Tales of Mystery and Imagination - Test

August 31, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Tales of Mystery and Imagination 1

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Whic Which h of th the e fiv five e stor stories ies do tthe he fo follow llowing ing se senten ntences ces come from? The Fall of the House of Usher , The Black Cat , The Masque of the Red Death , William Wilson , The Tell-Tale Heart .


b What What change changed d the narr narrator ator in The Black Cat from a quiet gentle man into a violent one? ........................ ............ ......................... .......................... .......................... ........................ ........... c Wher Wheree did the the light for for Princ Princee Prospero’ Prospero’ss sev seven en rooms come from? ........................ ............ ......................... .......................... .......................... ........................ ........... d In which which city city did William William Wilson Wilson kill tthe he other William Wilson? ........................ ............ ......................... .......................... .......................... ........................ ........... e Wher Wheree did the murder murderer er put the old old man man’s ’s body and his ‘tell-tale heart’? ........................ ............ ......................... .......................... .......................... ........................ ...........

20 marks 


Matc Match haw word ord fro from m A wit with h a de defin finitio ition n fr from om B B.. A

1 2 3 4 5

20 marks 

evil mad terror horror imagination


a fe feelin eling g of great great fear fear or disli dislike ke maki making ng pictur pictures es in your mind mind very ba bad, d, very wron wrong g with with a sic sick km min ind d ver ery yg grrea eatt fea fearr 20 marks


Fi Fill ll in the the g gap aps s u usi sing ng:: axe , cloak , dragon , lantern , sword .

a In R Roderick oderick Usher’s Usher’s fa favo vourite urite b book, ook, The Sad, Mad life of Sir Launcelot Canning Canning,, Ethelred fights a ..............., with fire coming out of its mouth. b The narr narrat ator or of The Black Cat kills Cat kills his wife with an ................ . c Willi illiam am Wilso Wilson n had a v very ery unusua unusuall and expensive ..............., which a shop made specially for him. d Wi William lliam Wilson Wilson kille killed d the other Wi William lliam Wilson Wilson with a ................ ................ . e The The m mur urde dere rerr in in The Tell-Tale Heart looked Heart looked at


a b c d e

Answ Answer er thes these e ques questions tions.. Ther There e is one abou aboutt each of the stories.

a Wha Whatt was was nex nextt to the House House of Usher Usher,, and finally closed over it? ........................ ............ ......................... .......................... .......................... ........................ ...........

a ‘At Oxford Oxford I spent spent a lot lot of my time gambling.’ gambling.’ ............... b ‘I dec decided ided to to hide the the body body behi behind nd the w walls alls o off the cellar.’ ............... c ‘He pa painte inted d strange strange pictu pictures res,, and sang sang mysterious songs with wild words.’ ............... d ‘I ope opened ned th thee lantern lantern a little little an and d a thin ray ray o off light fell on his eye.’ ............... e ‘But no one was was brave brave enough now to enter the black room.’ ...............

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Edgar Allan Poe

Use tthese hese five names to answ answer er the the qu questio estions: ns:

the old man with a ............... at night.

Roderick Usher , Lady Madeleine Usher , the stranger (in The Masque of the Red Death ), ), William Wilson (the narrator), the narrator), the old man (in The Tell-Tale Heart ). ).

20 marks

Who . . .

a . . . near nearly ly too took k all all the the mone money y of a man man ca calle lled d Glendinning? ............... b . . . had had a pale pale blu bluee ey eyee like like the ey eyee of a vultu vulture? re? ............... c . . . was was buri buried ed a ali liv ve in a v vau ault lt unde underr an old old house? .............. d . . . had had the the face face of of a dead man, man, co cov ver ered ed with with blood? ............... e . . . could could onl only y eat eat ffood ood tha thatt almos almostt ha had d no taste? ............... ...............


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20 marks 






Tales of Mystery and Imagination

12 Roderick Usher had to choose his clothes very very carefully because _____.   a  mo  most st of tthe hem m hur hurtt h his is sk skin in b  he was very tall c  h  his is sist sister er was ill ill d  he didn’t like black

Setting Choose the best answer.

