Talent Level 3 Extension Activities

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DATE _________________________

 Adverbs of frequency frequency

Past simple: Regular and irregular verbs

1 Rewrite the sentences using the adverbs

4 Complete the gaps with the past simple form

in brackets.

of the verbs in brackets.

1 Do you have bad dreams at night? ( sometimes) 2 I seem to get the right answer first time. (never )

......................... .................... ....... (go out )  A  Yesterday afternoon I 1............ and guess who I 2.............. ........................ .......... (meet ) … Rachel! ...................... ......... you B  Rachel!? So she’s back. 3.............

3 They go to Spain for their summer holiday. (usually ) 4 Sam is the last person to arrive. (often) 5 We haven’t had such a big flat. ( always) 6 The news is rather depressing these days.

(usually )

Present simple v present continuous 2 Complete the gaps with the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. We 1............ ...................... .......... (like) travelling and every year we 2 ...................... ............. ......... (go) to a different place because we 3 ........................ ............. ........... (love) seeing new things. In this ........................ ............ (be) on holiday in Spain, photo we 4............ I 5............. ........................... ......................... ........... (not  /  / remember ) the name of the place. I 6............. ........................ ........... (believe) it’s Marbella. 7 We ............ .......................... ....................... ......... ( play   play ) on the beach 8 and the sun ............ ......................... .......................... ................... ...... ( shine  shine). Now we 9.............. ........................... .................... ....... ( plan  plan) our next holiday; I 10............. ........................ ........... (love) organising things.

Past simple v past continuous 3 Rewrite the sentences using while and the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in the box. visit     travel visit travel     teach teach     sleep sleep     ■

have lunch  lunch    play ■

1 During Mr Blake’s lesson, some of the students fell asleep. ........................... ............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ....................... .......... 2 Jane met her best friend on her journey in China. ........................... ............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ....................... .......... 3 In the middle of the meal, Tom realised it was

his dad’s birthday. ........................... ............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ....................... .......... 4 In the middle of the concert, the guitarist felt sick. ........................... ............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ....................... .......... 5 At her grandparents’ house, Kate got ill. ........................... ............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ....................... .......... 6 In my sleep, I dreamt that I was flying. ........................... ............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ....................... .......... TALENT 3  Test book ■

....................... ( speak ) to her? .......................  A  Yes, I 4............ ...................... .......... ( stop  stop) her and we 5...................... (begin) talking. You know, she 6............. ........................ ........... (live) for two months in New York in 2013, then she 7 .................. ............ ...... (move) to Canada and 8............ .................. ...... (get ) married to a Canadian professor last December. B  Really? And what’s she doing here now?  A  She 9............ ...................... .......... (come) back a month ago, she 10 .......................... ............ .................. ( sell  sell) her house some days ago and tonight she’s flying back to Canada.

Perfect tenses 5 Choose the correct option. 1 I love this house. I ............ here for most of my life.  A lived B have been living C didn’t live 2 After her accident last year, Kyla ............ a half marathon!   marathon!  A has been running B hasn’t run C ran 3 ............ of the film director Almodóvar?  A Did you ever heard B Have you ever hear C Have you ever heard 4 Poor Jamie ............ very well recently.  A didn’t felt B wasn’t been feeling C hasn’t been feeling 5 I ............ this book, you can borrow it.  A ’ve already read B did already read C have already been read 6 The dogs ............ in the river to cool down yesterday.  A have been swimming B swam C have swum

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NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________


DATE _________________________

Past participles: Regular and irregular forms


6 Complete the table. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

sing sing tell te ll write give forgett forge do take ta ke liliee hide fall fa ll come seee se go flyy fl drive dr ive

Past si simple ............................................................ ............................................................ .............. .......... ........ ......... ......... ....... ... .............. .......... ........ ......... ......... ....... ... ........ .... ........ ........ ......... ......... ......... ..... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ .............. .......... ........ ......... ......... ....... ... ............................................................ .............. .......... ........ ......... ......... ....... ... ............................................................ .............. .......... ........ ......... ......... ....... ... ............................................................ ............................................................

Past pa participle ............................................................ ............................................................ ......... ..... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... ... ......... ..... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... ... ......... ..... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... ... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ......... ..... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... ... ............................................................ ......... ..... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... ... ............................................................ ......... ..... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....... ... ............................................................ ............................................................

been v gone 7 Choose the correct option. 1 A Where’s Mum? B I think she’s been / gone to work. 2 Has your teacher ever been / gone to America? 3 I’ve been / gone to Ireland but I’d like to go again. 4 Where have you been / gone? You’re all dirty! 5 The dog’s disappeared. Where’s he been / gone? 6 Our visitor had been / gone to the station before we said goodbye.

Future simple and first conditional 8 Complete the gaps to offer help using the

correct form of will  and  and the verbs in the box. teach     give teach give     cut cut     buy buy     book book     change ■

1 A I don’t know Janet’s phone number. B I ........................... ........................................ ........................... ................ it to you. 2 A This programme is boring. B I .............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ................ channel. 3 A The grass in the garden is very high. ........................... .......................... ........................... ................ it. B I .............. 4 A I would like to learn Spanish. ........................... .......................... ........................... ................ you. B I .............. 5 A B 6 A B

9 Rewrite making one sentence in the first

I really like that T-shirt. I .............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ................ it for you. I’d really like to go to that gig. I .................................. .................................. the tickets on the internet.

