Tactical Manual.pdf

January 30, 2019 | Author: Carlos Reyes | Category: N/A
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Mega Collection of Cocky and Funny Comebacks…

Did someone tell you…You have cute eyes? No girl stop looking at me like that. Stop trying to give me those feelings. Will you stop looking at me already…It’s a ad idea.

You are so cute…!ut your clothes are making you look like a ad girl. "y maa told me to only hang out #ith the good girls.

In case$ she sho#s a lot of interest in you…Say% &ee'( It’s only een ) minutes and you are already all over me.

If she compliments you. Say% *hanks( You seem like a genuine chick…"ost girls compliment me +ust to get into my pants. I hope you aren,t thinking the same.

If she constantly denies your re-uests$ say this% k missy. You roke my heart. I feel so sad no#. I’ll need a re%ound chick no#. Introduce me to your cute friend there.


What’s your favorite color? She says% !lack. h no( We #on’t get along. I mean I Iike lack too…We’re too similar. Imagine ho# oring life #ould e if you #ere to hook up #ith me.

If she sho#s #illingness to go out…Say% h…So you are asking me out? Wait( I’ll have to take my maa’s permission. She doesn’t let me stay out of home too late.

If she asks you personal -uestions say% Slo# do#n missy… We’re going too fast. I am not ready for a relationship  yet.

If she is reluctant to give you her phone numer$ say% /ey don’t #orry( I #on’t call you more than 00 times per day.

Do girls love compliments? She says% Yes( Well you are cute. Do you kno# guys love compliments too? No# tell me I am cute too.


If she is usy #ith something say% 1ay attention here missy. I am more fun than #hatever you are doing.

2re you single? No #ait…Wrong -uestion. 2re you rich? She asks #hy? Say% I am looking for a sugar mama #ho can take me around$ uy me stuff and help me pick up chicks. Interested?

You look like you are too much of a nice girl…I don’t think  you can handle me.

Walk in front of a girl…3ook ack and say. Will you please stop follo#ing me around? You are scaring me.

If she is acting rude…Say% You seem like a player…2ll you #ant to do is play games. You are too much #ork. !ye !ye.

If she touches$ you…Stare at her and say…*his stuff isn’t free. 45 ucks every time you touch it.


You kno# I #ant to marry you? She says% Ya right( No really…I #ant to marry you. We could do it today. !ut then I’ll divorce you in a month and take half your money.

Wo#( I can see you #ork a lot on looking good. You are pretty…!ut I guess your personality needs some #ork too. When #ill you start #orking there?

If she says something strange or rude…Say% *hat’s a ad pick up line missy. You aren’t that good #ith guys are you?

If a girl says% I don’t do one%night stands. Say% We have  +ust met and you are already fantasi'ing aout se6.

If a girl is coming up #ith too many o+ections. Say% k( 3et’s cut the chase. Instead of playing these games #hy don’t you e direct and ask me out already?

If she says% Sorry( I have a oyfriend. Say% *hat’s great. /e can uy us drinks.


If she says% I don’t like you. Say% You are scre#ing up  your chances #ith me missy. If she asks you #here you live. Say% If I give you my address do you promise you #on’t stalk me?

If she is acting angry say% You look so cute #hen you are angry.

If she says% 2re you trying to hit on me? Say% No I am trying to figure out #hether you are #orth it or not. If  you pass…*hey maye I’ll hit on you. y ou.

If she says% 2re you a player? Say% h that’s a compliment. So you really like me don,t you?

*ake a picture of her and yourself #ith your phone…*hen looking at it say% See…You look much etter #ith me.


If she is looking at you say% What are you staring at? Stop looking at me like that…I al#ays get shy #hen #omen look at me like I am some piece of meat.

3ook at her clothes…2nd say% Wo# you are dressed very nice. Your mommy dressed you nice today.

*hose are pretty high heels. So ho# short are you? Don’t #orry you are still cute for a short girl.

If she umps into you say% uch( You hurt me…She #ould most proaly touch you a it and say sorry. &ee'…Stop touching me. We don’t kno# each other that #ell yet…We shouldn’t e doing this.

7an you cook? h you can’t. Well then #e can’t e a couple…Sorry I have to reak up #ith you. I #ant my 7Ds ack.

Do you like compliments? She says% Yeh( Well you are hot. No# that #ould e 45 ucks. She says% What for? Say%


Well I don’t give compliments for free…kay I’ll make you a deal. !uy me a drink.

I don’t think #e should get to kno# each other…What if  you are like one of those player type girls +ust looking for some fun? I don’t #ant to e trapped. Sorry missy.

If she sho#s ama'ement after hearing ho# old you are say% I kno#…I kno#. I am too young for you. Don’t #orry… You have a right future. I like older #omen.

If she is ignoring you or playing too hard to get say% So  you already #ant me to chase you? Slo# do#n there…3et’s keep the games for later on.

I like girls #ho challenge me…You are so predictale. &uess #hat? You are going to smile no#…8She Smiles9. See I told you…You are too easy to figure out.


You have a pretty face…I,ve heard most pretty girls use their looks to cover up #hat they lack in personality. Is this true?

You kno# #hat…You are cute. I think you are cool enough to call me. /ere take my numer.

If she is hesitating to go out say% Don’t #orry…It #on’t e long. If I reali'e you are one of those #eird girls…I’ll make an e6cuse that I need to go to the athroom and leave.

If she says% You do this to every girl don’t you? Say% Well  you aren’t in that list yet. yet . You are still in the -ualifying stage.

If a girl asks you% /o# many girls have you slept #ith? Say% *hat’s so emarrassing…h my god( /o# could you even ask me a -uestion like that.


If she seems tough say% h #o#( You seem like a tough girl…You kno# #hat? You can e my ig sister and save me from all those girls #ho try to hit on me +ust to get into my pants. When a conversation is going #ell on a date say% k missy( Don’t get any ideas here…*his doesn’t mean I’ll go ack to  your house after this.

If she says something smart say% &ood girl( I finally found a girl #ho’s as cool as me.

2t the end of a date say% I kno# you had a lot of fun… *his must have een one of the est days of your life. I hope you don’t stalk me after this point.

If she asks you to come to her house say% What? You are already inviting me to your house? You have evil plans don’t you? Nope missy I am not that easy. 2t least take me to dinner first.


If she is treating you e6tra nice% k( 3ook girl I am not that easy( *his special treatment doesn’t mean you can drag me ack home.

If she says something rude say% Wo#( /o# can you e so cute and annoying at the same time?

You are very smart for a pretty girl...Were you a dork at school or something?

If she is talking to much...Say% !eep( Where is the off utton...You talk too much.

Stare at her skirt and say...*his skirt is very popular around here isn,t it? You are the 00 th girl I am seeing #earing it. Is it on special sale some place?

You are so cute...You remind me of my little sister.


If she s#ears at you say% I kno# you are hiding the cute side some#here...You +ust don,t sho# it.

If she does something #eird around you say% You remind me of my #eird e6 #hen you do that.

You have cute eyes...No #ait( 2ctually the left one is cuter than the right one.

If she hits you y accident say% uch( Where are you running...You can,t run over me like that and leave me #ounded. I hope you have a good la#yer ecause I am suing you for a hit and run case.

If she says something you don,t approve of say% &osh( You remind me of my grandma #hen you talk like that.

If she has a nasty attitude say% &osh( Your pretty face really doesn,t match up to that nasty attitude. I guess  you had a ad childhood.


If she does something you don,t like say% h( Don,t tell me you are one of those girls...

If she says% I am not going to have se6 #ith you...Say% I don,t have se6 #ith +ust any girl. She has to -ualify first.

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