Tactics Tuesdays - Teach Her Things - Girls Chase PDF

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Tactics Tuesdays: T Teach each Her Th Things ings By Chase Amante e

Here's a nice little tactic to get girls you meet and go on dates with to follow your lead and view you as an authority figure: teach them  to do things.

One major attraction switch for women is male authority . If you can show yourself to be an authority to women, they desire desire yo you um more. ore. In particular, if you establish yourself as an authority over  a  a woman, she will desire you a lot. There are numerous ways to establish yourself as an authority in a woman's world... but one of the easiest is to teach her things. For this Tactics Tuesday, Tuesday, we'll discuss tactically teaching girls things to bring them under your authoritative spell.  

SHOWING HER VS. TEACHING HER If you have anything you're good at, there are basically two ways to use it with women:


1. Let them see you do it. Put on a display of raw talent/skill. It might sound cheesy, but sometimes a single display of something you're very good at can be all you need to ttake ake a girl from 'skeptical about you' to 'ready to mate with you'. There's a reason all those animals use singing and dancing and nest building in their courtship rituals: displays of skill are seductive. 2. Teach them how to do it. However  However,, another way to use a skill you have is to switch into the instructor role. Teach the girl to do what you know how to do. If you've ever taught an attractive woman something before, you've almost certainly noticed the attraction boost you received during and after teaching it to her. You present as both skilled and  an  an authority (as someone who is instructing her) while so doing. I wouldn't wouldn't say one of these is really superior to the other. Both can be excellent. When I've had women hear me sing or watch me give a sales presentation (two things I'm fairly adept at), I've had all kinds of gushing behavior from them afterwards... a fterwards... not to mention a few unexpectedly fast hookups. However,, the focus for this ar However article ticle will be more on the teaching  side  side than it will the displaying  side.  side.  

WHAT TO TEACH WOMEN Anything you're good at will work. Here are some examples of things it can be quite fun to teach women how to do:

How to read body language. If you're somewhere with people, point people out to her and highlight specific things they are doing and teach her how to read them. Then once you've given her some body language tips, start to test her: point out people and ask her to tell you about them. Then, evaluate her performance and provide feedback.

How to put something together.  If you're at her place or she's at yours and there's an unassembled piece of furniture or an electronic device (like that new printer you just ordered), rather than you put it together entirely yourself, tell t ell her, "Come on, I'll teach you. Help you to be more selfsufficient." sufficient. " Then her (under as she your doesdirection). it, helping her yourself on any really hard parts for her, before letting herguide/direct take back over

How to do something athletic. If she can't swim, take her to the beach and hold her up in the water as she practices the strokes you show her. If she doesn't doesn't know how to play tennis, take her to the tennis court, stand behind her, and hold her arms as you show her how to make the proper strokes. If she doesn't know martial arts, stand behind her and guide her strikes with your hands to help her learn some initial form. Then have her practice by hitting your open palms. Give her feedback, critique, and have her try again. Bonus points: this option gives you ample opportunity to touch her lots.

How to carry a tune.  If you know how to sing but she does not (and a surprising number of women cannot seem to carry a tune), work with her a bit to show her how to do that. How to arm wrestle. Teach her some tricks (like the top-roll) to let her beat full grown musclebound men in an arm-wrestling competition.


How to paint. Or any kind of art. Again, you can take her hand to make brush strokes, or whatever other art you are guiding her to create.

How to cold read. Or do palmistry, or handwriting analysis, or any other trick you picked up to help with your seductions. You can probably think of others. But you get the point. Pick something fun, interesting, useful, and playful, and teach her it. Extra credit if it's something you can touch her while teaching her. But it need not be.  

