Table Tennis History, Basic Rules and Terminology

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Marion Chester L. Olarte 11- ABM AB M A

December 11, 2017


Table tennis, or ping pong, is an eno!able sport b"t it can be highl! competiti#e. $ach pla!er tries to o"tscore his opponent thro"gh the "se o% s&ill, strength, spee', stamina an' strateg!. The game is some(hat similar to tennis, (here pla!ers hit the ball bac& an' %orth o#er a net. The game is pla!e' on a table s"r%ace (ith the "se o% pa''les an' a ping pong ball. The obecti#e in the game is to be the %irst to score 11 points. Table Table tennis is a game pla!e' b! man! people aro"n' the (orl'. )ames o% table tennis are pla!e' in schools as (ell as homes. *eople !o"ng an' ol' ali&e eno! this %ast-pace' an' action-pac&e' game. +or the serio"s pla!ers, there are man! associations an' organiations that sponsor competition. n a''ition, table tennis is an Ol!mpic sport. HISTORY

)reat Britain is consi'ere' to be the home o% table tennis. n 1/1, a patent %or the game (as registere' b! Charles Barter o% )lo"cestershire, $nglan'. ames )ibb, (ho (as a %o"n'er member o% the Amate"r A Athletics thletics Associ Association, ation, bro"ght some to! cell"loi' balls bac& %rom a trip to America, an' "se' them to replace the cor& or r"bber balls (hich ha' pre#io"sl! been "se' %or the ne( game. The ne( balls (ere imme'iatel! pop"lar, pop"lar, an' se#eral man"%act"rers began to mar&et e"ipment (ith a #ariet! o% ne( names, s"ch as +lim +lam, 3hi%% 3a% 3a%%, %, an' also Table Tennis. 3hen ne( rac&ets (ere intro'"ce', (hich (ere hollo( an' co#ere' (ith #ell"m, ames )ibb s"ggeste' the name *ing pong %rom the ping so"n' the ball ma'e (hen it ma'e contact (ith the rac&et. The nternational Table Tennis +e'eration 4TT+5 (as %orme' in 1/26. n 1/, the 8nite' 9tates Table Tennis  Association (as %o"n'e' an' is the go#erning go#erning bo'! %or the sport. n 1/, at the Ol!mpic ) )ames ames in 9eo"l, 9o"th 9o"th :orea, table tennis (as %eat"re' %or the %irst time. STATE OF PLAY

The game is (on (hen one person scores 11 or more points an' is t(o points ahea' o% his or her opponent. n other (or's, !o" can (in (ith a score o% 11-/ b"t not 11-10. % there is less than a t(o point 'i%%erence, the game contin"es "ntil one pla!er is ahea' b! t(o points. 9coring; The ser#er m"st s"ccess%"ll! ser#e the ball to the other si'e o% the table or o r lose a point to the opponent. Once the ball is in pla!, pla!, either pla!er can score a point, i% the other pla!er is "nable " nable to ret"rn the ball s"ccess%"ll! to the other si'e o% the table. 9er#ing; An An o%%icial game is starte' b! a coin toss b! an o%%icial. The (inner o% the toss has the option o% ser#ing, recei#ing or choice o% table si'e. The ser#e' ball is hel' in an "ncappe' han', (ith %ingers together an' th"mbs %ree. The ball m"st rise in the air at least 16 cm 46 < inches5, an' is str"c& be%ore it hits the ser#er=s table. A%ter hitting the ser#er=s table, the ball m"st tra#el o#er the net into the opponent=s co"rt. Let ser#es are (hen the ser#e' ball hits the net an' lan's appropriatel! on the si'e o% the recei#er=s table. A person (ill not lose or gain points b! ma&ing let ser#es. re-ser#e a%ter a let ser#e. % a ser#e to"ches the net an' sta!s on the si'e o%  the ser#er ser#er, , it is a miss, an' aApoint goesistoma'e the opponent. BASIC RULES 

