Taller 1.modelos de Generación de Viajes

December 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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XFCCMP 64 Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

Mstuhofltm4 Ecfrf Gocmlf Qmcfsei ^ig`i EE. 6.6=0.6?8.>50

^riamsir4 Efrcis Bilzæcmz Efchmrõl

]lovmrsohfh Lfeoilfc hm Eicig`of -Umhm Gmhmccçl Afeuctfh hm Golfs - Hmpfrtfgmlti Hmpf rtfgmlti hm Olbmlomrçf Eovoc Mspmeofcozfeoõl ml vçfs y trflspirtm 0>6?->6



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

XF@CF HM EILXMLOHI Oltrihueeoõl............................................................................................................................0 Oltrihueeoõl O. Mstogfeoõl hm gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms `fsfhis ml zilfs ...............................5 6.6. Flæcosos hm cis hftis ....................................................................................................5 6.0. Gihmcis rmfcozfhi rmfcozfhiss ....................................................................................................6> 6.5. Flæcosos hm rmbrmsoõl .................................................................................................6> 6.8. Mcmeeoõl hmc gihmci...................................................................................................01 OO. Mstogfeoõl hm gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms `fsfhis ml mc kibfr. ....... ............. ............ ............ ...... 0; 0.6 Gïtihi hm ecfsoaoefeoõl eruzfhf .....................................................................................50 0.6. Gïtihi hm rmbrmsoõl ..................................................................................................5= 0.0. Eigpfrfeoõl hm gihmcis (Ecfsoaoefeoõl eruzfhf y rmbrmsoõl) ...................................80 OOO. Eilecusoil Eilecusoilms ms .............................................................................................................80 OQ. @o`coibrfaç @o`coibrfaçf f.................................................................................................................85

Oltrihueeoõl Ml cis sobuomltms mdmreoeois sm hmsfrriccf mc tmgf –Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms‗ hilhm sm hmsero`oræ mc priemsi rmfcozfhi pfrf i`tmlmr mc gihmci gæs fhmeufhi hm feumrhi f ulis hftis i`tmlohis hm mleumstfs Irobml-Hmstoli y hm mstf gflmrf sm flfcozf ci i`tmlohi y sm pcfltmfræl eilecusoilms i rmeigmlhfeoilms.





Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

Mstogfeoõl hm gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms `fsfhis ml zilfs


F læ læcos cos os hm ci ciss hf hfti tiss

Ml mc frekovi Flmxi 6. Xfccmr 6YHftis, cf Xf`cf 6 tomlm hoamrmltms hftis i`tmlohis hm ulf mleumstf irobml-hmstoli (I-H rmfc) hm ulf eouhfh, mstis hftis mstæl hoserogolfhis pir zilfs pfrf cfs eufcms sm prmsmltfl efrfetmrçstoefs eigi4 OH, ærmf, lôgmri hm vofdms prihueohis (Xrop  prihuetoil), pi`cfeoõl (^ipucftoil ), smxi (Amgfcm, Gfcm), pi`cfeoõl pir mhfh ( Fbm  Fbm), mhfh gmhof (Gmhofl Fbm), rfzf, eilairgfeoõl hmc kibfr, lôgmri hm kibfrms ( Kiusmkichs), eilairgfeoõl hm cis kibfrms, tfgföis hm cis kibfrms, tfgföi hm cfs afgocofs, lôgmri hm cfs afgocofs, efltohfhms ulohfhms kf`otfeoilfcms, rflbi hm olbrmsis ( KKYoleigm ) mltrm itrfs. Oloeofcgmltm sm rmfcozõ ulf mvfcufeoõl bmlmrfc pfrf hmtmrgolfr so cis hftis qum sm tomlml pumhml usfrsm hm gflmrf eikmrmltm pfrf ul flæcosos hm rmbrmsoõl y mstogfeoõl hm gihmcis qum pumhfl prmhmeor hm gmdir gflmrf cf bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms: sm `useõ eirri`irfr cf eilsostmleof hmc eildulti hm hftis, pir mdmgpci qum cf pi`cfeoõl amgmlolf y gfseucolf aumrf obufc f cf pi`cfeoõl bmlmrfc, qum cf sugf hm cf pi`cfeoõl hostro`uohf ml mhfhms aumrf obufc f cf pi`cfeoõl bmlmrfc. ^frf msti sm rmfcozõ mc eæceuci hm cis vfcirms gmhois, gæxogis y gçlogis, gmhof, gihf y hmsvofeoõl, pfrf cfs vfrof`cms i efrfetmrçstoefs hm cis hftis fltms gmleoilfhis.  F eiltolufeoõl eiltolufeoõl sm p prmsmltfh rmsmltfh efhf ul uli i hm cis f flæcosos læcosos rmf rmfcozfhis cozfhis m ml l mstf mtf mtfpf4 pf4 - 

Qmroaoefeoõ Qmroaoefeoõl l hm cf eilsostmleof hm cis hftis4 Umxi4 ^frf Umxi4  ^frf efhf zilf, cf sugf hm cf pi`cfeoõl hm kig`rms y pi`cfeoõl hm gudmrms hm`m smr obufc fc titfc hm cf pi`cfeoõl hm efhf zilf. ^i`cfeoõl pir rflbi hm mhfh4  ^frf efhf zilf cf sugftirof hm cf pi`cfeoõl ml efhf rflbi hm mhfh hm`m smr obufc f cf pi`cfeoõl titfc hm efhf zilf. Lôgmri hm kibfrms4   ^frf efhf zilf, mc lôgmri hm kibfrms, hm`mræ smr olamroir f cf pi`cfeoõl y hm gflmrf bmlmrfc sm i`smrvõ qum sm tomlm 056.?18 kibfrms y =28.208 pmrsilfs. Xfgföi hmc kibfr4   Cf sugftirof hmc lôgmri hm kibfrms, guctopcoefhi pir mc tfgföi prigmhoi hmc kibfr pfrf efhf zilf, ms fprixogfhi mc vfcir titfc hm cf pi`cfeoõl. ^mrsilfs ml cis kibfrms4 Mc lôgmri hm pmrsilfs hmltri hm cis kibfrms, k ibfrms, ms gmlir i obufc f cf pi`cfeoõl hm efhf zilf.

Eæceuci hm vfcirms gæxogis, gçlogis, p prigmhoi, rigmhoi, gmhof y hmsvofeoõl pfrf fcbulfs vfrof`cms eilsohmrfhfs rmprmsmltftovfs4

^ i`c i`cfeoõl feoõl pir zilf4

Xitfc4 =28.208 pmrsilfs ^rigmhoi4 5.?>?,1? pmrsilfs/zilf Gæxogf4 ?.5>5 pmrsilfs Gçlogf4 50> pmrsilfs

 Ær  Æ r mf pir zil zilf4 f4

Xitfc4 6>>1,6 go0  ^rigmhoi4 1,; go0  Gæxogf4 20 go0 Gçlogf4 >,>? go0 




Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

Qofdm Qo fdmss pir zilf Xitfc4 56;.?=8,0 vofdms ^rigmhoi4 0.61?,21 vofdms/zilf Gæxogf4 =?26,6= vofdms Gçlogf4 vofdms ^ i`c i`cfeoõl feoõl hm6;,6 s mxi g gfse fseucoli4 ucoli4 Xitfc4 022.168 kig`rms ^rigmhoi4 6.;;;,= kig`rms/zilf Gæxogi4 8.8;> kig`rms Gçlogi4 622 kig`rms

^ i`c i`cfeoõl feoõl hm smx smxi i amg amgmloli4 mloli4

Xitfc4 0?2.66> gudmrms ^rigmhoi4 0>06,0 gudmrms/zilf Gæxogf4 8.;05 gudmrms Gçlogf4 685 gudmrms

^ rigmhoi hm vofdms pir kf`otfltm kf`otfltm ^rigmhoi4 >,1 Gæxogf4 5,?

HmlsGçlogf4 ohfh h hmm>,>6 ^i`cf ^i`cfeo eoõl õl

^rigmhoi4 5.;;=,2 pmrsilfs/go0  Gæxogi4 08 011 pmrsilfs/go0  Gçlogi4 88 pmrsilfs/go0  *(Ærmf ml goccfs eufhrfhfs, go0)

Hmspuïs hm flfcozfr cf eilsostmleof hmc eildulti hm hftis, sm i`smrvõ qum mxostml smroms hm hftis qum pumhml tmlmr eirrmcfeoõl mltrm mccfs i mltrm cf vfrof`cm qum lis oltmrmsf prmhmeor, qum ms cis vofdms prihueohis f efhf zilf, mstis hftis pumhml smr i li vfrof`cms olhmpmlhomltms, pir ci qum sm flfcozf cf eirrmcfeoõl mltrm cfs vfrof`cms smcmeeoilfhfs eil cfs gæs rmprmsmltftovfs qum pmrgotfl mstogfr ul gihmci fhmeufhi. ^frf hmtmrgolfr euæcms vfrof`cms sil gæs rmprmsmltftovfs qum itrfs y eufcms sm flfcozfræl hmltri hm cis gihmcis mstogfhis, sm rmvosõ ulf f ulf cfs 0=> eicuglfs qum fpirtfl hftis hm cfs zilfs mleumstfhfs y sm i`smrvõ qum kfy olairgfeoõl qum smbôl erotmroi olbmlomroc li ms rmprmsmltftovf eil rmspmeti f cis vofdms prihueohis y rmeipocfhis ml cf mleumstf IrobmlHmstoli. ^ir mdmgpci, sm eilsohmrf, qum cfs vfrof`cms eigi pi`cfeoõl ecfsoaoefhf pir su hmsemlhmleof i fsemlhmleof hm eufcquomr pfçs i pir rfzf `cflef, lmbrf i fsoætoef, i pir mc topi hm trf`fdi eigi gfluafeturf, vmltfs y hmgæs: li sil rmprmsmltftovfs ml cf bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms hm ulf zilf, pir ci qum sm hmsefrtfril 620 vfrof`cms y sm eilsohmrfril 2; vfrof`cms qum hftfl olairgfeoõl hm4 kibfrms eil rflbis hm olbrmsis y mhfh hm cf pi`cfeoõl pir rflbis, lôgmri hm kibfrms hmltri hm cf pi`cfeoõl, smxi hm cf pi`cfeoõl, pmrsilfs qum mstuhofl i trf`fdfl, trf`fdfhirms qum usfl i li efrri pfrtoeucfr, qum so pumhml tmlmr rmcfeoõl eil cf bmlmrfeoõl i prihueeoõl hm vofdms. Ml cf sobuomltm tf`cf sm gumstrf cis rmsuctfhis hm eirrmcfeoõl mltrm tihfs cfs vfrof`cms prmvofgmltm smcmeeoilfhfs y fhmgæs sm gumstrf fcbulis mstfhçstoeis qum flfcozfl efhf vfrof`cm4 8


Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms


Xf`cf 6. Mstfhçstoeis hm fcbulfs vfrof`cms ― vfrof`cms ― Mcf`irfeoõl  Mcf`irfeoõl pripof.  pripof.  Frmf >; XIXFC   6>>1, >; GMHOF   1, ;8 GÇLOGI   >, >? GÆ[OGI   20, >6 HMUQOFEOÕL   65, 62 MUXÆLHFP EIMAOEOMLXM   6?0% HM QFPOFEOÕL*

Xrop Hmlsohfh vofdms / ^ipucftoil ^rihuetoil ^i`cfeoilfc kf`otfltms

Gf cm

Am gf cm

56;?=8, 0> 0> 061?,21 6;, >= =?26,6=

=28208, >> >> 5?>?, 1? 50>, >> ?5>5, >>

5;;=,11 88,>0 0801=,?=

>,=; >,>6 5,;1


6;86, 68




?1 ?18,51







Gmhofl Ol Fvmrfbm Fvmrfbm Kiusolb Kiusmkichs Fbm Kiusmkichs KK Uozm Afgocy Uozm ]lots

022168, > 0?266>, > =82>, => => 6;;;,=5 0>06,61 52,06 622,>> 685,>> 6?,2> 88;>,>> 8;05,>> =8,6>

=8??0;, >> >> 5286,>6 =6,>> ?65?,>>

05 056?18, >> >> 6=22, ?? 00,>> 5?8?, >>

5 82 82, ?> ?> 0,52 6,52 5,>>

852, 56 56 0, ?2 0, 58 5, 86

0=>288, >> >> 62>=,28 00,>> 86=0,>>



218, 68


>, 61








*Hmsvofeoõl mstælhfr/gmhof

Um i`smrvf qum cf vfrof`cm –Ærmf‗ tomlm brfl vfrof`ocohfh hm sus hftis, sm gumstrf ul eimaoeomltm hm vfrofeoõl hm 6?0% f hoamrmleof hm cf vfrof`cm –Fvmrfbm Afgocy Uozm‗ - tfgföi prigmhoi hm Afgocofs (smbôl efltohfh hm pmrsilfs ml cf afgocof), qum tomlm ul eimaoeomltm hm vfrofeoõl hm fpmlfs mc 1%. Cfs vfrof`cms pi`cfeoõl y lôgmri hm vofdms prihueohis, sm supilm tomlml ulf rmcfeoõl hormetf (colmfc pisotovf), eigi ms hm mspmrfrsm, f gmhohf qum fugmltf cf pi`cfeoõl hm ulf zilf, fugmltf cis vofdms prihueohis hm mstf. Cf sobuomltm bræaoef gumstrf cf tmlhmleof colmfc hm cis hftis y eil msti cf eirrmcfeoõl qum tomlml mstfs vfrof`cms4 2>>> 1>>> =>>>    l    i    o    t    e    u     h    i    r    ^      p    o    r    X


5>>> 0>>> Xrop ^rihuetoil

6>>> > >







Aoburf 6. Brfaoef hm hospmrsoõl hm cis hftis mltrm cfs vfrof`cms pi`cfeoõl y vofdms.  vofdms.  

Hm airgf sogocfr, brfaoefgmltm cfs vfrof`cms fsieofhfs fc smxi hm cfs pmrsilfs y cis kibfrms, hmgumstrfl tmlmr ulf rmcfeoõl colmfc pisotovf eil cf bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms, cfs sobuomltms bræaoefs gumstrfl cf hospmrsoõl hm sus hftis y su tmlhmleof4 =


Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

  2>>> 1>>>     )    s =>>>    m    o    f    v     (    l 8>>>     õ    o    t    e    u     h 5>>>    i    r    ^    p    o 0>>>    r    X

Amgfcm Gfcm

6>>> > >







^i`cfeoõl (kf`otfltms)

Aoburf 0. Brfaoef hm hospmrsoõl hm cis hftis mltrm cfs vfrof`cms pi`cfeoõl amgmlolf y gfseucolf y vofdms.   vofdms. 2>>> 1>>>     )    s =>>>    m    o    f    v     (    l 8>>>     õ    o    t    e    u     h 5>>>    i    r    ^    p    o    r 0>>>    X


6>>> > >






^i`cfeoõl (Kibfrms)

Aoburf 5. Brfaoef hm hospmrsoõl hm cis hftis mltrm cfs vfrof`cms kibfrms y vofdms.  vofdms. 



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

  2>>> 1>>>     )    s =>>>    m    o    f    v     (    l 8>>>     õ    o    t    e    u     h 5>>>    i    r    ^    p    o    r 0>>>    X

6>>> Mgpciymh eovocofl pipucftoil 61+ > >







^i`cfeoõl (Kf`otfltms hm gæs hm 61 föis f öis eil mgpcmi.)

Aoburf 8. Brfaoef hm hospmrsoõl hm cis hftis mltrm cfs vfrof`cms mgpcmfhis gfyirms hm 61 föis y vofdms. 2>>> 1>>>     )    s    m =>>>    o    f    v     (    l 8>>>     õ    o    t    e    u     h 5>>>    i    r    ^    p    o 0>>>    r    X


KKYOleigm $6=>J-6??,?? $6=>J-6??,??? ?

> >






^i`cfeoõl (Kibfrms eil olbrmsis mltrm 6=> y 6?? goc hicfrms.)

Aoburf =. Brfaoef hm hospmrsoõl hm cis hftis mltrm cis vfrof`cms kibfrms eil olbrmsis mltrm 6=>goc y 6??goc hõcfrms flufcms y vofdms.

Eigi sm i`smrvõ ml cfs fltmroirms bræaoefs, mxostml vfcirms fcmdfhis hm cf tmlhmleof colmfc, sm pumhml ftro`uor f mrrirms hm cf mleumstf fc rmfcozfrcf, rmfcozfr cf, i sogpcmgmltm li tmlmr rmcfeo rmcfeoõl õl colmfc, eigi cf aoburf = qum smbôl cf ospmrsoõl hm cis hftis, sm i`smrvf qum li sm eirrmcfeoilfl colmfcgmltm, sol mg`frbi f eiltolufeoõl sm vmroaoefræ cf eirrmcfeoõl hm cfs vfof`cms gmhofltm mc flæcosos hm rmbrmsoilms4



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms


6)  ― Mcf`irfeoõl  Mcf`irfeoõl pripof Xf`cf 0. Eirrmcfeoõl hm vfrof`cms (hftf 6) ― OH

Mgpciymh KKYOlei KKYOlei KKYOlei KKYOlei KKYOlei KKYOlei KKYOlei KKYOleig KKYOleig Ol  Fvmrfbm  Fvmrfbm Ol KKY^m Xrop Kiusolb Kiusmkic   Fvmrfb  Fvmrfbm m ^ipuc  Amgf Gmhofl ^ipucft  KKY^mi gm $6>J- gm $6=J- gm $0=J- gm $5=J- gm $=>J- gm $2=J- m $6>>J- m $6=>Jgm UekYLurs eovocofl Afgocy ipcm Kiusmkic  Gfcm Frmf ^rihuet  ]lots hs KK Uozm ftoil cm  Fbm oil 6=+  pcm 36;  6??,??? 68?,??? ??,??? 28,??? 8?,??? 58,??? 08,??? 68,???  pipucftoi toi 3$6>J  mry/prmse   pipucf Uozm hs 1=+ oil

OH  Frmf Xrop Xrop ^r ^rih ihue ue toi toil l ^i ip puc ft ft oil Gfcm Amgfcm Gm mh h of l F bm bm ^ ip ip uc uc f ftt oi oi l 6 =+ =+ KKY ^m ^mi pc pc m 3 6 6; ; KKY ^m ^mi pc pc m 1 =+ =+

6,>> ->,>2 >,0? >,0? >, 5> 5> >,56 >,0? - >, >, >1 >1 > ,5 ,5 > > ,0 ,0 2 > ,6 ,6 2

6,>> >,>2 >,>2 >, 61 61 >,6? >,68 > ,6 ,6 = > ,6 ,6 8 > ,0 ,0 = > ,> ,> 6

6,>> 6,>> > ,,2 28 >, >,25 > ,,2 28 > ,> ,> 6 > ,2 ,2 8 > ,,1 1= > ,,= =8

6, >> >> > ,,? ?? >, ? ?? ? - >, >, >6 >6 > ,? ,? ? >, ?6 ?6 >, 2; 2;

6,>> >, >,?; -> -> ,> ,> = >,? ?? ? > ,; ,; ? > ,2 ,2 8

6,>> > ,> ,> 0 >,? ?; ; >, >, ?6 ?6 >, >, ;6 ;6

6 ,> ,> > - >, >, >0 >0 > ,> ,> ; > ,5 ,5 8

6 ,,> >> > ,; ,; = > ,2 ,2 ;

6 ,> ,> > > ,2 ,2 >

6 ,> ,>>

Ol Kius mk mkic hs hs Kiusmkichs  Fvmrfbm KK Uozm

>, 0? 0? >, 6? 6? >, 02 02 >, >? >? >,61 >,8>

>, 2> 2> > ,,2 26 >,>1

>, ?1 ?1 >, ?8 ?8 >,06

>, ?= ?= >, >, ?0 ?0 >,00

> ,? ,?2 >, ?8 ?8 >,0>

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6, >> >> >, ?2 ?2 >,08

6, >> >> >,>5

  >, 61 61 >, 08 08

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 Fvmrfbm Afgocy Uozm Kiuso lb lb ]lo tts s Ol UekYLursmry/prmsek iic Mgpciymh eovocofl   pipucftoil 61+ KKYOle ig igm 3 $ $6 6>J KKYOleigm $6>J  68,??? KKYOleigm $6=J  08,??? KKYOleigm $0=J  58,??? KKYOleigm $5=J  8?,??? KKYOleigm $=>J  28,??? KKYOleigm $2=J  ??,??? KKYOleigm $6>>J  68?,??? KKYOleigm $6=>J  6??,???



