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Test Bank, Chapter 6
Chapter 6: Supplementing the Chosen Competitive Strategy—Other Important Strategy Choices Multiple Choice Questions Strategic Choices Beyond That of Choosing a eneric Competitive Strategy 1. Once a company has decided to employ a particular generic competitive strategy, strategy, then it must make such additional strategic choices as A) whether to enter enter into strategic alliances or collaorative collaorative partnerships. B) whether whether and when when to employ employ o!!ensi o!!ensive ve and de!ensiv de!ensivee moves. moves. C) what type type o! "e "e site strate strategy gy to employ employ.. #) whether to integrate !orward !orward or ackward ackward into more stages o! the industry industry value chain. $) All All o! o! the the aov aove. e. Answer% A &age% 161 #i!!iculty% $asy Ta'onomy% (nowledge AACB% *
+. "hich one o! the !ollowing !ollowing is not a strategic strategic choice choice that a company must must make to complement and supplement its choice o! one o! the !ive generic competitive strategies A) "hether to enter enter into strategic alliances or collaorative collaorative partnerships B) "hether "hether and when when to employ employ o!!ensive o!!ensive and de!ensi de!ensive ve moves moves C) "hether "hether to employ employ a market market share share leadershi leadership p strategy strategy #) "hether to integrate !orward !orward or ackward ackward into more stages o! the industry value value chain $) "hether to olster the the company-s company-s market market position and competitiveness competitiveness via acuisition or or merger Answer% C &age% 161 #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% $asy Ta'onomy% (nowledge AACB% *
Colla!orative Strategies: "lliances and #artnerships *. tra trate tegi gicc alli allian ance cess A) are the cheapest cheapest means o! developing new technologies technologies and getting new new products to market uickly. B) are collaorative collaorative arrangements arrangements where two or more companies companies /oin !orces to achieve mutually mutually ene!icial strategic outcomes. C) are a proven means means o! reducing reducing the costs costs o! per!orming per!orming value value chain activiti activities. es. #) are est used used to insulate a company !rom the impact o! the !ive !ive competitive competitive !orces. $) help insula insulate te a !irm !rom the the adverse adverse impacts impacts o! industry industry driving driving !orces !orces.. Answer% B &age% 16* #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% (nowledge AACB% *
Test Bank, Chapter 6
. A str strat ateg egic ic alli allian ance ce A) is a collaorative collaorative arrangement arrangement where companies /oin /oin !orces to de!eat mutual mutual competitive rivals. B) involves two or more companies companies /oining !orces to pursue vertical integration. integration. C) is a !ormal !ormal agreement etween etween two or more companies companies in which there is strategically strategically relevant collaoration o! some sort, /oint contriution o! resources, shared risk, shared control, and mutual dependence. #) is a partnership partnership etween two companies that is typically intended to eliminate eliminate the need need to engage in outsourcing. $) is usually a cheaper and more e!!ective e!!ective way !or companies to /oin !orces than is merger. merger. Answer% C &age% 16* #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% (nowledge AACB% *
2. $ntering into into strategic strategic alliances alliances and collaorative partnerships can e competitively valuale ecause A) working closely closely with outsiders is is essential in developing developing new technologies and new products products in virtually every industry. B) cooperative arrangements arrangements with other companies companies are very help!ul in in racing against against rivals to uild a strong gloal presence and3or racing to sei4e opportunities on the !rontiers o! advancing technology. C) they represent represent highly highly e!!ective e!!ective ways ways to achieve achieve low5cost low5cost leadership leadership and capture !irst5mover !irst5mover advantages. #) they are a power!ul way way !or companies companies to uild uild loyalty loyalty and goodwill goodwill among among customers with with diverse needs and e'pectations. $) they are uite e!!ective e!!ective in helping a company trans!er the the risks o! threatening threatening e'ternal e'ternal developments to other companies. Answer% B &age% 16* #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
6. The est est stra strateg tegic ic alli allianc ances es A) are highly selective, !ocusing !ocusing on particular particular value chain activities activities and on otaining otaining a particular particular competitive ene!it. B) are those those whose purpose purpose is to to create create an industry industry key success success !actor !actor.. C) are those which help a company move uickly !rom one strategic group group to another another.. #) involve /oining /oining !orces in 7# to develop new technologies cheaper than a company could develop the technology on its own. $) aim at raisin raising g an industry industry--s arriers arriers to entry entry.. Answer% A &age% 162 #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% a'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
Test Bank, Chapter 6
