Tablet Machine Manual

July 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Ob Obje ject ctiv ive e

2. Scope 3. Re Responsibili sponsibility ty ((Client Client and manufactu manufacturer) rer) 4. RS (se (serr Re Re!uir !uiremen ementt Speci" Speci"cati cation) on) #. $a $ac%i c%ine ne de descr scrip iptio tion n &. 'ec%nical spe speci"cation ci"cation o off sub compo componentsbr nentsbrou%t ou%t out iitems. tems. *. Spe Speci"c ci"catio ation no off +u +utoma tomation tion.. ,. $ac% $ac%ine ine ope operati ration on cont control rol t% t%ro rou% u% -C /. 0eta 0etails ils of p poe oerr co consum nsumptio ption n 1. $ate $aterial rial of con constru structio ction no off co compo mponen nentt 11. 'est ce certi" rti"cate catesns snspect pection ion rrepo eports rts 12. Sur Surface face +re +rea a of t%e produ product ct co contac ntactt pa parts rts 13.. ri 13 rief ef -ro roces cess s0 0esc escri ripti ption on 14.. Saf 14 Safety ety5n 5nter terlo loc6s c6s+l +lar arms ms me messa ssae es s 1#.. oa 1# oad d cal calib ibra rati tion on c% c%ar artt 1&.. u 1& ubr brica icatio tion n rre! e!uir uireme ements nts 1*.. 7+' p 1* prroc oced edur ure e 1,.. C%a 1, C%an ne e co contr ntrol ol p pro roced cedur ure e 1/. +ppendi8 1.0 OBJECTIVE:

 'o  'o desin9 enineer enineer99 and supply t%e Cadmac% C-0553* station it% i aye a yerr att attac% ac%men mentt as per c: c:$$- and c:; c:;- u uid ideli elines nes an and d to pr prov ovide ide assu as sura ranc nce e t%at t%at t% t%e e ma mac% c%in ine e is ma manu nufa fact ctur ured ed as pe perr t%e t%e R RS S an and d it complies it% t%e Scope of Supply.  'o  'o prove t%at ea eac% c% operation operation procee proceeds ds as per t%e desin speci"ca speci"cation tion and t%e tolerances prescribed t%ere in t%e document9 are t%e same at utmost


transparency. uali"cation of support utilities is not it%in t%e scope of t%is !uali"cation document.  '%e e!uipme e!uipment nt s%all be used for compr compressin essin t%e poder into tablets.  '%e e!uipment s%all operate under dust free enviro environment nment and conditions as per t%e :$- re!uirements.


3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES: 3.1 CLIENT: 3.1.1 'o provide t%e RS for t%e e!uipment. 3.1.2 'o perform t%e 7actory +cceptance 'est (7+'). 3.2 MANUF MANUFACTURER: ACTURER: 3.2.1 'o desin9 enineer and provide t%e complete tec%nical details of  t%e e!uipment pertainin to its desin !uali"cation vi?.

3.2.1.a 3.2.1.b 3.2. 1.b t%eir

$ac%ine overvie9 Spec Speci"ca i"catio tions ns of t%e sub5co sub5compo mponent nents s bou bou%t %t out item items9 s9 and

ma6e9 model = !uantity9 and bac6up records broc%ures9 3.2.1.c 0etails of tili tilities9 ties9 3.2.1.d $aterial of construction of all components 3.2.1.e rief process description 3.2.1.f Safety features. 3.2. 3. 2.2 2 'o fa faci cili lita tate te t% t%e e clie client nt fo forr t%e t%e 7ac acto tory ry ac acce cept ptan ance ce test test of t% t%e e mac%ine at t%eir or6s site. 3.2.3 'o con"rm t%e safe delivery of t%e e!uipment to t%e user site. 3.2. 3. 2.4 4 'o en ensu surre t%at t%at no un un5a 5aut ut%o %ori ri?e ?ed d an and d  or un unrrec ecor orde ded d de desi sin n modi"cations s%all ta6e place. f at any point in time9 any c%ane is desire desi red d in t%e mutu mutually ally ar areed eed desi desin9 n9 C%a C%ane ne cont contro roll pr proce ocedur dure e s%all be folloed and documented.


3. 3.2. 2.# # 'o en ensu surre t%e t%e prop proper er in inst stal alla lati tion on an and d co comm mmis issi sion onin in  of t% t%e e e!uipment. 4.0

URS ( User Requre!e"# S$e%&%'# S$e%&%'#") ") :

-lease refer attac%ed A""e*ure Re!uirement Speci"cation.






