TB Basic 1 Final Exam #1

February 7, 2018 | Author: Heidy Valdez | Category: Leisure
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ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAM-MESCYT MAYFLOWER INSTITUTE BASIC 1-FINAL EXAM Name ___________________________Date________________Teacher________________ Shift____________


Listen to the conversation and select the correct answer. 8pts. 3. Where do they plan on meeting? At the subway entrance ____ In front of the movie theater ____ At Starbucks next to the theater ____ At home ____

1. What movie do these people plan on watching? Matrix Revolution ____ The Two Towers ____ Lord of the Rings ____ The Last Samurai ____

4. What time do they plan on meeting? At 7:30pm after dinner ____ At noon time ____ At one o'clock ____ At 3:45pm ____

2. When do they plan on watching the movie? On the Weekend ____ Tomorrow ____ Later in the evening today ____ Next Friday ____

2- Complete each sentences or questions using the correct form of the verb To be. 10pts.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

Where (is/ am / are) the children? Anna (need / want / needs) a doctor. (Don’t / isn’t / Not) walk to the bookstore, take the bus. Why (do / does / is) she want that yellow blouse? Katherine (doesn’t / don’t / do) want a dress. (Does / Do / Are) they like their new shoes?

7) 8) 9)

Who (do / does / has) the laundry in your family? She (like/ have / has) that sweater in green. I (check always / always check / always checks) my e-mails in

the morning. 10) Do you (have / has / don’t have) a new tie?

3- Read the answer. Then write the correct questions. 10pts. 1.

A: __________________________________________? B: No, they’re not from Puerto Rico. They’re from Mexico.


A: __________________________________________? B: We’re from Canada.


A: ___________________________________________? B: Helen is twenty-one.


A: ___________________________________________? B: Yes, they are. They’re from Venezuela.


A: ___________________________________________? B: Yes, I’m from Colombia.

4- Circle the correct time and then write it in the lines. 10pts



6:15 2:30

9:00. __________________________________________.




5:00. __________________________________________.










11:45. _______________________________________.

3:01. ________________________________________.

6:15. ________________________________________.

5-Choose the correct preposition of place. 11pts Look at the picture and complete the sentences using in, on, under, behind, next to, between, opposite. 1- The cat is __________the chair and the small table. 2-The pencils are _____________ glass. 3- The school bag is _____________ the table. 4- The chair is _____________ the bed. 5- The trainers are_____________ the bed and the table. 6- The book is _____________ the table. 7- The rug is _____________ the floor. 8- The dog is _____________ the door. 9- The picture is _____________ the window. 10- The small table is_____________ the bed. 11- The big table is _____________ the chair.

6-Choose the correct answer for each question. 10pts 2

1-What’s the weather like in January? a)

It’s tall.

b) It’s coming.

c) It’s warm.

2-What are you wearing today? a)

I’m waiting for you. b) I’m wearing black shorts and a yellow t-shirt. c) I’m fine, thanks.

3- What’s she going to do tonight? a)

She’s coming tonight. b) She will cook tonight. c) She’s going to go out.

4-Where were you born? a)

I was born in 1980. b) I was born in Canada. c) I was born rich.

5- Who’s your father? a)


b) He’s here. C) He’s at home.

7- Match the questions with the answers. 15pts. 1.-Would you like some more cheese?

a.-I bought nothing

2.-Where are the children?

b.-Peter sent her a box of chocolates

3.-Who sent her the box of chocolates

c.-No, he was in a meeting

4.-Have you got a car?

d.-No, she lives in Paris

5.-What did you buy?

e.-I have known Peter since we were children

6.-What were you doing?

f.-We were listening to music

7.-How old is she?

g.-Not too far away

8.-Do you smoke?

h.-she is 20

9.-How long have you known Peter?

i.-No, I don´t

10.-When was it built?

j.-Yes, I have (got a car)

11.-Does she live in Madrid?

k.-It was built in 1970

12.-Had you seen it before?

l.-I get up at 7

13.-Could you see him?

m.-They are playing in the garden

14.-What time do you get up?

n.-Yes , we had but I don´t remember where

15.-How far is it?

o.-No, thanks


8-Put in the correct place the adverb of frequency. 10 pts. 1.

Americans put cream in their coffee. (often)._______________________________________________________.


In Panama, people have salad for breakfast.(hardly ever). )._______________________________________________________.


In England, people put milk in their tea. (usually). ).________________________________________________________.


In Japan, people have fish for lunch. (sometimes). )._________________________________________________________.


Some Mexicans eat pasta. (never). )._____________________________________________________________.

9- Use the simple past form of the verbs in parenthesis. 8 pts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Last year I (go) _____________________ to Spain on holiday. It (be) __________________ fantastic. I (visit) ___________________ lots of interesting places. I (be) _________ with two friends of mine. In the mornings we (walk) _____________ in the streets of London. In the evenings we (go) ____________ to pubs. The weather (be) __________ strangely fine. But we (see) ____________ some beautiful rainbows. It (not / rain) _________________ a lot.

10- Read and choose the correct answer to these questions based on “Mary’s Hobbies and Interests story. 8 pts Mary has a lot of hobbies and interests. She usually gets up early so she can run before work. She doesn't often have time to ski, but she occasionally goes on Saturdays during the winter. Mary often rides a horse at a stable near her home. She sometimes goes after work, but she usually goes horseback riding on Sundays. She loves music. She always goes to choir practice on Wednesday evenings and sings in church on Sundays. She doesn't have much extra money, so she rarely goes to concerts in the city. She seldom watches TV because she likes doing things outside. She usually goes to the gym if it's raining outside. She isn't often alone because she has a lot of friends. She occasionally does something alone, but she usually does her activities with one of her friends. She's a happy woman!

1. Why does she usually get up early? ____She gets up early to run before work. ____She gets up early to go to work. ____She gets up early to have breakfast. 2. How often does she ski? ___She often skis. ___She occasionally skis in winter. ___She rarely skis in winter. 3. How often does she ride a horse? ____She rides a horse every day. ____She often rides a horse. ____She never rides a horse. 4. When doe she usuallygo horseback riding? ____She usually goes horseback riding after work.


____She usually goes horseback riding on Saturdays. ____She usually goes horseback riding on Sundays. 5. What kind of music does she like doing? ____playing in violin. ____singing. ____playing in piano. 6. How often does she go to concerts in the city? ____every Sunday. ____rarely. ____never. 7. How often does she watch TV? ____she usually watches TV every night.

____she seldom watches TV. ____she never watches TV. 8. What does she usually do if it’s raining?

____she goes outside. ____she goes to the gym. ____she calls friends.


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