Taking Simple Telephone Message

October 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Kompetensi Dasar •

 3.3 Menerapkan Menerapkan fungsi fungsi social, social, struktur struktur teks teks dan unsur kebahasaan kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pesan sederhana lewat taking simple phone message   sesuai dengan telephone ( ) konteks penggunaannya di dunia kerja  4.3 Menuliskan Menuliskan kembali kembali teks pesan sederhana lewat telephone terkait tempat kerja dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks dunia kerja.


1. Answering at a switchboard /in an office /at a private number  •

Good morning, Montreal supplies. May I help you? Hello, Lion Restaurant. Can I help you? May I help you ? Good afternoon, Roland Scott, speaking Hello, 88675932

2. Requesting Identity  •

Who’s calling, please? May I ask who’s calling? Who’s speaking, please? Can/Could I have your name, please?

Could I have your Phone number , please?


3. Asking the caller to hold 

- Hold the line, please. I’ll see if he’s in - Hold on, please. He’s coming now - Just a moment, please. She’ll be with you right away I’ll seeline. if he’s -O ne moment, He’s speaking please. on the other Willfree you hold? 4. Connecting the callers  - I’ll connect you with the manager - I’ll put you trough to the manager

- It’s ringing for you

- You’re trough. Go ahead


5. The person being called is not in  •

I’m sorry; the manager is out at the moment I’m terribly sorry. Mr Hotman is away on business right now He is not in the office now, but he’ll be back at 4 o’clock

6. Taking messages  •

Can I take a message? Can I give him a message? Can I you have like to t o leave a message? Can I give him/her a message? At what number can you be reached?


1. Req Reques uestin ting g a par partic ticula ularr pers person on or ser servic vice  e  Good morning/evening/afternoon morning/evening/af ternoon •

This is....(your name) from........(your company’s name) May I speak to Mr. Bates, Please? May I speak to the manager, please? May I have the Account Department, please?

2. Identifying yourself  •

This is Mr. Delano’s secretary This is Pierre Humphrey I’m calling on behalf of Mr. Humphrey


3. The person you are calling is not in  •

Could you tell me when he’ll be back? Do you know what time she’ll be back?

4. Leaving a message  •

Yes, could you tell him to call me back? Yes, tell her that I call. This is Rita No, thanks. I’ll call back later No, thanks. It’s not urgent


Someone to see Mr. Mr. Lubis, the general manager  Caller Secretary Caller Secretary Caller Secretary Caller

: Hello, May I speak to Mr Mr.. Lubis? : Who’s Who’s calling please? : Andy Wibowo, is he in, please? : He isn’t in the office, Sir. Would you like to leave a message? : No, thanks : Would you call back later? : Yes, I will


Modal auxiliary  GRAMMAR: GRAMMA R: WOULD / COULD FOR POLITE REQUESTS Use 'Would / Could you please' to make requests on the telephone such as asking to leave a message: -Could you please take message?  -Would you please let him know that I called?  -Could you please ask him/her to call me back? 

Simple Present  Indirect spech  Ejaan dan tanda baca yang jelas, rapi dan tepat Ucapan, tekanan kata intonasi yang jelas dan tepat ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan.



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