/.0 MACINE +ESCRIPTION /.1 Pr%ess Equ$!e"# +es%r$#"

 '%e Cadmac% C-0553* station it% i ayer +ttac%ment9 a double rotary tablet press9 is a versatile mac%ine in t%e rane of tablettin. t is also


i(nter ncorpo por rated ted @ Continuo it% t%e t%e for rce5 e5fe fee edin arclutc% ran an em en ent9 t9-roramma ubrica cati tio on (ntermittent mittent Continuous)9 us)9 fo electro electromanetic manetic and -rorammable ble oic o ic Cont Contro roller ller.. '%e i ay ayer er atta attac%m c%ment ent faci facilita litates tes in pr produ oducin cin tin colour tablets. Complete mac%ine can be divided in folloin sub sectionsA #.1.1 -o -oder der feedin unit (BS = RBS) #.1.2 -oder ' 'ransfer ransfer unit (BS = RBS) #.1.3 0rive unit9 ' 'urret urret and Compr Compression ession unit #.1.4 ei%t 0o?er (BS = RBS) #.1.# Bydraulic -oer -ac6 ac6 +ssembly +ssembly.. #.1.& 'ablet disc%are unit (BS = RBS)

/.1.1 Per Fee" U"# (LS  RS) :

 '%is comprises comprises of t%e follo folloin in D valve (BS = RBS) #.1.1.a Bopper it% utterEy #.1.1.b -oder level sensor (BS = RBS) #.1.1.a Bopper it% utterEy valve (BS = RBS) +n SS 31&  Bopper of capacity 1, iters rests on top of t%e mac%ine %ic% %olds t%e poder in it and delivers to t%e feedin assembly t%rou% a bu butte tterEy rEy val valve ve % %ic% ic% co contr ntrol ols s t%e Eo Eo  of t%e po pode derr bet betee een n t% t%e e Bopper and t%e 7eedin assembly. t comprises of a Eap9 %ic% can be operated usin a 6nob. n case of i ayer tablets9 bot% t%e %oppers s%all contain diFerent colour poderranules. #.1.1.b -oder evel Sensor (BS = RBS)A 5   '%is '%is is set on a si%t lass "t to t%e %opper. '%e settin is done usin to adjustable nuts. +s soon as


t%e poder in t%e drops don t%e -C level9 t%e sensor senses t%e same and ives t%e%opper respective sinal to t%e and stops t%e mac%ine. /.1.2 Per Tr'"s5er U"#: 6  '%is comprises comprises of t%e follo folloin in D #.1.2.a nlet Connector (BS = RBS) #.1.2 b 7orce 7eeder +ssembly (BS = RBS)

#.1.2.a nlet Connector (BS = RBS)   t is a SS 31&  connector9 %ic% lin6s t%e Bopper and t%e 7orce feeder.

#.1.2.b 7orce 7eeder +ssembly (BS = RBS)   t comprises of #.1.2.b.i 7orce 7eeder #.1.2.b.ii 'ail over die9 scrappers and feeder #.1.2. #.1 .2.b.i b.iii ii Go Go??l ??le eo outl utlet et for suc suctio tion n. #.1.2.b.i. 7orce 7eeder   '%e force feeder %as to counter rotatin rotatin  paddles of SS 31& 9 driven by reduction earbo8 and variable fre!uency +C drive motor. '%e pressin material enters t%e feeder in t%e middle beteen t%e to paddles. it% t%e feeder H$+G+ $O0;I9and t%e in force feeder is operated forfeeder initial "llin prior in to t%e rotatin t%e mac%ine H+'O $O0;IJ t%e force ill run alon it% t%e mac%ine. %ile mac%ine is in production9 alays put t%e feeder in H+'O $O0;I. #.1.2.b.ii 'ail over die9 scrappers and feeder  '%e tail over die is an essential featur feature e of t%e %i%5spe %i%5speed ed tablet press.  '%e function of t%e tail over die is to 6ee 6eep p t%e "lled die covered until t%e last moment before t%e upper punc% enters t%e die. 7ailure to 6eep t%e die covered ill result in ranules spillin out of t%e die it% subse!uent variation of t%e tablet ei%t. '%e tail over die is "tted freely over t%e turret die table and is pressed aainst t%e die table by sprin action. ;nsure t%at t%e bottom surface of t%e tail over die rests Eat and matc%es it% t%e die table.