 A%ter the 'eci'ing 'eci'ing ser#e, each pla!er pla!er (ill ser#e TWO points each. The ser#er in singles can ser#e an!(here; short, long, straight, or cross-co"rt. Onl! in 'o"bles 'o !o" ha#e to ser#e 'iagonall! %rom !o"r right co"rt to the opponent=s right co"rt. % !o" #olle! the ball (hile it is still abo#e the table s"r%ace, !o" lose the point. % !o" or !o"r clothing to"ches the net or post '"ring the rall!, !o" lose the point. % !o" hit the ball t(ice in s"ccession, !o" lose the point. % !o"r shot hits a (all, the ceiling, or misses the opponent=s si'e o% the table, !o" lose the point. Change en's o% the table a%ter each game. The pla!er (ho ser#es at the beginning o% a game is the recei#er at the beginning o% the ne>t game.  A%ter the %irst %irst pla!er scores tthe he 1 11 1th point in the %inal game o% the match, change en's. % !o" %orgot to change at ?, then change as soon as !o" realie it. % the score is tie' at 10-10 4calle' 'e"ce5, alternate ser#es "ntil one pla!er as a 2 point lea'.

9ha&e han's a%ter e#er! match to sho( goo' sportsmanship. Do"bles pla! 'i%%ers %rom singles pla! in the %ollo(ing respects; 9er#ice m"st be %rom the right han' co"rt into the opponent=s o pponent=s right han' co"rt. $ach partner m"st hit or ret"rn alternate shots. 


$ach pla!er recei#es ser#ice %or 2 points. The se"ence o% one speci%ic partner h hitting itting to one speci%ic opponent m"st be change' a%ter each game an' (hen one si'e reaches 10 in the 'eci'ing game o% the match.


a5 Let ser#es@9e ser#es@9er#e' r#e' bal balll hits the net an' lan's lan's appropr appropriatel iatel! ! on the si'e o% the recei#er=s recei#er=s table. table. b5 Matc Match@ h@A A se sett o% o% ga game mes. s. c5 +orehan'@A shot ma'e %rom %rom the right right si'e o% a right-han'e' pla!er=s bo'! bo'!.. 4i 4ice ce #ersa %or le%than'ers5 the opposite o% bac&han'. '5 all!@T all!@The he per perio' io' at (hic (hich h the ball is in pla!. pla!. e5 Cross Cross-co -co"rt "rt@D @Diag iagona onall! ll!.. %5

olle! olle!@T @To o #olle! a bal balll means to hit hit it in the air (itho"t (itho"t %irst %irst lettin letting g it bo"nce bo"nce..

g5 9mash@O# 9mash@O#erhea erhea' ' shot, h hit it 'o(n s sharpl! harpl! iinto nto opponent= opponent=s s co"rt. co"rt. h5 Drop@A Drop@A so%tl so%tl! ! hit s shot hot that that 'rops 'rops "s "stt o#er the the net net.. i5

Dri#e Dri#e@A @A lo( lo(, %%ast ast,, si'e si'earm arm sho shot. t.


Clear@A stro&e hitting the the sh"ttle high an' 'eep into the opponent= opponent=s s co"rt.


The e"ipment re"ire' to pla! table tennis are a ping pong table, a net, pa''les an' ping pong balls. The %ollo(ing is a s"mmar! o% o%%icial table tennis r"les on e"ipment "se'. The Table; Table; The table sho"l' be 27 cm > 1?2.? cm 4/ %t > ? %t5 in sie an' 76 cm 42 %t 6 in5 abo#e the %loor. t is "s"all! painte' (ith a 'ar& green matte %inish an' has a 2 cm 4E in5 (hite line along each e'ge. There is also a  mm 41E in5 (hite line 'o(n the center o% the table %or "se in 'o"bles games.

The Fet; The net 'i#i'es the pla!ing s"r%ace into t(o co"rts o% e"al sie. The net sho"l' be 1?.2? cm 46 in5 high, (ith the post being at most 1?.2? 46 in5 o"tsi'e the si'e lines. The bottom o% the net sho"l' be as close as possible to the pla!ing s"r%ace. Ball; The ball sho"l' ha#e a 'iameter o% 0 mm, (eigh 2.7 grams an' be ma'e o% cell"loi' or similar plastic material. t can be (hite or orange. *a''le; The pa''le or rac"et ma! be o% an! sie, shape or (eight b"t the bla'e shall be %lat an' rigi'. A si'e o%  the bla'e "se' %or stri&ing the ball shall be co#ere' (ith either pimple' r"bber or san'(ich r"bber ha#ing a total thic&ness incl"'ing a'hesi#e o% not more than  mm. The s"r%ace sho"l' be %lat an' pimples 'istrib"te' e#enl! to a#oid unusual returns.

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