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6, >>

Cis vfcirms hm cf eirrmcfeoõl supmroir f >,2 sm eilsohmrfril qum mstæl colmfcgmltm hmpmlhomltms i sil vfrof`cms guy eirrmcfeoilfhfs, pir ci tflti li hm`mræl smr olecuohfs ml mc gihmci f rmfcozfr, hm`ohi f qum hosgoluoræl cf prmeosoõl hm cfs mstogfeoilms mametufhfs. Uol mg`frbi pfrf cfs vfrof`cms qum mstæl guy eirrmcfeoilfhfs mltrm sç, sm eilsohmrf qum pumhml smr mcogolfhfs hmc gihmci y mxpcoefhfs pir itrf vfrof`cm gæs rmprmsmltftovf. Ml cf fltmroir tf`cf sm i`smrvf qum cfs vfrof`cms fsieofhfs f cis lovmcms hm olbrmsis mltrm 0= goc 6=> goc hõcfrms mstæl guy eirrmcfeoilfhfs, fhmgæs hm cf pi`cfeoõl pir hoamrmltms rflbis hm mhfhms, pir ci qum sm hmeohm eilvmrtor mstfs vfrof`cms ml ulf ôloef qum rmôlf cis hftis hm mstfs ml ulf sicf vfrof`cm. ;



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

Um uloaoef cf vfrof`cm hm olbrmsis ml cis kibfrms, sugflhi cis olbrmsis mltrm 0= goc y 6=> goc hõcfrms pir kibfr, fhmgæs cfs vfrof`cms hm cf mhfh, sm uloaoefril ml pmrsilfs gfyirms hm 6= föis gmlis cis gfyirms hm 1= föis4 Xf`cf 5. Eirrmcfeoõl hm vfrof`cms (hftf 0) ― 0) ― Mcf`irfeoõl  Mcf`irfeoõl pripof  pripof   Frmf

Xrop ^rihuetoil

KKYOleigm KKYOleigm KKYOleigm KKYOleigm KKYOleigm Ol Mgpciymh ^i`cfeoõl < 6= KKYOleigm $6>J$6=Jeovocofl $0=J-$6=>J$0=J^ip ^ipucf ucftoi toil l Gmhofl mhofl Fbm föis mxempti Kiusmkichs UekYLursmr  3$6>J  y/prmsekiic   pipucftoil 61+ 68,??? 08,??? 68?,??? 6??,??? 58,??? < ;= föis

   Frmf Xrop ^ rihue t oil ^ipucft oil Gmhofl Fbm ^i`cfeoõl < 6= föis mxempti < ;= föis   Kius mkichs Ol

6,>>> >, >20 >, 618 >, 681

6, >>> >, 25; >, >65

6, >>> ->, >66

6, >>>

>, 682 >, >, >?>

>, 25? >, 26>

>, ??6 >, ?51

->,>51 >, >16

U e kYLurs meryovocofl / prms e kiic Mgpciymh pipucft oil 61+ KKYOle igm 3 $6>J KKYOleigm $6>J68,??? KKYOleigm $6=J08,??? KKYOleigm $0=J-$0=J--

>, >22

>, =06

>, 25=

>, 6>6

>, 11?

>, 1?1

6, >>>

>, 6?= ->, 05>

>, 20; >, >?5

>, ?1; >, 6>;

>, >;8 ->,=>=

>, ?10 >, >??

>, ?=> >, 080

>, 1?6 >, >?8

6, >>> >, >60

6, >>>

->, 620

>, 628

>, 086


>, 00?

>, 52?

>, 620

>, 688

>, ;=1

6, >>>

->, 61;

>, 866

>, =50


>, =01

>, 12>

>, 5=0

>, 8;>

>, 11>

>, 21;

6, >>> >, ?06

6, >>>

6, >>>

68?,???   KKYOleigm $6=>J6??, ??? KKYOleigm $0=J58,???

>, 6?8

>, 1?5

>, ?05

>, 058

>, ?6>

>, ?51

>, 126

>, ?28

->, >?0

>, >15

>, 80>

6, >>>

>, 66>

>, 8?0

>, 166

>, 5>8

>, 1>>

>, =;1

>, =1?

>, 1=2

->, 051

->, 620

>, >=>

>, 1=>

6, >>>

->, >85

>, =22

>, 268


>, 260

>, ;0;

>, 855

>, 25?

>, 501

>, 856

>, 256

>, 25;

>, 05;

Cumbi hm mcogolfhfs cfs vfrof`cms eirrmcfeoilfhfs, y uloaoefhfs ulfs hm mccfs, cf fltmroir tf`cf gumstrf qum cfs vfrof`cms qum mstæl eirrmcfeoilfhfs eil cis vofdms sil4 ^i`cfeoõl, pi`cfeoõl mltrm 6= y ;= föis, kf`otfltms hm gæs hm 61 föis eil mgpcmi y kibfrms. Um i`smrvf tfg`oïl qum cfs vfrof`cms eil ul eimaoeomltm hm eirrmcfeoõl gæs fctf eil rmspmeti f cf pi`cfeoõl sil4 kibfrms, hm gæs hm 61 föis eil m mgpcmi gpcmi y kibfrms eil olbrmsis mltrm $0=>>> $68?.???kf`otfltms (hõcfrms) flufcms. Xf`cf 8. Eirrmcfeoõl 8. Eirrmcfeoõl hm vfrof`cms (hftf 5) ― 5)  ― Mcf`irfeoõl  Mcf`irfeoõl pripof  pripof  Xrop Gmhofl  Fvmrfbm ^i`cfeoõl mltrm OH  Frmf ^ipucftoil Kiusmkichs ^rihuetoil  Fbm KK Uozm 6= y ;= föis OH 6 X rorop ^rihue ttooil >,0? 6  F  Frmf rmf ->,>2 >,>2 6 ^ipucftoil >,5 >,28 >,61 6 G mhofl Fbm ->,>1 >,>6 >,6= ->,>6 6 Kiusmkichs >,02 >,26 >,>? >,?8 >,>1 6  F  Fvvmrfbm KK U Uoz ozmm >,61 >,>1 >,8 >,06 >,66   >,>5   6 ^i`cfeoõl mltrm >,5 >,28 >,61 6 ->,>6 >,?5   >,0   6 6= y ;= föis




Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

Xf`cf =. Eirrmcfeoõl hm vfrof`cms (hftf 8) ― 8) ― Mcf`irfeoõl  Mcf`irfeoõl pripof  pripof   Frmf

 F  Frmf rmf

Gfcm Gf cm


^ipu ^ipuccfto ftoil Gfcm fcm Amgfcm fcm

Gmhofl  Fbm


 Fvmrfbm KK Uozm


Xr Xrop op ^rihuet etooil >,>20 ^ipucft cftoil oil



>,618 >,25;86;1;=


>,6;1 >,250;=?66= >,??5=8>82


Amgf Amgfcm cm

>,680 >,25=6 25=6>= >=6? 6?== >>,,??8= ??8=0; 0;668 >,?21


Gmho Gm hofl fl Fbm

>,68 >, 6811 >,>6 >,>601 015? 5?52 5266 ->,>6 >,>666 66?= ?=52 52 ->,>= >,>=

>, >,>0 >066

Kius Kiusmmkich kichss

>,>? >,26>> 26>>>? >?;0 ;0;;

>,?5 >,?5118= 8=?= ?=


>,?62 >>,,?886 ?886 >, >,>1 >1>>28

 Fv  Fvmrfbm KK Uoz Uozmm >,8>8 >,>1>6851;5 >,0602?682 >,006 >,0>02


6 >,>0;??2=2


^ir ci qum sm pumhm eilecuor, qum mltrm mstfs vfrof`cms sm pumhm mcmbor ul gihmci qum rmprmsmltm guy `oml mc lôgmri hm vofdms.



Gihmc Gihmcis is rmfcozfhis

Um rmfcozõ rmbrmsoõl colmfc eil hoamrmltms vfrof`cms y sm i`smrvõ qum4 Mltrm gæs vfrof`cms, mc eimaoeomltm A tmlçf vfcirms gmlirms, qum cis eimaoeomltms hm guekfs vfrof`cms somgprm aumril lmbftovfs, pir ci qum tmlomlhi ml eumltf ci kfccfhi hmc flæcosos fltmroir, sm smcmeeoilfl cis sobuomltms gihmcis, cis eufcms mstæl eilairgms pir 8 vfrof`cms qum li tomlml eirrmcfeoõl mltrm sç (eirrmcfeoõl gmlirms fc 2>%) y sil4 ærmf, mhfh prigmhoi, tfgföi prigmhoi hm kibfr, tfgföi prigmhoi hm afgocofs. Dulti eil mstfs vfrof`cms sm flfcozfræ eil ulf vfrof`cm qum so mstï eirrmcfeoilfhf eigi cf pi`cfeoõl, cis kibfrms, mhfh mltrm 6= y ;= föis y kibfrms eil olbrmsis mltrm $0=>>> $68?.??? (hõcfrms) flufcms. Xf`cf 1. Gihmcis rmfcozfhis smcmeeoilfhis pfrf flfcozfr - Mcf`irfeoõl pripof.  pripof. 

G ihmc i 6 G ihmc i 0 Gihmc Gih mcii 5 Gihmc Gih mcii 8

Frmf Frmf Frmf Frmf

6.5.. 6.5

G mhofl Fbm G mhofl Fbm Gmh Gmhof ofll F Fbm bm Gmhof Gmhofll Fbm

Fvmrfbm KK Uozm Fvmrfbm KK Uozm Fvmrfb mrfbmm K KK KU Uoz ozmm Fvmrfb mrfbmm KK Uozm ozm

Fvmrfbm Afg ocy Uozm ^ipucftoil Fvmrfbm Afg ocy Uozm Kiusmkichs Fvmrfb mrfbmm Af Afgoc gocyy Uozm ozm ^i`cf i`cfeoõ eoõll mmlt ltrm rm 6= y ;= föis föis Fvmrfb mrfbmm Afgoc Afgocyy Uozm ozm KK KKYO YOlei leigm gm $0=J $0=J---68 68?, ?,?? ????

Flæc Flæcos os os hm rmbr msoõl

Ml mstm flæcosos hm rmbrmsoõl colmfc rmfcozfhi, sm hmsfrriccõ gihmcis hm rmbrmsoõl voleucflhi cf prihueeoõl hm vofdms (vofdms/hçf) f cfs vfrof`cms olhmpmlhomltms gmleoilfhfs fltmroirgmltm, sm pri`õ eil hoamrmltms eig`olfeoilms y tmlomlhi cfs sobuomltms eilsohmrfeoilms oloeofcms4 -  Cis eimaoeomltms fsieofhis f efhf ulf hm cfs vfrof`cms f olecuor ml cis gihmcis, li

pihræl fsugor vfcirms lmbftovis. Eil mxempeoõl hmc eisti y mc tomgpi qum sil eilemptufcgmltm væcohis qum tmlbfl eimaoeomltms lmbftovis. -  Um utocozf lovmc hm eilaoflzf ?=% -  Um mgpcmf ul oltmrempti obufc f emri pfrf qum li sm ermml eilstfltms qum hm vfcirms hm vofdms sol vfrofeoilms ml cfs hmgæs vfrof`cms. -  Cis vfcirms hm cfs vfrof`cms [, li pumhml smr mstieæstoeis 6>



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

Gihmci 6. Eigi progmr gihmci sm flfcozõ cf rmbrmsoõl colmfc mltrm cfs vfrof`cms Mhfh Gmhof, Xfgföi prigmhoi hmc kibfr, Xfgföi prigmhoi hm Afgocofs, ærmf y pi`cfeoõl. Eil fyuhf hmc flæcosos hm hftis hmc pribrfgf hm Iaaoem Mxemc 0>65, sm flfcozõ gmhofltm ulf rmbrmsoõl colmfc gôctopcm y cfs sobuomltms tf`cfs prmsmltfl cis rmsuctfhis i`tmlohis4 M stfhçstoe stfhçstoe fs hm cf rmb rmso õl Ei Eima maoeom oeomltm ltm hm eir eirrm rmcfeo cfeoõl õl gô gôctop ctopcm cm >,? >,?5 5 Eimaoeomltm hm hmtmrgolfeoõl P\0 >,;1 P\0 fdus tfhi >,;= Mrrir tçpoei ?;0,?; I`s mrvfeoilms 682,>>  F LÆ COU CO U OU HM Q F P OF LTF

Brfhis hm co`mrtfh 

 U ugf hm eufhrfhis

^rigmhoi hm cis eufhrfhis

1 686 682

;155658=5,1 65108>0?0,2 ???==5281,5

68 685;;==2=,1 ?11085,0 ,06 66

Pmbrmso soõ õl Pmso soh huis Xitfc

Olt mre mpe oõl    Frmf ^ipucft oil Gmhofl Fbm  Fvmrf  Fvmrfbm bm KK Uozm   Kiusmkichs    Fvmrf  Fvmrfbm bm Afgocy Uozm

>, >> -6,?; >, 18 66, ;? -15>,65 ->,>? 0?2,52 0?2,52



Qfcir erçtoei hm A 

68;,? ,?6 60

5,0 ,08 8516M-= M-=;

Olamroir Mstfhçstoei ^ri`f`ocohfh  ?=% t 

Mrrir tçpoei


#L/F 1,22   >, 61 65, 26 815,0;   >,5;   510,61 510,61

#L/ F ->,0? 5, ?= >, ;2 -6,51 ->,0= >,;0



#L/ F >, 22 >, >> >, 5? >,6 ,6; ; >, ;6 >,86

#L/ F -6=,52 >, 50 -6=,06 -6=81,> ,>> > ->,;= -86 -86;,=; ;,=;

 U upmro ir ?=% #L/ F 66, 86 >, ?1 5;, ?? 0;=,2 ,2= = >, 11 6>6 6>65,55 5,55

Olamroir ?=,>% #L/F -6=, 52 >, 50 -6=, 06 -6=81,> ,>> > ->, ;= -86 -86;,=; ;,=;

 U upmro ir ?=,>% #L/ F 66, 86 >, ?1 5;, ?? 0;=,2 ,2= = >, 11 6>65,55 6>65,55

Eigi rmsuctfhi hm cf rmbrmsoõl sm prmsmltf cf meufeoõl4

>,>?  + 0?2,52ö  15>,65 ö  66,;?   >.18         7 6,?;   + (>,0?)   + (5,?= (>,0= ( ) (>,;0 ( ) ) >,0=)) 6,51) 6,51 >,;0)) >,;2) >,;2 5,?=) A4 68;,?0 y P04 >,;1 0

Eigi sm i`smrvf mc eimaoeomltm P  ms gmlir f 6 (>,;1), mc eimaoeomltm A ms obufc f 68;,?0 Hm cf fltmroir meufeoõl gumstrf qum mc eimaoeomltm fsieofhi f cfs vfrof`cms ærmf, kibfrms, y tfgföi prigmhoi hm cis kibfrms ms lmbftovi, hm feumrhi eil cfs eilsohmrfeoilms oloeofcms mstfs vfrof`cms hm`mræl smr mxecuohfs hmc gihmci pumsti qum li prmsmltfl eilsostmleof eil cf rmfcohfh. Xfg`oïl sm i`smrvf qum mc vfcir hmc mstfhçstoei t pfrf tihfs cfs vfrof`cms mxempti pi`cfeoõl, mhfh gmhof y tfgföi prigmhoi hm cfs afgocofs, mc t ms olamroir f |6.?1| ci eufc olhoef qum cfs vfrof`cms li sil rmprmsmltftovfs pfrf mc gihmci pfrf mc brfhi hm eilaoflzf fsugohi ml mc gihmci oloeofcgmltm (?=%).




Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

 F eiltolufeoõl sm eirrm lumvfgmltm mc gihmci mcogolflhi cf vfrof`cm –Fvmrfbm KK Uozm‗ ―  tfgföi prigmhoi hm cis kibfrms qum li ms eilemptufcgmltm væcohfs pirqum tomlm mc eimaoeomltm gmlir f emri lo mstfhçstoefgmltm sobloaoeftovfs (t gmlir f |6.?1|). Cfs sobuomltms tf`cfs prmsmltfl cis rmsuctfhis hmc gihmci 6.64 M stfhçstoe stfhçstoe fs hm cf rmb rmso õl Ei Eima maoeom oeomltm ltm hm eir eirrm rmcfeo cfeoõl õl gô gôctop ctopcm cm >,?5 >,?5 Eimaoeomltm hm hmtmrgolfeoõl P\0 >,;1 P\0 fdus tfhi >,;= Mrrir tçpoe i ?;=,?6 I`s mrvfeoilms 682,>>  F LÆ C OU OU HM Q F P OF LTF Brfhis hm  U ugf hm co`mrtfh  eufhrfhis Pmbrms oõl Pms oh ohuis

= 680

;16=0=?6> 65;>02;52

^rigmhoi hm cis eufhrfhis 6205>=6;0 ?20>02,>6;0

Qfcir erç toei hm A 

  622,015;   =,2==1M-=?



