Task 1 M2 LA2 By ADE IRMA SURIANTY 1. Complete these sentences about the different stages of a recount. Use the ords in the bo!. happened a.
The orientation stage of a recount orients the reader to the e"ents in the story. #t tells the reader ho the story is about$ here it happened and hy the e"ent occurred.
b. #n the record of e"ents stage$ the riter retells the e"ents in a logical log logical se%uence so that the reader can follo them easily. c.
#n the reorientat reorientation ion stage$ stage$ the riter riter rounds rounds off off the story and brings brings the reader reader back to the reason hy the story is being told.
2. &ead again the te!t entitled '(ishing) abo"e. *o many e"ents are there mentioned in the te!t+ List them from the first to the last e"ents. ,1- I woke up earlier in the morning$ and then I went to the marketplace to buy some shrimps I would use for the fishing bait. After that$ I ent to the lake to start fishing. ,2- At the lake$ I looked for the best point to fish. I ent to the place under a big tree at the bank of the lake. ,- I threw my hook as far as I could$ and then I waited for the fish eating my bait. After about a thirty/minute aiting$ I felt that a fish ate my bait$ and it as true. I got a big fish. #t as the first big enough fish I got in fishing. I got ten big fish and three small fish that day. I as "ery happy. ,0- # ould cook those fish at home and then # ould call my friends to come to my house. e ould ha"e a small party. ,- But # as not lucky enough because on the ay home$ # met a beggar. *e as an old poor beggar. # ga"e all of my fish to him and # ish he ould be happy getting those fish. 3erhaps$ he could sell them at the market and got some money to buy some food.
. &ead again the te!t entitled entitle d 'Ballooning) abo"e$ and then anser these %uestions hich are related to it4 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.
ho firstly made a balloon+ hen did people fly freely by balloon for the first time+ And here+ hat does does 'it) in paragraph 1 refer to+ There are to ords 'they) in paragraph 1+ 5o they refer to the the same thing+ *o as the first balloon de"eloped+ hat does '(lying a balloon is not like flying a plane) mean in paragraph 0+ hy didn)t didn)t people gradually like anymore to fly by balloon+ hy do some people still like to fly by balloon balloon today+ hy didn)t didn)t people people stop flying flying by balloon balloon although although it it as dangero dangerous us at the early days+
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7ummari8e the te!t by making its outline.
Anser 4 1. The first real real balloon balloon as made made by to (renchme (renchmen$ n$ the Montgolfi Montgolfier er brothers$ brothers$ made made a balloon. 2. The The first real real ballo balloon on fligh flightt as in (ran (rance ce in 19: 19: . #t refe refers rs to ball balloo oon n 0. they) in paragraph paragraph 1 is different different because because the the ord ;they< ;they< in the the first ord ord is refers refers to ;ballooning< as gerund$ but but the ord ;they< in the second ord ord is refrs to ;balloon< as noun. . The fisrt balloo balloon n de"eloped de"eloped by Montog Montogolfier olfier brother brothers. s. They They filled a "ery large large paper paper bag ith hot air. air. *ot air is lighter than cold air$ air$ so it goes up. The The Montgolfier)s hot air balloon ent up 1$=== feet in the sky. >. (lying a balloon balloon is not not like flying flying a plane) plane) mean The The balloon balloon has no no engine engine and therefore no poer of its on. The ind directs the balloon. #t goes here the ind blos. The pilot pilot can control only the altitude of the balloon. balloon. *e or she can raise and loer the balloon to find the right ind direction. That is ho a good pilot controls here the balloon goes. 9. 3eople 3eople gradually did didn) n)tt like anymore anymore to fly by balloon balloon because because planes ere ere much faster and easier to control :. 7ome people people today today still like like to go up in balloo balloons. ns. *igh *igh up in the balloon balloon basket$ basket$ they they find %uiet. They ha"e a onderful "ie of the orld belo. belo. ?. 3eople 3eople di dn )t stop stop flying flying by balloon balloon althoug although h it as as dange dangerou rouss at the the early days Because they find %uiet. They ha"e a onderful "ie of the orld belo. belo. 1=. The outline outline of the the te!t 4 Topic Orientaon