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1 You revise for the history test. You don’t fail it. 2 It is sunny. I go to the seaside. 3 I buy a new tablet. My parents help me. 4 I don’t go to Kate’s party. I don’t find a nice

present. 5 Mary doesn’t go to school. She doesn’t feel better. 6 I don’t get the job. I am disappointed.

10 Complete the gaps with unless, when, if   or until . There may be more than one correct answer. .................. ...... the 1 We won’t be able to go swimming ............ weather improves. 2 I think I’ll study in the States .................. I leave school. 3 She’ll probably look after her friend’s cat .................. ............ ...... the weekend. 4 They will be happy to help you .................. you ask

them nicely. 5 ............ .................. ...... I’m sure, I won’t tell anybody my exam results. .................. ...... you hurry up, we’re going to miss that 6 ............ bus.

Subject and object questions 11 Use the prompts to write questions. 1 What / you / do at the moment? 2 Who / break / that window yesterday? 3 Which candidate / get / the best results? 4 Who / you / meet / at the club last night? 5 Which book / Henry / lend / you tomorrow? 6 What / cause / the road accident / you / see /


Direct and indirect questions 12 Rewrite the direct questions as indirect questions using the words in brackets. 1 What’s your address? (could ) 2 What did you expect? (mind ) 3 Who did you ask? (can) 4 you coming? (let me Do those bags belong toknow you? )( mind ) 5 Are 6 Has the movie already finished? ( could )

Test book  TALENT 3 ■


Unit 1

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________

EXTENSION Past tenses review: Past simple v past continuous 1 Use the prompts to write sentences in the past

DATE _________________________

se ntences and correct 4 Find the mistakes in the sentences them.

simple or the past continuous.

1 Did you ever fly in a helicopter? 2 Have your Irish relatives visit you yet?

1 as Ben / run for a bus / fall into the road 2 Mum / burn the dinner / because / talk on the

3 I didn’t never eat insects when I was in Thailand. 4 We haven’t done the shopping yesterday.

3 4 5 6

phone Lena / sit in the garden / when / wasp sting her lights / go out / as I / come downstairs while she / wash the glasses / two of them break he / carry my bags / when / drop one on my foot

2 Match the beginnings to the endings of the sentences, putting each verb into the correct form.

3 4

Amanda .................. (have) a wonderful dream The taxi ............. .......................... ................. ( wait ) for us I ............. (read ) the book you ............ (lend ) me When the girls ............ ........................ ............ (open) their eyes

5 6

Rita ............. ......................... ............ (cycle) home Dad ............. .......................... ............. (make) our lunch

1 2

.......................... ................... ...... ( find ) £20 in it. a when I ............. .......................... .................... ...... ( feel) the earthquake. b when she ............ c they ............. ........................... ................... ..... (have) a lovely surprise. ................................ (ring). d when his phone ................................

.......................... .................... ...... ( wake up). e when she ............ f when we ............. .......................... ................... ...... ( arrive) at the station.

Past simple v present perfect 3 Complete the gaps with the past simple or the present perfect of the verbs in brackets. ........................... .................. ..... ( be) on a photo safari. 1 I .............. In 2010 I ............................ ............................ (go) to Namibia and I ............ ......................... .................. ..... ( enjoy ) it very much. .......................... ................... ...... (move) to New 2 A friend of mine ............. York. Two months ago an American company ........................... ............. ................... ..... (offer ) her a very good job. ........................... ........................... ......................... ............ ( you 3 A .............  you / ever / take) a high-speed train? ......................... ........................... ........................... ............... (never  /  / try ).). B No, I ............ 4 A ............. ...................... ......... your Australian relatives ...................... ............. ......... (write) to you? .......................... .................. .... ( send ) us an email B Yes, they ............ yesterday. .......................... ................... ...... (go) to bed. She 5 Mum ............. ........................... ............. ................... ..... (feel) rather tired. TALENT 3  Test book ■

5 Haven’t you yet finished your homework? 6 Kate has just came home and she’s watching TV now.

Past simple v past perfect 5 Complete the sentences using the past simple or the past perfect. 1 Sheila get dressed – go out After ............................ ............................ , Sheila ............ .......................... ........................ .......... . 2 Tom already wait 40 minutes – go home Tom ................................ ................................ before he ............ .......................... .................. . 3 John – drink a coffee – start work

After he ............. .......................... ................. , John ................................ ................................ . 4 Bob – fail the exam twice – decide to give up Bob ............................ ............................ before he ................................. ................................. . 5 Mary – put on some weight – stop going to the

gym  gym  Mary ............. .......................... ................. because .............. ........................... ................... ...... . 6 Jacob – write three books – get a publisher Jacob ............. .......................... ................. before ............. .......................... ..................... ........ .

