Introduction Tawazun is one Tawazun one of the Is Islam lam characteristic characteristic wh which ich discriminate it from other religions
Tawazun is a natural pr Tawazun process ocess Everything in this world exist based on the balance law which is created by Allah SWT : men and women day and night moon and sun Tawazun T awazun means means : balanc balanced ed !EE"I#$ T%E &A'A#(E I# A'' AS"E(TS )* )+, 'I*E
(an -ou imagine What would happen.. •
If the sun did not come. If there was no women &alance is natural law in our life :
See the sun isnt closer or further to our world so we dont burn or freeze and there is life/There would be no life if there was no balance in the solar system/ %uman can survive because in his body every organ operates systematically balanced
(oncept of balance in 0oran 0S 12: 3 45And6 who created seven heavens in layers/ -ou ou do not see see in the creation creation of the 7ost 7 7ercifu ercifull any
inconsistency/ So return 5your6 vision 5to the s8y69 do you see any brea8s. 0S ;;: < 4And establish weight in =ustice and do not ma8e de>cient the balance
IS'A7 is a balanced religion •
Islam 8eeps the balance between two opposite ends/ 7any religions focus too much on morality and spirituality at the expense of practical aspects ?law@ or focus too much on law and not too much on spirituality while others give a believer only the choice between being a wretched sinner or a saint
“Seek instead, by means of what God has granted thee, [the good of] the life to come, without forgetting, forget ting, withal, thine own [rightful] share in this world; and do good [unto others] as God has done good unto thee; and a nd seek not to spread corruption on earth: for, verily, verily, God does not love the spreaders of corruption !"#:$$%&
'an you give e(amples of the unbalanced activities in i n other religions)
%ow to apply tawazun in our life •
As we have 8nown Allah SWT has given human three potencies/ Those are *l+asad are *l+asad ?physical ?physical body@ *l+*-l body@ *l+*-l
?reason@ dan *r dan *r+.uh +.uh ?soul@ ?soul@ These three three potenci potencies es are integrated a and nd they rreuire euire their own needBfood
The needs needs of our thr three ee potencies potencies •
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