???==5281 Olamroir  U upmro ir M stfhçstoe stfhçstoe i ^ri`f`ocohfh  ?=% ?=% t 

Eimaoeom Eim aoeomlt ltm ms Mrrir tçp tçpoei oei Oltmrempeoõl  Frmf ^ipucftoil Gmhofl Fbm Kius mkichs


>,>>> -8,?=? >,=61 2,85= >,6?0


 Fvmrf  Fvmrfbm bm Afg Afgocy ocy Uoz m   -650,??>


#L/F 1,80? >,65= 65,5=> >,506 621,260


#L/F ->,226 5,;0= >,==2 >,=?;




Olamroir  U upmro ir ?=,>% ?=,>%


#L/F >,880 >,>>> >,= ,=2 2; >,==6

#L/F -62,11? >,08? -6;,? ,?= == ->,880

#L/F 2, 2 2= => >,2;5 55,; ,;0 0= >,;01

#L/F -62,11? >,08? -6;,?= ,?== ->,880

#L/F 2, 2 2= => >,2;5 55,; ,;0 0= >,;01


>, >,8= 8=5 5

-8; 8;0, 0,56 561 1

06 061, 1,5 551

-8 -8;0 ;0,5 ,561 61

061, 061,55 551 1


Eigi rmsuctfhi hm cf rmbrmsoõl sm prmsmltf cf meufeoõl4

 650,?ö    >.=0 2,85  >,6?0  7 8,?= (>,22 (>.2=) >,22))   + (5,;0)   + (>,=1)   + (>,=? >,=?))    A4 622,0 y P04 >,;1  Fulqum mc A fugmltõ fugmltõ,, sm sobum prmsml prmsmltfhi tfhi vfrof`cms qum li sil mstfhç mstfhçstoefgmltm stoefgmltm sobloaoeftovfs, eil eimaoeomltms gmlirms f >. F eiltolufeoõl sm eirrm lumvfgmltm mc gihmci mcogolflhi cf vfrof`cm –Fvmrfbm Afgocy Uozm‗ ― tfgföi ― tfgföi prigmhoi hm cfs afgocofs qum li ms eilemptufcgmltm væcohfs pirqum tomlm mc eimaoeomltm gmlir f emri lo mstfhçstoefgml mstfhçstoefgmltm tm sobloaoeftovfs (t gmlir f |6.?1|). Cfs sobuomltms tf`cfs prmsmltfl cis rmsuctfhis hmc gihmci 6.04 M stfhçstoe stfhçstoe fs hm cf rmb rmso õl Eima Eimaoeom oeomltm ltm hm eir eirrm rmcfeo cfeoõl õl gô gôctop ctopcm cm Eimaoeo Eima oeomltm mltm hm hmt hmtmrgolfeoõl mrgolfeoõl P\0 P\0 fdus tfhi Mrrir tçpoe i I`s mrvfe oilms

>,?5 >,?5 >,;1 >,;= ?;8,80 682,>>




Pmbrmsoõl Pmsohuis Xitfc

 F LÆ C OU OU HM Q F P OF LTF Qfcir Brfhis hm  U ugf hm ^rigmhoi hm A  erç toei hm A  co`mrtfh  eufhrfhis cis eufhrfhis 8 ;1>?2=521 06=085;88   000,660   8,;>51M-1> 685 65;=2;52> ? ?1 1?>2?,=65= 682 ???==5281

Eimaoeomltms Oltmrempeoõl  Frmf   ^ipucftoil Gmhofl Fbm   Kiusmkichs

>, >>> -8,1>2 >, 8;5 -6,?>8 >, 082

Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms


Mrrir tçpoei #L/F 1,8>0 >,602 8,?6= >,566

Olamroir  U upmro ir Olamroir  U upmro ir M st stf fhçstoei ^ri`f`ocohfh  ?=% ?=% ?=,>% ?=,>% t     

#L/F ->,26? 5,2?5 ->,5;2 >,2?=


#L/ F >,825 >,>>> >,1?? >,80;

Eigi rmsuctfhi hm cf rmbrmsoõl sm prmsmltf cf meufeoõl4

#L/F -62,010 >,056 -66,16? ->,51;

#L/F ;,>8? >,258 2,;66 >,;15

#L/F -62,010 >,056 -66,16? ->,51;

#L/ F ;,>8? >,258 2,;66 >,;15

>,08    6,?    >,8;   7 8,1 (>,20)   + (5,2? >,2?)) >,5;))   + (>,2? 5,2?))    (>,5; A4 000,6 y P04 >,;1  Fulqum mc A fugmltõ fugmltõ,, sm sobum prmsml prmsmltfhi tfhi vfrof`cms qum li sil mstfhç mstfhçstoefgmltm stoefgmltm sobloaoeftovfs, eil eimaoeomltms gmlirms f >. Ml mstm gihmci fulqum cf mhfh gmhof sm mstf`f eigpirtflhi eigi ulf vfrof`cm sobloaoeftovf, ml mstm gihmci yf prmsmltf vfcir lmbftovi ml mc eimaoeomltm, pmri ms pri`f`cm qum eil itri gihmci, mstf vfrof`cm pumhf smr eilemptufcgmltm væcohf.  F mstm pulti sm pumhm i`smrvfr y eilecuor, qum cfs vfrof`cms, pi`cfeoõl y kibfrms, sil cfs proleopfcms y qum gmdir sm fdustfl, pir ci qum pfrf mc gihmci 6, smbuormgis mvfcuflhi cfs vfrof`cms eirrmcfeoilfhfs f cf pi`cfeoõl y mc gihmci 0 f cis kibfrms.  F eiltolufeoõl eiltolufeoõl sm eirrm lumvfgm lumvfgmltm ltm mc gihmci mcogolflhi mcogolflhi cf vfrof`cm –Fvmrf –Fvmrfbm bm Afgocy Uozm‗  ―  ―   tfgföi prigmhoi hm cfs afgocofs qum li ms eilemptufcgmltm væcohfs pirqum tomlm mc eimaoeomltm gmlir f emri lo mstfhçstoefgmltm sobloaoeftovfs (t gmlir f |6.?1|). Cfs sobuomltms tf`cfs prmsmltfl cis rmsuctfhis hmc gihmci 6.54 Eimaoe Eim aoeoml omlttms Mrrir tçpoei tçpoei Oltmrempeoõl  Frmf ^ipucftoil Gmhofl Fbm

>,>> -5,;> >,1> 6=,>>

#L/F 1,5= >,>8 66,=6

 Fv  Fvmrf mrfbm bm KK Uozm

-5>=,?2 -5>=,?2


Mstfhçst Mstfhçstoei oei t ^ri`f ^ri`f`oc `ocohf ohfh h Ol Olam amroir roir ? ?=% =% upm upmroir ? ?=%Ola =%Olam mroir ? ?=, =,>% >% Uupm Uupmroir roir ? ?=,> =,>% % #L/F  


65,88 6,5>  



#L/F >,== >,>> >,6?

#L/F -61,5= >,=6 -2,21

#L/F ;,2= >,1? 52,21

#L/F -61,5= >,=6 -2,21

#L/F ;,2= >,1? 52,21






 F LÆ COU OU HM QF P OF LTF ^rigmhoi hm  U ugf hm Qfcir cis A  eufhrfhis erç toei hm A  eufhrfhis ;101=108=,= 06=118>16,8   00=,02228;1   0,>06;M-1> 65 651 1;?2= ;?2=> >>,; >,; ? ?=2 =250 50= =,6;> ,6;>1 1 ???==5281,5

B rfhis hm co`mrtfh  Pmbrmso soõ õl Pms msoh ohu uis Xitfc


8 685 682




Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

M stfhçstoe stfhçstoe fs hm cf rmb rmso õl Eimaoeom oeomltm hm ei eirrrmcfeoõ cfeoõl l gô gôcto ctop pcm Eimaoeo Eima oeomltm mltm hm hmtmrgolfe hmtmrgolfeoõl oõl P\0 P\0 fdus tfhi Mrrir tçpoe i I`s mrvfe oilms

>,?5 ,?5 >,;1 >,;= ?2;,85 682,>>

Eigi rmsuctfhi hm cf rmbrmsoõl sm prmsmltf cf meufeoõl4

6=.>>  5>=.?2 ö    + >.1>    +     7 5.;> (>.1> >.1>)) (65.88 (6.5> (6.== 65.88)) 6.5>)) 6.==)) A4 00=,0; y P0 4>,;1 Eigi sm i`smrvf mc eimaoeomltm P0 ms gmlir f 6 (>,;1), mc eimaoeomltm A ms obufc f 00=,0;. Hm cf fltmroir meufeoõl gumstrf qum mc eimaoeomltm fsieofhi f cfs vfrof`cms ærmf y tfgföi

prigmhoi hm cis kibfrms ms lmbftovi, hm feumrhi eil cfs eilsohmrfeoilms oloeofcms mstfs vfrof`cms hm`mræl smr mxecuohfs hmc gihmci pumsti qum li prmsmltfl eilsostmleof eil cf rmfcohfh. Xfg`oïl sm i`smrvf qum mc vfcir hmc mstfhçstoei t pfrf tihfs cfs vfrof`cms mxempti pi`cfeoõl ms olamroir f |6.?1| ci eufc olhoef qum cfs vfrof`cms li sil rmprmsmltftovfs pfrf mc gihmci pfrf mc brfhi hm eilaoflzf fsugohi ml mc gihmci oloeofcgmltm (?=%).  F eiltolufeo eiltolufeoõl õl sm eirrm lumvfgm lumvfgmltm ltm mc gihmci mcogolflhi cf vfrof`cm Ærmf qum li ms eilemptufcgmltm væcohfs pirqum tomlm mc eimaoeomltm gmlir f emri lo mstfhçstoefgml mstfhçstoefgmltm tm sobloaoeftovfs (t gmlir f |6.?1|). Cfs sobuomltms tf`cfs prmsmltfl cis rmsuctfhis hmc gihmci 6.84 Mstfhçstoei Olamroir  U upmro ir ^ri`f`ocohfh  t  ?=% ?=%

Eimaoeom Eim aoeomlt ltm ms M rrir tçpoei tçpoei Oltmrempeoõl ^ipucftoil Gmhofl Fbm  Fv  Fvmrf mrfbm bm KK Uozm

>,>> >,1> 6=,;6 -502 -502,;6 ,;6

#L/F >,>8 66,86 6?5,; 6?5,;; ;








#L/F >,>> >,62 >,>?

 F LÆ C OU OU HM Q F P OF LTF ^rigmhoi B rfhis hm  U ugf hm hm cis co`mrtfh  eufhrfhis eufhrfhis Pmbrmsoõl Pms oh ohuis

5 688

;10565>28 65208>125




#L/F >,=6 -1,28 -266,>8

#L/F >,1? 5;,51 ==,86

Olamroir  U upmro ir ?=,>% ?=,>% #L/F >,=6 -1,28 -266,>8

#L/F >,1? 5;,51 ==,86

Qfcir erçtoei hm A 

0;28521?6   5>6,=?8=   6,0;66M-16 ?=5>1>, 00 002

Mstfhçstoefs hm cf rmbrmsoõl Eima Eimaoeom oeomltm ltm hm eir eirrm rmcfeoõ cfeoõl l gô gôctop ctopcm cm Eimaoeomltm hm hmtmrgolfeoõl P\0 P\0 fdustfhi Mrrir tçpoe i I`s mrvfe oilms

>,?5 >,?5   >,;1 >,;= ?21,0= 682,>>

Eigi rmsuctfhi hm cf rmbrmsoõl sm prmsmltf cf meufeoõl4 68



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

502,; ö  6=,;6       +  7 >.1> ( (6,1? (6.5? 6,1?)) 65.8=)) 65.8= 6.5?)) A4 5>6,1 y P0 4>,;1 Eigi sm i`smrvf mc eimaoeomltm P0 ms gmlir f 6 (>,;1), mc eimaoeomltm A ms obufc f 5>6,1, eil mstm gihmci sm fugmltõ mc A. Uogocfr fc flæcosos rmfcozfhi pfrf mc gihmci 6, sm i`smrvf qum pfrf mstm gihmci cfs vfrof`cms Mhfh Gmhof f y tfgföi prigmhoi hm cis kibfrms li sil mstfhçstoefgmltm sobloaoeftovfs, fhoeoilfcgmltm cf vfrof`cm tfgföi prigmhoi hm cis kibfrms li ms eilemptufcgmltm væcohf.  F eiltolufeoõl eiltolufeoõl sm eirrm lumvfgmltm mc gihmci mcogolflhi cf vfrof`cm tfgföi prigmhoi hm cis kibfrms qum li ms eilemptufcgmltm væcohf pirqum tomlm mc eimaoeomltm gmlir f emri lo mstfhçstoefgmltm sobloaoeftovfs (t gmlir f |6.?1|). Ms hmeor sm rmfcozf ulf rmbrmsoõl colmfc gôctopcm eil his vfrof`cms [. Cfs sobuomltms tf`cfs prmsmltfl cis rmsuctfhis hmc gihmci 6.=4

Oltmre mpe oõl ^ ipucftoil Gmhofl Fbm


Mrrir tçpoei

>, >> >, =2 -6,20

#L/F >, >8 8,2?



Pmbrms oõ oõl Pmso soh huis Xitfc

Mstfhçstoei ^ri`f`ocohfh  t  #L/F    

65,25 ->,51

Olamroir ?=%

#L/ F >,>> >,20


#L/F >,8? -66, 6;

Brfhis hm

 F LÆ C OU OU HM Q F P OF LTF LT F ^rigmhoi  U ugf hm hm cis

co`mrtfh  0 68= 682

eufhrfhis ;=?=;;=2> 65??1=621 ???==5281

 U upmro ir ?=% #L/F >, 11 2, 2=

Olamroir  U upmro ir ?=,>% ?=,>% #L/ F >,8? -66, 6;

#L/ F >,11 2,2=


erç toei hm A  eufhrfhis 80?2?80;=   88=,0=8;58=   0,6?5?M-10 ?1=022,>2 ,>22

M stfhçstoe stfhçstoe fs hm cf rmb rmso õl Eima imaoeom oeoml ltm h hm m ei eirr rrmc mcfeo feoõl õl gôc gôctop topcm cm Eimaoeo Eima oeomltm mltm hm hmtmrgolfe hmtmrgolfeoõl oõl P\0 P\0 fdus tfhi Mrrir tçpoei I`smrvfeoilms

>,?5 ,?5 >,;1 >,;= ?;0,8? 682,>>

Eigi rmsuctfhi hm cf rmbrmsoõl sm prmsmltf cf meufeoõl4

6,20    7 >,=2 (    (>,51 65,25)) 65,25 >,51)) A4 88=,0= y P04 >,;1 Eil mstm lumvi gihmci, cf vfrof`cm –Mhfh gmhof‗ sm eilvortoõ ml ulf vfrof`cm eilemptufcgmltm olvæcohf y li ms mstfhçstoefgmltm sobloaoeftovf, hm`ohi f su eimaoeomltm y mc mstfhçstoei t. Xfg`oïl sm i`smrvf qum sil sici his vfrof`cms ml [, mc A hm Aoskmr fugmltõ eilsohmrf`cmgmltm eil rmspmeti fc progmr gihmci bmlmrfhi. 6=



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

^ir ci fltmroir, lumvfgmltm sm eirrmræ mc gihmci 6.1 quotflhi cf vfrof`cm Mhfh Gmhof y rmfcozflhi cf rmbrmsoõl colmfc mltrm cfs his vfrof`cms pi`cfeoõl y prihueeoõl hm vofdms, cfs sobuomltms tf`cfs gumstrfl ci i`tmlohi4 Mstfhçstoei Olamroir  U upmro ir Olamroir ^ri`f`ocohfh  t  ?=% ?=% ?=,>%

Eimaoeom Eim aoeomlt ltm ms M rrir tçpoei Olt mre mpeoõl ^ipucftoil


>,>> >,=1


#L/ F >,>0




#L/ F >,>>

 F L COU CO U OU HM Q F P OF LTF ^rigmhoi Brfhis hm  U ugf hm co`mrtfh  eufhrfhis eufhrfhis hm cis Pmbrms ooõ õl Pms ooh huis Xit fc

6 681 682

;=?818=52 68>>;?0>? ???==5281

#L/ F >, =0

#L/ F >,1>

Qfcir A 

erçtoei hm A 

;=?818=52   ;?=,20;>   1,0M-18 ?=?=6=,6 ,65 55

#L/ F >, =0

 U upmro ir ?=,>% #L/ F >,1>

M stfhçstoe stfhçstoe fs hm cf rmb rmso õl Ei Eima maoeom oeomltm ltm hm eir eirrm rmcf cfeoõl eoõl gô gôctop ctopcm cm Eimaoeo Eima oeomltm mltm hm hmtmrgolfe hmtmrgolfeoõl oõl P\0 P\0 fdus tfhi Mrrir tçpoei I`smrvfeoilms

>,? >,?5 5 >,;1 >,;= ?2?,== 682,>>

Eigi rmsuctfhi hm cf rmbrmsoõl sm prmsmltf cf meufeoõl4

 7 >,=1 ( 0?,?5))   0?,?5 A4 ;?=,25 y P0 4>,;1

^frf vmr mc eigpirtfgomlti hm cis hftis, cf sobuomltm bræaoef hm rmsohuis, gumstrf su eigpirtfgomlti tmlomlhi ml eumltf cis vfcirms hm cis vofdms i`smrvfhis y mspmrfhis gmhofltm mc gihmci i`tmlohi4




Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

^ipucftoil Bræaoei Bræaoei hm cis rmsohufcms 0>>> 6=>> 6>>>    s    i    u     h    o    s    m    P

=>> > -=>> >





-6>>> -6=>> -0>>>


Aoburf 1. Hospmrsoõl hm hftis rmsohufcms vofdms vs pi`cfeoõl  pi`cfeoõl 


Um i`smrvf hm mstf bræaoef, qum cis rmsohuis li tomlml ulf tmlhmleof sostmgætoef pir su hostro`ueoõl, li sm pumhm hmsefrtfr cf kopõtmsos hm ul gihmci kigiemhæstoei, ms hmeor, cfs vfroflzfs hm cis rmsohuis sil eilstfltms. Gihmci 0. ^frf mstm gihmci, sm flfcozfræ cfs vfrof`cms Mhfh gmhof, Xfgföi prigmhoi hm kibfr, Ærmf, Kibfrms y tfgföi prigmhoi hm cis kibfrms. M stfhçstoe stfhçstoe fs hm cf rmb rmso õl

Eima Eimaoeom oeomltm ltm hm eir eirrm rmcf cfeoõl eoõl gô gôctop ctopcm cm >,?0 >,?0 >,;= Eimaoeo Eima oeomltm mltm hm hmtmrgolfe hmtmrgolfeoõl oõl P\0 P\0 fdus tfhi >,;8 Mrrir tçpoe i 6>50,6= I`s mrvfe oilms 682,>>  F LÆ C OU OU HM Q F P OF LTF Brfhis hm  U ugf hm co`mrtfh  eufhrfhis Pmbrmsoõl Pms oh ohuis Xitfc

= 680 682

Eimaoeomltms Olt mre mpe oõl >,>>  Frmf   -6,2>   -1,?5 Gmhofl Fbm Kius mkichs 6,51  Fv  Fvmrfb mrfbm m Afgocy Uozm   -0>1,21  Fv  Fvmrfb mrfbm m KK Uozm 5;=,25


;8;02=058 6=602;=60 ???==5281

Mrrir tçpoei

^rigmhoi hm cis eufhrfhis

Qfcir erç toei hm A 

6 1? 1?1==>81,;   6=?,0= 6>1=586, 1 15 52



Olamroir  U upmro upmroir ir M stfhçstoei stfhçstoei ^ri`f`ocohfh  ?=% ?=% t 

#L/F 2,66   65,8?   >,66 5==,;6   8>8,5?

