Tai Trong Ton Mai Len Xa Go

July 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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SAP2000 Analysis Report Prepared by

CTGroup Model Name: Tinh tai tron !an than ton mai "uon "a osd!

$% Tha&n Tu 20


Tinh tai trong ban than ton mai xuong xa go.sdb !ontents

SAP2000 v17.1.1 - License  1" Tha#ng Tu 201"



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Tinh tai trong ban than ton mai xuong xa go.sdb !ontents 1.       2. ).    

SAP2000 v17.1.1 - License  1" Tha#ng Tu 201"

&ode' geometry geometry.............................. ......................................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... .................................... ............................ .....  " 1.1. (oint coordinates coordinates.............. ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ .................................. ....................  " 1.2. (oint restraints restraints............. .......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ......................... ...........  " 1.). *'ement connectivity connectivity............. .......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... .......................................... .............................  + &ateria' properties properties............ .......................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ...................................................... ........................................  7 Section properties properties............................. ........................................ ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ....................................... ..........................  7 ).1. ,rames............. ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ .................................... ......................  7 ,rames........................... ).2. Areas............. ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ....................................... ..........................   Areas..........................

  ).). So'ids ........................... ............. ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ................................................... ..................................... LoadSo'ids. patterns............. patterns .......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ................................. ......................     /. ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... .......................................... .............................. ..     /.1. e%initions.............. e%initions........................... ". Load cases cases............. ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................ ..........     ".1. e%initions.............. e%initions........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... .......................................... .............................. ..   assignments............................. ........................................ ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ..............     ".2. Static case 'oad assignments   ".). esponse spectrum case 'oad assignments assignments............................ ........................................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................... ................. 10 +. Structure resu'ts resu'ts............. ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ......................................... ............................ 10 summary............. .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ .................................... ...................... 10   +.1. &ass summary   +.2. ase reactions reactions............................ ....................................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ....................... ......... 11 7. (oint resu'ts resu'ts............................ ....................................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ................................ ..................... ... 11 . ,rame resu'ts resu'ts............. .......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ .............................................. ................................ 12 . &ateria' ta3e-o%% ............................ ........................................ ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ...................................................... ........................................ 1/ pre%erences............ .......................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ................................... ..................... 1/ 10. esign pre%erences design............ .......................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... .................................................... ...................................... 1/   10.1. Stee' design design.............................. ......................................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................................... ............................. 1"   10.2. !oncrete design A'uminum m design design............. ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................... ................. 1"   10.). A'uminu   10./. !o'd %ormed design design............................ ........................................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ....................................... .......................... 1"

List o' (iures e'ement mode'............ mode'.......................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... .......................... .............  " ,igure 14 ,inite e'ement shape.............. ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ................ .. 10 ,igure 24 e%ormed shape


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Tinh tai trong ban than ton mai xuong xa go.sdb !ontents

SAP2000 v17.1.1 - License  1" Tha#ng Tu 201"

