Purpose: This Purpose: This Excel Work Book was created to assist the Plant Lao!t "esi#ner with a task that can $e co%&licated' (illed with &otential error and take a lot o( ti%e) The #oal is to red!ce costs $ red!cin# ti%e and i%&ro*in# +!alit)
Application: This Application: This Work Book can $e !sed (or sin#le tank within a sin#le contain%ent area or can $e !sed (or %!lti&le tanks within a sin#le contain%ent area)
Contents: There Contents: There are (i*e ,5- sheets incl!ded) .heet /1 ,this sheet- is the instr!ctions and 0otes) .heet 2 is a list o( so%e o( the %ost co%%on P P .tora#e Tank Tank sies) .&ace is incl!ded so the !ser can record other sies consistent with &roect s&eci(ic re+!ire%ents) .heet 3 is the work sheet (or the .in#le Tank Tank a&&lication) .heet 4 is the work .heet (or the %!lti&le tank a&&lication ) .heet 5 is a two &a#e work sheet Pa#e 1 is (or the "ike "etail and &a#e 2 is (or the Tank Pad "etail)
Tank Data: Data: - ollect a list o( Tanks Tanks (or the Proect) This list %!st incl! de the sies ,in Barrels-' the Tank T&es and the o%%odities) B- "eter%ine i( there is a Local or lient i%&osed ode that de(ines ro!&in# or se&aration o( Tank t&es t&es or o%%odities) ( there are Tanks Tanks on the &roect list that are not incl!ded on .heet 2 then add the% in the /ellow/ s&aces &ro*ided and in this case onl hit /.a*e/)
Civil/Structural Data: :eet with the the a&&ro&riate i*il;.tr!ct!ral ro!& and ha*e the% de(ine &reli%inar #!idelines (or - the n#le o(
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