Tantric Sex

May 3, 2017 | Author: JT Seamster | Category: N/A
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This is just the FIRST chapter of “Tantric Sextasy: The Art of Sexual Ecstasy” (Gabrielle Moore’s most recent and ADVANCED program on tantric sex). The official LAUNCH of this program will be on:

Thursday - February 12, 2009 at 6:00 PM C.S.T. The first 250 subscribers to order a copy of the program will get a 50% discount. To be one of them, go to www.TantricSextasy.com to receive an email as soon as the program is launched.

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Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

An Introduction to Tantric Sextasy (5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery Await You…) So, Why Tantric Sextasy? The mere fact that you’ve bought this e-course means that you acknowledge that there is something MORE that can happen in your sex life. MORE passion. MORE fire. MORE orgasms. MORE nerve-wracking sexual pleasures. MORE out-of-body orgasmic ecstasy. Well, you’re right. There IS so much more that your bodies can give you. And that’s why we’ve created Tantric Sextasy. It is THE ultimate sexual guide that will finally enable you to unleash the volcanic orgasmic energy that is currently lying dormant inside you. Tantric Sextasy is not about theories. It’s not spiritual magic. It’s a practical, stepby-step guide on how you can harness your orgasmic energy, make it grow inside you, make it flow inside you to various parts of your body and then – when YOU want it to – to make it burst from you in all it’s earth-shattering glory. So… let’s start!

The Goal of Tantric Sextasy Tantric Sextasy wants to support you in being a fully sexual and totally sex positive person. It doesn’t matter if you're a woman or a man, young or old, straight or gay, big or small, single or partnered, white, brown or purple. Tantric Sextasy isn't picky about who it's designed for. You're perfect.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

Tantrikas (Tantra practitioners) know that sexual ecstasy is a divine gift. If you understand that anything that makes you feel good is good for you, then you're half way there. We want you to be able to expand your capacity for pleasure so that your view of the world just gets better and better. We called this e-course Tantric Sextasy because it's a manual for you to learn the following. •

Merge sex and spirit to bring lovemaking to a whole new soul-searing level;

Expand your consciousness as you connect deeply with your inner sexual nature;

Bring this consciousness into your sexual play;

Build confidence in your ability to give and receive sexual pleasure;

Fully embrace your sexual birthright, which is ecstatic every time all the time;

Reach supreme sexual ecstasy routinely, anytime, any day, any moment;

Achieve your full sexual and orgasmic potential;

Use highly advanced sexual exercise to become the lover you always wanted to be; and

Drastically expand your capacity for sexual pleasure while making it a major priority in life.

To achieve all this, you're going to learn to create a Tantric Sacred Space, to honor yourself and your lover while preparing for all forms of lovemaking. Using the ancient teachings of Tantra and the modern teachings of relationship psychology and couple sexology, you're going to discover multiple new ways to exchange pleasure with your partner. Just as there are many ways to create beautiful music, there's no one right way to make love. In the coming days, you'll learn to widely expand your sexual playlist using approaches that will allow you to feel differently and experience highly erotic wonders you never knew were humanly possible.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

Why Tantric Sextasy Works for Men We know, you may be a little cautious about this Tantra thing. Spiritual rituals aren't the kind of thing ‘metro men’ are drawn to. Weren't you raised with the certainty that you know it all and are always on top of things? Or at least it's your job as a real man to try to always make it look that way. After all, you've learned a lot about sex over the years… or maybe not. Frankly, men vary enormously in their understanding about themselves, about their sexual partners, and about sex and sexual anatomy, generally and specifically. Many men are often caught between believing they're supposed to know everything and worrying that they don't. Whatever the size of your member or your track record in satisfying your lover, you can become the stud that's lurking inside you. There is so much more than sexual technique that you're about to become immersed in. Through this e-course, you'll better understand the secrets of the masculine and feminine spirit and how to worship the sexual forces in your lover. Further, we want to move your sexual awareness beyond the average, beyond the normal, and straight into the realms of ecstatic sex. Expect that soon you'll have mindblowing orgasms, with or without ejaculation, where you'll lose your mind and experience the most indescribable energies. Trust us, what you're going to feel you probably can't even imagine at this point. You see, Tantric Sextasy has something for everyone. It's the ancient, tried and true, "Be all you can be."

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

By the way, all this isn't limited by your gender or body type. Though we have adopted the mainstream and often refer to couples as male and female, everything in Tantric Sextasy applies to all sexual preferences and same-sex couples.

Why Tantric Sextasy Works for Women If you're a woman, we want you know that Tantric Sextasy is highly female-oriented. Each woman is the Goddess we call Shakti, the adored, the source of all energy, propulsion and movement. She is the essence of change, evolution and pleasure. You, the woman, are she. Do you believe that intimacy, love, and sex can be more than what you've experienced in the past? We guarantee to help you with that. Above all, we want you to enjoy sex! We want you to know it's good for you. We want you to release your inhibitions, and stop holding back. We want you to remember that being alive means feeling desire, all sorts of desires. You can be the lover you've always dreamed of; you supply the will and the willingness and we know you'll succeed. You can be a dream lover. Maybe you're not sure if you're a very sexual person. Maybe you haven't particularly liked lovemaking the way you've had it. Maybe you've had negative, painful experiences or just plain unsatisfying or unfulfilling experiences. Maybe you haven't been sure how to give pleasure. We want you to know that Tantric Sextasy can be enormously healing. If you've had sexual abuse or sexual trauma in your life, Tantric Sextasy can help to heal those wounds, cleanse your system, and move on with sexual gusto.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

Regardless of your personal sexual history, we're convinced that Tantric Sextasy can introduce you to a whole new up leveling of your sex life, forever.

Tantric Terms Instead of ‘Sexual Slang’ In Tantric Sextasy, you’ll notice that we like to use Tantric terms instead of the "normal" words for sexual parts and actions? Somehow, we find that clinical terms or slang expressions don't create the Tantric mood and approach that makes sex sacred. Here's a short listing of the main Tantric terms we use to help you get familiar. Jewels = Genitals Vajra = Penis Yoni = Vagina and vulva Kundalini = Sexual or orgasmic energy Sexual Union = Sexual intercourse, a sacred ritual Sacred Gate = G-Spot, male or female Of course, our full glossary at the end of the e-course is more complete. But these are the ones we think you really need to know as you move through the e-course. Before we forget, Tantric Sextasy views everyone as a reflection of divine powers. So you'll find us referring to the fair sex as the Goddess or as Shakti and the male sex as God or Shiva. (Much more about this in Chapter 2 later.)

