Tarea 2 Ingles A 2

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia Academic and Research Vice-rector Activities guide and evaluation rubric Task 4 – Speaking Section 1.  General description of the course Faculty or Academic Unit Academic Level Academic Field Course Name Course Code Course Type

Vicerrectoría de Relaciones Internacionales Undergraduate programs, Graduated programs Formación interdisciplinar básica común English A2 900002 Methodological Can be yes No practical enabled

Number of Credits 3 2.  Description of the activity Type of the activity: Moment of evaluation:



Evaluative score of the activity: 70 points  Starting date of the activity: 04th October, 2019  Competence to develop:


Number of 4 weeks

Unit Intermediate:  Final 2 and 3 Delivery Environment of the activity: Collaborative forum  Deadline of the activity: 12th November, 2019 

At the end of this task you will be able to: Describe everyday aspects of his/her environment. Give short, basic descriptions of events and activities. Describe plans and arrangements habit and personal experiences.   Use there is or there are to indicate that objects exist. Use time markers to indicate actions happening now.   Understand the use and differences of present simple and progressive tense.      

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Topics to develop:

Describing routines, Present simple, There is /there are, Talking about actions in progress, Greetings, Place descriptions.   Phases of the learning strategy to develop:

You will develop the task in the Speaking forum.   You will consolidate all phases into one document.  

It is important to post all the activities in the forum to get feedback from your classmates and tutor.

Estimado estudiante

En esta guía las opciones: pautas necesarias para realizar su producto final,usted en el encontrará cual tiene dos    

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Sesión de práctica con su tutor/a Video

Sesión de práctica: El/ La estudiante deberá compartir con su tutor/a tutor /a

la postcard que realizó en la actividad de Writing. Es decir, describirá de manera oral la situación hipotética acerca su visita a una de las 7 maravillas del mundo, en ella, el/la tutor/a le realizará las retroalimentaciones necesarias con el fin de mejorar y aclarar dudas en cuanto a expresiones, vocabulario, gramática, pronunciación, etc. Video:  El/La estudiante deberá exponer; mediante un video a su

tutor/a y compañeros del grupo colaborativo, la postcard que realizó en la actividad de Writing. Es decir, describirá de manera oral la situación hipotética acerca su visita a una de las 7 maravillas del mundo. ¡Recuerde!   Como requisito usted debe compartir su postcard y al mismo tiempo usted deberá ser visible en el video, de no cumplirlo: el/la docente estará en la obligación de no subir la nota para esa fase de la actividad.

Es necesario que usted desarrolle cada uno de los ejercicios ejerci cios planteados en la guía, de acuerdo con los tiempos establecidos en esta. La idea es que usted logre organizar sus ideas, practicar la pronunciación y enriquecer el vocabulario para la actividad final.



Phase 1: Listen to your teacher and record your answers.  Phase 2: Listen to your teacher and record your answers.  Phasethrough 3: Interaction or  Record the practice on Skype with your tutor or video Screencast-O-Matic and Youtube tools. Phase 4: Submit the final document in the monitoring and evaluation environment. Activities to carry out: Phase 1: listen to your teacher and record your answers To do list October 04th to 11th

Listen to your teacher and complete the sentences with the –ing form of the verbs you hear (Write your answers answ ers in the forum). After, you must record your answers with your full name and upload the recording in the forum. 1. Tania is just uploading some photos to Instagram. 2. I am sending a message to my Mum. 3. Sandra and Marcos are riding horses and the sun is shining. 4. What are doing there? 5. At 10:00 I am meeting Marcos, just for a quick coffee. 6. She is calling me. 7. I am studying for my exam tomorrow. 8. We are having a great time in Taj Mahal. 9. I am wearing this shirt and pants. 10. Marcos is taking photos of Machu Picchu. Record (online-voice-recorder.com) (5).mp3


You will find the recording in the forum

Phase 2: Listen to your teacher, complete the chart and record your answers. To do list October 12th to 20th

Listen to your teacher and complete the chart. After, you must record an audio with 4 sentences using the vocabulary in this phase. Upload the recording in the forum with your full name.




