CAP#TA$ %T&CT&E CHAPTEA'D !" $EEAE (Difficulty: (Difficul ty: E = Easy, M = Medium, and T = Tough)
Multiple Choice: Conceptual Easy: Easy: Business risk 1
Fina Financ ncia ial l risk risk. . Tota Total l ris risk. k. Busi Busine ness ss risk risk. . Mark Market et ris risk. k. None None of the the above above is cor corre rect ct. . above.!
Business risk .
Answer: d
Diff: E
&e#and &e#and variab variabili ility. ty. 'ales 'ales rice rice vari variabi abilit lity. y. The etent etent to which oerat oerating ing costs costs are fied. fied. )hanges )hanges in re*uired re*uired returns returns due to financing financing decision decisions. s. The ability ability to to change change rices rices as costs costs change. change.
Business risk .
(It (It will will affec affect t each each tye tye of risk risk
Busi Busine ness ss risk risk is conc concer erne ned d with with the the oer oerat atio ions ns of the the fir# fir#. . $hic $hich h of the the following is not associated with (or not a art of! business risk% a. b. c. d. e.
Diff: E
A dec decre reas ase e in in the the debt debt rati ratio o wil will l gen gener eral ally ly have have no eff effec ect t on . a. b. c. d. e.
Answer: c
Answer: d
Diff: E
$hic $hich h of of the the foll follow owin ing g fac facto tors rs woul would d aff affec ect t a co# co#a any ny,s ,s bus busin ines ess s ris risk% k% a. b. c. d. e.
The level level of uncertainty uncertainty regardi regarding ng the de#and de#and for its roduct. roduct. The degree degree of oerating oerating leverage. leverage. The a#ount a#ount of debt in its caital caital structu structure. re. 'tate# 'tate#ent ents s a and b are are correc correct. t. All of of the state# state#ents ents above above are are correct. correct.
Chapter 13- Page 1
Business and financial risk -
Answer: d
Di Diff: E
$hic $hich h of of the the foll follow owin ing g stat state# e#en ents ts is #ost #ost corr correc ect% t% a. A fir# fir#,s ,s busin usines ess s ris risk is sole solely ly det deter#i er#ine ned d by the the fina financ ncia ial l characteristics of its industry. b. The factors factors that affect affect a fir#,s busines business s risk are deter#ine deter#ined d artly by indu indus stry try char charac acte teri rist stic ics s and and art artly ly by econ econo# o#ic ic condi onditi tion ons. s. nfortunately/ these and other factors that affect a fir#,s business risk are not sub0ect to any degree of #anagerial control. c. ne of the benef benefits its to a fir# of being being at or near its targe target t caital caital structure is that financial fleibility beco#es #uch less i#ortant. d. The fir#,s fir#,s financial financial risk #ay have both both #arket risk risk and diversifiab diversifiable le risk co#onents. e. None of the state#ents state#ents above is correct. correct.
Optimal capital structure 2
Answer: e
Diff: E
$hic $hich h of of the the foll follow owin ing g stat state# e#en ents ts is #ost #ost corr correc ect% t% a. As a rule/ rule/ the oti#a oti#al l caita caital l struct structure ure is found by deter# deter#ini ining ng the debt3e*uity #i that #ai#i4es eected 56'. b. The The oti oti#a #al l cai caita tal l stru struct ctur ure e si#u si#ult ltan aneo eous usly ly #ai #ai#i #i4e 4es s 56' 56' and and #ini#i4es the $A)). c. The oti#al oti#al caital caital structure structure #ini#i4 #ini#i4es es the cost of e*uity/ e*uity/ which which is a necessary condition for #ai#i4ing the stock rice. d. The oti#al oti#al caita caital l struct structure ure si#ultan si#ultaneou eously sly #ini#i4e #ini#i4es s the cost of debt/ the cost of e*uity/ and the $A)). e. None of the state#ents state#ents above is correct. correct.
Optimal capital structure 7
Answer: c
Fro Fro# the info infor r#ati #ation on belo below/ w/ Minnow 5ntertain#ent )o#any. a. b. c. d. e.
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