6 Complete the gaps. Use the past simple, past continuous, present perfect or past perfect of the verbs in brackets. ......................... ................... ...... (give) the film back to me 1 He ............ after he ............. ........................... .................. .... ( watch) it. ........................... .................. .... (know) her since 2 This is Sheila, I ............. 3 4



we ............. .......................... .................. ..... (be) children. They ............ ......................... ................... ...... (not  /  / hear ) from Paul while he ............ ......................... ................... ...... ( teach) in Paris. She ............ ......................... ................... ...... (begin) in that school in 2012 and within two years she ............................... ............................... (become) the principal. I ............ .......................... ................... ..... ( want ) to get some postcards earlier but I ............................... ............................... (leave) my cash at home. We .............. ........................... .......................... ................ ... (wait ) on the platform when we .................... (hear ) they .............. ........................... ................. .... (cancel) our train.

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Unit 2

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________


DATE _________________________

Direct and reported speech

Reported questions

1 Rewrite the dialogue in reported speech.

3 Write direct questions.

Mary  Sheila 




I’m really tired, I have written about 50 emails and my eyes are burning. You should relax for a while. I’ll get you a cup of coffee.

1 He asked me if I would be ready by the next day. ......................... ............ ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ......................... ........... 2 They asked whether their children ate fish.

Itrip; can’t long, next I haveweek to organise John’s herelax is leaving and if I don’t book the flights now, he’ll get terribly anxious. You are right. Last month I reserved a hotel room just the day before his journey and he was frantic. I think I might take a day off tomorrow. I would like to go to the hairdresser.

3 She asked the waiter if their dog was allowed to go in. ......................... ............ ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ......................... ........... 4 He asked if the last train had already left.

Mary said ............ ......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... .......................... ............. .......................... ............ ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... .................. . Sheila told her ............ ......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ................ . Mary said ............ ......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ......................... ............ . Sheila replied ............ ......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ................. .... . Mary said that ............. .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ................. .

2 Rewrite the text in direct speech. The headteacher told the students the school staff was going to organise a science competition. A local company had agreed to help with costs since the management wanted to motivate more students to get involved in science. The students would be divided into groups and each group would consist of five people. He said that the students who were interested should apply by the end of the week and said that the science and maths teachers had to select the final candidates. The task, which had already been chosen, was to conduct an experiment in the lab and write a detailed report. There would be prizes for all the participants. .......................... ............ ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ................. ... .......................... ............ ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ................. ... .......................... ............ ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ................. ... .......................... ............ ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ................. ... .......................... ............ ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ................. ... .......................... ............ ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ................. ... .......................... ............ ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ................. ... .......................... ............ ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ................. ... .......................... ............ ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ................. ... .......................... ............ ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ................. ... © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

......................... ............ ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ......................... ...........

....................................... ......................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ......................... ........... 5 I asked whether I could leave. ......................... ............ ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ......................... ........... 6 The policeman asked if that bag belonged to me. ......................... ............ ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ......................... ...........

4 Write the reported questions using if  / / whether   or a question word. 1 ‘How long have you been here, Mary?’ 2 3

4 5 6

Kate asked ............ ......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ................. . ‘When did you meet that boy?’ Mum asked me ............. .......................... .......................... ........................... ..................... ....... . ‘Should we invite our new neighbours to the party?’ Tom asked his wife ...................................... ................................................... ............... . ‘Do you think we will leave early tomorrow?’  tomorrow?’  I asked my parents ................................... ................................................ .................. ..... . ‘When are you going to repair your bike?’ Tom asked when his son ................................ .......................................... .......... . ‘Can you help us in the garden?’ My parents asked me ..................................... ................................................. ............ .

5 Complete the replies. 1 Linda hasn’t started her homework yet. That’s funny. She told me ................................... ......................................... ...... . 2 My partner and I are separating. Oh no! But you said last week .............................. ................................. ... . 3 Let’s get Dad some jazz CDs for his birthday.

Not a good idea. He told ............ ......................... ........................... .................. .... . 4 My dog disappeared last night. That’s awful. I heard that ............ ......................... ........................... ................. ... . 5 You’ll love the new James Bond movie. Well, Ben disagrees. He told me .............................. .............................. . 6 You have to pay extra for the drinks. Really? The advert said ............. .......................... ........................... ................... ..... .

Test book  TALENT 3 ■


Unit 3


NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

Revision of comparative and superlative adjectives

too many / too much, too few / too little, (not ) enough + nouns

1 Find the mistakes in the sentences and

4 Choose the correct option.

correct them. 1 The jeans are far dirty than the shoes. 2 This book is most expensive in the shop. 3 Your table is a little bit longest than ours. 4 San Pedro is the more violentest city in the 5 6 7 8

world. This is the worst food than the world! Lenor is even fitter of Susie. This exercise is best than the others. This is the earlier train we can get.

2 Put the words in the correct order to write sentences. 1 answers / mine / far / than / better / are / Your 2 lower / some / standard / a / living / is / 3 4 5 6

lot / The / countries / in / of  are / The / of / warming / worse / global / problems / getting I’ve / blog / popular / This / is / least / written / ever / the shocking / the / earthquake / far / by / news / The / thing / the / in / was / most more / romantic / sci-fi / exciting / The / the / much / comedy / film / was / than

Comparatives and superlatives with nouns 3 Complete the gaps with the words fewer  / / the fewest  or  or less / the least . 1 My aunt is rich but she donates ........................... ............. ................... ..... money to charity. 2 You work too much. Why don’t d on’t you work ........................... ............. ................... ..... hours?

