applen tva yrken tva kvitton
tva ligon tva orOD tva huvuden
Fill in the missing words as indicated.
flaska roovin pa ...... , . pa .. " ... tiden. (c)
(They saved half the salary so that they could go to Spain for half a year.) De sparade ....... llinen sa att de skulle
kunna aka till Spanien under. . . . . .. . (d) (Half of Sweden is covered by forest.) ....... Sverige ar
smile disappearance
tackt av skog. 3
There are also three irregular nouns: ett liga ett lira ett huvud
burk (-en, oar) tin ansjovis (-en, -ar) anchovies
(b) (She ate half an apple and drank half a cup of coffee in half the time.) Hon at ....... apple och drack ....... kopp kaffe
One important group of nouns belonging to this declension are the nouns ending in -ande or -ende which do not denote people, for example: tva leenden tva fdrsvinnanden
limpla (-an, -or) loaf lot bread) ett kvarts kilo a quarter of a kilo skinkla (-an, -or) ham
(a) (He ate half a sandwich and drank half a bottle of red wine in half an hour.) Han at ....... smlirgas och drack ...... .
Other nouns belonging to this declension are: ansikte ([ace), frimiirke (stamp), ore, kilo, konto, orhiinge (earring), staIle (place), minne (memory, souvenir), hjiirta (heart).
ett leende ett fdrsvinnande
(j) 3 kilos of potatoes. (g) 1/4 kilo of coffee (h) 2 hg of ham. (i) 1 tin of anchovies. (j) a couple of apples.
eye ear head
Answer the questions in Swedish as fully as possible. Use the comparative fonns of the adjectives. Example: Vilken bil ar bast, en Mini eller en Rolls Royce? En Rolls Royce ar battre an en Mini. (a) (b) (c)
Vern ar stlirst, Lasse eller Ake? Vilken ar billigast, Lasses trlija eller Janes kofta? Vilken bil ar dyrast, en Mini eller en Rolls Royce?
(d) Vilket berg iir hOgst, Ben Nevis eller Mount Everest? (e) Vilken stad iir minst, London eller Stockholm?
(j) 4
8 Study the pictures of the clothes and the prices on page 96, and the table below. Use them when answering the questions.
Vilket land har fiest invanare, England eller Sverige?
When you arrive at Arlanda airport in Stockholm you find that your suitcase has travelled on to Helsinki. The airline gives you 1 000 kronor to buy some essential clothes until the suitcase has been returned to you. It is expected tomorrow morning. You were very hot during the day but now you feel cold. What would you spend the money on and how much will it cost? (b) Help a teenager from England who doesn't know any Swedish to buy a new outfit. He has 500 kronor to spend. (e) Buy something nice for your sister's birthday. You can afford to spend 250 kronor. She likes jewellery. (d) Describe the clothes you are wearing today, and count how much you have spent on them! (a)
Fill in the correct form of the adjective !iten in the following sentences. (j) Staden iir .. . (g) Landet iir .. . (h) Huvudet iir .. . (i) Ogonen iir .. . (j) Sjon iir ...
Flickan iir . . . Aftliren iir. . . (e) Hjiirtat iir . . . (d) Gatorna iir . . . (e) Applet iir . . . (a) (b)
Den ....... fiickan fran den ....... staden i det ....... landet.
Answer the questions as in the example: Example: Har du nagon penna? - Nej, jag har ingen penna. Har du nagon bil? Har du migot sacker? Har du haft m'gon TV? Har du nagra bocker? Har du haft nagot hus? (j) Har du nagon fru? (g) Har du migra barn? (a)
(b) (e) (d) (e)
• damklader (ladies' wear)
2 3 4
5 6
Insert the correct demonstrative adjectives in the sentences below.
Anders och Ulla bar i (this) ....... huset pa (this) ...... . gatan i (this) ....... staden i (this) ....... landet. (b) John viII bjuda (that) ....... flickan pa (that) ...... . kafeet efter (that) ....... bion. (c) (Those) ....... biobiljetterna iir inte sa dyra sam (these) ....... operabiljetterna.
klanning (-en. -ar) dress blus (-en. -ar) blouse kjol (-en. -ar) skirt kapp/a (-an. -or) coat nattlinne(-t, -n) nightdress baddrakt (-en, -er) swimsuit jumper (-n, jumprar) jumper
10 11
21 22
23 24 25
• underklader (underwear)
8 9
17 18 19
beha (-n, oar) bra underklanning (-en, -ar) slip ett par trosor briefs ett par strumpbyxor tights
• herrklader (men's wear)
27 28 29
• smycken (jewellery)
Insert the correct plural forms of the missing nouns. Choose from the following nouns: ansikte, frimiirke, bjiirta, konto, yrke, apple, oga, ora.
