TAW10-12 Test2 - Answers
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Week 1 Test – TAW10 1/2
SAP R/3 Training
TAW10 1/2 – Internal Test Topic: ABAP Workbench Fundamentals 1. Client in R/3 Systems. a) SAP systems systems are not client client system systems s b !lient is a sel"#contained sel"#contained or$ani%ational or$ani%ational unit unit in the s&stem s&stem c The hi$hest hi$hest le'el le'el element element o" o" all or$ani%ational or$ani%ational units units is the client client d) All the clients clients share share m mast aster er data data.. 2. Mark the correct statements a (oles (oles )ere )ere "orm "ormerl& erl& acti'it& acti'it& $roups $roups b) Roles are not related related to authorizations authorizations or the acti!ities acti!ities deined deined in menus c (oles (oles must must be set set up usin$ usin$ Pro"il Pro"ile e *enera *enerator tor d (oles represent represent the scope scope o" "unctions "unctions that users t&picall& t&picall& re+uire re+uire at their their )ork station 3. "n a!orites menu o SAP #asy Access you can a Add Add trans transac actio tions ns and and repor reports ts b) Set Set start start transa transacti ction on c Add Add )eb )eb add addre ress sses es d Pers Personal onali%e i%e the the acces access s to the the s&s s&stem tem $. Mark the correct statements. a In ,AP s&stem s&stemss- each screen screen is assi$n assi$ned ed a transacti transaction on code b) %ou %ou can call a transaction transaction code only only rom SAP SAP #asy #asy Access Access c) %ou %ou can determine determine the transaction transaction code by choosin& choosin& Status in in the 'el( menu d) /i ends ends the the curre current nt tran transac sactio tion n . *hich one o the ollo+in& (ro!ides you ield hel(, a F1 "or help help on "ields "ields-- menusmenus- "unction "unctions s and mess messa$es a$es b F1 p pro' ro'ides ides help on param parameter eter I. c) -1 (ro!ides (ro!ides inorma inormation tion on +hat +hat (ossible (ossible !alues !alues can be entere entered. d. d F1 pro pro'id 'ides es technic technical al in"ormat in"ormation ion on "i "ield elds s . Mark the correct statements a) Processin& reuests are (rocessed (rocessed accordin& accordin& to last last in0irst out out (rinci(le by the dis(atcher dis(atcher b) A user user has has a ied ied +ork (roce (rocess ss allote alloted d c) SAP " " ty(es include include the classic SAP "4 SAP " or '5M6 '5M6 and and SAP " or *indo+s *indo+s d) Amount o data that must be transerred transerred or each screen chan&e chan&e +hen +hen usin& SAP SAP " " or +indo+s is ty(ically se!eral M7 8. 5he central (rocess in the R/3 a((lication layer is a) Sa( " b) 9ata 9ata ba base se (r (roc oces ess s c) *ork *ork (ro roce cess ss d .isp .ispat atch cher er :. *hich o the ollo+in& is true in R/3 System a Within Within ABAP ABAP-- ,AP ,AP pen , , is used used to access access data data b) ;ati!e ;ati!e S !ariable !ariables. s. b ,et ,et upto upto 10 10 )atch )atchpoi points nts c ,et a break break point point at an& an& line line in the the source source code code d 83ecute the pro$ram pro$ram directl& directl& up to the point point )here the breakpoint breakpoint is set 21. *hich is true or &eneral A7AP A7AP synta. a 6ou 6ou ma& ha'e ha'e multiple multiple state statemen ments ts in a sin$le sin$le line line b) %ou %ou must ha!e ha!e sin&le sin&le statemen statementt in a sin&le sin&le line. line. c 8ach 8ach stateme statement nt must must end end )ith a period period d) 5he lines lines bet+e bet+een en t+o are are treated treated as as comments comments.. 22. -ollo+in& are some o the !alid additions additions or D*riteE statemen statement. t. a Writ Write e at at / )ord )ord b Writ Write e 9 )ord )ord c Writ Write e at at 10 10 )ord )ord d .ata .ata : en en t&p t&pe e I 'al 'alue ue 10 10 Write at en )ord 23.*hich ty(e o messa&e is dis(layed on net screen a) *0* *0*arn rniin& b) "0 "0"n "no orm rma ation tion c) #0#rror d ,#, #,uc ucc cess 2$.Select StatementF. a It reads a selection selection and/or a summar& summar& o" data "rom one or more more database database tables tables b) Perorms Perorms its o+n authoriza authorization tion chec check. k. c ,elects ,elects a sin$le sin$le record record "rom databas database e d It is an an P84 P84 , , state stateme ment nt 2. Select rom rom s(li into +a . +rite G +a0carrid4 +a0connid4 +a0cityrom4 SAP #ducation Partner
