Tapihritsa Invocation
September 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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*Tapihritsa prayer* * E MA HO! * Wonderful KUN ZANG THUG TRU KU OG "HE KAR # E$anation of the Mind of Kuntu Zan%po& 'our (ody )olor is lu$inous hite li+e )rystal& R, ME ANG "A OE ZER -HOG -HUR TRO ,$$a)ulate and of )lear luster. rays of li%ht e$anate fro$ 'ou to the ten dire)tions/ G'EN ME -HER 0U 'E N', N',NG 1O, OEN 'ou are na+ed and ithout orna$ents& si%nifyin% that 'ou are the essen)e of the 1ri$ordial "tate/ KH'EN N', THUG 2E RO WA, #N A GONG Throu%h 'our )o$passion and the to +noled%es& 'ou attend to the elfare of all (ein%s/ ER "HEG THUG -H3 ZOG -HEN KUN G', -HOG The essen)e of the enli%htened $ind of all 0uddhas is 4o%)hen& 5the Great 1erfe)tion6& supre$e a$on% all 7tea)hin%s8& THEG 1A, 1A, 'ANG 'ANG T"E G'U G'U UNG UNG MAN NGAG NGAG N',NG N',NG The hi%hest hi%hest pea+ a$on% all the ays 7to enli%hten$ent8& and the essen)e of all the Tantras& A%a$as& and Upadeshas/ ZH, ', NE' UG KHOR E' RO TRU ANG 9ro$ the Natural "tate& the 0ase& 7ori%inates (oth8 the li(eration of Nir:ana and delusion of "a$sara/ RA # ZER "UM K'ON 'ON RA0 "A ZH,NG Throu%h sounds& li%hts& and rays& all the defe)ts 7of "a$sara8 and all the :irtues 7of Nir:ana8 )learly $anifest/ RO WA O ', MUN 1A KUN "A NE' Ha:in% )leared aay )o$pletely the dar+ness 7o(s)urin%8 the $inds of (ein%s& ZH, TONG T"A RA "A AM -H,G -HOE TOG The 0ase& e$pty ithout reali4ed/ a sour)e& to%ether ith the 1aths and "ta%es and is instantly N'AM TOG NGON G'UR KHOR E' "EM "U RO E;perien)es and understandin% (e)o$in% $anifest 7on the 1ath8& "a$sara and Nir:ana are li(erated into the Nature of Mind& RE 0U KU "UM ',NG "U GOE ZA 1A And the Tri+aya of the 9ruit (e)o$es :isi(ly arrayed in spa)e/ RO WA, GON 1O TA 1, HR, T"A A To 'ou& O Tapirhitsa& the prote)tor of (ein%s AG O T"E -H,G MOE 1E' "O WA E0 We pray ith sin%le< $inded de:otion AG "OG RO A WANG KUR 2,N G', O0 7That you8 (esto the (lessin%& hi)h )onfers initiation upon $yself and all other
(ein%s& -H, NANG "ANG WA, 0AR -HE' ZH, WA ANG And pa)ify all o(stru)tion outer& inner& and se)ret/ MA R,G TRU 1A, AG Z,N RO NE' K'ANG Ha:in% (een li(erated fro$ self
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