13 14
Janus hade tva ...... . Robert maste kopa ...... . Nagra miinniskor har tva ....... pa banken. (d) Manga kvinnor har tva ...... . (e) Ulla koper ....... pa torget. (j) Du har ett par ....... och ett par ...... . (g) St. Valentine's day kallas Alia .......-s Dag i Sverige.
halsband (-et. -0) necklace armband (-et, -0) bracelet orhange (-t, -n) earrings
ett par sockor socks ett par handskar gloves ett par kangor boots ett par st6vlar wellingtons T-shirt T-shirt pyjamas (-en, -0) pyjamas jackla (-an, -or) jacket hatt (-en, -ar) hat moss/a (-an, -or) cap nasduk (-en, oar) harokerd7ief
30 31 32 33
kostym (-en, -er) suit skjort/a (-an, -or) shirt e11 par byxor trousers rock (-en, -ar) overcoat kavaj (-en, -er) jacket slips (-en, oar) tie troj/a (-an, -or) sweater
(a) (b) (e)
• bade damer och herrar (unisex)
• underklader (underwear)
15 16
34 35
ett par jeans jeans ett par skor shoes
95 --
undertroj/a (-an. -or) vest ett par kalsonger pants
You are out shopping with a friend. Complete your parts of the dialogue. (Say you must buy something to bring back home.) You Ingrid Svenskt glas ar varldsberomt. ViII du titta pa det? (Say Yes, but you can probably not afford it.) You Ingrid Alit ar inte dyrt. Titta pa den dar lilla kristallskalen! (Say it is wonderfully beautiful, but unfortunately you You haven't got that much money left.) Ingrid De dar sma djuren i glas ar fantastiskt fina. (Say Yes, you'll buy such an elk. It will be a good sou· You venir of Sweden.) Ingrid En dalahast maste du ocksa ha. De finns i alia storlekar. Dalahasten ar Sveriges turistsouvenir nummer ett. (Say Yes, of course, I must have one like that.) You glas (-et, -0) glassware vilrldsberCimt world famous kristailskAI (-en, -ar) crystal bowl underbart wonderfully kvar left djur (-el, -0) animal
fantastiskt fantastically olg (-en, oar) elk minne (-t, -n) souvenir dalahast (-en, -ar) Dala horse nummer (numret, nummer) number
i f l i - - - - - - Forstar du? ..M>
Om pengar inte ar nagot problem sa ar det ett sant noje att handla i Sverige. Det mesta ar vanligtvis av hog kvalitet och utsokt smak. Enkelhet ar vad som karakteriserar svensk stil. Alia koper svenskt glas. Orrefors, Kosta, Boda oeh MaJeras ar nagra glasbruk 80m ar kanda i hela varlden. Manga av de konstnarer som har arbetat och arbetar dar har blivit varldsberomda, t.ex. Simon Gate, Edward Hald, Berti! Vallien, Mats Jonasson och manga flera. Men alit ar inte dyrt. Om du ser ordet REA i ett skyltfdnster betyder det att det ar realisation och da saljer affliren m/mga saker billigare, ofta till halva priset eller mindre. Detsamma galler ordet Extrapris eller Nedsatt pris. Dol. kan du gora manga fYnd.
96 -
II I problem (-aI,
har arbetat have worked REA (short for realisation) skyltfonsler (-Ionslrel, -0)
-0) problem sann (sant, sanna) true, real
nole (-I, on)
pleasure usually
vanligtvis utsokt exquisite smak (-en, .r) taste enkelhel (-en) simplicity karakteriserar characterises sill (-en, oar) style glasbruk (-aI, -0) glassworlt> ... ",· •• A.~~,
SISTA VECKORNAI SpeIAs fre-l1)r ISJ.]O, Ilb--s.tin 15.00 tls·on5-ton. 1].00 .......... "",..~~ . .n 10
T~ lOI~"~ JOI~O'
h . . . . . usSOII,01
Emil Oekoii'
Mkhiilxhmldberger Ev.. NorlH!:1I
Wilhelm SchAAf
DAnsgruwen ··Sweet feet'·
,I SI""'I"''''
1) ( ) I
(a) r
Vad for slags forestallningar ar de? (Dans, drama etc.)
(b) En av dem spelas bara en gang i veckan. Vilken ar det?