How to Navigate the Pages of Tantric Sextasy Many people print out e-courses so they can read them on paper continuously. If you've already done that, no problem. But this is really a how-to guide rooted in exercises with step-by-step instructions. So an alternative is to read a section on screen, print out the practice directions to follow, do them as many times as you need and want, and then read the next section on screen.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

We've labeled each practice as either SOLO SEXercise or PARTNER SEXercise so you'll recognize what each is designed for. Because Tantra begins as an individual path, partners still need to do the solo exercises. As well, singles can gain a lot from adapting the partner sexercises for their own purposes. Regardless of your situation, we suggest you read each one all the way through before trying or dismissing them. Like most e-courses, we've arranged this volume in a specific order. In short, later stuff builds on earlier stuff. For example, making the most of any turn-on depends on learning the Tantric art of channeling orgasmic energy first. So the further you get in this e-course, the more we'll refer to earlier concepts and skills. This is also why we’ve divided this e-course into five sections to be sent to you in five days. This way, there’ll be no ‘peaking’ on succeeding parts before you’ve had a chance to master the sexercises in current chapters you’re reading. Aren’t we so smart?!?

A Quick Overview of Tantric Sextasy – Just a Peak to Get Your Sexual Juices Flowing! Far be it from us to completely leave you in the dark on what Tantric Sextasy is all about! So here’s a quick look on what you can expect today and the coming days.

Tantric Sextasy Day 1 Chapter 1: Tantric Sextasy Defined In this chapter, you’ll discover just why, exactly, you’re NOT experiencing the best orgasms of your life today. We’ll be touching on the origins not just of Tantric Sex but also of the Kama Sutra and how you can best START





© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

cascading orgasms. Chapter 2: The Tantric Sex Attitude The beginning of your transformation starts here with the five essential elements of the Tantric Attitude. By reading this chapter you'll understand how to embrace life, yourself, and your sexuality more fully. Tantric Sextasy starts with you getting out of your head and into your body. So we give you powerful practices that can change your mind, your heart, your body, and your soul so you can be everything you want to be.

Tantric Sextasy Day 2 Chapter 3: Tantra is Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Sex Creating attitude, mood, and intention to reach untold delirious heights of ecstasy start here. In this chapter, we get specific about how to enhance your Tantric skills by ‘weaving sexual magic’. It explains how sexual pleasure can be used to transform your life. Chapter 4: Tantric Sacred Space This chapter introduces you to the first element of the Tantric Sextasy Ritual, the Tantric Sacred Space, which includes decorating, dressing, and preparing a sensual environment. Provided are tons of sexual tips for creating your own personal ceremony to cleanse the energy and set the tone for some truly erotic sexual play.

Tantric Sextasy Day 3 Chapter 5: Connecting Hearts Honoring and connecting with your lover is the second stage of the Tantric Sextasy Ritual. This chapter offers many suggestions for making your Tantric experience deeper, more intimate, and yes, more soul-searing! Also, we begin here with a continuing theme that is THE key to great sex so that each sexual encounter is more deliriously decadent than the next.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

Chapter 6: Sexual Meditation The third stage of the Tantric Sextasy Ritual is meditating. If you think this is boring, you’re extremely mistaken. Ecstatic states and ecstatic sex require relaxing your muscles, calming your mind, and fully opening your senses especially when you're high aroused. Through step-by-step sexercises, we teach you how to achieve this kind of relaxation. The meditations we share aren't simply sitting quietly, they're sexually active processes that will help you open your senses, free your energy channels, and speed up the process of becoming the Tantric sex practitioner you want to be.

Tantric Sextasy Day 4 Chapter 7: Orgasmic Energy Flows This chapter is devoted to the fourth element of the Tantric Sextasy Ritual: Tantric breathing. We introduce you to the power of pleasure and kundalini orgasmic energy. We begin by describing the Four Cornerstones of Supreme Bliss and showing you how to use them with a basic Tantric energy practice, Orgasmic Breathing. By mastering the steps of Orgasmic Breathing, you can simulate orgasms so that your mind, body and soul learn to jump into a deliriously erotic state automatically, quickly, and willfully.

Tantric Sextasy Day 5 Chapter 8: Tantric Lovemaking! The Tantric Lovemaking Chapter discusses the fifth stage in the Tantric Sextasy Ritual, which is to create a Tantric ecstatic experience so you can learn to dance and cavort at new levels of sexual excitement and awareness. This means erotic genital massage, oral pleasure, anal play, and dozens of Kama Sutra lovemaking positions! You'll also learn about the different kinds of physical orgasms and how they merge with Tantric Orgasms. Chapter 9: Closing Ritual Space This final stage in the Tantric Sextasy Ritual is all about how you and your lover can maintain the feelings of high-strung, body-wracking ecstasy long after © 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

you guys have reached a climax. Think of it this way: instead of ‘crashing’ after an orgasm, you’ll be able to SLOWLY descend back to earth with your skin still tingling from the rock-hard orgasm (or orgasms) you BOTH just experienced. See you at the end! Remember, say YES to sexual pleasure and you’ll be rewarded – mind, body and spirit – with the most deliriously decadent, intense orgasms ever… To your magnificent sexual awakening!

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

DAY 1 Private Session: How to Prepare Your Mind and Body for the Most Intense, Gut-Wrenching Sexual Pleasures of Your Life Of the delights of this world man cares most for sexual intercourse, yet he has left it out of his heaven. - Mark Twain

Chapter 1: What is Tantric Sextasy? In case you're not clear, Tantra is often called sacred sexuality or Spiritual Sex because it's an ancient spiritual practice from the East that uses sexual energy to raise consciousness, build relationship, and transform life. We often call it the spiritual metaphysics of sex, love, and intimacy. So in Chapter 1, we’ll go into detail on the origins of these Eastern sexual cultures and why it’s to your great sexual and orgasmic benefit to learn how to adopt them in your bedroom. We’ll also introduce you to the unique, six-stage framework and approach to Spiritual Sex and Tantric lovemaking, which we call the Tantric Sextasy Ritual.