(ecord o )'ents
Ballooning The frst kind o air transportaon was not a plane. It was a balloon. People traveled by balloon 100 years beore there were planes or jet aircra. Those early earl y days o ballooning bal looning were e!cing" b#t they were also dangero#s. $o%e%es the balloons fell s#ddenly. $o%e%es they burned . &owe'er" the danger did not stop the balloonists. *1+ The frst real balloon ,ight was in -rance in 1/. Two -rench%en" the ontgolfer brothers" made a balloon. They lled a 'ery large paper bag with hot air. &ot air is lighter than cold air" so it goes #p. The ontgolfer2s
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,ying a plane. The balloon has no engine and thereore no power o its own. The wind directs the balloon. It goes where the wind blows. The pilot can control only the alt#de o the balloon. &e or she can raise and lower the balloon to fnd the right wind direcon. That is how a good pilot controls where the balloon goes. *8+ $oon balloonists tried longer ,ights. 9 %ajor e'ent in the history o ballooning was the frst long ,ight o'er water. In 1/6" an 9%erican and a -rench%an ,ew o'er the )nglish :hannel. They le )ngland on a cold" clear ;an#ary day. 9er abo#t an ho#r" ho#r" their balloon began to descend toward the water. They threw o#t so%e e that)d be in 1?2 my family li"ed in 7t 3eters and it as a "ery slummy part of 7t 3eters and it as right in the "ery heart of the 5epression and #)d reali8ed # as an artist hen # as : years old. one day my younger brother ho as si! or se"en years younger than me ho used to play on the rubbish tip of the local foundry 6ust don at the end of the street came home ith to pieces of hat looked like stone. #t turned out that that hat he)d brought home as core/sand that)s hat they cast metal into and the ay they used to do it in those days # don)t kno if they do it no but they used to mi! the sand ith linseed oil and that ould hold it together and then the heat of the metal ould fuse it all together and it as dark and a beautiful color and you kno to all intents and purposes it looked like stone and # had an impulse to try car"ing this because #)d been trying to do things of all kinds but mainly draing and things like that and e only had an old hammer ith a broken handle and a funny old scredri"er and you kno # started ith these and # found myself ha"ing this ama8ing e!perience and actually disco"ering # could car"e. #t 6ust happened in that ay. rientation
hen # as 1> – that’d be in 1?2 my family li"ed in 7t 3eters and it as a "ery slummy part of 7t 3eters and it as right in the "ery heart of the 5epression and #)d reali8ed # as an artist hen # as : years old.
&ecord &ecordss of D"ents D"ents
one day day my youn younger ger brot brother her ho ho as as si! or or se"en se"en years years younger younger than than me ho used to play on the rubbish tip of the local foundry 6ust don at the end of the street came home ith to pieces of hat looked like stone. #t turned out that that hat he)d brought home as core/sand that)s hat they cast metal into and the ay they used to do it in those days # don)t kno if they do it no but they used to mi! the sand ith linseed oil and a nd that ould hold it together and then the heat of the metal ould fuse fuse it all together together and it as dark and a
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#t 6ust happened in that ay.
>. #n this recount$ Tom has added another stage of e!planation to the basic pattern. Use a highlighter pen to mark this stage. hy do you think Tom added this stage to the basic pattern+ *e added because the author intends to shorten the story story or e!perience he ill con"ey 9. &eread the orientation ori entation to Tom)s Tom)s recount and rite the ords hich tell you where and when the incident happened. a. hen . b. here
one day 4 at the end of the street. street .
:. Eumber these e"ents in Tom) Tom)ss recount in the correct order4 a. # disco"ered that # could car"e.
b. #t as an ama8ing e!perience.
c. # started start ed to car"e ith an old hammer ith a broken handle and a funny old scredri"er. scr edri"er.