\ ( ) '\ .tT F \:
(c) (d)
p" t","" I A"I'.'l1t,,,,, i~\.' .• 11 pa i:3w.'"o)o Alles S\'l to say; you know; thus allvarlig (-t -a) serious ambulans (-en -er) ambulance Amerika America amerikansk (-t -a) American andra varldskriget Second World War andra/andre second anknytning(-en -ar) exten.'>ion ankomst (-en -er) arrival ankrace (-t -n) duck race anmalla (-er -de -t) to report annan annat andra other annat other things annorlunda different ansikte (-t -n) face ansjovis (-en -ar) anchovies antal (-et -0) number antingen ... eHer either . .. or anvandla (-er -e anvant) to u.'>e apelsinsaft (-en -er) orange juice apotek (-et -OJ pharmacy; chemist
apparat (-en -er) device; apparatus april April arbeUa i-ar -ade -at) to work arm (-en -ar) arm armbag/e (-en -ar) elhow art (-en -er) species arton eighteen artonde eighteenth Asien Asia attraktion (-en -er) attraction; event augusti Augu.'>t Australien Australia australier (-n -0) Australian automaWidla (-an -or) automatic gears av betydelse of any importance avgas (-en -er) exhaust fume avgasror (-et -0) exhaust pipe avgift (-en -er) charge; fee avres/a (-an -or) departure avsevart considerably avskafl7a (-ar -ade -at) to abolish axel (-n axlar) shoulder bad (-et -0) bath badla (-ar -ade -at) togo .'>wimming badrum (-met -OJ bathruum bagageluckla (-an -or) hoot of car bakifran from behind halkong (-en -er) balcony hank (-en -er) bank bara only harnfcirbjudlen (-et -nal for adults only bamkalas (-et -0) children's party bamvanlig i-t -al suitable for children bastu (-n -r) sauna bcfolkning (-en oar) population hegarla (hegar begarde begartJ to request
287 --
behandling (-en -ar) treatment behdlVa (-er beholl behdllitl to keep behov/a (-er -de -t) to need beklag/a (-ar -ade -at) to regret bekriiftelse (-n -r) confirmation bekviim I-t -a) comfortable bekymrald (-t -de) worried ben (-et -0 l leg; bone bensin (-en) petrol bensinmack (-en -ar) petrol station bensinstation (-en -er) petrol station berg \-et -0) mountain berdttia (-ar -ade -at) to tell berdmd berdmt berdmda famous beskriv/a (-er beskrev beskrivit) to
describe besliiktJad (-at -adeJ related bestiillla (-er -de -t) to book; order besviklen (-et -na) disappointed besvdrlig (-t -a) difficult; awkward besokare (-n -0) visitor betalla (-ar -de -t) to pay betraktJa (-ar -ade -at) (sig) to regard
(himseln betydla (-er -de betytt) to mean betyg (-et -0) grade; mark bevar/a (-ar -ade -at) to preserve bidrag/a (-er bidrog -it) to contribute bilbalte (-t -n) seat belt biljett (-en -er) ticket biljettautomat (-en) ticket machine biljon (-en -erl billion billig (-t -a) cheap biltjuv (-en -ar) car thief bilverkstad (-en -stader) garage bindla (-er band bundit) to bind; tie bio (-nl cinema biograf (-en -er) cinema biovagn (-en -ar) cinema coach bit (-en -ar) piece bjorkkvist (-en -ar) birch branch bjorn (-en -ar) bear bl.a. (bland annat) among other things;
inter alia bland among blandla (-ar -ade -at) to mix blek (-t -a) pale blindtarmsinflammation (-en -er)
blodtryck (-et) blood pressure blomkal (-en; blomkalshuvudenl
cauliflower blyfri unleaded bJa blatt bla (a) blue blabar (-et -0) bilberry blas/a (-er -te -0 to blow; be windy blOdia (-er -dde -ttl to bleed bolr {-dde -ttl to live bok (-en bOcker) book bokhandel (-n) book shop bokhyilla (-an -or) bookshelf bonde (-n bonder) peasants bord (-et -OJ table bordtennis (-en) table tennis borgare burghers borstJa (-ar -ade -at) to brush bortJa away botJa (-ar -ade -at) to cure bottenvaningen ground floor bra good; well; fine bred (brett breda) broad breddgrad (-en -er) latitude brev (-et -0) letter bro (-n -ar) bridge bromsla (-ar -ade -at) to brake bror (brodern brooer) brother brorsdotter niece (brother's daughter) brorson nephew (brother's son) broschyr (-en -er) pamphlet bruk/a (-ar -ade -at) usually do