Chapter 2: The Tantric Sex Attitude In Chapter 2, you’ll learn the Tantric Attitude we call as YES-BE and how to incorporate it into your life and lovemaking. In essence, it’s about saying a big, loud, rock-hard YES! to great sex. If you think that’s easy enough to do, wait till you fully understand what saying yes to great sex means. Don’t worry; we’ll not leave you in the lurch. As promised, we provide actual (but easy!) step-bystep guides to enable you to enjoy sexual pleasure easier, sooner… yet in a more intense, “I-don’t-know-here-I-am”, “I-don’t-even-know-my-name” orgasmic way. Now, let’s start you on your way to high-voltage orgasms, shall we?!?

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

Chapter 1: What is Tantric Sextasy? A Look into the O-Zone (the Continuous Orgasm Zone) In today’s world, sex is hurried, the focus all wrong. It’s absurd really, when you think about it. We spend a lot of time thinking about sex, planning sex and even day dreaming about sex, yet when the moment arrives, our focal point is not on the journey… but on the destination. In short, lovemaking has been reduced to reaching the ‘big bang’. But what if there was a way for you to experience sex like never before? What if, instead of feeling high only when you reach your climax, you feel high ALL THE TIME. Imagine, the whole time you’re making love it’s as if you and your lover are in a continuous orgasm zone. You think this is impossible? Not at all! But it is a different sexual way of life. And just to show you how amazing this erotic way of life is, one of our authors – Gabrielle Moore – has volunteered to share with you the following Tantric Sextasy experience. And as always, if you find yourself unable to resist the temptation to play with yourself while visualizing this story, we would be honored. It’s the middle of the week. A Tuesday. For some couples, lovemaking has been delegated to the weekend or whenever the kids are not around or when they’re not too busy with work. Not us.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

This was not really scheduled. I and my lover just woke up with a sexual need so strong that we just knew we would be giving in to our deepest carnal needs later on that night (why not?). So this is what happened. The whole day, while my lover was at work, I was quivering in anticipation of his return. I felt like I was on a sexual cloud. When he arrived home… First, we prepared our bedroom and bathed each other tenderly. As a titillating prelude of things to come, my lover catered to my every desire. With candles, incense, and soft erotic music, we settled into our Tantric Sacred Space together. After bowing low before one another and softly honoring each other with sweet words and hungry looks, my lover and I cleansed the energy in our space with fragrance and bells. Looking deeply into each other's eyes and then sharing an endless full-body hug, we gradually decided how we want to proceed. We helped each other relax into our sacred sex place. A little Tantric breathing together and a little Tantric caressing where it's most needed engaged our senses fully. It seemed that we basked forever in a sensual introduction by touching each other's whole bodies. Then, with unspoken agreement, we seamlessly moved toward my ultrasensitive yoni (vulva and vagina). Yes, he wanted to fully adore (worship was the word he used) my yoni by orally pleasuring it. As he approached me down there so slowly, so sweetly, I couldn’t help myself and so I reached out and tried to draw him in. But he lingered, savoring my yoni to my utter delight, extending my pleasure out as if we had nothing else to do and no where else to go.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

As the waves of ecstasy built, my soul soared! As I lay there engulfed with a myriad of orgasms, sometimes moaning softly, sometimes loudly, I occasionally ejaculated into his mouth. He crooned with delight at this. Eventually, he let me know by his stiff hardness that he wanted to enter me. He asked if I will honor his vajra (penis) by letting him visit my sacred yoni. I was definitely ready and voiced a throaty "yes, now!" to him. With his first slow stroke I flew so much higher while waves of ecstatic sexual energy moved through me. We shared and circled the sexual energy between us and it increased. He stroked slowly and, on the out stroke, I squeezed his vajra with my sexual muscles. He moaned and threw his head back. He stopped moving and we both shook as the orgasmic energy burst out our respective physical seams. He began stroking again… As he worshipped my body with each stroke, I moaned as his member stimulated my G-spot and I began to squirt my sacred ejaculate juices again. We did this over and over again, stopping, starting, moaning, cumming until we were both very much in an altered state. It was so amazing. This is nothing like the old in-and-out we knew earlier in our lives. Now, our ‘still’ (unmoving) sexual moments are as ecstatic – sometimes, even more so -- than the ‘action’ (pumping and grinding) moments. I just wanted these feelings to go on forever! We stayed in the O-Zone, the continuous orgasm zone, for hours. The next thing I knew, I looked at our bedroom windows and light was already starting to peak through the dark night. I fell asleep completely, physically, mentally, spiritually and sexually satiated.

Do You Dare to Enter the O-Zone? Now, let me ask you…

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

Are you interested in some of that sexual ecstasy?

Do you want to improve your sex life and give it more meaning?

Do you want to relive the hot, exciting days of the start of your relationship ?

Do you want to make every sexual encounter fresh, new, and exciting?

Do you want lovemaking that blows your mind and soul?

If your answer is a resounding "YES!", you've come to the right place. Whether you're a woman or a man, young or old, single or partnered, gay or straight, you want more. You want more pleasure and amazing sexual ecstasy. You want to be all you can sexually be. You want to feel totally confident as a lover, as the receiver of peak pleasures and the giver of untold ecstasy. You want sex to be total in body, mind and soul to reach supreme bliss. You want to learn how to plug in to the unlimited source of divine sexual energy at your core. You want to be able to connect at all levels with yourself and the divine forces. You want full-body cosmic orgasms that blow your mind. You want to feel deeply connected to your partner and your being-ness. In short, you want to know all there is to know about the ancient secrets of sacred sexuality and spiritual sex known as Tantra. It's wonderful that you want it all. Why? Because you deserve it! And this ecourse, Tantric Sextasy, will help you get more than you've ever dreamed of… out of sex, out of your relationships, and yes, even out of life.

