Tarot Guide

January 18, 2017 | Author: Zahed Ul Karim | Category: N/A
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TAROT HISTORY We do know that the tarot cards were used in Italy in the fifteenth century as a popular card game. The weathly would pay a lot of gold to commission elaborate and often highly personalized decks. Very few of these are still surviving today. The Visconit-Sforza, from the 1450s, is one of the earliest surviving decks, and one of the most complete. By the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the cards were "discovered" by some very influential scholars of the day. The tarot fascinated them and they studied the images on the cards. These gentlemen are reputed to have "created" the popular history of the cards that is commonly talked about today in order to further impress their fellow scholars and the elite members of their society with their wonderous discoveries. They may have connected the cards to Egypt since in those days Egypt was a mysterious place full of "magic" and it gave a sort of mystical link to the cards. In actuality, the cards had never been lost. Sort of like Columbus discovering America, it was there all along, he simply ran into it!! For an excellent discussion of this subject, watch this video by Rev. Donald Lewis. He gives a us one of the most accurate histories of the tarot available. Some believe that the tarot contains all of the secrets of the universe. A metaphysical scripture, visual rather than written, containing the ancient teachings of metaphysics. One thing we do know about the images is that our understanding of them is colored and influenced by our own experiences, beliefs, viewpoints, and state of mind when we view them. That is why it seems that every time we see the cards, the meanings appear to change. Our reading of them at any point in time is very subjective, and includes many things including the influences of the other cards in the reading. To understand the ideas or finish the story contained in a written book, you have to finish the book. With images, you can take it all in, get an instant impression, and see the beginning, middle, and end of the story all at once. You can actually see the end before you begin! This only works with images. Words are exact. The definition of a word is finite. An image is not exact. It is fluid. We know from the study of art that different people viewing a work of art will use different words to describe it. An excellent example of this is Leonardo Da Vinci's famous painting of Mona Lisa. In it he first used the technique of sfumato. Sfumato is the famous invention of Da Vinci that uses light and shade to allow one form to blend in with another, leaving much to the imagination. He did this to the corners of Mona Lisa's mouth and eyes which helps to explain why she may look different at different angles and at different times. Historians, artists, art critics, and a good number of other scholars have worked tirelessly to create the definitive description of the Mona Lisa, unsuccessfully,

because she continues to evoke different emotions and reactions in different people, and even in the same person at different times! Using this analogy, you can see what I mean when I say that the tarot images have no definitive definitions. You can, however, get a feel for the role of each card in the deck and use that information in your readings. We will start with the major arcana.

TAROT CARDS OF THE MAJOR ARCANA The tarot cards of the major arcana speak of the your eternal journey. Arcana is the pleural of arcanum: profund secret. What we have is a collection of images which convey secrets to us through their imagery. The 22 cards which make up the major arcana tell a story beginning with the fool who is naive, without experience or knowlege, ending with the world which is the ultimate culmination of all of the experiences and lessons of life. These tarot cards are said to depict the story of the universe, the story of humanity, and the story of each individual journey.


The Fool Upright: The beginning. A free spirit. Key Words Upright: Innocence. Starting out on a journey. A fresh start. Reversed: Foolishness. Poor judgement. Key Words Reversed: Lack of insight. Poor decisions. Risk taking.

The Magician Upright: Focused energy. Taking action. Key Words Upright: Doing what needs to be done. Knowing something as a result of training. Using your talents. Reversed: Blocked creativity. Not having enough experience. Key Words Reversed: Selfish behavior. Frustration. Delays. Unrealistic goals

The High Priestess Upright: Intuitive awareness. Key Words Upright: Spiritual enlightenment. Allowing events to proceed without intervention. Waiting patiently. Reversed: Not listening to your inner voice. Key Words Reversed: Lack of emotional control. Ignoring your inner voice. Superficiality. Relying on external validation.

The Empress Upright: Mother. Giving birth. Caring for others. Key Words Upright: Fruitfulness. Prosperity. Creativity. Reversed: Blocked development. Key Words Reversed: Failure to thrive. Disregarding opportunities. Problematic pregnancy.

The Emperor Upright: Father. Authority. Order. Key Words Upright: Maturity. Protecting the family. Creating something of lasting value. Reversed: Lack of order. No progress. Key Words Reversed: Refusing to grow up and take responsibility. Running away from problems. A bully or a tyrant.

The Hierophant Upright: The Pope. Tradition. Ceremony. Key Words Upright: Pursuing knowledge. Spiritual growth. Wise counsel. Divine law. A higher authority. Reversed: Breaking with convention. Key Words Reversed: Bad advice. Closed-mindedness. Scandal. Materialism. Not paying attention to the divine message.

The Lovers Upright: The Choice. Union. Establishing bonds. Key Words Upright: Health. Healing. Trust. Love. A new relationship. An important decision. Making a choice. Reversed: A bad choice. Key Words Reversed: Failing the test. Lack of commitment.Impatience. Infidelity. An unhealthy relationship.

The Chariot Upright: Control. Clear purpose. Success. Key Words Upright: Victory. Beating the competition. Inner peace. Reversed: Out of control. Key Words Reversed: Recklessness. Feeling overwhelmed. Misdirection. Scattered energy. Conflicting emotions.

TAROT CARDS: MAJOR ARCANA - TURNING INWARD These tarot cards address the second part of your eternal journey. The first seven cards of the major arcana describe worldly matters such as social authority, education, and love. We are on a journey to learn the lessons of life. A person can become completely absorbed in the first steps of the journey; societal issues, being judged as a failure or success by self and others purely from the point of view of The Chariot. In fact, many people never even get that far. Now, we turn to the second line of tarot cards major arcana. Symbols here are much deeper; The Hermit, Death and rebirth, Temperance. These tarot card symbols reveal our true self. Leading us to discover and develop our deepest inner truths. We now turn from outside influences to the secrets in our subconscious. The next step on the journey begins here. From The Worldly Journey to The Inward Journey

Strength Upright: Inner strenght. A moral compass. Key Words Upright: Compassion. Taming the lion. Knowing you can endure. Reversed: Weakness. Torment from within. Key Words Reversed: Feeling overwhelmed. Unable to tame the beast within.

The Hermit Upright: Inner soul searching. Solitude. Key Words Upright: Contemplation. Meditation. Self-discovery away from the influences of society. Reversed: Weakness. Turning away from community. Excessive isolation. Key Words Reversed: Rejecting good advice. Trying to do it all by yourself.

The Wheel of Fortune Upright: A turning point. Change for the better. Key Words Upright: The upside of a cycle. New opportunities. Reversed: Weakness. Out of sync with the cycles of life. Key Words Reversed: A turn for the worse. The down side of the cycle. What goes up must come down.

Justice Upright: Taking responsibility. Karma. Key Words Upright: Justice wears no blindfold. She sees everything clearly. We have made our own reality. We determine our own future by our actions today. Reversed: Unfair judgement. Key Words Reversed: Being treated unfairly. False accusations. Refusing to apologize. Making the wrong decision.

The Hanged Man Upright: A new perspective. Letting go of all presumptions. Key Words Upright: A time of being tested. A cosmic lesson. Spiritual enlightenment. The secret lies within yourself. Reversed: Caring too much what others think or want. Not finding yourself. Key Words Reversed: Fashioning yourself into something you want others to see. Denying your own inner self.

Death Upright: Transformation. Transition. Key Words Upright: The end of one phase and the beginning of another. Rebirth. Sudden change. Fear of change. Reversed: Stuck. Clinging to old ways or ideas. Lethargy. Key Words Reversed: Resisting change. Inertia. Depression. Dwelling on the negative. Focusing on the past.

Temperance Upright: Balance. Health. Harmony. Key Words Upright: Compromise. Spirit becoming matter. Recognizing all sides of an issue. Reversed: Inbalance. Extremism. Key Words Reversed: Lack of balance. Lacking inner awareness. Swinging from one extreme to another. Lust.

Tarot Cards Major Arcana - The Great Journey Enlightenment The major arcana of tarot cards point the way and tell our story. There have always been those who seek spiritual enlightenment. For them it is not enough to succeed in the world of form. They long for knowing the deepest truths of the universe. The goal of the tarot card major arcana is to show us the lessons we need to learn, to guide us on the path, and teach us how to learn these lessons. Most people never make it past the first line. They do not proceed to the journey inward. Many begin the inward journey, but give up, finding it too difficult or too confusing, retreating back to the worldly pursuits. Only a few make it through the second line of tarot cards all the way to the third and final line. In reality, this is never a straight line. We skip lessons, we go back to previous lessons, and the universe attempts to teach us the more advanced lessons little by little throughout our journey.

Careful, spiritually-led study of the tarot card images will give you a roadmap. People always ask me, "What is the purpose of my life?" They want to know why they are here. Meditate on the images of the first 22 cards of the tarot, the major arcana; slowly, over time, you will gradually, bit-by-bit, realize the answers to this question and to countless other questions you seek. Your Journey from Inward Self to Higher Self

The Devil Upright: Materialism. Bondage. Ignorance. Key Words Upright: Not seeing past the physical. Pursuing your desires against your better judgement. Stuck in a self-created situation. Before you can break free, you must be aware of what binds you. Reversed: Freedom from bondage. Release. Key Words Reversed: The power of positive thinking. Overcoming temptation. Seeking enlightenment.

The Tower Upright: Sudden change. Revelation. Key Words Upright: Complete change. Insight. A crisis point. A moment of truth. Reversed: A shock. A pain suppressed, not fully experienced. Key Words Reversed: The change has occured. Accept and proceed in the new direction. If you do not let go of the past, you will not experience the future.

The Star Upright: Hope. Inspiration. Generosity. Key Words Upright: Tranquility. Enjoyment. You have everything you need. Creativity. Wishes coming true. A sense of healing and wholeness. Reversed: Depression. Deep insecurity. Key Words Reversed: Not accepting help. Blocking the flow of the spirit. Disappointment. Delays. Poor judgment.

The Moon Upright: Fear. Illusion. Self-deception. Key Words Upright: Imagination. Visions. Myths. The world of shadow. Awakening the psyche. Inspiration. Creativity. Psychic awareness. Reversed: Fighting off the influence of the moon. Key Words Reversed: Seeing things as they really are. Confusion. Not a good time to make important decisions.

The Sun Upright: Optimism. Joy. Fullfillment. Key Words Upright: Success. Understanding. Achievement. Time to take charge. Prosperity. Reversed: Not realizing joy. Negative thinking. Ill health. Key Words Reversed: Delayed success. A clouded future. Troubles that can be overcome.

Judgement Upright: Rebirth. Inner calling. Key Words Upright: A crossroads leading to a higher existence. The end and the beginning. A change of position leading to joy. Reversed: Indecision. Fear of change. Key Words Reversed: Avoiding an important decision. Ignoring the call. Excuses for not moving forward. Self-pity. Negative Karma.

The World Upright: Accomplishment. Flourishing. Healing. Key Words Upright: Reaching your goals. Dreams come true. Ecstasy. The result of enlightenment. Reversed: Unfinished business. Key Words Reversed: Stagnation. Not moving toward your goals. Lack of commitment. Quitting too soon.

TAROT CARDS: MINOR ARCANA - AN OVERVIEW The Earth Plane Dealing with immediate issues The tarot cards Major Arcana deal with universal issues and the development of the higher self. The Minor Arcana deals with the issues we face in daily life. The major 22 cards address our life journey. The minor 56 cards address our more immediate concerns. The Four Elements Since the tarot cards deal with our existence in the world of form, it makes sense for them to reflect the four elements of the earthly plane. FIRE: WANDS - Creativity, action. - Spring. WATER: CUPS - Emotions, spiritual experience. - Summer. AIR: SWORDS - Intellect, thought, reason. - Autumn. EARTH: PENTACLES - Practical, possessions, money. - Winter. Different decks may use different items to depict these four elements, but each of the four elements are always present. The Signs of the Zodiac are also associated with these: Wands: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Pentacles: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Swords: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Cups: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The cards of each suit are aces through tens, with pages, knights, queens and kings.

We see once again the idea of growth, development, and progression; ones being the beginning to kings representing final achievement. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

King - Responsibility, leadership, authority, power, success. Queen - Personal power, nurturing, creativity. Knight - Active, courage, something about to happen. Page - Student, important news, information, a new situation. Ten - Completion, perfection, family. Nine - Compromise, preparing for transition, mysticism. Eight - Movement, a new phase, power, success, regeneration. Seven - Victory, decision, spiritual development. Six - Communication, peace, balance, harmony. Five - Conflict, loss, struggle. Four - Structure, order, work, logic. Three - Creation, growth, expression of the element. Two - Union, a choice, formation, balance. Ace - New beginning, fresh ideas, inspiration, the foundation.

Before you start trying to memorize long lists of words, just try reading the deck this way: The ace is the first step, the two is the next step, the threes and fours indicate further progress. The five is the middle - a struggle, usually the point where a person has accomplished quite a bit, but has to decide whether to continue on or abandon the project and change direction. Sixes, sevens, eights, and nines take you much further in this direction. By the time you get to the nines, you are almost done. The tens are the completion! The page is a student. He doesn't have any responsibility, but he has much to learn. The knight has a job to do. He is going somewhere important and he is always in motion. The queen is the mother, nurturer, creator, giving and nurturing. The king is the father, ultimate authority, caring for his kingdom and his people. Of course, there is far more detail in each of the tarot cards. The images tell it all. Viewing the cards of each suit of the minor arcana as a story from beginning to completion gives you a frame of reference from which to begin. For example, if you have an ace of pentacles, you are looking at the beginning of prosperity. Look at the ten of pentacles and you see an image of a prosperous family. Not only do you have plenty, but enough to support the whole family as well! How you get from the ace to the ten is described by the images in the middle.

TAROT CARDS OF THE MINOR ARCANA A simple tarot cards spread to start with. Lay 2 cards at the top: 1: Your situation 2: What you should do about it. Then lay 7 cards across: 1 & 2: The past. What has happened to bring you here. 3, 4, & 5: Actions you should take, warnings, what you need to do now. 6 & 7: The outcome cards. What will happen if you stay on this path.

Minor Arcana Card Lookup Cups ace | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten Pentacles ace | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten Swords ace | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten Wands ace | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten The Royal Court Pages: Wands | Cups | Pentacles | Swords Knights: Wands| Cups | Pentacles | Swords Queens: Wands | Cups | Pentacles | Swords Kings: Wands | Cups | Pentacles | Swords


What I see: The tarot cards ace of cups shows a cup overflowing with water. The cup is emotion, the water also representing emotion. We have emotion overflowing with emotion. Water is also fluid, and in the image it is running everywhere. There is life growing in the pool showing how the flowing water is generating life. The hand coming out the cloud shows the hand of God, or technically the spirit providing support for the cup of emotion. Birds can indicate peace. The dove especially being spiritual peace. Upright: A new love. Intimacy. Intuition. The Holy Grail. Key Words and Phrases: Getting in touch with your emotions. Trusting your inner voice. Falling in love. Forgiving. In a Reading: This card means the beginning of something new. Examine your life to see if you have someone to forgive so you can both move forward. If you are in a relationsip, it is time to fan the flames so love can grow. This could also mean the arrival of a new love in your life. If the central issue of the question is about pregnancy, motherhood could be right around the corner. The cups ace indicates an immediate atmosphere of joy and happiness. Reversed: Feeling alone. Feeling sorry for yourself. Emotional drought. Reversed in a Reading: Disruption, unhappiness, violence, destruction. Picture King Arthur's Kingdom after the Grail was lost. We have to accept that life brings us problems as well as joy, but that problems always pass.


What I see: The two of cups is very similar to the lovers of the major arcana, showing the man and woman with a winged entity behind them. On the lovers it looks like an angel. On the two of cups it appears as a winged lion. The lion a symbol of the natural state, the wings the spiritual state. The man is in motion with one foot in front of another - he is action, movement.The woman is standing securely on both feet. She is steady, relaxed, not going anywhere. The cups always involve emotion and here we see the linking of emotion and action, or the duality of both the feminine and the masculine. Between them is the symbol for health, healing, medicine. This may indicate healing will come from the balance of emotion stability and emotional energy. They are both standing upon the land, grounded. Upright: Connection, attraction. Key Words and Phrases: Love, understanding, a balanced partnership. The start of a trusted relationship or partnership. The relationship has good potential. In a Reading: The relationsip between two ideas, persons, or directions. Partnership. A bond is developing. Joining with another, establishing a partnership, sharing. If The Lovers is also present in the reading, the pairing of the two cards indicates marriage, union. The the Five of Cups appears the pair can mean a broken relationship. Reversed: Emptiness, misunderstanding. Reversed in a Reading: Suggesting a disagreement or the end of a partnership. Don't let something small come between you. Usually indicates jealously or loss of trust. I may also indicate one of the partners is not who they seem to be.


What I See: The three of cups shows three women with their arms intertwined holding their cups high, decked in flowing robes, flowers in their hair. It appears to be a celebration. Flowers at their feet and standing on solid ground, fully grounded in the earth. They are sharing life with the earth and with one another. With their arms entwined we can barely see where one woman ends and another begins. There is an emotional, spiritual, and physical connection between them. Upright: Exuberance. Friendship. Community. Key Words and Phrases: A time to rejoice. Having fun. Pure joy. Reunion. Uniting with others. The support of friends. In a Reading: Now is the time to have fun. Enjoy your friends, spend time with them. This is a season for dancing and singing with your friends. This card can mean that a wedding is on your mind. In a career reading this card usually indicates a hobby rather than a job. It is something you really enjoy sharing with friends. Reversed: Overindulgence. Harmful excess. Addiction. Reversed in a Reading: The wedding is called off. Joy becomes pain. This card reversed cautions against self-indulgence. It is possible to have too much of a good thing. May indicate you are becoming selfish, spoiled, an addict.


What I See: The four of cups in the tarot cards shows the image of a man sitting on the ground, leaning against a tree. He has his arms crossed. He has three cups in front of him on the ground and the spirit represented by a hand reaching out of a cloud (the hand of God) is handing him another cup. He is being offered but he is not reaching for it. This young man has all he needs, but he refuses to embrace it. He is being offered a new opportunities, and he has many opportunities before him, but he does not reach out for them. This is either due to apathy or lack of awareness of the value of what is being offered. He appears to me to be waiting. He is bored with all he has and I get the feeling he doesn't want what he has, but is waiting for something better to come along. Upright: Boredom. Social isolation. Apathy. Lost in thought. Key Words and Phrases: Lack of motivation. Nobody understands me. Feeling in a rut. Procrastination. There is unhappiness within. In a Reading: Having accomplished a little, you have grown weary of the day-today. Perhaps you were hoping for instant success. When you get this card in a reading, is suggests that you may have lost interest and you want a new challenge. Reversed: Renewed vigor. New ideas. Time to look forward. Reversed in a Reading: You need to come out of your shell. Accept a social invitation. Let go of self pity. The time for reflection is over, now is time to take action. In a relationship reading, it indicates that the relationship has grown stale and it is time now to either inject new excitment and work on your relationship, or let it go.


What I See: The five of cups of the deck of tarot cards shows a figure standing alone among five cups. Three of the cups are spilled. The remaining two are standing. The figure stands on the ground with a river flowing past and the bridge to home in the distance. The five in tarot cards always mean conflict. We have gone a ways along the road, but we have just as far to travel before we arrive at our destination. We have to decide whether to keep going or change course. Cups show an emotional reaction to something. The overturned cups represent a loss, but since two are still standing it is not the loss of everything. The figure appears to mourn what is lost, but does not yet see that some remains. Since the figure stands alone, it appears that the cups may have been overturned by the figure's own recklessness. The river flows by, indicating the rushing flow of emotion, however there is a bridge available leading across the emotions from the past to the future, to home, and to hearth. On a spiritual note, this card can represent the loss of our connection to the Divine. Upright: Loneliness, reflection. Mourning. Key Words and Phrases: Regret. Self-blame. Brooding. An unhappy ending. Emotional response to a loss. In a Reading: The five of cups can indicate marital or family problems. Not returning to home and hearth where comfort can be found. You may feel abandoned or betrayed by someone you loved, but all is not lost. You are looking at the cup half empty instead of the cup half full. You need to turn around, change your perspective. If the five of cups card is drawn in a reading with Death it indicates loss, time to say good bye. If a three of swords is present with this card it indicates heartbreak. The more we cling to what is gone, the more we suffer. Focus on what you have now and the new possibilities ahead.

Reversed: The pain is ending. Not accepting loss. The loss is less important that it feels to you right now. Reversed in a Reading: This card teaches us to move on. While we focus on what we lost, we miss what we have. If you receive this card reversed in a reading it often means hope, good news. The rekindling of an old love. Recovery.


What I See: The six of cups of the tarot cards places us within the walls of the city, a protected environment. No danger. The cups are filled with flowers showing representing emoution as peace, like the olive branch. The image is of an older child or young adult handing the cup to the child. This card evokes memories of childhood, being protected. We have peace and emotional security in these memories, whether real or imagined. Upright: Dreams. Memories. Nostalgia. Key Words and Phrases: Innocence. Revisiting memories of childhood. Sharing. An honest talk. A lover from the past. Old friends. Karmic ties. In a Reading: An old acquantance may reappear. Perhaps you will hear from family or attend a school reunion. The past giving a gift to the future. Focusing too much on the past can be a way of avoiding facing current issues. If the seven of swords is drawn with this card it may indicate deceiving, manipulation. The nine of swords indicates guilt. If the positive cards, like The Star or the ten of cups are seen, it may indicate good will, blessings, and joy. Reversed: Clinging to the past. Contention. Being found out. Arrogance. Reversed in a Reading: Unable to adapt to the circumstances. Ghosts from the past, skeletons in the closet. This may indicate a need to change circumstances; perhaps move or change jobs, but unwilling to do so. This is known as the Peter Pan card - not wanting to grow up.


What I See: The seven of cups in the tarot cards shows me a figure looking into the clouds. This figure sees cups full of items. There is no connection with the earth, no grounding in any reality. The visions have are the entire focus and he looks like he is in motion reaching for these visions. These visions include both desires and fears including jewels, a dragon, a castle, even a snake that can represent health and psychic achievement. Our visonary may be lost in the visions. This is emotion at a very high level with both desires and fears distracting him from logic, intellect, and even creativity. Each vision stands apart, not connected to anything or anyone. Upright: Wishful thinking. Choice. Visions. Key Words and Phrases: Living in a fantasy. Limitless possibilities. In a Reading: The seven cups represent our daydreams. Do not assume daydreams are meaningless. They often spring from deep within. A choice is before you. Your head is in the clouds. Be honest with yourself. Your desires and your fears should not prevent you from choosing the proper path. When this card appears with The Magician, you lack focus and commitment. When Temperance is present you must maintain balance and moderation. When The Moon is present, it may indicate illusions, unrealistic expectations. The seven of cups indicates that you have come a long way emotionally from the ace. But, the creations of our own imagination can lead us astray, even when we know better. Reversed: Determination. Commitment. No distractions. Reversed in a Reading: This card reversed tells us that we are determined to make our dreams come true. This means take your fantasies and do something with them. You can see clearly. You need to make a decision.


What I See: Tarot Cards: The eight of cups shows me a lone figure walking away from eight standing cups. Unlike the five of cups, these cups remain upright. They appear to symbolize a situation that continues to provide joy. The figure on this tarot card is heading towards the mountains. He is pursuing higher places. Like The Hermit, we must put ordinary simple pleasures behind us and travel alone to achieve higher levels of wisdom. Our figure here is in motion which indicates taking action. He made a conscious decision to turn away from the stability of the cups to the unknown climb up into the mountain. The image of the moon here is very telling. He is not traveling in the light of day. His path is not lite by the brightness of sunshine, but is hidden by the shadows of night. If The Hermit does appear in this reading, it indicates the search for deeper meaning. If the three of wands is drawn, it indicates a trip, going into new territory. Upright: Deeper meaning. Moving on. Walking away. Key Words and Phrases: Leaving the past behind. Turning your back on a difficult situation. Man's search for meaning. Leaving home. A job change. A month's time. In a Reading: The eight of cups stands for those moments when we realize that it is time to move on. We leave what is comfortable and familiar for new adventures. Moving on can mean a physical change such as a job, or it could mean an inner change. Moving on requires taking action. With the eight of cups we have the emotional maturity to break out of our old ties and say good bye once and for all. Reversed: Refusing to move on. Determined to hang on when we know it is time to let go. Reversed in a Reading: Repeating the same patterns over and over again. Every time difficulties arise, you respond to them the same way, always with the same results. You need to learn to act, not react. Take the initiative to change your patterns. The time to leave may not have come yet, but you need to be prepared and courageous in facing that decision when it comes.