.......................... ................... ...... meat now 3 Bill eats ............. although he’s not a vegetarian. 4 My sisters don’t read much but I read ................................ ........................... ..... books. 5 People have ............ .......................... .................... ...... homegrown vegetables now than in the past. ................................ fun if 6 Holidays are much ................................ you have to study.

TALENT 3  Test book ■

1 Too few / Too little children understand the importance of exercise.  information. 2 This book gives you the more / the most  information.

 time on their 3 They spent far too much / too many  time homework. 4 I don’t like cycling in town because there are  too many / too little cars. 5 My mother never has enough / too few time to relax. 6 We received too few / too little help in our recent campaign.

Comparative and superlative adverbs 5 Write a second sentence with the comparative of the adverb in brackets so that it means the same as the first. 0 Charles doesn’t work much. (Charles’s brother / hard ) Charles’s brother works harder than him.

1 Ted is learning Spanish slowly. ( His sister / far / fast ) 2 You drive dangerously. (I / much / safe) 3 Kate arrived late at school. (The other students / a bit /

early ) 4 Charles can dance very badly. (His brother / even / well) 5 You get up early. (I / a little bit / late ) 6 My friend did very well in the test. (I / a little / bad )

6 Complete the gaps with the superlative adverbs of the words in brackets. 1 Helen was the person in our group who donated

.......................... ............ ...................... ........ (generous). .......................... ........................... .......................... .................. ..... 2 He always arrives by far ............ (early ) of all his class. 3 Who works .............. ........................... .......................... ................... ...... (hard ):): Vera, Belle or Sue?

.......................... ........................ ........... (bad ) 4 The clowns performed by far ............. of all the circus acts. 5 Does your dad drive ............ .......................... ........................... .......................... ................ ... ( far ) in your family? 6 Who swims ............. ........................... ........................... .......................... ................. .... (good ),), you

or one of your brothers?

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Unit 4

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________


DATE _________________________

Future predictions: will  v  v may / might  1 Complete the gaps with the correct form of will   or may  /  / might  and  and the words in brackets. .................................. ( snow 1 I think it ..................................  snow) later so we ........................... ............. ..................... ....... (be able to) ski tomorrow.

5 Joe and Paul ............ at one in Café Royale.  A will meet B is meeting C are meeting 6 She ............ hire a boat and go sailing saili ng in August.  A won’t B is going to C will

4 Match the sentences.

2 What time ............. .................... ....... the moon ........................ ........................ (rise) tonight?


We want to go to the beach tomorrow.

3 We ............. .......................... ..................... ........ ( be) ready when the taxi

2 3 4

I’ve seen some great trainers online. Sam can’t come round tonight. He’s busy. My brother’s studying German.

comes, don’t worry. .................................. (not  /  / worry ) 4 Our parents .................................. about us if we keep in contact. 5 You ............ ......................... ...................... ......... ( find ) this project interesting, or you .................................. .................................. (not ).). .................................. (be) delicious, 6 This meal .................................. the chef’s brilliant.

2 Complete the gaps with the verbs in the box in the future perfect. ■

with the correct use of the future. present continuous for a fixed arrangement going to for a future prediction based on evidence at the time of speaking going to for an intention i ntention will for a decision made at the time of speaking


eat     finish eat finish     fly fly     have have     live live     write ■

2 That author ............ ......................... ...................... ......... three books when the series is finished. ........................... .................... ....... 3 If I have another cake, I ..............

far too much. .................................. (not ) 4 I’m not ready yet: I .................................. until ten. 5 The girls ............. .......................... ..................... ........ enough exercise after their run. 6 He ............................... .................................. ... all night by the time he gets to New Zealand.

Future simple v going to  and present continuous 3 Choose the correct option. 1 Why not come to the gig? I expect it ............ fun.  A ’s B won’t be C ’ll be 2 I’ve decided I definitely .......... apply for a new job. B will


.......................... ..................... ........ 1 By the end of the month, we ............. in this house for ten years.

 A ’m

c I think I’ll buy them with my birthday money. d This weather app says it’s going to rain in the afternoon.

5 Match the responses in exercise 4

Future perfect

a He’s going to work in Germany all summer. b He’s revising all evening!

C am going to

3 4

Future continuous 6 Look at Ben’s plans for today. Complete the sentences with the future perfect or future continuous form of the verbs in the box. finish     have finish have     plan plan     sit sit     take take     watch ■

9 am 10:30 am 1 pm 2:30 pm 4 pm 8 pm

Today One-hour driving lesson Driving test (45 minutes) Lunch with Martha at Chicken Hut  Meet Liam to plan Owen’s surprise party Message people about Owen’s party Watch football at youth club

...................... a driving lesson. 1 At 9 o’clock, Ben ...................... 2 By 10:15 am, Ben ...................... ...................... his driving lesson. ...................... his driving test. 3 By 11:30 am, Ben ......................

