TCI Scorpio Client

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Scorpio Client User Guide Manual Number: 0040-8715-15000 Revision L

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47300 Kato Road Fremont, California 94538 April 2008

The information contained in this document is the intellectual property of TCI. Said information is provided by TCI for Customer use only and shall not be disclosed to other parties, and shall not be displayed, used or duplicated in whole or in part for any purpose other than as provided for in the Contract, License and/or other Agreements signed by the parties. This restriction does not apply to information contained in this document which is in the public domain.

Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

TCI SOFTWARE LICENSE TCI Frequency Monitoring Station (Executable Code) For the TCI Frequency Monitoring Station computer program, Scorpio Server & Scorpio Client, and each item of software documentation describing it (hereinafter called the Licensed Software) delivered to the Customer by TCI for use in the TCI Frequency Monitoring Station. TCI grants to the Customer a nonexclusive, fully paid-up LICENSE TO USE the Licensed Software in the TCI Frequency Monitoring Station with which it is delivered for a license term which is the full life of the equipment, and the customer agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions: Customer will not disclose the Licensed Software to any third party unless the Licensed Software has been made public or with the written consent of TCI. Customer will not duplicate the Licensed Software or any part thereof in any manner except: (i) Customer may maintain backup copies of the Licensed Software for replacement of a worn or damaged copy, for archive purposes or for purposes of program justification, provided such copies are limited to use with the TCI Frequency Monitoring Station for which the licensed software was sold; and (ii) Nothing herein shall be deemed to exclude duplication of anything covered by an expired copyright, patent or other statutory form of protection. Customer will not assign the license to use the Licensed Software to any third party. Subject to the license, TCI reserves all rights to make public, to publish, to copy, to sell, to license and to execute (perform) the Licensed Software throughout the world, and further reserves all rights presently obtained or hereafter obtained in the nature of copyright, patent or other form of protection throughout the world covering the Licensed Software. Customer agrees that it shall hold the Licensed Software in confidence for TCI. The Customer further agrees that it shall not make any disclosure of the Licensed Software or any portion thereof (including method or concepts utilized) to anyone except employees of Customer to whom such disclosure is necessary for the use for which rights are granted hereunder. Customer shall appropriately notify each employee to whom any such disclosure is made that such disclosure is made in confidence and must be kept in confidence by him. Nothing herein grants to Customer the right to sell, lease or otherwise transfer or dispose of the Licensed Software in whole or in part to any third party. This License to Use is granted effective the date of award for the Supply of the Frequency Monitoring Station.

Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. SPECTRUM MONITORING DESCRIPTION .............................................................................1-1 1.1 1.2

Spectrum Monitoring Client (Scorpio Client)........................................................................1-1 Spectrum Monitoring Server (Scorpio Server).......................................................................1-2

2. SCORPIO CLIENT BASICS ...........................................................................................................2-1 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.9.1 2.10

Client-Server Connections – Scorpio Server..........................................................................2-1 Interactive Mode.....................................................................................................................2-1 Scheduled (Calendar) Mode ...................................................................................................2-1 Scorpio Client-Server Connections- Windows Time Service ................................................2-2 Introduction to the Scorpio Client Software...........................................................................2-2 Starting the Scorpio Client Software......................................................................................2-2 To Start the Scorpio Server, Turn on the Spectrum Processor ...............................................2-2 To Start the Scorpio Client.....................................................................................................2-2 Menus .....................................................................................................................................2-3 Using the Task Bar .................................................................................................................2-6 Typing and Editing...............................................................................................................2-10 Exiting the Scorpio Client Software and Shutting Down the System ..................................2-11 Backing Up and Restoring Files...........................................................................................2-11 Using Backup/Restore..........................................................................................................2-11 The Scorpio Client Task Management System ....................................................................2-11

3. SPECTRUM MONITORING TASKS ............................................................................................3-1 3.1 3.1.1 3.2

Metrics - Task Calendar (Optional)........................................................................................3-1 Entering Task Items................................................................................................................3-2 Metrics - Task Results (Optional) ........................................................................................3-10

4. SPECTRUM MONITORING DEVICE CONTROL ....................................................................4-1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.5.6 4.5.7

Device Control – Homing DF (Optional)...............................................................................4-1 Device Control – Homing FIX (Optional) .............................................................................4-4 Device Control – Monitor Receiver (Optional)......................................................................4-6 Antenna Selection Control (Optional)..................................................................................4-10 Audio Switching (Optional) .................................................................................................4-10 Remote Audio Monitoring ...................................................................................................4-12 Audio Recording (Optional).................................................................................................4-13 Audio Playback and Cassette Recording..............................................................................4-16 Audio Source Selection and Volume Control ......................................................................4-17 Device Control – Pan Display (Optional) ............................................................................4-17 Waterfall Display (Optional)................................................................................................4-19 Spectrogram Plot (Optional) ................................................................................................4-20 Device Control - Pushbutton DF/Metrics (Optional) ...........................................................4-21 DF Setup...............................................................................................................................4-22 RX Setup ..............................................................................................................................4-23 Polar Histogram....................................................................................................................4-23 DF Results ............................................................................................................................4-24 Tuning Aid ...........................................................................................................................4-25 Map.......................................................................................................................................4-27 Pushbutton Metrics Setup (Optional) ...................................................................................4-29


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4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.10.1 4.10.2 4.10.3

Scorpio Software Users Guide

Device Control – Netted DF (Optional) ...............................................................................4-30 Device Control – Netted FIX (Optional)..............................................................................4-32 Device Control – Field Strength Mapping (Optional)..........................................................4-34 Device Control – Spectrum Analyzer (Optional) .................................................................4-36 Device Control – Map Management ....................................................................................4-39 Display and Control..............................................................................................................4-39 Map Measurement Functions ...............................................................................................4-39 Printing The Map..................................................................................................................4-40

5. SPECTRUM MONITORING TOOLS ...........................................................................................5-1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8

Tools – Network Setup...........................................................................................................5-1 Tools – Spectrum Occupancy (Optional) ...............................................................................5-2 Tools – Occupancy Results (Optional)...................................................................................5-7 Tools – DF Scan (Optional) .................................................................................................5-11 Tools – DF Scan Results (Optional).....................................................................................5-13 Tools – AVD (Optional).......................................................................................................5-17 Tools – AVD Results (Optional)..........................................................................................5-19 Tools - Mission Folders (Optional) ......................................................................................5-22

6. SPECTRUM MONITORING DIAGNOSTICS .............................................................................6-1 6.1 6.2

Diagnostics – BIST ................................................................................................................6-1 Server Workload (Optional) ...................................................................................................6-2

7. SCORPIO SYSTEM ERROR MESSAGES ...................................................................................7-1 7.1 7.2

Troubleshooting Guide...........................................................................................................7-1 BIST Processing Logic...........................................................................................................7-3


DATABASE MANAGEMENT.............................................................................. A-1

Map Maintenance ............................................................................................................................... A-1 Scorpio Client Database Maintenance................................................................................................ A-4 APPENDIX B


Message: Connection Request............................................................................................................ B-2 Message: Station List Request............................................................................................................ B-3 Message: Station List Response ......................................................................................................... B-4 Message: Station Connect Request .................................................................................................... B-5 Message: Station Connect Response .................................................................................................. B-5 Message: Bearing Measurement Request........................................................................................... B-6 Message: Bearing Measurement Response ........................................................................................ B-7 APPENDIX C

SCORPIO ADMINISTRATION (OPTIONAL) .................................................. C-1



License File Format............................................................................................................................ D-1 Creating a License File Using Microsoft Excel.................................................................................. D-2 APPENDIX E


Service Band File Format................................................................................................................... E-1 APPENDIX F



SYSTEM SPECIFICS ............................................................................................G-1


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1-1 Basic Configuration Block Diagram .......................................................................................1-1 Figure 2-1 The Scorpio Client Opening Window .....................................................................................2-3 Figure 2-2 Scorpio Client File Menu ........................................................................................................2-3 Figure 2-3 Scorpio Client View Menu......................................................................................................2-4 Figure 2-4 Scorpio Client Mode Menu .....................................................................................................2-4 Figure 2-5 Scorpio Client Help Menu.......................................................................................................2-5 Figure 2-6 About Scorpio Client Screen...................................................................................................2-5 Figure 3-1 Task Calendar Window...........................................................................................................3-2 Figure 3-2 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Measurement Tab....................................................................3-4 Figure 3-3 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Bandwidth Tab........................................................................3-5 Figure 3-4 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Modulation Tab.......................................................................3-6 Figure 3-5 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Field Strength Tab...................................................................3-7 Figure 3-6 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Frequency Tab ........................................................................3-8 Figure 3-7 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Direction Tab ..........................................................................3-9 Figure 3-8 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Tasking Options Tab.............................................................3-10 Figure 3-9 Scorpio Client Task Results Data Screen..............................................................................3-11 Figure 3-10 Scorpio Client Signal Measurement Text Report Screen....................................................3-13 Figure 3-11 Scorpio Client Signal Measurement Plot Results Data Screen ...........................................3-14 Figure 3-12 Scorpio Client Signal Measurement Polar Results Data Screen .........................................3-15 Figure 4-1 Scorpio Client Homing DF .....................................................................................................4-2 Figure 4-2 Scorpio Client Homing FIX Screen ........................................................................................4-5 Figure 4-3 Scorpio Client Monitor Receiver Screen.................................................................................4-7 Figure 4-4 Scorpio Client Audio Switch Setting Screen ........................................................................4-11 Figure 4-5 Scorpio Client Audio Recorder Dialog Box..........................................................................4-13 Figure 4-6 Scorpio Client Set Recording Wave File Format ..................................................................4-15 Figure 4-7 Scorpio Client Wave File Format Dialog Box ......................................................................4-16 Figure 4-8 Scorpio Client Pan Display Screen .......................................................................................4-18 Figure 4-9 Scorpio Client Pan Display with Waterfall Plot....................................................................4-20 Figure 4-10 Scorpio Client Pan Display with Spectrogram Plot ............................................................4-21


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Figure 4-11 Pushbutton DF/Metrics Screen............................................................................................4-27 Figure 4-12 Scorpio Client Map Display Screen (available with the Pushbutton DF/Metrics)..............4-28 Figure 4-13 Pushbutton Metrics Setup....................................................................................................4-29 Figure 4-14 Scorpio Client Netted DF Screen ........................................................................................4-31 Figure 4-15 Scorpio Client Netted FIX Screen.......................................................................................4-33 Figure 4-16 Field Strength Mapping.......................................................................................................4-35 Figure 4-17 Scorpio Client Spectrum Analyzer Screen..........................................................................4-37 Figure 4-18 Scorpio Client Map Display Screen ....................................................................................4-39 Figure 5-1 Scorpio Client Network Setup Station Selection ....................................................................5-1 Figure 5-2 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Screen...........................................................................5-4 Figure 5-3 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Results Screen..............................................................5-8 Figure 5-4 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Screen......................................................................5-11 Figure 5-5 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Results Screen.........................................................5-14 Figure 5-6 Scorpio Client AVD Screen ..................................................................................................5-17 Figure 5-7 Scorpio Client AVD Results Screen .....................................................................................5-19 Figure 5-8 Scorpio Client Mission Folders Screen .................................................................................5-22 Figure 6-1 Scorpio Client BIST Status Dialog Box..................................................................................6-1 Figure 6-2 Server Workload Screen..........................................................................................................6-2 Figure B-1 Remote DFLS Subnet............................................................................................................ B-1 Figure C-1 Scorpio Admin Main Screen ................................................................................................. C-1 Figure C-2 Admin Access Database for Netted DF Audio Screen .......................................................... C-2 Figure C-3 Scorpio Admin Query Netted DF Screen .............................................................................. C-3 Figure C-4 Scorpio Admin Netted DF Screen ......................................................................................... C-4 Figure C-5 Scorpio Admin Map Display Screen ..................................................................................... C-5 Figure C-6 Detailed view of Scorpio Admin Map Screen ....................................................................... C-6 Figure C-7 Scorpio Client Database Query Audio Files Criteria Screen................................................. C-7 Figure C-8 Scorpio Admin Audio Files Database Information Screen ................................................... C-8 Figure C-9 Scorpio Admin Configure Client Screen............................................................................... C-9 Figure C-10 Scorpio Admin Query DF Request/DF Response Screen ................................................. C-10