THE RIGHT WAY TO TEACH Follow these steps and you'll be an excellent instructor: 1. Oversell the subject. It's not just "I'm going to teach you how to paint." It's "I'm going to teach you to paint a nature scene so realistic they're going to hang your stuff in art ar t galleries. galleries."" It's not just "I'm going to teach you martial arts. ar ts."" It's "I'm going to teach you how to knock out a 250-pound man in three strikes." strikes." Remember you are not just selling the thing with this, you are also al so selling  yourself .... .. and who sounds more like a master teacher, the guy who says, "I'll teach you how to bowl" or the guy who says "I'll teach you how to get a strike on every bowl"? Oversell the lesson to build her interest in it and anticipation for what she's about to learn. 2. Make it fun. Lessons should be simple and interesting for her. Don't go into complex stuff. Start with basics, and focus on bits that will be enjoyable to learn. If teaching body language, don't point out hard-to-read things like inhale/exhale rates. Focus on easy stuff: "Her arms are crossed. She' She'ss not feeling this guy's conversation." conversation." Make your lessons a pleasure. 3. Ask her to try. It should not just be you instructing i nstructing her her.. Once you have, you need to give her tasks. Have her try out what she's learned from you. This is crucial to establishing your authority author ity over her. You giving her tasks and her carrying them out is her complying with your requests. The more of this she does, the more of a leader over her you establish yourself as. 4. Give her positive feedback first. Always start with positive feedback. Remember operant conditioning: if she feels good from doing it, she will want to continue doing it. If she feels bad though, she'll want to stop. Encourage her, her, even if it just to praise that she tried: "Great job, you took your first stab at it!" If she did anything well , be sure to highlight that too. Never start with criticism; always start with praise, even if it's just to praise her trying. 5. Move to your critique. Once you've praised her, then it's time to critique. Don't critique too much at once! If you're an expert and she's a beginner beginner,, you probably saw 10 things she did wrong. If you tell her all 10 she'll feel discouraged. It's too much to do; the mountain is too much to climb. Instead, give her 1 or 2 things she can fix that will be easy for her to fix and will make an immediate difference, and have her try again. Follow these simple steps, and you'll be an excellent teacher. teacher.


Fail to follow them, and she is not going to want to do what you tell her to do, even if you're the best in the world at it. Remember,, it's not just being skilled in a thing, it's also being able to teach  the Remember  the thing.  

HOW DO YOU TRANSITION TO TEACHING TOPICS? It's easy to transition to teaching something. Any point where there's a lull in the conversation, you simply say, "Hey, wanna learn to do something cool?" And presto, you can now start teaching her.  

ESCALATING ESCALA TING FROM INSTRUCTION If you do a good job teaching, and if the teaching session extended longer than five or so minutes, you're going to find a large attraction spike from a lot of girls during/after the session. It's simple to grab seats with her, change venues, go for a walk together together,, or invite her home (depending on where you're at with the rest of the courtship) cour tship) from there. Another thing you can do is use your teaching to seed a pull, or even to pull directly after the initial lesson. For example: You: Hey,

you did great with that body language reading. You're really picking it up.

Her: Thanks!

It's really fun!

You: You

know, I have this series of clips I use to look at different movie stars' body language in different film roles. It's fascinating stuff and really highlights how actors use their bodies to set their scenes. Most people don't even consciously register it. Her: Wow,

that's so neat.

... later... You: We

should head back and chill. I want to put that movie star clip series on and we can test your body language reading skills and see if you learned a thing or two. Her: Okay!

Don't just teach: use  your  your lessons to then escalate the courtship cour tship to the next courtship stage.


RECAP If you're good at anything (and if you've been self-improving a while, you're probably good at a few things) you can use it to give lessons to women you pick up or date.


In the course of giving women these lessons, you establish yourself as an authority over them, and get them following your commands, investing, complying, and becoming increasingly comfortable jumping when you tell them to jump. If the learning is fun , she will enjoy it, and if you oversell it and then really do teach her some simple but useful techniques, she'll feel like you delivered.

Teach her, her, get her sucked in, get her doing what you ask of her, and make it a joy for her. Then watch how her attraction spikes.

Give her tasks; praise/encourage her, her, then give her feedback, and let her try again. You'll be amazed how much attraction spikes when you take a girl through a neat, pleasurable little lesson like this. Chase

About the Author: Chase Amante Chase woke up one day in 2004 tired of being alone. So, he set to work and read every book he could find, studied every teacher he could meet, and talked to every girl he could talk to to figure out dating. After four years, scads of lays, and many great girlfriends (plus plenty of failures along the way), he launched this website. He will teach you everything he knows about girls in one single program in his One Date System .



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