Places in a town






I share the recording with the 4 sentences that I wrote using the vocabulary from the Phase 2 

1.  Yesterday, there was an storm in my town 2.  My sister is in a supermarket buying the vegetables for the tonight food 3.  We will rest in a hotel and a nd in the morning, we will continue our way. 4.  I going to wear a jacket today because it is doing cold Record (online-voice-recorder.com) (7).mp3


Phase 3: Interaction practice on Skype or YouTube Video. To do list October 21 st to November 09th

Use your postcard about one of the Seven Wonders of the World (Writing Task) to prepare and do your presentation. In this phase, you have two different options to participate:



Option 1 – Practice sessions:  Participate in Practice sessions with

your tutor and improve your speaking skills. Your tutor will send you by email a link to a Drive Document, you must make an appointment on Skype with him/her. In this part you must…  -  Describe your visit to

one of the Seven Wonders of the World (Postcard - Wiring activity) -  Introduce the topic to the tutor. -  Keep in mind the main idea. -  Organize your ideas sequentially.

Remember: -  Show your postcard to your tutor. -  Use the camera, microphone and show your identification card

to your tutor. -  Take a screenshot of the practice with your y our tutor. Book up date and time for the Practice sessions.

Option 2 – Record the video through Screencast-O-Matic:   Record yourself.

Use the postcard to do your presentation. It’s necessary that you use the tool SCREENCAST O’MATIC. You have to record your screen and your face at the same time. t he screen Note: You can use another similar tool that allows recording the and your face at the same time. In this part you must…  -  Describe your visit to

one of the Seven Wonders of the World (Postcard-Wiring activity) -  Introduce the topic to the tutor. -  Keep in mind the main idea. -  Organize your ideas sequentially.

Upload your video on YouTube. Then, share the link in the forum.



Copy the link of your video in a Word document. The link can be uploaded in YouTube or Google Drive. Phase 4: Submit environment.







To do list November 10th to 12th 

The final product must be sent individually in the monitoring and evaluation environment. You develop your final document according to your process. Checklist final document Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Listen to your teacher and record your answers. Listen to your teacher and record your answers. Screenshots of the practice session or or video  video link on YouTube Final document in the monitoring environment

End of the task! Phase 5: Vocabulary, Accuracy, Fluency, Pronunciation.  Environment for the Collaborative environment development  Individual: Products to deliver by student

-Answer the forum activities, record them in the (Phases 1 &the 2).audios and post - Take screenshots of the practice session or video link on YouTube (Phase 3).

General guidelines for the collaborative work Planning of activities for the development of

Students have to record two audios and post them in the forum. After that, they give feedback each other within the forum. Students have to participate in the practice session in Skype with their tutor or the student will be able to



collaborative work Roles to perform by the student in the collaborative group Roles and responsibilit y for the delivery of products by students  Use of references

record him/herself according to the indications given in the guide.

Each student is responsible for his/her own process.

Students upload the final product (link of a video in YouTube) in the forum.

Always cite the references In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, 20 13, article 99, the mistakes that infringe upon the academic order, among others, are the following: paragraph e)  “To plagiarize is to present as your own work the

whole or part of a writing, report, task or document of invention performed by another person. It also implies the use of cites or lack of references, or includes cites where there is no coincidence between them and the reference” and paragraph f)”To reproduce, or copy for

Plagiarism policy

profit, educational resources or results of research products, which have intellectual rights reserved for the University”.  The academic punishments that the student will face are: a) In case of academic fraud proved in the academic work or evaluation, the score achieved will be zero (0.0) without leading to disciplinary measures. b) In case of plagiarism proved in the academic work of any nature, the score achieved will be zero (0.0), without leading to disciplinary measures. To know how the documents must be cited, check the following document:



Centro de Escritura Javeriano ( ) Normas APA. Sexta Sexta edición. Taken from http://centrodeescritura.javerianacali.edu.co/index.ph p?option=com_content&view=article&id=138:normasapa&catid=45:referencias-bibliograficas&Itemid=

4. Evaluation rubric Evaluation rubric Activity type: Moment of the

Individual Activity Initial

Collaborative Activity Intermediate:


evaluatio n Performance levels of the individual activity Assessed Aspects Fair to poor/ Excellent Good very poor - The student - The student - The student does Phase 1: writes the develops some not upload the listen to answers in the of the activities activity proposed. your forum. proposed in - The student does teacher - The student this phase. the activity during and record records his/her - The student the last week of the your answers and does not task. answers upload the include his/her -Frequent problems recording in name. with pronunciation.





the forum with -His/her his/her name. pronunciation is clear with a -His/her pronunciation is clear. ( Up to 10 points )

-The student writes the answers in the Phase 2: forum. listen to - The student records his/her your answers and teacher and record upload the recording in your the forum with answers his/her name. -His/her pronunciation is clear. (up to 10 points)

few problems. (up to 6 points)

- The student develops some of the activities proposed in this phase. - The student does not include his/her name. -His/her pronunciation is clear with a few problems. (up to 6 points)

-The student greets and introduce the topic to the tutor. -The main idea Phase 3: Interaction is repeated at

-The student greets and introduce the topic to the tutor. -The main idea is not repeated

the up. end to sum -The speech is always organized sequentially.

at theup. end to sum -The speech is not always organized, sequentially.


(up to 25 points) Phase 3: Record the video through Screencast -O-Matic.

-The student greets and introduce the topic to the tutor and classmates.

(up to 15 points)

-The student greets and introduce the topic to the tutor and classmates.

(up to 3 points)

The student does not upload the activity proposed. - The student does the activity during the last week of the task. -Frequent problems with pronunciation.


(up to 3 points)

-The student does not greet, the student does not introduce the topic to the tutor and the main idea is not repeated at the end of the sum up. The speech is not organized sequentially. -The student does not participate in the Practice sessions.

25 points

(up to 9 points)

-The student does not greet, the student does not introduce the topic to the tutor and

-The main idea idea classmates. is repeated at -The is notmain repeated

25 points



the end to sum at the end to sum up. up. -The speech is -The speech is always organized sequentially.

not always organized, sequentially.

(up to 25 points)

(up to 15 points)

Submit the final document in the Phase 4: monitoring and Submit the evaluation final environment. document

(Up to 5 points) 

-Uses a variety of vocabulary and expressions. -Uses a variety of grammatical structures and Phase 5: sentences Vocabulary patterns in Accuracy his/her level. Fluency -Speaks Pronunciat smoothly, with ion little hesitation, according to his/her level, which does not

-The main idea is not repeated at the end of the sum up. -The speech is not organized sequentially. -The student does not record the video. -The student records the video during last week, for this reason he/she does not show any process. -The student does not record the screen and face at the same time. (up to 9 points)

Submit the The student does final document not submit the in a different document. way: email. (Up to 3 points) 

- Uses a variety of vocabulary and expressions, but makes some errors in word choice. - Uses a variety of grammatical structures and sentence patterns in his/her level, but make some errors. -Speaks with

interfere with some hesitation, communication


(Up to 1 points)  

- Uses only and basic vocabulary expressions. -Uses basic structure, makes frequent errors. Hesitates too of the when speaking, which often interferes with communication. - Frequent problems with pronunciation and intonation.




- Pronunciation according to and intonation his/her level, but does not are almost always clear, very according to his/her level.

(Up to 20 points)

interfere with communication -Pronunciation and intonation are usually accurate with a few problems. (Up to 15 points)

(Up to 8 points)

Final score

70 points

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