 '%e scrappers .are t%e t%e scrapper support brac6 brac6et et and sprin5loaded tail over die respectively respectively. '%einserted sprins in press scrappers aainst t%e turret die table to scrap oF. t%e tablettin poder

#.1.2.b.iii Go??le outlet for suction  '%is comprises comprises of a -er (LS '" RS)  '%is assembly is respon responsible sible for adjustin t%e ei%t of t%e tablet by varyin t%e dept% of "ll. '%e dept% of "ll is adjusted by t%e upard and don do nar ard d mo movem vemen entt of t% t%e e ei ei% %tt adj adjust ustin in  %e %ead ad t%ro t%rou u% % a do do?er ?er adjustin scre it% t%e %elp of dial. /.1./ ?r'u;% Per P'%< Asse!@;?  '%is system contr controls ols t%e safety overlo overload ad mec%ani mec%anism9 sm9 %ic% over overns ns t%e ma8imum pressure9 level9 at %ic% particular tablets are bein made. '%e oil reservoir for t%is system is located in front corner it%in loer cabinet.


t can be accessed t%e loert%rou% side uard '%eindicator. oil level in t%e reservoir s%ouldby beremovin c%ec6ed reularly t%e (B). oil level /.1. T'@;e# s%9're u"#  '%is comprises comprises of of55 #.1.&.a ;jection Cam (BS = RBS) #.1.&.b 'ablet ta6e oF plate assembly (BS = RBS) #.1.&.c 'ablet disc%are c%ute (BS = RBS).

#.1.&.a. ;jection Cam (BS = RBS)  '%e loer punc% lides on t%e ejection cam and ejects t%e tablet. '%e %ei%t of t%e ejection cam needs to be set in suc% a ay t%at t%e tip of  t%e loer punc% is sli%tly above t%e die so as to avoid tablet5c%ippin problem. n case of i ayer operation9 t%e ejection cam and "ll cam of  t%e BS are removed. '%is is done to facilitate t%e "llin of t%e second layer on t%e initial layer.

#.1.&.b 'ablet ta6e oF plate assembly (BS = RBS) +s soon as t%e tablet is ejected out it stri6es t%e tablet ta6e oF plate assembly9 %ic% directs directs t%e tablet to t%e disc%are c%ute. Care s%ould be ta6 ta6en so t% t%at at t% t%e e tip tip of t%e t%e lo loe err pu punc nc% % do does es no nott st stri ri6 6e t% t%e e ta tabl blet et scrapper assembly. n case of i is ayer operation9 t%is assembly is present on t%e RBS feeder only as t%ere no ejection on BS. #.1.&.c 'ablet disc%are c%ute (BS = RBS) t is made of SS 31&  it% acrylic cover. 'ablets slide out t%rou% t%is c%ute to t%e container. n case of i ayer operation9 only one disc%are c%ute is present i.e.9 on t%e RBS.


.0 Te% e%9" 9"% %'; '; s$ s$e% e%&% &%'# '#" 5 su su@ @ % %! !$" "e" e"##s - @u u9# 9#6 6u u# #e!s.


.0 S$e%&%'#" 5 Au#!'#" Automation  A  A.C .C.Drive fo forr Main Moto torr  A  A.C .C.Drive fo forr Fee'er Moto torr !)C (yste* MM1 Tou4h s4reen

Ma Make Mits itsu ubis ish hi Mits itsu ubis ish hi Mit its subishi Mit its subis ish hi

Specification Type FR E 500 - 5.5 K Rating 7.5 !" # !hase" $%5 & Type FR ( 500 - 0.7 .75 5 K Rating % !" # !hase" $%5 & Type F+, $ MR / , AD / ,DA" $ $  'igita ita 1 2 3 , Anaog 1 2 3 Type F $0 63T )D 5.7 8 Coour 


Speci"cation of prorammable loic control systems A Make : MITSUBHISHI, Catalogue Catalogue No. FX2N  !" M#  $S % UA u*ber of 1nput2 t23 3utput u*ber of 1nput2 t23u 3utput )ine )i ne !o9er 1nrush 4urrent 1nput 4i 4ir4u r4uit ty type 3utp tpu ut 4ir4u 4ir4uit type 3perating te*perature (torage te*perat erature ure 3perat erating ing hu*i'it 'ity y &ibration &ibrat ion