8. Companies racing racing against against rivals !or gloal gloal market leadership need strategic strategic alliances alliances and collaorative partnerships with companies in !oreign countries in order to A) comat the argaining power o! !oreign suppliers suppliers and help de!end against the competitive threat o! sustitute products produced y !oreign rivals. B) help raise needed !inancial !inancial capital !rom !rom !oreign anks and use the rand rand names o! their partners to make sales to !oreign uyers. C) get into critical country country markets uickly and accelerate the process o! uilding a potent gloal presence, gain inside knowledge aout un!amiliar markets and cultures, and access valuale skills and competencies that are concentrated in particular geographic locations. #) help wage wage price price wars against against !oreign !oreign competit competitors. ors. $) e'ercise e'ercise etter etter control control over e!!orts e!!orts to revamp revamp the gloal gloal industry industry value value chain. chain. Answer% C &age% 162 #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
9. A company racing to sei4e opportunities on the !rontiers o! advancing technology o!ten o!ten utili4es strategic alliances and collaorative partnerships in order to A) discourage rival rival companies !rom merging merging with or or acuiring the very companies that that it is partnering with. B) reduce overall usiness risk risk and raise entry arriers into the newly emerging industry industry.. C) help master new technologies technologies and uild new new e'pertise and competencies competencies !aster than would e possile through internal e!!orts, estalish a stronger eachhead !or participating in the target industry, and open up roader opportunities in the target industry y melding their capailities with the resources and e'pertise o! partners. #) help de!eat competitors that are employing road di!!erentiation di!!erentiation strategies. $) enhance enhance its chances chances o! achiev achieving ing gloal gloal low5cost low5cost leader leadership ship.. Answer% C &age% 162 #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
:. "hich o! the !ollowing !ollowing is not a typical reason that many alliances prove unstale unstale or reak reak apart A) #ivergin #iverging g o/ecti o/ectives ves and and priorit priorities ies B) An inaility inaility to work work well together together C) The emergence emergence o! more more attractive technological technological paths that are etter pursued pursued alone or with other partners #) #isagreement over how to divide divide the pro!its gained gained !rom /oint collaoration collaoration $) Changing Changing conditio conditions ns that render render the purpose purpose o! the alliance alliance osolet osoletee Answer% # &age% 168 #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
Test Bank, Chapter 6
1;. $'perienc $'periencee indicate indicatess that that strategi strategicc alliance alliancess A) are gene general rally ly succe success! ss!ul. ul. B) work well in cooperatively cooperatively developing developing new technologies and new products ut ut seldom work well in promoting greater supply chain e!!iciency. e!!iciency. C) work est when they are aimed at achieving a mutually ene!icial competitive competitive advantage advantage !or the allies. #) have have a high high perhaps helping helping to to trans!orm otherwise high5cost companies into a competitor with average or elow5average costs) and can also e ene!icial in helping a company try to invent a new industry and lead the convergence o! industries whose oundaries are eing lurred y changing technologies and new market opportunities. C) are a particularly particularly e!!ective e!!ective way o! pursuing a lue ocean strategy and outsourcing outsourcing strategies. strategies. #) seldom are a superior strategic alternative alternative to !orming alliances alliances or partnerships partnerships with with these same companies ecause o! the !inancial drain o! using the company?s cash resources to accomplish the merger or acuisition. $) are one o! o! the est ways !or helping helping a company company strongly strongly di!!erentiate di!!erentiate its product o!!ering o!!ering and use a di!!erentiation di!!erentiation strategy to strengthen its market position. Answer% B &age% 169 5 16: #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
Test Bank, Chapter 6
+;. 0ergers and acuisitions A) are nearly nearly always always success!ul success!ul in achieving achieving their their desired desired purpose. purpose. B) !reu !reuently ently do not not produce produce the the hoped5!o hoped5!orr outcomes outcomes.. C) are generally less e!!ective e!!ective than !orming !orming alliances or partnerships partnerships with these same companies. #) are highly risky ecause o! the !inancial drain that comes !rom using the company?s company?s cash resources to pay !or the costs o! the merger or acuisition. $) are usually more success!ul in achieving cost reductions reductions than in e'panding e'panding a companycompany-ss market opportunities. Answer% B &age% 181 #i!!iculty #i!!iculty%% 0edium Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