List o' Ta!les Tab'e b'e 14 (oint !oordina !oordinates tes............................. ......................................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................... .................  " Ta Tab'e Assignments............. ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ..................................... ............................. ......  + Tab'e 24 (oint estraint Assignments Tab'e )4 !onnectiv Tab'e !onnectivity ity - ,rame ,rame............ .......................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ .............. +  + Ta Tab'e b'e /4 ,rame Section Assignments Assignments............. .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... .............................. ................  + Tab'e Properties ............................. ......................................... ........................... ........................................... .............................  7 Tab'e "4 &ateria' Properties 02 - asic &echanica' Properties. Tab'e ata............................ ........................................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ .............................. ................ 7  7 Tab'e +4 &ateria' Properties 0)a - Stee' ata Ta Tab'e b'e 74 &ateria' Properties 0)b - !oncrete ata. ata............................ ........................................ ........................... ............................ .................................................. ....................................  7 Tab'e .......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ...................... ........  7 Tab'e 4 ,rame Section Properties 01 - $enera'5 Part 1 o% /............. Tab'e 4 ,rame Section Properties 01 - $enera'5 Part 2 o% /............. Tab'e .......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ...................... ........   Tab'e .......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ...................... ........   Tab'e 4 ,rame Section Properties 01 - $enera'5 Part ) o% /............. Tab'e .......................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ...................... ........   Tab'e 4 ,rame Section Properties 01 - $enera'5 Part / o% /............. Tab'e )........................... ....................................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ .................. ....   Tab'e 4 Area Section Properties5 Part 1 o% ). Tab'e )........................... ....................................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ .................. ....   Tab'e 4 Area Section Properties5 Part 2 o% ). Tab'e 4 Area Section Properties5 Part ) o% ). Tab'e )........................... ....................................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ .................. ....   Tab'e e%initions s............................ ........................................ ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... .......................................... .............................. ..   Tab'e 104 So'id Property e%inition Tab'e 114 Load Pattern e%initions............. e%initions ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ..................... .......   Tab'e 114 Tab'e e%initions............ .......................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................ ...........   Tab'e 124 Load !ase e%initions Tab'e Assignments.............................. ......................................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ..............   Tab'e 1)4 !ase - Static 1 - Load Assignments Ta Tab'e b'e 1/4 ,unction - esponse Spectrum Spectrum - 6ser ............................ ......................................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ....................... ......... 10 Tab'e 1"4 Assemb'ed (oint &asses Tab'e &asses............. ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................................... .............................. 10 Tab'e b'e 1+4 ase eaction eactions s.............. ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... .............................. ................. 11 Ta Tab'e 174 (oint isp'acem Tab'e isp'acements ents............................. ........................................ ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ........................ .......... 11 Tab'e eactions............................. ......................................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................................... ............................. 11 Tab'e 14 (oint eactions. Ta Tab'e b'e 14 *'ement ,orces - ,rames5 Part 1 o% 2. 2........................... ....................................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ......................... ........... 12 Tab'e 2........................... ....................................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ......................... ........... 1) Tab'e 14 *'ement ,orces - ,rames5 Part 2 o% 2. Tab'e Property ........................... ........................................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... .......................... ............. 1/ Tab'e 204 &ateria' List 2 - y Section Property. Tab'e AS! )+0-105 Part 1 o% /............. /........................... ............................ ........................... ....................................... .......................... 1/ Tab'e 214 Pre%erences - Stee' esign - AS! Tab'e b'e 214 Pre%erences - Stee' esign - AS! AS! )+0-105 Part 2 o% /............. /........................... ............................ ........................... ....................................... .......................... 1/ Ta Tab'e b'e 214 Pre%erences - Stee' esign - AS! AS! )+0-105 Part ) o% /............. /........................... ............................ ........................... ....................................... .......................... 1/ Ta Tab'e b'e 214 Pre%erences - Stee' esign - AS! AS! )+0-105 Part / o% /............. /........................... ............................ ........................... ....................................... .......................... 1/ Ta Ta Tab'e b'e 224 Pre%eren Pre%erences ces - !oncrete esign - A! )1-115 Part 1 o% 2............................................................................ 1" Tab'e 224 Pre%eren Tab'e Pre%erences ces - !oncrete esign - A! )1-115 Part 2 o% 2............................................................................ 1" Tab'e Pre%erences ces - A'uminum esign - AA-AS AA-AS 2000. 2000........................... ........................................ ........................... ........................... ................................... ..................... 1" Tab'e 2)4 Pre%eren Tab'e Pre%erences ces - !o'd ,ormed ,ormed esign - AS-AS+ AS-AS+............ .......................... ............................ ........................... ........................... .................................. .................... 1" Tab'e 2/4 Pre%eren


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Tinh tai trong ban than ton mai xuong xa go.sdb !ontents

SAP2000 v17.1.1 - License  1" Tha#ng Tu 201"

$ Model eometry This section provides mode' geometry in%ormation5 inc'uding items such as 8oint coordinates5 8oint restraints5 and e'ement connectivity. connectivity.

(iure $: (inite element element model

1.1. Joint coordinates Ta!le Ta !le $: )oint Coordinates Ta!le $: )oint Coordinates Coordinates )oint


CoordType !artesian !artesian !artesian !artesian

Glo!al* mm 20)1"15/7 20)2/"+522 20))/"2577 20)///5)1

Glo!al+ mm 0500 0500 0500 0500

Glo!al, mm -71251/ -7122050 -711)750/ -710")5

1 2 ) /

$L9AL $L9AL $L9AL $L9AL

" + 7   10 11 12 1) 1/ 1"

$L9AL $L9AL $L9AL $L9AL $L9AL $L9AL $L9AL $L9AL $L9AL $L9AL $L9AL

!artesian !artesian !artesian !artesian !artesian !artesian !artesian !artesian !artesian !artesian !artesian

20)"//"5+ 20)+//25/1 20)7/)5" 20)/)"5"0 20)/)250/ 20/0/2"5) 20/1/2"51) 20/2/215+ 20/))5)0 20)12+"51 20/)/+"51

0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500

-717705" -717750 -7170/5" -71772151 -717+)57+ -717"""5" -717/725+7 -717)5+) -717)052/ -71)152 -717)025+1

1.2. Joint restraints


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Tinh tai trong ban than ton mai xuong xa go.sdb !ontents

SAP2000 v17.1.1 - License  1" Tha#ng Tu 201"

Ta!le Ta !le 2: )oint Restraint Assinments Ta!le 2: )oint Restraint Assinments Assinments )oint







1 2 ) /

:es :es :es :es

:es :es :es :es

:es :es :es :es

;o ;o ;o ;o

;o ;o ;o ;o

;o ;o ;o ;o

" + 7   10 11 12 1)