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Edgar Allan Poe

1 The write writerr visited visited th thee House House of Usher o on n _____. _____. a  a beautiful summer day b  a co cold ld wint winter er nigh nightt c  a grey autumn day d  a sunny spring afternoon 2 Whe When n he sa saw w the House House of Usher the the writer writer felt felt  _____. a  h  ha appy b  s  sa ad c  il  ill d  terrible 3 Lif Lifee changed changed for for the man man with the the bla black ck cat cat when he _____. a  g  go ot married b  met his wife c  started drinking heavily d  started playing with animals 4 The m man an with the the black black ccat at felt felt sadness sadness an and d pain when when he thought of _____. a  ki  kill llin ing g hi his wif wifee b  hanging the cat from the tree c  cutting the cat’s eye from its socket d  hiding his wife’s body

13 Lady Ma Madele deleine’ ine’ss coffi coffin n was tak taken en to _____.   a  th  the lake b  her bedroom c  th  the vaults d  her brother’s bedroom 14 The m man an with tthe he black black ca catt got marrie married d _____.   a  w  whe hen nh hee was was qui quite te you young ng b  three times c  whe  when n he w was as old d  to a woman who did not like animals 15 Prince Prospero invited _____ people to stay in one of his castles.   a  a hundred b  two hundred c  tw  two thousand d  a thousand 16 Prince Prospero tried to kill the masked stranger with _____.   a  a sword b  an  an axe c  his hands d  a rope 17 The only strange thing about William Wilson Wilson was his _____. a  cl  clothing b  vo  voice c  h  ha air d  face 18 Glen Glendinn dinning ing met the the writer writer _____ _____..   a  in  in Rome b  at  at a party c  playing cards d  at university 19 The old man had a _____ eye, eye, the eye of a vultur vulture. e.   a  gr  green b  b  bllue c  re  red d  black 20 The w write riterr hid the the old man’s man’s body body _____. _____.   a  un  unde derr the the woo oode den n flo floor or b  behind the wall all in in th thee cell cellar ar c  in a coffin in the vaults d  in the garden

5 Ev Everybo erybody dy was was afraid afraid of the Red Death Death because because people _____. a  w  wo ore rred ed mas masks b  had to wear red clothes c  started to bleed from every part of their bodies d  died when they saw the colour 6 At Prince Prospe Prospero’ ro’ss ball every every man man and woman woman was dressed _____. a  lik  like a terr terrib ible le drea dream m b  in red c  i  in n white d  in beautiful clothes 7 The w write riterr in the story story of William William W Wilso ilson n only listened to _____. a  h  hiimself b  h  hiis friends c  his parents d  William Wilson 8 William W Wilson ilson was was differen differentt to the other boys boys at

20 marks 

school because he _____ the writer of the story. a  was  was th thee bes bestt ffri rien end d of of b  refused to obey c  d  did idn n’t pla play wi with th d  didn’t talk to 9 Eve Every ry night the man opened the old man’ man’ss door to put his _____ inside the room. a  h  heead b  f  fo oot c  la  lantern d  bed 10 On the _____ night he started opening the door even more carefully.   a  s  seecond b  s  seeventh c  eighth d  tenth

Dialogue Who said or thought this?

21 ‘Y ‘You ou will p proba robably bly no nott see her her again a aliv live.’ e.’   a  L  La ady Mad adeelein leinee b  the family doctor c  Ro  Roderi erick U Ush sheer d  the writer 22 ‘Let’s close the window and read together.’ together.’   a  Ro  Roderic rick U Ussher her b  the writer c  L  La ady Made adelein leinee d  the family doctor 23 ‘The next day I went back into the house and I saw several people standing in a group, looking at a wall.’   a  a policeman b  the writer

20 marks 


c  the  the writ writer er’’s w wif ifee

Choose the best answer.

d  a neighbour

11 Roderick Usher was was the _____ in his family.   a  on  only ly on onee wit with h chi child ldre ren n b  last living man c  r  riichest man d  poorest man





Tales of Mystery and Imagination 24 ‘Do you you see how how well built this house is? These walls, you will notice, are very strong.’   a   the  the wri write ter’ r’ss wif wifee b   a neighbour c   a policeman d   the writer 25 ‘Who is mad enough to play games with us, and   26   27   28