#L/F ->,08 ->,=6 60, >; ->,=; >,?=


#L/F >,;6 >,16 >,>> >,=1 >,58

#L/ F -6=,21 -55,1> 6,65 -?6>,68 -865 -865,1; ,1;

Olamroir ?=,>%

 U upmro ir ?=,>%

#L/F -6=,21 -55,1> 6,65 -?6>,68 -865,1; -865,1;

#L/F 60,51 6?,28 6,=; 8?1,16 66;= 66;=,68 ,68

#L/F 60,51 6?,28 6,=; 8?1,16 66;=,68




Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

Eigi rmsuctfhi hm cf rmbrmsoõl sm prmsmltf cf meufeoõl4

6,51    0>1,2 ö 5;=,2 ö     1,?5    +  7 6,2   + (>,08 ) (>,?=) (>.=;) (60,>; (>,=6) >,08) 60,>;)) A4 6=?,0 y P04 >,;= Uogocfr fc efsi hm cfs vfrofeoilms hmc gihmci 6, sm i`smrvf qum cfs vfrof`cms mhfh gmhof, ærmf y tfgföi prigmhoi hm cfs afgocofs, rmsuctfl eilemptufcgmltm olvfcohfs y mstfhçstoefgmltm li rmprmsmltfl fc gihmci. Ml efhf vfrofeoõl hmc gihmci sm `useõ hmdfr cfs vfrof`cms eilemptufcgmltm væcohfs y mstfhçstoefgmltm sobloaoeftovfs. Ml cf sobuomltm tf`cf sm prmsmltfl cis rmsuctfhis hm cfs rmbrmsoilms rmfcozfhfs pfrf efhf efsi, fsç eigi cfs i`smrvfeoilms f efhf gihmci i`tmlohi. Gihmcis

Xf`cf 2. Pmbrmsoilms colmfcms rmfcozfhfs, vfrofeoilms fc gihmci 0. Meufeoõl hm cf rmbrmsoõl



0 0.6 0.0 0.5 0.8 0.=

 5;=,2 ö  6=?,0  6,51    0>1,2 ö    1,?5    +  7 6,2   + (>,08) (60,>; (>,= (>,?= (>.=; 60,>;)) >,=)) >,?=)) >.=;))  6;6,> ö 6,58   6>,>;   >,0;     7 (>,>8 6??,? (>,?) (>,;)   + (60,0)   + >,>8))      6,50   + 55,8= ö   7 >,51 011,?0 (>,>= (>,8) >,>=))   + (60,02 60,02)) 6,51   >,6=   7 6,>6 011,=1 (>,6=)   + (>,>5)   + (60,1)     + 6,51    7 6,>= 8>0,10 (>,61) (0=,01)  6,51?  ;6>,10  7 (0;,82)   ^frf mc gihmci 0.=, qum tomlm cis gmdirms eimaoeomltms hm eirrmcfeoõl eigi mc A gæs brflhm y cf t gfyir f |6.?1|, f mstm gihmci sm flfcozfræ so ms ul kigisemhæstoei i kmtmriemhæstoei4 8>>>

Kiusmkichs Bræaoei hm cis rmsohufcms

5>>> 0>>>    s    i    u     h    o    s    m    P













-6>>> -0>>> Kiusmkichs -5>>>

Aoburf 2. Hospmrsoõl hm cis hftis rmsohufcms vofdms vs kibfrms.  kibfrms. 

Cis rmsuctfhis li prmsmltfl ulf hostro`ueoõl –hmsirhmlfhf‗ ms hmeor tomlm vfcirms frro`f y hm`fdi hm cf cçlmf hm emri, sol mg`frbi sm i`smrvf gæs hftis pir mleogf hmc emri m olecusi 6;



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

sm i`smrvfl vfcirms hospmrsis qum pumhml rmamrorsm f mrrirms ml cf tigf hm cis hftis ml cf mleumstf. Eil ci fltmroir li sm pumhm hmsefrtfr qum smf ul gihmci kigiemhæstoei. Gihmci 5. Um flfcozf f eiltolufeoõl ul gihmci qum eiltmlbf, Ærmf, Mhfh Gmhof, tfgföi prigmhoi hm cis kibfrms, tfgföi prigmhoi hm cfs afgocofs y ulf vfrof`cm fdustfhf mltrm itrfs eirrmcfeoilfhfs eirrmcfeo ilfhfs qum ms cf ^i`cfeoõl mltrm 6= y ;= föis, mstf ôctogf vfrof`cm sm fdustõ, usflhi usfl hi cf vfrof`cm –^ipucftoil 6=+‗ y –Fbm ;=+‗, hm`ohi hm`oh i f qum sm i`smrvõ qum mstæl gæs eirrmcfeoilfhis cis vofdms hm cfs pmrsilfs ml mc brupi hm msfs mhfhms y li cfs gmlirms hm 6= föis y gfyirms hm 1= föis. Cf vfrof`cm –pi`cfeoõl mltrm 6= y ;= föis‗ ms cf rmstf hm –^i`cfeoõl gfyir hm 6= föis‗ y –pi`cfeoõl gfyir hm ;= föis‗, cf sobuomltm tf`cf gumstrf ul mdmgpci hm cf vfrof`cm y cis hftis i`tmlohis pfrf mstf4 Xf`cf ;. Mdmgpci hm cf i`tmleoõl hm cf vfrof`cm uloaoefhf –pi`cfeoõl mltrm 6= y ;= föis‗  föis‗  

^i`cfeoõl hm gæs

>,;= >,;= >,;= >,;= >,;= >,;=

52>??06= 52>??==? 52>??868 52>??5?5

hm 6= föis mxempti cis gfyirms hm ;= föis   föis 00=8 0?=? 62>8 88;>

52>??0=1 52>??051 52605;0> 52605;>6 52>??52> 52>??556 5265>06; 52605?0>

0180 0>8= 8601 8;18 65=0 6;6= 86=2 52=2


^ipucftoil 6=+

Fbm ;=+

00;0 5>>= 6205 8=00

0; 81 6? 80

02>6 0>15 8050 8?0= 652> 6;8> 86?= 5?8=

=? 6; 6>1 16 6; 0= 5; 6;;

Mltilems eil mstfs vfrof`cms, sm rmfcozõ cf rmbrmsõ colmfc y sm i`tuvi cis sobuomltms flæcosos mstfhçstoeis4 Mrrir tçpoei

Eimaoeomltms Olt mre mpe oõl  Frmf   Gmhofl Fbm  Fvmrf  Fvmrfbm bm KK Uozm    Fvmrf  Fvmrfbm bm Afgocy Uozm ^i`cfe oõl mltrm 6= y ;= föis

>, >> -6,81 ?, =? -855,25 6?6,25 6?6,25 >, 28

Olamroir M stf stfhçstoe hçstoe i ^ri`f`ocohfh  ?=% t 

#L/ F 1,2;   60,;0 5;1,11   55=,>8 55=,>8 >, >1


#L/F ->,00 >,2= -6,60 >,=2 65,06


#L/ F >,;5 >,81 >,01 ,01 >,=2 >,>>

#L/ F -68, ;2 -6=, 2= -66?;,>; ,>; -82>,=? -82>,=? >, 15

 U upmro i r ?=%

Olamroir ?=,>%

# #L L/ F 66,?= 58,?5 55>,16 ,16 ;=8,>= ;=8,>= >, ;=

#L/ F -68, ;2 -6=, 2= -6 -66 6?;,>; ,>; -82> -82>,=? ,=? >,15

 U upmro ir ?=,>% #L/ F 66,?= 58,?5 55>,16 ,16 ;=8 ;=8,>= ,>= >, ;=




Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms  F LÆ C OU OU HM Q F P OF LTF LT F

Brfhis hm co`mrtfh  Pmbrmsoõl Pmsohuis Xitfc

 U ugf hm eufhrfhis

= ;16;?;>?> 680 6521==1=2 682 ???==5281

^rigmhoi hm cis eufhrfhis

Qfcir erçtoei hm A 

62052?162,?   622,;0>   8,21>66M-=? ?1?8>1,>55;

M stfhçstoe stfhçstoe fs hm cf rmb rmso õl Eim imaaoeoml oeomltm tm hm hm ei eirr rrmc mcfeo feoõl õl gô gôcto ctopc pc Eimaoeomltm hm hmtmrgolfeoõl P\0 P\0 fdus tfhi Mrrir tçpoe i I`s mrvfe oilms

Eigi rmsuctfhi hm cf rmbrmsoõl sm prmsmltf cf meufeoõl4

>,?0? >,?0? >,;10 >,;=6 ?;8,=;8 682,>>>

855,2 ö  >,28 õ6=;=ö  6?6,2 ö   + ?,=?    +   +  7 6,81    (>,00) (6,60) (65,06 (>,=2 (>,2= 65,06)) >,=2)) >,2=)) A4 622,;0 y P04 >,;1 Eil mstf rmbrmsoõl sm i`smrvõ qum cf vfrof`cm –tfgföi prigmhoi hm afgocofs‗ y –ærmf‗ tomlml eimaoeomltms lmbftovis, ci qum cfs kfeml vfrof`cms eilemptufcgmltm olvæcohfs, pir ci qum sm kfræl vfrofeoilms fc gihmci, mcogolflhi msfs vfrof`cms, f eiltolufeoõl sm prmsmltfl cis rmsuctfhis hm cis gihmcis rmfcozfhis4 Gihmc 5 5.6 5.0 5.5 5.8 5.=

Xf`cf ?. Pmbrmsoilms colmfcms rmfcozfhfs, vfrofeoilms fc gihmci 5. Meufeoõl hm cf rmbrmsoõl


 855,2 ö  6?6,2 ö ö  >,28 õ6=;=ö    ?,=?   7 6,81 (>,00 (6,60 (65,06 >,00))   + (>,2= (>,=2 65,06)) >,2=))    >,=2))   + 6,60))   + 622,;0 ö   >,252 õ6=;=ö    ;,;0   656,8 ö  7 8,52 006,== (>,1? (65,6= (>,22 >,1?))   + (>,1;)    65,6=)) >,22))   +   >,0?   >,20 õ6=;=ö   7 8,0; 0?1,>1 (>,1; (65,1; >,1;))    (>,>1)   + 65,1;))   >,28= õ6=;=ö   7 65,50 (6,61)    0=?,? ö 0??,02 (65,52 (6,58 65,52)) 6,58))   +  õ6=;=ö ö   7 >,28(>,6=)   + >,26; õ6=;= 88=,8? (65,255 65,255))    7 >,266 õ6=;=ö ;?1,?= (0?,?8 0?,?8)) Mltrm cfs vfrof`cms flfcozfhfs, sm i`smrvõ qum cfs vfrof`cms –Xfgföi prigmhoi hm cfs afgocofs‗, –tfgföi prigmhoi hm cis kibfrms‗ y –ærmf‗ sil eilemptufcgmltm olvæcohfs, pir ci qum ml fcbulis gihmcis, sm aumril mcogolflhi pfrf i`tmlmr hm hoamrmltms vfrofeoilms hm gihmcis kfstf ccmbfr f uli mstfhçstoefgmltm femptf`cm. ^frf mc gihmci 5.=, qum tomlm cis gmdirms eimaoeomltms hm eirrmcfeoõl eigi mc A gæs brflhm y cf t gfyir f |6.?1|, f mstm gihmci sm flfcozfræ so ms ul kigisemhfstoei i kmtmriemhfstoei4




Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

^i`cfeoõl mltrm 6= y ;= föis Bræaoei hm cis rmsohufcms 0>>> 6=>> 6>>>    s    i    u     h    o    s    m    P

=>> > -=>> >








-6>>> -6=>> -0>>>

^i`cfeoõl mltrm 6= y ;= föis

Aoburf ;. Hospmrsoõl hm hftis rmsohufcms. ^i`cfeoõl mltrm 6= y ;= föis.  föis.  


P >,;1 >,;1 >,;1 >,;1 >,;1 >,;1

Cis rmsuctfhis li prmsmltfl ulf hostro`ueoõl hmsirhmlfhf ms hmeor tomlm vfcirms frro`f y hm`fdi hm cf cçlmf hm emri, sol mg`frbi sm i`smrvf gæs hftis pir mleogf hmc emri m olecusi sm i`smrvfl vfcirms hospmrsis qum pumhml rmamrorsm f mrrirms ml cf tigf hm cis hftis ml cf mleumstf. Eil ci fltmroir li sm pumhm hmsefrtfr qum smf ul gihmci kigiemhæstoei. ^ir ci qum mc gihmci sm eilsohmrf eilemptufcgmltm væcohi y mstfhçstoefgmltm sobloaoeftovi pfrf ul lovmc hm eilaoflzf hm ul ?=%. Gihmci 8. Um f eiltolufeoõl ul gihmci Gmhof,fdustfhf tfgföi prigmhoi hm cis flfcozf kibfrms, tfgföi prigmhoi hmqum cfseiltmlbf, afgocofs Ærmf, y ulfMhfh vfrof`cm mltrm itrfs eirrmcfeoilfhfs eirrm cfeoilfhfs qum ms cf –Olbrmsis ml cis kibfrms mltrm 0=goc 0= goc f 68?,? goc hõcfrms fc föi‗., mstf ôctogf vfrof`cm sm fdustõ, usflhi cfs vfrof`cms –KKYOleigm $0=J$0=J-58,???‗, –KKYOleigm $5=J-8?,???‗, $5=J8?,???‗, –KKYOleigm $=>J$=>J-28,???‗, –KKYOleigm $2=J$2=J-??,???‗, –KKYOleigm –KKYOleigm $6>>J68?,???‗‗ sugælhicfs mltrm sç, hm`ohi f qum sm eirrmcfeoilfl cis vofdms bmlmrfhis pir mstis 68?,??? brupis hm –olbrmsis ml mc kibfr‗, hm cf sobuomltm gflmrf4 Xf`cf 6>. Mdmgpci hm cf i`tmleoõl hm cf vfrof`cm uloaoefhf –Kibfrms eil olbr msis msis flufcms mltrm 0= goc y 68?,? goc hõcfrms‗  hõcfrms‗  

KKYOleigm KKYOleigm KKYOleigm KKYOleigm KKYOleigm KKYOleigm $0=J-$5=J$=>J$2=J$6>>J$0=J-58,??? 68?,???   68?,??? 8?,??? 28,??? ??,??? 68?,??? ;86 6610 181 621? 6>0> 2;; 61;= 6?=? =8> 1;=

68= 6;0 ;8 0=8 602 6>6 005 086 20 6>2

0>5 6?5 68= 55? 0;= 6=? 52? 51? 605 ;=

0;5 =6> 0>5 =66 5;; 0;= 8>? 8;0 60? 06;

688 601 655 855 680 61; 52= 85> 6>6 650

11 6=6 ;6 050 2; 2= 0?? 852 66= 685 06



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

Mltilems eil mstfs vfrof`cms, sm rmfcozõ cf rmbrmsõ colmfc y sm i`tuvi cis sobuomltms flæcosos mstfhçstoeis4 Mrrir tçpoei >,>>> #L/F -5,6?8   2,66? -0?,882   65,22? -161,?2;   8>1,??? ?1= ?1=,5=> ,5=> 5=6 5=6,6?; ,6?; 6,26; >,680

Eimaoeomltms Oltmrempeoõl  Frmf   Gmhofl Fbm    Fvmrf  Fvmrfbm bm K KK K Uozm    Fvmrf  Fvmrfbm bm Af Afgocy gocy Uozm KKYOleigm $0=J--68?,???

Mstfhçstoei t  #L/F   ->,88?   -0,652   -6,=61 0,28? 60,6>0


#L/F >,1=8 >,>58 >,6 ,65 50 >,>>2 >,>>>

Olamroir  U upmro ir ?=% ?=% #L/F #L/F -62,012 6>,;2; -=1,1;= -0,0>? -6806,= ,=5 5; 6;2,= ,=; ;0 026 026,>?2 ,>?2 61= 61=?,1>0 ?,1>0 6,852 6,??;

Olamroir ?=,>% #L/F -62,012 -=1,1;= -6806,= ,=5 5; 026 026,>?2 ,>?2 6,852

 F LÆ C OU OU HM Q F P OF LT LTF F Brfhis hm co`mrtfh  Pmbrms oõl

 U ugf hm ^rigmhoi hm cis eufhrfhis eufhrfhis = ;8;8?>152

Qfcir erçtoei hm A 

61?1?;602,8   6=?,=62   5,0;0=1M-=1

 U upmro ir ?=,>% #L/F 6>,;2; -0,0>? 6;2,= ,=; ;0 61= 61=?,1>0 ?,1>0 6,??;

Pms ohuis Xitfc

680 6=6>156>? 682 ???==5281


M stfhçstoe stfhçstoe fs hm cf rmb rmso õl Eimaoeom oeoml ltm hm eir eirrmcfeoõ eoõl gôctop topcm Eimaoeo Eima oeomltm mltm hm hmtmrgolfe hmtmrgolfeoõl oõl P\0 P\0 fdustfhi Mrrir tçpoei I`smrvfe oilms

>,?0 ,?065 >,;8;? >,;521 6>56,86;; 682,>>>>

Eigi rmsuctfhi hm cf rmbrmsoõl sm prmsmltf cf meufeoõl4

 161,?2 ö   6,26; .0=68?   ?1=,51 ö  0?,88   7 5,6? (>,8=)    (0,652 (6,=6 (60,6 (0,28 6,=6))   + 60,6)) 0,28))   + 0,652))    A4 6=?,=62 y P04 >,;8; Eil mstf rmbrmsoõl sm i`smrvõ qum cf vfrof`cm –tfgföi prigmhoi hm afgocofs‗ afgocofs‗,, –ærmf‗ y –mhfh gmhof‗, tomlml eimaoeomltms eimaoeomltms lmbftovis, ci qum cfs kfeml vfrof`cms eilemptufcgmltm olvæcohfs, pir ci qum sm kfræl vfrofeoilms fc gihmci, mcogolflhi msfs vfrof`cms, f eiltolufeoõl sm prmsmltfl cis rmsuctfhis hm cis gihmcis rmfcozfhis4 Gihmc 8

Xf`cf 66 Pmbrmsoilms colmfcms rmfcozfhfs, vfrofeoilms fc gihmci 8 Meufeoõl hm cf rmbrmsoõl 6,26; .0=68?   ?1=,51 ö  5,6?  0?,88   161,?2 ö  7 (>,8= (6,=6 (0,28 (60,6 >,8=))    (0,652 6,=6))   + 0,28))   + 60,6)) 0,652))   

6,1; .0=68?   8?;,?2 ö   0?,;2   7 2,00 (6,>? (66,?= (0,?5 6,>?))    (0,6=? 66,?=)) 0,?5))   + 0,6=?))   +  6,16; .0=68?  6=5,85 ö ö   2,15;     7 (6,65; (66,10= (0,10; 6,65;))   + 66,10=)) 0,10;))   + 6,11 .0=68?    8?1,=5 ö  7 5>,5>(0,6;? (0,?61 (66,?02 0,?61))   + 66,?02)) 0,6;?))   + 6,=? .0=68? 68=,=2 ö ö     7 + (66,=? (0,=> 66,=?)) 0,=>))   +    7  6,;; .0=68? (01,?? 01,??))