d. My younger brother brought home some core sand
?. The stages of this ritten recount are not in the correct order. Eumber the stages$ and discuss hy the order should be in that ay. Mark the orientation$ record of e"ents$ and reorientation of the recount te!t. Thomas and the Gorias
But before the 8oo orker arri"ed$ a gorilla ent o"er to Thomas. #t as Binti Fua$ an eight/year/old mother gorilla. 7he had her baby gorilla on her back. ith one ;arm< she picked up the little boy. 7he carried him carefully o"er to a door$ alking on three legs. There she put Thomas don so a 8oo orker could get him. Fanet and Ge"in ran to the door$ too. Thomas as badly hurt and had to go to the hospital$ but after a fe days he as better. The story as on the e"ening nes in Chicago. 7ome people cheered and others cried hen they heard it. But many of them thought about that mother gorilla and asked themsel"es$ ;hat is she doing in a 8oo+ hat is the difference beteen a gorilla and me+< A oman sa him and shouted$ ;7top himH< A tall man reached up to get him$ but it as too late. Thomas fell don the other side s ide of the fence. fe nce. *e fell fe ll 1: feet onto the hard concrete floor. *e lay "ery still$ ith blood on his head. Fanet and Ge"in shouted for help. 3eople croded around the fence$ and someone ran to get a 8oo orker.
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But three/year/old boys are good climbers. hile the Gempers Gempers ere atching the gorillas$ little 7ally started to cry. Ge"in took her from Fanet$ and Fanet looked in her bag for a bottle of 6uice. #n those fe seconds$ Thomas climbed up the fence. The Gempers ent straight to the gorilla e!hibit. There ere si! adult gorillas and a three/month/old baby gorilla. #n the Brookfield Ioo$ the animals are not in cages. They are in large areas dug out of the ground. These areas ha"e fences around them so the animals cannot get out and people cannot fall in. #t as a hot summer day in Chicago. The Gemper family decided it as a good day to go to the Brookfield Ioo. Fanet and Ge"in Gemper had to children4 Thomas$ $ and 7ally$ > months. Thomas lo"ed going to the 8oo. *e liked atching all the animals$ but he especially lo"ed the gorillas.
The arran!ement of the te"t in chronoo!ica order Thomas and the Gorias rientaton 4
#t a as a hot su summer day in in Ch Chica icago. The Ge Gemper family de decided it it a as a good da day to go to the t he Brookfield Ioo. Fanet and Ge"in Gemper had to children4 Thomas$ $ and 7ally$ > months. Thomas lo"ed going to the 8oo. *e liked atching all the animals$ but he especially lo"ed the gorillas.
&ecord &ecordss of of D"en D"ents ts 4
The Gempe Gempers rs ent ent stra straigh ightt to the gorilla gorilla e!hibi e!hibit. t. There There ere ere si! si! adul adultt goril gorillas las and a three/month/old baby gorilla. #n the Brookfield Ioo$ the animals are not in cages. They are in large areas dug out of t he ground. These areas ha"e fences around them so the animals cannot get out and people cannot fall in. But three/year/old boys are good climbers. hile the Gempers ere atching the gorillas$ little 7ally started to cry. Ge"in took her from Fanet$ and Fanet looked in her bag for a bottle of 6uice. 6uice. #n those fe seconds$ seconds$ Thomas climbed climbed up the fence A oman oman sa him and shouted$ ;7top himH< A tall man reached up to get him$ but it as too late. Thomas fell don the other side of t he fence. *e fell 1: feet onto t he hard concrete floor. floor. *e lay "ery still$ ith blood on his head. Fanet and Ge"in shouted for help. 3eople croded around the fence$ and someone ran to get a 8oo orker. But before the 8oo orker arri"ed$ a gorilla ent o"er to Thomas. #t as Binti Fua$ an eight/year/old eight/year/old mother gorilla. 7he had her baby gorilla on her back. ith one ;arm< she picked up the little boy. boy. 7he carried him carefully o"er to a door$ alking on three legs. There she put Thomas don so a 8oo orker could get him.
&eor &eorie ient ntat atio ion n4
Fanet net and and Ge"in e"in ran to to the the door door$$ too too.. Tho Thom mas a as bad badly ly hurt hurt and had had to to go go to to the the hospital$ but after a fe days he as better. The story as on the e"ening nes in Chicago. 7ome people cheered and others cried hen they heard it. But many of them thought about that mother gorilla and asked themsel"es$ ;hat is she doing in a 8oo+ hat is the difference beteen a gorilla and me+<
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