bat (-en -ar) boat; ship bank (-en -ar) row bar (-et -0) berry bargningsbil (-en -ar) breakdown van btirdig (-t -a) fertile bOIj/a (-ar -ade -at) to begin; start bOter (pl.l fines centralvarme (-nl central heating centrum (ett) centre ceremoniella funktioner ceremonial
functions cesiumhalt {-en} cesium content choklad (-en) chocolate chokladsas (-en -erl chocolate sauce civilstand (-eO civil status cykl/a (-ar -ade -at) cycle dagens ratt today's special daghem (-met -0) day nursery dagl (dagligen) daily dalahast (-en -ar) Dala horse damavdelningen ladies' wear damfrisorskla (-an -or) hairdresser dans (-en -er) dance dansas (-en -er) female dancer de they de dar/de har thoselthese de flesta most people de hogsta the highest december December del (-en -ar) part delas upp to be divided delas ut to be skared out; awarded dellta (ga) (-tar -tog -tagitJ to take part del tid part-time dem them den narmaste motsvarigheten the
something brukade vara used to be bry sig om to care about brygg/a (-an -or) jetty brytJa (-er brot brutit) to break off brOd (-et -0) bread brollop {-et -o} wedding brost (-et -0) breast; chest bulVe (-en -ar) roll bunt (-en -ar) bunch burk (-en -ar) tin;jur busshdllplats (-en -er) bus stop butik (-en -er) shop; boutique by (-n -ar) village byt/a (-er -te -0 to change; exchange byta tag to change trains bada both bade ... och both . .. and
closest equivalent den rutade sparrlinjen the chequered
barrier line denldet it denldet dar that den/det har this deponeringsavgift deposit deras their(s) dess its dessert (-en -er) dessert det finns there is; there are det gar bra that's all right
det gor detsamma it doesn 'f matter; I
don't care det mesta most of it det ar bast att we had better detsamma the same diet (-en) diet dig you (sing. obj.l;yourself dillpotatis potatoes boiled with dill din rlitt dina youns) diriger/a (-ar -ade -at) to direct diskuter/a (-ar -ade -at) to discuss dit (to) there djur (-et -0) animal doktorinn/a (-an -or) doctor's wife domkyrk/a (-an -or) cathedral dopp i grytan 'dipping in the pot' dopp (-et -0) to dip, plunge dos (-en -er) dose dotter (-n dottrar) daughter dra (-r drog dragit) ut extract drak/e (-en -ar) dragon drickla (-er drack druckit) to drink dricks tip; service charge driv/a (-er drev drivit) ut to drive out Drottninggatan Queen Street dryck (-en -er) drink drygt slightly more than droj/a (-er -de -t) to hold on; be late drom (drommen drommar) dream du you (sing.) dubbelrum (-met -0) double room dum (-t dummal stupid dusch (-en -ar) shower dussin (-et -0) dozen d.v.s. (det vill saga) that is to say dygn (-et -0) the 24-lwurday dynamit (-en) dynamite dyr (-t -a) expensive da then da sager vi det agreed dack (-et -0) lyre dar there dar borta over there (any direction) dar framme over there (in front) darf6r that's why dandr att because darifran from there do (-r dog dott) to die dorr (-en -ar) door
eftermiddag (-en -ar) afternoon efternamn surname efteratt (-en -er) dessert; sweet eftersom as eftertrad/a (--er --de eftertratt)
expert (-en -erJ expert extrapris (-et -er) special offer faktiskt really; actually; in fact familj (-en -erl family familjeskai personal reasons fantastiskt fantastically far (fadern fader) father far/a (-an -or) danger farbror (-n farbrooer) uncle (father's
to succeed eftervarlden posterity efterat afterwards egen (eget egnal own ekonomi (-n -er) economy ekonomisk (-t -a) economic elak H -a) malicious eldfast form ovenproof dish elev (-en -er) pupil elfte eleventh eller or eller ocksa or else elva eleven emellertid however emigrer/a (-ar -ade -at) to emigrate en/ett alan; one enda single; only engelsk/a (-anl English (language) engelsk/a (-an -or) Englishwoman Engelska kana len English Channel engelsman (·nen engelsmanl