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

LIST OF TABLES Page Table 2-1 Scorpio Client File Menu Item Descriptions ............................................................................2-4 Table 2-2 Scorpio Client View Menu Item Descriptions..........................................................................2-4 Table 2-3 Scorpio Client Mode Menu Item Descriptions.........................................................................2-4 Table 2-4 Scorpio Client Status Bar Indicator Item Descriptions.............................................................2-5 Table 2-5 Task Bar Item Descriptions ......................................................................................................2-7 Table 2-6 Scorpio Client Keyboard Editing Commands ........................................................................2-10 Table 3-1 Task Calendar Window Field/Button Item Descriptions..........................................................3-2 Table 3-2 Scorpio Client Calendar Box Color Descriptions.....................................................................3-3 Table 3-3 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Measurement Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions ..................3-4 Table 3-4 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Bandwidth Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions ......................3-6 Table 3-5 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Modulation Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions .....................3-7 Table 3-6 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Field Strength Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions .................3-8 Table 3-7 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Frequency Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions .......................3-8 Table 3-8 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Direction Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions .........................3-9 Table 3-9 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Tasking Options Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions............3-10 Table 3-10 Scorpio Client Task Results Data Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions ..........................3-12 Table 4-1 Scorpio Client Homing DF/Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions ..............................4-3 Table 4-2 Scorpio Client Homing FIX Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions .......................................4-5 Table 4-3 Scorpio Client Monitor Receiver Field/Button Item Descriptions ...........................................4-7 Table 4-4 Scorpio Client Audio Switch Field/Button Item Descriptions ...............................................4-11 Table 4-5 Scorpio Client Audio Recorder Menu Descriptions...............................................................4-14 Table 4-6 Scorpio Client Audio Record Field/Button Item Descriptions...............................................4-14 Table 4-7 Scorpio Client Set Recording Wave File Format Field/Button Item Descriptions.................4-15 Table 4-8 Scorpio Client Wave File Format Field/Button Item Descriptions ........................................4-16 Table 4-9 Scorpio Client Pan Display Field/Button Item Descriptions ..................................................4-18 Table 4-10 Scorpio Client DF Setup Field/Button Item Description......................................................4-22 Table 4-11 Scorpio Client RX Setup Field/Button Item Description .....................................................4-23 Table 4-12 Scorpio Client Polar Histogram Field Item Description.......................................................4-24 Table 4-13 Scorpio Client DF Results Field Item Description ...............................................................4-24 Table 4-14 Scorpio Client Tuning Aid Field/Button Item Description ..................................................4-25


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Table 4-15 Scorpio Client Map Display Field/Button Item Description ................................................4-28 Table 4-16 Pushbutton Metrics Setup Field/Button Item Description....................................................4-30 Table 4-17 Scorpio Client Netted DF Field/Button Item Descriptions...................................................4-31 Table 4-18 Scorpio Client Netted FIX Field/Button Item Descriptions .................................................4-34 Table 4-19 Field Strength Mapping Display Field/Button Item Descriptions ........................................4-35 Table 4-20 Scorpio Client Spectrum Analyzer Field/Button Item Descriptions ....................................4-37 Table 4-21 Scorpio Client Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions...............................................4-40 Table 5-1 Scorpio Client Network Setup Station Selection/Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions ..........................................................................................................................5-1 Table 5-2 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Field/Button Item Descriptions .....................................5-5 Table 5-3 Scorpio Client Spectrum Occupancy Results Field/Button Item Descriptions ........................5-8 Table 5-4 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Field/Button Item Descriptions ................................5-11 Table 5-5 Scorpio Client Direction Finding Scan Results Field/Button Item Descriptions ...................5-14 Table 5-6 Scorpio Client AVD Field/Button Item Description ..............................................................5-18 Table 5-7 Scorpio Client AVD Results Field/Button Item Description .................................................5-20 Table 5-8 Scorpio Client Mission Folders Field/Button Item Descriptions............................................5-22 Table 6-1 Scorpio Client BIST Field/Button Item Descriptions...............................................................6-1 Table 6-2 Server Workload Field/Button Item Description......................................................................6-3 Table 7-1 Scorpio Client Error Messages Symptom/Solution..................................................................7-1 Table A-1 MapInfo Database Table......................................................................................................... A-1 Table B-1 Message Structure Data Types................................................................................................ B-2 Table B-2 Connection Request Message Contents .................................................................................. B-3 Table B-3 The Station List Request Message .......................................................................................... B-4 Table B-4 The Station List Response Message ....................................................................................... B-4 Table B-5 The Station Connect Request Message................................................................................... B-6 Table B-6 The Station Connect Response Message ................................................................................ B-6 Table B-7 The Bearing Measurement Request Message ......................................................................... B-7 Table B-8 The Bearing Measurement Response Message....................................................................... B-8 Table C-1 Scorpio Admin Main Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions ................................................ C-1 Table C-2 Scorpio Access Database for Netted DF Audio Field/Button Item Descriptions ................... C-2 Table C-3 Scorpio Admin Query Netted DF Field/Button Item Descriptions......................................... C-3 Table C-4 Scorpio Admin Netted DF Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions........................................ C-4


Scorpio Software Users Guide

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Table C-5 Scorpio Admin Netted DF Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions .............................. C-6 Table C-6 Scorpio Client Query Audio Files Field/Button Item Descriptions ........................................ C-7 Table C-7 Scorpio Admin Audio Files Database Information Field/Button Item Descriptions .............. C-8 Table C-8 Scorpio Admin Configure Client Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions.............................. C-9 Table C-9 Scorpio Admin Query DF Request/DF Response Field/Button Item Descriptions .............. C-10 Table D-1 License File Fields.................................................................................................................. D-1 Table E-1 Service Band File Fields ......................................................................................................... E-1


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

1. SPECTRUM MONITORING DESCRIPTION TCI Model 700-series Spectrum Monitoring System (Scorpio) provides a compact, fully integrated system, for monitoring and analysis of radio transmission. Depending on the configuration, frequency coverage is from 20 MHz to 3 GHz; or optionally from 9 kHz to 3 GHz. Scorpio can operate in various configurations ranging from a single site, mobile or fixed, to a nationwide network with multiple operators tasking multiple fixed and/or mobile systems. This capability is achieved through the use of Client/Server architecture, and through built-in networking capacity. Network communications between clients and servers are established using industry standard TCP/IP protocol. In a basic configuration, the TCI Model 700-series consists of one Scorpio Measurement Client (Scorpio Client) and one Scorpio Measurement Server (Scorpio Server), shown in Figure 1-1. In this configuration, the system can be installed in a vehicle, or at fixed site.

Figure 1-1 Basic Configuration Block Diagram


Spectrum Monitoring Client (Scorpio Client)

Scorpio Client is a software application that requires a computer with a Windows operating system. This software provides an operator with an interface to the measurement Server (Scorpio Server). The interface includes all functions necessary to request measurements and to receive and analyze the results. A task calendar, included in the software, allows the operator to schedule multiple measurements in the future. With this method, the communication between Scorpio Client-Server are needed only when measurement is being scheduled, or results are being retrieved. Once Scorpio Server has accepted Scorpio Clients’ tasking, it will execute the required measurements, and store the results. It is up to Scorpio Client to retrieve the results for the requested measurements.


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Scorpio Software Users Guide

This approach is well suited for systems where the communication link between Scorpio Client and Server is intermittent, as in the case of network communications via cellular phone links.


Spectrum Monitoring Server (Scorpio Server)

The Scorpio Server consists of a software application that runs on a TCI Spectrum Processor. The Spectrum Processor performs the entire signal processing using digital signal processing (DSP) technology. The Spectrum Processor is a VME based system with an embedded PC/AT controller, DSP processor, A/D converters, VHF/UHF RF downconverters and ancillary equipment. The frequency coverage of the Spectrum Processor is 20 MHz to 3 GHz and it can be extended down to 9 kHz with the additional TCI Model 8412 RF unit. Scorpio Server software was designed for unattended operation, and automatically initializes and starts operation when power is applied. Scorpio Clients access Scorpio Server resources through LAN/WAN connection using the TCP/IP protocol. Scorpio Server allows multiple clients to time-share server measurement resources. All client requests are entered in Scorpio Server calendar, and executed at the requested time. In the event of scheduling conflicts, the Server resolves them as described later in this manual.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

2. SCORPIO CLIENT BASICS The Scorpio Client software operates in different ways depending on the state of the network connection to a Scorpio Server. When a Scorpio Client is not connected to a Scorpio Server, its operation is limited to review of the measurement results that have already been retrieved from a Server. Once Scorpio Client is connected to a Server, it can request new measurements and retrieve the results. The Scorpio Server software provides two network connections, one for the "Interactive" mode, and the other for "Scheduled" measurements. A third network connection is provided by the Windows operating system, which provides time service between Scorpio Server and Clients so that the applications are synchronized.


Client-Server Connections – Scorpio Server Scorpio Client software connects with the Scorpio Server in two modes:

Interactive mode

Scheduled mode

These two modes support all Clients’ signal monitoring and measurement activities.


Interactive Mode

Interactive mode allows direct interaction with various functions that provide instantaneous feedback such as monitor receiver tuning, demodulation selection and pan-display selection. Scorpio Server software allows only one interactive Scorpio Client connection at a time.


Scheduled (Calendar) Mode

When Scorpio is used in Scheduled mode, a calendar feature in Scorpio Client will attempt to reserve time slots on Scorpio Server for each measurement the operator schedules. A single Scorpio Server is able to handle requests from multiple Scorpio Clients. If more than one request for a specific time slot is received by Scorpio Server, the request will be handled in one of three ways, depending upon the type of request and its priority: •

Bump the request already scheduled in that time slot. If a request with a higher priority, such as Pushbutton DF/Metrics, Homing DF, or Netted DF, is scheduled at a time

Be scheduled into the closest time slot +/- 5 minutes.

Be returned to the operator with an error message.

Note: A higher priority task, such as Pushbutton, Homing or Netted DF, will bump any lower priority tasks already scheduled into the same time slot. When all time slots are filled, the scheduling requests will be refused.


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Scorpio Software Users Guide

Scorpio Client-Server Connections- Windows Time Service

The time on Scorpio Client and server must be synchronized to provide (calendar) scheduled events. This is achieved by setting Scorpio Client computer time to Scorpio Server time via the Daytime service available under the Windows operating system.


Introduction to the Scorpio Client Software

The Scorpio Client application is of a modular design developed for use in many different environments and system configurations. Features are enabled or disabled dependent upon what options have been included for your organization. This Scorpio Client Software Users Guide has been written to discuss all of the possible features of the Scorpio Client application. Menu options, Taskbar features, and Dialog boxes will change, be enhanced or restricted to accessing only options that have been included in your specific system configuration.