Let’s Start from the Beginning… Where and How Did You Learn About Sex? Did you learn, at a tender age, that your body was divine and your sexual ecstasy your birthright? Of course not.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

Were you given free rein to explore your sexual urges and curiosities? Of course not. Were you trained to maximize your sexual potential in giving and experiencing awesome peaks of pleasure? Of course not. Sadly, our culture represses our very nature. Religions and parents, as agents of those religions, forbid this kind of exploration. And for those lucky enough to have parents who talked to us about sex, well, in truth, they too didn't know how to overcome their own fear and ignorance. Virtually none of our elders talked to us adequately about the beauty, the emotions, the ecstatic moments of sexual pleasure. In today's world, you can't even think or speak about anything sexual at work without the threat of a lawsuit. As a result of the pressures of the right wing and the fears of those in control of the curriculum, sex education in schools has been severely limited and has been reduced to nothing more than a cold, clinical examination of the biology of reproduction. Well, that’s before. This is now. And right here, right now, you've got the friend you've always needed to hear you, understand you, and teach you the wonderful world of extremely pleasurable sex. Even more damaging, health professionals, including Md.'s, are as hung up as the rest of the population. In fact, we regularly receive referrals from highly trained therapists who are too shy or too ignorant to deal with sexual issues. Far too many medical doctors scoff at sexual realities like the G-Spot and female ejaculation. They're stuck in their own neuroses and lack of adequate information. Please don't ask your family doctor for sexual advice. Seek out trained professionals and use the internet. Be discerning. Get multiple opinions. And use our help. Hopefully, you're reading of Tantric Sextasy is the beginning of a wonderful dialogue between you, your lover and your bodies.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

The following statistics make it even more apparent why we need more sex education and more Tantric Sextasy in our lives. •

Less than half of all women reach orgasm during sexual intercourse.

Some estimate that 75% of women can't reach an orgasm without direct clitoral stimulation.

Sadly, 10 to 15% of women have never had an orgasm.

Many women and a few men use age as a reason not to deal with sex ever again because the sex they've had is simply not worth the effort.

We live in an anti-ecstatic society that's designed to produce obedient workers, not creative spontaneous lovers. If we all had more sexual ecstasy in our lives, we just might refuse to work 70 hour weeks and be on a plane and away from our families most of the week. If we were tantric, we might just want to stay at home more, make love more, and commune with the universe more.

The American Businessman and the Mexican Fisherman Our favorite story that demonstrates how culture shapes our sexual attitudes is about the American businessman and the Mexican fisherman. An American businessman was at a pier in a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small









complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied "Only a little while, Señor." The American then asked why didn't he stay out longer and catch more fish? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

The American then asked, but what do you do with the rest of your time? The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria, make love, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos, I have a full and busy life, Señor." The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and, with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. "With the proceeds from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman, you could sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. "You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise." The Mexican fisherman asked, "But Señor, how long will this all take?" To which the American replied, "15 to 20 years." "But what then, Señor?" The American laughed and said that's the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions. "Millions, Señor? Then what?"

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

The American said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, make love, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."

The Tantric Sextasy Doctrine – Sexual Pleasure is a Priority Get the point? Our upbringing and social pressures make us too busy to smell the roses. We're too busy furiously trying to get to where we could be right now if we just learned to enjoy this moment. Our modern way of life, replete with large doses of sexual repression, partly explains why the average lover doesn't know more about their own orgasmic pathways and therefore demand their right to feel ecstatic. It also explains why so many, both women and men, haven't got a clue on how to be a great lover. When you practice Spiritual Sex with Tantric Sextasy, pleasure becomes your priority and the hue of the world around you changes. In the coming pages, you're going to change the way you feel about sex and the way you engage in sex. Although Tantric Sextasy is a lot about doing sex well, it's also about loving everything that you are. With our help, your sex life will be changed, forever. And if you accept the challenge, so will the rest of your life, too.

Do You Really Want More Out of Life? Don't misunderstand. We're not trying to say that there's anything wrong with any of your conscious choices. Work hard if you enjoy it. Discover and create wonderful things. Pursue whatever priorities work for you. We just want to offer

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

ecstatic options to those who are looking for a change. Our aim isn't for you to throw away all that's good in your life now, but just to shift the balance in a direction where life gives you more of the good stuff. That's why you're here, right? Because you want more pleasure out of life? Tantric Sextasy can help. If you do know something about Tantra, we're confident that you'll discover a whole new practical side of Tantra in these pages. Before you're finished mastering our unique approach to sacred Spiritual Sex, your sex life will change dramatically. If you don't know much about Tantra yet, just prepare yourself for a wild ecstatic ride. We promise you, Tantric Sextasy will live up to your ‘wild’ expectations.

Start a Sexploration Journal Now! To bring about the changes that you want, you must begin with observing yourself. As such, it’s important to start your very own Sexploration Journal. To raise your self-awareness, many seekers find great benefit in recording your thoughts, reactions, and discoveries in a personal journal dedicated to sexual exploration. We suggest you go out and buy a beautiful leather-bound journal as soon as you can. Hey! A cheap spiral ring-binder might work, but will you give it the same attention? You decide. While working and playing your way through this e-course, jot down what you agree with, what things impact you strongly, and what items do not agree with your experience. We call this your Sexual Exploration Journal, or Sexploration Journal for short. Journaling can help you process, integrate and communicate.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

As you do the practices throughout this e-course, you're bound to learn a lot about your body, your sex, yourself and your partner. Journaling the path of your learning adventures may offer invaluable insight as you move along. To stimulate your journaling, you'll find discussion questions like the ones that follow throughout our e-course. We encourage you to put the e-course down after you've read a question and look into yourself and your own situation. Then, we strongly recommend you write in your Sexploration Journal what you discovered.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: What’s Your Sexuality Background? Here are some questions to answer in your Sexploration Journal, reflect on, or talk about. •

What do you like most and least about sex?

What kind of values and beliefs did your family hold about spirituality and about sex?

What role do you believe sexuality plays in a healthy life?

What kinds of sexual repression have you personally experienced?

How do you want to change the balance of priorities in your life?

Tantric Sextasy 101 Here are just a few of the key questions that we'll help you answer in the coming pages. •

Do you honor yourself as a sexual being?

Do you know how to please your lover, anywhere, every time?

Can you release your inhibitions and open to your Goddess-/God-like nature?

Do you enter every sexual encounter with open senses, a relaxed mind, and a spontaneous childlike spirit?