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.0 M'%9"e $er'#" %"#r; #9ru9 PLC Sitc% on t%e mains9 LelcomeM screen ill be displayed ;nter valid passord9 L$ain menuM screen ill be displayed  '%ree levels levels of passo passord rd ill be be pro provided vided as follo follosA sA a) Operator evel b) Supervisor Supervisor  evel evel c) $anaer evel -ress mac%ine control touc% button9 detailed L$ac%ine control menuM screen ill be displayed -ress turret control touc% button9 detailed L'urret control menuM screen ill be displayed -r -ress ess feed feeder er con contro troll tou touc% c% but button9 ton9 deta detailed iled L7 L7eede eederr con contro troll menu menuMM screen ill be displayed -r -ress ess co comp mpact actio ion n forc force e touc% touc% bu butto tton9 n9 de detai tailed led LCo LComp mpact actio ion n for force ce menuM screen ill be displayed -r -ress ess lub lubrica ricatio tion n con contro troll tou touc% c% butt button9 on9 deta detailed iled Lubr Lubricat ication ion con contro troll menuM screen ill be displayed •


-ress mac%ine status touc% button9 detailed L$ac%ine status51 menuM screen ill be displayed -ress recipe manaement touc% button9 LRecipe passordM screen ill be displayed -ress batc% data touc% button9 detailed Latc% data menuM screen ill be displayed -r -ress ess tec% tec%nica nicall data tou touc% c% butt button9 on9 det detaile ailed d L' L'ec%n ec%nical ical dat data a men menuM uM screen ill be displayed $ore detail about mac%ine operation control t%rou% -C is as per t%e attac%ed or6in nstruction $anual of -C 'ouc% Screen. N#eA Separate nstruction $anual is attac%ed as anne8ure •


+e#';s 5 $er %"su!$#" M#r M'" Main Motor? A C Freuen4y Drive >Fee'er Mot or? ! )C G MM1 E e4 tro*agneti4 Cut4h y'.A44u*uator y'.!ressure6uage ) ubri4ation !u*p !.!.1 ! re ssure (ensor %00 ar ! o9er )eve (e nsor Digita &ot *eter Digita A*p. Meter M. 3.C. of Turret M. 3.C. of Die Tab e (( #%:) M. 3.C. of !r ! ressure Ro M. 3 3..C . o f Ru b bb be err e o o9

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M2s ! oyhy' ron !vt .)t'.

- Date' ,,20:2,00$

M2s ! oyhy' ron !vt .)t'.

C0: (%-0# Test Certi Certifi4a fi4ate te 3f Dire4 Dire4tio tiona na Date' #020:2,00$ 3perationa !ressure Reief &ave-D!R 0:($ Test Certifi Certifi4ate 4ate 3f !iot !iot 3pera 3perate' te' Che4< Date' %520:2,00$ &ave- C1M 0:A%-,0


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M2s ! oyhy' ron !vt .)t'.

M2s ! oyhy' ron !vt .)t'.

Sur5'%e Are' 5 #9e $ru%# %"#'%# $'r#s. 

Sr. N.

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;8tension for %opper 7lap for Eo control ellos portion nlet Eane at bol ol o 7eeder frame -addle (7irst) -addle (Second) 'urret (0ie table only) 'ablet c%ute (nner)




&3 && 2#& /& #&1 ,4 11/ 1/&4

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12& 132 #12 1/2 1122 1&, 23, 1/&4





'ablet c%ute *1/ 2 143, (Outer) TOTAL FOR 13104 MACINE N.B. T9e ##'; $ru%# %"#'%# sur5'%e 're' 5 #9e $'r#s 5  CP+6II63 s#'#" !'%9"e #9 B D L'?er '##'%9!e"# s 13104 sq. %!.


Bre5 Pr%ess +es%r$# +es%r$#". ".

13.1 $ono layer Operation 13.1.1 7orce 7eedin  '%e formu formulated lated poder in t%e %opper is pulled don usin a 7or 7orce ce 7eedin arranement consistin of rotary force feeders. '%e advantae of  force feeder is9 ensured die "llin. 13.1.2 Compression  '%e loer punc%es9 %ic% alays remain in t%e die9 %old t%e poder t%at is fed into t%e die9 onto it. 7urt%er9 due to t%e rotation of t%e turret9 t%ese punc%es move on t%e do?er assembly %ere only re!uired !uantity of t%e poder is %eld bac6 and t%e rest is scrapped out. -unc%es t%en lide on to pressure roll. +t t%is stae t%e upper punc% moves don t%e pper cam trac6 D oerin9 and t%en t%e pressure roll. ot% t%e punc%es et


pressuri?ed +td.t%is instant9 due t%eressu %eavy comp co mpre ressi ssion on under for force ce t%e t%epressure table tablett isrolls. for forme med. '% '%e e e8 e8ces cessiv sive e to ba bac6p c6pre ssure re enerated in t%is process is absorbed by t%e %ydraulic cylinder9 %ic% is suspended onto t%e loer pressure roll carrier. +fter t%e tablet is formed inside t%e die9 it needs to be ejected out. '%e loer punc% moves furt%er on to t%e ejection cam trac6 and t%e tablet ets ejected out. +t t%is stae9 t%e upper punc% moves onto t%e pper cam trac6 D iftin and lides idly on t%e upper cam piece. +fter t%e tablet is ejected out9 t%e loer punc% moves in t%e loer cam trac6 and comes beneat% t%e feeder and t%e cycle continues. n one revolution9 t%ere is double ejection of tablets. T'@;e# u#$u# - re7;u#"  N. 5 s#'#"s * 2