What I See: The nine of cups of the tarot cards show a very pleased gentleman, well-dressed, sitting before a veil with his arms crossed. Behind him above the veil are the nine cups all lined up. The veil indicates the veil that separates us from the spiritual world. We cannot see past the veil. Nines always indicate compromise. This reveals superficiality on a grand scale. But, as the cups teach us, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! The cups of emotion have taken us on a long journey from ace to nine. We have almost completed our journey through emotional development. We have persisted in a period of long, hard work to get our emotions in check. Now we get to stop and enjoy our accomplishments. The figure on this card has a look of total contentment on his face. Upright: Wish fullfilled. Satisfaction. Enjoyment. Contentment. Key Words and Phrases: Achieving what you desire. Having your dream come true. Getting the results you hoped for. Enjoying luxury. In a Reading: This gentleman and his nine cups show complete contentment with the way things are. Notice how confident he is. He has everything he wants. This card is commonly called the wish card. Your wish will come true, but recall the seven of cups, be sure you know what it is you really want! If The Lovers appear in this spread, it indicates sensual pleasure. If The World is drawn you will achieve your heart's desire. Reversed: Limited rewards. Limited view. Reversed in a Reading: In the reversed position, the nine of cups says selfcenteredness. You want to receive more than you give. It can also suggest a gluttonous approach to food, drink, drugs, or sex.


What I See: The ten of cups shows me a happy family. They have the earth at their feet, the water flowing past, a home in the distance in the rolling hills. The children are dancing and playing. The parents are enjoying their bounty. Above them in the sky spans a rainbow filled with cups. The ultimate picture of happiness and joy. The rainbow reminding us of the gold at the end of the rainbow. Achieving something that most people don't even acknowledge exists. In this image we find joy and wonders spanning the sky. The rainbow is said to carry the message that life brings happiness, but not the absence of pain. We must have the rain before the rainbow can appear. Upright: Joy. Celebration. True lasting love. Key Words and Phrases: Reaping the rewards. Peace. Family. Counting your blessings. Working for peace in the home. Reaffirming family commitments. In a Reading: The ten of cups is the image of our emotional possibilities. This is the goal. This is within our reach. This is joy that goes beyond happiness. If you receive this card in a reading, it foretells a time of abundance. It tells you to seek peace and harmony. You must be in harmony with nature, emotion, family, spirit, and every thing else before you will experience this level of fullfillment. If the Devil is seen in conjunction with this card, it indicates lack of joy or peace. The three, nine, or ten of swords can turn this joy to heartbreak or sorrow. The Tower warns of a loss of peace, chaos. Reversed: Heartache. Disagreement. Reversed in a Reading: In the reversed position, this card indicates family problems. People are detached from each other emotionally. In a career reading it shows that the group is not working well together. This card can either indicate actual anger and deceit, or it may simply mean not recognizing or appreciating the joy your life has to offer.



What I See: In the tarot cards ace of pentacles I see a hand holding a single pentacle extending from a cloud in the sky. Below is a sheltered garden. The hand in the sky to me represents the hand of the spirit giving the gift of the pentacle to the garden. The pentacle representing ordinary things. The garden representing security and blossoming life. There is an open gate from the garden into the world beyond. We receive the gifts from the universe that nurture us and prepare us for our journey into the world. Upright: A windfall. A helping hand. The creative force. Key Words and Phrases: The beginning of prosperity and growth. Physical matters. Achieving tangible results. In a Reading: The first step on the road to prosperity. The seeds of productivity. A time for taking action, starting a business, receiving money. This card is favorable for all matters related to the physical; health, finances, home, land, etc. Reversed: Poor financial foundation. Disappointment. Lack of energy to move forward. Reversed in a Reading: Bad investments. Failed promises. An idea that initially seemed promising could prove disappointing. You need to gather your resources and start over.


What I See: The two of pentacles shows a juggler. He has one foot in the air as though dancing. He holds his pentacles, emblems of magic in ordinary things, with a ribbon, lightly, in the shape of the symbol of infinity. Ships are sailing past him on the waves of the ocean showing a very large pool of emotion or imagination behind him. He shows us that we can continue our eternal journey even while dancing, playing, and enjoying life. Learning is not always so serious. Upright: Juggling finances. Fun. Flexibility. Key Words and Phrases: Keeping everything in balance. Adapting quickly. Enjoying life. Movement forward, progress of a project of business. In a Reading: You are able to juggle all that life demands of you. Believe in yourself. Remain flexible. You can handle the bumps in the road. Reversed: Feeling overwhelmed. Dismissing warnings. Reversed in a Reading: The juggler cannot keep his pentacles in the air forever. Life is full of complications right now. You are having trouble focusing. You need to seek help to straighten out your finances. You need to drop something so you have a hand free to accept new opportunities. You have to control your spending today so there will be enough for the future. Time is money.


What I See: The three of pentacles appears to be three men involved in the construction of a church. The carpenter, monk, and architect are reviewing the plans together. The pentacles are above in an upward pointing triangle. A downward pointing triangle appears as well. The picture represents the work environment. The triangle pointing upward toward the heavens indicating work can be enlightening. A triangle pointing downward showing our work must be rooted in the needs of the community. We work not just for material gain, but also for the improvement of ourselves and our community. This card also indicates ideas, action, and spirit all functioning together well. Upright: Teamwork. Planning. Talents. Key Words and Phrases: Making some progress and accomplishing something important. Contributing to the group. Earning money. Professional growth. Getting the job done. In a Reading: The first stage of a project has been completed. These people are working well together. You don't have to do it all by yourself. Work out the details. Involve others. This card represents preliminary success. Concentrate in excellence in your work. Reversed: Problems at work. Wasted opportunities. Not doing a good job. Reversed in a Reading: You need to work harder. You are dissatisfied. You have not taken advantage of opportunities. It suggests disagreements or conflict of interest.


What I See: In the tarot cards, the four of pentacles shows a man alone covering his chakra points with his pentacles. His back is to the city and the people. The four is a card of structure, and he has built a structure of protection yet his back is unprotected. This suggests that we always remain vulnerable. Upright: Possessivness. Blocked. No change. Key Words and Phrases: Keeping what you have. Standing your ground. Financial stability. A desire for control. In a Reading: Control is needed in some situations. You may need to take control of your spending. This card also suggests jealousy and possessiveness. You cannot lay claim to that which is not yours. Reversed: Reluctance. Clinging. Greed. Reversed in a Reading: You are trying to take too much control. You have a fear of things changing. You are blocking growth and progress.


What I See: In the tarot cards, the five of pentacles is a true five. Fives always mean conflict or loss of some sort. Here I see two people who appear to be injured and impoverished. They are walking barefoot in the snow past a church. The light is on in the church, but they are left out in the cold. Upright: Down and out. Financial troubles. Hard times. Ill health. Key Words and Phrases: Loss. Disappointment. Troubles. Unemployment. Feeling abandoned. In a Reading: Feeling left out. Feeling rejected. You may be under a financial strain. Poor health. The card may be telling you that you are neglecting something important, like caring for your body, your career, or your home and family. There is no doubt that we all have setbacks, but even if we have everything we need, we can still feel insecure and lost. This card has a very spiritual component. The window of the church is warm and welcoming. Comfort is close by but they do not see it. There are hardships, but they are always temporary and give us the opportunity to turn to our spiritual center for comfort and assistance. Reversed: Courage. Hope. Faith restored. Reversed in a Reading: Reversed this card can indicate a turn for the better. You are at a point when all aspects of your life will begin to improve. The end of poverty or unemployment. Health should improve.


What I See: The six of pentacles of the tarot cards shows a man sharing what he has with two apparent beggars. He is dressed richly and standing above them. They are below him dressed in ragged clothes. His scales are balanced. He only gives a measure. He does not give freely. There is no equality between him and the people he is sharing with. This may indicate a situation is dominating your life, but gives you just enough to keep you in it. There is also the rich man who shares his wealth. So this card definitely shows both sides. Upright: Prosperity. Success. Promotion. Key Words and Phrases: Getting what you deserve. Helping others. Receiving money. In a Reading: Your hard work is beginning to pay off. You may find you have finances available to start a business or buy a house. This card suggests a gift. A promotion or a bonus. This is a time for sharing what you have with others. Taking care of others and being taken care of. Reversed: Loss of goods or property. A loan is due. Reversed in a Reading: Refusal to share. Money problems. Stability has ended. May also indicate greed or being selfish leading to restriction of development.


What I See: I the tarot cards the seven of pentacles shows me a farmer who has gathered up his crop of pentacles. All of his hard work has paid off. He leans on his hoe and admires the results. Even though he is not actively working on it, it does not fall. His accomplishements stand on their own. Upright: Steady growth. Taking stock. Key Words and Phrases: Plan carefully. Growth. Assessment. Reward. Reflection on progress. Enjoying the fruit of your labors. In a Reading: A reward will come your way as a result of your hard work, enjoy it. Reflecting on your gains. Slow but steady progress. Hard work pays off. A time out to reflect on your progress so far. Reversed: Impatience. Bad timing. Unrealistic goals. Giving up too soon. Reversed in a Reading: Anxiety. Disillusionment. Depression. Wasted energy. Missed opportunities. Losing your sense of direction.


What I See: Of the tarot cards, the eight of pentacles shows a craftsman using his skills to create these pentacles. His back is to the city and his attention is focused on his work. There is a road to the city so he is not actually separated from his community. The sevens indicate victory. There is a level of skill in his work that has taken a while to develop. He has developed his talents so that now he is able to create something that brings value to the whole community. Upright: Diligence. Knowledge. Craftsmanship. Employment. Key Words and Phrases: Work does not succeed if the only goal is to finish. The worker accomplishes much when he finds fulfillment in the work itself. Being absorbed in a project. Learning a new craft or skill. Approaching a task methodically. In a Reading: This is a card of success. It suggests commitment either to a relationship or to a project. This is the essence of the pentacles; hard work and attention to detail. The advice is to keep hammering away - don't quit now. You are almost done. Reversed: Poor-quality work. Unwillingness to learn. Impatience. Cutting corners. Reversed in a Reading: Cheating. Pretending to know more than you do. Fraud. Taking the easy way out. Lack of committment.


What I See: The nine of pentacles of the tarot cards shows a woman alone in a garden. There are pentacles growing on the bushes. Her long flowing robes indicate a woman of substance. She has a falcon on her hand, an indication of the spirit's ability to soar. This card combines great success with the typical meaning of nines, which is compromise and struggle. She has gained everything, but not without struggles and compromises. She appears content and is surrounded by plenty, showing that through compromises and struggles we grow. Upright: Discipline. Self-reliance. Personal contentment. Key Words and Phrases: Self-mastery. Attainment. Success. Material comfort. Leisure time. Sacrificing to reach a goal. Achieveing a comfortable lifestyle. In a Reading: Foresight, good planning, and being prepared lead to success. Reaping the rewards of using your own talents and resources. The promise of phsycial comfort. Speaks to real estate, land, being outdoors. Being content alone indicates maturity and emotional development. Reversed: Undeserved success. Weakness of character. Lethargy. Not planning ahead. Reversed in a Reading: You want to succeed, but you don't want to work for it. Lack of character will bring failure and lead to lonliness. You are not prepared to take action.


What I See: The ten of pentacles shows a gate opening to a city. There appears to be a family here in the fullness of abundance. They have more than enough, though they appear to be unaware of it, or are taking it for granted. None of them notice the old man at the gate. But the dogs are barking at him. This speaks to legends of angels appearing to men though they do not recognize them. The animals know who they really are. Upright: Prosperity. Success. Affluence. Key Words and Phrases: Financial secure. Creating a lasting foundation. A successful family life. In a Reading: Strong family ties. The rewards of hard work, sacrifice, and persistence are paying off. Success requires everyone working together. May mean a salary increase. May indicate a family event like a wedding or a birth. Reversed: Family problems. Theft. Sudden financial losses. Reversed in a Reading: Quarrels. Money difficulties. Unstable family finances. Domestic problems. A death in the family.



What I See: The tarot cards ace of swords shows a hand reaching from the clouds of spirit pointing straight up providing a path to the Divine. The sword being intellect is connecting earthly things to the spiritual. Upright: Power. Clarity. New ideas. Key Words and Phrases: A great force. The power of the intellect. Mental energy. Beginnings of success. In a Reading: Power, clarity of thought. The ability to instigate change. This represents the awakening of mental energies. The beginning of an intellectual enterprise. A promising venture that begins out of adversity. Strength in adversity. Great strength and force is at your disposal. Reversed: Confusion. Stagnation. Violence. Reversed in a Reading: Throwing your weight around. Excessive force. A hollow victory. Cutting words. Sarcasm. You may be involved in a exploitative situation. Be careful of making changes, they could do more damage than good. Generally means that you will work hard but achieve nothing.


What I See: The two of swords shows a figure who has tied herself and blindfolded herself, holding her swords at the ready. The moon and the water are behind her. Her arms are crossed over her heart. Upright: Balance. Indecision. An Impasse. Key Words and Phrases: A tight rein over the emotions. Feeling deadlocked. Uncertainity about which way to go. Delay waiting. Feeling overwhelmed by too many choices. Supressing your feelings. In a Reading: A good time to make a decision. You are torn between two choices. You cannot see which path to take. You are waiting for something to happen. Problems don't go away just because you close your eyes. Reversed: Renewed action. Deceit. Resentment. Reversed in a Reading: Be on gaurd against misleading information. You are afraid to face the truth. You are able to make a decision now. Face your feelings.


What I See: The three of swords shows a heart in the sky pierced through with 3 swords. Intellegence of the swords in contact with the pain of the heart and hanging in the clouds of the Divine. Upright: Pain. Heartbreak. Sorrow. Key Words and Phrases: Loss. Woe. Emotional pain. Breakup. Stress and tension, or illness. Loss of a lover. In a Reading: This card suggests you have something to mourn. You have pain and suffering as a result of past actions. You need to take the pain into your heart and move on from it. You might soon be feeling under the weather or ill. Sometimes means surgery. You will be tense and irritable. Often when you see this card it means you will hear of the death of someone you knew. Reversed: The pain is ending. Loss of direction. Self-delusion. Reversed in a Reading: The worst is over. You need to face up to the truth and take positive action. Recovery can take place now.


What I See: The tarot cards four of swords depicts a figure reclining with hand clasped in prayer. He has many swords nearby but none at the ready. He appears to be in a church, a symbol of sanctuary. I call this card the sleeping beauty card, because I believe the figure is waiting for someone to come awaken him. Upright: Meditation. Rest. Relaxation. Key Words and Phrases: The need for renewal. A time to step back from everyday conflicts. Repose. Solitude. In a Reading: Put down your sword for a bit and reeevaluate you situation. Getting away from it all. Obtaining distance from your daily routine may help you see things more clearly. Recuperation. Perhaps you need a vacation. Reversed: Returning to action. Loneliness. Reversed in a Reading: Speedy recovery. Now is the right time to act. No time to relax. Get up and get moving.


What I See: The tarot cards five of swords shows a figure in the foreground who has apparently won a battle and has won all the swords. The two figures walking away have dropped their swords and are retreating. The water is choppy and the sky is threatening. Unfortunately, although the figure in the front is the victor, he stands along. The defeated have each other for support. Fives always represent conflict and swords represent conflict - so this is a card of conflicting emotions and situations. Fives usually also mean a choice between two paths lies before you. Upright: Disagreement. Conflict. Negative energy. Key Words and Phrases: Winning the battle but losing the war. Empty victory. Now is the time to swallow your pride. Insensitivity. Severing of ties. Gloating. False pride. Manipulation. Selfish actions. In a Reading: You or someone around you is acting negatively. Perhaps you are blaming others for your own misfortune. You may be so concerned with being right that you do not see the true consequences of your behavior. Reversed: Vindication. Dishonor. Indecision. Reversed in a Reading: Being cleared of wrongdoing. Check out the small print. You may be feeling humiliated or degraded. Your self esteem is low. A bully may be bothering you.


What I See: The six of swords of the tarot cards shows figures in a boat crossing calm water. There are many swords in the boat. The load is heavy but the boat does not sink. Upright: Brighter days ahead. Success after troubles. Safe passage. Key Words and Phrases: A welcome transition. Calm waters. Travel. Smooth sailing. A change of attitude. In a Reading: You have many troubles but you can handle them. Emerging from a period of trouble. Your difficulties have ended. Reversed: Delays in travel. Rough waters ahead. Reversed in a Reading: Unable to leave your troubles behind. You must follow this to the end. A change in travel plans. You feel stuck. You will have to traverse rough waters before you can settle down.


What I See: In the tarot cards, the seven of swords shows a figure sneaking away carrying as many swords as he can. He looks over his shoulder to be certain he is not being followed. He has not won by attacking, but by being stealthy. Upright: Doing the unexpected. Dishonesty. Hidden motives. Key Words and Phrases: Guile. Cunning. Trickery. Indirect action. A short trip. An elopement. Escape. In a Reading: Something may be hidden from you. You may wish to escape or run away. You will need to be crafty. A plan you have made may not work out the way you expected it to. Be careful of what you say. Put agreements in writing. This card may also indicate moving or changing jobs. Reversed: Appreciation. Frustration. An apology. Constructive criticism. You get back something you had lost. Reversed in a Reading: Expect an apology. You should appreciate any criticism you receive now. You may need to change your plans. Let go of our outmoded attitudes and ideas, they are not working anymore.


What I See: The eight of swords of the tarot cards has a figure tied up, surrounded by swords. She has a castle behind her. She stands in the mud. She has a way clear to walk away, her legs are not tied and there are no swords in front of her, but she cannot see the path ahead. The blindfold indicates confusion, inability to see clearly. Upright: Restrictions. Feeling trapped. Humiliation. Key Words and Phrases: An oppressive environment. Blockage. Lack of self assertion. Fear of the unknown. Not seeing the way clear. Not understanding the real situation. In a Reading: The fear, isolation, and blockage is self imposed. You are acting out of fear of the unknown instead of trying something new. You feel caught. You must face the future with courage. Don't let your anxieties blind and constrict you. Find your inner strength. Reversed: Release. Seek advice. Unblocking. Taking off the blindfold. Seeing clearly. Reversed in a Reading: You have handed over your power to someone else. You need to take it back. You are now able to break free and confront your fears. Now is the time to be assertive and refuse to accept other people's limitations imposed on you.


What I See: The nine of swords in the tarot cards shows a figure on a bed with her hands in her head as though awakened from a dream in dread or sorrow. Swords hang above her in the darkness. Her blanket shows roses and the zodiac, a combination of the rose of love and the zodiac cycles of the universe. Upright: Despair. Nightmare. Worry. Trouble sleeping. Key Words and Phrases: Stress. Guilt. Anxiety. Crying spells. Bereavement or the loss of something you value deeply. Feeling sorry for yourself. In a Reading: This is called the nightmare card. You are struggling with some vexing matter. You may be plagued by pain, fear, guilt, or worry. Nightmares are generally worse than reality. May indicate trouble sleeping. Sometimes indicates a woman near you is suffering and needs your assistance. Reversed: The nightmare is over. Prophetic dreams. Positive attitude. Reversed in a Reading: This is a reaction to something outside yourself. A ray of sunshine. Feeling useful. Nothing to worry about. You will take positive action.


What I See: The ten of swords gives us a figure filled with pain. All ten swords pierce him. Notice the one in his head. The water is calm. There is clear sky in the distance. So many swords indicates an overreaction to something. Shows a tendancy to overthink your situation. Upright: Stabbed in the back. Ruin. Defeat. Failure. Key Words and Phrases: A forced change. Overwhelming emotions. Nobody suffers as much as I do. Hitting bottom. Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it cannot grow. In a Reading: You are responding emotionally to a situation that is not as bad as it seems. You need to put your head on straight. Do not let depression and dissappointment cloud your judgement. Remember, the dawn always comes after the darkness of night. The waters are calm and the sky is clear in the distance, so if you get up and move on you will feel the warmth of the sun. Focusing on the pain is not going to do you any good. Reversed: The worst is over. Disgrace and suffering is in the past. Reversed in a Reading: You have survived a dangerous situation. Every cloud has a silver lining. You may receive news of a death or serious illness. You are emerging from a perios of sadness. You or someone close to you will overcome hazards.



What I See: The tarot cards ace of wands shows a hand reaching from the cloud of spirit. The wand bursts forth leaves so abundantly that they are fall off the wand. A burst of elemental energy. Upright: New life. A gift from the heavens. Key Words and Phrases: Start of a new venture or enterprise. Birth. Energy. The power of inspiration and optimism. In a Reading: You may be starting a business or new adventure. The beginning is promising. This is a time of creativity. May indicate news of a birth. Reversed: Stuck. Can't get motivated. Reversed in a Reading: Crushed hopes. Delays and difficulties. Cancellations. Wasted energy. A venture that looked promising has failed. The enthusiasm you had for this project or relationship has dwindled. Your selfish behavior may be causing you some troubles.


What I See: The two of wands shows a man standing at the gates to the castle above the land with the world in one hand and the wand in the other. His world appears very small. He holds his wand high as if to touch the sky. He looks forward to the next adventure. The wand, as fire, dislikes being still. Upright: Waiting. Looking to new adventures. Key Words and Phrases: Having achieved the early stages of success. Wait now to see how matters develop. Sincere effort. Have faith in the future. In a Reading: You feel restless as you prepare for change. You are in the early stages of a new enterprise. Negotiations you are invlved in should go well. Success results from your hard work. Reversed: Anticlimax. Losing interest. Going the wrong direction. Reversed in a Reading: Matters may not be going the way you planned. Excessive pride may be causing difficulties. Problems may arise concerning property you own. If you are thinking about a joint venture, consider the matter carefully. This card is a warning.


What I See: The three of wands shows a figure who is strong, but at rest. He is not in any hurry, nor is he threatened. He looks out on his ships of exploration and adventure, but he himself stays behind. May also show his ships are coming in to port. Upright: Birth of an enterprise. Cooperation. Brisk business. Exchaning ideas. Key Words and Phrases: Initial success. Favorable early returns. Satisfaction, yet more to be done. News about work. Teamwork. Negotiations. Work-related travel. In a Reading: Your business is active and thriving. You have completed the first step, but there is still a lot to do. You may find more opportunities for your business in distant lands. Commerce is good. Reversed: Unrealistic plans. Lack of cooperation. Reversed in a Reading: Overconfidence. Pipe dreams. Delays and setbacks. You lack the energy or resources to succeed at this time. Did you set your goals too high?


What I See: The four of wands of the deck of tarot cards show people marching out to a simple structure. These people are enthusiastic. People follow the dancers. The card shows joy and ecstasy. Upright: A well-deserved celebration. Freedom. Excitement. Key Words and Phrases: Rejoicing over a happy event. Breaking free. Escaping unhappy circumstances. A well-deserved reward. Buying a house. In a Reading: A positive, happy card. A good time to put down roots. May indicate a holiday or a special ceremony. This is the foundation of a committed and positive relationship. Indicates a happy marriage. Reversed: Delayed success. Success will come but at a price. A commitment without marriage. Reversed in a Reading: There is still going to be sucess, but hard work will be required to achieve it. There is some obstacle to be overcome. You may need to expend more effort to achieve your goal.


What I See: The five of wands of the tarot cards shows the image of young men playing with their wands, a sort of game of banging their sticks against each other. Rough-housing often leads to someone getting accidentally hurt. Upright: Competition. Challenge. Key Words and Phrases: External conflict. The thrill of the contest. Looking for a fight. Physical activity. Sowing your wild oats. In a Reading: You may be called on to compete for what you want. Avoid passivity. Nothing is flowing smoothly. You may have legal complications or problems. You will have to deal with petty annoyances. Sometimes this card just means you need to go out and play. Reversed: Sqabbles. Setbacks are ending. Reversed in a Reading: Now is the time to proceed. Those little annoyances are dissipating. I may indicate that you are growing tired of the daily grind and you need to recharge yourself. Get your priorities in order to relieve yourself of some stress.