8.6 8.0 8.5 8.8 8.=


















Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

Mltrm cfs vfrof`cms flfcozfhfs, flfcozfhf s, sm i`smrvõ qum cfs vfrof`cms –tfgföi prigmhoi hm cis kibfrms‗ , –mhfh gmhof‗ y –ærmf‗ sil eilemptufcgmltm olvæcohfs, pir ci qum ml fcbulis gihmcis, sm aumril mcogolflhi pfrf i`tmlmr hm hoamrmltms vfrofeoilms hm gihmcis kfstf ccmbfr f uli mstfhçstoefgmltm femptf`cm. ^frf mc gihmci 8.=, qum tomlm cis gmdirms eimaoeomltms hm eirrmcfeoõl eigi mc A gæs brflhm y cf t gfyir f |6.?1|, sol mg`frbi tomlm ul P0 gmlir f cis hmgæs gihmcis f mstm gihmci sm flfcozfræ so ms ul kigisemhfstoei i kmtmriemhfstoei4

KKYOleigm $0=J--68?,??? Bræaoei hm cis rmsohufcms 8>>> 5>>> 0>>>    s    i    u     h    o    s


   m    P











-0>>> -5>>>

KKYOleigm $0=J--68?,???

Aoburf ?. Hospmrsoõl hm hftis rmsohufcms. Kibfrms eil olbrmsis flufcms mltrm 0=goc y 68?,?goc hõcfrms   hõcfrms

Cis rmsuctfhis li prmsmltfl ulf hostro`ueoõl –hmsirhmlfhf‗ ms hmeor tomlm vfcirms frro`f y hm`fdi hm cf cçlmf hm emri, sol mg`frbi sm i`smrvf gæs hftis pir mleogf hmc emri m olecusi sm i`smrvfl vfcirms hospmrsis qum pumhml rmamrorsm f mrrirms ml cf tigf hm cis hftis ml cf mleumstf. Eil ci fltmroir li sm pumhm hmsefrtfr qum smf ul gihmci kigiemhæstoei. ^ir ci qum mc gihmci sm eilsohmrf eilemptufcgmltm væcohi y mstfhçstoefgmltm sobloaoeftovi pfrf ul lovmc hm eilaoflzf hm ul ?=%. Gihmci =. =. Eigi ôctogi gihmci sm flfcozõ cf rmbrmsoõl colmfc mltrm cfs vfrof`cms –Mgpciymh eovocofl pipucftoil 61+‗ Kf`otfltms hm gæs hm 61 föis eil mgpcmi‗, pirqum qumrmgis vmr cf rmcfeoõl mltrm cis vofdms euflhi kfy pmrsilfs eil trf`fdi, eigi qumromlhi qumro mlhi hovosfr cis vofdms bmlmrf bmlmrfhis his pir trf`fdi, fhmgæs cfs vfrof`cms –^ipucftoil‗, –Kiusmkichs‗ y –Frmf‗. Eil fyuhf hmc flæcosos hm hftis hmc pribrfgf hm Iaaoem Mxemc 0>65, sm flfcozõ gmhofltm ulf rmbrmsoõl colmfc gôctopcm y cfs sobuomltms tf`cfs prmsmltfl cis rmsuctfhis i`tmlohis4 Mrrir tçpoei

Eimaoeomltms Oltmre mpe oõl Mgp Mg pciy m mh h e ov ovocofl pipucftoi toil 61+ ^ipucftoil Kius mkichs  Frmf  

> >,5 ,50 0=5 >,52?? >,>2>2 -1,55=>


#L/F >,5 ,58 8>> >,610> >,58=; 1,81;6

M stf stfhçstoei hçstoei ^ri`f`ocohfh  t 


#L/F >,? ,?= =12 0,5882 >,0>88 ->,?2?8


#L/F >,5 ,58 8>5 >,>0>8 >,;5;8 >,5 ,50 0?>

Olamroir ?=% #L/F ->,5 ,58 812 >,>=?1 ->,160? -6?,6 ,60> 0>= =

 U upmro ir Olamroir  U upmro ir ?=% ?=,>% ?=,>% #L/F >,? ,?? ?20 >, >,2>>0 >,2=85 1,8 ,8= =>1

#L/F ->,5 ,58 812 >,>=?1 ->,160? -6? 6?,6 ,60 0>=

#L/F >,? ,?? ?20 >,2>>0 >,2=85 1,8= 1,8=>1




Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms  F LÆ C OU OU HM Q F P OF LTF

Brfhis hm co`mrtfh  Pmbrmsoõl Pms oh ohuis Xitfc

 U ugf hm ^rigmhoi hm eufhrfhis cis eufhrfhis

8 685 682

;162605>2 652;8685? ???==5281

Qfcir erç toei hm A 

06=80;>21,2   005,8?>0   5,0?60M-1> ?15?01,6=>6

M stfhçstoe stfhçstoe fs hm cf rmb rmso õl Eim imaaoeom oeomlt ltm m hm eir eirrmc mcfe feoõ oõl l gôct gôctop opcm cm Eimaoeomltm hm hmtmrgolfeoõl P\0 P\0 fdus tfhi Mrrir tçpoei I`s mrvfe oilms

Eigi rmsuctfhi hm cf rmbrmsoõl sm prmsmltf cf meufeoõl4

>, >,?0 ?0;= ;= >,;106 >,;=00 ?;6,2?28 682

 >,>2 < 61ö >.52?   1,55    7 >,50=  (0,58)   + (>,0) >,?2?)) (>,?=1)   + >,0)    (>,?2? A4 005,8? y P04 >,;1 Eigi sm i`smrvf mc eimaoeomltm P0 ms gmlir f 6 (>,;1) Hm cf fltmroir meufeoõl gumstrf qum mc eimaoeomltm fsieofhi f cf vfrof`cm ærmf lmbftovi, hm feumrhi eil cfs eilsohmrfeoilms oloeofcms mstfs vfrof`cms hm`mræ smr mxecuohi hmc gihmci pumsti qum li prmsmltfl eilsostmleof eil cf rmfcohfh. Xfg`oïl sm i`smrvf qum mc vfcir hmc mstfhçstoei t pfrf tihfs cfs vfrof`cms mxempti pi`cfeoõl, mhfh gmhof y tfgföi prigmhoi hm cfs afgocofs, mc t ms olamroir f |6.?1| ci eufc olhoef qum cfs vfrof`cms li sil rmprmsmltftovfs pfrf mc gihmci pfrf mc brfhi hm eilaoflzf fsugohi ml mc gihmci oloeofcgmltm (?=%).  F eiltolufe eiltolufeoõl oõl sm eirrm lumvfgm lumvfgmltm ltm mc gihmci mcogolflhi cf vfrof`cm –Frmf‗ qum li ms eilemptufcgmltm væcohfs pirqum tomlm mc eimaoeomltm gmlir f emri lo mstfhçstoefgml mstfhçstoefgmltm tm sobloaoeftovfs (t gmlir f |6.?1|). Cfs sobuomltms tf`cfs prmsmltfl cis rmsuctfhis hmc gihmci =.64 M stf stfhçstoei hçstoei  U upmro ir ^ri`f`ocohf ^ri`f `ocohfh h Olam Olamroir ?= ?=% % t  ?=%

Eimaoe Eim aoeoml omlttms Mrrir tçpoei Oltmre mpe oõl Mgpci Mgp ciymh ymh eovoco eovocofl fl pipu pipucf cftoi toil l 61+ 61+ ^ipucftoil Kius mkichs


B rfhis hm co`mrtfh  Pmbrmsoõl Pms oh ohuis Xitfc

#L/F >,55 >,5561 61? ? >,61622 >,558=>

>,0= >,0=08 082 2 >,52601 >,6=1=5


#L/F >,2166; 0,0?8?0 >,812?1


#L/F >,882;> >,>056; >,18>=0

 F LÆ COU CO U OU HM Q F P OF LTF  U ugf hm ^rigmhoi hm eufhrfhis cis eufhrfhis

5 688 682

;1>2;211? 65;211>22 ???==5281

#L/F ->,8>565 >,>=6=> ->,=>810

#L/F >,?>;>2 >,1?6>0 >,;621?

Olamroir ?=,>% #L/ F ->,8>565 >,>=6=> ->,=>810

Qfcir erç erçttoei hm A 

0;1?0?005   0?2,2=6=>5=   0,;05=M-16 ?1 15 51=5,565?




Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

M stfhçstoe stfhçstoe fs hm cf rmb rmso õl Ei Eima maoeoml oeomltm tm hm ei eirr rrmcf mcfeoõl eoõl gôctopcm gôctopcm Eima imaoeoml oeomltm tm h hm m hm hmtm tmrg rgol olfeo feoõl õl P\ P\0 P\0 fdus tfhi Mrrir tçpoe i I`s mrvfe oilms

>,? >,?02 02?? ??5= 5=6; 6; >,;16 ,;1662 626? 6?2 2 >,;=00??5=? ?;6,1=;8=>; 682

Eigi rmsuctfhi hm cf rmbrmsoõl sm prmsmltf cf meufeoõl4

>,6=1    >.526  < 61ö   +   +  7 >,0=,08  (>,81 (0,0? (>,21 >,81)) 0,0?)) >,21)) A4 0?2.2= y P04 >,;16  F eiltolufeo eiltolufeoõl õl sm eirrm lumvfgm lumvfgmltm ltm mc gihmci mcogolflh mcogolflhi i cf vfrof`cm –Kibfrms‗, fulqum

 U upmro ir ?=,>% #L/F >,?>;>2 >,1?6>0 >,;621?

tihfs cfs vfrof`cms li sil mstfhçstoefgmltm sobloaoeftovfs (t gmlir f |6.?1|). Cfs sobuomltms tf`cfs prmsmltfl cis rmsuctfhis hm cis gihmcis i`tmlohis4 Xf`cf 60. Pmbrmsoilms colmfcms rmfcozfhfs, vfrofeoilms fc gihmci =. Meufeoõl hm cf rmbrmsoõl


 >,>2 1,55   < 61ö  >.52?   7 >,50=  (0,58)   + (>,0)    (>,?2? >,?2?)) (>,?=1)   + >,6=1   < 61ö   + >.526(  7 >,0=,08  (>,21 >,81)) 0,0?))   + (>,81 0,0? >,21))  >,50  < 61ö  >.8   7 (6.>2 6.>2) )   ,;1



88;,?5 ;=8,56

>,;1 >,;=

^frf mc gihmci =.5 sm i`tuvi cf bræaoef hm hospmrsoõl hm cis rmsohuis pfrf flfcozfr so ms kigiemhæstoef i kmtmriemhæstoef4

Mgpciymh eovocofl pipucftoil 61+ Bræaoei hm cis rmsohufcms

5>>> 0>>> 6>>>

   s    i    u

    h    o    s    m    P









-6>>> -0>>> -5>>>

Mgpciymh eovocofl pipucftoil 61+

Aoburf 6>. Hospmrsoõl hm hftis rmsohufcms. Mgpcmfhis gfyirms gf yirms f 61 föis. föis.  

Cis rmsuctfhis li prmsmltfl ulf hostro`ueoõl –hmsirhmlfhf‗ ms hmeor tomlm vfcirms frro`f y hm`fdi hm cf cçlmf hm emri, sol mg`frbi sm i`smrvf gæs hftis pir mleogf hmc emri. Li sm 0=



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

pumhm hmsefrtfr qum smf ul gihmci kigiemhæstoei. ^ir ci qum mc gihmci sm eilsohmrf eilemptufcgmltm væcohi y mstfhçstoefgmltm mstfhçstoe fgmltm sobloaoef sobloaoeftovi tovi pfrf ul lovmc hm eilaoflzf hm ul ?=%.


M cmeeo cmeeoõl õl hmc gihmci gihmci

Eil cis 56 gihmcis hmsfrriccfhis sm i`smrvf qum cf hospmrsoõl hm cis hftis mstæ mltrm mc rflbi mltrm 0>>> y -0>>>, fcbulis eil ul A gfyir i P 0, eil cfs rmbrmsoilms rmfcozfhfs y cfs meufeoilms i`tmlohfs, sm rmfcozf ulf eigpfrfeoõl mltrm cis gihmcis gæs rmprmsmltftovis hm efhf vfrofeoõl rmsuctfltms4 Gihmc >

Xf`cf 65. Gihmcis mcmbohis hm cfs 56 vfrofeoilms rmfcozfhfs.  rmfcozfhfs.   Meufeoõl hm cf rmbrmsoõl A P I`smrvfeoõl Cf bræaoef hm hospmrsoõl hm hftis lis gumstrf cis vfcirms guy feugucfhis    7 25,=1 56,>= >,62= ml ul sici pulti tmlhomlhi f emri y (=,=2 =,=2)) itris guy hospmrsis. pir ci qum smrçf ul gihmci kmtmrisemhfstoei


     7 =2,>6?(62,=5 62,=5))    7 >,==?(0?,?0; 0?,?0;))




 6,51?    7 (0;,82)    7 >,266 õ6=;=ö (0?,?8 0?,?8))










   7 6,;; .0=68? (01,?? 01,??))




< 61ö    7 6,66  (0?,00 0?,00))



Cf bræaoef hm hospmrsoõl hm hftis lis gumstrf cis vfcirms guy feugucfhis ml ul rflbi mltrm 5> y 8>, pir ci qum smrçf ul gihmci kmtmrisemhfstoei Cf bræaoef hm hospmrsoõl hm hftis lis gumstrf cis vfcirms `oml hostro`uohis mltrm 6=>> y -6=>>. Cf bræaoef hm hospmrsoõl hm hftis lis gumstrf cis vfcirms `oml hostro`uohis mltrm 0>>> y -0>>>, pmri eil vfcirms hospmrsis qum pumhml ftro`uorsm f mrrirms ml cf mleumstf. Cf bræaoef hm hospmrsoõl hm hftis lis gumstrf cis vfcirms `oml hostro`uohis mltrm 6;>> y -6;>>. Cf bræaoef hm hospmrsoõl hm hftis lis gumstrf cis vfcirms `oml hostro`uohis mltrm 06>> y -06>>, pmri eil vfcirms hospmrsis qum pumhml ftro`uorsm f mrrirms ml cf mleumstf. Cf bræaoef hm hospmrsoõl hm hftis lis gumstrf cis vfcirms `oml hostro`uohis mltrm 0>>> y -0>>>, pmri eil vfcirms hospmrsis qum pumhml ftro`uorsm f mrrirms ml cf mleumstf.

Hm cis gihmcis flfcozfhis fltmroirgmltm, sm pumhm i`smrvfr qum cis gihmcis qum tomlml ml eumltf cf vfrof`cm pi`cfeoõl (yf smf ul brupi rmprmsmltftovi hm cf pi`cfeoõl eigi cis qum tomlml mltrm 6= y ;= föis), tomlml ul gihmci qum gmdir hmsero`m mc lôgmri hm vofdms prihueohi, hm`ohi f qum tomlml ul mstfhçstoei t gfyir eil rmspmeti f cis itris gihmcis, ul A guy pfrmeohi, y cf hospmrsoõl hm cis hftis rmsohufcms mstæl hmltri hmc gosgi rflbi, sol mg`frbi, mcmbogis mc gihmci 6.1, pir mc rflbi gæs fdustfhi hm cis hftis hospmrsis4

   7 >,==?(0?,?0; 0?,?0;)) A4 ;?=,25 y P0 4>,;1 01



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

^ipucftoil Bræaoei Bræaoei hm cis rmsohufcms 0>>> 6=>> 6>>>    s    i    u     h    o    s    m    P

=>> > -=>> > -6>>> -6=>>








Aoburf 66. Hospmrsoõl hm hftis rmsohufcms. ^i`cfeoõl.

Uol mg`frbi cf hoamrmleof i`tmlohf mltrm mltr m cis gihmcis ms gçlogf y cf tigf hm olairgfeoõl pfrf eugpcor eil cis rmqumrogomltis hm cis hmgæs gihmcis pumhm smr gæs eigpcmdf hm eilsmbuor, qum sici mc lôgmri hm pmrsilfs i pi`cfeoõl hm efhf zilf. Xmlmr olairgfeoõl gæs hmtfccfhf ml cfs mleumstfs pumhm fugmltfr mc vfcir hm cf gosgf y prmstfrsm pfrf mrrirms eigi qum cis mleumstfhis hobfl vfcirms qum q um li sil rmfcms eigi cf mhfh y cis olbrmsis, pir msi cis gihmcis smbôl cf tmirçf pihrçfl auleoilfr `oml, pmri ml cf fpcoefeoõl pfrf cf pcfloaoefeoõl hm cis sostmgfs hm trflspirtm, yf pumhm bmlmrfr eigpcoefeoilms i hmeosoilms qum li smfl auleoilfcms.





Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

Mstogfeoõl hm gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms `fsfhis ml mc kibfr.

Ml mstm mdmreoeoi sm mstogfræ mc lôgmri hm vofdms smbôl cis kibfrms ml ulf pi`cfeoõl hmtmrgolfhf, `fsfhis ml cis hftis pcfsgfhi ml cf Xf`cf 5 (Qmr Flmxi 6. Xfccmr6YHftis), ml mstf tf`cf mstæl cis hftis hm ulf gumstrf eirrmspilhomltm fc 0>% hm cis kibfrms hm cf zilf, sm tomlml cis hftis hm –lôgmri hm vmkçeucis‗, –olbrmsi‗, –mstfhi eovoc‗ y –so tomlml i li kodis‗. Cis hftis hm efco`rfeoõl tomlml fhmgæs cis vofdms rmfcozfhis pir kibfr. Ci progmri f rmfcozfr ms cf eigpfrfeoõl hm cis hftis mltrm cf efco`rfeoõl y cis hm cf pi`cfeoõl hmtmrgolfhf, pfrf ohmltoaoefr so sil hftis hm pi`cfeoõl sogocfrms y fsç pihmr rmfcozfr eigpfrfeoilms. Cf sobuomltm bræaoef gumstrf cf eirrmcfeoõl mltrm cfs vfrof`cms hm cis hftis ml efhf brupi4 Xf`cf 68. Eirrmcfeoõl hm cis hftis - Efrfetmrçstoefs sieoimeilõgoefs hm cf gumstrf hmc 0>% hm ulf zilf.   zilf.