%ertical Integration Strategies: Operating "cross More Stages of the Industry I ndustry %alue %alue Chain +1. ertical ertical integratio integration n strategies strategies A) e'tend a company?s competitive competitive scope scope within the same industry industry y e'panding its operations operations across more parts o! the industry value chain. B) are one o! o! the est strategic options options !or helping companies companies win the race !or gloal market leadership. C) o!!er o!!er good potential potential to e'pand e'pand a companycompany-ss lineup o! products products and services. services. #) are particularly e!!ective in oosting a company?s company?s aility to e'pand into into additional geographic markets, particularly the markets o! !oreign countries. $) are a good good strategy option !or helping a company to revamp its value chain and ypass ypass low value5added activities. Answer% A &age% 181 #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% a'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
++. The two est reasons reasons !or investing company resources resources in vertical integration integration >either >either !orward or ackward) are to A) e'pand into into !oreign markets and3or and3or control more o! the industry industry value value chain. B) roaden roaden the !irm?s !irm?s product product line and3or and3or avoid avoid the need !or outsour outsourcing cing.. C) enale use o! o!!ensive o!!ensive strategies and3or gain a !irst mover mover advantage over rivals in revamping the industry value chain. #) strengthen the the company?s company?s competitive position and3or oost oost its pro!itaility pro!itaility.. $) achieve product product di!!erentiation di!!erentiation and3or and3or lengthen the company-s company-s value value chain to to include more activities per!ormed in5house and therey gain greater aility to reduce internal operating costs. Answer% # &age% 18+ #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
Test Bank, Chapter 6
+*. or ackward vertical integration integration into into the usiness usiness o! suppliers to e a viale viale and pro!itale pro!itale strategy, a company A) must !irst !irst e e a pro!icie pro!icient nt manu!ac manu!acturer turer.. B) must e ale to achieve achieve the same scale economies economies as outside suppliers suppliers and match or eat suppliers- production e!!iciency with no drop5o!! in uality. C) must have e'cess production production capacity, capacity, so that it has ample ample in5house aility to undertake additional production activities. #) needs to have a wide wide product line, so that it can supply parts and components !or !or many products. $) should have have a distinctive distinctive competence competence in production production process process technology technology and at at least a core competence in manu!acturing 7#. Answer% B &age% 18+ #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% $asy Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
+. The strateg strategic ic impetus impetus !or !or !orward !orward vertical vertical integra integration tion is is to A) gain etter etter access access to end users users and etter etter market market visiil visiility ity B) achieve the the same scale economies economies as wholesale wholesale distriutors and3or retail retail dealers. dealers. C) contro controll price price at the the retail retail level. level. #) ypass distriutors5dealers distriutors5dealers and and sell direct to consumers at the company-s company-s "e "e site. $) uild uild a core core competen competence ce in mass merchan merchandisin dising. g. Answer% A &age% 18* #i!!iculty% $asy Ta'onomy% Comprehension Comprehen sion AACB% *
+2. "hich o! the !ollowing !ollowing is typically the strategic strategic impetus impetus !or !orward vertical vertical integration integration A) Being ale to control the wholesale3retail wholesale3retail portion portion o! the the industry value chain B) ewer disrupt disruptions ions in the delivery delivery o! o! the company?s company?s products products to end5us end5users ers C) aining aining etter etter access access to end users users and etter etter market market visiili visiility ty #) Broadening Broadening the company company--s product product line $) Allowing Allowing the !irm !irm access access to greate greaterr economie economiess o! scale scale Answer% C &age% 18* #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
+6. A good e'ample o! vertical integration is A) a gloal pulic accounting accounting !irm acuiring a small local or regional pulic accounting accounting !irm. !irm. B) a large supermar supermarket ket chain gettin getting g into convenie convenience nce !ood stores. stores. C) a crude oil re!iner re!iner purchasin purchasing g a !irm engaged engaged in drilling drilling and e'plorin e'ploring g !or oil. #) a hospital hospital openin opening g up a nursing nursing home home !or the aged. aged. $) a railroad company company acuiring acuiring a trucking trucking company company speciali4i speciali4ing ng in long5haul long5haul !reight. !reight. Answer% C &age% 18* #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
Test Bank, Chapter 6
+8. "hich "hich o! the !ollowing !ollowing is not a potential potential advantag advantagee o! ackward ackward vertical vertical integratio integration n A) educed vulneraility vulneraility to power!ul suppliers suppliers >who may e inclined inclined to raise prices at every opportunity) B) educed risks risks o! disruptions in otaining otaining crucial crucial components components or support services services C) edu educe ced d cos costs ts #) educed usiness usiness risk ecause o! controlling a igger portion o! the overall industry value chain $) Adding to a company-s company-s di!!erentiation di!!erentiation capailities and and perhaps achieving a di!!erentiation5 di!!erentiation5 ased competitive advantage Answer% # &age% 18+ 5 18* #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% @ard Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
