TAW12 Exam

July 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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ABAP CERTIFICATION QUESTIONS 1. If a table does not have MANDT as a!t of the !"#a!$ %e$& "t "s ''''.  A: A structure B: Invalid C: Client-independent D: Not mandatory (. In !e)a!d to CA**& +h",h of the follo+"n) "s NOT a val"d state#ent state#ent-  A: CALL FUNCTION B: CALL SC!!N C: CALL TANSACTION D: CALL "O#A$ . Na#e the t$e of ABAP D",t"ona!$ table that has these ,ha!a,te!"st",s/ Sa#e n0#be! of f"elds as the database table Sa#e na#e as database table Mas 1/1 to database table 

A: "ooled B: Cluster C: Transparent D: %ie& . An event sta!ts +"th an event %e$+o!d and ends +"th/   A: "ro'ram e(ecution) B: !ND-OF-!%!NT) C: Anot*er event +ey&ord) D: !ND-!%!NT) 2. 3hat "s the s$ste# f"eld fo! the ,0!!ent date-  A: S,-DATU$ B: S,-DAT! C: S,-DATID D: S,-SDAT! 4. The follo+"n) ,ode "nd",ates/ "nd",ates/   SE*ECT fld1 fld( FROM tab1 APPENDIN5 TAB*E "tab 36ERE fld1 IN sfld1. 

A: Add ro&s to t*e e(istin' ro&s o ita.) B: Add ro&s to ita. ater irst deletin' any e(istin' ro&s o ita.) C: Select ro&s rom ta./ or matc*in' ita. entries) D: Not*in'0 t*is is a synta( error)


7. 8o0 #a$ ,han)e the follo+"n) data ob9e,t as sho+n belo+ so that "t e:0als .1. CONSTANTS/ PI t$e P de,"#als ( val0e ;.1;.  ;.1;.   PI < ;.1;. 

A: True B: False =. The SAP se!v",e that ens0!es data "nte)!"t$ b$ handl"n) lo,%"n) "s ,alled/   A: Update B: Dialo' C: !n1ueue2De1ueue D: Spool >. 3h",h of these senten,es #ost a,,0!atel$ des,!"bes the 5ET ?BA@ *ATE. event-   eventA: T*is event is processed .eore t*e second time t*e #!T %BA3 event is processed) B: T*is event is processed ater all occurrences o t*e #!T %BA3 event are completed) C: T*is event &ill only .e processed ater t*e user *as selected a .asic list ro&) D: T*is event is only processed i no records are selected rom ta.le %BA3) 1. 3h",h of the follo+"n) "s not a t!0e state#ent "n !e)a!d to a hashed "nte!nal table t$eA: Its +ey must al&ays .e UNI4U!) B: $ay only .e accessed a ccessed .y its +ey) +ey) C: esponse time or accessin' a ro& depends on t*e num.er o entries in t*e ta.le) D: Declared usin' internal ta.le type 5AS5!D T TABL!) ABL!) 11. TO "n,l0de databasese,"f", SQ* state#ents +"th"n an ABAP !o)!a#& ,ode the# bet+een/  bet+een/  A: NA N ATI%! S4L6!NDNATI%!) S4L6!NDNATI%!) B: DB S4L6!NDDB) C: S!L!CT6!NDS!L!CT) D: !7!C S4L6!ND!7!C) 1(. To #eas0!e ho+ lon) a blo,% of ,ode !0ns& 0se the ABAP state#ent/ state#ent/   A: #!T TI$! ) B: S!T TI$! FI!LD ) C: #!T UN TI$! FI!LD ) D: S!T CUSO FI!LD ) 1. 3hen a se,onda!$ l"st "s be"n) !o,essed& the data of the bas", l"st "s ava"lable b$ defa0lt.  A: True B: False


1. 5"ven/  5"ven/   DATA: BEGIN OF itab OCCURS  DAT OCCURS 10, qty type I,  END OF itab.  DO 25 TIMES. itabqty itabqty ! "yi#$e%. A&&END itab. ENDDO. ENDDO.  'OO& AT itab ()ERE qty qty * 10. (RITE: +1 itabqty. itabqty.  END'OO&..  END'OO& Th"s +"ll !es0lt "n/   A: Output o only t*ose ita. ro&s &it* a 1ty ield less t*an /8 B: Output o t*e irst /8 ita. ro&s &it* a 1ty ield 'reater t*an /8 C: A synta( error D: None o t*e a.ove 12. Afte! a DESCRIBE TAB*E state#ent S8TFI** +"ll ,onta"n   A: T*e num.er o ro&s in t*e internal ta.le) B: T*e current OCCUS value) C: 9ero0 i t*e ta.le contains one or more ro&s)