Kius mkich Ole igm E f frr s U o lb lb cm cm Kiusmkich Oleigm Efrs Uolbcm Gfrrom omh h li ek ekoc och hrml Gfrromh 6+ ek ekoochrml

6,>>> >,621 >,088 ->,51> ->,>6 ,>6? >, 5= 5=8

6,>>> >,;6> 6,>>> ->,=?5 ->,886 6,>>> >,6= ,6=> ->,>6 ,>66 ->,80 ,80? >, 86 86= >, 80 805 ->, =5 =5=

 Gfrro  G frro mh li  Gfrro  G frro mh 6+ ekochrml ekochrml

6,>> ,>>> ->, =5 =5=

6, >> >>>

Xf`cf 6=. Eirrmcfeoõl hm cis hftis ― hftis ― Efco`rfeoõl.  Efco`rfeoõl. Kiusmkich Kiusmkich Xrops Oleigm Efrs Uolbcm Gfrromh li e kochrml Gfrr Gf rrom omh h 6+ ek ekoc ochr hrml ml

X r o ps

6, >>> >, 6;> >, >;8 >, 055 ->, 65= ->, >=1 >,62 >,62== ==>> >>26 26

O l e i gm

E fr s

 G  Gfrro frro mh li  Gfrro  G frro mh 6+ ekochrml ekochrml

U o lb cm

6,>>> >,2?5 6,>>> >,202 > >,,2>6 6,>>> ->,826 --> >,=2> ->,=>2 6,>>> >,61; >,6=8 ->,>55 ->,8>; 6, >>> >,0; >,0;80 80 >,5 >,5;? ;?>1 >1; ; >,=> >,=>>? >?2? 2? -> ->,= ,==2 =2>; >;1> 1>6 6 -> ->,= ,=5> 5>11 11;1 ;15 5


Um flfcozfræ ulf f ulf cfs vfrof`cms pfrf ohmltoaoefr qum tfl smgmdfltms sil4 -

Olbrmsis pir kibfrms ― –Oleigm‗4 Mstfhçstoefgmltm sm eigpfrfl cis vfcirms, eigi sm rmpfrtml cis olbrmsis, mc olbrmsi prigmhoi y su hmsvofeoõl, cfs sobuomltms tf`cfs gumstrfl mc rmsuctfhi hm mstis flæcosos mstfhçstoeis i`tmlohis hmc pribrfgf Mxemc.



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms


Xf`cf 61. Mstfh Mstfhçstoeis çstoeis –Olbrmsis‗ - Efrfetmrçstoefs sieoimeilõgoefs hm 0>% hm gumstrf hm zilf y Hftis hm efco`rfeoõl Oleigm - Uieoi M eiligoe Oleigm eiligoe Ek Ekf frfetmrostoe rfetmrostoe s ia 0>% U fgpcm fgpcm ia Tilm Gmhof



Mrrir tçpoei Gmhoflf Hmsvofeoõl mstælhfr 

Qf Qfrroflz oflzf f hm cf gu gum mstr strf f Eim imaaoeomltm oeomltm hm fso fsogm gmtr trççf



5??1,>?>81 88?05,=  


=;;?? 626>2 21>>1 ;?0;;0 0>



Mrrir tçpoe i Gmhoflf  

56? 56?52 5282 822 2? >,0;? >,0;?81 81?0 ?01 1

Eimaoeomltm hm vfrofeoõl   >,8>>5>>1

Pflbi Gçlogi Gæx ogi Uugf Eumltf

Oleigm - Efco`rftoil hftf

Hmsv Hmsvof ofeoõl eoõl mstælhfr 

Qfr Qfrof oflz lzf f hm cf gu gums mstr trf f Ei Eima maoeo oeoml mltm tm hm fso fsogm gmtr trççf  

0106,2=20? 88>>>  


5851 5851;> ;>= =18 >,5 >,521 2151 51>1 >18 8

Eimaoeomltm hm vfrofeoõl   >,80>?520=

Pflbi Gçlogi Gæx ogi Uugf Eumltf

10;;8 61>>> 2;;;8 00>0>1= =>

Lo Lov vmc hm eil eilaaofl oflzf( zf(?= ?=,>%) ,>%)

;5 ;515 15,?6 ,?658 58= =

Lo Lov vmc hm eil eilao aofl flzf( zf(?= ?=,>%) ,>%)

=0 =01; 1;,16 ,16;= ;=0 0

Cf fltmroir tf`cf pmrgotm eigpfrfr cis hftis hm efco`rfeoõl y cis hmc 0>% hm cf gumstrf y sm i`smrvf qum cf gmhof ms emreflf mltrm cis his brupis hm hftis, mc eimaoeomltm hm vfrofeoõl y cf hmsvofeoõl mstælhfr ms tfg`oïl emreflis, pir ci qum sm pumhm eilecuor qum fg`fs pi`cfeoilms u kibfrms, tomlml ul lovmc hm olbrmsi sogocfr obufc qum mc rmpfrti hm mstm olbrmsi ml cf pi`cfeoõl. -

Lôgmri hm efrris ― –Efrs‗4

Xf`cf 62. Mstfhçstoeis –Efrris‗ - Efrfetmrçstoefs sieoimeilõgoefs hm 0>% hm gumstrf hm zilf y Hftis hm efco`rfeoõl. Efrs - U ieoi M eiligoe Ekfrfetm Ekfrfetmro ro stoes stoes ia 0> 0>% % U fg cm ia Tilm Gmhof



Mrrir tçpoe i Gmhoflf Gihf Hmsv svof ofeo eoõ õl mst stæ ælhfr Qfr Qfrof ofl lzf hm cf gums gumstr trf f Ei Eima maoeo oeoml mltm tm hm fso fsogm gmtr trççf

Efrs - E Ef fco`r ftoil ftoil hftf hftf  

>,050=8;;6 6 0 6,> ,>5 5??;?;; 6, 6,> >;6= ;6=2;?= 2;?= >,655 >,6555= 5=55 55= =

Eimaoeomltm hm vfrofeoõl   >,22>510;2

Pflbi Gçlogi Gæxogi Uugf Eumltf Lo Lov vmc hm eil eilao aofl flzf( zf(?= ?=,>%) ,>%)

5 > 5 02 0> >,8 >,8;1 ;125 25>0 >0= =




Mrrir tçpoe i Gmhoflf Gihf  

>,652251;6 6,= 0

Hmsv Hmsvof ofeoõl eoõl mstælhfr 


Qfr Qfrof oflz lzf f hm cf gu gum mstr strf f Eima Eimaoeo oeoml mltm tm hm fso fsogm gmtr trççf  


>, >,? ?8;= 8;=26 2685 85 ->,>6 ->,>6>1 >1>5 >50; 0;

Eimaoeomltm hm vfrofeoõl   >,1=;>26;8

Pflbi Gçlogi Gæx ogi Uugf Eumltf Lo Lov vmc hm eil eilaaofl oflzf( zf(?= ?=,>%) ,>%)

5 > 5 28 => >,0 >,021 212? 2?08 08; ;

Um i`smrvf qum cf gmhof ms hoamrmltm mltrm cis his brupis hm hftis, pir ci qum ms ogpirtfltm flfcozfr cis hftis ml hmtfccm: ml prigmhoi mc lôgmri hm vmkçeucis pir kibfr ml cf pi`cfeoõl hmtmrgolfhf (0>% hm cf pi`cfeoõl) ms 6,5= ci qum eirrmspilhm f 02 vmkçeucis ml cis 0> kibfrms y pir itri cfhi, cis hftis hm efco`rfeoõl tomlm ul prigmhoi hm 6.8; vmkçeucis pir kibfr y ul titfc hm 28 vmkçeucis pir cis => kibfrms mleumstfhis. mleumst fhis. 0?


Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms


Msti olhoef qum cf hoamrmleof ms hmc 6>% mltrm cis hftis hm efco`rfeoõl y cf pi`cfeoõl ml mstuhoi. Ml fg`is brupis hm hftis, sm pumhm i`smrvfr, qum cf efltohfh hm efrris pir kibfr ms hm > f 5, pir msti, sm rmuloõ cis hftis hm gflmrf bræaoef pfrf ohmltoaoefr cf sogocotuh hm cis hftis4


61% 5>%

   r    f    b    i     k     /    s 0     c    i    u    e    o     k    v    m    Q 6    m     h  .

58% 6=% 50% 5>%

   i    r    L



0=% >%










Gumstrf 0>% ^i`cfeoõl

Aoburf 60. Pmpfrti hm cis vmkçeucis ml cis kibfrms hmltri hm cf gumstrf 0>% hm cf pi`cfeoõl vs cis hftis hm efco`rfeoõl.

Hm cf fltmroir bræaoef pumhm i`smrvfr hoamrmle hoamrmleofs ofscfmltrm mc rmpfrtihmhmqum ciscis hftis, pmri hm gflmrf bmlmrfc smsm pumhm eilecuor qumfcbulfs kfy rmcfeoõl rmcfe oõl mltrm pri`f`ocohfh kibfr kibfrms ms li tmlbfl, tmlbfl 6, 0 i 5 efrris. -

–Uolbcm‗ - –Gfrromh li ekochrml‗ - –Gfrromh 6+ ekochrml‗ ― Uictmris, efsfhis sol

kodis y efsfhis eil kodis Xf`cf 6;.  6;. Mstfhçstoeis –Uictmris‗ - Efrfetmrçstoefs sieoimeilõgoefs hm 0>% hm gumstrf hm zilf y Hftis hm efco`rfeoõl.  efco`rfeoõl.   U o lb cm- U ieo i M eiligo eili goee Ekfrfetmrostoe Ekfrfet mrostoe s ia 0>% U fgpcm ia Tilm Gmhof



Mrrir tçpoe i Gmhoflf

 U o lb cm- Efco`rftoil Efco `rftoil hft hftf f  


>,6>=656= >

Hmsvofeoõl mstælhfr 



>,00 ,006>=015 >,?8 >,?8=0 =0?? ??? ?=

>,>1=81=52 >

Hmsv Hmsvof ofeoõl eoõl mstælhfr 


Qfr Qfrofl oflzf hm cf gum gumstr strf f Eimaoeo maoeoml mltm tm hm fsog fsogmt mtrç rçf f

Eimaoeomltm hm vfrofeoõl   6,=120>2;0

Pflbi Gçlogi Gæxogi Uugf Eumltf Lovmc Lov mc hm eila eilaofl oflzf(? zf(?=,> =,>%) %)


M Mrrrir tçpoe i Gmhoflf


Qf Qfrrof ofl lzf hm cf gum gumstr strf f Eim imaaoeoml oeomltm tm hm fsogm fsogmtr trççf



6 > 6 1 0> >,00>> >,00>>80 802= 2=


>,06 ,0680;=26 >,?> >,?>>6 >6>0 >0; ;2

Eimaoeomltm hm vfrofeoõl   6,=85>55=

Pflbi Gçlogi Gæx ogi Uugf Eumltf Lov Lovmc mc hm eila eilaofl oflzf(? zf(?=,> =,>%) %)

6 > 6 6= => >,65 >,656= 6==2 =2=; =;



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms


Xf`cf 6?. Mstfhçstoeis –Efsfhis sol kodis‗ - Efrfetmrçstoefs sieoimeilõgoefs hm 0>% hm gumstrf hm zilf y Hftis hm efco`rfeoõl.  G  Gfrro frro mh li eko chrml - U ieo i M eiligo eilig o e Ekfrfetmros Ekfrfet mros toes ia 0>% U fgpcm ia Tilm Gmhof



Mrrir tçpoe i Gmhoflf Hmsvofeoõl Hms vofeoõl mstælhfr 

Qfr Qfrofl oflzf hm cf gu gum mstr strf f Eim imaaoeoml oeomltm tm hm fs fsogm ogmtrç trçf f



>,6>=656= >  


6 > 6 1



Mrrir tçpoe i Gmhoflf  

>,0 ,00 06>=015 >,?8 >,?8=0 =0?? ???= ?=

Eimaoeomltm Ei maoeomltm hm vfrofeoõl   6,=120>2;0

Pflbi Gçlogi Gæx ogi Uugf

 G  Gfrro frro mh li eko chrml - Efco Efco`rftoil `rftoil hftf

Hmsvofeoõl Hmsvofeoõl mst mstælhf ælhf r 

Qfr Qfrofl oflzf hm cf gum gumstr strf f Ei Eima maoeom oeomlt ltm m hm fsogm fsogmtrç trçf f  

>, >186802 >  


>,0 ,0> >=26 =2680? 6,>6 6,>6>= >=5> 5>>6 >6

Eimaoeomltm Eimaoeomltm hm vfrofeoõl   6,16?;8228

Pflbi Gçlogi Gæx ogi Uugf

6 > 6 68

Eumltf Lo Lov vmc hm eil eilao aofl flzf( zf(?= ?=,>%) ,>%)

0> >,00> >,00>>8 >802 02= =

Eumltf Lo Lov vmc hm eil eilaaofl oflzf( zf(?= ?=,>%) ,>%)

=> >,60; >,60;;? ;??= ?=; ;

Xf`cf 0>. Mstfhçstoeis –Efsfhis eil kodis‗ - Efrfetmrçstoefs sieoimeilõgoefs hm 0>% hm gumstrf hm zilf y Hftis hm efco`rfeoõl.  G  Gfrro frro mh 6+ eko chrml- U ieo i M eili eiligo go e Ekfrfetmro Ekfrfet mrostoes stoes ia 0>% U fgpcm fgpcm ia Tilm  



Mrrir t çpoe i Gmhoflf Hmsvofeoõl mstælhfr    Qf Qfrrofl oflzf hm cf gu gums mstr trf f Eurt is os Eima Eimaoeom oeomltm ltm hm fso fsogm gmtr trççf Eimaoeomltm Ei maoeomltm hm vfrofeoõl   Pflbi Gçlogi Gæx ogi Uugf Eumltf Lov Lovmc hm eila eilaoflzf oflzf((?= ?=,>%) ,>%)

 G  Gfrro frro mh 6+ eko chrml- Efco`r E fco`rft ftoo il hftf hftf  

>,6605?>5 > >,=>01081?   >,0 ,0=0 =015 156= 6=; ; -0, >62?25;1 >,880 >,88060 605= 5=2 2 6,0=1=1620   6 > 6 ; 0> >,05= >,05=05 05=1 =1




M Mrrrir t çpoe i Gmhoflf Hms Hmsvofeoõl vofeoõl mstælhfr    Qfr Qfroflz oflzf f hm cf gum gumstr strf f Eurtis os Ei Eima maoeom oeomltm ltm hm fso fsogm gmtr trççf Ei Eimaoeomltm maoeomltm hm vfrofeoõl   Pflbi Gçlogi Gæx ogi Uugf Eumlt f Lo Lov vmc hm eil eilaaof oflzf lzf(? (?=,> =,>%) %)

>,>2>=>;51 > >,8?;=1?5; >,08 >,08;= ;=26 268 85 -6, ?1;1?1= >,558 >,5580; 0;?; ?;0 0 6,6;2>1??1 6 > 6 06 => >,6 >,686 861? 1?6; 6;= =

Mc vfcir prigmhoi hm cfs 5 vfrof`cms ms guy pfrmeohi ml fg`is brupis hm hftis, pir ci qum sm flfcozfræ mc rmpfrti hm cfs 5 vfrof`cms hmltri hm cis brupis hm hftis4



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms



Efsfhis eil kodis



Efsfhis sol kodis


5>.>% 5>.>%









Gumstrf 0>% ^i`cfeoõl

Aoburf 65. Pmpfrti hm cis kibfrms ml cfs his gumstrfs eil rmspmeti f so sil –sictmris‗ –efsfhis sol kodis‗ y –efsfhis eil kodis ‗ 

Um pumhm i`smrvfr cf fctf eirrmcfeoõl qum tomlml mstfs vfrof`cms mltrm cis brupis hm hftis, pir ci tflti sm pumhml usfr cis hftis hm efco`rfeoõl pfrf rmprmsmltfr cf gumstrf. 0.6 Gïtihi hm ecfsoaoefeoõl eruzfhf ]sflhi cis vfcirms hm cf tf`cf hm hftis hm efco`rfeoõl, sm mcobml 1 oltmrvfcis hm olbrmsis qum rmôlml cis vfcirms hm cf tf`cf, tmlomlhi mc vfcir gçlogi, gæxogi y prigmhoi4 Xf`cf 06. Oltmrvfcis pfrf cf ecfsoaoefeoõl hm cis olbrmsis ml cis hftis hm efco`rfeoõl.

Oltmrvfci 6 0 5 8 = 1

Cçgotm Olamroir $ 61.>>>,>> $ 50.>>>,>> $ 8>.>>>,>> $ 8;.>>>,>> $ =1.>>>,>> $ 18.>>>,>>

Cogotm Uupmroir $ 50.>>>,>> $ 8>.>>>,>> $ 8;.>>>,>> $ =1.>>>,>> $ 18.>>>,>> $ 2?.>>>,>>

Eil cf fltmroir ecfsoaoefeoõl, sm i`tomlm cf sobuomltm hostro`ueoõl hm kibfrms y lôgmri hm vmkçeucis (sm i`tuvi gmhofltm ulf tf`cf holægoef hm Mxemc qum ecfsoaoei cf sugf hm cis kibfrms eil >, 6, 0 i 5 vmkçeucis, hmltri hm cis rflbis hm olbrmsis mstf`cmeohis fltmroirgmltm4




Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

Xf`cf 00. Lôgmri hm kibfrms eil i sol vmkçeuci eil olbrmsis hmltri hm cis rflbis mstf`cmeohis.  mstf`cmeohis.  Lôgmri hm vmkçeucis pir kibfr > 6 0 5 Xitfc Oltmrvfcis hm Olbrmsis pir bmlmrfc Lôgmri hm kibfrms kibfr $61>>>-$50>>> = ? 6 6 61 $50>>>-$8>>>> 0 8 0 ; $8>>>>-$8;>>> 0 6 1 ? $8;>>>-$=1>>> 0 0 8 $=1>>>-$18>>> 0 0 $18>>>-$2?>>> 8 2 66 Xitfc bmlmrfc ? 61 62 ; =>

Mc titfc bmlmrfc, lis gumstrf mc titfc hm hftis tigfhis pfrf mstf ecfsoaoefeoõl qum ms obufc fc titfc hm cis hftis hm efco`rfeoõl (=>). Xmlomlhi yf mc lôgmri hm kibfrms ecfsoaoefhis eigi sm prmsmltf fltmroirgmltm, sm pumhm efceucfr f eiltolufeoõl cis vofdms qum sm rmfcozfl ml mstf gosgf ecfsoaoefeoõl, õsmf, pir oltmrvfcis hm olbrmsis y efltohfh hm vmkçeucis ml mc kibfr. Cf

sobuomltm tf`cf gumstrf ci i`tmlohi4 Xf`cf 05. Lôgmri hm vofdms hm cis kibfrms qum tomlml i li vmkçeuci, eil olbrmsis hmltri hm cis

rflbis mstf`cmeohis.  Lôgmri hm vmkçeucis pir kibfr > 6 0 5 Oltmrvfcis hm Olbrmsis pir Lôgmri hm vofdms kibfr $61>>>-$50>>> 06 =? 2 1 $50>>>-$8>>>> ? 01 65 $8>>>>-$8;>>> $8;>>>-$=1>>> $=1>>>-$18>>> $18>>>-$2?>>> Xitfc bmlmrfc


2 61



1> 05 0= 8? 622

;8 ?>

Xitfc bmlmrfc ?5 8; 2; 5? 0= 655 861

Xf`cf 08. Mstfhçstoeis vfrof`cm Xrops.   Xrops - Efco`rftoil hftf Gmhof



Mrrir tçpoe i Gmhoflf Hmsvofeoõl mstælhfr 

>,8286;085 ;  


Qf Qfro rofl flzf zf hm cf gums gumstr trf f

66 66,0 ,080 8088 88? ?