What I See: The tarot cards six of wands shows a victory parade with the hero holding his wand higher than the others and his head crowned with a wreath. He is inspiring the others to follow him to victory. Upright: Likely success. Triumph. Acclaim. Wise decisions. Your fifteen minutes of fame. Key Words and Phrases: A pat on the back. Enjoying healthy self-esteem. Reward. Fulfillment. Promotion. Winning. In a Reading: Triumph and victory. Recognition for your work or an academic honor. Travel is possible. Good news. Agreements reached. Feeling good about your accomplishments. Reversed: No victory. Defeat. Reversed in a Reading: Something you have been expecting has been delayed or you will not receive. You are not up to the challenge. No agreement. failure of communication. Someone else will get the job.


What I See: The seven of wands of tarot cards shows a figure rising above the conflict. He stands alone against all others. The wands, being fire and energy, always enjoy the battle. Upright: Holding your own. Defiance. Conviction. Key Words and Phrases: Taking a stand. Holding firm against opposition. Matters coming to a head. Maintaining your position. In a Reading: You are able to view the matter from a superior vantage point. Holding out against pressure. Do not give up the struggle. You have the strength and tenacity to face the competition. Reversed: Retreat from confrontation. Feeling vulnerable. Reversed in a Reading: You should not run from your problems. Your lack of confidence only makes things worse. Take the bull by the horns. Might also mean you are in a losing battle.


What I See: In the tarot cards the eight of wands shows the wands flying through the air toward the earth. Trying to ground the wands in the earthly plane. The "arrows of love." Upright: Quick action. Conclusion. Making your move. Key Words and Phrases: Completing unfinished business. The end of delays. New ideas. Mind boradening experiences. A job offer. In a Reading: A period of delay is ending. You are full of energy and may start an exercise program. You have the power to broaden your mind. Sudden travel or a move of some kind. A new friend or a passionate love. Reversed: Wasted energy. No conclusion in sight. Feeling up-in-the-air. Reversed in a Reading: The arrows of love in reverse become arrows of jealousy and arguments. Hassels. Impulsivness. Events are passing too quickly. You are spinning your wheels. Your plans for travel may be canceled or delay.


What I See: The tarot cards nine of wands shows a figure who apparently has been wounded in a battle. He leans on his wand. He stands ready to fight again. The bandage around his head indicates a psychic injury. The wands behind him may indicate his many spoils of previous victories, or it may indicate problems looming. Upright: Standing your ground. Perserverance. Key Words and Phrases: The ability to recover from an illness. Another problem to overcome before victory. Inner strength. The energy of the wands is available to you. In a Reading: You have been hurt in the past and feel like you need to protect yourself. You may be called upon to defend yourself. Be prepared. You have strength for the battle. Reversed: Being caught off guard. Defences fail. Reversed in a Reading: The problems are too great. You need to try a different approach. Are you defending an indefensible position? May indicate a decreased resistance to disease at this time.


What I See: The ten of wands shows us a figure burdened down carrying his wands. He carries a heavy load alone. The town is not far, indicating he does not have much farther to go. Upright: Overextending yourself. Struggle. Key Words and Phrases: Trying to do too much. Refusing to say no. No time to relax. Carrying out your duty. Buried in his work. In a Reading: You are taking on too much. You wonder if you have enough energy to continue. This person may have taken on the entire burden of a relationship. In some situations the burdens may not be real, in fact they may be an excuse. Too much attention to your career may be interfering with other aspects of your life. Reversed: Overwhelming ambition. Work goes unrewarded. Could mean the burden is lifted. Reversed in a Reading: This card could mean that there has been a lifting of a heavy load. Your health is improving. On the other hand it might show that your burdens will overwhelm you. You are going to suffer health or other problems due this extra stress and strain.



What I See: The tarot cards page of wands is a youthful figure holding his wand connecting earth and sky. He appears to be contemplating his wand. Upright: Vitality. Good news. Enthusiasm. Creativity. Key Words and Phrases: An exciting message. Youthful enthusiasm. Creative potential. Inspiration. In a Reading: The beginning of a project or a new phase of life. A faithful friend or lover. Good news or opportunities are on their way. You may do well in school. Reversed: Frazzled. Bad news. Confusion. Upsetting news. A broken heart. Reversed in a Reading: You or someone near you may be acting like a spoiled child. You feel you are not being taken seriously. A downturn in job or career matters is possible and your own lack of energy may be the cause. If you are an author, your manuscript may be rejected.


What I See: I see the tarot cards page of cups is a young man standing on firm ground with the water flowing behind him. He is holding a cup. He and a fish are eyeing one another. The fish symbolizes psychic sensitivity. All pages are students, so he is a student of the cups developing his psychic abilities. He appears to be able to contemplate his cup of emotion and fish of spirituality without any distractions. Everything is quiet and peaceful. Upright: Emotional. Intuitive. Key Words and Phrases: The beginning of a friendship. Increased emotional sensitivity. Let your feelings show. Act on a hunch. Get closer to somebody. Make a kind gesture. In a Reading: The page often stands for a child or a person who is young at heart. This card can also represent Cupid, bringing you opportunities for love. Reversed: A spoiled child. Misbehaving. Reversed in a Reading: Being emotionally immature. Living in a world of fantasy. Daydreaming. Shallowness. It may indicate that you are struggling with a spoiled child, or someone acting like a spoiled child. You may be wasting time on pipe dreams and not focusing your energy on reality. Sometimes it can be a warning against alcoholism or drugs. You may be ignoring important warning signs.


What I See: The page of pentacles of tarot cards looks at nothing but his pentacle. He is standing on the ground but he appears to be in motion. The mountains and trees are in the distance. He looks like a student engaged in his studies or meditations. He cares nothing for rewards or adventures, but cares only about the focus of his study. Upright: Practical. Trusting/trustworthy. Education. Key Words and Phrases: A written message. Good news about money. Find a solution that works. Duty. Concentrate on what is effective. Enrich yourself. In a Reading: You may soon have an opportunity to make money. Do your homework. Your hard work will pay off. Now is a good time to start a new job. You may receive good news about money or a new opportunity. Reversed: Rebel without a cause. Irresponsible. Impatient. Bad attitude. Reversed in a Reading: An unexpected expense. A disturbing letter. Lack of education. He is a young person who has potential. He is good with financial matters but he sometimes tends to lack motivation.


What I See: The page of swords of the tarot cards shows a young man standing on a hilltop swinging his sword at imagined enemies. He may be practicing or he may be playing. Upright: Inspiration. Unexpected news. Mental activities. Key Words and Phrases: Keen intellect. Insight. News that challenges you mentally. A message that will change things. In a Reading: This card tells of new ideas, new directions. You may need to use discretion and make a quick decision. You may require the assistance of a professional such as a lawyer. Be very careful about signing any contracts at this time. Do not leave loose ends. The page is a young person, so this card can indicate a youngster may upset you. Somebody you thought was a friend may turn out not to be. Reversed: Malice. Hypocrisy. Lack of action. Reversed in a Reading: You are spending more time thinking and talking than doing. Gossip. Deceit. Someone is working against you. Misunderstandings are likely. People may not say what they mean or mean what they say.



What I See: The knight of wands of the tarot cards is always a man in motion. His horse appears to be carrying him at full speed. He is a man of adventure and energy. Nothing stands in his way. Upright: New ideas. New Adventures. New experiences. Swift action. Key Words and Phrases: Change is in the air. Something very important is emerging in your life. A new job. A vision. Change of enviroment. Not wanting to settle down. In a Reading: You may be about to embark on a project or journey. You might be trying to get away from an oppressive situation. A person may come into your life at this time for somewhere else. You are full of energy and enthusiasm. Reversed: Impatience. Seeking battles at every opportunity. Egotism. Procrastination. Fluctuating employment. One-night stands. Reversed in a Reading: Haste and lack of follow through. You are feeling stressed by the rapid changes in your life. Your prospective partner does not want a commitment.


What I See: The knight of cups in the tarot cards deck is a man sitting on a horse contemplating his cup. The horse appears to be in motion. There are mountains, barren land, and a narrow river. His armor is decorated with fish. His helmet and feet are winged. He looks very similar to the Death card in the Major Arcana, symbol of transformation. This knight is a man going somewhere. He has a job to do. He exists in the outside world of action and business while he pursues his deep contemplation of the inner world of the cup. Upright: Romantic. Artistic. Introspective. Key Words and Phrases: Indicates an important event in regards to relationship or emotion. A proposal. A party. A new love. In a Reading: You may meet someone new. You may get an offer you cannot resist. He is a sensitive soul, poet, romantic. He knows how to create and appreciate beauty. He may represent a man unwilling or unable to make a commitment. If you get the knight in a reading, you need to assess whether you are being ruled too much by emotion, either yours or someone else's. May indicate too much moodiness causing discord. Reversed: Tricky Dick. Lies. Trickery. Reversed in a Reading: Untrustworthiness. Fantasy. Deception. Fraud. Fear of commitment. Things are not what they seem. Someone is probably lying to you. It may be too good to be true. Be sure to read the fine print. Fair warning, you are in danger of being misled.


What I See: The tarot cards knight of pentacles is sitting securely on his horse. He is holding his pentacle but looks beyond it. His mind is on other things. The knight is a man who is hardworking, uncomplaining. He loves adventure and is not going to stand still for long. He has a lot he needs to do. Upright: Adventure. Tangible progress. Leadership. Key Words and Phrases: Pusuit of a goal. will not quit. Never leaves a job undone. Dedicated. Diligent. Industrious. The knight is practical and wise. He is a man of influence who may be a suitor. He brings practical advice. In a Reading: This card comes up in matters of employment, property management, or financial security. A long standing venture will finally succeed. Ask yourself if you are working too hard. Do you give up too soon? Reversed: Financial instability. Impatience. Bad attitude. Greed. Being underpaid. Lack of progress. Reversed in a Reading: You are feelign uninspired. You are still doing things that are no longer effective. It may be time for a change. Your depression is holding you back from the enjoyment of life.


What I See: The knight of swords of the tarot cards, shows a knight mounted on his horse with his sword extended. He is riding directly into a storm with eagerness and without hesitation. Upright: Clever. Shrewd. Forthright. Key Words and Phrases: Unexpected change. New people. Mental stimulation. Fearlessness. Analytical problem solving. Strength. Action. Protection. In a Reading: If a storm occurs, it will pass quickly. This is a time of activity and lots of quick decision making. You will need to follow your head instead of your heart. Avoid rash or impulsive behaviors now. Reversed: Devious. Not being truthful. Harsh words. Reversed in a Reading: Bad judgement. Conceit. This is someone who may let everything fall apart because he does not follow through. Not a good time to start a new project. A person may suddenly leave. You need to be patient.



What I See: The tarot cards queen of wands sits firmly on her throne. Her crown is flowering. Her dress is sunshine. She has a firey sensuality. A black cat guards her throne as if to protect her from harm. Upright: Cheerful. Self-assured. Balance of family and career. Loves sex. Majesty. Key Words and Phrases: Passion. Vivacious. An attractive, magnetic, mature woman. Independence of thought. Dedication to task. Vigorous and strong, radiates health and vitality. Honest and open. Holds nothing back. In a Reading: An attractive, sesible woman may give you good advice. Kindness and generosity will take you far. This card promises success in any venture. Shake off the blues. You can keep up with the pace of life. Reversed: Egotism. Narrow-minded. Jealousy. Deception. Moodiness. Lies. Paranoia. Reversed in a Reading: A neurotic and rigidly inflexible woman may interfere with your plans. You or someone close to you may be resorting to emotional blackmail. Do not try to impose your values on everyone else.


What I See: I see the queen of cups of the tarot cards sitting on her throne. She has her feet both on land and in the flowing water showing her balance between the earthiness of everyday life and the flow of emotion. She contemplates the cup which is much larger and more fancy that a regular cup. Her emotion is fed by her imagination. Her throne is decorated with cherubs indicating her connection to the divine. Her focus is directed at the cup which Waite described as her own creation, indicating that we need to focus our imagination toward creativity. Upright: Deep feelings. Intuitive. Psychic. Spiritual. Key Words and Phrases: Visions. Dreams. Psychic ability. Empathy. Unconditionally accepting. Guided by the heart. Open to the unconscious. Has infinite patience. In a Reading: Pay close attention to your dreams and intuitions. She is guided by her feelings. Her love includes all living things. In a reading, the queen asks you to think about and feel your emotional climate. Reversed: A fickle woman. Oversensitive. Inconsistent. Reversed in a Reading: Someone who is over reacting. Taking things personally. Letting small things throw her into depression. She flirts and then becomes vindictive and revengeful.


What I See: The tarot cards queen of pentacles is seated on her throne in a field of roses. She gazes at her pentacle which is resting in her lap. A rabbit is next to her. She is in touch with the earth and the spirit through the rabbit. Upright: Intelligent. Excellent taste. Down-to-earth. Key Words and Phrases: Gives love and support. A sensible approach. Love of nature. Fondness for luxury. The good things in life. Taking care of both your physical and emotional needs. In a Reading: Success in business and finance. A practical approach equals progress. This card can indicate pregnancy or fertility. A home overflowing with children, plants, pets, and friends. Be warm and caring towards others. Be someone others can count on in times of stress. Reversed: Greed. Bearing a grudge. Imbalance. Reversed in a Reading: Greed for money and power. A lack of self confidence. The need to become more grounded. Irresponsible. Lacks common sense. Lazy.


What I See: The queen of swords in the tarot cards often represents the widow. She is seated on her throne with her sword of intellect upright connecting with the higher powers. Her energy flowing. She has a cut rope on her left wrist which indicates the figure in the eight of swords having freed herself from confusion. She has overcome all of the troubles of life and has found wisdom in their lessons. Upright: A woman alone. Head over heart. Independent. Key Words and Phrases: A sharp wit. Autonomy. Keen insight. A teacher. Careerminded. In a Reading: A woman who is rational. You are more interested in career right now than in emotional matters. Your keen intellect with help you. You have the ability to discern the truth from what you hear. Reversed: Devious. Dominant. Cold hearted. Reversed in a Reading: A domineering, vindictive person. Someone may be trying to discredit you. You must be careful not to become bitter. Someone is trying to pull you down to their level. This card is a warning. Someone may try to force you to do things his or her way.



What I See: The tarot cards King of wands show us a finely adorned king sitting on his throne. He holds his wand easily in his hand like a scepter. We see the lion and the salamander. The salamander is the elemental of fire. He is master of fire. He has tamed fire and directs its energy. He also embodies the energy of the lion. Upright: Leadership. Creativity. Charisma. Wit. Courage. Fondness for excitment. Key Words and Phrases: Meditation. Arbitration. Negotiation. You are able to appreciate another's point of view. In a Reading: You may receive sound advice from a strong, mature, and generous man. You are easily irritated by details. You prefer excitment. This card may indicate a sexual adventure. Reversed: Intolerance. Arrogance. Deviousness. Prejudice. Reversed in a Reading: You may need to take a stand rather than do something you know to be wrong. Be on the lookout for con artists. You should also consider whether you are being insensitive to others.


What I See: King of cups in the tarot cards show a man sitting on his throne, looking out straight ahead. He holds a scepter and a cup. He is wearing a fish around his neck and there are fish jumping in the water behind him. He is floating on an ocean of flowing water, but is not touching the water. The fact that he is holding the cup but not looking at it, indicates that he has control over his cup of emotion. The fish in the picture speaks to his imagination being important but not a central influence. The king is the maturation of the suit. Caring for his kingdom with authority and diplomacy. Upright: Hidden strength. Wisdom. Compassionate advisor. Key Words and Phrases: Respect. Trust. Consideration. Generosity. Maintains his composure. A natural healer and therapist. Helps those in need. A good negotiator. In a Reading: You may be called upon to lend a compassionate ear. Caring and empathy are called for in this situation. Your father or a father-type figure will be important in upcoming events. The king advises you to respond calmly in a crisis. Use diplomacy rather than force. A man may appear in your life to inspire you. Reversed: Sleaziness. A flatterer. A manipulator. Reversed in a Reading: This card reversed represents someone with low selfesteem. He is insecure and scheming. He might be involved in several realtionships at once. Be wary of addictive behavior. He is untrustworthy.


What I See: In the tarot cards, the king of pentacles is a picture of the most successful man. He is surrounded by opulence and images of success. He is connected to the earth, sitting in his garden. He is relaxed, enjoying his life. The king has a great responsibility to care for his kingdom and his people and he not resisting his responsibilities. He has settled into his role. Upright: Enterprising. Adept. Reliable. Key Words and Phrases: Intelligent. Skillful. Patient. Wealth. Encourages the accomplishments of others. A stablizing influence. In a Reading: This king succeeds in any business through practical effort. He is stable, reliable, committed. He is a hard worker. Finds opportunities everywhere. He is not greedy. He is industrious and achieves whatever he puts his mind to. Reversed: Corrupt. Dishonorable. Dishonest businessman. Lacking business sense. Reversed in a Reading: Materialism. Preopccupied with money. A man who is mean, crude, dishonest. Seeing people as possessions. Motivated by greed.


What I See: The king of swords of the tarot cards sits on his throne with a yellow crown and purple robe, both images of wisdom and energy. He holds his sword as a scepter. He rules by intellect, not by emotion. Upright: Rationality. Good advice. Leadership. Key Words and Phrases: Truth. A fair decision. An analytical mind. A professional. Law and order. Out of touch with feelings and purely spiritual matters. In a Reading: A fair decision will come. A professional will give you sound advice. You may be ignoring your feelings in an important matter. You may be trying to control things too tightly and manipulating others or someone may be manipulating you. Reversed: Premeditated malice. Dominance. Deceit. Reversed in a Reading: An unfair decision. Ruthlessness. Poor judgement. Legal problems. Sarcasm may be causing troubles.


CHANGING YOUR FUTURE USING THE TAROT Tarot reading intercession is an action you can take to change the outcome of your reading. When you do a tarot reading you may come across a card that represents a situation you would prefer to change. Please keep in mind the future is not fixed. You can change it. This is the fun part! This is the magical part of tarot work. You change the card. When you change the card, you change not only the future, but also change the situation which it represents. This must only be done at the end of the reading – you must have a clear view of all the cards and their meanings before doing this because until you have all of the information, you don’t really know what it is you want to change, do you? 1. Take the remainder of the cards of the deck – the ones not involved in the reading – and spread them out face down some distance from the spread.

2. Pick up the card in question and speak words of power like these: “I take this card and the situation it represents and I release it out of our lives in all time and space for the good of all and according to the free will of all.” and put the card face down with the other face-down cards.

3. Choose another card and place it in the former card’s position.

Be aware, by doing this you are changing not only the circumstances, but also your own consciousness. You change when you change the card! If the new card again represents a situation you want to change, repeat the process. Some situations require work. Do not be afraid to make as many changes as are necessary until you see the future that you desire. But, I recommend that you follow the ritual, along with the words of power, so that you do not inadvertently make changes you do not intend. The power in this intercession is in that you understand you are consciously changing your future!


The creation of the tarot is a mystery. The first mention of the tarot reading deck was in Italy where they were used in the fifteenth century as a card game. Much later stories tie tarot reading to Ancient Egypt, but there is no evidence of this as far as I can find. It may be that the elite "fancy" men of that time made up those stories to make a better impression on their doubting friends. Whatever the history, the first thing you will discover when you start working with your cards, is that this is an oracle. No question about it. The cards are able to take the messages from the realm of the unseen world and translate them into images laid out in front of you. Once you are familiar with the images of your tarot deck, and what they represent, you will find yourself easily tarot reading. These are stories in pictures instead of words, but they are just as clear and will reveal themselves to you if you let them. That is it. There is no secret. Once the cards are on the table the story is there for you and everyone else in the tarot reading! Repetition is the mother of skill. No doubt. HOW TO BEGIN Begin at the beginning. Many people when they first get their cards, treat them gently...storing them away in the box, keeping them away from the other people, afraid to bend them or mar them in any way. That's fine. Actually, I have decks with missing cards and that is annoying, but the cards still work in a tarot reading because I can substitute another card of the same number and suite from a different deck. The deck doesn't care.

First: Handle your cards.

The cards were made to be handled. They like it. They absorb your energy and the more time you spend with them the more clearly they will speak to you. Some people wrap their deck in a bag or cloth and carry the cards with them handling them many times a day. Some people never let anyone else touch their cards and store them safely away in a special box! Whatever works for you is fine. Don't get hung up in these details. Don't listen to people. If you want to share your cards, go ahead. If you want to hide them in a box and not let anyone else touch them, go ahead. They are your cards and I think part of the relationship with the cards is to be yourself with them. Doing anything that makes you uncomfortable is not going to bring positive energy, right? So, listen to your own heart and do what feels right to you. Forget everyone else...they don't live inside your skin. This is a relationship between you and your cards.

Second: Talk to your cards. Be polite, introduce yourself. the cards, of course. You are Someone is listening to you speaking to you as well, and in your tarot readings, so one-sided. Just asking your angel, whoever...we will just make things simple), to you, is simply rude. The ways if the relationship is

You are not just talking to also talking to your oracle. and hopefully they will be though through your cards, don't make the conversation oracle,(spirit guide, guardian call him or her your oracle to always be the one answering conversation has to go both going to work.

Ask your oracle, and other to you, to help you clearly, and keep intrusive ask them, they will help you.

kind helping spirits, to speak understand the message negative spirits away. If you

Don't be like the guy that never stops to ask for directions. Ask for help. I know my own oracle really likes me to ask. She hates it when she has to try and get me to pay attention to her! I will tell you some stories about that later on. For now you just have to believe me that these oracles love to be asked. I picture them just standing around waiting to help, trying to get our attention. When we finally do turn to them it really pleases them.

What ARE Tarot Cards? Before we begin "reading" the cards, let's discuss what the cards actually are. 78 cards with pictures drawn on them. Yep, that's it! Just cards with pictures. Different decks have different pictures that are designed to be attractive to different people. But, basically they are just pictures.Or, are they? There are 2 parts to the card deck: 1. The Major Arcana - 22 cards. These cards deal with BIG issues - your life issues. 2. The Minor Arcana - 56 cards. These cards deal with your day-to-day problems and concerns. Why Two Parts? Many years ago, for a time, it was illegal to be caught with a tarot deck. In fact, in some cases the punishment was very severe, it could even mean death! So, during that period of time tarot readers would carry only the 22 cards of the major arcana. Many people had the 56 cards of the minor arcana in their homes. They were common, not at all illegal, and were used to play many games. When a reader came into the home, he or she would combine their 22 cards with this family's 56 cards to perform the tarot reading. This way there was no danger to the family. If the person requesting the reading did not own a 56-card deck (they were not cheap), the tarot reading would be done with only the cards of the major arcana, and this method is still practiced by some today. Far more of us use all 78 cards. These cards depict images of people, events, and conditions that we all experience in real life. When we "read" the cards we are not reading words, we are reading pictures. The images evoke feelings, words, memories, emotions, and other sensations in the reader. Identifying these feelings and communicating them is the key to reading the cards. Luckily for us, we have some guidlines to help us out!


Tarot Cards Easy!

Are you learning tarot card reading? Frustrated with those crazy long spreads and books of 100 pages or more? Are you confused by conflicting definitions of every card backwards and forwards? I know you want to learn to use your cards for simple answers to your everyday questions. Using this method you will discover the quickest way to read your cards simply, easily, and in 3 quick steps! I understand that you have been looking for a way to use your cards without having to pull your hair out, and without spending hours of study in seemingly endless pages of how-to books. We have all been there. You have been wanting to be able to find out how to read in a simple, intuitive approach that you can start using immediately…and this is a wonderful way to begin. For this reading, we will read all of the cards as if they were right side up. 1. Shuffle the cards thinking only of your question. Be as specific as possible and focus all of your energy on your question.