:es :es :es :es :es :es :es :es :es

:es :es :es :es :es :es :es :es :es

:es :es :es :es :es :es :es :es :es

;o ;o ;o ;o ;o ;o ;o ;o ;o

;o ;o ;o ;o ;o ;o ;o ;o ;o

;o ;o ;o ;o ;o ;o ;o ;o ;o

1.3. Element connectivity  Ta!le Ta !le .: Connecti/ity  (rame Ta!le .: Connecti Connecti/ity /ity  (rame (rame



Lenth mm

1 2 ) / " + 7   10 11

1/ 1 2 ) / " + 7   10

1 2 ) / " + 7   10 11

2"/5// /0500 1000500 1000500 1000500 1000500 1000500 1000500 1000500 752) 1002577

12 1) 1/

11 12 1)

12 1) 1"

1000500 0500 +75/

Ta!le Ta !le : (rame Section Assinments Ta!le Ta!l e : (rame Section A Assinments ssinments (rame




1 2 ) / " +






Ta!le Ta !le g%-s2?mm >g%-s2?mm



1 2 ) /

&SSS!1 &SSS!1 &SSS!1 &SSS!1

0500)2 0500"2 0500") 0500")

0500)2 0500"2 0500") 0500")

" +

&SSS!1 &SSS!1

0500") 0500")

0500") 0500")


R$ >g%-mm-s2

R2 >g%-mm-s2

R. >g%-mm-s2

0500)2 0500"2 0500") 0500")

0500 0500 0500 0500

0500 0500 0500 0500

0500 0500 0500 0500

0500") 0500")

0500 0500

0500 0500

0500 0500

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Tinh tai trong ban than ton mai xuong xa go.sdb !ontents 7   10 11 12 1) 1/ 1"

&SSS!1 &SSS!1 &SSS!1 &SSS!1 &SSS!1 &SSS!1 &SSS!1 &SSS!1 &SSS!1

0500") 0500") 0500") 0500") 0500") 0500") 05002 +57++*-0/ 150/*-0/

0500") 0500") 0500") 0500") 0500") 0500") 05002 +57++*-0/ 150/*-0/

SAP2000 v17.1.1 - License  1" Tha#ng Tu 201" 0500") 0500") 0500") 0500") 0500") 0500") 05002 +57++*-0/ 150/*-0/

0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500

0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500

0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500

!.2. #ase reactions Ta!le Ta !le $7: 4ase Reactions Reactions Ta!le $7: 4ase Reactions =utputCase

Glo!al(* >g%

Glo!al(+ >g%

Glo!al(, >g%

Glo!alM* >g%-mm

Glo!alM+ >g%-mm

Glo!alM, >g%-mm








8 )oint results This section provides 8oint resu'ts5 inc'uding items such as disp'acements and reactions.

Ta!le Ta !le $8: )oint 3isplacements Ta!le Ta!l e $8: )oint 3isplacement 3isplacements s )oint


1 2 ) / " + 7   10 11 12 1) 1/ 1"

*A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A

-$ mm 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 -)577*-0 5"7*-0

-2 mm 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000

-. mm 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 -7522*-07 -150)0*-0+

R$ adians 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000

R2 adians 2527*-0 )50"+*-0 -1571*-11 5+"+*-1/ -"5/)1*-1+ 25+2"*-17 -/51/2*-1" 75)70*-1) -15)11*-10 25+1+*-10 -152++*-10 -5+)/*-10 -)5/"7*-0 157/*-0 -)5/10*-0

R. adians 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000 05000000

M$ >g%-mm

M2 >g%-mm

M. >g%-mm

Ta!le Ta !le $9: )oint Reactions Ta!le Ta!l e $9: )oint Reactions )oint



($ >g%

(2 >g%

(. >g%

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Tinh tai trong ban than ton mai xuong xa go.sdb !ontents 1 2 ) / " + 7   10 11 12 1)

*A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A

15"*-02 -157+1*-02 -252/+*-0) 152+)*-0" -7507*-0 -25+/+*-0 "5/1*-07 -5+)*-0" 1520*-0/ 251/*-0+ -500"*-0/ -25"+*-02 -051

SAP2000 v17.1.1 - License  1" Tha#ng Tu 201"

0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500

)5)" "501 /5 /5" /5" /5" /5" /5" /5/ /5" /57 "521 /57+

0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500

0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500

0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500

9 (rame results This section provides %rame %orce resu'ts.

Ta!le Ta !le $g%-mm

M. >g%-mm

1 1 1 2 2 2 )

0500 127522 2"/5// 0500 /70500 /0500 0500

*A *A *A *A *A *A *A

0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500

0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500 0500

0500 -)52 -1"5+ -1"5+ 2725/ -)/5)) -)/5))

) ) / / / " " " + + + 7 7 7  

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*A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A

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*A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A *A

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))52 +75/

*A *A

SAP2000 v17.1.1 - License  1" Tha#ng Tu 201"

0500 0500

0500 0500

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