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Pdcchr `h cheturd y hseriturd erhdtivd
Pdcchr `h hseriturd erhdtivd
Ikpdrth Odoey Jdreëd Jdcchjls @iriji`l d nõvhohs `h 45 d 4: dôls. @hseripeiõo> Hc tdcchr hs uod prlpuhstd quh elonuotd `ivhrsls hnhreieils `h chetl-hseriturd quh prlkuhvho hoeuhotrls cþ`iels elo hc trdzl `h cds pdcdfrds d trdvés `h `htlodoths erhdtivls, euyl aio hs hc `h io`ueir cd hseriturd d pdrtir `h uod hxphrihoeid hstétied y ol `h uod iostrueeiõo. Hsth kl`l `h dprlxikdr cd chetl-hseriturd d cds oiôds y cls oiôls iothotd alrkdr chetlrds y chetlrhs erëtieds (ls), edpdehs `h hoelotrdr ho cd cheturd y hseriturd mhrrdkihotds quh chs dyu`ho d elkprho`hr khnlr hc kuo`l, su hotlrol y d së kiskds (ls). Rrljrdkd>
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