+9. "hich "hich o! the !ollowing !ollowing is not a strategic strategic disadvan disadvantage tage o! vertical vertical integrat integration ion A) ertical integration oosts oosts a !irm?s capital investment investment in the industry industry,, thus increasing usiness risk i! the industry ecomes unattractive later. later. B) ertical integration integration ackward into parts and components components manu!acture can impair a company-s company-s operating !le'iility when it comes to changing out the use o! certain parts and components. C) ertical integration integration reduces the opportunity opportunity !or achieving greater greater product di!!erentiation. di!!erentiation. #) orward or ackward ackward integration integration o!ten calls !or radically radically di!!erent di!!erent skills skills and usiness usiness capailities than the !irm possesses. $) ertical integration integration poses all kinds kinds o! o! capacity5matching capacity5matching prolems. prolems. Answer% C &age% 18* 5 18 #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
Outsourcing Strategies: &arro'ing the Boundaries of the Business +:. Outsou Outsourci rcing ng strate strategie giess A) are nearly always always a more more attractive strategic option option than merger and acuisition strategies. B) carry the the sustantia sustantiall risk o! raising raising a company company--s costs. C) carry the sustantial risk o! making a company overly overly dependent dependent on its suppliers. suppliers. #) increase a company?s risk e'posure e'posure to changing technology and3or changing changing uyer uyer pre!erences. $) involve !arming out out value chain activities activities presently presently per!ormed per!ormed in5house in5house to outside specialists and strategic allies. Answer% $ &age% 182 #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% (nowledge AACB% *
Test Bank, Chapter 6
*;. Outsourcing the per!ormance per!ormance o! value chain chain activities activities presently presently per!ormed per!ormed in5house to outside outside vendors and suppliers makes strategic sense when A) an activity can e per!ormed etter etter or more cheaply cheaply y outside specialists. specialists. B) it allows a company to !ocus !ocus its entire energies on those activities activities that are at the center o! its its e'pertise >its core competencies) and that are most critical to its competitive and !inancial success. C) outsourcing won?t adversely adversely hollow out the company-s company-s technical know5how know5how,, competencies, or or capailities. #) it reduces the company?s company?s risk e'posure e'posure to changing changing technology technology and3or and3or changing uyer pre!erences. $) All All o! thes these. e. Answer% $ &age% 182 5 186 #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
*1. The two ig drivers drivers o! outso outsourcin urcing g are are A) increased aility aility to cut 7# e'penses e'penses and increased aility aility to avoid the prolems o! strategic alliances. B) a desire to to take advantage advantage o! the !act that that outsiders outsiders can per!orm per!orm certain activities activities etter etter or cheaper and allowing a company to !ocus its entire energies on those activities that are at the center o! its e'pertise >its core competencies) and that are most critical to its competitive and !inancial success. C) a desire to reduce reduce the company-s company-s investment investment in !i'ed assets and the the need to narrow narrow the scope o! the company-s company-s in5house competencies and competitive capailities. #) improved aility aility to avoid the risks o! vertical vertical integration integration and a desire to reduce the company?s risk e'posure to changing technology and3or changing uyer pre!erences. $) the attractiveness attractiveness o! o! a smaller smaller in5house in5house work !orce and a lower investment in intellectual intellectual capital. Answer% B &age% 182 #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
*+. "hich o! the !ollowing !ollowing is not one o! the the ene!its o! outsourcing outsourcing value chain activities activities presently presently per!ormed in5house A) treamlining company company operations operations in ways ways that improve improve organi4ational organi4ational !le'iility !le'iility and cut the time it takes to get new products into the marketplace B) Allowing a company to concentrate on its core usiness, usiness, leverage its its key resources, resources, and do even etter what it already does est C) @elping the company company assemle assemle diverse kinds o! e'pertise e'pertise speedily and e!!iciently e!!iciently #) &reventing a company !rom hollowing out its technical know5how know5how,, competencies, or or capailities $) Dmproving Dmproving a company company--s aility aility to to innovate innovate Answer% # &age% 186 #i!!iculty% #i!!iculty% 0edium Ta'onomy% Ta'onomy% Comprehension AACB% *
Test Bank, Chapter 6
**. elying on outsiders to per!orm certain certain value chain activities activities o!!ers o!!ers such strategic strategic advantages advantages as A) otaining otaining higher higher uality uality and3or and3or cheaper cheaper components components or services. services. B) improving the company?s company?s aility aility to innovate y allying with
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