^rä`ta`d; Md rfdmaodo se`adm y mes prehmflds psa`ese`admfs psa`ese`admfs Ofs`rap`aðg of md d`tavaodo ^drd md prfsfgtf d`tavaodo fm fstuoadgtf ofhfrä hdsdrsf fg fm `egtfgaoe alpdrtaoe ofgtre of md ugaodo AAA, fg md `udm sf oftdmmdg mes oaifrfgtfs dspf`tes of mds pemìta`ds pûhma`ds. Fmacf ug prehmfld quf tu `rfds dif`td d md se`afodo f agtfgtd ierlumdr ugd pemìta`d pûhma`d sacuafgoe mes pdses prfvadlfgtf fxpma`does. Xf`ufrod quf ugd of mds prag`apdmfs `drd`tfrìsta`ds of mds pemìta`ds pûhma`ds, fs md `errf`td aofgtaia`d`aðg y ofiaga`aðg ofm prehmfld quf sf ofsfd semu`aegdr. Md fxtfgsaðg ofm trdhdke ge pufof supfrdr mds 4> `udrtammds ga sfr lfger d e`be. Fg fm ofsdrremme ofsdrr emme of su trdhdke ofhf `egsaofrdr me sacuafgtf; •
Ftdpd of aofgtaia`d`aðg ofm prehmfld. Ftdpd of oasfôe y ierlumd`aðg of pemìta`d pûhma`d.
Ftdpd of alpmflfgtd`aðg of pemìta`ds pûhma`ds.
pûhma `ds. Ftdpd of fvdmud`aðg of pemìta`ds pûhma`ds.
Hahmaecrdiìd; Agierld`aðg hahmaecräia`d quf iuf rfqufraod pdrd md rfsemu`aðg of fstd tdrfd sacuafgoe sa cuafgoe mds gerlds D^D Fxtfgsaðg läxald; ? päcagds (_alfs Gfw Xeldg e @dmahra Macbt, tdldôe 48 f agtfrmagfdoe 4,6). Gelhrf
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