3 It’s your birthday soon. ............ anything nice?  nice?   A Will you do B Are you do C Are you doing

...................... in Chicken Hut   4 At 1 o’clock, Ben ...................... with Martha.

4 It’s time for a break. I think I ............ some tea.  A ’m making B won’t make C will make

5 By 4 pm, Ben ..................... ..................... Owen’s party with Liam. ...................... football at the 6 At 8 o’clock, Ben ...................... youth club.

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Test book  TALENT 3 ■


Unit 5

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________

EXTENSION Relative clauses 1 Complete the sentences with an appropriate relative pronoun. ...................... ......... have been together 1 Ben and Becca, ............. for years, are getting married. 2 Mr Jones, ...................... ...................... son is a musician, is my next-door neighbour. 3 The place ...................... the bus stops is opposite my house. ...................... starts at nine, 4 The school concert, ......................

should be good. 5 The weather, ...................... ...................... was so awful yesterday, is better today. ...................... I would really like 6 The new violin ...................... is very expensive.

DATE _________________________

se ntences and correct 4 Find the mistakes in the sentences them. 1 Bryn didn’t read any of the books whose you lent him. 2 That’s the girl who’s dad is a prison officer. 3 Patricia, whose parents they are very nice, invited

me to stay with her. 4 Are those the trainers where you usually go to work in? 5 We think it’s the sun makes us feel so sleepy. 6 Tina who used to live next door came to visit yesterday.

 Articles: a / an, the, no article 5  Add the missing article where where necessary: a, an, the or – (no article).

2 Join the sentences with a relative pronoun. 1 Tom travels a lot. He has been everywhere. 2 Rihanna is a singer and an actress. She was born

1 Mum is cooking in kitchen. 2 I have friend who likes photography very much. 3 I met Jane hour ago.

in Barbados. 3 Next summer I’m going to Australia. I’ve never been there.

4 I like horses, they are my favourite animals. 5 I’d like to play drums. 6 My friends enjoyed film they saw on TV

4 My son has decided to go to university. It is a good decision.

last Saturday. 7 I think Elizabeth is most beautiful girl in the class. vi tamins. 8 Vegetables have a lot of vitamins.

5 My English teacher comes from Liverpool. His wife knows my parents. 6 I’ve decided to sell my bike. I bought it

two years ago.

3  Add commas where necessary necessary and tick the correct sentences. 1 The girl I’m talking to is a schoolmate. ........ 2 My new bag which I bought in Milan is excellent quality. ........ 3 Mary works in the office which is near my home. ........ 4 That’s the man whose wife is a famous 5 6 7 8

pianist. ........ That is the dog which I found near my house. ........ The office where I work is in an old building. ........ My friend Tom who has got red hair has invited me to a party. ........ Michael whose father is a doctor is studying

6 Choose the correct option. 1 Would you like to see a show with me?  A The show has already been mentioned. B The speaker doesn’t say which show. 2 When he entered the office, the phone was ringing.  A There was only one phone. B There might be several phones. 3 The car hit a cyclist whose leg was broken.  A The cyclist has already been referred to. B The car has already been referred to. 4 The bus stopped at a bus stop.  A We know which bus stop. B We don’t know which bus stop. 5 A bank robber went into a bank.  A We could be talking about any bank. B We are talking about a specific bank.

medicine at university. ........

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Unit 6

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________


DATE _________________________

The passive: be + past participle

5 I am sure Jane .............. ........................... .......................... ............. ( promote  promote)

1 Complete the sentences in the active

to that job soon. .......................................... 6 Do you think her new book ...................................... ( publish  publish) next month?

or passive. Use the correct tense. 1 The newspapers say that the glass factory ........................... ............. ........................... .......................... ............... ( sell  sell) soon. 2 My parents ............ .......................... ........................... .................. ..... ( still  still discuss) if I should go on holiday with my friends. 3 When ............. .......................... ........................... .................. .... (the killer  /  / arrest )? )? 4 Yesterday Mary ............. ...................... ......... (leave) the dog alone at home and he .......................... .......................... (make) a mess.

................................... ( not  /  / leave) 5 My rich neighbour ................................. any money to her daughter, who is really angry. ........................... ...................... ......... 6 In 2004 thousands of people .............. (kill) by the tsunami wave. 7 The date of the next meeting .................................. .................................. ........................... ............. ................. ... (not  /  / decide) yet. ............................. 8 Next week all the English lessons ............................. ....................... ............. .......... (hold ) in the afternoons.

the second sentence so thatof it three means 2 Complete the same as the first. Use a maximum words. 1 They have opened a new park to the public. A new park ................................... .......................................... ....... to the public. 2 3

4 5


My favourite writer is writing a new book. A new book ............ ........................ ............ by my favourite writer. I believe a lot of people will visit the new science museum. I believe the new science museum ........................... ........................... ........................... ............. ....................... ......... by a lot of people. I think they won’t keep their promises. I think their promises ................................. ............................................ ........... . An earthquake has hit Japan recently. Japan ..................................... ........................................ ... by an earthquake recently. They aren’t employing new people in my office. New people .............. ........................... ........................ ........... in my office.