  29   30  

39 to mo move ve suddenly by accident, and fall or almost fall a  sl  slip b   p  pllunge c   th  throw d  whisper 40 the sound sound o off a bell bell in in a ccloc lock k a  advice b  ch  chime c  o  ou utlined d  paint

with death, in this way?’ a   t  th he Re Red Death b   the writer c   Pr  Prin incce P Prrospe perro d  a friend ‘Let ‘Let’’s double double the sstak takes. es.’’ a   Gl  Glendinning b  Mr Preston c   t  th he writer d   William Wilson ‘I have have had enough trouble from y you! ou! This is the last time you’ll follow me anywhere!’ a   Gl  Glendinning b  the writer c   Wil  Willi liam am Wilso ilson n d   the Duke Di Broglio ‘Y ‘You ou have have won, and I have have lost. But from this moment you, too, are dead – dead to the world, to Heaven, and to hope!’ a   Wil  Willi liam am Wilso ilson n b   Glendinning c   M  Mrr Preston d   the Duke Di Broglio ‘And then I heard a sound. Hadn’t I told y you ou that my hearing was excellent?’ a   t  th he old man b  the writer c   a policeman d   a neighbour ‘Sto ‘Stop p pret pretendi ending ng that y you ou cannot cannot hear it!’ it!’ a   th  thee ne neighbour b   a policeman c   t  th he old man d   the writer

20 marks 

Plot Choose the best answer.

41 Lady Madeleine was Roderick Usher’ Usher’ss _____.   a   mo  mother b   si  sister c   daughter d   friend 42 Roder oderick ick Us Usher her w was as killed killed b by y _____. _____.   a   th  the writer b  his own terror c   h  hiis illness d   Ethelred 43 The b blac lack k cat had had the shap shapee of _____ on its chest. chest.   a   th  the ga gallows b   an  an axe c   a vulture d   a mask 44 The man killed his wife with an axe because  _____.   a   she  she w wan ante ted d to to llea eav ve him him b   she stopped hi him m kil killi ling ng th thee cat cat c   she didn’t want to go to the cellar d   she killed the cat 45 When the man with the black cat killed his wife he hid her body _____.   a   in  in tth he v va aults b   in the lake c   under the wooden floor d   behind the walls of the cellar 46 Prince Prospero w was as in _____ w when hen he saw saw the masked stranger strang er..   a   th  the cellar b   his bedroom c   th  the blue ro room d   the vaults 47 The Prince’ Prince’ss friends were were all too frightened to  _____ the masked stranger stranger..   a   to  touch b   lo  look at c   talk to d   run towards 48 _____ los lostt everythi everything ng he had playing playing cards cards..   a   W  Wil illi liam am Wilson lson b   The writer c   M  Mrr Preston d   Glendinning 49 The writer realized that every time W Wilson ilson appeared he had never seen his _____. a   cl  cloak b   fa  f ace c   ma  mask d   clothes 50 The writer put his _____ on the place where he had hidden the body. a   b  beed b   fo  foot c   ch  chair d  ears

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Vocabulary Choose the best answer.

31 a fee feeling ling o off deep sadness sadness and and hopele hopelessne ssness ss a   a  an nger b   g  glloom c   ev  evil d   mad 32 not ki kind; nd; bringin bringing g pain or troub trouble le to some someone one a   cr  cruel b   cr  crack c   ho  horror d  terror 33 very gr grea eatt ffea earr a   ma  mad b  h  heell c   te  terror d   horrible 34 a narrow narrow way way in a building a  p  pa assage b  va  vault c  ce  cellar d  plaster 35 a tthi hin n li line ne of of lig light ht a   ch  chime b   c  ca andle c   ra  ray d   mask 36 a wid widee loose loose co coat at wi withou thoutt sle sleev eves es a   c  clloak b   ch  chest c   c  crrack d  chime 37 a big dangerous animal with fire in its mouth, which lives only in stories a  v  vu ulture b  p  pllunge c  dr  dragon d  evil 38 with little little colou colourr in the face a   m  ma ask b   t  teears c  so  s ocket

Edgar Allan Poe

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d   pale Total marks 





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