2. Spread all of the cards out on the table face down and select only 2 cards at random.

o o

The first card you pull is your situation. The second card is what you should be doing about it.

3. Now look at the pictures. Study them carefully, they are telling you a story. Are the characters in the pictures happy, sad? Are they working, resting, playing, fighting, eating, dancing? Is it day or night? Do you see animals? Do you see trees and mountains, streams and water? Just close your eyes and imagine yourself inside those pictures. Those images give you all the information you need – just let your imagination play inside those images and you will get the messages they are sending you. You don’t need books or charts, or fancy classes…you have everything you need already in your imagination. Swords represent intellect, wands are energy, cups are emotions, and pentacles are material possessions. Have fun with it!

TAROT VISUALIZATION Tarot in Creative Visualization. Do you have daydreams? Are you hoping for something special or a special person in your life? Searching for a teacher, a job, a lover? Visualizing those things in your life is very powerful, as you know. But, some people have trouble focusing all of their energy on their visualizations. Using the tarot cards as an aid in creating what you want is very effective. Choose your cards For example, if you wish to bring the perfect lover into your life you might choose cards that bring those thoughts to your mind, like The Lovers, The World, the Ten of Wands (cupids arrows), one or more of the knights or kings (or queens) who have the qualities you desire. Lay those cards out in front of you. You might add the king of pentacles if you long for security, or the knight of wands if you seek excitment. Focus your energy Light one or more candles. The candles contribute the energy of fire and help you to focus your own energy on the visualization. Concentrate on each card picturing these things or people in your life. Speak to the kind and helpful spirits near you to keep negative energies away from you. Take three deep cleansing breaths and focus your mind on the images on the cards you have selected. Call out directly to your perfect lover. "I call my perfect lover from out of the universe into my life." Welcome this person. Visualize yourself opening up your heart and your life to this person. Keep an open mind and heart - Never use manipulation Do not presume you know how this will play out in your life. Be especially careful not to focus on one person or call a specific person, job, home or whatever. Manipulating others is called "black magic" and only brings you negative karma - which you want to avoid at all costs!! Let the universe bring you what you need, even though it may not be in the form you imagine. The universe often suprises us!!

Once you feel this is done. Extinguish the candles and thank the cards and the spirits for their help. Thank the universe for helping you bring what you need and desire into your life. Do it and forget it Then the most important part; forget about it. It is done. You have to accept it in order to receive it. Don't dwell on it. It will happen when the time is right. You, together with all of the forces of the universe, have already put everything into motion. Like waiting for the bread to rise, you cannot rush it. Be patient and carry on with your life. An important note: A lot of people try visualizations and then get frustrated thinking that it hasn't worked. The truth is that we create our own reality, so if you are constantly thinking "This is not working, nothing is happening - I did it wrong, or I have to do it again" what you are actually creating with these thoughts is the NOT working part of it! Push the negative thoughts out of your mind. They block the successful completion of the work. Do it once, accept it as done, and move on. What you seek is not seen yet, but it is on its way to you.

TAROT MEDITATION Becoming one with your tarot Meditation can help you connect with your tarot cards. Learning to read tarot cards is a long process. Learning the exact meanings of each card can be challenging because there is no one ‘truth’ about what each card represents. Some systems say one things, other systems disagree. And then you have to consider your own biases and perceptions – what each tarot card represents to you. For example, the High Priest might be a very positive card to most people, but if you have a bad relationship with the older men in your life you might not see it as positively. This meditation might help you to analyze and interpret what each tarot card means to you. 1. Select a tarot card from your deck.

2. Focus on the card. Take note of all the details – every small aspect of the card.

3. Mentally enlarge the card until it is life sized.

4. Give life to the image. Imagine movement in the background (trees blowing in the wind etc). Imagine the people moving and talking.

5. If you want to, visualize yourself stepping into the image. Explore the world within the card.

6. Once you have completed your journey, come back to yourself. Write down your experiences and impressions so that you can refer back to them later.

Tarot Spreads There are many, many different Tarot spreads available for use by a reader. Some spreads have been developed for use in a specific direction, others for a more general reading. Don't be afraid however, to try using any spread for a different purpose. If it works for you... go for it! Most Tarot readers start off using the three card (or simple) spread and often move on to the Celtic Cross. If those are the only spreads you ever wish to use - that's fine. But there are many more spreads available than just those two. Often using a specific spread will elicit more information than a generic spread. It's surprising what can be missed by using a non-dedicated spread. Below you will find a complete list of our spreads covering all categories.

Annikin Career

Annikin Finance

Annikin Work






Celtic Cross


Chakra Balance

Challenging Children





Checking The Direction


Childhood Problems

Expanding Your Business






Is He/She The One?

Is He/She My Soulmate?

It's Never Too Late





Letting Go

Magical Love

Mirror Mirror

Missing Pet #1





Missing Pet #2


Money Problems

Moving House





New Relationship

Ongoing Relationship

Opportunities & Obstacles

Partnership As Mirror





Past Life


Relationship Cross

Relationship Problems





Seven Card Horseshoe

She He It

Should I Stay?

Should You Shouldn't You?





Sibling Rivalry #1

Sibling Rivalry #2


Single Card





Spiritual Progress

Starting Up


This Month





This Week

Three Card

Tree Of Life

True Friends





Which Job?

Which Love?

Will I Find True Love?

X Lover





Young Love

Below you will find a complete list of our spreads covering all categories.

Tarot Spreads - Annikin Career Category: Career/Work Description: This is a Tarot spread that examines the underlying reasons as to why the querent chose a particular career. It helps to establish whether that choice was correct and what obstacles there are in the way of further progression. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Why did the querent chose this career? Is the querent on the correct pathway? What is the main obstacle facing the querent? What is in the querent's favor? How can progression be maintained?

Notes: Origin: Ann Murkett ©

Tarot Spreads - Annikin Finance Category: Finance Description: This is a ten card Tarot spread that examines the querent's financial situation. It looks at their concerns and whether there is anything that can be done to help improve financial security. Cards: 1. What are the querent's main concerns about money? #1 2. What are the querent's main concerns about money? #2 3. What are the querent's main concerns about money? #3 4. What are the querent's main concerns about money? #4 5. How can the querent gain financial security? #1 6. How can the querent gain financial security? #2 7. How can the querent gain financial security? #3 8. Who can offer the querent the help they need? #1 9. Who can offer the querent the help they need? #2 10. What are the querent's plans for the future? Notes: -Origin: Ann Murkett ©

Tarot Spreads - Annikin Work

Category: Career/Work Description: A very simple three card tarot spread that looks at the career or job that the querent has chosen and whether they made the right choice or should consider a different choice. Cards: 1. Has the querent chosen the right job or career? 2. Is it a secure job or career? 3. Should the querent make changes, adjust, stay or go? Notes: Origin: Ann Murkett ©

Tarot Spreads - Annual Category: General About: This is a slightly unusual Tarot spread in so much that it does not consider the past and present but looks exclusively at the next 12 months. A thirteenth card is drawn as an overall significator for the year and any card whose meaning is in doubt should be read in conjunction with this card. It is possible to lay out a further twelve or twenty-four cards to give a greater depth to each month. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. Overall significator.

Notes: Refer to card 13 if the meaning for any other card is unclear. Although this spread is usually used for a general look at the next twelve months, it can be targeted in a specific direction if required. This spread can be done with just 12 cards with the significator being omitted if desired. It is also suitable for a shorter time spread such as 6 months.

Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Celtic Cross Category: General Description: Apart from the three card or simple Tarot spreads this is probably the most often used spread in existence and has become a classic. Good for answering a specific question or giving a general reading in-depth. Cards: 1. What influences currently surround the querent? 2. What are the obstacles currently blocking the querent? 3. The recent past which formed the foundation for the current situation. 4. The distant past - issues the querent has had to deal with. 5. What does the querent wish to achieve? 6. What is before the querent? The future. 7. The querent's attitude or position on the matter. 8. How others see the querent. 9. The querent's hopes or fears. 10. The outcome. Notes: This spread is sometimes done with 11 cards with the first card representing the querent and the second card being the influences etc. Origin: A.E. Waite ©

Tarot Spreads - Chakra Category: Spiritual

Description: This is a seven card spread which examines the querent's individual chakras and their current state. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Root chakra - red. Spleen chakra - orange. Solar plexus chakra - yellow. Heart chakra - green. Throat chakra - blue. Third-eye chakra - indigo. Crown chakra - violet.

Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Chakra Balance Category: Spiritual Description: This is a seven card spread which examines the querent's individual chakras and whether they are balanced, or need to be weakened or strengthened to achieve balance. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Root chakra. Spleen chakra. Solar plexus chakra. Heart chakra. Throat chakra. Third-eye chakra. Crown chakra.

Notes: Each card should be interpreted in the context of being balanced, too weak, or too strong. Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Challenging Children Category: Family About: This is a six card Tarot spread that looks at children that are a challenge to their parent(s). In other

words a real handful (for whatever reason) and whether anything can be done to help improve the querent's situation with their child. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Past influences affecting the querent's child. Present influences affecting the querent's child. Is it better for querent to leave things alone? Is it better for the querent to confront the issue? Is it better for someone else to confront the issue? The outcome of the best option suggested by cards 3, 4 or 5.

Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Checking The Direction Category: General Description: This is a good seven card Tarot spread for looking at the way things are heading in the querent's life i.e. what trends are shown. Useful as it gives tips and hints for what the querent can do to help themselves and what pitfalls there are to avoid. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The power of the past. The power of the present. The power of the future. Suggestions and tips for the querent #1. Suggestions and tips for the querent #2. Obstacles that the querent must overcome or avoid. The outcome .

Notes: Origin: Burger/Fiebig ©

Tarot Spreads - Child Category: Family/Spiritual About: This is a seven card Tarot spread that looks at the querent's child in regard to what they came into life to learn and do.

Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What the querent's child came into life to learn. Where the child is now. Where the child shines. What the querent needs to know about this child. Where the child is headed over the next ___ (state time frame). Something that will impact the child's life over the next ___ (state time frame). What the child will achieve.

Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Childhood Problems Category: Family About: This is a nine card Tarot spread that considers whether there is a current (real) problem with the querent's child. Sometimes children can just be downright difficult for no apparent reason and there is no "problem" other than behavior to be dealt with. If the reading shows there is currently no real problem to be dealt with, it looks at potential problems instead. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Is there a problem with the querent's child. Past influences affecting the problem. Present influences affecting the problem. How is this problem best helped? Outcome. Will there be a problem with the querent's child in the near future? What will the problem be related to? Can something be done now to preemptively help this future situation? How is the problem best helped at the time it occurs? Outcome.

Notes: Deal card 1. If this card is interpreted as there being no "real" problem at present then omit cards 2, 3, 4, 5 and go straight on to dealing card 6. If card 6 shows a problem then deal cards 7 to 10. If card 1 does show a problem then obviously deal cards 2 to 5. The reading can be stopped at that point, or cards 6 to 10 can be dealt in addition to consider other future problems. Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Expanding Your Business Category: Business

Description: This is a five card Tarot spread that considers whether it is a good time for the querent to consider expanding their business - what they need to know and how successful they will be. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Is it a good time for the querent to expand their business? Influences working for the expansion. Influences working against the expansion. Other factors for the querent to consider. Will the expansion be successful?

Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Heartache Category: Love/Relationships Description: This is a ten card Tarot spread that looks at the problems causing heartache within a relationship. It considers what needs to be done, whether the relationship will survive, and whether it is worth saving. Cards: 1. Did the querent play a part in creating the problem? 2. Does the querent acknowledge their part in the problem? 3. Did the querent's partner play a part in creating the problem? 4. Does the querent's partner acknowledge their part in the problem? 5. Is somebody else instrumental in creating this problem? 6. Other influences affecting the situation or creating the problem. 7. What the querent can do to help the situation. 8. What the querent's partner can do to help the situation. 9. Can the relationship be saved? 10. Is the relationship worth saving? Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Is He/She The One? Category: Love/Relationships Description: This is a seven card Tarot spread that addresses that old, old, question... Is he/she the one?

Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Is he/she potentially "the one" for the querent? Is commitment/marriage a possibility with this person? Influences standing in the way of a relationship. Influences acting in favor of a relationship. What can the querent do to help (or be ready for) this person (to) become part of their life? 6. What does this person need to do before they are ready to become part of the querent's life? 7. Will the querent be happy with this person? Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Is He/She My Soulmate? Category: Love/Relationships/Spiritual Description: This is an eight card Tarot spread that investigates whether a new relationship is with a soulmate. Please note: We all have many soulmates that will cross our path during our lifetime. Some will be friends, some will be lovers, some will be mentors and some will be pupils. Some will be a combination of these. Some will be all four. This spread examines the potential. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Is he/she a soulmate? Will he/she be a friend? Will he/she be a lover? Why he/she has been brought into the querent's life. Why the querent has been brought into his/her life.

6. What can the querent do to help (or be ready for) this person (to) become part of their life? 7. What does this person need to do before they are ready to become part of the querent's life? 8. The potential of the relationship. Notes: If the answer to question one is an unequivocal "no", the spread can still be used to examine the potential of the relationship. It should be explained to the querent that contrary to what you see on TV that soulmates are not always lovers and lovers are not always soulmates. Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - It's Never Too Late Category: Love/Relationships Description: This is a nine card Tarot spread that addresses whether a querent who is in the later part of life will ever find love again. Cards: 1. Will the querent ever find love again? 2. Does the querent already know this person? 3. If the answer is "yes" then this card represents where the querent knows the person from. If no, then when/where/how will the querent meet this person? 4. If #2 is "yes" then go to #5. If no, then will the attraction be instant or a slow-burning realization? 5. Are there issues that are delaying a meeting/relationship with this person? 6. What will this person be like physically? 7. What will this person be like emotionally? 8. What will this person be like sexually? 9. The potential of the relationship. Notes: If the answer to #2 is "yes" then #3 is interpreted as where the querent knows this person from and #4 should not be read. This reading introduces a sexual component to the love reading as not everyone in later life is sexually active. Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Letting Go Category: Love/Relationships Description: This is a six card Tarot spread that looks at an unsatisfactory relationship and why it would be better for the querent to let go and move on. Cards:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The querent's current position. Why it is necessary for the querent to let go and move on. How will the querent fare in the short-term (0-3 months)? How will the querent fare in the longer-term (3-12 months)? When will a new love appear in the querent's life? What the querent needs to do to be ready for this new love.

Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Magical Love Category: Love/Relationships About: This is a seven card Tarot spread that is ready made for the often asked question "Is he/she the one"? As well as considering whether the existing relationship is indeed one of true love it can also be used as a general answer to "Will I ever find true love"? Cards: 1. Will the querent ever find his/her true love? 2. Will the querent feel safe and secure with this person? 3. Is marriage a potential for the querent? 4. Will this new love be similar to the querent's past lovers? 5. Will commitment be possible with this new love? 6. Can the magic last between them? 7. What can the querent do to make this person part of their life? Notes: -

Tarot Spreads - Mirror Mirror

Origin: Sylvia Abraham ©

Category: Love/Relationships Description: This is a fourteen card Tarot spread that looks at the wants and needs of both partners and helps to determine what needs to be done by each to improve their relationship. It also considers outside influences acting for and against each person. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

How the querent sees him/herself. How the partner sees the querent. How the querent sees their relationship. How the partner sees their relationship. What the querent wants. What the partner wants. What the querent needs. What the partner needs. Influences acting in favor of the querent. Influences acting against the querent. Influences acting in favor of the querent's partner. Influences acting against the querent's partner. What the querent needs to do. What the partner needs to do.

Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Missing Pet #1 Category: Animals Description: This is a nine card Tarot spread which should be used when the querent's pet has gone missing. Cards: 1. The missing pet. 2. Something the querent needs to know about this loss. 3. Where the querent should begin their search #1. 4. Where the querent should begin their search #2. 5. Where the querent should begin their search #3. 6. Something that will help the querent with their search. 7. Someone that can help the querent with their search. 8. Other factors or influences that should be considered. 9. Outcome

Notes: Origin:Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Missing Pet #2 Category: Animals Description: This is a ten card Tarot spread which should be used when the querent's pet has gone missing. Cards: 1. Is the missing pet injured or still alright? 2. Is the missing pet alone or in somebody's care? 3. Is the missing pet nearer or further away than ___ (state distance)? 4. Where the querent should begin their search #1. 5. Where the querent should begin their search #2. 6. Something that will help the querent with their search. 7. Can someone help the querent with their search? 8. Other factors or influences that should be considered #1. 9. Other factors or influences that should be considered #2. 10. Outcome Notes: Origin:Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Money Category: Finance

Description: This is a five card Tarot spread that looks at the issues in the querent's current financial situation and whether money will be coming into their life in the near future. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The querent's current financial foundation. Will money be coming into the querent's life very soon? Money opportunities the querent may wish to consider more closely. Who or what project will bring in more money? Outcome.

Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Money Problems Category: Finance Description: This is a six card Tarot spread that looks at the issues in the querent's current financial situation and what they need to do. It also considers whether help in some form is available. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The root cause of the financial problem. What the querent needs to do. Influences working against the querent. Influences working on behalf of the querent. Who or what can help the querent? Outcome.

Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Moving House Category: Home Description: This is a six card Tarot spread that comes into play when the querent has found a house (or houses) they are considering moving into. The spread can be repeated for each individual possibility and help give an overview of the suitability of each house. Cards: 1. Is this a good house? 2. Is the neighborhood a good one?

3. 4. 5. 6.

Will the querent and their family be happy there? Positive aspects of moving to this house? Negative aspects of moving to this house? Overall recommendation.

Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - New Relationship Category: Love/Relationships Description: This is a five card Tarot spread that looks at a new relationship. It considers the factors involved for both partners and whether the relationship can last. Cards: 1. What the querent is bringing to the relationship. 2. What the other person is bringing to the relationship. 3. Will the querent be happy in this relationship? 4. Will the other person be happy in this relationship? 5. Will the relationship last? Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Ongoing Relationship Category: Love/Relationships Description: This is a ten card tarot spread that looks at the current state of the querent's current relationship and where it may be headed in the future. Cards: 1. Past history of the relationship. 2. Querent's past experience in the relationship. 3. Querent's partner's past experience in the relationship. 4. Querent's current experience in the relationship. 5. Querent's partner's current experience in the relationship. 6. The relationship at present.

7. 8. 9. 10.

What the querent may experience in the future in this relationship. What the querent's partner may experience in the future in this relationship. Where the relationship is headed. Outcome.

Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Opportunities & Obstacles Category: General About: This is a Tarot spread that is designed to answer a specific question although the question itself can be almost anything. It looks at the past, present and future conditions surrounding the question as well as opportunities and obstacles that may present themselves. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Past influences on the querent's question. Present influences on the querent's question. Future influences on the querent's question. Energies working in the querent's favor. Opportunities. Energies working against the querent. Obstacles.

Notes: -

Tarot Spreads - Partnership As Mirror Category: Love/Relationships Description: This is a good ten card Tarot spread for looking at an existing relationship and considering whether there is room for improvement. It's good for looking at the weaknesses and strengths involved as well as the responsibilities each partner will need to acknowledge in order to make the most of the relationship. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How the querent sees him/herself. How the querent sees their partner. How the querent sees their relationship. What will strengthen their relationship. What will weaken their relationship.

Origin: Unknown

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Querent's hopes. Querent's fears. Querent's responsibility in this relationship. Querent's partner's responsibility in this relationship. Outcome.

Notes: ©

Tarot Spreads - Past Life Category: Spiritual Description: This is a fourteen card spread which examines the querent's past life. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Basic soul nature coming into this past life. Environment. Early years. Education. Accomplishments. Occupation. Social status. Relationships. Family life. Death. Lessons learned during this past life #1. Lessons learned during this past life #2. How this past life affects querent's current life #1. How this past life affects querent's current life #2.

Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Pet Category: Animals Description: This is a seven card Tarot spread which should be used when the querent thinks their pet is trying to tell them something. It can also be used ad hoc just in case the querent is missing signals being given by their pet. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4.

What the querent's pet is trying to tell them. What the pet is feeling - what it desires. What the querent can do to help their pet. What the pet needs most at this time.

Origin: Burger/Fiebig

5. The pet's general health. 6. Something the pet will feel or need in the near future. 7. Overall outlook for the querent's pet. Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Relationship Cross Category: Love/Relationships Description: This Tarot spread looks at an existing relationship and considers the factors involved for both partners. If the querent is in a relationship and is unsure where it is heading then this is a good spread to consider. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Querent's position in the relationship. Querent's partner's position in the relationship. Basis for the relationship - the past. What lies between them right now - the present. 5. The future of the relationship. Notes: Origin: R. T. Allwin ©

Tarot Spreads - Relationship Problems Category: Love/Relationships Description: This is a very specific tarot spread that looks at the conditions and factors surrounding a relationship that has run into difficulty. If the querent really wants insight into the situation and is prepared to acknowledge their own part in the situation then this can be a very helpful spread. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What is the problem? What or where is the conflict? Did the querent create the problem? Is the querent refusing to see their part in the problem? Past experiences with querent's partner. Are they abusive or is their potential for abuse to each other? Is someone else involved in their problem? Are financial considerations affecting the relationship? Will this relationship end?

Notes: Origin: Sylvia Abraham ©

Tarot Spreads - Seven Card Horseshoe Category: General Description: This is a good all round Tarot spread that can be used to answer a specific question or just to give a general view of what's going on and what is likely to happen. Useful in so much that it considers the attitudes of others involved in the current situation and what the querent needs to do. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The past. The present. Hidden influences. Obstacles. Attitudes of others. What should the querent do? Outcome.

Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - She He It Category: Love/Relationships Description: This is a twelve card Tarot spread that looks at a relationship from the point of view of each partner as well as the relationship itself. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

What the querent wants. What the other person wants. What the relationship wants. What the querent "really" wants. What the other person "really" wants. What the relationship "really" wants. What the querent needs. What the other person needs. What the relationship needs. What the querent gets. What the other person gets. What the relationship gets.

Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Should I Stay? Category: Love/Relationships Description: This is a six card Tarot spread that addresses the problem of the querent being in an unsatisfactory relationship and why it may be better for them to go. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The querent's current position. Why it may be worth staying. Why it may be worth going. Will the querent be happy if they stay? Will the querent be happier if they go? Overall recommendation.

Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Should You Shouldn't You? Category: General About: This is a nine card Tarot spread that can be used when the querent is facing a decision between making a change or not making a change. Cards: 1. What may happen if the querent does what they're contemplating #1. 2. What may happen if the querent does what they're contemplating #2. 3. What may happen if the querent does what they're contemplating #3. 4. What may happen if the querent maintains the status quo #1. 5. What may happen if the querent maintains the status quo #2. 6. What may happen if the querent maintains the status quo #3. 7. Outcome if the change is made. 8. Outcome if the change is not made. 9. Something the querent needs to know before making a decision. Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Sibling Rivalry #1 Category: Family/Relationships About: This is a nine card Tarot spread that looks at sibling rivalry and considers the part that both siblings and the querent play in the problem and what can be done to help improve the situation. Cards: 1. How child #1 sees child #2. 2. Child #1's part in the problem. 3. Querent's part in the problem as regards child #1. 4. How child #2 sees child #1. 5. Child #2's part in the problem. 6. Querent's part in the problem as regards child #2. 7. What querent needs to do with regards to child #1. 8. What querent needs to do with regards to child #2. 9. Will the situation improve? Notes: -

Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Sibling Rivalry #2 Category: Family/Relationships About: This is a ten card Tarot spread that looks at sibling rivalry and considers the part that both siblings as well as the querent and their partner play in the problem and what each parent should do to help improve the situation. Cards: 1. Child #1's part in the problem. 2. Querent's part in the problem as regards child #1. 3. Querent's partner's part in the problem as regards child #1. 4. What querent needs to do with regards to child #1. 5. What querent's partner needs to do with regards to child #1. 6. Child #2's part in the problem. 7. Querent's part in the problem as regards child #2. 8. Querent's partner's part in the problem as regards child #2. 9. What querent needs to do with regards to child #2. 10. What querent's partner needs to do with regards to child #2. Notes: -

Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Simple Category: General Description: The three card or simple spread is probably one of the oldest spreads in existence. It is good for a quick answer to most questions and looks at the past, present and future surrounding the question. Cards: 1. The past. 2. The present. 3. The future. Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Single Card Category: General Description: A single card that can be used as a quick answer to any question or just as an indicator for the day etc. Cards: 1. Outcome. Notes: This "spread" is not really suitable for an important or complex question. As noted above it can be used as an indicator of the day to come, or as quick yes/no answer to a question. However, should something potentially important be revealed by drawing a single card you should always investigate further with a more appropriate spread. Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Spiritual Progress

Category: Spiritual Description: This is a five card spread which looks at the querent's current spiritual cycle and gives clues as to what is preventing further progress and how the querent can overcome the obstacle(s). Cards: 1. Where the querent is in their current spiritual cycle. 2. The querent's central lesson for this cycle. 3. Influences in favor of spiritual progress. 4. Influences acting against spiritual progress. 5. What the querent needs to do. Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Starting Up Category: Business Description: This is a seven card Tarot spread that considers whether it is a good time for the querent to start their own business. It also looks at whether the querent has made the right choice and how successful they will be. Cards: 1. Should the querent go ahead and start their own business at this time? 2. Has the querent chosen the best option for their own business? 3. Is there another option that the querent should consider? 4. Influences working against the querent. 5. Influences working on behalf of the querent. 6. Is there someone who can help the querent? 7. Will the business be successful? Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Stuck Category: General

Description: This is a sixteen card Tarot spread that looks at all the main aspects of life and is particularly suitable for anyone who feels they are "stuck in a rut". The spread examines the state of each main area and considers whether anything can be done to improve the situation. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Current overall state of querent's life. Current state: Family. Current state: Friends. Current state: Love. Current state: Money. Current state: Work/Career. Current state: Location. Current state: Spirituality. What can be done to help improve: Family relationships. What can be done to help improve: Friendships. What can be done to help improve: Love. What can be done to help improve: Money. What can be done to help improve: Work/Career. What can be done to help improve: Location. What can be done to help improve: Spirituality. The outcome if any recommended changes are made.

Notes: If a particular area of life is not applicable the cards should still be drawn. For instance, if the querent doesn't have a job the card should still be drawn and examined. It may be that getting a job would be beneficial to the querent's overall well-being. If the querent doesn't have any family then obviously not much can be done to improve that side of life and hence the cards should be ignored. Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - This Month Category: General About: This is a five card Tarot spread that looks at the the next four weeks and the overall theme of the month.

Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Week #1. Week #2. Week #3. Week #4. Overall view of the next month.

Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - This Week Category: General Description: A seven card spread that looks at the following seven days. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Day #1 Day #2. Day #3. Day #4. Day #5. Day #6. Day #7.

Notes: Origin:Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Three Card Category: General Description: The three card or simple spread is probably one of the oldest spreads in existence. It is good for a quick answer to most questions and looks at the past, present and future surrounding the question.

Cards: 1. The past. 2. The present. 3. The future. Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Tree Of Life Category: General Description: This is a ten card Tarot spread which examines all of the major factors surrounding the querent's present situation. It looks at the spiritual, emotional, career, home and family circumstances as well as querent's responsibilities. It also considers obstacles and help. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Spiritual. Responsibilities. Difficulties. Helpful matters. Opposing matters. Achievements. Emotional relationships. Communication and career. Unconscious foundation. Home and family.

Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - True Friends Category: Relationships About: This is a five card Tarot spread that looks at the possibilities of the querent finding true friendship rather than true love. Cards: 1. Will the querent find a true friend?

2. 3. 4. 5.

When will the querent find a true friend? Where will the querent find a true friend? What will this person be like? Will this friendship last a lifetime?

Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Which Job? Category: Career/Work Description: This is quite a complex nine card Tarot spread which looks at the factors involved when the querent is faced with a choice of two different jobs and is unsure which one to take. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What is the querent looking for in a job? What is steering the querent towards job A? What is steering the querent towards job B? What is the main attraction of job A? What is the main benefit of job A? What is the main drawback of job A? What is the main attraction of job B? What is the main benefit of job B? What is the main drawback of job B?

Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Which Love? Category: Love/Relationships About: This is a ten card Tarot spread that looks at two potential lovers. If the querent is already in love they don't need this spread. If the querent thinks they're in love with both then they're not in love with either and probably not ready for a relationship. This spread is for those occasions when a querent needs to make a decision which potential lover to spend time on.

Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Does #1 have the potential to be a "true love" for the querent? Influences acting as an obstacle to a relationship with #1. Influences acting in favor of a relationship with #1. What should the querent do to help make #1 part of their life? Will the querent be happy with #1? Does #2 have the potential to be a "true love" for the querent? Influences acting as an obstacle to a relationship with #2. Influences acting in favor of a relationship with #2. What should the querent do to help make #2 part of their life? Will the querent be happy with #2?

Notes: The querent should decide beforehand which potential lover is depicted by cards 1 and 6. Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - Will I Find True Love? Category: Love/Relationships Description: This is a seven card Tarot spread that addresses that old, old, question... Will I ever find true love? Cards: 1. Will the querent ever find true love? 2. Will the attraction be instant or a slow-burning realization? 3. What will this person be like physically? 4. What will this person be like emotionally?

5. Are there issues the querent needs to deal with that are delaying a meeting/relationship with this person? 6. Are there issues this person needs to deal with that are preventing a meeting/relationship? 7. When/where/how will the querent meet this person? Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Tarot Spreads - X Lover Category: Love/Relationships Description: This is a nine card Tarot spread that looks at the possibility of the querent getting back together with an ex-lover. Cards: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Past history of the querent's relationship. Where the querent is now. Where the querent's ex is now. What the querent really feels about getting back together with their ex. What their ex really feels about getting back together with the querent. Who or what opposes what the querent wants. Who or what can help the querent get what they want. Something the querent may not know about the situation. Outcome.

Notes: Origin: Unknown

Tarot Spreads - Young Love Category: Family/Love/Relationships Description: This is a five card Tarot spread that looks at a relationship the querent's child is in. It considers whether the love is real or merely a crush and whether the querent should talk to their child or let matters take their natural course. Cards: 1. Current position of querent's child. 2. Is this love real or a teenage crush? 3. Will the querent's child get hurt in this relationship? 4. Should the querent talk to their child or just let things take their course?

5. The future of the relationship. Notes: Origin: Psychic Revelation ©

Numerology In Tarot Reading

Understanding Numerology in Tarot Reading To deepen your understanding of the Tarot, it may be helpful to explore the fundamentals of numerology and how numerology played a role in tarot reading. In the earliest tarot decks, the 22 major arcana cards were the only cards in the deck that depicted symbolic images. The rest of the deck was made up of the court cards (page, knight, queen, king) and the suit cards. The suit cards consisted of an image of one suit and a coordinating number. These are referred to as “pip” cards. Because the original “pip” cards only had numerical characters on them, it was important for the tarot reader to understand the numerological symbolism for each card and how it associated to the meaning of its correlating suit. The main numbers used in numerology are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. When you come across numbers that are more than one digit, you can break them down to a single digit number by adding them together. For example, the number 11 is 1+1 =2. Some numbers represent a spiritual evolution while others can represent a period of upheaval. Numbers can also be masculine or feminine, and odd numbers tend to represent power and force, while even numbers represent balance and temperance.

Below, I have included the symbolism for each of the ten numbers. It terms of tarot numerology, is always important to keep in mind the significance for the number of times a number shows up in a tarot spread. Knowing a number’s symbolic significance, can deepen the meaning of the entirety of the tarot spread. Zero: Zero is the number of potential. It is the first thought before an action. In a tarot reading, zeros may represent freedom, promise, creativity and the beginning or ending of a journey. One: In the Tarot, ones are known as the aces. This number represents the beginning of any new endeavor. Ones may also represent individuality, originality, courage, power, birth and new business enterprises. Two: Two’s represent balance, relationships, collaboration, moderation and duality. When a two comes up in a tarot reading, it typically references those in relationship to you. Three: Three is the number of creation. Threes can represent parenthood, children, planning, procreation, fun, entertainment, completion and happiness. Three is the number of joy and it may represent an individual who is outgoing or an invitation to become more involved with life’s pleasures. Four: Four is the number of manifestation. It is also the number for laying foundations in the material world. In a tarot reading, fours can indicate new construction, property and business ventures. Fours also can indicate a time of stability and a need for persistence. Five: Five is the number of upheaval. It can indicate the eruption of a crisis. It also signifies the need for one to develop adaptability to a current situation. In tarot reading, fives may also represent exploration, new challenges, travel, disruption, new opportunities and uncertainty. Six: The number six represents the calm after the storm. It is a number of peace, tranquility, retrospection, balance and acceptance. Sixes pertain to matters of the home, family, close relationships, marriage and responsibility. The number six also suggests a time for giving rather than receiving. Seven: Seven is the number of spirituality. Sevens pertain to meditation, self-awareness, enlightenment, understanding, solitude and thinking outside of the box. Because seven is spiritual in nature, it may be somewhat like the fives. Sevens may indicate the need to shed oneself of old ideas and behaviors. There may be a temporary stage of upheaval as one transition from the unconscious to conscious awareness. Eight: Similar to the fours, eights represent regulation, achievement, organization, financial stability, money, advancement, influence and soundness of mind. Eights also reference the material world and all that we can

achieve on this plane. Eights can signify a situation that will demand your attention; however, this attention will reap big rewards. Nine: Nines represent the end of a cycle or a completion of a stage. With this said, nines also indicate the need to prepare oneself for a new cycle or life stage. Nines signify completion, perfection, disengagement, transition, termination and separation. In tarot reading, nines may indicate the need for a more humanistic approach to one’s life, perception and behavior.

Tarot Reading and The Number Zero

Tarot Reading, The Fool Tarot Card and the Number Zero In Tarot the number zero is associated to only one card:the Fool Tarot Card. The Fool is the often considered to be the first card of the Major Arcana. However this is not necessarily the case. Numerically he can appear at the beginning of the Major Arcana or he can appear at the end. However, he can also appear in any major life transitions. The fact that he is numberless serves an important purpose. He can appear at any point in one's journey. The number zero and its association to the Fool Tarot card serves an important

function in Tarot reading, it is there to remind us that life is truly boundless and new opportunities await us at every stage of life. In terms of mathematics, the number zero is nothing more than a symbol. In truth, the number zero symbolically represents the absence of numerical value. It is not a true number. It is a representation of nothingness and, at the same time, it can represent everything. In Tarot reading, the number zero highlights potential in its purist form as it is often associated to the source of creation, conception and new beginnings. What’s important to keep in mind when doing a Tarot reading is that the number zero signifies utter and total freedom. Its association to the Fool Tarot Card denotes freedom of thought, action and choice. The Fool Tarot card is the card of free will. He is there to remind us to follow our own path, one that is closest to our heart. The number zero also symbolically represents the unknown or what the Taoists referred to as “The Void”. In Tarot reading, the Fool often represents a journey into the unfamiliar. He is a representation of our own journeys as we develop through our various levels of consciousness and maturation. With every stage comes a new journey into the unknown and the Fool reminds us to never dismiss the childlike parts of ourselves. The Fool's inexperience is not necessarily a sign of weakness or a vulnerability. It is an asset as it keeps the world alive, exciting and fresh. Exploring the unknown does not have to be filled with anxiety or trepidation. Rather, it can be perceived as an invitation for new experiences and opportunities.

Life Purpose Tarot Cards

Free Tarot Guide: You Life Purpose Tarot Cards There are a number of approaches to identifying your personal Tarot Card associations. The most recognized include utilizing your astrological associations with the Major Arcana Cards and Court Cards. However, you may also use numerology to determine the cards that represent your journey or life purpose. This is a powerful tool that helps to identify the major issues you will be confronted with during your life journey. These cards refer to both one’s personality traits as well as to one’s major life purpose. Numerology is an art itself. It is a process that includes the study of numbers and is primarily used to discover one’s personality traits. It also has the ability to reveal one’s strengths and talents, as well as major life obstacles. Like Tarot, numerology is a tool that can help one discover important aspects about one’s self. To find your life purpose cards, you first need to implement some basic numerology to find your life purpose number. To do this you simply need to add all of your birth numbers together until you get a single digit number which is your birth number.

As an example, let's assume you were born on May 20th, 1968 and you want to calculate your birth number. To do this you would first need to add the birth month (5 for May), birth day (20 for the 20th), and birth year (1968) together which comes to a total of 1993 (or 5+20+1968 = 1993). You then add each number within this total again to reduce the number further, so 1+9+9+3 = 22. Finally, you still need to reduce the 22 further to a single digit number by adding your birth numbers together one more time, so 2+2 = 4. So, 4 would represent your life purpose number. Numerological associations go up to the number 10, so ten does not need to be reduced. Each individual has two life purpose cards depending on their life purpose number: Number 1: The Magician and Wheel of Fortune (#10) Number 2: The High Priestess and Justice (#11) Number 3: The Empress and the Hanged Man (#12) Number 4: Emperor and Death (#13) Number 5: The Hierophant and Temperance (#14) Number 6: The Lovers and the Devil (#15) Number 7: The Chariot and the Tower (#16) Number 8: Strength and the Star (#17) Number 9: The Hermit and the Moon (#18) Number 10: The Wheel of Fortune and the Sun (#19) Should your numbers add up to 22, your life purpose cards are associated with the Fool and the Emperor. Notice that both pairs of life purpose cards reduce to the same number. Each card in the Major Arcana represents a specific purpose or challenge. They also represent important life stages that must be mastered in order to progress onto the next stage. Your life purpose cards can reflect this process; however they can also represent important emotional and psychological functions. For more on these associations, please visit our Tarot Card Meanings: Major Arcana category.

Love Tarot: Duality, Unity and the Twos

Understanding the Number Two in a Love Tarot Reading Throughout the Tarot, numbers are everywhere. Each Tarot card has a corresponding number. In fact, many of the Tarot card meanings are attributed to the influence of numerology. In some cases, numbers can be just as significant as the imagery of the Tarot. Their Tarot card meanings represent the various phases one encounters on their road to spiritual enlightenment. Two is the number of duality and union. When opposites merge, they give birth to something entirely new. Each part must remain receptive to the other in order to meet in the middle. Twos represent cooperation, balance and openness. However, they also represent polarization and division. Twos are a symbol of the coming together to make one whole. Twos are ying and yang, light and dark, the conscious and unconscious, and symbiosis and individuation. Two is also the magical number of partnership, and throughout the Tarot, their Tarot card meanings can reflect the joining of two people. Because the number two is often associated with our relationships, it is quite useful to understand their Tarot card meanings. They often represent a relationship's issues, level of devlopment, and expectations.

In love Tarot readings, every two can reference one’s relationship. It is also important to note, that there are twos in the major arcana: the High Priestess, Justice, and Judgment. When these cards come up in a love reading they warrant attention as they often represent the developmental stage of a relationship. They also represent the important karmic issues that are influencing the relationship. In a tarot reading, the major arcana explore this purpose, often revealing where a couple needs to grow or mature. Below I have highlighted the Tarot cards that are associated with the number two. These particular interpretations are based on readings about relationships and partnerships. The High Priestess II Tarot Card Meanings in a Love Tarot Reading In relationship Tarot readings, the High Priestess indicates that this would be a great time to meet new people, particularly to those that you will connect with. Should you meet someone intriguing, the High Priestess represents a need to inquire about who this person truly is. She is a warning that you must get all the facts before you proceed into a commitment or deeper level of intimacy. She is there to tell you not to rush in. If you are in a relationship, The High Priestess indicates a new phase of your relationship. You may feel a deeper connection and even though you may have your troubles, this person has entered your life for a reason. Your partner is there to teach you something. Justice XI Tarot Card Meanings in a Love Tarot Reading The Justice Tarot card reminds us that things appear in cycles. If you have been struggling in your attempts to meet someone new, this will eventually pass. Do not lose hope. You may need to get your own personal life in order. In terms of relationships, Justice informs us of a need to take an inventory. You may need to ask yourself some important questions. Is this relationship working for you? Are your needs getting met? If you are having troubles, Justice encourages you to start communicating with your partner. This needs to be based on your own personal needs, feelings and wishes. You must also be willing to allow your partner the same space to express himself.

Judgment XX Tarot Card Meanings in a Love Tarot Reading Judgment is often considered to be the card of enlightenment. In love tarot readings, the Judgment tarot card often indicates that you can attain your desires. If you are seeking love, it is sure to come. If you are in

a relationship, now is the time to be willing to discard your fears of intimacy. You and your partner have the capacity to develop something deep and meaningful. The more you learn about you partners desires, the more comfortable you will feel. You may find that your connection will grow deeper when your share your own needs and desires.

Two of Wands Tarot Card Meanings in a Love Tarot Reading In terms of relationships, the Two of Wands indicates that although a relationship may be steady, the outcome still remains unknown. You may be questioning if you wish to commit to your partner on a long term basis. A long term relationship may need to take a new course. One person could be dominating a partner sexually. There is also the concern of excessive anger and blame.

Two of Swords Tarot Card Meanings in a Love Tarot Reading If you are seeking a relationship, it may be wise to take a break. You may need to focus on yourself for a while. You may be struggling with balancing your life. If you are in a relationship, make sure that you and your partner take some time to rest and relax together. The Two of Swords can indicate friction between you and your partner. Be careful that you are not barricading yourself from your partner. You may have a disconnection between your mind and your heart. It’s important to talk about the things that are troubling you with your partner. Be careful that you do not allow things to fester. Two of Cups Tarot Card Meanings in a Love Tarot Reading The Two of Cups is the “true love” card. It is the card of harmony and partnership. The Two of Swords indicates attraction, romance, union, courtship, passion, and marriage. If you are single, a new relationship may enter your life. Your willingness to put yourself out there will pay off. This new relationship will be one that is unencumbered. You will able to express yourself freely and feel a strong sense of connection. If you are in a relationship and have not yet tied the knot, the Two of Cups often signifies an engagement. You and your partner will reach a new level of intimacy. You may feel a renewed sense of attraction towards you partner. Your mutual understanding can extend into the bedroom.

Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings in a Love Tarot Reading You may feel as if you’re balancing too many things right now. You may feel overwhelmed and tired. If you are single, you may find yourself having to choose between two partners. Perhaps you have been balancing your time between them and are now feeling worn-out. At this point, you may need to make a decision. The Pentacles always refer to our ideals and in the case of love, the Two of Pentacles urges you to choose a mate that matches your value system. If you are in a partnership, it is important to remember to give and take. Relationships need to be reciprocal. If you are career oriented, don’t forget to make time for your relationship. You may need to find more time for love and romance.

Tarot Astrology

Tarot Astrology: Astrological Symbolism Found in The Tarot Although there are many similarities between the Tarot and Astrology, they are both entirely different fields of study. Some believe that astrology offers better insight into the timing of events while the tarot offers better insight into the various people surrounding the querent (the person being read for). In either case, intuition is required for both disciplines. It is important to recognize, however, that there is not a direct relationship between astrological and tarot symbolism. Typically, correlations between these two fields can differ from interpreter to interpreter. For our purposes, the associations made between astrology and the tarot should be used as a tool for deepening one’s understanding of the subtleties of the tarot’s meaning. The tarot cards have their own, completely independent symbolism and the generalized astrological associations offer only another layer to their interpretations. Below I have listed the most accepted approaches to assigning astrological meanings to the cards in the tarot. Seasons and Direction


The Suit of Cups Direction is north and the season is summer.


The Suit of Pentacles Direction is south and the season is winter.


The Suit of Wands Direction is east and the season is spring.


The Suit of Swords Directions is west and the season is fall.


Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are signs of the summer.


Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo are signs of the winter.


Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are signs of the spring.


Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius are signs of the fall. Astrological Associations of the Major Arcana


The Fool: Uranus


The Magician: Mercury


The High Priestess: Moon


The Empress: Venus


The Emperor: Aries


The Hierophant: Taurus


The Lovers: Gemini


The Chariot: Cancer


Strength: Leo


The Hermit: Virgo


Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter


Justice: Libra


The Hanged Man: Neptune


Death: Scorpio


Temperance: Sagittarius


The Devil: Capricorn


The Tower: Mars


The Star: Aquarius


The Moon: Pisces


The Sun: Sun


Judgment: Pluto


The World: Saturn Astrological Associations of the Court Cards


Aries: King of Wands


Taurus: Queen of Pentacles


Gemini: Knight of Swords


Cancer: King of Cups


Leo: Queen of Wands


Virgo: Knight of Pentacles


Libra: King of Swords


Scorpio: Queen of Cups


Sagittarius: Knight of Wands


Capricorn: King of Pentacles


Aquarius: Queen of Swords


Pisces: Knight of Cups

The Wisdom of Tarot Readings

The Wisdom of Tarot Readings Can Help Us Make Better Choices in Our Lives Whether or not the Tarot is a legitimate tool for foretelling the future is a a question that people have been debating for hundreds of years. Skeptics claim that there is no mysticism whatsoever in the Tarot. They believe that the Tarot are nothing more than simply pictures on a deck of playing cards and that any revelations derived from a tarot reading are simply the result of the reader's own imagination. Even worse, there are also people who claim that the Tarot is a negative or dangerous spiritual force. Truthfully though tarot reading is one more tool you can use to understand the deeper workings of your life. Its goal is to help you get a clearer perspective. It is true that the power of the Tarot comes from deep within one’s self. By learning more about the Tarot and practicing your own tarot readings, you can become your own oracle. The Tarot's true power then is its ability to reveal your inner self to you. Like meditation or hypnosis, the Tarot can be used to give you a deeper understanding of yourself and your life path. When doing a tarot reading most readers do so with the belief that the future is never fixed. It is in constant fluid motion, always shifting and changing in terms of its potential. Tarot readings have the ability to warn us of the possible outcomes of particular paths. The future is always changing and, if you seek an alternative

solution, you can find it through the Tarot. Some experienced readers are even able to explore the various possible outcomes that may follow different courses of action. One theory to explain the efficacy and accuracy of tarot readings is that the cards themselves serve as a divinatory tools that allow us to access our own inner intuitive knowledge. In many of us, the access to our unconscious mind is often blocked. Our innermost self is hidden from our conscious awareness and understanding. This is where our intuitive abilities rest. In many cases, we may not understand why we behave the way we do. Hidden deep within our selves is our subconscious self which is the driving force behind our actions. The Tarot provides us with a way to understand our inner workings and access the knowledge that is already hidden within us. When you gain access to this hidden knowledge you can then make better choices about your present circumstances. Tarot reading helps us to give a sense of meaning to our lives. The symbols used in the Tarot are archetypes that reflect deep universal human patterns. The tarot cards symbolize our journey from birth to death and the various stages we encounter through our lives. As we make this journey, we learn certain life lessons and Tarot readings can help us make sense of the path.

Learn Tarot Reading for Yourself

The process of learning to read the Tarot for one’s own self differs greatly from the experience of reading for others. This is largely due to the difficult task in learning how to remain objective during one’s own Tarot readings. Remaining neutral and objective for self-readings can be tricky and frustrating. For many, there is a constant struggle in managing one’s own expectations, fears and projections during their own tarot readings. There are a number of tools that can help you increase the efficacy of self-readings. One of the most important is establishing a personal space or environment that promotes relaxation and feelings of safety. This is a space in which you can take the time to center yourself, process your feelings, and allow yourself to explore new levels of consciousness. It’s important to allow yourself the freedom and permission to explore what you are feeling at the time you begin a self-reading. This will help you manage your own expectations and projections. Say, for example, your are in fear about a particular situation. By acknowledging this fear, you can identify where your own fears may be influencing your reading. Ultimately, your tarot readings will be much more objective when you have appropriately processed your feelings.

Another useful tool for self-readings is that of keeping an open mind. When you have an open mind you are more likely to be receptive to the information revealed during your own Tarot readings. It also helps with detachment. The more overly attached we are to an outcome the more difficult it is to see the other variables that are influencing a situation. Detachment enables a tarot reader to grasp important subtleties that may have been otherwise missed. Most importantly, detachment prevents a biased perspective and can help a tarot reader accurately interpret the cards. Another effective tool for self-readings includes the practice of mediation or prayer. This is a great method for helping one tap into their intuition, sense of awareness and state of consciousness. It also helps to slow the mind and can psychologically prepare one for their tarot readings. Mediation and prayer encourages connection to the spiritual realm. It also can help shift one’s level of consciousness and encourages the flow of valuable information.