3 Complete the gaps in the correct tense

Passive with can / can’t / could / couldn’t   4 Read the sentences and make passive questions using can / can’t  or  or could  /  / couldn’t . 1 The researchers can see a lot from the satellite. How much ............ ......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ................. ? 2 They could find several ruins. How many ............. .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ............... ? 3 The weather prevented the treasure from being lifted from the seabed. Why ............ .......................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ............. ? 4 We can start the project soon. When ............ ......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................ ........... ? 5 I’m afraid the problem is impossible to solve. Why ............ .......................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ............. ?

Passive with verbs with two objects 5 Find the mistakes in the sentences se ntences and correct them. 1 They will be give somewhere safe to live. 2 Our class has be awarded second prize. 3 She has been sent her an unusual message. 4 My sister was been offered a job by NATO. 5 We were showed a film about an ancient city. 6 Donna was be given a book about Pompeii.

Passive with say , believe, know , think  6 Rewrite sentences in two different ways. 1 People say that the robin is Britain’s national bird. It .............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ................... ..... The robin ............ .......................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ................... ..... 2 They think that climate change is getting more serious.

2 Fortunately the wallet I had lost .............................. .............................. (find ) yesterday.

It .............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... .................... ...... Climate change ............ ......................... ........................... ........................... ..................... ........ 3 We know that the ice caps in the Arctic are melting. It .............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... .................... ...... The ice caps .............. ........................... ........................... ........................... .......................... .............

3 .............. .............. your computer .............. ........................... .......................... .................... ....... (repair ) right now? .......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ................. .... 4 The house ............. (not  /  / repaint ) for twenty years.

4 People believe that the growing world population is the problem. It .............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... .................... ...... The growing ............. .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... .............

of the passive. ......................... ............... ( sell 1 Newspapers ............  sell) in supermarkets too these days.

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Test book  TALENT 3 ■


Unit 7

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DATE _________________________

4 Read the situations. What do the speakers

Conditionals 1 Complete the gaps with the correct form of the first, second or third conditional. conditional. ......................... .................. ..... ( be) you, I would answer his 1 If I ............ email now. 2 I’ll watch the film if I .................... (get ) home on time. 3 The students would have understood if the teacher ........................... ............. ..................... ....... (explain) better. 4 If she .............. ........................... ........................... .................... ...... ( not  /  / eat ) so much, she would feel better. 5 If it i t doesn’t stop raining, we .................................... ........................................... ....... (not  /  / go) to the beach.

............................... 6 If he had driven more carefully, he ............................... ........................... ............. ........................... ................... ...... (not  /  / cause) the accident.

2 Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in the box. ■

1 They didn’t give me the job because I can’t use the computer. 2 The restaurant is full. I didn’t book a table. 3 It was raining heavily and I left my umbrella

at home. 4 The party was cancelled because the roads were covered with snow. 5 It was warm at the seaside but cold in the mountains. Unfortunately I went to the mountains. 6 Mary was in hospital, but she didn’t tell me.

Mixed conditionals 5 Choose the correct option.

be     break be break     enjoy enjoy     decide decide     get get     have ■

regret doing or not doing? Begin your sentences with I wish.

1 If you had come to the party, you .............. ........................... ................... ...... ........................... ............. .................... ...... yourself.

.............................................. ........... (not ) to stay, 2 If my parents ................................... the party would have been much more fun. ............................ in Paris, I would visit the Louvre. 3 If I ............................ .................................... ..... (not ) 4 If he had behaved well, he ............................... in trouble. .......................... ........................... ..................... ........ (not ) 5 I’ll pay for you if you ............ enough money. 6 If you ............ .......................... ........................... ....................... .......... ( not ) the window, no one would have told you off.

 should / shouldn’t  have; wish

3 Respond to the statements using should  / /  shouldn’t  have and the words in brackets. 1 Sara spent all her pocket money in one shop! ( save) She ............. .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... .................... ......

1 If you’d tidied up last night, the kitchen would be / had been / wouldn’t be in such 2

3 4 5 6

a mess now. You’d have known what time to arrive if you  / had check  /  / would have checked   had checked  / online. If I would have invited  /  / had invited  /  / invite you, would you have come? We wouldn’t had  /  / wouldn’t have / would have  to queue if we’d booked our tickets in advance. If he’d given us a postcode, we would be /  will be / had been there by now. We would be warm and dry now if it  / had rain / hadn’t rained . had rained  /

Time clauses: when, unless, until  and  and as soon as 6 Complete the sentences with when / as soon as, unless or until .

2 Your cake’s nice but it’s a bit too sweet for me. (less) You ............ ......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ..................... ....... 3 We had to stay the night because we missed the last bus. (caught ) 

.......................... ................. she 1 She won’t catch the bus ............. leaves right now.

We ............. .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ..................... ....... 4 Yolanda ate too much and then felt ill. ( so) She ............. .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... .................... ...... 5 Joe got some very bad advice from his friend. (listened ) He ............. .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ..................... ........