Starting the Scorpio Client Software

The Scorpio Server must be in operation prior to starting the Scorpio Client. This allows processing time for the Scorpio Client start sequence and validation of the user ID and password. After Scorpio Server is started, allow ten minutes for full initialization. The following steps show the desired start-up sequence: 1. Power-up the Scorpio Server 2. Wait 10 minutes for the GPS to acquire and the software to load and initialize. 3. Power-up the Scorpio Client according to instruction 2.4.2. 4. Enter User ID and Password, if asked.



NOTE: The Spectrum monitoring measurement equipment does not have to be turned on in order to start up Scorpio Client. However, the equipment will have to be powered on prior to executing a measurement from a Server. After you verify the operational status of Scorpio Server, you are ready to operate the Spectrum Monitoring system. The first step is to power up Scorpio Client. To Start the Scorpio Server, Turn on the Spectrum Processor

Turn on Scorpio Server computer. Allow 10 minutes for software boot and GPS lock. 2.4.2

To Start the Scorpio Client

1. Turn on Scorpio Client computer. A login dialog box may open when Windows appears.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

2. Type your user ID on the login screen, if asked. 3. Type your password on the login sheet. Your password can contain up to 14 characters and is case sensitive, if asked. 4. From the Task Bar, select Start Æ Programs Æ Tcibr Æ Scorpio Client or double click the short cut icon, if provided. 5. A "Select Language" dialog box may appear. Select language of choice. The Scorpio Client opening screen appears (Figure 2-1). Title Bar Menu Bar

Task Bar

Status Bar Figure 2-1 The Scorpio Client Opening Window



The Scorpio Client groups commands in pull-down menus located on the menu bar. Menus can be accessed with either the mouse or the keyboard.

Figure 2-2 Scorpio Client File Menu


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Table 2-1 Scorpio Client File Menu Item Descriptions Menu Item

Description Use this command to close the Scorpio Client application.


Figure 2-3 Scorpio Client View Menu

Table 2-2 Scorpio Client View Menu Item Descriptions Menu Item Status Bar

Description Selecting this menu item alternately displays and hides the Status Bar. The elements of the Status Bar are described in Table 2-4.

Figure 2-4 Scorpio Client Mode Menu

Table 2-3 Scorpio Client Mode Menu Item Descriptions Menu Item


On-line, Off-line

Selecting this menu item alternately sets the application in on-line and off-line operating modes. Scheduling measurements can only be done while on-line; review of (already retrieved) measurement data from any server can only be done while off-line. The current operating mode is also shown.



Scorpio Software Users Guide

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Figure 2-5 Scorpio Client Help Menu

Selecting About Scorpio Client from the Help Menu displays the program revision and copyright notice (Figure 2-6).

Figure 2-6 About Scorpio Client Screen

Table 2-4 Scorpio Client Status Bar Indicator Item Descriptions Indicator Ready

Description Displays Scorpio Client activity status.


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Table 2-4 Scorpio Client Status Bar Indicator Item Descriptions Indicator Down/UP/Connecting…

Description Status of Scorpio Client connection to the Measurement Service. This indicator displays: Down

Connection Down


Connection Achieved

Connecting Connection in the process of being Established The left area of the Status Bar describes actions of menu items as you use the arrow keys to navigate through menus. This area also displays messages that describe the actions of Task Bar buttons as you ‘click’ them. If after viewing the description of the Toolbar button command you wish not to execute the command, then move the pointer off the Task Bar button and release the mouse button. The right area of the Status Bar indicates which of the previous keys are currently in use.


NOTE: When the mouse cursor is being navigated within the Map Display window, the left area of the Status Bar will display the corresponding latitude and longitude coordinates of the mouse cursor.

Connected to Server Named: "X"

Scorpio Client is connected to the specified Scorpio Server.

Trying to get time from Server: Named "X"

Status of time synchronization of the measurement service.

Not connected to any time service

Scorpio Client is not connected to the Scorpio Server.

System time adjusted by “X” secs.

Scorpio Client computer’s system time has been changed to be synchronized with the connected Server’s system time.


Indicates the current operating mode, whether on-line or off-line.

(optional) Time

The current system time.


The current system date.


Using the Task Bar

Table 2-5 describes the "Task Bar" buttons available to the Spectrum Monitoring system. The Task Bar is displayed on the left side of the Scorpio Client application window. There are Tool bar buttons that display portions of the application. The buttons are shown in Table 2-5 along with descriptions for each task. When in Scorpio Client, click on the appropriate button for the task you need to perform.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Table 2-5 Task Bar Item Descriptions Task Bar Item

Description Metrics: Task Calendar •

The Task calendar is used to create and store a measurement assignment request.

Task Results •

The Task Results folder allows the user to display the results received on the currently selected Spectrum Monitoring Task.


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Table 2-5 Task Bar Item Descriptions Task Bar Item

Description Device Control: Homing DF

The Homing DF function allows the user to make continuous Direction Finding (DF) measurements to determine the direction of arrival or azimuth of a signal of interest. The mobile station uses Homing DF along with GPS to locate signals of interest.

Homing FIX

Homing FIX processes the Line of Bearing (LOB) data obtained from each Homing DF measurement location and calculates the position on the transmitted signal.

Monitor Receiver

The Monitor Receiver provides interactive control of the receiver unit.

Pan Display

The Pan Display shows three types of X-Y plots of Amplitude vs. Frequency and is used to view signals as they relate to the radio spectrum.

Netted DF

Netted DF button sends and returns DF request data from two or more sites for establishing a Netted FIX. Results from the DF request are shown on a map previously installed in the Scorpio Software.

Netted FIX

Netted FIX is calculated from Netted DF request results from both local and remote sites. The DF results are used to perform the FIX calculation when valid LOBs are returned from at least two different sites.

Pushbutton DF/Metrics

Pushbutton DF is used to collect DF information at the push of a button. This function can optionally collect metrics information such as frequency, modulation, field strength and bandwidth.

Spectrum Analyzer

The Spectrum Analyzer is used to view a wide (or narrow) range of the frequency spectrum.

Field Strength Mapping


Field Strength Mapping is used to measure and display field strength across frequencies over a geographical area. This feature can only be used with a mobile station.

Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Table 2-5 Task Bar Item Descriptions Task Bar Item

Description Tools: Network Setup

Network Setup allows the user to set up connections to Scorpio Server, which also gives the user access to configure the map of the area of interest.

DF Scan

DF Scan screen allows the operator to scan either single or multiple DF frequencies

DF Scan Results

The DF Scan Results screen provides all of the DF data required to evaluate target transmissions. This is the standard display for non-homing mode or multi-station DF.

Spectrum Occupancy

Spectrum Occupancy gathers information on long time usage of the frequency spectrum and helps to identify frequencies that are free from interference.

Occupancy Results

The Occupancy Results presents the information gathered by Spectrum Occupancy.

Automatic Violation Detection (AVD)

The AVD screen allows the user to enter a range of frequency to be measured.

AVD Results

The AVD Results screen determines whether the frequency transmission is compliant, non-compliant, not found (signal not found) or unlicensed.

Mission Folders

Mission Folders stores reports generated by: Task Results, DF Scan Results, Occupancy Results and AVD Results.


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Table 2-5 Task Bar Item Descriptions Task Bar Item

Description Diagnostics: BIST

The BIST Status screen allows the operator to perform BIST (Built In Self Test) and obtain BIST status on the Spectrum Processor.

Server Workload


The Server Workload screen allows the operator to view the tasks that are scheduled, running, or suspended for the selected server, then make an informed decision for using that server.

Typing and Editing

The Spectrum Monitoring system uses standard typing and editing features, including copy and paste. When you type text, use either the keyboard or mouse to move the insertion point, as with any standard word processor, such as Microsoft Word for Windows. To move the insertion point with the mouse, simply point and click. Table 2-6 describes the most useful keyboard movement commands and other editing commands. Table 2-6 Scorpio Client Keyboard Editing Commands Press This Key


To Do This


Move one character or line in the direction the arrow key points.

Ctrl + Í or Î

Move one word to the left or right.

Ctrl + Home

Move to the top of the document.

Ctrl + End

Move to the bottom of the document.

Shift + Arrow key

Select text in the direction of the arrow.


Delete the character to the right of the insertion point.


Delete the character to the left of the insertion point.

Ctrl + Delete

Delete the text to the end of the line.

Ctrl + X

Cut the selected text item.

Ctrl + C

Copy the selected text item.

Ctrl + V

Paste the selected text item.

Ctrl + Z

Undo the last action.

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Exiting the Scorpio Client Software and Shutting Down the System

To power down Scorpio Client, you must first exit the Spectrum Monitoring system and then Windows. Choose File Æ Exit from the main menu to exit the Scorpio Client. A dialog box will then appear with the message "Do you really want to quit the Scorpio Client Application?" Click [Yes] to exit.


CAUTION: If you forget to follow the above steps, it is possible to lose some of the data you have just entered.

Click on the button then Select Shut Down. You are then presented with the Dialog box selection to "Shut Down Computer." Click Shut Down Computer and click on Yes. The system performs an orderly shutdown and you may turn off Scorpio Client computer. NOTE: Be sure to leave the Spectrum Monitoring system measurement Server equipment powered on. Scheduled measurements cannot be run unless the equipment is accessible to Scorpio Server.


Backing Up and Restoring Files

Spectrum Monitoring databases should be backed up regularly according to a preset schedule. Use the Microsoft Windows Backup program that is accessed from Start Æ Programs Æ Administrative Tools (or equivalent) menu. All files from the following files should be backed up every day: •

Scorpio Client Computer – c:\Program Files\TCIBR\Scorpio Client\Database

8067A Computer – c:\Program Files\TCIBR\Scorpio Server\Measurement Database

Server Model other than the 8067A – c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\TCI\Scorpio\Measurement Database. You may first have to show hidden files and folders.


Using Backup/Restore

You can use Backup to back up files on your hard disk. You can back up files to floppy disks, a tape drive, or another computer on your network. If your original files are damaged or lost, you can restore them from the backup. To start the Backup/Restore process: •

You can also start Backup by clicking, Start Æ Programs, Æ Accessories, Æ System Tools (or equivalent) and then clicking Backup.

For information about how to use Backup, click the Windows Help menu in Backup.

In the event that a file becomes corrupted, follow the Microsoft Windows Restore process to replace the corrupted file with a previously backed up version of the file.

2.10 The Scorpio Client Task Management System The task management system operates on the principle that the system communications are not reliable. This assumption allows the system to function in a very robust fashion even when the network is working at a marginal level. Tasks are posted to a scheduler that is responsible for the execution of the specific task. This scheduler executes the measurement request as specified by the operator and upon


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completion stores the data until it is requested by Scorpio Client application. Scorpio Client application can then request the data from the task management system at any time after the completion of the measurement.


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3. SPECTRUM MONITORING TASKS Part of using the Spectrum Monitoring system is understanding the capabilities of the system. This chapter introduces you to some of the features you can use to effectively monitor the radio frequency spectrum. You’ll also learn how to perform the basic functions of the system, such as adding and/or modifying Spectrum Monitoring Task. The application includes a Taskbar for function selection. These buttons can be used for quick access to common system functions. Functions are grouped logically with helpful icons to aid the operator in the proper selection. Before any Task can be performed, Client must connect to a measurement Server using Network Setup under the Taskbar Tools item.