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Week 1 Test – TAW10 1/2
SAP R/3 Training
+a0cityto. #ndselect. As a result only one line +as (rinted. 5his +as becauseF. a nl& one one record record )as )as a'aila a'ailable ble in the the databa database se b 4o / or ne)#pa$e ne)#pa$e used used )hile )hile )ritin$ )ritin$ c 4o skip skip sta statem tement ent )as us used ed d) 5he +orkare +orkarea a +as ha!in& ha!in& dieren dierentt structure structure than than a table. 2.5o co(y the contents rom database table to itab o same structure +hich commands must be used. a) Mo!e b) Mo!e Mo!e corr corres es(o (ond ndin in& & c Into Into ta tabl ble e iita tab b d) A((e A((end nd ro rom m +ork +orkar area ea 28. *hich o the ollo+in& table can be accessed usin& only keys. a ;ash ta table b) St Stan anda dard rd 5abl ble e c) Sorte rted tta able d) "nd "nde ta table 2:.*hat +ill be the result o Mo!eG 1 to a4b4c4d. a) b c) d
"t +ill +ill mo!e mo!e 1 to a4b4cH a4b4cHd d It )ill )ill $i' $i'e e s&nta s&nta3 3 er error ror "t +il +illl mo!e mo!e 1 to only only a. a. The correct correct statemen statementt )ould )ould be 5o'e 1 to : a- b- c- d
2=. *hat is not a((licable or e!ent blocks in eecutable (ro&ram. a) 5he seuence seuence in +hich the e!ents are are (rocessed (rocessed is determined determined at runtime. runtime. b) #!ent #!ent block block ends ends +ith start start o o net net e!ent e!ent block. block. c .e"ault .e"ault e'en e'entt block block is ine#o"#s ine#o"#selec election tion d Initiali%ation Initiali%ation is tri$$ered tri$$ered a"ter the the selection selection screen screen is sent to presentation presentation ser'er ser'er 3>. *hen you need to (ass (arameters in subroutine but they need to be chan&ed only +hen subroutine com(letes successully then you should use a) b) c) d
sin& sin& !alue !alue I(aram I(aramete eter) r) sin sin& & (a (ara rame mete ter r Chan Chan&i &in& n& (ar (aram amet eter er !han$i !han$in$ n$ 'alue 'alue para parame meter ter
31. Partial 5y(e check in subroutine interace is done or a T&pe ! b) 5y(e 9 c T&pe P d T&pe 4 32. -or tra((in& the selection done +ith -unction key -2 the e!ent is a) At -2 b) At sele select ctio ion0 n0sc scre reen en c At lin line– e–se sele lect ctio ion n d) At sele select ctio ion@ n@li line ne SAP #ducation Partner
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Week 1 Test – TAW10 1/2
SAP R/3 Training
33. Maimum number o detail lists a!ailable are a) 1> b) 21 c) 1 d 20 3$. 'ide a) Allo+s Allo+s hidin& hidin& the the contents contents o o ob?ect ob?ect in ba basic sic list list b (ecords the name < contents o" data data ob7ect ob7ect in relation relation to the line position in current list c (etain contents contents o" ob7ect ob7ect related to current output line < a"ter double double click "ills "ills those 'alues d) the ields to be retained retained in hide hide area must must be dis(layed dis(layed irst usin& +rite +rite statement. statement. 3. Screen attribute o screen 1>> has net screen !alue 2>> . 5he PA" contains a line set screen 3>>. 5hen control &oes to. a) Call Call scre screen en statem statemen entt b) Scr cre een 2>> c ,cree reen =00 d) Scr cre een 1>> 3. *hich statement declares declares an internal data ob?ect that ser!e ser!es s as an interace or the screen a) b) c d)
9A5A PARAM# AM#5#R 5#R TAB8, 5%P#S
38. 'o+ do ind -ieldEs (arameter "9, a) Pres Press s -1 -1 and and -$. -$. b Pr Pres ess s F1 F1 and and F> F> c) Press Press -1 H A(( A((lic licati ation on 'el( 'el(.. d Press Press F1 < Te Technica chnicall ;elp ;elp 3:. -unction Module can access a ocal ocal parame parameters ters de"ined de"ined )ith )ith in module module b *lob *lobal al data data ob7ect ob7ects s o" the the "unctio "unction n $roup $roup c ,ubrou ,ubroutin tines es o" Func Functio tion n *roup *roup d ,cre ,creens ens prese present nt in the "uncti "unction on $roup $roup 3=. 7AP"Es a Are poin pointt o" entr& entr& to to (/= , ,&s &stem tem b Is a de"ined de"ined inter"ace inter"ace contain the the process process < data o" o" a business business application application s&stem s&stem c ha'e ha'e 83p 83port ort par param amete eters rs d) 'a!e #ce(tion #ce(tions s throu&h throu&h +hich +hich an error occurred occurred can can be inormed $>. 5o start an eecutable (ro&ram a) CA66 CA66 5RA; 5RA;SA SAC5 C5" "; ; b ,?B5IT c) 6#A 6#AB# 5 5 5RA 5RA;S ;SAC AC5" 5"; ; d ,?B5IT ,?B5IT A4. (8T?( (8T?(4 4 $1. Mark the correct statements a Te Te3t 3t eleme elements nts are multi multi lin$ua lin$uall SAP #ducation Partner