4 Sorry but I won’t have any free time ..................... ..................... tomorrow.

TALENT 3  Test book ■

2 I’ll make breakfast for us ............ ..................... ......... I wake up. .......................... ................. you want all that food, you 3 ............. shouldn’t order it.

5 Dad can’t read a map ............. ........................... ................ he wears his glasses. ............................ you’re ready. 6 She’ll wait for you ............................

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Unit 8

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DATE _________________________

4 Choose the correct option.

used to / would + infinitive without to

1 Write about the activities of the Native  Americans in the past. Use Use the correct form of used to and the expressions in the box. write letters  letters    send smoke signals  signals    live in cottages  cottages    go hunting  hunting    ■

speak English  English    travel on horses or by canoe

Na tive Americans ............ ......................... ........................... ..................... ....... . 1 The Native Na tive Americans ............ ......................... ........................... ..................... ....... . 2 The Native 3 The Native Na tive Americans ............ ......................... ........................... ..................... ....... . Na tive Americans ............ ......................... ........................... ..................... ....... . 4 The Native

Na tive Americans ............ ......................... ........................... ..................... ....... . 5 The Native 6 The Na Native tive Americans ............ ......................... ........................... ..................... ....... .

2 Complete the gaps with would  or  or wouldn’t   and the verbs in the box. allow     go allow go     knit knit     read read     send send     talk talk     watch ■

1 When we were young, our parents ........................... ................. .......... ........................... ............. .................... ...... us a bedtime story every night. 2 I had to wear a uniform at school. The

3 4 5 6

headteacher .................................... .............................................. .......... us to wear our own clothes. My grandmother ................................ .................................... .... me jumpers for birthday presents … every year! Leah ................................. .......................................... ......... to her best friend for ages after they’d had a fight. My grandparents ............. .......................... .......................... ......................... ............ me a postcard whenever they went on holiday. When I was a student, I ............ ......................... ........................ ........... to all of my lectures: I ............. .......................... ....................... .......... them online.

be / get used to + ( something) / -ing

3 Write sentences with similar meanings with get  /  / be used to. 1 I don’t usually complain in restaurants and I don’t enjoy it. 2 When you come to the UK you have to be

prepared to queue. 3 She doesn’t think she will ever become familiar with English verb forms. 4 It’s so quiet in this library, I don’t think I can work here. 5 We might start liking snails if we lived in France. 6 They find it cold here as they come from a sunny country.

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1 He’s slowly .......... this terrible weather.  A getting used to B used to C being used to 2 My mum could never get .......... black coffee.  A use to drink B used to drink C used to drinking 3 Schools .......... very different from the way they

are now.  now.   A use to be B used to being C used to be 4 Did your dad .......... long hair when he was a teenager?  A use to having B use to have C used to having 5 Emergency workers have to get used .......... long hours.  A work B to working C to work 6 People .......... gas light when they were reading at night.  A used to used

B use to use C used to use

Gerunds and infinitives (1) 5 Use the prompts to write sentences with verbs in the gerund. 1 I / look forward to / see my friends soon 2 She / always / enjoy / sunbathe on holiday 3 My brother / not mind / help me with my homework 4 James / keep / have accidents on his snowboard 5 We / can’t help / be silly sometimes 6 I / not feel like / go to bed early last night

6 Complete the gaps with the infinitive or the gerund of the verbs in the box. get up  up    leave leave     pay pay     tell tell     wait wait     worry ■

.......................... .............. 1 Please be quiet, I’d like you ............ attention now. 2 She can’t stand ............ ......................... ............... , she’s so impatient. ......................... ............... early is not a problem for me. 3 ............ 4 He really dislikes people ............. .......................... ............. him what to do. ......................... ............... about exams. 5 There’s no need ............ 6 I hope everyone’s ready .......................... .......................... .

Test book  TALENT 3 ■


Unit 9

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DATE _________________________

Gerunds and infinitives (2)

have / get something done

1 Put the words in the correct order

4 Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs

to write sentences. 1 before / English / Did / to / came / you / you start / school / learning / ? 2 not / bed / prefer / drink / before / to / I / to / coffee / I / go 3 yesterday night / continued / It / all / snow / to 4 began / 2016 / She / band / sing /

that / in / to / in 5 last / We / loved / since / moved / we / have / living / spring / here 6 arrive / hate / I / last / always / person / to / being / the

2 Match the beginnings to the endings of the sentences. 1

Did you remember to log out

2 3 4

She’ll always remember I think you should stop The runner had to stop I hope you won’t regret We have always tried

5 6

a to tie up his shoe laces. b not visiting your grandparents. c to do our best work. d seeing her favourite band live. e feeling so sorry for yourself. f

before you shut down your laptop?

in the box. develop     examine develop examine     take out  out    increase increase     steal steal     test ■

1 Dave had had his bike .......................... .......................... , and he’s furious! 2 Susie had her injured leg .......................... .......................... at the hospital. .......................... . 3 I’ve just been to the dentist to have a tooth .......................... 4 We used to go to a print shop to get our photos .......................... .............. ............ . 5 They are not happy because they’ve had their rent

.......................... . .......................... 6 When did you last get your eyes ..........................? ..........................?