D: T*e len't* o t*e internal ta.le ro& structure) 14. 8o0 #a$ de,la!e $o0! o+n "nte!nal table t$e 0s"n) the T8PES %e$+o!d.   A: True B: False 17. Afte! add"n) !o+s to an "nte!nal table +"th CO**ECT& $o0 sho0ld avo"d add"n) #o!e !o+s +"th APPEND.  A: True B: False 1=. 3h",h of the follo+"n) "s not a ,o#onent of ,ont!ol b!ea% !o,ess"n) +hen loo"n) at an "nte!nal table-  A: AT STAT OF B: AT FIST C: AT LAST D: AT N! 1>. A d",t"ona!$ table "s #ade ava"lable fo! 0se +"th"n an ABAP !o)!a# v"a the TAB*ES state#ent.  A: True B: False (. 3h",h of the follo+"n) +o0ld be best fo! h"d"n) f0!the! sele,t"on ,!"te!"a 0nt"l a f0n,t"on "s ,hosen-  A: AT N! S!L!CTION-SC!!N B: S!L!CTION-SC!!N AT LIN!-S!L!CTION



(1. 3hat #0st $o0 ,ode "n the flo+ lo)", to !event a #od0le f!o# be"n) ,alled 0nless a f"eld ,onta"ns a non"n"t"al val0e as dete!#"ned b$ "ts data t$e-  A: ON IN"UT B: C5AIN C: FI!LD D: ON !4U!ST ((. The AT USERCOMMAND event "s t!"))e!ed b$ f0n,t"ons def"ned "n the ''''.  A: screen painter B: ABA" report C: menu painter status D: ABA" Dictionary (. In !e)a!d to a f0n,t"on )!o0& +h",h of the follo+"n) "s NOT a t!0e state#ent-   A: Com.ines similar unction modules) B: S*ares 'lo.al data &it* all its unction modules) C: !(ists &it*in t*e ABA" &or+.enc* as an include pro'ram) D: S*ares su.routines &it* all its unction modules) (. In !e)a!d to SET PFSTATUS& $o0 ,an dea,t"vate 0n+anted f0n,t"on ,odes b$ 0s"n) ''''.  A: !7CLUDIN# B: I$$!DIAT!L, C: IT5OUT D: 5ID! (2. In !e)a!d to data t!anso!ted "n PAI +hen the FIE*D state#ent "s 0sed& +h",h of the follo+"n) "s NOT a t!0e state#ent-  A: Fields in "BO are transported directly rom "AI) "AI) B: Fields &it* identical names are transported to t*e ABA" side) C: Fields not deined in FI!LD statements are transported irst) D: Fields t*at are deined in FI!LD statements are transported &*en t*eir correspondin' module is called) (4. The o!de! "n +h",h an event aea!s "n the ABAP ,ode dete!#"nes +hen the event "s !o,essed.  A: True B: False (7. A f"eld de,la!ed as t$e T has the follo+"n) "nte!nal !e!esentat"on/   A: SS$$55 B: 55$$SS C: $$55SS D: 55SS$$


(=. 3h",h of the follo+"n) "s NOT a ,o#onent of the defa0lt standa!d ABAP !eo!t heade!-  A: Date and Time B: List title C: "a'e num.er D: Underline (>. Ass0#"n) Ass0#"n) a 0shb0tton +"th f0n,t"on ,ode ;FUNC; "s ava"lable "n the toolba! of  a l"st !eo!t& +hat event "s !o,essed +hen the b0tton "s ,l",%ed-   A: AT AT US!-CO$$AND) US!-C O$$AND) B: AT "Fn) C: AT S!L!CTION-SC!!N) D: !ND-OF-S!L!CTION) . In !e)a!d to f"eld sele,t"on& +hat ot"on of the SE*ECT state#ent "s !e:0"!ed-   A: FO ALL !NTI!S B: 5!! C: INTO D: $O%!-CO!S"ONDIN# $O%!-CO!S"ONDIN# 1. The follo+"n) !o)!a# o0t0ts +hat-  ep-t /te"t1 ite: +1 Rea$y3.  &  &ARAMETER: ARAMETER: te"t.  INITIA'I4ATION.  INITIA'I4A TION. ite: +1 Set3.  START  ST ARTOFSE'ECTION. OFSE'ECTION. ite: +1 GO. 

A: Set6 #O;;
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