Did someone tell you…You have cute eyes? No girl stop looking at me like that. Stop trying to give me those feelings. Will you stop looking at me already…It’s a ad idea.
You are so cute…!ut your clothes are making you look like a ad girl. "y maa told me to only hang out #ith the good girls.
In case$ she sho#s a lot of interest in you…Say% &ee'( It’s only een ) minutes and you are already all over me.
If she compliments you. Say% *hanks( You seem like a genuine chick…"ost girls compliment me +ust to get into my pants. I hope you aren,t thinking the same.
If she constantly denies your re-uests$ say this% k missy. You roke my heart. I feel so sad no#. I’ll need a re%ound chick no#. Introduce me to your cute friend there.
What’s your favorite color? She says% !lack. h no( We #on’t get along. I mean I Iike lack too…We’re too similar. Imagine ho# oring life #ould e if you #ere to hook up #ith me.
If she sho#s #illingness to go out…Say% h…So you are asking me out? Wait( I’ll have to take my maa’s permission. She doesn’t let me stay out of home too late.
If she asks you personal -uestions say% Slo# do#n missy… We’re going too fast. I am not ready for a relationship yet.
If she is reluctant to give you her phone numer$ say% /ey don’t #orry( I #on’t call you more than 00 times per day.
Do girls love compliments? She says% Yes( Well you are cute. Do you kno# guys love compliments too? No# tell me I am cute too.
If she is usy #ith something say% 1ay attention here missy. I am more fun than #hatever you are doing.
2re you single? No #ait…Wrong -uestion. 2re you rich? She asks #hy? Say% I am looking for a sugar mama #ho can take me around$ uy me stuff and help me pick up chicks. Interested?
You look like you are too much of a nice girl…I don’t think you can handle me.
Walk in front of a girl…3ook ack and say. Will you please stop follo#ing me around? You are scaring me.
If she is acting rude…Say% You seem like a player…2ll you #ant to do is play games. You are too much #ork. !ye !ye.
If she touches$ you…Stare at her and say…*his stuff isn’t free. 45 ucks every time you touch it.
You kno# I #ant to marry you? She says% Ya right( No really…I #ant to marry you. We could do it today. !ut then I’ll divorce you in a month and take half your money.
Wo#( I can see you #ork a lot on looking good. You are pretty…!ut I guess your personality needs some #ork too. When #ill you start #orking there?
If she says something strange or rude…Say% *hat’s a ad pick up line missy. You aren’t that good #ith guys are you?
If a girl says% I don’t do one%night stands. Say% We have +ust met and you are already fantasi'ing aout se6.
If a girl is coming up #ith too many o+ections. Say% k( 3et’s cut the chase. Instead of playing these games #hy don’t you e direct and ask me out already?
If she says% Sorry( I have a oyfriend. Say% *hat’s great. /e can uy us drinks.
If she says% I don’t like you. Say% You are scre#ing up your chances #ith me missy. If she asks you #here you live. Say% If I give you my address do you promise you #on’t stalk me?
If she is acting angry say% You look so cute #hen you are angry.
If she says% 2re you trying to hit on me? Say% No I am trying to figure out #hether you are #orth it or not. If you pass…*hey maye I’ll hit on you. y ou.
If she says% 2re you a player? Say% h that’s a compliment. So you really like me don,t you?
*ake a picture of her and yourself #ith your phone…*hen looking at it say% See…You look much etter #ith me.
If she is looking at you say% What are you staring at? Stop looking at me like that…I al#ays get shy #hen #omen look at me like I am some piece of meat.
3ook at her clothes…2nd say% Wo# you are dressed very nice. Your mommy dressed you nice today.
*hose are pretty high heels. So ho# short are you? Don’t #orry you are still cute for a short girl.
If she umps into you say% uch( You hurt me…She #ould most proaly touch you a it and say sorry. &ee'…Stop touching me. We don’t kno# each other that #ell yet…We shouldn’t e doing this.
7an you cook? h you can’t. Well then #e can’t e a couple…Sorry I have to reak up #ith you. I #ant my 7Ds ack.
Do you like compliments? She says% Yeh( Well you are hot. No# that #ould e 45 ucks. She says% What for? Say%
Well I don’t give compliments for free…kay I’ll make you a deal. !uy me a drink.
I don’t think #e should get to kno# each other…What if you are like one of those player type girls +ust looking for some fun? I don’t #ant to e trapped. Sorry missy.
If she sho#s ama'ement after hearing ho# old you are say% I kno#…I kno#. I am too young for you. Don’t #orry… You have a right future. I like older #omen.
If she is ignoring you or playing too hard to get say% So you already #ant me to chase you? Slo# do#n there…3et’s keep the games for later on.
I like girls #ho challenge me…You are so predictale. &uess #hat? You are going to smile no#…8She Smiles9. See I told you…You are too easy to figure out.
You have a pretty face…I,ve heard most pretty girls use their looks to cover up #hat they lack in personality. Is this true?
You kno# #hat…You are cute. I think you are cool enough to call me. /ere take my numer.
If she is hesitating to go out say% Don’t #orry…It #on’t e long. If I reali'e you are one of those #eird girls…I’ll make an e6cuse that I need to go to the athroom and leave.
If she says% You do this to every girl don’t you? Say% Well you aren’t in that list yet. yet . You are still in the -ualifying stage.
If a girl asks you% /o# many girls have you slept #ith? Say% *hat’s so emarrassing…h my god( /o# could you even ask me a -uestion like that.
If she seems tough say% h #o#( You seem like a tough girl…You kno# #hat? You can e my ig sister and save me from all those girls #ho try to hit on me +ust to get into my pants. When a conversation is going #ell on a date say% k missy( Don’t get any ideas here…*his doesn’t mean I’ll go ack to your house after this.
If she says something smart say% &ood girl( I finally found a girl #ho’s as cool as me.
2t the end of a date say% I kno# you had a lot of fun… *his must have een one of the est days of your life. I hope you don’t stalk me after this point.
If she asks you to come to her house say% What? You are already inviting me to your house? You have evil plans don’t you? Nope missy I am not that easy. 2t least take me to dinner first.
If she is treating you e6tra nice% k( 3ook girl I am not that easy( *his special treatment doesn’t mean you can drag me ack home.
If she says something rude say% Wo#( /o# can you e so cute and annoying at the same time?
You are very smart for a pretty girl...Were you a dork at school or something?
If she is talking to much...Say% !eep( Where is the off utton...You talk too much.
Stare at her skirt and say...*his skirt is very popular around here isn,t it? You are the 00 th girl I am seeing #earing it. Is it on special sale some place?
You are so cute...You remind me of my little sister.
If she s#ears at you say% I kno# you are hiding the cute side some#here...You +ust don,t sho# it.
If she does something #eird around you say% You remind me of my #eird e6 #hen you do that.
You have cute eyes...No #ait( 2ctually the left one is cuter than the right one.
If she hits you y accident say% uch( Where are you running...You can,t run over me like that and leave me #ounded. I hope you have a good la#yer ecause I am suing you for a hit and run case.
If she says something you don,t approve of say% &osh( You remind me of my grandma #hen you talk like that.
If she has a nasty attitude say% &osh( Your pretty face really doesn,t match up to that nasty attitude. I guess you had a ad childhood.
If she does something you don,t like say% h( Don,t tell me you are one of those girls...
If she says% I am not going to have se6 #ith you...Say% I don,t have se6 #ith +ust any girl. She has to -ualify first.
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