Ei Eima maoeom oeomltm ltm hm fsog fsogmtr mtrççf

>,=>= >,=>=>0 >02= 2=6 6

Pflbi Gçlogi Gæx ogi Uugf Eumltf Lovmc Lov mc hm eila eilaoflzf oflzf(?= (?=,>%) ,>%)

68 0 61 861 => >,?= >,?=0?> 0?>=02 =02

Eimaoeomltm hm vfrofeoõl   >,8>5>>6?8

Ml cf tf`cf fltmroir sm vm qum ml titfc sil 861 vofdms rmfcozfhis pir cis => kibfrms hmc brupi hm hftis hm efco`rfeoõl. 55



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

Eil ci fltmroir i`tmlohi, sm pumhml rmcfeoilfr cis vfcirms pfrf i`tmlmr cfs tfsfs hm vofdms rmfcozfhis hm feumrhi f cis rflbis hm olbrmsis hmc kibfr y mc lôgmri hm vmkçeucis. Xf`cf 0=. Xfsf hm vofdms pir kibfr smbôl cf ecfsoaoefeoõl hm olbrmsis y vmkçeucis. Lôgmri hm vmkçeucis pir kibfr > 6 0 5 Xitfc Oltmrvfcis hm Olbrmsis pir bmlmrfc Xfsf hm vofdms/kibfr kibfr 05,21 $61>>>-$50>>> 8,0> 1,=1 2,>> 1,>> 62,=> $50>>>-$8>>>> 8,=> 1,=> 1,=> 00,=> $8>>>>-$8;>>> =,=> 2,>> 6>,>> 6?,=> $8;>>>-$=1>>> ;,>> 66,=> 60,=> $=1>>>-$18>>> 60,=> 08,0= $18>>>-$2?>>> 60,0= 60,>> Xitfc bmlmrfc 68,0> 0;,>1 =?,2= 6;,>> 60>,>6

Mstis vfcirms fkirf pumhml smr utocozfhis ml cf fprixogfeoõl hm vofdms pfrf mc brupi hm hftis

–U –Uieoi ieoi Meiligoe Ekfrfetmrostoes ia 0>% Ufgpcm ia Tilm‗ Tilm‗ ml cf Xf`cf 0 (Qmr Flmxi 6. Xfccmr6YHftis). F mstis vfcirms hm cf tf`cf, sm cm föfhm ulf eicuglf qum pumhf ecfsoaoefr cis hftis ml cis oltmrvfcis i rflbis hm olbrmsis yf mcmbohis hm cis hftis hm efco`rfeoõl y fsç sm ecfsoaoefl cis kibfrms qum sm eirrmspilhml eil mstm lovmc hm olbrmsis. Ci i`tmlohi sm prmsmltf ml cf sobuomltm tf`cf4 Xf`cf 01. Lôgmri hm kibfrms hm feumrhi fc rflbi hm olbrmsis hmpmlhomlhi hm cf efltohfh hm efrris qum tmlbf. Lôgmri hm vmkçeucis pir kibfr > 6 0 5 Xitfc bmlmrfc Oltmrvfcis$61>>>-$50>>> hm Olbrmsis pir kibfr Lôgmri hm kibfrms 5 5 1 $50>>>-$8>>>> 6 0 5 $8>>>>-$8;>>> 6 5 8 $8;>>>-$=1>>> 6 6 0 $=1>>>-$18>>> 6 6 $18>>>-$2?>>> 6 5 8 Xitfc bmlmrfc = 1 1 5 0>

]sflhi cf tfsf hm vofdms pir kibfrms i`tmlohis hmc brupi hm hftis hm efco`rfeoõl, sm i`tomlm cf efltohfh hm vofdms qum sm priymetf sm rmfcozfræl, pfrf msti sm hm`m guctopcoefr efhf vfcir hm kibfr, eil cf tfsf hm vofdms pir kibfr, cis rmsuctfhis sm prmsmltfl ml cf sobuomltm tf`cf4 Xf`cf 02. Lôgmri hm vofdms hm cis kibfrms qum tomlml i li vmkçeuci, eil olbrmsis hmltri hm cis

rflbis mstf`cmeohis pfrf cf gumstrf hmc 0>% hm cf pi`cfeoõl.

Lôgmri hm vmkçeucis pir kibfr Oltmrvfcis hm Olbrmsis pir kibfr $61>>>-$50>>> $50>>>-$8>>>> $8>>>>-$8;>>> $8;>>>-$=1>>> $=1>>>-$18>>> $18>>>-$2?>>> Xitfc bmlmrfc

> 6 0 5 Lôgmri hm vofdms/kibfr 60,1> 6?,12 >,>> >,>> 8,=> 65,>> >,>> >,>> =,=> >,>> 5>,>> >,>> >,>> ;,>> 66,=> >,>> >,>> >,>> 60,=> >,>> >,>> >,>> 60,0= 51,>> 00,1> 8>,12 11,0= 51,>>

Xitfc bmlmrfc 50,02 62,=> 5=,=> 6?,=> 60,=> 8;,0= 61=,=0 58


Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms



Gïtihi hm r mb r ms oõ oõll

Xigflhi cf olairgfeoõl hm cf tf`cf 0 y 5, sm rmfcozfræ cf mstogfeoõl hm ul gihmci hm prihueeoõl hm vofdms `fsfhis ml cis kibfrms y usflhi rmbrmsoõl gôctopcm4

Xrops Ole igm


Efrs Uolbcm Gfrromh li ek ekoochrml Gfrromh 6+ ekochrml

Xrops 6,>> >,2?

Ole igm

>,25 ->,82 >, 62 62 >,0;

>,2> ->,=2 >, 6= 6= >,5?



Gfrromh li ekochrml

6,>> ->,=6 ->, >5 >5 >,=>

6,>> ->, 86 86 ->,=1

6, >> >> ->,=5

Gfrromh 6+ ekochrml



Cfs vfrof`cms –Oleigm‗ Olbrmsis y rflbi hm olbrmsis li tomlml eirrmcfeoõl obufc 6, hm`ohi f cf gihoaoefeoõl qum sm cm kozi f cf vfrof`cm, pir cis rflbis qum sm rmhudi: tfg`oïl sm pumhm i`smrvfr, qum cfs vfrof`cms, Olbrmsi, rflbi hm olbrmsis, y efrris, li sm pumhml usfr pfrf cf bmlmrfeoõl hm cis gihmcis pums prmsmltfl eirrmcfeoõl fctfs supmroir fc >,2. Um hmstfef qum cf eirrmcfeoõl gæs fctf i`smrvf ms cf hm cf vfrof`cm –olbrmsis‗ eil ul vfcir hm >,2?, pir ci eiltrfroi, sm i`smrvf cf vfrof`cm –efsfhi sol kodis, tomlm guy `fdf rmcfeoõl eil mc lôgmri hm vofdms, pir ci qum li ms eilvmlomltm olecuorcf ml tihis cis gihmcis.  F eiltolufeoõ eiltolufeoõl l sm prmsmltfl cfs ipeoilm ipeoilmss hm gihmcis eil cfs vfrof`cms qum li tomlml eirrmcfeoõl y eil ulf qum so ci mstï4 G ihmci 6 Olbrmsis



Efsfhi sol kodis

G ih ihmci 0 Olbrmsis


Efsfhi sol kodis Efsfhi e iill kodis

G ihmci 5 Olbrmsis


Efsfhi sol kodis Efsfhi e il kodis

Efsfhi e il kodis

Ml cis gihmcis sm mgpcmõ ul lovmc hm eilaoflzf hm ?=% y li sm eilsohmrõ oltmrempti ml emri, hm`ohi f qum cf pir mdmgpci, so li tomlm efrri, pumhm kfemr vofdms ml itri gihi. Gihmci 6. Ml mstm gihmci sm tigõ cfs vfrof`cms –Oleigm Oleigm‗, ‗, –Uolbcm –Uolbcm Efrs Gfrromh li ekochrml. Gfrromh 6+ ekochrml pfrf mleiltrfr cis vofdms, cis rmsuctfhis hm cf rmbrmsoõl ms cf sobuomltm4 M stf stfhçstoei hçstoei Olamroir ^ri`f`ocohfh  t  ?=%

Eimaoeom Eim aoeomlt ltm ms M rrir ttçpoei çpoei Oltmre mpeoõl Oleigm Uolbcm Efrs Gfrromh li ekochrml Gfrromh 6+ e ko kochrml

6,8>11 >,>>>6 >,201? 6,5101 6,>68= >, >> >>>>

6, >=>= >, >>>> > >,, ;621 >, 86?2 >, 1?15 >, > >> >>>

6,55?> 8,=>==   >,;;?6   5,081= 6,8=26 1==5=, >> >>>>

>, 6;25 >, >>>> >, 52 52;2 >, >>00 >, 6=0> #¡L]G!

->,2>?6 >,>>>6 ->,?6?; >,=620 ->,5;2; >, > >> >>>

 U upmro ir ?=% 5,=008 >,>>>6 0,5251 0 0,,0>2? 0,861; >, >> >>>>

Olamroir ?=,>% ->, 2>?6 >, >>>6 ->, ? ?6 6?; >, =620 ->, 5;2; >, > >> >>>

 U upmro ir ?=,>% 5, =008 >, >>>6 0, 5 52 251 0, 0>2? 0, 861; >, >> >>>>



   F LÆ C OU OU HM Q F P OF LTF Brfhis hm co`mrtfh  Pmbrms oõl = Pmsohuis 8= Xit fc =>

Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms Qfcir erçtoei  U ugf hm ^rigmhoi hm A  hm A  eufhrfhis cis eufhrfhis 5;1,622=282 22,05==68?8   01,522;1   5,00825M-60 618,2>080=5 5,11>>=5;?= ==>,;;

M stfhçstoe stfhçstoe fs hm cf rmb rmso õl Ei Eima maoeomltm oeomltm h hm m eirrm eirrmcfeoõl cfeoõl gôctopcm >,;52 >,;5201? 01?>06 >06 Ei Eima maoeoml oeomltm tm hm h hmtmr mtmrgolf golfeoõl eoõl P P\ \0 >,2> >,2>6> 6>6? 6?86 868 8 P\0 fdustfhi >,1=000668 Mrrir tçpoei I`smrvfeoilms

6,?65601255 =>

Um i`smrvf qum cfs vfrof`cms, efsfhis eil y sol kodis y sictmris, li sil mstf hçstoefgmltm

sobloaoeftovfs hm`ohi f su mstfhçstoei t i`tmlohi gmlir f |6,?1|. Ieurroõ fcbi euroisi eil cf vfrof`cm –efsfhis eil kodis‗ qum cfs vfrof`cms ms >, pir ci qum sm mxtrfdi hmc gihmci mstf vfrof`cm y sm vicvoõ f eirrmr mc gihmci y sm i`tuvi mc sobuomltm gihmci 6.64

Eim Eimaoeom oeomlt ltm ms M rri rrirr tçpoei tçpoei Oltmrempeoõl Oleigm Uolbcm Efrs

6,8>2 >,>>> >,202 6,515

6,>=> >,>>> >,;6; >,80>

Gfrromh li e kochrml



 U upmro ir Olamroir  U upmro ir ^ri`f`oco  Olamro Olam ro ir ?=% ?=% ?=,>% ?=,>% hfh 

M stf stfhçst çstoei oei t 


6,55? 8,=>1 >,;;? 5,081 6,8=2


>,6;2 >,>>> >,52? >,>>0

->,2>? >,>>> ->,?0> >,=62

5,=00 >,>>> 0,528 0,0>;

->,2>? >,>>> ->,?0> >,=62

5,=00 >,>>> 0,528 0,0>;






 F LÆ C OU OU HM Q F P OF LTF Brfhis hm co`mrtfh 

 U ugf hm eufhrfhis

8 8= 8?

5;1,622=2= 618,2>080= ==>,;;

Pmbrms oõl Pms ohuis Xitfc

^rigmhoi hm cis eufhrfhis

Qfcir erç toei hm A 

?1,=885?51;   01,522;1   0,12>8M-66 5,11>>=5;?=

Mstfhçstoefs hm cf rmbrmsoõl Eimaoeomltm hm eirrmcfeoõl gôctopcm >,;5201?>06 Eimaoeomltm >,;5201?>06 Eimaoeomltm hm hmtmrgolfeoõl P\0   >,2>6>6?868 P\0 fdus tfhi >,128885510 Mrrir tçpoe i I`smrvfe oilms

6,?65601255 =>

Cis vfcirms pfrf –Efsfhis eil kodis li vfrçf‗ eil rmspmeti f ci fltmroirgmltm gicmhfhi, y mc vfcir A ms mc gosgi, pir ci qum sm pcfltmf itrf ipeoõl hm gihmci mcogolflhi cf vfrof`cm –sol efrri‗ 6.04 efrri‗ 6.04



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

  Eimaoeomltms Olt mrempeoõl Oleigm Efrs Gfrromh li ekochrml Uolbcm

6,8>2 >,>>> 6,515 6,>68 >,202

Mrrir tçpoei 6,>=> >,>>> >,80> >,1?1 >,;6;

Olamroir  U upmro ir Mstfhçstoei ^ri`f`ocohfh  ?=% ?=% t  6, 55? >,6;2 ->,2>? 5,=00 8, =>1 >,>>> >,>>> >,>>> 5, 081 >,>>0 >,=62 0,0>; 6, 8=2 >,6=0 ->,5;; 0,862   >,;;?   >,52? ->,?0> 0,528

Olamroir  U upmro ir ?=,>% ?=,>% ->,2>? 5,=00 >, >>> >,>>> >, =62 0,0>; ->,5;; 0,862 ->,?0> 0,528

 F LÆ C OU OU HM Q F P OF LTF LT F Brfhis hm co`mrtfh  P mu si oõsl Pm mb sroh Xitfc

 U ugf hm eufhrfhis

88 = 5 6; 11 8,,6 22 >2 0= 82 0= = 8? ==>,;;

^rigmhoi hm cis eufhrf eufhrfhis his

Qfcir erç toei hm A 

? ?1 1 5 5, ,1,= 18 >8 >5 =? 55 ;1 ?; =   01,522;1606   0,12>8M-66

M stfhçstoe stfhçstoe fs hm cf rmb rmso õl Ei Eima maoeoml oeomltm tm hm eirr eirrmcf mcfeoõl eoõl gôctop gôctopcm cm Eima Eimaoeom oeomltm ltm hm hm hmtmr tmrgol golfeoõ feoõl lP P\ \0 P\0 fdus tfhi Mrrir tçpoe i I`smrvfeoilms

>,;5 >,;520 201? 1?>0 >06 6 >,2>6 >,2>6>6 >6?8 ?868 68 >,128885510 6,?65601255 =>

Cf vfrof`cm –sictmri‗ sm gistrõ qum li ms mstfhçstoefgmltm sobloaoeftovf, sobloao eftovf, pir ci qum sm mcogolfræ hmc gihmci, `useflhi fprixogfrlis gmdir f ul gihmci fhmeufhi, cf sobuomltm ms cf gihmcfeoõl 6.54 Eimaaoeomlt Eim oeomltm ms Oltmre mpe oõl Ole igm Efrs Gf frrrom omh h li ekoc ekoch hrml Gf frrrom omh h 6+ ekoc ekoch hrml

0, 655= >, >>>6 6, 5101 >,0; ,0;21 ->,20 ,201?