Can you orgasm without ejaculating? Does your partner experience female ejaculation?

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

Do you know how to merge your heart and your body with that of your lover?

Do you know what you want in every moment and how to ask for it?

Do you feel deeply connected to the universe every time you make love?

We're guessing that you're reading Tantric Sextasy because you want to know all the answers to these sexual questions… and a lot more. When we began our own Tantric paths, we were pretty ordinary, horny lovers. Before finding the ‘light’, Gabrielle was just like any other sexually frustrated woman, often feeling that sex was only something that pleasured her lover, not her. Jeffre was suffering from the same conundrum. Her orgasms required effort and she didn't ejaculate. Somraj, like most men, hadn’t learned yet to separate his orgasm from ejaculation. As such, usually came more quickly than when he or his partner desired. The good news is that our situation strongly motivated us to learn about pleasure, ecstasy, and orgasm through Tantric practice. We've changed so much and had so much fun in the process that we were moved to share our path. That's what this e-course is all about. We're hoping you can learn from our efforts and enhance your sexual selves to be all you can be. As you'll read over and over, sex just keeps getting better for us. It's fresh, new, passionate, taking us deeper in every moment. We believe it's going to be exactly that way for you too, real soon. Maybe then you'll pass it on and together we'll change the sexual world.

Achieving the Summit of Sexual Sextasy First and foremost this e-course is about how you can create supreme bliss, which is the zenith of sexual ecstasy that transforms orgasmic energy into expanded consciousness.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

Tantric Sextasy weaves the essence of the ancient Tantric teachings with modern psychology and sexology bringing you the best of the old world and the new. It's a modern system of personal transformation based on the ancient Eastern spiritual path that uses sexual energy practices to... •

deepen love and intimacy,

extend lovemaking,

create continuous full-body mind-altering Tantric Orgasms, and

turn lovemaking into sexual meditation.

By opening your senses to the present moment, focusing on pleasure as a divine gift, and embracing all of life and all of your being, Tantric Sextasy... •

heals your mind, body, and spirit,

connects you passionately with your deeper self and your lover, and

immerses you deeply into the untold joys of Spiritual Sex to reach cosmic peaks of pleasure, ultimately making life an ecstatic journey.

Tantric Sextasy can help you release limiting beliefs and create the kind of sex life you hunger for deep inside. Not only will you learn how Tantric Sextasy can enhance every aspect of your love life, but along the way, you'll undoubtedly discover how to make your whole life better and more joyful.

You are Now a Student of Spiritual Sex Tantric Sextasy is a complete guide for the student of Spiritual Sex. In the coming chapters, you will find powerful exercises and techniques to know and master your own sexual forces. You'll learn how to use these methods to give your lover exquisite pleasure only imagined in your most erotic dreams. And best of all, you'll learn all this while enjoying the entire process yourself more than you've ever imagined. This e-course is organized around the Tantric Sextasy Ritual, our framework for Tantric practice. To define Tantric Sextasy Ritual or TSR for you: TSR is a template of heart-centered Tantric practices that outlines the six stages Tantric

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

lovers go through to create a Tantric Sacred Space and generate ecstatic states with Spiritual Sex. In Tantric Sextasy, a ritual isn't an elaborate, strict ceremony that restricts your personality and spontaneity. It's simply a way to create the kind of mood, environment, connection, and consciousness that activates your higher sexual and spiritual powers. Don't worry; it's so flexible that you'll love it. We created the Tantric Sextasy Ritual to give you an easy-to-remember format that can help you generate untold peaks of pleasure. After some essential information about Tantra, your e-course contains a detailed chapter about each stage of the ritual that teaches the basic practices of Tantric Sextasy. Plus, each chapter introduces you to several different hot and sexy exercises you may want to use at different times. So, without further ado, here are the six stages of the Tantric Sextasy Ritual. •

Tantric Sacred Space: Consciously preparing and arranging the environment for your ritual to maximize comfort, safety, and sensuality. (Chapter 4)

Connecting Hearts: Creating a deep bridge at the heart and soul level by honoring yourself and your lover as reflections of the divine. (Chapter 5)

Meditating Together: Relaxing the mind and body into the moment to prepare for open energy channels with maximum sensitivity and flow. (Chapter 6)

Energizing Turn-On: Consciously using the instinctual process of orgasms to turn on your body's energy using the Four Cornerstones of Supreme Bliss. (Chapter 7)

Tantric Lovemaking: Using a wide range of ecstatic sexual practices to exchange potent energies so you can float in the Orgasm Zone together. (Chapter 8)

Closing Ritual Space: Gently cooling down together to create a mutual sense of energetic completion. (Chapter 9)

After going deeply into the attitude and practices of Tantric Sextasy, the chapters of this e-course focus on the multiple methods you can use at each stage of the Tantric Sextasy Ritual.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

Is the Tantric Sextasy Ritual for You? The Tantric Sextasy e-course is for both singles and couples. If you're in a relationship, the exercises and discussions we recommend will be great fun and deeply stimulating. But don't be deterred if you're currently unattached. Much of Tantric Sextasy is based on what each partner can do individually. The beginning of the path is identical for both singles and couples. And as such, it's excellent preparation for the time when you focus on attracting partners, meeting people, and creating the kind of relationship you've always dreamed of. Think of it this way: if you are currently unattached, can you imagine just how your potential lover will feel the minute she realizes how ‘capable’ you are sexually? So whether you’re with someone right now or not, all of you will learn how to creatively use the Tantric Sextasy Ritual so that lovemaking becomes a whole new evolving form of intimate and divine connection. This is Spiritual Sex and Tantric Lovemaking, making love reverently, sacredly, and consciously to maximize and circulate orgasmic energy. The ultimate aim of these practices in Tantric Sextasy is to provide fuel for enhancing consciousness and transforming spiritually. Although each step of the Tantric Sextasy Ritual is chock-full of practical, frank, and action-oriented information and practices, how you use what we teach you is really up to you. You see, we have two primary goals for you. We want you to... •

expand your capacity for sexual pleasure through Tantric practice, and

create a foundation to create your own style, your own sacred ritual.