Englishman enhetlig homogeneous enkel single enkelhet (-en -0) simplicity enkelrum (-met -0) single room enkronJa (-an -or) i-krona coin enligt according to ensam (-t ensamma) alone; by ourselves epokgorande epoch-making er you {pI. objol yourselves er (-t -a) your(s) Erikskronikan the Eric Chronicles ersattla (-er ersatte ersatt) to replace etnisk (-t -a) ethnic ett halvt kilo (1/2 kg) half a kilo ett kvarts kilo a quarter of a kilo ett slags a kind of Europa (pronounced Erapa) Europe evenemang (-et -0) great event examen (pI. examina) examination expedit (--en -er) shop assistant expeditionsavgift (-en ·er) commission; service charge
1 f
~ £t-
brother) farfar grandpa (lit. father's father) farfarsfar greatgrandfather (father's
side) farlig (-t -a) dangerous farmor grandma (iit. father's mother) farmorsmor greatgrandmother (father's
side) fast though; {!Xed faster (-n fastrarJ aunt (father's sisterj fatt/as (fattas -ades oats) to be missing fattig (-t -a) poor feber (on) fever februari February fel (-et -OJ fault; wrong
fjocton fourteen fjortonde fourteenth fjarde fourth fjardedel (-en -ar) quarter fjarrtag (~et -0) long-distance train flaskla (-an -or) bottle flera several flingor cornflakes fly (-r -dde -ttl to flee flyg/a (-er flog flugit) to fly flyget aeroplanes (colloquial) flykting (-en -ar) refugee flyt/a (-er flot flutit) to float flytande fluent flyttla (-ar -ade -at) to moue fliiskkotlett (-en ~er) pork chop folk (-et -0) people folkomrastning (-en oar) referendum fordon (-et -0) vehicle form (-en) form forskningsres/a (-an -or) scientific
frys/a (-er fros frusitl to belfeel cold frysa till is to freeze, freeze over fnlg/a (-an -or) question fran from friimst foremost fraken froknar Miss full (-t -a) full fullt med folk crowded fylVa (-er -de -t) pd to fill up with fynd (-et -0) bargain fyra four fyrtio forty fyrtionde fortieth fysik (-en) physics fa (-r fick fatt) 10 get; be allowed to; have tv
fa loy att to be allowed to fagelvagen as the birds fly fait (-et -0) (Ield fardig (-t -a) ready fargglad (-a) brightly coloured fargteve (-n) colour television farj/a (-an -or) ferry farsk (-t -a) fresh farskvarar fresh food, perishables fastning (-en -ar) fortress fOdd born fodelsedag (-en -ar) birthday folj/a (-er -de -tl (med) to follow;
expedition fortfarande still fortsattJa (-er --satte --satt) to continue fat (-en fotter) foot fotbollsmatch (-en -er) football match fotbrams (-en -ar) foot-brake fotokurs (-en -er) photography course fram/me in front; there; forward framgang (-en -ar) success framifran from the front framsate (-t on) front seat fransk French franska (-n) French language fransman (-nen fransman) Frenchman fransysk/a (-an -or) Frenchwoman fredag Friday fredspris (-et -OJ peace prize fridlyst specially protected frihetshjaltle (-n -ar) champion of liberty frisk (-t -a) well; healthy friska luften open air fritidsaktivitet (-en -er) leisure activity fronwlkrock (-en -ar) head-on collision fru (-n -ar) Mrs; wife frukost (-en oar) breakfast frukt (-en -er) fruit fruktsallad (-en -er) fruit salad frys (-en frysskap) freezf'r
fern five femhundrakronorssedel (-n --sedlar) 500-
kronor (bank) note femkron/a {-an -or} 5-kronorcoin femte fifth femtio fifty femtionde fiftieth femtioOring (-en -ar) 50·ore coin femton fifteen femtonde fifteenth festival {-en -erJ festival festmiddag (-en -ar) banquet fik/a (-ar -ade -at) to have a coffee fit (mjolkl (thin)yoghurt fin (-t -a) fine finger (fingret fingrar) finger finhack/ad (-at -ade) finely chopped finn/e (-en -ar) Finn finnas kvar remain finska (-n) Finnish (language) finska (-n -or) Finnish woman fir/a (-ar -ade -at) celebrate fiskratt (-en -er) fish dish fix/a (-ar -ade -at) fix
accompany fOnster (fOnstret fOnster) window fonsterbord (-et -OJ table by the window for too; for; because for, . sedan ago for att (in order) to for lange too long forbi past fore before fore/dra (-drar -drag -dragit) to prefer forening {-en -ar} society, club forestallning (-en -ar) performance forfattarinnJa (-an -or) authoress forfariig (-t -a) terrible forhindr/ad (-at -ade) to prevent forkylning (-en oar) cold forlor/a (-ar -ade -at) to lose forlov/a (-ar -ade -at) sig to get engaged formiddagskaffe (-tJ morning coffee formodligen probably