Tangborn, Eric - The Complete Torre Attack, 1993
March 26, 2017 | Author: Miguel Angel Saenz Morillo | Category: N/A
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The Com.p lete Torre Attack
IM Eric Tangborn
International Chess Enterprises Seattle
Copyright Ct 1993, by Inte roationa! Ch ess Enterprises. AU
rese:rvw. NI) part of thi s book: may be reproduced or transmitted in any fo rm or by any means, e lectro nic or mechanical. including photocopying, record ing or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Editor : E ric Woro Di2tgrams: Junathan Berry·s Ye~W~DoDlagrams Program 'JYpe.set by Eric Woro using Ven•ura Publislher Cover lllustra tion; Sean Casey
Tang,born, Eric The Complete Torrc Attack First prilllting: October 1993 112 pages ISBN 1-S79479- l4- l
of International Che s~ Enterprise book.~ 1:1 n d cbe.\.5 .acces.~ories, or for a subslTiptioo to inside Ch,ss, published lhrougb I.C.E. by lniemational Graodma.ster Yasser Seirawan. please write or coli: For a complete
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Index of Variations Cll.aptcr 1: t . d4 Nr6 2.Nr3 e6 3.Bc,S c5 ·········-·····-...................... -... ._................................... . 1 A) 4,e3 .,.,_io.4,._•. . ._, .....i.u. tatuu ••u••u•u •• •••••••••••,.._.,,,.,............" •. -. ........... , ....... .........., , .. ,!.,"'"-·•l AI) 4...b6 ................................................................ .-..... .-....•...•........~ ........•....-......---.... l A 2) 4.... Qb6 ··--····.......................,. .•.. _._ . . . . . . ._ ............ ...................-.-.................._ .......•..•.. 3
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B16) -31} 5.Nbreev-Kbalifmao, Mosco~ J l.dxe5 Ng4 12.Nf3 NxeS t3.Nxe5 '. 1985. _ -··· _ . -· • --·BxeS 14.£4 Bg7 15.£5 h6 16.Bc7 ·-16]I7.Rf3 Bd7 (t7.,..g5) 18.Qd2 Re817.f6Be618.Qf3 Rxe719.fxe7
Rae8 19.f6 QgS 20.Qf2 ReS 2l.b4
ReS with compensation, Dreev- c4 22.h4 +=, Neverov-Giek, Lvov Dorfman, .. , _,.- 1985. - Moscow ..1985. -·· 9.0..() d JO.NxeS tO.dxcS Qxc:S J 1.b4 Qd6 12.&2 Al) 7.•. b6 Be6 13.Qe2 Rac8 14. Bb3 e4 1S.Nd4 Ne5 =+, Salov-Magem, Groningen 1984. lO...NxeS U.cheS N&4 ll.NO 12.c4?! Nxe5 13.cxd5 Nxd3 14.Nc4 Qa6 15.Qxd3 b5 16.Nd2 c4 = +, M alao iuk- Ro manishin, USSR 19&3.
U ...Nxe5 13.Nxe5 Bxe5 14.14 14.Qf3 Be6 lS.B£6 Bxf6 16.Qxf6 Rid817.b4 c4 18.Bc2 BfS : , Anas-
1987. t4...Br6 14... 8~7?! 15.f5 + tS.Bxr6 15.Bh67 c4! ( l 5 ... Re8'! 16.f5 +=) 16.Bxf8 cxd3 17.Ba3 Qxe3+ 18.Kh 1 Bf5 • + , Neverov-$ideif· Zade, Baku 1986.
8.0-0 Bb7 .8... Nc6 9.a3 Qc7 IO.Bf4 Qb7 lll.h3 Nd7 12.Be2 aS unclear,
Salov-Lputian, Moscow 1987. 9.Ne5 a) 9.Qbt a 1) 9 ... Nbd7 10.b4 Qc8 tl. b3 ReS 12.Rcl e5 l3 .dxe5 NxeS
-· 14.NxeS Rxe5 15.Bf4 ReS 16.a4 aS t7.bxaS bxaS 18. Ra2 Bc6 Draw, Agzamov-H ort, Po tsdam 1985. a2) 9... Nc6 10.b4 cxd4 11.cltd4 Qd6 12.a3 Rfc8 13.Bf4 Oe6 14.h3 Nd8 tS.Qb2 Ne4 16.a4 f5 17.aS + Loginov-Agzamov, Tashkent 1983. a3) 9...a5 JO.e4 cxd4 ll.Nxd4 Nc6 t2Nxc6 Bxc6 13.Ret dxe4 14.Nxe4
QdS JS.c4 Qd7 =, T. Georgadze-Rashkovsky, Minslc 1979. b) 9.a4 Ne4 (9.. .Nbd7 10.a5 Bc6 l l.c4 dxc4 12.Nxc4 Ne4 Filip-
Savoo, USSR 1964.
l O. ~Nxd7 I l.f4 QeS ll.Q&4 e6 13.Qh3 a6 14.Bh6 BxM 1S.Qxh6 Q.7 t6.Rael b5 17.RI3 RfeS 18.c4 b4 19.fS White is better, Nikolic-Cvitan, Borovo 1981.
B) 5.c.3
If 5...c5, then White can try to bold onto the pawn after 6.dxc5.
Minev , Amsterdam (ol) 1954) l0.Bf4 Nd7 11.0t:2 Nxd2 12.Nxd2 ( 12. Qxdl ReS 13.a5 + =) 12...e5 l3.dxe5 Bxe5 t4.Bxe5 Nxe5 15.Ba6 Bxa6 16.Qxa6 ReS =, Ma lichStcin. Kecskemet 1968.
9... Nid7 a) 9-.Nbd7 10.f4 + ""· b) 9 ... Ne4 IO. Nxe4 dxe4 1 t.Bc4 + = and now if 11...b5? 12.Qb3 +o r tt...cxd4 t2cxd4 Nd7 l3.Nxt7 Rxf7 14.Qb3 Qe8 15.Rac1 with a large advantage. 10.Nxd7 IO.Ng4 £6 ll.Bh6 B.xh6 12. Nxh6+ J
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