13.2 i ayer Operation 13.2.1 7orce 7eedin n cas case e of ilay ilayer er op opera eratio tion9 n9 to %opp %opper ers s on t%e eit eit%e %err sid sides es o oul uld d contain to diFerent ranules. '%e ranules for t%e "rst layer are fed in usin ri%t %and feeder %ile for t%e second layer9 usin t%e left %and feeder. 13.2.2 Compression  '%e ranul ranules es for t%e "rst layer are fed into t%e dies by t%e ri%t %and force for ce feed feederJ erJ t%eare ei ei%t5a %t5adju djustin stin re reula ulates tes t%e cor correc rect t amou amount. nt. ;8cess ranules ejected from t%ecam die cavity and rejected t%rou% t%e e8cess poer rejection slot. '%e material t%en passes beteen t%e front pressure rolls %ere t%e ranules are tamped by t%e upper and loer punc pu nc%es %es.. '%e de der ree ee of pr press essur ure e ap appli plied ed s%o s%oul uld d be just just su sucie cient nt to prod produce uce a s%a s%arp rp dem demar arcat catio ion n be bete teen en laye layers rs it it%o %out ut aF aFect ectin in  t% t%e e bondin of t%e "rst and second layers. +djustin t%e loer roll by t%e tablet t%ic6ness control can reulate t%e deree of tampin. '%e li%tly compressed tablet9 maintained at a %ei%t "8ed by t%e amount of top punc pu nc% % pe penet netrat ration ion at t%e "rst "rst com compr press essio ion n sta statio tion9 n9 pa passe sses s un unde derr t% t%e e secon sec ond d fee feede derr an and d rece eceive ives s its sec secon ond d c%a c%ar re e of ra ranu nules les.. + +ain ain t%e appro app ropria priate te ei ei%t5ad %t5adjust justin in cam con contr trols ols t%e "ll of ra ranul nules es and t%e surplus ranules are ejected from t%e die cavity and rejecte rejected d t%rou% t%e e8cess poer rejection slot. ut9 it s%ould be noted t%at t%e ma8imum


dept% of "ll is controlled by t%e amount t%e of t%e punc% entry atpass t%e "rst compression. '%e dies9 containin toupper layers of material bete be teen en t%e "na "nall co comp mpre ressi ssion on rolls rolls99 %i %ic% c% ar are e ad adju juste sted d to i ive ve t% t%e e re!u e!uir ired ed "n "nal al tabl tablet et %ar %ardn dness ess.. '%e co comp mpre resse ssed d table tablett is ej eject ected ed and deEected don t%e ta6e5oF c%ute (R.B.)

13.2.2 Samplin  '%e ei%t of t%e layers can be c%ec6 c%ec6ed ed %ilst t%e mac%ine is in operation. operati on. 'o aFect t%is t%e loer pre pressure ssure rol rolll of t%e "rst compression station is mounted on an eccentric pin9 %ic% %as a ear cut on one end.  '%is ear mes%es it% a rac6 mounted on t%e end of an air cylinder piston rod. rod. %en a ei% ei%tt c%ec6 of t%e "rst layer is rre!uir e!uired ed t%e selector sitc% is put in HOGI HOGI conditi condition. on. '%is actuate actuates s t%e air cylin cylinder9 der9 %ic% in turn tur n pus%es t%e rac6 upa upard rds9 s9 and t%us rotat rotates es t%e eccentr eccentric ic pin. '%e movement of t%e eccentric pin lifts t%e loer pressure roll and increases t%e %ardness of t%e "rst layer. layer. 0ue to t%is increased %ardness %ardness no bondin beteen layers ill ta6e place durin t%e "nal compression and t%e to layers ill separate on ejection. ei%t of t%e "rst layer can be obtained by direct ei%in t%e "rst layer sample and t%e ei%t of t%e second by subtraction t%e "rst layer sample tablet ei%t from t%e total ei%t of t%e completed to5layered tablet.


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