Metrics - Task Calendar (Optional)

A Spectrum Monitoring Task is typically initiated in response to a need. The Task is created in a calendar called a Task Calendar. This entry contains information related to the particular Task assignment and consists of instructions, notes, measurement setups, and results. The Scorpio Client performs two types of measurements: interactive and scheduled. Each type of measurement provides unique advantages. Interactive measurements provide access to equipment available in the system for specific monitoring applications so that you can: •

Perform real-time signal analysis

Pre-scan the frequency spectrum

Listen to Signal interference

Scheduled measurements give you the ability to operate the Spectrum Monitoring system unattended. This feature allows the user to: •

Capture and document important signal information

Not miss important spectral events

Coordinate monitoring around the clock

Monitor the spectrum 24 hours a day

Take measurements via automated computer

Free the operator to follow up on measurement results

In addition, multiple types of measurements can be performed in sequence on different bands and at different times. •

Frequency Measurements

Modulation Measurements

Field Strength Measurements


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Bandwidth Measurements

Spectrum Occupancy Measurements

Direction Finding Measurements


Entering Task Items

Task items include measurement setups, and measurement results. When you enter a Task, you always have the opportunity to give it an identifying name. Once entered, each item is placed into the Task Calendar and is viewed from the main Task Calendar screen.

Figure 3-1 Task Calendar Window

Table 3-1 Task Calendar Window Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Hour Increment Bar (12a to 12a)

Description This display bar shows Tasks that have been scheduled into a particular time slot. This is to display all Tasks the have been scheduled to run within the entire 24 hour period of the day. The marker color relates to the status of the Task performed.

* 5 Minute Increment Task list with Scroll Bar


HINT: Click on the Hour Increment Bar to scroll the 5-Minute Increments task list.

This display region shows a limited amount of 5-minute intervals for scheduled measurements being performed. The user may scroll up or down to display any 5-minute period of the day. Desired measurement Tasks are listed with the identification assigned to them and a colored box that displays the Tasks status.

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Any stored Tasks can be reopened and modified. The Spectrum Monitoring system provides a quick way to delete, modify, or find a Task. NOTE: Scheduled DF Measurements (calendared events) will only be displayed for the currently connected Server. Only one Server will be connected at any one time for Scheduled events. Entries are made to the calendar by selecting the desired day/time and entering specific measurement requirements into the customization tabs and then clicking on , located on the "Measurement" tab. The item entry tabs are discussed below in Table 3-2 through Table 3-9. Placing a check mark into the box displaying the type of customization desired gives the user access to the additional customization tabs. In addition to listing the scheduled Task items, the Task software indicates the item status as follows: Table 3-2 Scorpio Client Calendar Box Color Descriptions Task Calendar Box Color



“Task” is currently being sent to the Spectrum Processor.


“Task” Request has not been sent to; or “Task” Result confirmation has not been received from the Spectrum Processor.


“Task” has been received and scheduled for completion by the Spectrum Processor.


“Task” should have been run but confirmation of Task Results has not yet been received from the Spectrum Processor.


“Task” Results have been successfully retrieved from the Spectrum Processor and are available for examination.

Red check Mark

“Task” is currently selected for viewing or editing.

Optionally, the Task Calendar is capable of identifying and displaying externally generated measurement results. As an example consider SHF measurements generated from an external Spectrum Analyzer, where the measurements are stored in files. These files can be loaded and viewed in an external measurement viewer. An externally generated measurement result is given the label "EXT" to identify it as an external measurement. Each external measurement is numbered 1, 2, 3… in the Task Calendar, indicated with "-n" that appears to the right of the "EXT." The filename used by the operator when saving this file appears in parenthesis to the right of the number identifier. For example, two external measurements may be labeled "EXT-1 (filename1.bmp)" and "EXT-2 (filename2.gif)." External measurement files placed in a subdirectory "External" will be located by the Scorpio software and will appear in the Task Calendar window based on the date/time of the saved file. Selecting an external measurement result in the Task Calendar by double clicking it will open the result for review/printing. There is a setting in the ScorpioClient.ini file so that it is possible to determine what application (Notepad, Paint, etc.) will launch to open the result files.


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Scorpio Software Users Guide Measurement Central to each scheduled Task, are the measurements you perform to gather required information. When you enter a scheduled Task, you must specify the following basic characteristics: •

Center frequency


An identifying name

One or more of the following characteristics must be selected for measurement: •

Occupied bandwidth


Field strength



Figure 3-2 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Measurement Tab

Table 3-3 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Measurement Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item



Allows the user to enter the center frequency you want to measure in this field.


Allows the user to enter the necessary bandwidth for the modulation mode of the signal you want to measure in the Bandwidth field.

NOTE: Bandwidth values inconsistent with selected de-modulation mode will yield inaccurate results.



Allows the user to enter a value for identifying the signal to be measured.


Allows the user to specify which antenna, from a list of available antennas, to be used for the metrics measurements. Note that the reference antenna is always used for the Direction measurements, regardless of antenna selection.

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Table 3-3 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Measurement Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


Station Name

When in "On-line" mode, this shows the currently connected Measurement Server and cannot be changed. When in "Off-line" mode, all defined Measurement Servers are listed and can be selected. Any previously retrieved measurements can be reviewed.

Schedule (D) – Delayed (I) – Immediate

The button allows you initiate the Task measurement to be scheduled and will contain all parameters that have been specified with the use of the additional tabs.


Clears the entries in all tabs of the currently selected Task.


Removes the currently selected Task from the schedule. If you inadvertently create an unnecessary Task, or if you no longer need the Task, you can easily delete it from the mission list.

Check Boxes: Bandwidth Modulation Field Strength Frequency Direction

These are toggle switches that allow the user to gain access or remove access to the additional entry tabs that are available. Placing a check mark into the box by clicking on it gives the user access to that entry tab. Bandwidth The "Bandwidth" measurement reported by the signal measurement helps you identify overmodulated signals and also helps you identify the type of signal you are monitoring. The measurement works for all signal types including AM, FM, SSB. Bandwidth measures the occupied bandwidth of the signal. You can select the one of the following bandwidth analysis methods: •

Beta %dB - measures the occupied bandwidth using the β 99% method

xdB - measures the occupied bandwidth using the x-dB method

Averaging Method - provides options by which to average the measurement data

Measurement Time – provided optional Dwell and Repeat times.

Figure 3-3 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Bandwidth Tab


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Table 3-4 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Bandwidth Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


Beta %dB Setup Checkbox Y (dB) Beta (%)

This method finds the bandwidth within which β% of the energy is contained. A typical value for β is 99% for this measurement Server to collect a block of data and calculate the power spectrum using FFT. It repeats the collection and FFT process using specified averaging method processing for a specified dwell time. Next it estimates the noise floor and zeros out all FFT bins that are less than Y dB above the noise. A typical value for Y is 6 dB.

xdB Setup Checkbox X1 (dB) X2 (dB)

This method finds the frequency limits such that all spectrum components outside these limits are at least x dB below a 0-dB reference level. Since the occupied bandwidth is the value that is regulated (No. 147 of Radio Regulations), this method is not the preferred one. In order to obtain better agreement with the occupied bandwidth measurement, the values of x vary with modulation type and have been empirically determined.

Averaging Method: Mean RMS Max Hold

Select on of the averaging methods to average the results from each measurement repetition. Selection of the Averaging Method in the Bandwidth Tab is independent of other choices of Averaging Method. For example: The user may set a “Mean” Averaging Method in Bandwidth, and an “RMS” Averaging Method in the Modulation Tab.

Measurement Time: Dwell (ms) Repeat

Dwell sets the measurement duration in milliseconds. Repeat allows the user to specify how many times to repeat the measurement. Modulation The "Modulation" tab allows the user to set modulation characteristics of the signal in the selected modulation modes. The system is capable of measuring "Amplitude," "Frequency," and "Phase modulation."

Figure 3-4 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Modulation Tab


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Table 3-5 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Modulation Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item

Description For AM signals, the modulation depth m is measured. This is defined as: m = (Emax – Emin)/(2Ec) where Emax and Emin are the maximum and minimum amplitudes of the modulated signal and Ec is average amplitude of the signal.

Measurement Selection: Amplitude Frequency Phase

For FM signals, the primary measurement is the frequency deviation. For PM signals, the primary measurement is the phase deviation. This is measured similarly to the FM measurements.

Averaging Method: Mean RMS Max Hold

Select one of the averaging methods to average the results from each measurement repetition. Selection of the Averaging Method in the Modulation Tab is independent of other choices of Averaging Method. For example: The user may set a “Mean” Averaging Method in Bandwidth, and an “RMS” Averaging Method in the Modulation Tab.

Measurement Time: Dwell Repeat

‘Dwell’ sets the measurement duration in milliseconds. “Repeat” allows the user to specify how many times to repeat the measurement. Field Strength "Field Strength" tab allows the user to measure the field strength of the signal. Field strength measurements provide detailed information to determine the adequacy of radio signal strength and the effectiveness of the transmission source. It measures field strength at a specific frequency. Each time the operation is executed, the Spectrum Monitoring system will measure the field strength of a specified signal. This is primarily utilized in mobile measurement applications. You can use field strength measurement to: •

Determine the adequacy of a radio signal strength and the effectiveness of the source transmitter

Ensure compliance with the relevant radio regulations

Measure spatial-distribution of field strength

Measure variation of field strength due to shadowing and other loss mechanisms

Determine the interference effects of a given intentional radio emission (electromagnetic compatibility)

Measure propagation phenomena

Figure 3-5 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Field Strength Tab


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Table 3-6 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Field Strength Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


Measurement Selection: Average Linear Average Log RMS Peak

Specifies the type of detector used during field strength measurements.

Averaging Method: Mean RMS Max Hold

Select one of the averaging methods to average the results from each measurement repetition. Selection of the “Averaging Method” in the “Field Strength” tab is independent of other choices of “Averaging Method.” For example: The user may set a “Mean” “Averaging Method” in “Bandwidth” and an “RMS” “Averaging Method” in the “Modulation Tab.”

Measurement Time: Dwell Repeat

Dwell sets the measurement duration in milliseconds. Repeat allows the user to specify how many times to repeat the measurement. Frequency The "Frequency" tab allows the user to measure the center frequency of the signal.

Figure 3-6 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Frequency Tab

Table 3-7 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Frequency Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


Frequency Measurement Method: Instantaneous Frequency

Method used to measure frequency.

Averaging Method Mean RMS Max Hold

Select one of the averaging methods to average the results from each measurement repetition. Selection of the “Averaging Method” in the “Frequency Tab” is independent of other choices of “Averaging Method.” For example: The user may set a “Mean” “Averaging Method” in “Bandwidth” and an “RMS” “Averaging Method” in the “Modulation Tab.”

Measurement Time: Dwell Repeat

“Dwell” sets the measurement duration in milliseconds. “Repeat” allows the user to specify how many times to repeat the measurement.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L Direction The "Direction" tab allows the user to specify or alter existing DF entries. When performing DF, the user may specify a confidence value for the signal of interest being tasked. This window also allows the user to specify a bandwidth to be used if it varies from that used in the "Measurement" tab.

Figure 3-7 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Direction Tab

Table 3-8 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Direction Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item



The Confidence factor (CF) allows the user to set a confidence value in percent. Confidence ranges from 1 to 99, with 99 being high confidence. A typical value for confidence is 80*.


Bandwidth allows the user to enter the necessary bandwidth for the modulation mode of the signal you want to measure in the Bandwidth field.

Polarization (optional)

Polarization allows the user to perform the measurement(s) using the vertical or horizontal components of the antenna, if available.

Use this Bandwidth (not Measurement BW)

Check this box to specify whether to use the Bandwidth entered into the Measurement Tab or the Bandwidth entered above.

Measurement Duration Dwell Cuts

Dwell sets the measurement duration in milliseconds. Cuts allow the user to specify how many times to repeat the measurement.