Nothing in each stage of the ritual is mandatory, everything is up to you. Once you learn how to steer your own pleasure and respond to your lover's desires, you'll get to choose what to do when. © 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

Of course, the first few times you go through the Tantric Sextasy Ritual may be like painting by the numbers, just filling in the blanks. But soon, you'll be the creative artist of your own lovemaking canvas. We can't wait to hear about the ecstasy of your own unique artistic creations after you finish this e-course!

The Best Way to Learn the Secrets of Tantric Sextasy Not only does our e-course include a thorough description of the Tantric Attitude, but it's richly enhanced with communication exercises to focus your awareness and stimulate valuable discussion. There are many hands-on sex exercises (sexercises) too to quickly teach you powerful sexual skills. Along the way, you'll undoubtedly discover how healing with Tantric orgasmic energy can help you drop non-productive sexual attitudes, release unwanted inhibitions, and awaken dormant sexual feelings and sensations. Isn't it great that fun and easily learned sexercises can fill you with so much pleasure and promote expanded consciousness? Learning about sex isn't so different from strengthening your body with workouts at the gym. They both follow the old maxim: use it or lose it. The more you exercise, the easier it gets and the better you feel. It's a lot like learning a brand new sport. There's a learning curve. More practice gets you through that curve faster. Through practice, you heal your weaker parts to make your sexual system healthy and whole. We've created an e-course that is user friendly. Though it has a little of everything we've learned and how we learned it, it's not an academic volume. Nor is it an exhaustive listing of references, or lengthy survey responses. It's a practical program that reveals all you need to know to begin to create your own Tantric sex lifestyle.

Mind-Blowing Sex is Not Normal

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

You know what? Great sex is not natural. Being a great lover is a learned art and science. Do you know anyone who was born a great lover? If you grew up the way most of us did, you weren't born into a society aware of the knowledge of sacred sex. It takes time and some effort to learn how to be an ecstatic lover. The path to your divine pleasure is great and wide and it awaits you. We've made it as simple and as straightforward as possible. Please don't expect complete transformation instantly. Each of us changes at our own rate, depending on multiple factors. Sometimes in baby steps, sometimes in quantum leaps. That's why the practices we spell out for you here are so important to do and do more than once. And that's why we urge you to get and use a Sexploration Journal. Writing down what happens can help you pick up where you left off next time. Further, exploring sexuality often pushes emotional buttons and raises issues buried deep inside. You'll probably want to take a break to process those when they come up. Also, your Sexploration Journal can make it easier for you to talk with your partner. If you're anything like the average person, talking about sex isn't easy. If you're going through this program with a partner, these questions provide great stimulants for honest, intimate communication and tremendous personal growth. We all suffer from selective memory about emotionally charged issues and sex is one of those issues. If it's written down, you can't "forget" about it. If you can't answer some questions, or nothing comes up, we suggest you take time to

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

consider the question over a few days. We know… digging deep is not necessarily what we do in our everyday lives. This, too, takes practice.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Tantric Sextasy Here are some questions to write about in your Sexploration Journal, reflect on, and talk about with your partner. •

How much of your sexual potential have you actually realized?

What sexual realms do you fantasize of reaching?

What about Tantric Sextasy attracts you? What about it interests you?

By how much do you think the Tantric Sextasy Ritual could enhance your sex life?

If you're single, how do feel what you’ll learn here can help you?

If you're in a relationship, how do you want it to change?

How will you make time to do the practices in this e-course?

If you can't come up with an answer to any of these and future questions, please dig deeper. The more you know about yourself, the more likely your sex life will expand and be terrific all your life.

The Origins of Tantra Tantra – Become the Lover You Were Born to Be Tantra is the ancient Eastern practice of Spiritual Sex and sacred sexuality. The word Tantra comes from the Sanskrit roots "to expand, extend, and weave". Tantrikas (Tantric adepts) extend their awareness, heighten their sensitivity, expand their consciousness, and weave all the energies of life together to affirm living a joyous sensual life. Tantra is the art of transforming the life force awakened by orgasmic energy into spiritual connection. It utilizes the pleasure we create by merging male and female energies using the resulting life force for transformation. It's a unique

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

attitude towards sex, love, intimacy, your connection to the divine, and all of life itself. Tantra shows us how to love all of who we are and open fully to our sexual and spiritual nature. As we practice more ways to experience ourselves as sexual beings, we can experience more ecstasy and pleasure. As part of your Tantric exploration into the depths of your sexuality, it's only natural that you explore your feelings, your sensations, and the power of your life force. Tantra says love all that you are, experience everything, enjoy. We'll fully explore the nature of Tantric Sextasy so you'll learn how to be the blissful, playful, energetic lover you were born to be; a lover who has the desire and capacity to make lovemaking last through multiple orgasms of multiple kinds, regardless of your sex. We'll teach you how to relax, awaken your senses, and use your breath to increase your sexual pleasure. We'll demonstrate how to move your body to enhance your orgasms. We offer you everything you need to know, to practice, and to experience as you fly emotionally and spiritually on the wings of sexual ecstasy. Ultimately on this unique journey, sex becomes meditation. And that's why this e-course is called Tantric Sextasy.

Tantra Text – The Oldest Sex Manual Tantra’s roots are very old. Thousands of years old. The first Tantra teachings emerged in India as a grass-roots rebellion against the repressive hierarchical religions of the day. Tantra sprang up as a movement to make spiritual illumination and ascension available to all, not just to the privileged castes. The earliest Tantras are writings in ancient books thousands of years old that describe secret sexual rituals, disciplines, and meditations. These esoteric Hindu

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

texts were written in the form of a dialogue between the God Shiva and his consort, Shakti. According to myth, Shiva and Shakti, the archetypal male and female, created the universe by making love. The union of their energies was needed to create the whole. Quite a contrast to the tale of Adam and Eve, right? No original sin, no punishment, no right and wrong, no expulsion from Eden. Simply create by making love. (Remember the names Shiva and Shakti as you'll be seeing lots more of these borrowed deities soon.) The essence of modern Tantric Sextasy remains the same as in the early days. Tantra opened the doors of spiritual evolution to everyone, regardless of their social status. This was in direct opposition to the dogma of the day that declared one must suffer for many lives to do penance and cleanse thoroughly. The caveat was that you could only reach for enlightenment if you were of the upper class because it was believed the upper classes were more evolved and closer to God.