When A Tarot Card Reading Doesn’t Make Sense

There is nothing more frustrating than those times when a tarot card reading just doesn’t seem to make any sense. Unfortunately this can happen to even the best tarot card readers. Usually when we are unable to interpret the cards effectively during a tarot reading, it’s rarely about the cards we have pulled. In most circumstances, a tarot card reading that appears confusing, or one that lacks any real consistency, is most likely about our own selves. In a tarot card reading, the tarot cards are reflections of who we are. When we have difficulty interpreting them, most likely there are seom issuess surrounding feelings of inner conflict, fear or uncertainty. It’s important to remember not to project these issues onto the tarot cards. When this occurs it’s always wise to take a step back. Many people will attempt to ignore the spread altogether and re-shuffle the cards. This is not always the best approach. If you have the time, record the tarot card reading into a journal for later reflection. A misunderstood tarot card reading is not unlike a symbolic dream. It may take some time to process the material you have received. A tarot card reading that lacks clarity in the present, might take on a whole new interpretation if you allow yourself some time to process its meaning.

Should you be performing a tarot card reading for another person and you can not decipher its meaning, don’t be afraid to ask the person being read for their own interpretation. There is no right or wrong approach to tarot reading. You can ask the person being read to identify the symbols that stand out for them; what might this mean to them and how does it apply in their current life stage. Opening up a dialogue helps build a stronger relationship and it can also help you understand more about the tarot card reading.

Learn Tarot The Easy Way

A simple and effective approach to learn tarot. Learning to read tarot cards does not need to be a difficult process. In fact, it is a quite enjoyable undertaking. The more time you put into understanding the craft of tarot reading, the more you will get out of it. To be a good tarot reader, you must learn how to appropriately interpret the cards. The best tarot readers are those who have learned how to interpret the cards using their own personal associations. This is not the type of information you can get out of a book. Rather, it comes from your own identification to the cards and their imagery. This is not to say that books on the tarot don't have a place in the learning process. They can be a valuable reference guide for whenever you are unsure of something. They are great resources for tarot history,tarot spreads, and for general tarot card meanings. While having a good understanding of this information is certainly important, developing your own personal relationship with the cards is a much more effective and rewarding way to learn tarot than trying to memorize information from a book. To do this you will need to put to familiarize yourself with the cards. I usually recommend taking half an hour each day to spend studying and journaling. It’s important that you do this in

a place where you feel relaxed and calm. You will also want to make sure that you won’t be interrupted, so try to avoid any distractions. To begin, you will need your own tarot deck, a notebook and a pen. Choose a place in your home that encourages you to relax. You may want to burn some incense, light some candles, or put some gentle music on. Let go of the day's events. When you feel ready, pick up your tarot deck and start shuffling. Try to set your mind free of any fears or expectations. Close your eyes and relax. Take the time to slow your breathing and sit with your feelings. If anything pops out at you make sure to acknowledge it in your journal. Often, when we fail to acknowledge our feelings or issues, our ability to read the cards becomes skewed. Unprocessed emotions have a tendency to cause us to lose objectivity and neutrality. When you feel at peace, draw a card from anywhere in the deck. Place it down in front of you in an upright position. Take a moment to really examine the card. In your notebook write down the name of the card and answer the following questions when they apply.


What story does the image you see tell you?


How does this story apply to your own life story?


How does it make you feel?


Does it make you think of any experiences you have had in the past?


Who is the subject or subjects of the card? What might they say to you? What might they say to each other?


What other symbolism and imagery appears on the card and what do you think it may represent?


What’s the message of the card?


Does the card share a life lesson? If you are uncertain about a card’s meaning, it is ok to check your interpretation by referencing a book. Keep in mind though that there are no set rules and that the objective is to learn tarot by establishing your own personal understanding and connection to the cards. After you have completed this task, you will want to note everything you have learned in your journal. The goal is to journal on each card in the Tarot. When you complete this exercise for all 78 cards of the tarot deck, you will have your very own book of tarot interpretations and meanings. You will be able to use this as a resource in the future.

To learn tarot, you simply must be willing to take the time to develop your own relationship to each of the cards. In the end, learning tarot reading is a personal journey. You are always the source of its magic.

Keeping A Tarot Journal

Learn Tarot: Keeping A Tarot Journal Perhaps the most effective method for learning the Tarot is to start a Tarot journal. A Tarot journal enables you to explore your own personal associations to the Tarot cards. It is also helps you to identify the key tarot symbolism that you are personally drawn to. As you become more comfortable with the Tarot’s imagery, the easier it will become to identify and remember the various Tarot card meanings. Ultimately, as you become more comfortable with the Tarot cards, you will be able to perform your own Tarot readings with ease and confidence. The best Tarot readers are the ones that have developed their own system of interpretations. Books can be quite useful, but by developing your own associations to the cards, the Tarot interpretations become much more meaningful. I always suggest using a three ring note book. This allows you the freedom to move the pages around or separate them into categories. Some people, however, would prefer to keep their journals on their computers. In either case, both approaches are valid. The important thing to remember is to find a process that you are comfortable with. Keeping a Tarot journal is merely a process that helps you keep track of your thoughts, ideas and feelings about the Tarot cards. You are free to get as creative as you want. You may

wish to illustrate the cards in a sketchbook. This method certainly helps you become familiar with the cards. It also helps you retain the Tarot’s imagery. As you start to do you own Tarot readings, you will come to appreciate the nuances and reflections you explored in your journal. I always recommend starting with the Major Arcana cards. The Major Arcana are the non-suit cards, which make up the first 22 cards of the Tarot deck. The Major Arcana Tarot cards refer to the important life challenges and spiritual lessons we must face on our journeys through Life. They represent our levels of self-development and reveal major life transitions. In Tarot readings, the Major Arcana reveal the karmic and consequential lessons you must grasp in order to move forward. To begin, separate the 22 Major Arcana cards out from the Tarot deck. Although the Fool Tarot Card is associated number is zero, he can be placed in the beginning or end of the twenty-two Major Arcana Cards. As you grasp the Fool Tarot card, allow yourself to explore the image. What stands out for you? What message does he wish to tell you? Here are some helpful questions that can help you in this process.


What are the colors? What do these mean to you?


What symbolism sticks out to you? What do these mean to you?


What does the landscape reveal?


Is there any vegetation? What does this mean to you?


What is the “feel” of this card?


Are there any animals?


If this card had words, what would it say to you?


If you could imagine yourself in the picture, where would you be going? What would you be doing? What would you be feeling? The list of question can go on and on. In time, you will develop your own system of exploration. The important thing to remember is to let the cards speak to you. Your Tarot journal is there to record your thoughts and feelings. As you gain a deeper understanding of the Tarot cards, your own associations will begin to make perfect sense and, ultimately, your ability to perform tarot readings will become second nature.

What Are Tarot Readings?

The basics of Tarot and the art of Tarot Reading explained. Tarot reading is a form of card divination used by those who seek spiritual guidance. Tarot readings can be used to answer specific questions, foretell the past, present or future, or to explore a particular subject of interest in detail. A traditional tarot deck consists of seventy-eight cards grouped into two distinct parts. The first part of the deck is known as the Major Arcana which is comprised of a total of twenty-two cards each with their own unique meanings. The second part of the deck is known as the Minor Arcana which is comprised of a total of fifty-six cards which can equally be divided into four suits similar to a modern playing card deck. Each of the four suits found in a tarot deck (Cups, Pentacles, Swords and Wands) has cards that range from ace through king. However, unlike a playing deck, each suit in a tarot deck contains one extra card known as the squire. Each suit also carries its own unique theme. The Cup cards typically represent themes about love and emotions, the Pentacles cardstypically represent themes about money and material gain, the Sword cards typically represent themes about truth and conflict, and the Wand cards typically represent themes about creativity and spirituality.

Tarot readings do not have to be conducted by a psychic or even a live tarot reader. Many internet sites offer free tarot readings that are computer generated. However, most people who are not experienced in tarot often find computer generated tarot readings difficult to interpret while others often complain that they are not as accurate as similar readings conducted by an actual tarot reader. Live tarot readings are typically done in person or over the phone. If you prefer to visit a tarot reader in person, you can often find them at local psychic fairs or at New Age bookstores which often have tarot readers available to do readings for a reasonable fee on certain days. If not, you can also try looking in your local Yellow Pages. If you are leery or live in a rural area, you can also get a reading over the phone. The cost usually depends on how long your session lasts. Many psychic services have special introductory rates for a dollar or less per minute, so if you find such a promotion, it is usually best to buy your time in advance to get the best deal. Thirty to forty-five minutes should be a sufficient amount of time to get a fairly in-depth reading. During your tarot reading, your reader will likely randomly draw your cards and lay them out in a pattern known as a tarot spread. There are literally hundreds of different types of tarot spreads ranging from very simple three card formations to more complex ones that can incorporate an entire tarot deck. The particular spread your reader decides to use for you depends largely on what they feel works best for the type of question you ask them. When the cards are revealed in a spread, their individual meanings can be strung together to form a sort of story. This story and how it is interpreted is really what an actually tarot reading is all about. How might a Tarot reading actually help you? If done the traditional manner, tarot readings can set issues you have questions about into a much clearer perspective. Your question can be just about anything as long as it doesn't require a specific answer. For example, the cards can not tell you the specific name of your future husband, however they will very likely be able to give you a lot of information about his personality and interests. The cards can also help you to better understand yourself and your own thoughts. You should also never be afraid of what you might learn. The purpose of a reading is not to frighten you, but to enlighten you!

Can anyone be a tarot reader? Certainly, although some people tend to be far more gifted at finding meanings in the cards than others. If you are interested in learning how to read tarot cards there are many great books written on the subject. The best place to start is by getting familiar with each card and learning their meanings. Once you have mastered this, you can then start to make your own spreads and do readings for yourself or others. Keep in mind though that it will take some time and practice.

The Six Essentials of a Good Tarot Reading

A tarot reading is always better when these practices are followed. Becoming a good tarot reader takes more than just memorizing tarot card meanings and knowing tarot spreads. Tarot reading requires practice, patience and, most importantly, a willingness to trust your own intuition. Whether you are reading for yourself or for someone else, there are some very useful practices you should follow to ensure a good reading. 1. Preparing a Peaceful Environment Believe it or not, the environment in which you conduct a tarot reading can significantly influence the reading. Not only can the environment affect you as a tarot reader, it can also have implications for the person being read. In tarot reading, it's always important to set aside your own personal issues and concerns. Creating a comfortable space that helps you remain centered and calm will assist in helping you remain objective and neutral during a reading. Rituals such as lighting candles or burning incense can also help you get into the mood.

2. Select a Signifier Card In tarot reading, signifier cards serve as a representation of either the person being read or the situation they are asking about. If you are using the signifier card to represent the person being read, most tarot readers tend use the court cards either by associating the inquirer's physical attributes to one of the court cards or by associating their astrological sign to one of the court cards. If you are choosing a signifier card to represent a specific situation, you can get as creative as you like. Depending on the seriousness of the question at hand, you may either choose a card from the major arcana or the minor arcana. The major arcana cards tend to be used for important life issues while the minor arcana cards tend to focus on every day concerns. The signifier card also helps you to remain focused on the person for whom you are reading. In many tarot spreads, the signifier cards are centrally positioned. This helps the tarot reader interpret the cards as well as help them to identify the key issues that are surrounding the inquirer. 3. Choosing the Right Tarot Spread Tarot spreads are card arrangements laid out in a specific pattern. Each card position within a spread has a specific meaning. When individual tarot cards are put together in a tarot spread, their meanings can be used to form a kind of story. The tarot reader then interprets the cards according to their position and relationships to each other within the spread. As a tarot reader, it’s important to choose a tarot spread that appropriately correlates to the question being asked. If the question is about love, for example, then you will probably want to utilize a love spread. In some cases you may want to create your own tarot spread. This can be particularly useful when the question covers more than one topic. 4. Framing the Question How the inquirer frames or asks a question prior to their reading can have a significant effect on the overall usefulness of the reading. The more specific the inquirer is with their question, the better the likelihood that the tarot reading will address their issue in a specific manner. It’s also helpful to keep the question open ended. Open ended questions can reveal hidden or overlooked issues that may have been otherwise missed. Open ended questions can also help the tarot reader discover core issues or other influences that may be affecting the person being read.

5. Shuffling the Cards There are a number of approaches to shuffling the cards before a tarot reading. This is usually the point where the person being read for will actually touch the cards (although some tarot readers prefer not to have anyone handle their cards). Should you choose to let the inquirer handle the cards, you must make sure that they are instructed to focus on the question at hand while they are shuffling so this energy can get transferred to the cards. There are also different approaches to the “cutting” of the cards; the most popular includes having the inquirer cut the deck three times with their left hand. 6. Knowing Your Tarot Deck Prior to giving any tarot reading, I always encourage people to take them time to really get to know the tarot deck they will be working with. This not only helps you become comfortable with the cards, it will also deepen your understanding of their meanings and how they relate to each other in a tarot spread. Inevitably, those who will be receiving a tarot reading from you will always pick up on your relationship to your own cards. If you are not familiar with the deck you are working with, chances are it will come through during the tarot reading.

Tarot Reading: Shuffling and Asking a Question

How to Shuffle the Cards and Ask a Question In a Tarot Reading Doing your first tarot reading for another person can often be an intimidating experience. It's not uncommon for many beginning tarot readers to lack self-confidence and certainty in their own ability to properly read tarot cards. This doubt can result in the tarot reader not trusting their own process which almost always diminishes the overall strength and accuracy of a reading. There are, however, a few rules you should always to try to follow that can both strengthen your sense of confidence in the process and lead to a better overall reading. Some of the most important elements to any successful tarot reading are knowing how to properly handle the tarot cards and maintaining control over how the person who is receiving the reading poses their questions. Prior to shuffling the cards in a tarot reading, you want to identify a court card that you feel associates to the person for whom you are reading. There are a few different methods you can use to accomplish this. The first is to use their age and characteristics. The second approach is to use their personality traits. Or, third, you can use their astrological sign. Whichever method you decide to use be sure to select the court card that is a good representation of what feels the most relevant to you. Alternatively, you can also let the

person choose their own card. This method can work well in some instances because it gives the querent the opportunity to use their own intuition to identify the most appropriate card to represent themselves. How you choose to shuffle the deck is a personal choice. Most tarot readers prefer to have the querent shuffle the cards while others prefer to do the shuffling themselves. Either way, it’s very important to have the person who is receiving the tarot reading handle the tarot deck in some manner so that the cards can absorb their energy. Next, most tarot readers like to cut the deck prior to laying the cards out into a tarot spread. The traditional approach includes having the person that is being read for cut the deck three times with their left hand. When they complete this, the reader then picks up the deck and pulls the cards from the top with their left hand. Although some consider this an important element to the ritual of tarot reading, it is not necessary. It is always best to choose the approach that feels the most comfortable to you. Finally, knowing how to properly ask a tarot question during a reading is equally as important. As they are handling the cards, the querent should also ask their question either silently or out loud until the point that they feel as though their intentions have been acknowledged. To ask a question out loud is perfectly acceptable, however, be aware that this can sometimes limit the tarot reader’s ability to objectively perceive everything that a particular reading may be relaying. A more effective method is to have the querent initially ask their question in silence and then later again out loud during the reading. This ensures that you as the tarot reader first have an opportunity to address the key concerns or issues objectively, but also at greater depth when it is posed out load again.

How to Phrase a Tarot Question

How to Phrase a Question during a Tarot Reading The key to receiving a great Tarot reading is primarily dependent on two things. The first is based on the skill of the Tarot reader and the second is based on the quality of questions you ask before your actual Tarot reading begins. Learning how to ask the right questions during a Tarot reading is one of the most important elements to getting the answers that you seek. The first thing you need to understand about Tarot readings is that a Tarot reading can be both specific and general. They can delve into specific subjects or simply highlight general influences. The more specific you get with your question, the more a Tarot reading has an opportunity to address your issue in a specific manner. With that being said, it’s also wise to focus on one issue or question at a time. Asking too many questions at one time can be confusing for both you and the Tarot reader. Determining which questions are being addressed by which cards can often be difficult so it is always wise to be as clear and concise as possible. There are certain circumstances where yes or no questions may be necessary, however, in most cases, it’s always helpful to ask open ended questions during your Tarot reading. Open ended questions give the Tarot

cards an opportunity to reveal hidden and subtle nuances that you many not have been aware of. Open ended questions also encourage the Tarot reading to delve into core issues and influences that surround your question and provide helpful information about all aspects of the issue addressed. Finally, don’t be afraid to give the Tarot reader a bit of background regarding your question. Often, this will help the Tarot reader interpret the cards in a manner that appropriately addresses your concerns. It’s important to note, that not all Tarot readers are psychics. The more open you are during your Tarot reading, the more you will get out of it. It’s perfectly O.K. to share your experiences with your Tarot reader as long as you feel as though you are working with someone you trust.

How to Read Tarot Cards

How to Read Tarot Cards: Learn to Trust Yourself For centuries, the Tarot has been identified with the mystical occult. They are perceived as a magical force with the power to influence and control one’s life. In truth, the Tarot cards are merely tools for tapping into one’s own intuition. Their true power lies in their ability to help us identify the areas in our lives that we must address as well as identify the areas were need to personally grow. They always reflect our current challenges and our current level of self-development. Their true power comes from our own, inner beings. They are guides for self-discovery and utilizing them improves our ability to develop self-awareness. Ultimately, they can aid us in discovering who we truly are and guide us towards self-realization. The most common concern when approaching the Tarot as a beginner is learning to interpret the theirTarot card meanings. Most people tend to feel that this can be a daunting and overwhelming process. It doesn’t have to be. Learning the Tarot is a personal journey. Their Tarot card meanings can be as personal as you wish to make them. More importantly, there is no right or wrong approach to learning the Tarot. As I stated before, they are tools. You are free to get creative as you want. In the end, their true Tarot card meanings will be your personal associations to them.

There are three elements that can aid you when you begin the process of learning to read Tarot Cards. The first is learning how to trust yourself. The second is choosing a deck that speaks to you. And the third, and most vital, is learning how to apply meaning to each card.

An Element of Trust As a beginner Tarot reader, it may be difficult to trust your interpretations. That is quite O.K. and it certainly is part of the process. In fact, professional tarot readers can encounter this dilemma. To battle these feelings if uncertainty, it may be helpful to understand how the Tarot works. Tarot imagery and symbolism has universal themes. These themes reflect the experience we all encounter on our journeys through life and self-development. These are the common themes and experiences we instinctively understand. C.G. Jung explained this phenomenon as the experience of the Collective Unconscious. The Collective Unconscious dwells within the realm of the unconscious mind. It is from this source that we connect to all mankind; in one collective experience. It is an inherent understanding of a shared experience. We can identify our shared experiences through archetypal imagery. These are universal images and visual patterns that are repeated over and over. They appear throughout history. When approaching the Tarot, you can trust your instincts. Your gut reaction is always your best guide. The archetypal images throughout the Tarot will, without doubt, trigger associations. This may be through a personal experience or a collective experience. In either case, it truly does not matter which source feeds your intuition. You just need to listen to your inner voice. This is where the element of trust becomes essential. Your associations to the various Tarot card meanings are just as valid as anyone else, including professional tarot readers. Remember, there is no wrong or right association. The guidance from the Tarot always comes from within your own self. Enjoying the process.

Tarot Spreads and Card Meanings

Tarot Reading: Understanding Tarot Spreads and Card Combinations Most tarot readings revolve around a particular tarot card spread chosen by the tarot reader. The tarot spread serves as a sort of map to help identify the key issues or challenges that relate back to the question asked. There are literally hundreds of tarot card spreads that can be used for a tarot reading, and usually each tarot reader has a few favorite tarot spreads they prefer to work with depending on the type of question being asked. Tarot card spreads are one of the most significant aspects for tarot reading. However, one element that often gets overlooked while performing a tarot card reading is the combination of tarot cards and how their tarot card meanings build upon each other during the course of a reading. The first thing to remember when doing a tarot reading is that all of the cards in a tarot card spread should always relate back to the primary question posed before the reading began. It’s not uncommon for some beginner readers to lose direction during a tarot reading and miss the basic principles that relate back to the initial question. Going off in different directions can at times be appropriate, however, if it doesn’t return to

answering the initial question be asked, more often than not, the reading can fall short. For this reason, it’s always best to try to stay on track as much as possible and associate the cards to the initial question. It’s also important to recognize which card represents the various aspects of a tarot spread. If you are interpreting a tarot reading, don’t confuse a card that represents the past with one that represents the future. As you lay the cards down, be sure to identify which card comes first and which one comes last and what the significance of each card is within the spread. In most cases, the tarot card meaningsare influenced by the cards that are placed in their sequential order. For example, after the first card is placed down the meaning of the second card will often be influenced by the card that came before it. Finally, be aware of specific card combinations. You will want to determine how many Major Arcana cards come up versus Minor Arcana cards. You will also want to look for the number of specific suit cards that come up. Finally, be aware of numbers. If there are two or more cards with the same numerical associations, there typically is a specific numerological reason for this.

Tarot Reading and Finding Answers

Beginning Tarot Reading and Finding Answers to your Questions As a beginning Tarot reader there are a few simple tips that can help you find the answers you seek. The most important thing to remember when consulting the Tarot in a Tarot reading is the ability to focus your intentions. Learning how to frame your questions can also help you determine which areas in your life that you would like to explore. It's important to be clear and concise with your thoughts. Ultimately, the more focus you put into a Tarot reading, the more you can expect to get out of it. Prior to shuffling the Tarot cards, you should always focus on a question or specific area in your life that you wish to get answers. Take the time to sit and focus on your intentions. When you are ready, simply ask your higher power or divine energy to guide you through the Tarot. Remember, the Tarot card themselves are really nothing more than fancy card stock. Their true power comes from the power we give them. By focusing on your question and concentrating on the cards, the goal is to channel your energy to the cards themselves so they can speak to you. It’s also helpful to try and avoid yes or no questions. This limits you and the Tarot’s ability to shed light on hidden or unseen influences that are shaping your situation. Tarot reading is really about learning about

yourself. The goal to Tarot reading is learning how to identify the appropriate choices that will improve your life. Fundamentally, Tarot reading is a means to expand your level of awareness and insight. Once the cards or dealt and placed in a Tarot spread, take the time to really investigate the cards. Quickly scanning through them will fail to produce a thorough reading. As a beginner it is absolutely fine to use other material to help you with your Tarot card meanings, but also try to take the time to discover your own meanings. Over time, your will develop your own interpretations for the cards and the answers you seek will come with ease.

Tarot Reading: Finding Meaning in the Cards

Learn Tarot: The Significance of your Personal Story If you go into any metaphysical bookstore you will very likely find several books on the Tarot. They can be a valuable tool for the beginning Tarot reader. However, as you become increasingly familiar with the Tarot and tarot reading, you will find that you will interpret tarot card meanings less and less from what you have read in books, and more and more from your own personal interpretation of the cards. In the end, you will find that the best and most experienced Tarot readers are always the one’s who utilize their own personal associations to the cards. Just as every individual has their own, unique point of view, Tarot reading offers you the insight to truly understand and interpret your own, personal story. It does this by illuminating the nature of your purpose and identifying how your story has framed your own view of the world. The more you become conscious of your story, the more you can understand yourself. This process you can also help you to understand the story of others. When we identify with another person’s experience, we can gain a deeper understanding of our shared experience. This is our humanity.

As a Tarot reader, it’s important to be able to identify where your story ends and another person’s begins. Neutrality and objectivity will be your greatest allies in Tarot reading, particularly if you are reading for someone other than yourself. It’s also important that you become conscious of your own projections. In other words, you do not want to project your story onto someone else's. One way to ensure that you don’t do this is by committing yourself to your own process of self-discovery. Tarot reading can help you do this by reflecting your own story back to you. The following exercise can be very useful for this process: Separate the 22 Major Arcana cards out from the rest of the deck. Begin first with the Fool Tarot Cardfollowed by the rest placed in numerical order. Thus, the Fool would be followed by the Magician, The Magician would be followed by the High Priestess, etc… Next, take out a piece of paper and examine the first card: The Fool Tarot Card. Ask yourself the following question:


What is the story of the Fool?