NOTE: Server software will finish the DF measurement when either of those two parameters reaches specified value. *Note: The confidence number returned from the measurement is based on how well the amplitude and phase from each antenna matches the computed answer. A perfect agreement will return a confidence of 99. Due to multipath propagation, it is difficult to always have perfect agreement. A confidence of 80 will provide a useable DF. Tasking Options The "Tasking Options" tab allows the user to attach additional scheduling requirements to a Task. The user can schedule the Task to be run immediately or can delay it running for any time later. Tasks can also be scheduled to be run only at the time specified (assuming the equipment you’ve selected is available) or when convenient. The Scheduling tab also allows you to schedule how often and how many times you want the measurement to be executed.


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Figure 3-8 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Tasking Options Tab

Table 3-9 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Tasking Options Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Tasking Selection:

Description Select when you want the measurement to begin in the Start field. You can select:


Immediate - to start the measurement at the present time.


Delayed - to start the measurement at a later time

Delayed Scheduling Options: Convenient Rigid Repeat Task Count Period

If you select Delayed: You can specify the Task to be run when it is convenient for the Scorpio Server to run it. If a measurement must be made at a certain time, then the Rigid button should be chosen to confirm that the measurement time should not be varied upon. The user can also specify whether or not this measurement should be repeated.

Repeat Options Task Count Period

If the user has chosen that this Task be repeated, a Task count must be specified. Period defines the interval between repetitions.


Metrics - Task Results (Optional)

After a measurement is complete, the results for the measurement can be viewed and evaluated to determine what actions may need to be taken, if any. The decisions you make regarding the appropriate action depend on the policies of your organization and management. No recommendations are made here. When the signal measurement is complete, you can view, print or save a report that summarizes the data that was collected. Click on the desired Task in the Task Calendar to select it. Then click the Task Results button in the Metrics tool bar to display the results. Measurement results can be viewed in reports that can be viewed, printed, and imported into Microsoft Word for windows. In addition to all information relative to a measurement setup and a summary of its results, reports include the following information: •

Task Data




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Requested Measurements


Subtype – various type may have more than one method of measurement


Graphical Data


NOTE: The measurement must have been completed and confirmation received back from the Spectrum Processor in order to view the results.

Figure 3-9 Scorpio Client Task Results Data Screen


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Table 3-10 Scorpio Client Task Results Data Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


Task Data

Task Data displays the basic specifications given to this Task. The date and time the Task was requested to run, the center frequency the bandwidth and the Identity assigned.

Requested Measurements

Requested Measurements itemizes and summarizes all entries made in the Task Calendar tabs. Measurement type, method, parameters, and results are shown.

Spectrum Analysis Onscreen Display Plot Beta

Dependent upon the currently selected Requested Measurement Type, this Onscreen Display changes to show the following plot types:

# #

Spectrum Analysis: Beta%, xdB bandwidth

Probability Distribution: AM, FM, PM modulation

Histogram: DF

Polar: DF

NOTE: Viewing additional Requested Measurement Type charts can be accomplished by selecting the corresponding graph entry. NOTE: You can view either Histogram or Polar charts for the DF Results. To switch between the two, press the Dir Finding” measurement type in the “Requested Measurements” tabular display.

Print Preview

This area displays a preview of how the printed textual or plotted report will look once printed.

Reports Text Plot

Once clicked on, these toggle switches for text and plot toggle the display of the results reports. When the check box for text is on, the textual preview will be displayed. When the check box for Plot is on, the plotted results data will be displayed.


This saves the report to disk.


Dependent upon the Text and Plot check boxes, the Preview button displays how the report will look once printed. If you mark both Report checkboxes for previewing, you may select between the two under the preview screen’s “Window” menu.


Prints the results report.


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Figure 3-10 Scorpio Client Signal Measurement Text Report Screen


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Figure 3-11 Scorpio Client Signal Measurement Plot Results Data Screen


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Figure 3-12 Scorpio Client Signal Measurement Polar Results Data Screen


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Device Control – Homing DF (Optional)

The "Homing DF" feature gives the operator the ability to quickly and easily locate the source of an emitter using a mobile monitoring station(s). It provides a direction indicator to the emitter relative to that of the vehicle. The "Homing Mode" results are displayed on the integrated map display. The "Homing DF" feature covers the entire valid frequency range. DF measurements determine the direction of arrival or azimuth of a signal of interest with regard to both relative to the vehicle and True North direction. This directional information is also referred to as the line of bearing (LOB) data. A DF measurement gathers LOB data from the mobile station Tasked with a DF request. The DF results are displayed as LOBs on a map. The LOBs are drawn as a line segment from the location of the vehicle (when the DF measurement was taken) to the edge of the map, in the direction of the returned azimuth. The software processes the LOB data obtained from each DF measurement location and calculates the position or "FIX" on the transmitted signal. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is utilized to record DF station location in reference to the Signal of Interest being Tasked. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques are used to determine the azimuth angle of arrival of any signal of interest (azimuth angle is measured from magnetic north). The DF measurement method used in the Spectrum Monitoring system is an implementation of the Correlative Interferometry technique as described in the ITU Spectrum Monitoring Handbook.

# #

NOTE: A DF result consists of a bearing and the GPS location of the measurement server. If for some reason the GPS unit is offline, Scorpio Server will return the value stored in its “equipcontrol.ini” file. The default value is set to training server location. This value is found in the “gps” section of the file under the “location =” key.

NOTE: Double-clicking at the edges of the Relative Bearing chart causes the chart to “pop-up.” This element when “popped-up” is detached from its parent screen and displayed in a separate window which can be repositioned and resized


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Figure 4-1 Scorpio Client Homing DF

You can use DF to:


Locate unauthorized transmitters

Locate transmitters in distress situations

Locate interfering transmitters which cannot be identified by other means

Locate sources of harmful interference of reception, such as electrical equipment, defective insulators on a power line, and other interference

Identify transmitters, both known and unknown

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When the "Homing DF" dialog is active, an immediate DF measurement is requested at regular intervals. The interval used is the number of seconds as shown in the "Repeat Rate" pull-down list. As each DF Result is received, the LOB, from the location of the mobile DF station to the emitter is displayed on the Relative Bearing Chart. The LOB is displayed as a needle pointing towards the emitter, relative to the direction the mobile DF station was facing at the time of the measurement. If the needle is pointing "Right," then the emitter is somewhere to the right of you. If the needle is pointing "Forward," the emitter is somewhere in front of you, and so on. Only the five most recent LOBs are displayed on the chart. The most recent LOB received is displayed in yellow and the previous four are displayed in Grey. When a DF measurement is requested, certain information is sent along with the request, including the frequency, bandwidth, confidence factor, and priority of the request. The frequency and bandwidth values are taken from the "Frequency" and "IF Bandwidth" options on the "Monitor Receiver’s" dialog box. The confidence factor is selected by the operator using the associated "Confidence Factor (CF)" spinner control. The priority is higher than that of other measurements (as from the Task Calendar window) and is selected internally by the system. Only those LOBs that have a measured confidence factor and SNR that meet the operator entered confidence and SNR values are displayed. The most recent LOB is always displayed on the "Relative Bearing Chart," but not always on the Map. There are three rules by which a LOB is displayed on the Map: It is the first LOB returned, it is selected for display when the operator presses the button, or it is selected from the "Homing FIX" dialog. By pressing the button, the most recently returned bearing is included in the current Homing DF “Mission.” All included bearings are maintained, and may be used in a FIX calculation. Not including bearings is useful in a mobile system when trying to locate a fixed emitter. The Map displays vehicle positions as a red square, and bearings as colored lines. All of the displayed bearings are automatically used to perform FIX calculation and any wild bearings rejected by the FIX will be colored yellow, while accepted bearings will be colored red. The Homing DF dialog works in conjunction with the Homing FIX dialog. All included bearings are given to the Homing FIX dialog. When a specified number of bearings are included (selected in the “Auto-FIX Rate” pull-down list), a FIX is automatically calculated based on the most recent, specified bearings. These bearings can be seen and either selected/deselected in the FIX window. Table 4-1 Scorpio Client Homing DF/Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


Relative Bearing Chart

This directional “indicator” displays the source of the emitter relative to the direction of the mobile station. For instance, if the mobile station turns directly into the signal, the Relative Bearing Chart will display a pointer emitting from 360 degrees whereas if the signal is coming directly from the right side of the front of the mobile unit, the display pointer will indicate 90 degrees.

Fix Results Lat, Lon UTM

Displays the Latitude and Longitude in degrees:minutes:seconds or Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) results of the last FIX obtained.

Network Audio (optional)

When selected, audio is routed from the measurement server to the client.


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Table 4-1 Scorpio Client Homing DF/Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item DF Measurement Parameters Freq Bw CF, SNR (optional) Polarization (optional)

Description Displays the currently set frequency and bandwidth parameters as set on the Monitor Receiver. The CF allows the user to set a minimum confidence value. The SNR allows the user to set a minimum Signalto-Noise ratio value. Polarization allows the user to perform the measurement(s) using the vertical or horizontal components of the antenna, if available.

Auto-FIX Rate

This item sets the number of bearing reports to be used when calculating a FIX.

Repeat Rate

This item sets the number of seconds that elapse between DF requests.

DF Update

This button takes the Bearing results just received and places them into the FIX screen for use in calculating a FIX.

Automatic Updates

When selected, all Bearing results received are placed into the FIX screen for use in calculating a FIX (this provides an automatic way to perform a “DF Update”).

DF Request

Sends an immediate request for DF measurement to the Spectrum Processor.

Export to File, (optional)

When selected, both the DF measurement request and Bearing result is appended to an external file. This file is a comma-delimited text file. Each DF request and result is displayed on a separate line. Pressing the button allows the user to select both the name and location of the external file to be used.


Device Control – Homing FIX (Optional)

After desired line of bearing data has been obtained, the user may request a FIX for a target. Figure 4-2 is the FIX calculation screen. The operator selects the line of bearing data that will be used for the calculation by selecting each one and clicking the button.


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Figure 4-2 Scorpio Client Homing FIX Screen

Table 4-2 Scorpio Client Homing FIX Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


Fix Results Lat, Lon UTM

Displays the Latitude and Longitude (in degrees:minutes:seconds) or Universal Transverse Mercator results of the last FIX obtained.

Use range data (optional)

When selected, range data (if available) will be used when performing a FIX calculation. Range data for each DF Result are displayed below each Bearing Selection button.

Calculate FIX

When used, this button will calculate a FIX based on the Bearing Selection buttons, and optional range data, that are chosen.

Remove All

Allows the user to remove all bearing selections and clear the screen.


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Table 4-2 Scorpio Client Homing FIX Screen Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Bearing Selection [ Azimuth in degrees (Signal Strength in dBm) ]


Description These buttons allow the user to select which Bearings to use to calculate a FIX. Bearing selections are added as DF requests are returned from the Spectrum Processor.

Device Control – Monitor Receiver (Optional)

Most traditional receivers have separate Pan IF displays for displaying just a portion of the RF spectrum. TCI’s solution provides this functionality as a "Receiver Virtual Control Panel" on the computer monitor. This Virtual Control Panel (VCP) has familiar controls associated with typical standalone receivers, providing interactive control of the receiver unit. The screen includes controls for frequency, modulation, and amplitude control. Receiver status information will be displayed on the same screen. The receiver audio may be routed through the audio distribution system. Figure 4-3 shows an example of the receiver "VCP." The "Monitor Receiver" dialog box allows you to set up a specific receiver to perform signal measurements. The virtual receiver display allows you to view the signal being monitored in a real-time frequency domain. Multiple receiver controls provide the capability to analyze and capture signal characteristics.