Tantric Sex and the Kama Sutra You've undoubtedly heard of the Kama Sutra, the Hindu love manual that's now about 1500 years old. Most have, thanks to the courageous translation of Sir Richard Burton during the 19th century. He was a much earlier nobleman with the same name as the well-known modern English actor. Secret Tantric writings began some 7000 years ago and dealt with all energies -body, mind, emotion, spirit -- as a path to liberation and enlightenment. In contrast, the Kama Sutra is merely a depiction of sexual customs of upper-class India during the early centuries of the common era. So what is this modern fascination in the West with this once obscure sex manual? Maybe it's because of the forthrightness of the author, Mallinaga Vatsyayana, about things we're too ashamed or embarrassed to talk about today. Things like

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

dozens of ways to suck, scratch, and bite, not to mention many exotic lovemaking positions. Though we don't know much about him, we do know that he was a sage and religious scholar who lived in Pataliputra, India between Benares and Calcutta sometime between 200 and 500 AD. He didn't pull any punches too. The Kama Sutra was meticulous and graphic about seduction, foreplay, sex, and love relationships, which made it the definitive guide to sexual etiquette of the times.

Kama Sutra’s Sixty-Four Arts The Kama Sutra is popularly known today as the definitive sex guide but really it was more a How-To manual of the times. To quote Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger in their book Sexual Secrets: The Alchemy of Ecstasy...

"The Kama Sutra, the classical Indian treatise on the Art of Love, enumerates the Sixty-Four Arts. The text advises that these should be studied along with the Kama Sutra, preferably under the guidance of a teacher. These arts and sciences (for no distinction between them was then made) include singing, music, dancing, writing, drawing, painting, sewing, reading, recitation, poetry, sculpture, gymnastics, games, flower arranging, cooking, decoration, perfumery, gardening, mimicry, mental exercises, languages, etiquette, carpentry, magic, chemistry, mineralogy, gambling, architecture, logic, charm-making, religious rites, household management, disguise, physical sports, and martial arts plus many specialized activities related to the culture and time."

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

So do you see now that the Kama Sutra is really way of life?

Sex Speak Spreads (How Tantra Crossed the Globe) From India, Tantra spread to Tibet, joining with Buddhism, on to China, Nepal, Japan and Southeast Asia. During the 11th & 12th centuries, Tantrism peaked in India. The Moslem invasion in India in the 13th century caused the slaughter of Tantrikas and the destruction of their manuscripts. As a result, the Tantra movement was forced to go underground as the culture became more conservative. Many cultures have shown evidence of Tantra-like wisdom including the practices of the Taoists in China and Japan and the teachings of ChulaquaiQuodoshka of Native American lineage. The principle of merging sex and spirit with the intentional use of life force energy has been a long-standing and widespread belief of many indigenous cultures. Indigenous peoples around the world don't separate the mind, the body, and the spirit as we tend to do in the modern West. They understand and practice the principle of unity. Not only can we not separate ourselves into parts and still be left with meaning, it no longer makes sense to separate ourselves from one another. The principle, central in Tantric Sextasy, that we are all One has been around for a very long time. Curiously, modern science and investigation into ancient manuscripts are substantiating the principle that we're all connected at the energetic level. Tantra mostly remained secret and hidden until the Indian mystic and spiritual teacher, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, brought Tantric teachings to the light of the public eye in the late 1960s and early 1970s. More than anyone else in modern times, Osho, as we now call Bhagwan, is responsible for popularizing Tantra in the West. For so long, the earth-shaking

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

truths of the old scriptures were inaccessible due to their cryptic codes and obscure language. Osho translated not just the words but the spirit of living tantrically.

Don't Worry; You're Not Joining a Religion! We understand that all this talk about spiritual things raises concerns with many people. If you're worried about what you're getting yourself into -- don't. Tantric Sextasy isn't a religion based on faith, dogma, or right living. If you compare contemporary examples, Tantric Sextasy isn't an organized religion in any sense. You don't have to maintain a prayer schedule, follow a list of commandments, or purify yourself according to some strict set of standards. Tantric Sextasy isn't a philosophy. It has no rules, qualifications, or requirements. Certifications are meaningless. There's no code of behavior, no punishment for sin, and no pot of gold waiting for you in the afterlife at the end of the rainbow. Tantric Sextasy says that heaven, nirvana, or the height of joy, are here… NOW. You simply have to show up, completely. If you're seeking inner peace, A higher consciousness, a more fulfilling sex life with a new partner, or rekindling the earlier fire with a longtime mate, the sacred erotic wisdom of ancient Tantra can help. Yet, rituals are a part of Tantric Sextasy. Why?

Tantric Sextasy Rituals – Sex Routines to Elevate your Sex Skills In India, traditional Tantrikas spent many years under the guidance of a spiritual teacher engaged in elaborate yogic and meditative rituals to purify their bodies and master their minds. These practices were intended to awaken the powerful psychic energies through which the adept could enter into higher states of consciousness.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

Students had to master a wide ranging portfolio of arts and sciences (The SixtyFour Arts) before engaging in secret ceremonies. Only when a disciple was deemed ready did he or she partake in sexual rites with a partner or the teacher. This was a lifelong pursuit, not some quickie weekend workshop. Still, we don't approach teaching Tantric Sextasy in such a rigorous or disciplined way. We retain some ritual as a way of honoring one another as reflections of the divine. We prepare our space, bathe and dress sensuously, look deeply into each other's eyes, and communicate from the heart first. These simple ritualistic steps remind us to look through the outer shell and see into our own and our lover’s inner beings. We revere Spiritual Sex as sacred because we treat it as a gift from above. Our sentiments about Tantric Lovemaking resemble how we might enter a holy temple on the path to the liberation of our body, mind, and spirit.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Your Thoughts on Sexuality & Spirituality Write in your journal and/or speak to your partner and muse about the following. •

What knowledge and preconceptions about Tantra do you have?

What are your current sexual and spiritual practices?

What role do you believe spirituality plays in a healthy life?

What interests you and concerns you about Spiritual Sex?

What do you believe about the connection between sex and spirit?