Where have I been the Fool?


Where does my story differ from the Fool? Where is it the same?


If the Fool where to speak to me, what might he say to me? What might I say to Him?


What might the Fool say to the card that follows him? In this case, it would be the Magician. You can continue this narrative throughout the Major Arcana until you finish with the World Tarot card. Allow each card to tell you a story. In turn, you can use the cards to tell your own story. The ultimate purpose of this exercise is to help you identify your own story and life journey. This exercise can also deepen your understanding of tarot cards meanings. This exercise is also a great way to interpret the cards for those for whom you may be reading. Knowing traditional interpretations can be useful, but there is nothing more powerful than letting the Tarot cards speak for themselves.

The Four Elements in Tarot

Understanding Tarot Card Meanings and the Four Elements There are literally hundreds of books on the market that focus on Tarot card meanings. While books such as these can be very helpful, the best approach to learning the various Tarot card meanings is to actually take the time to study the cards. Tarot card meanings are largely based on symbolic imagery. These symbols serve as a means to stimulate our intuition and help us tap into the unconscious parts of ourselves. The Tarot deck is comprised of 22 major arcana cards, also known as the trumps, and 56 minor arcana cards. Similar to a regular deck of playing cards, the minor arcana is divided equally into four separate suits: wands, cups, swords, and pentacles. Each suit represents a particular energy and is associated to an element. Understanding the characteristics of each suit and their correlating element deepens one’s understanding of the various Tarot card meanings: Wands: Element is Fire Fertility, action, movement, spirituality, sexuality, power, career, advancement Swords: Element is Air Ideas, concepts, abstract thinking, intellectual pursuits, communication, rational thinking

Cups: Element is Water Emotions, intuition, love, compassion, kindness, matters of the heart Pentacles: Element is Earth Possessions, security, manifestation, physical body, money, abundance, value system Once you understand the basic concepts associated with each suit and its correlating element, you will intuitively start to understand how the various Tarot card meanings can be associated to the different aspects of your life. One method that has proven to be very effective for the beginning Tarot reader is to study one card a day until you are comfortable with all the imagery in your particular Tarot deck. During this process, it’s important that you not only develop your own Tarot card meanings for the cards, but also explore how these meanings and concepts apply to your own life.

Clarifying Cards in Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading: Using Clarifying Cards In tarot reading, there are often times when a tarot reader will draw extra cards to clarify the interpretation of a particular reading. These extra tarot cards are known as clarifying cards. Depending on the tarot reader, clarifying cards can be used in conjunction with whatever tarot spread the reader chooses to use. Some tarot readers prefer to uses clarifying cards during their tarot reading while others will use them after. In either case, clarifying cards are used to augment the overall reading, often shedding light on areas that need further exploration. Clarifying cards are also used in a tarot reading when the tarot reader may be struggling with a particular card or tarot card meaning. Every time a new tarot card is pulled, it deepens the meaning of the tarot reading. If a tarot reader misses something the first time around, clarifying cards can keep help get the tarot reading back on track. When a new card is placed in a spread it can change the relationships of the cards and can shift the direction and interpretation of the reading.

Some tarot readers avoid clarifying cards altogether. Many feel that if a tarot reader needs to pull a clarifying card, they may be missing important information in the initial reading. They feel that clarifying cards are a product of being lazy or noncommittal to the initial reading. Using clarifying cards in a tarot reading is a personal choice. It’s important to remember that there is no wrong or right approach to tarot reading. You need to choose what works for you. In the end, clarifying cards can certainly add to the quality of a tarot reading. It’s really up to you to decide.

Reversed Cards in Tarot Reading

Learn Tarot: Understandings Reversed Tarot Card Meanings in Tarot Readings There tends to be an overall apprehension when interpreting reversed tarot card meanings in Tarot readings. Typically, many tarot readers and reference books tend to believe reversed card positions are more negative in nature. What people fail to recognize, however, is that reversed cards often provide us with the solutions that we have been seeking. They reveal what behaviors we must become aware of and, in some cases, reference important influences we may not necessarily been conscious of. They always encourage a shift in one’s perspective. All of the cards have unique reversed meanings which are subject to interpretations. Some people find this particularly uncomfortable due their off-putting associations. However, more often than not, reversed cards tend to reveal important clues to our current challenges and situations. In Tarot readings, they reveal delays, frustrations, misdirected energy and uncertainty. Discovering why you may be experiencing such obstacles certainly helps you explore the areas you need to change. More importantly, they can help you as a Tarot reader; giving you guidance as to how you might help those you are reading for. They serve as wake up calls and disclose the areas in which someone may need to pay closer attention.

In most Tarot readings, reversed cards tend to also highlight blocked energy. Often they represent the areas in which growth is being prohibited. The true question lies in what one must do to work through these blocks. Energetic blocks tend to come from one’s emotions, psychology, past trauma, or spiritual stagnation. We all have them and they are there to encourage us to find our own inner harmony and balance. Energetic blocks serve a purpose. In some cases they protect us from information we are not ready to process and, in other cases, they are there to protect us from getting hurt. Working through them can be a daunting process, but it always a necessary one. In the end they teach us about our own selves and help us discover who we really are. Another important aspect to reversed cards is their associations to our pasts. In Tarot readings, reversed cards can reveal past issues that we have not worked through or let go of. This is particular true for Tarot readings that deal with the influences of one’s past. In these cases card reversals tend to reveal where one’s past is hindering their desired outcome. The most common occurrence of such issues is in love Tarot readings. Relationships, in general, struggle with the projections of one’s past. When there are card reversals in love Tarot readings, it usually pertains to the influence of one’s experiences from past relationships. Fear is the underlying root for the majority of our relationship issues. Reversed cards can reveal the source of theses fears and can help one overcome their apprehension and defensiveness within their relationships. Finally, reversed cards can disclose one’s own level of inner conflict. In Tarot readings, reversed cards can emphasize where we feel incongruent. They can also highlight were we have internalized our problems. These issues typically involve the unresolved emotions that we continue to struggle with throughout our life times. By becoming aware of our own inner conflicts, we can discover the areas in our lives that we wish to change or master. We can learn to identify the path of the heart; our sense of purpose and belonging in this world. Even though reversed cards may appear to have negative connotations, they truly are our beacons of light. They always remind us to look outside of the ordinary. In most cases, reversed cards are the doorways to inner knowledge. They always provide us the answer we need to move beyond our limitations.

Tarot Reading and The Future

Can a tarot card reading predict the future? Well, yes, however there are a few things you need to keep in mind when doing a Tarot reading. A good Tarot reading can certainly help uncover the key influences that shape one’s future. It can also disclose potential outcomes or significant challenges someone may be faced with. The more clear you are with your questions, the more insight you can gain from your Tarot reading. More importantly, a good Tarot reading stems from your own intuition and when you combine this with your life experience, the Tarot can be incredibly predictive. In themselves, Tarot cards are not oracles. Rather, they are a tool to help us become our own oracles. Their true power comes from the power that flows through us and we give to them. Tarot card reading is a practiced skill and you certainly do not have to be psychic to use them as a method of divination. Tarot reading is like any other skill. It needs practice, consistency and patience. The more you apply tarot reading to your life, the easier it will become to decipher its symbolic language. Developing a personal relationship to the Tarot can help you discover your own personal associations to the various tarot card meanings and imagery.

Practicing Tarot reading can also help you identify the key areas in your life that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. The Tarot teaches you how to pay attention to the subtleties that occur in your every day life. This new level of observation helps increase your own level of self-awareness. In the end, Tarot reading helps you make appropriate decisions that can ultimately shape your future circumstances.

Tarot and Your Career Personality Type

The Tarot Can Help You Discover Your Career Personality Type For many Tarot enthusiasts, consulting the Tarot for guidance through life is a common practice. For those who have issues with their current career path, the Tarot can provide a lot of insight. These can include such issues as taking appropriate business actions, how to resolve a work related conflict, or how to advance within an existing or new career. Moreover, the Tarot can even help you discover what type of career personality you are predisposed to. In this regard, you can learn about your greatest assets and potential vulnerabilities. For the purpose of discovering your career personality type, it is always best to work with the Major Arcana. Each card within the Major Arcana signifies an individual's tendency towards certain work related personality traits as well as their potential strengths and weaknesses on the job. You can conduct a tarot reading to determine your career personality using a simple three card tarot spread. However, in this case, you are not seeking answers to a particular question. Rather you are drawing the cards to reflect what type of career type you possess.

To determine your career personality type, you must draw three cards from the Major Arcana. These three cards represent your three primary personality traits including your areas of strength as well as your possible weaknesses. To begin, shuffle the Major Arcana and pull three cards and lay them on the table before you. It does not matter if they are forward or reversed. The goal of this exercise is to read the cards in both the forward and reversed positions. The forward positions reference your strengths and the reversed positions reference your weakness. Keep in mind that it’s really up to you to determine what each card may be reflecting to you. However, below I have included a quick reference guide for the Major Arcana Career Personality Types. The Fool Tarot Card: The entrepreneur, innovative, creative, thinks outside of the box Potential Weaknesses: Risk taker, inconsistent, careless, non-committal The Magician Tarot Card: The Salesman, Marketing, Enigmatic, Can make things happen Potential Weaknesses: Manipulative, Dishonest, Self-Interested, Can pull a fast one The High Priestess Tarot Card: Guiding, Knowledgeable, Perceptive, Sees things as they really are Potential Weaknesses: Unattached, Will keep information to herself for self-interest, Cold The Empress Tarot Card: Team Builder, Supportive, Creative, Accepting Potential Weaknesses: Selfish, Uncaring of others on team, Lacks team effort The Emperor Tarot Card: Team Leader, CEO, President, Management, Organization Potential Weaknesses: Power Hungry, Insensitive, Controlling The Hierophant Tarot Card: Counsel, Teacher, Brought in to fix problems, Resolves conflict Potential Weaknesses: Long-winded, Slow, Patronizing The Lovers Tarot Card: Co-creative, Team player, Analyzes future trends, Mediator, Potential Weaknesses: Not an individual thinker, Approval seeking, Dependent on others The Chariot Tarot Card: Motivational, Action oriented, Will initiate new enterprises Potential Weaknesses: Impatient, Easily frustrated, Resentful The Strength Tarot Card: Diplomatic, Negotiator, Peace keeper, Management Potential Weaknesses: Power hungry, Controlling, Overly reactive

The Hermit Tarot Card: Detail oriented, Can work well alone, Diligent, Dependable Potential Weaknesses: Limited, Lacks communication skills, Can be difficult to work with The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card: Aims big, High roller, Entrepreneurial, Trailblazer Potential Weaknesses: Gambler, Materialistic, Compulsive The Justice Tarot Card: Structured, Rational, Observant, Systematic Potential Weaknesses: Unimaginative, Narrow-minded, Opinionated The Hanged Man Tarot Card: Uncomplaining, Enduring, Will sacrifice for the good of all Potential Weaknesses: Narrow minded, Can’t see things from different perspectives The Death Tarot Card: Money management, Cost cuts, Catalyst for change, Unconventional Potential Weaknesses: Aggressive, Impersonal, Cold blooded The Temperance Tarot Card: Checks & Balances, Organizer, Strategic Planning Potential Weaknesses: Rigid, Obsessive compulsive The Devil Tarot Card: Team spirit, Humorous, Go-getter, Original Potential Weaknesses: Obnoxious, Disrespectful, Manipulative The Tower Tarot Card: Creative thinker, Futurist, Theorist, Transformative Potential Weaknesses: Pessimistic, Not practical, Fearful The Star Tarot Card: Spokesperson, Front man, Media and public relations Potential Weaknesses: Smooth talker, Inconsistent, All talk no action The Moon Tarot Card: Responsive, Sensitive, Overseer, Deals with people Potential Weaknesses: Moody, Emotional, Indecisive The Sun Tarot Card: Manager, Encouraging, Committed, Enthusiastic Potential Weaknesses: Demanding, High expectations, Self-righteous The Judgment Tarot Card: Ability to see patterns and trends, Accountable, planner Potential Weaknesses: Theoretical, Can’t implement concepts, Too conceptual The World Tarot Card: Experienced, Qualified, Knowledgeable, Authority figure Potential Weaknesses: One-dimensional, Traditional, Stuck in past

Tarot Card Spread Basics

How Tarot Spreads Are Used In Tarot Reading The more comfortable you get with the tarot deck, the easier it will become to decipher the tarot card meanings. The same came be said for tarot spreads. There are literally hundreds of tarot spreads to choose from, so to simplify this process, I have listed some examples of different tarot spreads and the many purposes for which they may be used. For the beginner it is important to first understand what tarot card spreads are and how they function. A tarot spread is a configuration of cards laid out in a pre-specified geometric pattern. Each position of each card in a the tarot spread has a specific meaning. When individual tarot cards are put together in a tarot spread, their meanings can be used to form a kind of story. Thus, the pattern of a spread provides the framework for a tarot reading. The tarot reader utilizes the placement of the cards, or the card’s position, with an identified theme. For example, many spreads include positions for the past, present and future. They can also include positions for internal feelings, specific challenges, external factors, and so on. Tarot card spreads have different implications depending on the type of question or issue being explored. Some tarot card spreads relay information in a general way while others are designed to impart information

that is very specific in nature. They can also vary in complexity from a simple one card spread to elaborate spreads that can include all 78 tarot cards. The choice of which spread to use depends primarily on the reader and the questions that need to be answered. In a tarot reading, the cards are shuffled by the person being read. This enables the person to have contact with the cards. While the person is shuffling, they are asked by the tarot reader to think of a question or issue. The tarot cards are like magnets that attach to individual energies. Once attached, they pick up information that facilitates the tarot reader in his or her reading. Once the cards are pulled and placed, the tarot reader will begin to interpret the images and positions of the tarot cards. The spread they are placed in adds to the complexities of the cards meanings. The strength of the cards lies in their unique ability to impart a person’s path. It can do this in two ways; by igniting the intuition or psychic ability of the tarot reader and by picking up the energy of the person being read. In essence, it is a marriage. The tarot cards are the bridge between the reader and that of the person being read, and the tarot spread is the architecture of the reading. Once you become familiar with the Tarot, you will want to choose the best tarot spread to suit the particular situation being addressed in your reading. Once you get really comfortable, you may even want to make up some of your own tarot spreads. As a tarot reader it is important to choose spreads that encourage your imagination and intuition. Understanding the placement of the cards is important, but it is just as important to identify tarot spreads that work for you as an individual. They are as personal as the tarot cards themselves.

Choosing A Tarot Spread That Works For You

How tarot card spreads work. The more comfortable you get with the tarot, the easier it will become to decipher the tarot meanings. The same can be said for tarot card spreads. There are hundreds of spreads to choose from. To simplify this process, I have linked to some examples of my favorite tarot spreads. Tarot card spreads have different implications, and they can vary from a single one card spread to spreads that can include all 78 tarot cards. The choice of which spread to use primarily depends on the reader and the questions that need to be answered. Some Tarot card spreads relay information in a general way and others can impart information that is very specific in nature. To begin, let’s first discuss what Tarot Card Spreads are and how they work. A Tarot spread is a configuration or pattern of cards. Each position of the tarot cards in a spread has a specific meaning. Thus, that pattern of a spread provides the framework for a tarot reading. The Tarot reader utilizes the placement of the cards, or the card’s position, with an identified theme. For example, many spreads include positions for the past, present and future. They can also include positions for internal feelings, specific challenges, external factors, and so on.

Once you become familiar with the Tarot, you may want to make up some of your own spreads. As a Tarot reader, it is important to choose spreads that encourage your imagination and intuition. Understanding the placement of the cards is important, but it is just as important to identify the specific spread that works for you as an individual. A spread can be as personal as the tarot cards themselves. Many readers come to rely on specific spreads that work best for them. In a tarot reading, the cards are shuffled by the person being read. This enables the person to have contact with the cards which transfers their intention to the cards. While the person is shuffling, they are asked to think of a question or issue. The tarot cards are like magnets. They attach to individual energies. Once attached, they pick up information that facilitates the tarot reader in his or her reading. After the cards are drawn and placed in a spread, the tarot reader will begin to interpret the images and positions of the tarot cards. The positions each card appears within a spread adds to the complexities of its meaning. The strength of the cards lies in their unique ability to impart a person’s path. It can do this in two ways; by igniting the intuition or psychic ability of the tarot reader and by picking up the energy of the person being read. In essence, it is a marriage. The tarot cards are the bridge between the reader and that of the person being read, and the Tarot Spread is the architecture of the reading.

Getting Creative With Tarot Spreads

Learn Tarot: How To Design Your Own Tarot Spreads While there are literally hundreds of tarot card spreadsto choose from, there are certain times where there are situations that require spreads of our own design. There may also be specific spreads that work better for you than others. By designing your own Tarot spread, you can frame a Tarot reading towards your particular style. More importantly, a personal spread connects you to the Tarot. It does this by allowing the Tarot to speak to you in your own language and philosophical viewpoint. Regardless of your motivation, there a number of approaches that can help you design your own spread. There are times in which a specific problem calls for a certain type of spread. In these cases you need to examine the true nature of the problem. It’s important to understand the underlying issues that are at hand. For example, is the Tarot reading about love, spirituality, money, career, or health? Tarot spreads are largely dependent on the types of areas you wish to focus on. There are times when certain areas of focus can overlap and, in these cases, it’s important to remain flexible. Tarot spreads can be broken down into as many components that are necessary. For example, if you choose to do a health Tarot reading, you could include as part of your spread a design that focuses on how

the health issue in question are effecting the nature of relationships with others. To do this, you could place a card within the Tarot spread that highlights how those around you may be adapting or influencing your health issues. Ultimately, your own designs can be both practical and intuitive. You need to be aware of the issues that need to be addressed from a practical point of view and allow your intuition to guide you towards the issues that you feel require attention. As you develop your own design for a Tarot Spread, you need to determine a meaningful pattern. In other words, which cards get placed in which positions? Which card goes first and which card comes last? This is the most personal element in designing your own Tarot spread. This process depends on your own associations to the design you choose. For example, do straight lines refer to time? Do circles refer to cycles? Below I have noted some quick references that may help you in your process.


Squares: Order, Stability, Practicality


Diamonds: Divinity, Four levels of consciousness, Four elements


Circles: Cycles, Seasons, Phases


Lines: Time (past, present and future), Movement, Causes


Below: Unconscious, hidden influences, Core beliefs


Above: Spiritual implications, Guidance


Right: Outcome, Future, Expectations


Left: Past, Influences The most important thing to remember when designing your own Tarot spreads is to allow your creativity and intuition be your guide. There is no right or wrong Tarot spread. The goal is to design a Tarot spread that reflects your own approach to problem solving and self-discovery. Get creative and allow the Tarot to work for you.

How to know if your tarot reading is accurate

In tarot reading, your inner voice should always guide you. Tarot readings primarily work on the principle of intuition. When you read the cards, you are listening to your own inner voice. Although it’s quite helpful to understand the various tarot card meanings, it isn’t always necessary. It’s more important to learn how to identify your own intuitive thoughts and reactions each card invokes. When you learn how to do this, you are more likely to have much more accurate tarot readings than by just interpreting the cards solely by their meanings . Tarot reading is a tool to help you uncover solutions to your problems. Yes, they can be predictive, but the true effectiveness of the Tarot comes from what it shifts inside you. It’s merely a way to help you find your own answers. On some level, I believe we already know what lies in store for us. This is largely due to the fact that our own thoughts shape the course of our lives. The cards serve as triggers or markers that can bring our intuition to the conscious surface. The Tarot teaches us that we inherently have the ability to create the lives we want. The more we work on our connection to a higher power, the easier this becomes. The Tarot serves as a method to establish a communication between ourselves and our higher purpose. The accuracy of a reading depends on how we

learn how to identify our own higher self or our own inner voice. For me, these two things are one and the same. The next time you perform a tarot reading, look for those “a-ha!” moments. It’s always helpful to evaluate your reading from your own feelings and experiences. Your gut can tell you if you are on or off. Of course there will be some readings where you simply may not be able to identify your own inner voice. That’s quite all right. Not every reading is going to flow. In fact, some of them can feel strained or forced. When this happens, you can always fallback to your basic understanding of the various tarot cards and their meanings. You can also rely on the cards position in the tarot spread to find additional meaning. Finally, if all else fails, you can always pull some confirmation cards. People generally refer to these as clarifying cards. Clarifying cards are used to help you get more information on a subject or to get validation for a particular interpretation. You can pull clarifying cards during a reading or you can pull them after. Either way, they can ultimately deepen the tarot reading’s message and can certainly confirm as to whether you are on the right track.

Doing Tarot Readings for Other People

Performing tarot readings for other people doesn't have to be an intimidating experience The beauty of reading for other people is that it not only helps you to develop your intuition and skills as a reader, it also allows you to connect with others on a both a personal and spiritual level. If you are a beginner, the more you read for others, the more you will develop your skills as a tarot reader by learning how to interpret the various tarot card meanings. If you are apprehensive about your abilities or are just generally a little shy when meeting new people, performing readings for others can also serve to work through any inhibitions and build your confidence. If you are just beginning, you may not want to read for people who are skeptical, cynical or who may really don’t want to have the Tarot experience. Developing confidence is one of the primary elements needed to become a good tarot reader. You also want to make sure that you are not just wasting your energy. Surprisingly, it does take a certain amount of energy to read. Negative people can sometimes cause your energy to be drained. After such readings you may feel as though your energy levels are low or tapped out. Another important variable to reading for others is the need to be sensitive as to how people may react. Some people may be very enthusiastic while others may be cautious during their tarot reading. As a tarot

reader you need to be prepared for other people reactions. If someone is fearful, you need to be sensitive as to how you interpret the cards. Seeing cards like the Devil card or the Death cardcan be quite frightening to some people. I often find it helpful to inform people about their meanings. In some cases, I will actually walk a person through the entire reading by sharing my interpretations for each card. In some cases, people may not react to you at all. This may leave you feeling apprehensive about your own skills as a tarot reader. When this occurs, I find that I must count on the cards themselves do their job. If I find that someone is withholding their reactions on purpose as a way to test my skill level, than I usually just let them make their own judgments about my reading abilities. I try to make sure I’m not trying to “prove” myself to them. This can really affect the reading. It threatens my neutrality and objectivity. Sometimes it’s possible to read for someone with you may not be a good a spiritual match. In other words, your energies just may not flow together as effectively as it may with others. This is quite alright. More often than not, however, even the most skeptical of people usually get something out of it. When you come across a reading that wasn’t as successful as you hoped it would be, you need to let go of any judgment you may have about yourself. Not every reading is going to be a mind blowing experience. This is all part of the process of learning how to read for others. For more about tarot reading for beginners, please see our other Tarot Basics section.

Basics of Tarot Reading

Tarot Basics: Understanding The Basics of The Tarot Card Deck, Tarot Card Meanings, and Tarot Reading The most popular version of the Tarot was established in 1910 by the artist Pamela Colman-Smith. She worked under the guidance of occultist A.E. Waite. The Waite deck was the first tarot deck to include symbolic imagery on all 78 cards. The tarot has its roots in many different philosophical and religious backgrounds. It originated in a time imbued with symbolic imagery that was influenced by many cultures, languages and historical references. The tarot’s symbolism is based on archetypal elements and metaphors, giving its imagery an universal appeal. Regardless of one’s cultural, religious or educational background, the Tarot experience is collective. Their interpretations are recognizable by everyone. The modern Tarot deck is comprised of 78 cards, 40 in the minor arcana, 16 court cards and 22 cards that make up the major arcana. The 16 court cards consist of pages, knights, queens and kings. The four suits in the minor arcana include the Suits of Cups, Swords, Wands and Pentacles. Each Suit is connected to one of the four elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. They are also connected to the four directions: North,

South, East and West. The imagery of Tarot reflects an association to these elements. This enables the tarot reader to identify the key aspects that are influencing a particular situation or individual. The Suit Cards In tarot, the cups suit represents the dream world, the unconscious, feelings and relationships. The wands suit represents fertility, creativity and one's sense of purpose or career endeavors. The sword suit represents reason, life challenges, the mind and truth. And lastly, the pentacles suit represents the material, financial and ethical aspects of a person’s life. There is a king, queen, knight, and page in every suit as well. They are referred to as the court cards and each one (excluding the page cards) has an astrological sign associated to it. This adds yet another level for interpretation in tarot card readings. To be helpful, here are the astrological associations. I often encourage people to identify their sign and the associated tarot card meaning. This can offer tremendous insights into ones strengths and vulnerabilities.