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Figure 4-3 Scorpio Client Monitor Receiver Screen


NOTE: Double-clicking inside the Pan chart causes the chart to “pop-up.” This element when “popped-up” is detached from its parent screen and displayed in a separate window which can be repositioned and resized

Table 4-3 Scorpio Client Monitor Receiver Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item



Drop-list that allows selection between “RF Level” and “Off.” When “RF Level” is selected the numeric value and LED control representing the RF Level for the current receiver settings display; when “Off” is selected the LED control below will be disabled and the numeric value is not displayed.


A horizontal bar graph representing current RF Level in dBm. When the Meter drop list is set to “RF Level,” this control is disabled when the Meter drop list is set to “Off.”


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Table 4-3 Scorpio Client Monitor Receiver Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Frequency

Description The edit field displays the currently tuned frequency. The control can be manually edited, or incremented and decremented using the spin control buttons below it. When switching to the Pan Display dialog, the frequency is also the value passed on to the Pan Display dialog box.

# Note: In some implementations of the Scorpio Client application receiver frequency can be changed by positioning the cursor over the desired signal in the “Tuning Aid” window and clicking the left mouse button. IF Bandwidth

This drop-list provides selections between filters that may be used during monitoring to exclude unwanted signals or noise from the signal of interest. Possible values are dependent on the selection made in the “Det mode” field current frequency band and type of server currently connected. Possible values include, but not limited to: • • •

300 kHz for HF band 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 6 kHz for both HF and VHF 12.5 kHz, 25 kHz, 50 kHz, 100 kHz, 150 kHz for VHF

The control is set to the BW last selected when launching the program. The vertical red lines on the PAN display show the current receiver bandwidth setting. The area between the red lines is the receiver IF bandwidth. All signals outside the red lines will not be heard during monitoring operations. Step Size

This drop-list specifies how much the Frequency will increase or decrease when the spinner controls are used. Standard values are 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz and 1 MHz. Values from the Spectrum Occupancy drop-list are also included.

< >

(FrequencySpinner Controls). The spinner controls emulate a standard receiver-tuning knob. Clicking the left spinner button would decrease the frequency by the specified stepsize, and clicking the right spinner button will increase the frequency by the specified stepsize. Holding down any of the spinner controls will step increase/decrease the frequency continuously by the specified stepsize, until the button is released.

Det Mode

This drop-list provides several demodulation options or detection modes to allow the operator to listen to modulated signals. Possible values depend on the current frequency band. Possible values are AM, CW, USB, and LSB for any band. An “FM” value is valid only for “VHF” bands. The control is set to “AM” by default the first time the dialog box is displayed after launching the program.


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Table 4-3 Scorpio Client Monitor Receiver Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item BFO

Description The edit field controls the Beat Frequency Offset from the carrier and is displayed in kHz. This control is only enabled when the CW Det Mode is selected. Possible range of values are from –8000 to 8000 kHz in 10 kHz steps by using spinner controls, or a value can be typed in. This control is disabled by default the first time the dialog box is displayed after launching the program.

# NOTE: The BFO option is available for CW mode only. AGC

This drop-list provides control of the receiver’s behavior to noise and fading. Possible values and their respective equivalents in units of time are: • • •

Fast = 100 msec Medium = 500 msec. Long = 2 seconds

# NOTE: These values can be changed by editing the settings in the Initialization file (ScorpioClient.ini) The control is set to “Fast” by default the first time dialog box is displayed after launching the program. Tuning Aid

Run/Stop Bandwidth

This X-Y plot displays frequency versus amplitude. The vertical red lines on the PAN display show the current receiver IF Bandwidth setting. The area between the red lines is the receiver passband. The tick mark labels below the graph show the PAN Centerline frequency and PAN bandwidth’s frequency. This button toggles the request for PAN data. When receiving PAN data, the button is labeled “Stop,” and when clicked it stops requesting and therefore stops displaying the PAN data. When no PAN data is being received, the button is labeled “Run.” When “Run” is clicked, the program begins requesting PAN data from the receiver. Vertical scaling is fixed at 10 dB per division.

Recorder… (optional)

This button displays the Audio Recorder dialog box.

Switch… (optional)

This button displays the Audio Switch Settings dialog box.

Pan Bandwidth

This drop-list controls how much of the spectrum will be displayed by the PAN window. The values are dependent on the type of server currently connected. Possible values include, but are not limited to:

Reference Level

1.25 kHz, 2.5 kHz, 5 kHz, 12.5 kHz, and 25 kHz for HF bandwidths

5 kHz, 12.5 kHz, 25 kHz, 50kHz, 100 kHz, and 300 kHz for VHF bandwidths.

This drop-list controls the base value of the amplitude (y-axis) in the PAN display. Example selections are –60 dBm, -80 dBm, -100 dBm, -120 dBm, 140 dBm, and -160 dBm. The reference line position is fixed at the bottom of the display.


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Table 4-3 Scorpio Client Monitor Receiver Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


Antenna (optional)

Allows the user to specify which antenna, from a list of available antennas, to be used for monitoring.

Network Audio (optional)

When selected, audio is routed from the measurement server to the client.

Squelch (optional)

When selected, audio from the measurement server is squelched (muted) when the RF Level falls below the selected squelch level.

Peak Hold

When selected, the Pan trace is generated using only the maximum levels.

Average %

When selected, the Pan trace is generated by using a running average, with the most recent Pan trace averaged with the average of all previously received Pan traces. The most recent Pan trace is weighted according the selected Average % (e.g., if selected an Average % of 70%, the most recent Pan trace is weighted as 30%).


Antenna Selection Control (Optional)

Both Scorpio client and server are modified to support multiple choices of the monitoring antenna (Ref which is the standard antenna or Aux N which are customer supplied auxiliary antenna(s)). The server software maintains the antenna selection. The client receives the current antenna selection from the connected server. The client can also change the antenna selection, but only after it has received currently selected antenna values from the server.


Audio Switching (Optional)

The Communications network allows for data and audio communications between all stations. In normal operation, each subsystem will operate independently, although it is possible to communicate between subsystems. The network communications has to be UP for audio routing between stations to be operational. Using dialup phone lines, any site is capable of monitoring and/or storing audio from another site. These functions are provided using an audio switch and sound cards. The Spectrum Processor computer has a built-in audio switch and one sound card. The other sound card is located in the local Scorpio Client workstation. Another major function of the system is the capability to transfer and play digitized audio files (.wav) between all stations. Audio distribution at the Control Centers is achieved using a standalone software package to control all aspects of audio distribution and digitized audio storage/playback.


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Figure 4-4 Scorpio Client Audio Switch Setting Screen

Table 4-4 Scorpio Client Audio Switch Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


Audio Predefined Settings

Allows the user to select one of the predefined audio settings.

Description: (Input – Output)

Available options for selected audio routing.

Pickup Phone

If selected, 8067 phone port goes off-hook.

Hangup Phone

If selected when dialing another station, remote 8067 phone port goes on-hook.

Auto Answer

These radio buttons sets the remote telephone Auto Answer mode to On, or Off. The remote telephone will be answered upon detection of a ring.

Off On Type

(Not Used). Voice (Audio) is transmitted via telephone lines.

Data Voice OK

Accepts the selections made and closes this dialog.


Does not accept the selections made and closes this dialog.


Accepts the selections made but does not close this dialog.


0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

Scorpio Software Users Guide Telephone Interface In order to receive audio inputs from remote stations, an operator must initiate a phone call to the desired station. When the call is detected at the remote station, the remote station will automatically answer the phone and connect audio to the line. The Telephone Interface Unit allows the operator to select a phone line and manually dial into a remote station to establish the audio link. Remote Monitoring and Digital Recording (Optional) An operator remotely opens an 8067 receiver at a fixed or mobile station, and tunes the receiver to the desired frequency. Using the panoramic display, verify the desired signal is currently on air. The operator dials into the remote station to establish the receiver audio connection. Using the NiceCall software application, route the audio to one or both of the headset channels. Adjust the receiver frequency and demodulation parameters as necessary. If desired, use the NiceCall software application to set up digital recording of the signal. At this point, the operator will enter "chunk" data, to include: •

Audio File Name

CC and Remote Station Locations




The CC operator can then set up additional channels for monitoring/recording if desired using the above steps. If the files are to be transferred over the data network to other fixed or mobile stations, they must be saved as ".wav" files. Any station in the network using drive sharing and mapping into the network can access digitized audio files.


Remote Audio Monitoring

It is assumed that when an operator wants to use resources at a remote station, he will select the desired station from the station list, and will then have full control of that station. For any site to access audio at a remote site, select the "Remote Monitoring from CC" option. 1. The operator selects desired station, and uses Monitor Receiver dialog to tune to desired frequency. He then verifies the signal is present on the "Tuning Aid" screen. 2. The operator uses the "Audio Switch Setting" dialog to instruct the remote Spectrum Processor audio phone port to automatically answer phone when ring is detected. At this time, the remote audio switch will be commanded to route receiver audio to the phone port. 3. The operator initiates a phone call to Fixed or Mobile 8067 audio phone port. The Spectrum Processor will automatically answer the phone, and the operator can listen to the audio over the phone line.


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4. When the operator is finished monitoring the remote station audio, clicking on will disconnect (takes on-hook) the 8067 phone port, thereby disconnecting the phone.


Audio Recording (Optional)

The following steps are used at the Fixed and Mobile stations to record/playback receiver audio at Scorpio Client workstation. 1. The operator uses the "Monitor Receiver – Connected" dialog to tune the receiver to the desired frequency. 2. To initiate recording, the operator can select the button to automatically route the receiver audio to Scorpio Client sound card and to start digital recording. 3. This will bring up the "Digital Audi Recorder" dialog. 4. Audio can also be played back through this Dialog.

Figure 4-5 Scorpio Client Audio Recorder Dialog Box


NOTE: The operator must mute the live audio if desired from the audio mixer panel


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Table 4-5 Scorpio Client Audio Recorder Menu Descriptions Menu Item



Allows the user to open a file, save a file, save a file as a different name or close the file.


Provides for selections for Recording in different file formats.

Table 4-6 Scorpio Client Audio Record Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item

Description Shows the length of the “.wav” file in minutes:seconds.


These controls are standard to most recording decks and applications. Play (>), Pause (||), and Stop („) are used to control playback. The next button toggles between time elapsed and time remaining. Record (z) is pressed when the user want to record the desired signal. Rewind (

(Frequency Spinner Controls). The spinner controls emulate a standard receiver-tuning knob. Clicking the left spinner button decreases the frequency by number shown in “Step Size” field, and clicking the right spinner button will increase the frequency by number shown in “Step Size” field.

DF/Metrics Request

This button sends a DF and Metrics Request to the processor with the parameters shown in the “DF Setup” group.


Pressing the button displays the “Pushbutton Metrics Setup” screen. This screen allows the user to select which metrics measurements to be run and also the parameters for the metrics measurements.

Repeat Rate

This item sets the number of seconds that elapse between DF/Metrics requests.

Export to File, (optional)

When selected, both the DF measurement request and Bearing result is appended to an external file. This file is a comma-delimited text file. Each DF request and result is displayed on a separate line. Pressing the button allows the user to select both the name and location of the external file to be used.

Polarization (optional)


Polarization allows the user to perform the measurement(s) using the vertical or horizontal components of the antenna, if available.