The Magic of Saraha The following is a very old parable, probably from the original Tantras, the old manuscripts in verse that describe the nature of us all and outline the principles of Tantra.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

In the very old days in India there was a young man named Saraha who was very bright and curious. Being a nobleman, he spent a lot of time at court with the king and queen and their family. As he matured, he became known for the depth of his knowledge and his advice was highly sought. The king relied on this young man a great deal. But he was unfulfilled. He felt there was more but wasn't sure what he needed to do to find out this "more". One day he announced to the king that he was going on a long journey to study the ancient teachings in greater depth. He traveled far and wide to great cities with large libraries. He studied and studied, acquiring great knowledge. After a long while, he returned to his home and was eagerly greeted by the king and queen. They were very happy to see him because they thought of him as a son they weren't sure would return from his long journey. There was a big party to celebrate his homecoming. Saraha continued in his role of advisor while he continued to study. He was aware that he often felt empty with a deep knowing that something was missing. He was also beginning to question if more knowledge was going to give him the answer. One day Saraha decided to go to the market. Now, Saraha was a nobleman and noblemen didn't do that sort of thing, going to the market bustling with commoners, that is. That was the work of servants. Yet, he had a very strong impulse and followed it. As Saraha was walking through the stalls, avoiding the mud and the animals, he saw in the distance, a magnificent young woman making an arrow with absolute focus. She was so present, so total, that, in that moment, Saraha became enlightened. His life was forever changed.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

He and the Arrowsmith Woman ascended into love and moved together into the crematorium. What we would now call the cemetery. They moved there because it was big enough to have great gatherings and because it was an irreverent kind of thing to do. Saraha no longer desired the status of being at court and an advisor to the king. His values had turned around and he discovered with his lover the power of pleasure and joy. Meanwhile back at the court, the king was hearing rumors of these huge parties at the crematorium and felt concern. He sent an assistant to go and find out the truth about what was going on. The assistant left, never to return. So the king directed his chief advisor to check things out. But he never came back either. With nowhere else to turn, the kind asked his wife, the queen, to go and find out what was going on. She agreed to visit Saraha and didn't return. Finally in desperation, the king himself went to the crematorium and stepped into the magic of song and sensuality that the gathering represented. And he too, did not return. The power of Saraha and the Arrowsmith Woman was pervasive. We hope you enjoyed this story. Whether or not you embrace the outrageous idea of celebrating in a graveyard, maybe remembering Saraha's transformation will help as you walk through your marketplace in life.

Do You Have a Tantric Attitude? Tantric Sextasy is first and foremost an attitude. Afterwards, it's emotion, awareness, and communication all put together. We use sexuality to generate lots of energy to accelerate spiritual evolution. Due to this focus, Spiritual Sex is a unique approach to lovemaking. But it's so much more than technique. Spiritual Sex is making love reverently, sacredly, and consciously to maximize the flow of orgasmic energy within you and between you and your lover.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

To be sure, this e-course will teach you lots of specific sexual How-Tos that will give you greater confidence. Just remember, when you combine these techniques with the Tantric Attitude, you will be a complete dream lover, woman or man. What is the Tantric Attitude? The long answer is what Chapter 2 is all about. In brief though, the Tantric Attitude is saying "Yes" to all your life desires, putting pleasure first, maximizing consciousness, and honoring the divine in yourself and your lover. Tantric Sextasy includes expansive and exciting solo and partner exercises so you may understand first-hand (pun intended), the nature of the Tantric Attitude and the experience of Spiritual Sex. Before you're done, you'll know exactly how to create a Tantric Sacred Space and immerse yourself into a Tantric ritual, sinking into your body while losing your mind (in pleasure). You'll soon know how to interweave body, mind, and spirit to create powerful, ecstatic and long lasting sexual experiences, with or without sexual union (Tantric for intercourse). Through consciousness you'll learn to generate your inner fire, couple your sexual energy with physical stimulation and exchange orgasmic life force energy with your lover in an ever broadening circle of ecstatic Spiritual Sex.

Turn Your Inner ‘Subtle Energy’ to ‘Orgasmic Energy’ Before going further, we should explain what we mean when we refer to a key target of Spiritual Sex, orgasmic or sexual energy. When you're sexually turned on, you can feel a small trickle of nervous stimulation and physical excitation, alive, bubbling, vibrating inside you. We all have the capacity to feel it and generate it. This is sexual energy, which most lovers feel most strongly right before and right after orgasm. That's why we usually call it orgasmic energy.

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


Tantric Sextasy

*5 Sexually Decadent Days of Orgasmic Mastery*

The old Sanskrit name for this normally latent psychosexual power is kundalini. The kundalini is written about and pictured as a coiled snake, lying dormant at the base of the spine. When awakened through Tantric practice, kundalini energy can ascend through your subtle energy or light body, creating powerful ecstatic experiences and heightened cosmic consciousness. Although the kundalini is always there, sometimes it's quiet. When sleeping, its sensations are subtle. So you'll see this kind of energy referred to as subtle energy. It's like a higher, finer frequency that's hard to hear until you're tuned in and turned on. When awakened, kundalini becomes a potent force inside you. Then this subtle energy becomes a tidal wave of life force. When you know how to awaken your kundalini and exchange orgasmic energy with a partner, there's no limit to your ecstasy.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Your Capacity for Orgasmic Pleasure Here are some questions to answer in your Sexploration Journal, reflect on, or talk about. •

How relaxed are you during sex?

What kinds of things go through your mind during sex?

Can you imagine how sex and spirit are related?

How big is your capacity for pleasure? Do you ever hold back?

What are your orgasms like? Big? Little? Wet? Dry? Difficult? Full-body? Multiple? Continuous? Wavelike?

© 2008 Gabrielle Moore, Somraj Pokras & Jeffrey TallTrees, Ph.D


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This is just the FIRST chapter of “Tantric Sextasy: The Art of Sexual Ecstasy” (Gabrielle Moore’s most recent and ADVANCED program on tantric sex). The official LAUNCH of this program will be on:

Thursday - February 12, 2009 at 6:00 PM C.S.T. The first 250 subscribers to order a copy of the program will get a 50% discount. To be one of them, go to www.TantricSextasy.com to receive an email as soon as the program is launched.

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