5 Rewrite the sentences so they mean the same. 1 All my bags were opened by the customs officer. I ............ .......................... ........................... .......................... .......................... ............. by the customs officer. 2 You should ask someone to make a special birthday cake. You should ............ ......................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ...................... ........ . 3 I need the car mechanic to check my brakes. I need to ............. ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................ ........... . 4 Our neighbours’ new house has been built in France.

Our neighbours ............ ......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... .......................... ............. . 5 We asked an expert to organise our workshop. We ............. ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ..................... ....... . 6 A teenager hacked the bank’s website. The bank ............. .......................... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................ .......... .

6 Choose the correct option. 1 The rear lights on your car aren’t working.  A Yes, I must have them repaired. B Yes, I’ve had them repaired.

Reporting verbs 3 Rewrite the sentences so they mean the same. Use the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 He wishes he hadn’t stayed up all night. (regret ) 2 The visitor asked us the way to the station. (how) 3 Seeing the Taj Mahal will always be

in my memory. ( forget ) 4 ‘Don’t forget to back up your files,’ her teacher said. (remind ) 5 I forgot to bring back the book you lent me. (remember )

TALENT 3  Test book ■

2 Are you sure that bike’s safe to ride?  ride?   A Yes, I’ll have to test it. B Sure, I’ve had it tested. 3 Are you collecting those chairs from the store?  A Yes, we’ll have them delivered. B No, we’ll have them delivered. 4 I’ve lost my car key.  A Why not make another one? B Why not get another one made? 5 You really should read the Booker Prize winner, it’s great.  A Who was it written by? B Who had it written? 6 This amazing meal was all cooked by me.  A I know you’d had it made. B I know you made it.

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Unit 10

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DATE _________________________

4 Choose the correct option.

Revision of modals 1 Choose the correct option. 1 She could go / couldn’t go to the party because she was ill. 2 We won’t be able to / should be able to ski, there’s

no snow. 3 The children must / don’t have to  go to bed, it’s very late.  vote for dishonest 4 We should / shouldn’t  vote

politicians. 5 You mustn’t / don’t have to help, I can manage, thanks. 6 She couldn’t / won’t be able to join us tomorrow.

2 Complete the gaps with the verbs in the box. can    could can  could     was able to  to    will be able to  to    won’t be able to  to    can’t ■

3 4 5 6

until everyone has finished eating. She ........................ ........................ finish all her work and still go out last night. ............... Berto ............. ............. ........................ ........... ride his bike tomorrow with a broken arm? ........................ ............. ........... your little brother really write his name when he was only two? I’m not a good dancer but I ........................ ........................ sing and play a musical instrument. Future generations ............ ......................... ........................... ........................... ................. believe some of the crazy things we do today.

B must have found 4 Tom .............. .............. to Russia without a passport.  A must have travelled B can’t have travelled 5 She .............. , her English is not very good.  A might not have understood 6 Life .............. very difficult when Joe had no job.  A can’t have been B must have been

Permission and obligation: can / can’t , be allowed to, let , be supposed to 5 Choose the correct option. 1 You supposed to / ’re not allowed to dive in this pool: that sign says so! 2 When I was younger, people were allowed to /  smoke in buses and trains. can’t  smoke

heavy. 4 You’re not allowed to / let drive a car without a licence.

3 Complete the sentences using must , can’t , might  and  and the expressions in the box. be mad  mad    enjoy their time  time    be very cold  cold    be out  out    know the meaning  meaning    be very happy ■

B must have opened 3 Ask at the police station. Surely someone .............. your wallet.  A can’t find

3 Can / Let I give you a hand with that? It looks

Modals of deduction

B must have gone 2 I called but nobody answered. The shop .............. early.  A might have closed

B must have understood

1 Please wait. We ............ ........................ ............ leave the table 2

.............. on holiday 1 I saw Mary this morning. She .............. yet.  A can’t have gone

1 It has been raining for three days, the tourists ........................... ............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ..................... ........ . 2 You paid €3,000 for your computer, you ................. ........................... ............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ..................... ........ . .......................... ................. outside. 3 Come in and get warm. It ............. 4 ‘What about the exam results?’ ‘I don’t know but they ............. ........................... ........................... ................. .... today or tomorrow.’ ........................ ............ 5 Dad’s car broke down yesterday; he ............ ........................... ............. ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ..................... ........ . 6 Matteo is good at English; he .............. ........................... ..................... ........ . © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

5 Is it true that under-16s aren’t supposed to / aren’t let use the computers? 6 Stella hasn’t done her homework yet so her mum

won’t let her / isn’t allowed her to go out.

6 Find the mistakes in the sentences se ntences and correct them. 1 We weren’t allow to bring our phones into class. 2 Little children won’t to let to swim in the big pool. 3 It was nice of your mum to be allowed me to stay. 4 Does your sister lets you borrow her clothes? 5 You can’t to ride your bike here, it’s not allowed. 6 Will you be let to come out with me tonight?

Test book  TALENT 3 ■

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