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RX Setup Table 4-11 Scorpio Client RX Setup Field/Button Item Description

Field/Button Item IF Bandwidth

Description This drop-list provides selections between filters that may be used during monitoring to exclude unwanted signals or noise from the signal of interest. Possible values are dependent on the selection made in the “Det mode” field, current frequency band and type of server currently connected. Possible values include, but not limited to: • • •

300 kHz for HF band 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 6 kHz for both HF and VHF 12.5 kHz, 25 kHz, 50 kHz, 100 kHz, 150 kHz for VHF

The control is set to the BW last selected when launching the program. The vertical red lines on the PAN display show the current receiver bandwidth setting. The area between the red lines is the receiver IF bandwidth. All signals outside the red lines will not be heard during monitoring operations. Det Mode

This drop-list provides five detection (demodulation) modes to allow the operator to listen to modulated signals. Possible values are AM, CW, USB, LSB and FM. The control is set to “AM” by default the first time the dialog box is displayed after launching the program.


The edit field controls the Beat Frequency Offset from the carrier and is displayed in Hz. This control is only enabled when the CW Det Mode (Detection Mode) is selected. Possible range of values are from –8000 to 8000 Hz in 10 Hz steps by using spinner controls, or a value can be typed in. This control is disabled by default the first time the dialog box is displayed after launching the program.


NOTE: The BFO option is available for CW mode only.

This drop-list provides control of the receiver’s behavior to noise and fading. Possible values and their respective equivalents in units of time are: • • •


Fast = 100 msec Medium = 500 msec. Long = 2 seconds

NOTE: These values can be changed by editing the settings in the Initialization file (ScorpioClient.ini)

The control is set to “Fast” by default the first time dialog box is displayed after launching the program.


Polar Histogram

The "Polar Histogram" group is used to display the DF cuts collected in a polar chart. The cuts histogram is built from the center towards the edge.


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Clusters of cuts can be selected by using the cursor. A one click on the left mouse button will activate an azimuth line. When a desired cluster is identified the mouse button is released and a wedge is then automatically created encompassing the cluster. The size of the wedge can be modified in "Scorpio client.ini" file. The azimuth field is then recalculated from the cuts in the new cluster. This allows the operator to identify the azimuth for non-main clusters. All DF cuts satisfying the "CF" criteria (as specified in the DF Setup group) are displayed in the Polar-Histogram. The cuts are placed into 1° (one-degree) bins (from 0-359 degrees). The longer the line drawn in any bin, the more DF cuts were collected at that bin’s azimuth. The main cluster of cuts is used for the average azimuth calculation. Table 4-12 Scorpio Client Polar Histogram Field Item Description Field/Button Item



This field is automatically filled in by the program. It indicates the azimuth that has been calculated from the cuts in a selected cluster shown on the chart. It is important to note that the cluster may not encompass all the cuts shown in the chart. Whenever the cuts displayed in the chart are edited using the wedge function the "Az" field gets updated to reflect the actual cuts used in the process. Initially the azimuth field is the same value as that shown in the ‘DF Results’ group "Azimuth" field in the highlighted row.

Sig.Str (dBm)

This field is automatically filled in by the program. It indicates the signal strength that has been calculated from the cuts in a selected cluster shown on the chart.


DF Results

In this group the results obtained after the DF request is processed are displayed. The top line in the "DF Results" table is the latest result and is highlighted. Table 4-13 Scorpio Client DF Results Field Item Description Field/Button Item


Time and Date

This field indicates the time and date of the completion of the DF request.


This field indicates the location of the processor that accepted and processed the DF request.


This field indicates the frequency used in the DF request.


This field indicates the azimuth calculated for the cuts used in the DF result.


NOTE: Only main cluster cuts are used in this calculation.


This field indicates the lowest confidence factor calculated by the processor for the cuts. It is always equal to or greater than the confidence factor that was selected by the operator in the ‘DF Setup’ group.


This field indicates the number of cuts used in the statistical calculation.


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Table 4-13 Scorpio Client DF Results Field Item Description Field/Button Item



This field indicates the standard deviation calculated for all the cuts used in the DF result calculation.


Tuning Aid Table 4-14 Scorpio Client Tuning Aid Field/Button Item Description

Field/Button Item Bandwidth (kHz)

Ref. Level (dBm)

Description This drop-list controls how much of the spectrum will be displayed by the Tuning Aid window. The center frequency is what is shown in the “DF Setup” group “Frequency (MHz)” edit field. The values are: •

1.25 kHz, 2.5 kHz, 5 kHz, 12.5 kHz, and 25 kHz for HF bandwidths

5 kHz, 12.5 kHz, 25 kHz, 50kHz, 100 kHz, and 300 kHz for VHF bandwidths.

This drop-list controls the base value of the amplitude (y-axis) in the PAN display. Example selections are –60 dBm, -80 dBm, -100 dBm, -120 dBm, 140 dBm, and -160 dBm. The reference line position is fixed at the bottom of the display.

Run Stop

These buttons toggle the request for PAN data. When receiving PAN data, the button is labeled “Stop,” and when clicked it stops requesting and therefore stops displaying the PAN data. When no PAN data is being received, the button is labeled “Run.” When “Run” is clicked, the program begins requesting PAN data from the receiver. The X-Y plot displays frequency versus amplitude. The vertical red lines on the PAN display show the current receiver IF Bandwidth setting. The area between the red lines is the receiver passband. The tick mark labels below the graph shows the PAN Centerline frequency and PAN bandwidth’s frequency. Vertical scaling is fixed at 10 dB per division. Click tuning is also enabled on this display. When an area in the spectrum is clicked (using the mouse) that particular peak becomes the center frequency. This action then changes the frequency displayed in the “DF Setup” group.

Relative Freq

When checked the PAN display scaling changes and the X-axis displays offsets from the center relative to the bandwidth value shown in the field “Bandwidth (kHz).” The left edge will display the center frequency minus (Bandwidth/2) while the right edge will display the center frequency plus (Bandwidth/2).

Network Audio (optional)

When selected, audio is routed from the measurement server to the client.

Squelch (optional)

When selected, audio from the measurement server is squelched (muted) when the RF Level falls below the selected squelch level.


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Table 4-14 Scorpio Client Tuning Aid Field/Button Item Description Field/Button Item


Peak Hold

When selected, the Pan trace is generated using only the maximum levels.

Average %

When selected, the Pan trace is generated by using a running average, with the most recent Pan trace averaged with the average of all previously received Pan traces. The most recent Pan trace is weighted according the selected Average % (e.g., if selected an Average % of 70%, the most recent Pan trace is weighted as 30%).



NOTE: Double-clicking inside the Pan chart causes the chart to “pop-up.” This element when “popped-up” is detached from its parent screen and displayed in a separate window which can be repositioned and resized

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Figure 4-11 Pushbutton DF/Metrics Screen



Refer to Section 4.7 for a detailed description of map controls and operations available in the basic Scorpio Client application. The following description is valid for map functions available within the "Pushbutton DF/Metrics" screen. The following is a basic map of the country of interest.


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Figure 4-12 Scorpio Client Map Display Screen (available with the Pushbutton DF/Metrics)

Table 4-15 Scorpio Client Map Display Field/Button Item Description Field/Button Item


Cursor Deg Min Sec Decimal Degrees UTM

Results are shown in Deg Min Sec (degrees:minutes:seconds), Decimal Degrees or in UTM coordinates.

Size Control Zoom Pan Measurement

This button allows the user to define an area with the mouse button to zoom into for a closer look. Pan allows the user to use the mouse button to scroll to different areas on the map. When the Measurement button is selected the user can select a point on the map with a left mouse press and move to another point on the map and include it with the previous selection. As you move, the mouse displays a trailing line (similar to a rubber-band line) to continue selecting points. Once all points have been selected, the user may double-click the left mouse button and a dialog box will display the difference of distance between the points in either azimuth or kilometers. If more than two points are selected, this dialog will display the total difference between the points.

Full Size

Displays the full size map.

Display Control

This buttons allows the user to choose the Region to display.


Prints a copy of the Map in its current view.


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Table 4-15 Scorpio Client Map Display Field/Button Item Description Field/Button Item



Allows the user to display multiple layers (cities, regions, etc.) of the selected map.

Lines of Bearing/Error Ellipse

These lines indicate where the emitter of the signal of interest lies in relation to Magnetic North. The error ellipse indicates the most likely area where the emitter of the signal of interest may be.


Pushbutton Metrics Setup (Optional)

This screen allows the user to select which metrics measurements to be run and also the parameters for the metrics measurements.

Figure 4-13 Pushbutton Metrics Setup


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Table 4-16 Pushbutton Metrics Setup Field/Button Item Description Field/Button Item



A bandwidth measurement will be performed when the user presses the if this field has been selected.

Bandwidth Setup Fields

Refer to Table 3-4 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Bandwidth Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions.


A modulation measurement will be performed when the user presses the if this field has been selected.

Modulation Setup Fields

Refer to Table 3-5 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Modulation Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions.

Field Strength

A field strength measurement will be performed when the user presses the if this field has been selected.

Field Strength Setup Fields

Refer to Table 3-6 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Field Strength Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions.


A frequency measurement will be performed when the user presses the if this field has been selected.

Frequency Setup Fields

Refer to Table 3-7 Scorpio Client Task Calendar Frequency Tab Field/Button Item Descriptions.


Allows the user to specify which antenna, from a list of available antennas, to be used for the metrics measurements and monitoring. Note that the reference antenna is always used for the Direction measurements, regardless of antenna selection.


Device Control – Netted DF (Optional)

The "Netted DF" button located on the Taskbar will allow DF Requests from two or more sites to return Netted data for establishing a Netted FIX. It is used to send netted DF requests from the local and/or the remote sites. The DF results are used to perform the Netted FIX calculation when valid LOBs are returned from at least two different sites.



NOTE: A DF result consists of a bearing and the GPS location of the measurement server. If for some reason the GPS unit is offline, Scorpio Server will return the value stored in its equipcontrol.ini file. The default value is set to training server location. This value is found in the [gps] section of the file under the “location =” key.

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Figure 4-14 Scorpio Client Netted DF Screen

Table 4-17 Scorpio Client Netted DF Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item



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Table 4-17 Scorpio Client Netted DF Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


Fix Results Lat, Lon UTM

Displays the Latitude and Longitude in degrees:minutes:seconds or Universal Transverse Mercator results of the last FIX obtained.

Track Target

When a check appears in this check box, a LOB is returned without clearing the other LOB lines from the map window. This allows the user to track the movement of a target.

Export to File, (optional)

When selected, both the DF measurement request and Bearing result is appended to an external file. This file is a comma-delimited text file. Each DF request and result is displayed on a separate line. Pressing the button allows the user to select both the name and location of the external file to be used.

DF Request

This button sends an immediate request for DF to the measurement service. An error ellipse will display on the.

DF Measurement CF Identity Freq BW SNR (optional)

Displays the currently set frequency and bandwidth parameters as set on the Monitor Receiver. Identity displays the description of the signal. The CF allows the user to set a minimum confidence value. The SNR allows the user to set a minimum Signal-to-Noise ratio value.

Repeat Rate

This item sets the number of seconds that elapse between DF requests.

Polarization (optional)

Polarization allows the user to perform the measurement(s) using the vertical or horizontal components of the antenna, if available.

Tabular Display

This displays bearings received from the measurement servers. If the "Track Target" is not selected, this list is cleared between each DF Request. If "Track Target" is selected, each bearing received is inserted at the top of the table. The user can select a set of bearings from a single DF Mission by single clicking a row; the user can select a set of bearings from multiple DF Missions by pressing the keyboard key while single clicking a row. All selected bearings and error ellipses (if available) are shown on the map. This maintains a history of the most recent 99 DF missions, numbered 1 to 99. DF Results for these missions are displayed in tabular form (date/time, azimuth, confidence, SNR and signal strength values) and are associated with the mission number. DF FIX points for these missions are shown on the Map display, labeled with each DF Mission number. DF bearings for Missions selected in the tabular display are shown on the Map display


Device Control – Netted FIX (Optional)

The returned DF requests are used to perform the Netted FIX calculation when valid LOBs are returned from at least two different sites. Bearings used to calculate the fix are chosen by depressing the desired Bearing Selection buttons and clicking on the Calculate FIX button. Results are displayed on the Map Display Screen along with the intersecting LOBs and error ellipse.