Aries: King of Wands


Taurus: Queen of Pentacles


Gemini: Knight of Swords


Cancer: King of Cups


Leo: Queen of Wands


Virgo: Knight of Pentacles


Libra: King of Swords


Scorpio: Queen of Cups


Sagittarius: Knight of Wands


Capricorn: King of Pentacles


Aquarius: Queen of Swords


Pisces: Knight of Cups The Major Arcana Cards The Major Arcana cards reflect where one is in his or her life’s journey. There are 22 tarot cards in the Major Arcana. The first half of the Major Arcana (the Fool through the Hermit) identifies the transition from child to adult and all of the challenges we must face as we progress into a deeper level of maturity and spirituality. The second half of the Major Arcana (The Wheel of Fortune through the World) reflects our personal and spiritual world view. In a tarot reading, the second half of the major arcana typically points to a more inward-

looking stage or process in our development. Keep in mind, this does not always happen in procession. In fact, in some areas we are still the “fools” while in other areas we can be the “The Hermit". The Minor Arcana Cards The Minor Arcana, or Pip cards, are the numbered cards (1-10) that comprise each suit. The Minor Arcana reflect day to day issues. They can represent how you interact with people, your work, your emotions, your finances, and your personal relationships. In a tarot card reading, the minor arcana reveal the who’s, how’s, and what’s. There is no sense of permanence. If there are a number of minor arcana suit cards in your spread, know that you can make changes, work through blocks, and understands where you are emotionally. Interpreting Tarot Card Meanings They key to understanding tarot card meanings is to not always be literal. It often requires one to attach their own life experiences to each of the tarot cards. Tarot card meanings can also vary depending on the type of reading that is being done or even where a particular card might appear in a tarot spread. Upside down cards, known as "reversed tarot cards", also have their own unique meanings as well. The Basics Of Tarot Reading Now that you know a little about the basics of the tarot cards, we can now look at what you can expect from your first tarot card reading. Most readings typically consists of shuffling the deck, drawing a set number of cards, and placing them in a specific configuration known as a "tarot spread". There are hundreds of tarot spreads in use today, but most psychic tarot readers tend to favor some spreads more than others. They will often use different tarot spreads for different types of readings as well. Once the cards are pulled and placed in a spread, the tarot reader will begin to interpret the symbols of the cards. Often they will point out the implications of the past, what is happening in the here and now, and what will influence your future. You may ask particular questions and additional tarot cards may be drawn for specific areas of your life. The configurations the cards are placed in add to the complexities of their meanings. The tarot’s power lies in its ability to distinguish a person’s path through the psychic ability or intuition of the tarot reader. In some cases, a psychic tarot reader will rely primarily on their own psychic abilities to interpret

the cards, while a non-psychic tarot reader will rely more on the tarot card meanings themselves. Either way, trust the cards can do their job and ask a lot of questions.

Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot Card Meanings – Tarot Reading and Understanding The Major Arcana Tarot Cards The Major Arcana refers to the non-suit cards, which make up the first 22 cards of the Tarot deck. While the symbolism and the Tarot card meanings of the 22 Major Arcana vary greatly, they all represent an encounter with major life challenges on either the personal or spiritual level. When a Major Arcana card appears in a Tarot card reading, it often signifies an important transition period or challenge we may face on our journey through life. The 22 cards of the Major Arcana can be divided into two distinct categories: personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. The Tarot card meanings of the lower Major Arcana (ending with the Hermit card) typically relate to our growth from child to adult on a personal level and can address many of the earthly challenges we face along the way. Such difficulties may include the development of our own self-identity or dealing with life's major transitional challenges, such as our education, career advancement or how we form our relationships with others. The second half of the Major Arcana (starting with the Wheel of Fortune card) typically relates to our growth on a spiritual level. Their Tarot card meanings most often illustrate the road to spiritual enlightenment, which

transcend worldly affairs. These include the many philosophical challenges and transitional phases we encounter as we hopefully find a path to spiritual growth, enlightenment and maturity. The symbolism referenced in the Major Arcana has its roots in archetypal imagery, which transcends cultures and dates back many thousands of years. The Tarot card meanings which are represented have a universal appeal tapping into the collective unconscious and directing us through ancient imagery and metaphorical depictions. They represent and reveal common situations, feelings and patterns that we can all identify with. Always keep in mind, though, that while the imagery and themes of the Major Arcana may be universal, their meanings in a Tarot card reading are still subject to the interpretation of the Tarot reader. When a Major Arcana card appears, it calls for our immediate attention, informing us that there is a lesson to be learned or a situation that requires our utmost respect and consideration. It is the Tarot reader who must identify, interpret and communicate this important message. When a card of the Major Arcana appears, it may signify that a life change is at hand. This could be an internal shift or a more obvious change in one’s views, actions or situation. In either case, the Major Arcana always refer to an element of fate regardless of our own ability or inability to control the outcome of events. Things may be in motion that we can or cannot fabricate, conjure or manage on our own. In either case, the event is sure to be an important and even potentially life altering experience. The universe has its own divine plan, and there is an expectation that a personal transformation is the goal.

Archetypes & the Major Arcana

In Tarot Reading, the Major Arcana are Archetypes That Guide Us on our Journeys In tarot reading, the Major Arcana tarot cards are the fist 22 cards of the Tarot deck. Each card in the major arcana is rich with symbolism and imagery. Out of all the cards in a Tarot deck, the Major Arcana cards are the most dramatic. They represent characters and themes that are symbolic in nature and often reference monumental and life changing events such as marriages, births, separations, or a change in career or residence. More importantly, the Major Arcana refers to an individual’s psychological development. Each card represents a various stage in personal growth or level of maturity. In Tarot reading, cards of the Major Arcana typically signify an important life lesson or experience. With each stage of development, one is faced with a new task. The Major Arcana references these particular tasks and how they relate to each person’s level of development. In tarot reading, the figures and images within the Major Arcana Tarot cards are archetypes. Archetypes are common images, themes or myths that are repeated throughout time. Their symbolism is universal regardless of one’s cultural, religious or educational background. Archetypes are expressed in our myths,

fairytales, literature, religions and iconography. They represent a shared experience that each one of us participates in. Tarot Reading is a unique divinatory art. Not only can be it be predictive in nature, it can also encourage self-growth and self-realization. The cards of the Major Arcana encourage shifts in perspective and can mirror important life transitions or transformations. Each Major Arcana card has its own distinct symbol and archetype. They are there to guide, teach, and help us understand our many life stages and challenges. The Archetypes of the Major Arcana: 1.

The Fool: The hero as a free spirit and wanderer with a childlike perspective.


The Magician: The master of manifestation, the alchemist, and the skilled and cunning master of his environment


The High Priestess: The protector of secrets and the goddess of mystery.


The Empress: The great mother, mother earth, and the source from which all things grow.


The Emperor: The authoritative father, protector and leader who is ruler of his own civilized domain.


The Hierophant: The teacher or moral principles and traditional values.


The Lovers: The hero as lover. The conflicting forces of attraction and opposition


The Chariot: Serves as the vehicle for movement, change, intention and direction. The Persona.


Strength: The maiden who masters her world with inner courage and compassion.


The Hermit: The recluse who finds wisdom in solitude.


The Wheel of Fortune: The Wheel of fate, fortune, cycles, and destiny.


Justice: The Authoritative figure on equality, justice, and balance.


The Hanged Man: The selfless and sacrificial hero.


Death: The Angel of Death or Grim Reaper, the Angel of Transformation.


Temperance: The angel of moderation and temperance.


The Devil: The darker sides of our nature. The shadow self.


The Tower: Purposeful cleansing, acts of divinity, or restructuring of one’s identity of belief system.


The Star: The spirit of hope, healing, guidance and recovery.


The Moon: Rites of passages where things do not always appear as they seem. Mirrors, reflections and deceptions.


The Sun: The life source, illumination, and enlightenment.


Judgment: Rites of passage in which one must become accountable for past actions. Entrance into a new level of consciousness.


The World: Completion, beginnings, endings, and the cycles of life.

An Introduction to the Minor Arcana

The Basics of the Minor Arcana in Tarot Reading A tarot deck consists of 78 cards that are separated into two general groups: the Major Arcana cards and the Minor Arcana cards. The Minor Arcana makes up the majority of the tarot deck consisting of 56 cards. 52 of the 56 cards in the Minor Arcana loosely correspond to the 52 cards found in a regular playing card deck. The remaining four cards are the four page cards, or in some decks, the princess cards. Like a regular playing card deck, there are also knights (e.g. jacks), queens and kings. These are called the court cards and they typically used to represent people during a reading. The other remaining minor arcana cards are numbered one through ten and are referred to as the the pip cards. Pip cards usually are used to represent everyday events or situations in readings. The 52 Minor Arcana cards are composed of four suits. Although various tarot decks can call these suits by different names, the more traditional decks refer to them as Wands, Swords, Cups and Pentacles. Each suit is associated to a particular element: earth, fire, water and air which are thought to correspond to different aspects of our daily lives. Every suit also has an astrological association as well which represents a

particular season of the year. By understanding the astrological associations and season of the year, you can determine when things might occur. Here are the basics: The Suit of Wands: The Element is Fire Aspects: Spiritual undertakings, Fertility, Sexuality, Careers, Directions in Life and Sense of Purpose. The Suit of Wands direction is to the east and the season is spring. The Suit of Cups: The Element is Water Aspects: Relationships, Emotions, Intuition, Creativity, Love and Romance The Suit of Cups direction is to the north and the season is summer. The Suit of Swords: The Element is Air Aspects: Abstract Thinking, Rational Thinking, Challenges and Obstacles, Truth, Clarity, Intelligence The Suit of Swords directions is to the west and the season is fall.

The Suit of Pentacles: The Element is Earth Aspects: Material possessions, security, money, ethics and values, growth and manifestation The Suit of Pentacles direction is to the south and the season is winter. Astrological Associations • Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are signs associated to the summer. • Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are signs associated to the spring. • Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius are signs associated to the fall. • Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo are signs associated to the winter. Choosing a Signifier Card When you learn to do tarot readings for other people you will have to choose a Signifier card. A Significator card (also sometimes referred to as the "Significator card") is a card that represents the person being read. In most cases one of the court cards is usually chosen by the reader to represent this person. This can be accomplished through their astrological sign, their age, or on their personailty traits. Here are some of the most popular associations readers use to select the appropriate signifier card:


Pages are children or adolescents.


Knights are men or woman under the age of thirty.


Queens are mature women.


Kings are mature men.


The Suit of Wands is associated to Leo, Aries and Sagitarius.


The Suit of Swords is associated to Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra.


The Suit of Cups is associated to Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.


The Suit of Pentacles is associated to Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. Understanding Reversed Tarot Card Meanings Although some tarot readers may choose not to use reversed cards, many tarot readers rely on a cards position to deepen the cards meaning. In this respect, each card has two separate meanings: one for an upright position and the other for a reversed position. In most cases, uprights cards tend to be positive while reversed show obstacles or blocks. Many beginning tarot readers often choose to read the cards in an upright position while they are initially learning the various tarot card meanings. Once they become familiar with the upright meanings they then can begin to incorporate reversed meanings.

Suit of Swords Complete Reference Guide

Complete Suit of Swords Tarot Card Meanings The command of the swords references our current life challenges. This is a suit that cuts through to the truth regardless of our feelings and emotions. The Suit of Swords can be unsympathetic and may deal great blows to our defense mechanisms such as denial or repression. This Suit often requires the most willingness, as they often necessitate a massive transition of consciousness. In a tarot reading, the swords can foretell an illness, emotional turmoil and, in some cases, death. Symbolized as truth, the swords can be double-edged; they can be both enlightening and disconcerting. For more in depth meanings of any card below, please click on the card image. Ace of Swords Tarot Card Meaning Here, you are facing adversity. You must remain strong and be true to your principles. The utilization of your mind, logic, and determination will help you confront your current challenges. The most important thing to remember is to believe in your own abilities. This is the time to rise to the occasion. Your confidence and strength of will can help you overcome your Ace of Swords

fears. The energy of the Ace of Swords initiates the time for new intellectual endeavors. In

some cases, the Ace of Swords can indicate potential health issues. (Click card image to read more about The Ace of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Ace of Swords Tarot Card Meaning In the reversed position, the Ace of Swords suggests that you could be using too much force. You may be using your power as a means to intimidate people. Be careful not to use your strength in a negative way or your forceful behavior may cause you to burn important bridges. In love Tarot, this card suggests that you might be in such a relationship yourself; where you are at risk of not being heard, are fearful, or feel confined by an overbearing partner. Finally if your Reversed Ace of Swords

card pertains to health, the Ace of Swords reversed may indicate protracted problems or a very long recovery.(Click card image to read more about the Reversed Ace of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Two of Swords Tarot Card Meaning The Two of Swords indicates that you are at an impasse. You may be feeling overwhelmed or are lacking in clarity. If you are falsely relying on your intellect, you may be overlooking your true feelings. Choosing to ignore you personal truths may cause you further troubles. By releasing your thoughts and emotions you can have faith in the spiritual forces to guide you. Two of Swords

Clarity and direction can often be revealed through resolution of inner conflict. (Click card image to read more about The Two of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Two of Swords Tarot Card Meaning In a reversed position, the Two of Swords suggests that your emotions have been released and tensions have been dispelled. With this new clarity, indecisiveness disappears and decisions can now be made. This may indicate a time to leap into action. However, there may still be a period of delay for things to develop. Patience is required. A reversed Two of Swords reminds you that Reversed Two of Swords

your own fears can halt your personal growth.(Click card image to read more about the

reversed Two of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Three of Swords Tarot Card Meaning The Three of Swords indicates there will be a major separation or loss from a loved one. This could be a period of deep upheaval both spiritually and emotionally. You have a need for cleansing and a catharsis of your emotions. This action is necessary in order for you to have a shift in your perspective. The Three of Swords also represents the fear of or actual Three of Swords

abandonment. Experiencing the grief is crucial to healing. (Click card image to read more about The Three of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Three of Swords Tarot Meaning The end of your pain is in sight. By processing your feelings of loss, you realize your inner strength and are ready for a new life stage. In love Tarot, the reversed Three of Swords can be associated with old wounds or trauma. It’s important to not project these experiences into your relationships. If you are not careful, this can inhibit growth for your current relationship. You Reversed Three of Swords

must be willing to work through the issues of your past in order to move forward. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Three of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Four of Swords Tarot Card Meaning The Four of Swords is a card of respite. Often the Four of Swords suggests that you have finally overcome a major obstacle. It is now time for you to recover and heal. Do not be concerned about inactivity; regroup, meditate and contemplate. A vacation may be in sight, or this may be a great time to plan one. Health-wise, the Four of Swords indicates recovery. (Click card image Four of Swords

to read more about The Four of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Four of Swords Tarot Card Meaning This is the time to get back into action. You need to be present in your life. It is time to resume your daily activities again. However, in some cases, you or someone close to you may need to examine your behaviors. There is a risk of becoming too isolated. You may face rejection or loss of a job. In some cases, a Reversed Four of Swords can indicate health issues that can Reversed Four of Swords

hamper your energy levels. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Four of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Five of Swords Tarot Card Meaning Someone that you know may be having a negative affect on you by challenging you at work or within your home. Be cautious of this competition and become aware of the negative impact that an ego battle can bring. Do not lose yourself in manipulation or selfishness. With hostility in the air it is important to examine the relationships that you are in. There may be betrayal or deceit. In love Tarot, your relationships may be complicated and argumentative. Someone’s Five of Swords

feelings may get hurt. (Click card image to read more about The Five of Swords tarot card meaning.).

Reversed Five of Swords Tarot Card Meaning In a reversed position, the Five of Swords indicates that dishonesty and intimidation are causing your current situation to be unsuccessful. By possible bullying, you are feeling degraded and humiliated. These feelings stem from feeling victimized. This is a good time to explore this and take responsibility for your own actions or lack of self-esteem. On a positive note, the reversed Reversed Five of Swords

Five of Swords can indicate that a troublesome battle will soon be over. Competition and unwarranted gossip will soon cease to be a problem. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Five of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Six of Swords Tarot Card Meaning The stress is over and you are entering a period of tranquility where you can expect advantageous changes. You can now let yourself go with the flow. The Six of Swords may also indicate travel for you or a visitor from far away. This is the time to explore your relationships. You may need to ask yourself how your past is affecting them. This is an excellent time to leave Six of Swords

an unhealthy relationship. Break from old behaviors and negative thinking. It's time to move forward. (Click card image to read more about The Six of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Six of Swords Tarot Card Meaning The reversed Six of Swords indicates a difficulty in moving beyond conflict and tension. Things have come to a standstill and progress has been delayed. Travel plans may be halted or delayed. Perhaps you are feeling trapped and are unable to see a way out of your difficulties. You need Reversed Six of Swords

to be more conscious of your circumstances and be prepared to work harder towards personal growth. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Six of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Seven of Swords Tarot Card Meaning The Seven of Swords holds several messages of caution. In reaching your goals people may anticipate your actions, so do the unpredictable. In business take care to scrutinize those you are involved with as theft, lawsuits or other problems are possible. Be careful of self-defeating actions and those who may take advantage of others. The Seven of Swords can indicate a need Seven of Swords

to have a readiness to cut ties with negative relationships and to move forward in your life. (Click card image to read more about The Seven of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Seven of Swords Tarot Card Meaning With the Seven of Swords in a reversed position, you can expect an apology coming your way. Something taken from you will be returned. You may receive constructive criticism; be open to advice and suggestions. Keep sight of your goals with a steady awareness so you don’t miss opportunities. The reversed Seven of Swords also warns against laziness and indecision. Hard Reversed Seven of Swords

work and self-management will be rewarded with acknowledgment and success. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Seven of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning The Eight of Swords represents anxiety, fear and restrictions that are, typically, self-imposed. You might feel unable to work through emotional blocks or feel trapped in your current situation. The Eight of Swords reminds us that we have the capacity to free ourselves at any time we choose. Fear of the unknown is stopping your ability to move forward. Affirm your Eight of Swords

ability by trying something new. In love Tarot, you may feel confined or desire more personal freedom. (Click card image to read more about The Eight of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Eight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning A reversed Eight of Swords indicates that you will experience an emotional release of some kind. Denial, anxiety and stress will be lifted. You can now perceive your situation with clarity. This is a time of personal empowerment. You can assertively walk through your fears. As negative thinking is replaced with positive, new doors will open. You are now free to do what Reversed Eight of Swords

you choose. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Eight of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Nine of Swords Tarot Card Meaning Drawing the Nine of Swords indicates deep emotional issues, many times showing themselves in nightmares. Worry and anxiety are pervasive, ruling your thoughts. It’s important to realize that most of your fears, doubts and feelings of guilt are of your own making. You may feel periods of grief, depression, discouragement or sadness. In your highly emotional state, the criticism you receive from others can create anguish for you. However, the Nine of Swords Nine of Swordsg

suggests that your experiences are really not as bad as you imagine. (Click card image to read more about The Nine of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Nine of Swords Tarot Card Meaning A reversed Nine of Swords is a card of encouragement. While you may still feel sad, the depression and associated anxiety are lifting. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and a new feeling of hope. Help is on the way. The negative aspect of a reversed Nine of Swords is the Reversed Nine of Swords

continuation of worry and despair. This may be a period in which counseling could benefit you. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Nine of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Ten of Swords Tarot Card Meaning The Ten of Swords appears terrifying, but it can have an optimistic perspective. Symbolized as the end of a cycle, your life can take a new direction by letting go of the past and moving forward. Traditionally, the Ten of Swords suggest that, on some level, you have bottomed out. Regardless of the feelings of loss, you must let go of situations in which there can be no Ten of Swords

resolution. There may be a concern over legal issues or health complications. (Click card image to read more about The Ten of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Ten of Swords Tarot Card Meaning With the Ten of Swords in a reversed position, you can now expect a period of recovery. You have survived and your cycle of chaos, sadness and grief is coming to an end. Seek and accept support from others. This is also a great time to connect to your own spirituality. In some cases, the Ten of Swords can signify final endings. There may be a death that occurred in your past, Reversed Ten of Swords

but you have not fully dealt with your grief. This is the time to allow yourself to feel the emotions you previously were not ready to process. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Ten of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Page of Swords Tarot Card Meaning The Page of Swords may indicate that you may find yourself in a situation where quick observation and analysis are needed. You may find yourself challenged by abrasive forms of communication. Navigate through your current situations by utilizing your intellect and objectivity. The Page of Swords is also the messenger of important news. Rely on rational thinking and proceed with caution, particularly with important negotiations. A young person’s Page of Swords

behavior can also be a concern to you. (Click card image to read more about The Page of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Page of Swords Tarot Meaning A reversed Page of Swords suggests a time of unpredictability. You may face miscommunications, broken promises, or hurt feelings. Carefully examine important paperwork. The reversed Paige of Swords can indicate scandal or even blackmail. A child in Reversed Page of Swords

your life may be rebellious or disruptive. Be certain to set clear boundaries. (Click card image to read more about The Page of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Knight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning The Knight of Swords calls for immediate action. You may find yourself in a conflicting situation that requires confidence and fearlessness. Trust that this situation will go as quickly as it came. You are in an active time requiring you to stand up for your beliefs. Listen to your head and seek advice in legal matters. A strong, yet impetuous young man may come into your Knight of Swords

life. (Click card image to read more about The Knight of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Knight of Swords Tarot Card Meaning In a reversed position, the Knight of Swords may indicate the departure of someone in your life, particularly a male. Do not undertake a new project and expect delays in your current plans. Your endeavors may be influenced by others, so remain diplomatic. You may be trying to control a situation through force. Be wary of your intentions. Selfish behavior may cause you Reversed Knight of Swords

problems in your relationships. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Knight of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning In a tarot reading, the Queen of Swords suggests that this may be a period where you must find your own independence and autonomy. Your determination and strength of character can lead you. You may find yourself in a situation that requires you to be assertive and expressive. Your analytical mind is attractive to others, particularly to those involved in your work environment. This may be a period where your career takes center stage. The Queen of Swords encourages Queen of Swords

you to try something new. She can also symbolize a woman who has suffered, but remains courageous and strong. (Click card image to read more about The Queen of Swords tarot card meaning.)

Reversed Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning In a reversed position, the Queen of Swords is a woman influenced by her own vindictiveness. She is prone to undermining you. Be careful that your past has not left you feeling resentful and slighted. Reconnect with your feelings and do not allow yourself to be manipulated by force or intimidation. The Queen of Swords warns against too much emphasis on intellect. Remain Reversed Queen of Swords

balanced, fair and non-judgmental. (Click card image to read more about the reversed Queen of Swords tarot card meaning.)

King of Swords Tarot Card Meaning The King of Swords is a card of truth, balance and impartial judgment. This is the time to use your skills of negotiation, objectivity and acute observation. Your independent nature will provide you with new leadership opportunities. Be original and use your intellect to think outside of the box. This may also be a good time to seek advice from an expert. Do not, King of Swords

however, neglect your emotions or you may be at risk of alienating yourself from others. (Click card image to read more about The King of Swords card meaning.)

Reversed King of Swords Tarot Card Meaning In a reversed position, the King of Swords can indicate that you have experienced some form of injustice. Use your analytical thinking to contest such issues. There may be control and domination issues. In legal affairs, the King of Swords reversed indicates a poor outcome. Work hard not to use your power to manipulate Reversed King of Swords

or take advantage of others. You may need to give your own emotions the freedom to express themselves. (Click card image to read more about the reversed King of Swords tarot card meaning.)

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