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Week 1 Test – TAW10 1/2
SAP R/3 Training
b !las !lasses ses can be created created locall& locall& c ine t&pe t&pe o" an internal internal table table can can be another another interna internall table d) 9ata rom rom interna internall table is read read usin& usin& select select stateme statement nt $2.5he control o (ro&ram accordin& to the (ush button chosen by user is handled byF a !od !ode in in PA PAI b) Cod Code in P7 c) At Attr trib ibut ute e o o s scr cree een n d) 5y 5y(e (e o (ush (ush butt button on.. $3. 5he construction usin& ";5 CRR#SP;9"; CRR#SP;9"; in a S#6#C5 statement a) "m(ro!es "m(ro!es (erorma (erormance nce o tthe he (ro&r (ro&ram am b Is mo more re run#tim run#time e intens intensi'e i'e than I4T I4T c) 5he ield list and the structure structure should should ha!e the same same number number o ields ields d The "ield list and the structure structure can ha'e di""erent di""erent number number o" "ields $$. 5he statement statement M#SSA# M#SSA# can be used to a) Print Print messa messa&e &es s in the the (rinte (rinter r b) Create Create a sys system tem messa& messa&e e c .ispla& .ispla& messa$e messa$es s on on the the screen screen d) Communic Communicate ate bet+een bet+een t+o R/3 systems systems $. 5he statement 6P A5 A5 itab F. #;96P. a) b) c d)
*rites *rites int into o the inte interna rnall table table 9oes an auth authoriza orization tion check check on the the internal internal ta table ble itab itab (eads (eads the recor records ds "rom "rom internal internal table table itab Reads Reads the record records s rom the the databa database se table table itab itab
$. 5he statement statement 5A76#S 5A76#S is used to a) 9eclare 9eclare data data diction dictionary ary st struct ructures ures in in the (ro&r (ro&ram am b) 9eclare 9eclare inter internal nal tables tables in the (ro&ram (ro&ram c *lobal *lobal structur structure e )hich )hich is bein$ bein$ used must must be a "lat "lat structure structure d) 5A76#S 5A76#S structures ser!e as interaces interaces or screen screen ields $8. *hen the statement statement CA66 SCR## SCR##; ; 3>> is eecuted the control is transerred to a) 5he Proce Process ss Ater Ater "n "n(ut (ut M Modu odules les IPA" IPA")) b The P Proce rocess ss Be"ore Be"ore Input Input 5odules 5odulesPB PB c) 5he irst subrout subroutine ine in the the -l -lo+ o+ 6o&ic 6o&ic d) 5he irst irst unct unction ion modu module le in the the -lo+ -lo+ 6o&ic 6o&ic $:. 5he selection selection screen or a (ro&ram (ro&ram is a Automaticall& Automaticall& created created b& the statements statements PA(A58T8(, PA(A58T8(, and and ,88!T# ,88!T#PTI4, PTI4, b) Automatically Automatically created created by the the statement statement CA66 S#6#C5";0SCR##; S#6#C5";0SCR##; c) Automati Automatically cally creat created ed by the state statemen mentt CA66 SCR##; SCR##; d) Painted Painted usin& usin& the the scree screen n (ain (ainter ter $=. 7AP"s 7AP"s are are a (eus (eusab able le compo compone nent nts s b) A7AP A7AP di dicti ction onary ary ob?e ob?ects cts c) 7u 7usi sine ness ss b?e b?ect cts s d 5etho 5ethods ds o" a bus busine iness ss ob7ec ob7ectt >. *atch(oints *atch(oints are a ?sed ?sed "o "orr deb debu$ u$$i $in$ n$ SAP #ducation Partner
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Week 1 Test – TAW10 1/2
SAP R/3 Training
b) 7reak0(o 7reak0(oints ints that that are are key+ord key+ord de( de(end endent ent c Break#poi Break#points nts that are "ield "ield depend dependent ent d) 7reak0(o 7reak0(oints ints that that are subrouti subroutine ne de de(en (enden dentt
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