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Each valid DF Result shows both azimuth and signal strength. These values are displayed in the Bearing Selection buttons.

Figure 4-15 Scorpio Client Netted FIX Screen


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Table 4-18 Scorpio Client Netted FIX Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


Fix Results

Displays the Latitude and Longitude or UTM results of the last FIX obtained. Results for Lat and Lon are shown in degrees:minutes:seconds.

Use range data (optional)

When selected, range data (if available) will be used when performing a FIX calculation. Range data for each DF Result are displayed below each Bearing Selection button.

Calculate FIX

The Calculate FIX button is used to perform a netted fix calculation using the selected DF results. At least two DF bearings must be selected to perform a fix calculation, unless range data exists and the user has selected "Use range data." The FIX can only be calculated if the LOBs used converge at some point.

Remove All

Allows the user to remove all bearing selections and clear the screen.

Bearing Selection [Azimuth in degrees (signal strength in dBm)]

Bearing Results from the available stations are displayed here and can be included or excluded from calculating a FIX. These buttons allow the user to select which Bearings and optional range to use to calculate a FIX. Bearing selections are added as DF responses have been returned from the Spectrum Processor. Note that the Signal Strength of each Result is also shown.

Manual Entries (Optional) Bearing

Allows operator to manually enter bearing to target station.

DF Site Name

Allows operator to manually input site name.

Range (optional)

Allows operator to manually input range to target station.


Allows operator to manually input site latitude.


Allows operator to manually input site longitude.


Device Control – Field Strength Mapping (Optional)

The Field Strength Mapping feature is used to measure and display field strength across frequencies over a geographical area. This feature can only be used with a mobile station. The operator defines and runs Field Strength Mapping task(s). Field strength measurements are taken continuously for the frequencies in all running tasks as the mobile station moves. The average field strength, for each frequency, is computed and displayed for each 500m by 500m square grid as mobile station moves from grid to grid. The average field strength values are displayed numerically and color-coded.


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Figure 4-16 Field Strength Mapping

Table 4-19 Field Strength Mapping Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Define Tasks

ID Start Frequency (MHz) Stop Frequency (MHz) Bandwidth (kHz)

Description The items in the upper-left corner are used to define Field Strength Mapping tasks. These are also used to stop and start tasks. The operator must enter this task information to define and run a task. Note that ID is automatically generated. Once the operator has entered the Start and Stop Frequencies, and the Bandwidth, selecting the Run item will start the task (field strength measurements will be collected). The Status indicates the current status of the task. Possible Status values are:




Start FS Data Running Stop


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Table 4-19 Field Strength Mapping Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item Existing Tasks

Description The items in the upper-right corner show all currently defined Field Strength Mapping tasks. Select one task in this list to display (in the Task Channels) the individual frequencies defined by the selected task. Displays task information. Note that ID is automatically generated.

ID Start Frequency (MHz) Stop Frequency (MHz) Bandwidth (kHz) Start Time Stop Time Mapping Tools

Refer to section 4.10 Device Control – Map Management

Task Channels

Displays the individual frequencies defined by the currently selected task in the list of Existing Tasks.

Channel Frequency

Displays the channels (automatically numbered 1, 2, 3 …) and frequencies defined by the currently selected task in the list of Existing Tasks.

Signal Strength (dBµV/m)

Display a legend showing the color scheme used to identify signal strength values. The operator can adjust this by dragging the adjuster items up and down.

Transparency (%)

The operator can change the transparency of the color-coded field strength grids by adjusting this value.


Device Control – Spectrum Analyzer (Optional)

The Spectrum Analyzer screen is used to view a wide (or narrow) range of the frequency spectrum in real-time. The user is presented with traces of frequency versus power, with two markers to help identify and measure signals. The user can select the frequency range directly by entering the start and stop frequencies, or by entering the center frequency and frequency span. Different levels of detail are shown by selecting the bandwidth.


Scorpio Software Users Guide

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Figure 4-17 Scorpio Client Spectrum Analyzer Screen

Table 4-20 Scorpio Client Spectrum Analyzer Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


Reference Level

This list controls the base value of the power (y-axis) in the display. The reference line position is fixed at the top of the display.


The user can select the scale for the power (y-axis) in the display. The numbers indicate the difference in power between adjacent gridlines.

Print Print

Prints the current trace, markers and overlay information to the default printer.

Print Preview

Presents a preview of the current trace, markers and overlay information to the screen.


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Scorpio Software Users Guide

Table 4-20 Scorpio Client Spectrum Analyzer Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item



Two markers are available to the user to aid in the identification and measurement of signals. The markers both snap to the trace, labeled as “1” and “2”. The current value of each marker (frequency in MHz and power in either dBm or dBuV) is shown as overlaid data at the top of the display as “MKR1:” and “MKR2:” The difference between the two markers (frequency and power) is shown at the top as “DIFF:”


When Center is selected, the first marker (labeled “1”) snaps to the trace at the center frequency. The second marker (labeled “2”) snaps to the trace at the left-edge of the trace.


When Max is selected, the two markers (labeled “1” and “2”) snap to the trace at the largest and second largest peaks. When neither Center nor Max Markers are selected, the markers are moved manually using the mouse. Using the left mouse key, click and drag to move the first marker. To move the second marker, click and drag the mouse using the right mouse key.


The user can select the frequency range directly by entering the start and stop frequencies, or by entering the center frequency and frequency span.

Center, Span

Click on “Center” to enter the center frequency of the display; and then click on “Span” to enter the frequency span. This determines the start and stop frequencies displayed. Note that if the user enters a span that will cause the start or stop frequency to be outside the range of the server, the center frequency will be automatically adjusted to fit the range.

Start, Stop

Click on “Start” and “Stop” to enter the start and stop frequencies of the trace, respectively. If the user enters a start (or stop) frequency that is outside the range of the server, the start (or stop) frequency will be automatically adjusted to fit the range.


The user can select the bandwidth for the frequency (x-axis) in the display. A smaller bandwidth will provide more resolution (and thus more detail). However, the traces will display at a slower rate.

Force Narrowband (optional)

Available when connected to a server with dual bandwidth support. When selected, the smaller bandwidth is used.



Peak Hold

When selected, the trace is generated using only the maximum levels.

Average (%)

When selected, the trace is generated by using a running average, with the most recent trace averaged with the average of all previously received traces. The most recent trace is weighted according the selected Average % (e.g., if selected an Average % of 70%, the most recent trace is weighted as 30%).

Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L

4.10 Device Control – Map Management The mapping system is based on ESRI® MapObjects® that support map display and controls. The map window is available for the display of DF LOB data, emitter locations, and error ellipses. Mobile emitters and Mobile stations are also displayed on the map.

4.10.1 Display and Control The map window is accessed with "Homing DF," "Netted DF," “Pushbutton DF/Metrics”, “AVD” and the “Station Select” functions. The user may select zoom in, zoom out, pan, center, or measurement functions. The coordinate display window changes according to the user selection in the Tools menu. When a tool is selected, the mouse cursor that is displayed over the map windows is changed to reflect the function in use. For example, when the zoom in function is selected, the cursor changes to a magnifying glass with a plus sign in the lens.

Figure 4-18 Scorpio Client Map Display Screen

When no tools are selected the coordinate display window shows the current mouse position on the map in either Lat/Lon or UTM. Marking the UTM checkbox on the main window makes this selection. If the UTM checkbox is not selected, the coordinate display defaults to Lat/Lon in Degree, Minute, Second, and Hemisphere format (Example: 25 00 04N 121 43 08E). The UTM location display selected by TCI is the 14 character international standard and provides location accuracy that is appropriate based on the map scales intended for the system.

4.10.2 Map Measurement Functions Azimuth Measurement Function is used to measure the great circle bearing between two points on the map using the mouse cursor.


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Scorpio Software Users Guide

Distance Measurement Function is handled in three units: miles, meters, and kilometers. The starting point for the distance measurement is selected using the mouse cursor. The user points the cursor over the starting point and clicks the mouse button to anchor the starting point. The user then continues to select points by moving the mouse and clicking the mouse button. The final point is selected by double clicking the mouse button.

4.10.3 Printing The Map The current map may be printed at any time by pressing the print map button. The map is printed to the default printer specified for the system. The map overlay is always printed on a separate sheet that may be included in hard copy reports generated by the workstation application software. Inclusion of the map overlay into soft copy reports is handled by saving the map overlay as a bitmap (windows .bmp file) that is inserted directly into a Microsoft Word document. It is also possible to perform a screen capture to insert the overlay into a document. Table 4-21 Scorpio Client Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


Cursor Position Deg Min Sec Decimal Degrees UTM

The mouse cursor shows the location in the specified format.

Size Control Zoom Pan Measurement

This button allows the user to define an area with the mouse button to zoom into for a closer look. Pan allows the user to use the mouse button to scroll to different areas on the map. When the Measurement button is selected the user can select a point on the map with a left mouse press and move to another point on the map and include it with the previous selection. As you move, the mouse displays a trailing line (similar to a rubber-band line) to continue selecting points. Once all points have been selected, the user may double-click the left mouse button and a dialog box will display the difference of distance between the points in either azimuth or kilometers. If more than two points are selected, this dialog will display the total difference between the points.

Full Size

Displays the full size map.

Default Size

Displays the view of the map that was last saved as the default size.

Save Default

Re-defines the default size of the map to the currently selected view.

Display Control

This buttons allows the user to choose the Region to display.

Print Map

Prints a copy of the Map in its current view.


Allows the user to display multiple layers (cities, regions, etc.) of the selected map.

Lines of Bearing/Error Ellipse

These lines indicate where the emitter of the signal of interest lies in relation to the front of the mobile station. The error ellipse indicates the most likely area where the emitter of the signal of interest may be.


Scorpio Software Users Guide


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NOTE: Double-clicking inside the Map causes the map to “pop-up.” This element when “popped-up” is detached from its parent screen and displayed in a separate window which can be repositioned and resized


Scorpio Software Users Guide

0040-8715-15000, Rev. L


Tools – Network Setup

The Network Setup screen allows the user to add or remove a Server from the selected station list. The user selects one of the available stations and clicks on the desired button. To add a Server the Netted Station List, the user selects one of the available stations and clicks on the desired button. This adds and connects or removes and disconnects the current Client to that Server. (Optional) This also allows the users to configure a "Training Session" by allowing the selection of a Training Server. The Training Servers receive and send simulated data to Scorpio Client that is selected on the Station List. There is access to multiple Training Servers by editing the associated TrainingServer= entry in the Scorpio.ini file. This will return multiple LOBs; however, the default is set to "3."


CAUTION: If you Add or Remove the training Server from the station lists, all other Servers will also be removed.

Figure 5-1 Scorpio Client Network Setup Station Selection

Table 5-1 Scorpio Client Network Setup Station Selection/Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


Station List

Name of Scorpio Server to be used for all non-netted requests.

Available Stations

List of all available Servers.

Netted Station List

The list of selected Servers to be used for Netted DF.


To add a Server to the station list, the user selects one of the available stations and clicks on the button. To add a Server the Netted Station List, the user selects one of the Available Stations and clicks on the button. This adds and connects the current Client to that Server.


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Scorpio Software Users Guide

Table 5-1 Scorpio Client Network Setup Station Selection/Map Display Field/Button Item Descriptions Field/Button Item


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