Mrrir tçpoei çpoei Mstf Mstfhçs hçsttoei t >,2>?5 >,>>>> >,86?2 >,;> ,;>6? >,;6 ,;621


5,>>2; 8,=>== 5,081= >,5=;1 ->,;;?6

^ri`f ^ri`f`o `ocoh cohf fh Ol Olam amroi roirr ?= ?=% %


>,>>85 >,>>>> >,>>00 >,2061 >,52;2

>,2>8? >,>>>6 >,=620 -6, 5021 -0, 5251

 U upmro ir ?=% 5, =100 >, >>>6 0, 0>2? 6, ?>02 >, ?6?;

Olamroir ?=,>%

 U upmro ir ?=,>%

>, 2>8? >, >>>6 >, =620 -6,5021 -0,5251

5,=100 >,>>>6 0,0>2? 6,?>02 >,?6?;

 F LÆ COU OU HM Q F P OF LTF B rfhis hm co`mrtfh  Pmbrms oõl Pms ohuis Xit fc

 U ugf hm ^rigmhoi hm Qfcir A  eufhrfhis cis eufhrfhis erçtoei hm A  8 5;1,622=2= ?1, =885?51;   01,522;1606   0,12>8M-66 8= 618,2>080= 5, 11>>=5;?= 8? ==>, ;;

M stfhçs stfhçs toefs hm cf rmb rmso õl Ei Eima maoeom oeomltm ltm hm eir eirrm rmcfeoõ cfeoõl l gôc gôctopc topcm m Eimaoeomltm hm hmtmrgolfeoõl P\0 P\0 fdus tfhi Mrrir tçpoe i I`s mrvfe oilms

>,; >,;52 5201 01?> ?>06 06 >,2>6>6?868 >,128885510 6,?65601255 =>



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms


Cis gihmcis li kfl cibrfhi i`tmlmr ul A gæs fcti, mc sobuomltm sm flfcozõ sici eil his vfrof`cms, 6.84 Eimaoeom Eim aoeomlt ltm ms Mrrir tçpoei Oltmrempeoõl Oleigm Efrs

0, 6120 >, >>>6 6, 6=;=

>, 2>2> >, >>>> >, 5?86

Mstfhçstoei t  5, >1=0 8, ;11? 0, ?5?=

^ri`f`ocohf ^ri`f `ocohfh h Olam Olamroir ?= ?=% % >, >>51 >, >>>> >, >>=6

>,288? >,>>>6 >,51=2

 U upmro ir ?=% 5,=;?1 >,>>>6 6,?=68

Olamroir ?=,>%

 U upmro ir ?=,>%

>,288? >,>>>6 >,51=2

 F LÆ C OU OU HM Q F P OF LT LTF F Brfhis hm co`mrtfh  Pmbrmsoõl Pmsohuis

 U ugf hm ^rigmhoi A  Qfcir eufhrfhis hm cis erç toei hm A  0 52;,6=685; 6;?,>2=26?   =6,88;668>?   6,8=10M-60 82 620,20;=10 5,12=>2=;

5, =;?1 >, >>>6 6, ?=68




Mstfhçstoefs hm cf rmbrmsoõl Ei Eima maoeomltm oeomltm hm eirr eirrmcfeoõ mcfeoõl l gôctopcm gôctopcm >,;0 >,;0;=0 ;=0015 015 Eimaoeomltm hm hmtmrgolfeoõl P\0   >,1;188?28? P\0 fdus tfhi >,1256>26;= Mrrir tçpoe i 6,?62>8;20 I`smrvfe oilms =>

Ml mstm sm i`tuvi gmdirms mstfhçstoeis, y sici eil his vfrof`cms oltmrvmlohfs, olbrmsi y lôgmri hm efrris hm cfs pmrsilfs. Eigi sm i`smrvf, mc eimaoeomltm hm olbrmsi ms emrefli f >, pir ci qum sm gihmcfræ pir smpfrfhi mstfs vfrof`cms, ml ulf rmbrmsoõl sogpcm pfrf vmr su eigpirtfgomlti, tmlomlhi ml eumltf mc ?=% hm eilaof`ocohfh y mc oltmrempti obufc f >, 6.=4 Eimaoe Eim aoeoml omlttms Mrrir tçpoei Mst Mstf fhçs hçsttoei t  ^ri`f`ocohf Olamro Olamro ir ?=% h  Oltmrempe oõl Oleigm

>,>>>> >,>>>0

Pmbrms oõl Pms oh ohuis

#L/F >,>>>>

#L/ F 0;, 66=5

#L/F >,>>>>

#L/F >,>>>0

 U upmroir upmro ir ?=% #L/F >,>>>0

Olamroir ?=,>% #L/ F >, >>>0

 U upmroir upmro ir ?=,>% #L/F >,>>>0

 F LÆ COU CO U OU HM Q F P OF LTF ^rigmhoi Qfcir erçtoei B rfhis hm  U ugf hm hm cis A  hm A  co`mrtfh  eufhrfhis eufhrfhis 6 5222, ;6?1?0 5222,;6?1?0   2?>,820;>55   6,;>;2;M-56 8? 058, 6; 6;>5>;8 8,22?6;??1;

Mstfhçstoefs hm cf rmbrmsoõl Eimaoeomltm hm eirrmcfeoõl gôctopcm >,?2>521055 Eimaoeomltm >,?2>521055 Eimaoeomltm hm hmtmrgolfeoõl P\0   >,?8615>>55 P\0 fdus tfhi >,?06006;2 Mrrir tçpoe i 0,6;165=;=5 I`s mrvfe oilms =>




Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

Eigi rmsuctfhi hm cf rmbrmsoõl sm prmsmltf cf meufeoõl4

   7 >,>>0(0;,66 0;,66)) A4 2?>,82 y P04 >,?8  Mc gihmci rmsuctf mstfhçstoefgmltm sobloaoeftovi y eilemptufcgmltm eirrmeti, tomlm ul A hm brfl tfgföi, gæs fcti qum tihis cis fltmroirms.

Oleigm Bræaoei hm cis rmsohufcms 1 8 0

   s    i    u     h    o    s    m    P

> $ >.>> -0

$ 0>,>>>.>>

$ 8>,>>>.>>

$ 1>,>>>.>>

$ ;>,>>>.>>

$ 6>>,>>>.>>

-8 -1


Aoburf 68. Pmsohuis hm cis vofdms vs cis olbrmsis.

Gihmci 0. Mc gihmci 0, eigprmlhmræ vfrofs vfrof`cms –Olbrmsis Olbrmsis‗, ‗, –Uolbcm –Uolbcm Gfrromh li ekochrml‗, ekochrml‗, –Gfrromh 6+ ekochrml‗. ekochrml‗. _ vfrofeoilms f mstm gihmci qum pmrgotoræl mleiltrfr cf gmdir ipeoõl, ml cf sobuomltm tf`cf sm gumstrf mc rmsugml hm ci rmfcozfhi4 Eimaoe Eim aoeoml omlttms Mrrir tçpoei çpoei Oltmre mpeoõl Oleigm Uolbcm Gfrromh li ekochrml Gfrromh 6+ ekochrml

>,>>>> >,>>>6 6,?100 0,586? 0,>>?;

Mstf Mstfhçs hçsttoei t

#L/F >,>>>> >,2225 6,6682 6,6516

i`f i`f`ocohfOl `ocohfOlam amroir roir ?=% ?=%

#L/ F 2, 65;> 0, =08= 0, 6>>; 6, 21?6

#L/F >,>>>> >,>6=6 >,>860 >,>;5=

 U upmro ir ?=%

#L/F >, >,>>>6 >, >,5?22 >,>?;> ->,021?

#L/F >,>>>0 5,=012 8,=;=2 8,0?11

Olamroir ?=,>% #L/F >,>>>6 >,5?22 >,>?;> ->,021?

 U upmroi r ?=,>% #L/ F >, >>>0 5, =012 8, =;=2 8, 0?11

 F LÆ C OU OU HM Q F P OF LTF B rfhis hm

 U ugf hm

^rigmhoi hm

Qfcirr er çtoei Qfci


eufhrfhis cis eufhrf eu fhrfhis his hm A  8 5;>;,206=20 ?=0,6;>5?5   06=,81?=   6,>>=8=M-0; 81 0>5,02;80;6 8,86?>?1018 => 8>60

Pmbrmsoõl Pmsohuis Xitfc

Mstfhçstoefs hm cf rmbrmsoõl Eimaoeomltm hm Eimaoeomltm hm eirrmcfeoõl eirrmcfeoõl gôctopcm gôctopcm Eimaoeomltm hm hmtmrgolfeoõl P\0   P\0 fdustfhi Mrrir tçpoei I`smrvfeoilms

>,?28551 >,?28551?>6 ?>6 >,?8?5505?1 >,?080;;;=1 0,6>0618116 => 5?


Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms


^ir mstm gihmci sm mstæl i`tmlomlhi gmdirms mstfhçstoeis, pmri sm tomlm pri`cmgfs eil cis eimaoeomltms hm –olbrmsi‗ y –sictmri‗, sm mcogolõ mc –sictmri‗ pfrf vmr mc eigpirtfgomlti4 Ei Eim maoe aoeom omlt ltm ms Mrrir tçpoe tçpoei i Oltmrempeoõl Oleigm Gfrromh li ekochrml Gfrromh 6+ ekochrml

>,>>> >,>>> >,1>0 >,650

#L/F >,>>> >,?0= >,?>1

Ms ttf fhçs hçsttoei t

^ri ^ri`f `f`oc `ocohf ohfh  h 

Olamroir ?=%

#L/F 60,658 >,1=6 >,68=

#L/F >,>>> >,=6; >,;;=

#L/F >,>>> -6, 0=? -6, 1?0



 U upmro ir ?=% #L/F >, >>> 0, 815 6, ?==

Olamroir  U upmro ir ?=,>% ?=,>% #L/F >, >>> -6,0=? -6,1?0

 F LÆ C OU OU HM Q F P OF LTF LT F Brfhis hm co`mrtfh  Pmbrms oõl Pms ohuis Xitfc

 U ugf hm eufhrfhis

5 52;>,==;>1 82 056,886?80 => 8>60

^rigmhoi hm cis eufhrfhis

Qfcir erç toei hm A 

601>,6;1>6?   0==,?66;;06   6,>20;M-0; 8,?080?1158

#L/F >,>>> 0,815 6,?==

M stfhçsto stfhçsto efs hm cf rmb rmsoõ rmsoõl l Ei Eima maoeoml oeomltm tm hm eirrm eirrmcfeoõ cfeoõl l gôctopc gôctopcm m Eimaoeo Eima oeomltm mltm hm hmtmrgolfe hmtmrgolfeoõl oõl P\0 P\0 fdustfhi Mrrir tçpoei I`s mrvfe oilms

>,?2 >,?2>2 >202 02;= ;=? ? >,?80560=22 >,?6;=;66?2 0,06?>2=101 =>

Aolfcgmltm, sm rmfcozf ulf rmbrmsoõl colmfr sogpcm eil cf vfrof`cm –Efrs‗ y sm i`tomlm ci sobuomltm4 Eimaoeom Eim aoeomlt ltm ms Mrrir tçpoei Oltmrempe oõl Efrs

>,>>>> 8,1?05

Pmbrms oõl Pmsohuis Xitfc

Mstfhçstoei t 

#L/F >,028;

#L/F 62,>2=8

^ri`f ^ri` f`ocoh `ocohf fh Ola Olamroir mroir ?=% ?=% #L/F >,>>>>

#L/F 8,68>6

 U upmro upmroir ir ?=% #L/F =,088=

Olamroir ?=,>% #L/F 8,68>6

 U upmro ir ?=,>% #L/F =,088=

 F LÆ COU OU HM Q F P OF LTF ^rigmhoi B rfhis hm  U ugf hm Qfcir hm cis A  co`mrtfh  eufhrfhis erç toei hm A  eufhrfhis 6 5858, 21?05 5858, 21?05   0?6,=2>;?==   8,??6M-00 8? =22,05>21? 66,2;>06?; => 8> 8>60

Mstfhçstoefs hm cf rmbrmsoõl>,?0 >,?0=01 =01?1= ?1=1 1

Ei Eima maoeomltm oeomltm hm eirr eirrmcf mcfeoõl eoõl gôctop gôctopcm cm Eimaoeomltm hm hmtmrgolfeoõl P\0   P\0 fdus tfhi Mrrir tçpoe i I`s mrvfe oilms

>,;=1605?51 >,;5=26=225 5,85005082; =>

Eigi rmsuctfhi hm cf rmbrmsoõl sm prmsmltf cf meufeoõl4

 ℌ    7 8,1;05 ℌç (62,>2 62,>2)) 8>



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

A4 0?6,=2 y P04 >,;=1  Mc gihmci rmsuctf mstfhçstoefgmltm sobloaoeftovi y eilemptufcgmltm eirrmeti, tomlm ul A hm brfl tfgföi, gæs fcti qum tihis cis fltmroirms hmc gihmci 0 y 5. Uol mg`frbi, mc gihmci 6.=, qum rmcfeoilf colmfcgmltm cis vofdms eil cis olbrmsis, tomlm mstfhçstoefgmltm vfcirms gmdirms, eigi mc A gfyir y mc P 0 emrefli f 6. Mc gihmci mcmbohi ms4

   7 >,>>0(0;,66 ) A4 2?>,82 y P04 >,?8   F eiltolufeoõl eiltolufeoõl sm vvmroaoef mroaoef ci rmsu rmsuctfltm ctfltm hm mstm gih gihmci mci pfrf m mstogfr stogfr cis vvofdms4 ofdms4

Uo mc olbrmsi ms $ 0.0>0.>1=,>> (sugf titfc hm cis olbrmsis rmpirtfhis ml cf tf`cf 5) Cis vofdms sil4 >,>>>6;06;0255?560?*$ 0.0>0.>1=,>>78>6,62; vofdms. Umbôl cf tf`cf 5, cis vofdms titfcms sil 861 y eil cf meufeoõl sm i`tuvi 8>6,62 vofdms, msti sobloaoef ul mrrir hmc4


M7 ,

  7 5,2% 

Um eilecuym qum mc gihmci prmhoem hm gflmrf sftosafetirof cis vofdms hm cis hftis hm efco`rfeoõl, y sm eigprum`f qum fhmgæs auleoilm pfrf cis hftis hm cf gumstrf hmc 0>% hm cf pi`cfeoõl4 Uo mc olbrmsi ms $ ;?0.;;0,>> (sugf titfc hm cis olbrmsis rmpirtfhis ml cf tf`cf 0) Cis vofdms sil4 >,>>>6;06;0255?560?* $ ;?0.;;0,>>7 610,11 vofdms. _ smbôl ci i`tmlohi hm cf ecfsoaoefeoõl eruzfhf, cis vofdms sil 61=,=0 eilsmrvfl mc gosgi piremltfdm hm mrrir.





Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

E igpfrfeo igpfrfeoõl õl hm gihmcis ((E E cfso aoefe ao efeoo õl er eruzfhf uzfhf y rrmb mb r ms o õl)

Xmlomlhi ml eumltf cis vofdms hm cis hftis qum sil mc 0>% hm cf pi`cfeoõl, sm mstogõ mc lôgmri hm vofdms titfc fsç: Cis vofdms hmc 6>>% hm cf pi`cfeoõl efceucfhi pir ecfsoaoefeoõl eruzfhf sil4

  0>% 0>%   − 6>>%   61=,=0  − 6>> 7 ;02,=;    − 6>>% 7 6>>% 7 0>% 0> 0>% Cis vofdms hmc 6>>% hm cf pi`cfeoõl efceucfhi gmhofltm cf meufeoõl i`tmlohf pir mc gïtihi hm rmbrmsoõl colmfc sil4

  0>%   − 6>>% 

0>%  610,11  − 6>> 7 ;65,5  6>>% 7 0>%  −6>>% 7   0>% 0> Um efceucf mc mrrir rmcftovi pfrf eigpfrfr cis vfcirms i`tmlohis4 M7Z .

,∐,  7 6,;%   ,   W

Mstmcis mrrir, sobloaoef mstis gihmcis pumhml prmhmeor hm gflmrf eigpirtfgomlti hm vofdms hm cfqumpi`cfeoõl, sol mg`frbi cf rmbrmsoõl colmfc maoefz sici mc usõ ulf vfrof`cm hosgoluymlhi cf piso`ocohfh hm mrrms ml cf ecfsoaoefeoõl eruzfhf. OOO.

Eilecusoilms 6. ^frf mstogfr cf prihueeoõl hm vofdms eil gihmcis hm rmbrmsoõl colmfc ml pcfloaoefeoõl hm sostmgfs hm trflspirtm sm rmquomrm hm olairgfeoõl hm efcohfh eil vfrof`cms eirrmcfeoilfhfs y itrfs olhmpmlhomltms mltrm sç hm tfc gflmrf qum sm pumhf i`tmlmr ulf airgucf ml rmcfeoõl rmcfe oõl f sus hftis. Ms piso`cm qum sm tmlbfl hftis hm mleumstfs rmfcozfhfs hilhm cf efcohfh hmc brupi hm hftis li ms `umlf y li pmrgotm mleiltrfr mstf eirrmcfeoõl mltrm mstfs vfrof`cms. 0. Euflhi sm tomlm brfl vfromhfh hm hftis, ms piso`cm hmsoblfr hoamrmltms eig`olfeoilms hm gihmcis eil hostoltfs vfrof`cms, pmri cf rmbrmsoõl colmfc gistrfræ mstfhçstoeis tfl `umlis, mg`frbieil euflhi airgucfl gihmcis eil gmlis vfrof`cms smlipumhm ccmbfr f sol ul gihmci `umlfsm prmeosoõl. 5. Ml efso tihis cis gihmcis hm rmbrmsoõl colmfc hmsfrriccfhis hilhm sm olecuçf cf vfrof`cm ærmf, mstf sm eilvmrtçf ml ulf vfrof`cm eilemptufcgmltm væcohf, hm`ohi f qum fsugor qum ml euflti kfyf gæs ærmf hm efhf zilf mltilems sm bmlmrfræl gæs vofdms y mstf prmgosf li ms rmfc, hm`ohi f qum pir mdmgpci ml zilfs olhustrofcms, cfs zilfs sm pumhml kf`mr hmaolohi gæs brflhms, pmri li vovm guekf pi`cfeoõl qum bmlmrm mstis vofdms. 8. Um i`smrvõ qum cfs vfrof`cms eigi cf mhfh gmhof hm cf pi`cfeoõl hm cf zilf y mc lôgmri hm kibfrms hmltri hm cfs zilfs so pumhml tmlmr eirrmcfeoõl hormetf eil cis vofdms bmlmrfhis ml cfs zilfs, pir msi cis gihmcis qum tuvomril ml eumltf mstfs vfrof`cms tomlml gmdirms rmsuctfhis mstfhçstoeis. Uol mg`frbi cf mhfh gmhof tomlm 80



Xfccmr 6  ― Gihmcis hm bmlmrfeoõl hm vofdms

ml mspmeofc vfcirms rmsohufcms guy hospmrsis, ci qum kfem qum sm airgucml gihmcis kmtmrisemhæstoeis eil mstf vfrof`cm. ^ir mstf rfzõl sm hmeohoõ usfr vfrofeoilms y brupis hm mhfhms, pfrf eigpri`fr mstfs eilhoeoilms. =. ^frf mstogfr cf pi`cfeoõl gmhofltm mc gïtihi hm rmbrmsoõl colmfc, ms ogpirtfltm ohmltoaoefr cfs vfrof`cms mstfhçstoefgmltm sobloaoeftovfs pfrf li oleurror ml mrrirms euflhi sm bmlmrm cis gihmcis hm mstogfeoõl OQ.

@o`coibrfaçf -  Irtuzfr flh Roccugs Roccugsml ml (0>66) Gihmccolb Xrflspirt -  kttp4//kugflohfhms.eeks.esoe.ms/eeks/wm`Y]FM/tutirofcms/^HA/PmbrmsoilYcolmfcY  guctopcmY5.pha -  ^cfloaoefeoõ ^cfloaoefeoõl l hmc Xrflspirtm ]r`fli. 0hf. Mh. 0>>>, Goekfmc Gmymr y Mroe G Goccmr. occmr. -  Olbmlomrçf hm Xrælsoti y Efrrmtmrfs 5mrf. Mh. 0>>=, Loekicfs Bfr`mr y Cmstmr Kimc.

-  Efpçtuci 24 Qofcohfh y Xrflspirtm, Ietu`rm 0>>?, Upfrtfei Eoeefrmcc Eoeefrmcco.o.

(www.eoflz.irb.vm/mxpi0>>?)  -  kttp4//olbmlomrof.uleuyi.mhu.fr/eftmhrfs/ecfsm-5.pha


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