T24 Versions: Customized Screens

October 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Cusomized Cusomiz ed Screens

 T24 Versions



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Learning Objectives     s     e     v      i      t     c     e      j      b      O


Identify the T24 Customization Scope •

Understand the need for Versions •

Learn to create a version

 Apply the additional features features of a version •

Tabbed Screens in versions


Scenario - Need for Versions 3

Allen wants to deposit a Local Cheque in to his account

Cathy wants to deposit a foreign Cheque in to her account

The tellers have have to ll in dierent set of elds in the same applicaon - TELLER

A Customiz Customized ed Screen of TELLER applicaon with elds specic to Local Cheques

A Customiz Customized ed Screen of TELLER applicaon with elds specic Foreign Cheques


Versions – Views of an application 4

Acual Table Customer No



No of Accounts in the region

Transactions Last Month

Account Balance













Customer No






View created for a Call Centre Analyst

No Customer No

No o off Accounts in in the region

Transactions Last Month

Account Balance









View created for a Manager


Need for Version? 5

To allow users to only only input and view what what they need for that role

 Applications have a default view which displa displays ys all the fields and may confuse the user  •

To improve the look and feel of the system •

To Control the number of authorizers


What is a Version?

Version is a customised screen in T24


 Allows you to default values in fields

 Allows you to hide non mandatory mandatory information •

Can be created for any application in T24 •

Catalogued in

VERSION application


Task - 1 7

Create a version for the


application with the following fields

Customer Number, Number, Mnemonic, Currency C urrency and Category

Version Heading “Temenos Training” must be displayed

Records created using the version must be authorised authorised by an authoriser 


Step 1 - Create The Version 8


Step 2 – How do we invoke the version created? 9


Workshop 10 Create a version for the CUSTOMER application

Name of the version CUSTOMER,TRG


Fields to be displayed in the version


Task 2 – Version with Multiple Fields Per Line 11


Task 2 – Version with Multiple Fields Per Line 12

Specify Column in which Field must be displayed

• • •

Specify the Text Text to be displayed beside the field

Table Column – No Input field populated to show length and start-position of the field being defined •

Table Line –Line in which this field will be displayed


Manipulating field Display in Version 13

Adding blank lines

Field Display - Before Formatting

Field Display - After Formatting


Version – Additional Configurat Configuration ion 14

Set No of Authorizers

Set a field as No Input Set a field as No Change

Default values in a field

Replace Old content of a field

Set a field as mandatory


Workshop 15

 Amend the previously created version version so that

 A value value 1001 is defaulted in the field SECTOR SECTOR Make SECTOR a NOINPUT field  A value value IN is defaulted in the field NATIONALITY NATIONALITY if the previous available value is US

Make CUSTOMER.STATUS a mandatory field

Ensure that the value of ACCOUNT OFFICER is not changed once the customer record is authorized.


Zero – Auth Versions Versions 16

Create Record 

Referred to as ‘Comma’ versions Commit / Save

 

Some of the default comma Versions Versions in T24,




Records created using comma versions are self authorized.

In all comma versions v ersions the NO.OF.AUTH NO.OF.AUTH field is set to 0(zero). 

Use VERSION, from now on to create your versions .


Tabbed Screens in Versions 17 

 A list of VERSIONs can be associated with the current VERSION in the form of tabs

These associated versions must relate to the same application as the version being input


Rekey Field in Version 18

Rekey is a feature which forces authorizer to rekey values during authorizaon

Rekey Rek ey elds data are hidden during authorizaon

The Rekey count is recorded in the applicaon EB.REKEY.RETRIES

Maximum number of incorrect rekeys allowed is set in SPF

  Did you know that an authorizer must re-enter some values during authorisaon in a version ?


Using Rekey Field Illustration 19

The Bank wants the t he Head Teller to re enter values of Debit Amount and Debit A/C no when any transacon is input using the version

The teller inputs a transacon

The Head Teller opens the transacon to authorize . The Rek Rekey ey elds are hidden


Using Re-key eld – Authorisaon of a record 20

The Head Teller authorizes the record . The Rek Rekey ey elds are hidden

During authorizaon, system prompts the HEAD TELLER to re-enter value in the t he rekey elds

Error will be shown if the values keyed during authorizaon do not match the values that were input.


Workshop 21

 Amend CUSTOMER,TRG created in Workshop Workshop


Ensure  that NAME.1 is entered correctly by re-entering during the authorize Ensure

Set the NO.OF.AUTH as 2 , authorize your record once and check the RECORD.STATUS

What is the RECORD.ST RECORD.STA ATUS when the record is authorized using the CUSTOMER application?


Workshop 22

Design a simple version for FUNDS TRANSFER application with the following fields Transaction Type Debit Account Number  Debit Currency Debit Amount Debit Value Date

Credit Account Number  Credit Currency  Add Tool Tool Tip Tip and Enrichment for fields


Quiz     z True / False      i     u t he associated version for      Q 1. FUNDS.TRANSFER,INPUT can be given as the CUSTOMER,INPUT

NO.OF.AUTH is set 2 in the version, now when you authorise a 2. The field NO.OF.AUTH record created using the version, it moves to LIVE status s tatus

3. In version values can be defaulted into fields using the field  AUT.NEW  AUT .NEW.CONTENT .CONTENT

4. The value of a NOCHANGE field can be amended for a LIVE record



What Did We Learn? 24

    n     o      i     s      l     u     c     n     o      C

Versions are user defined screens and can be created for any application in T24.

 A version version should always complement complement the functionality provided by an application and not overrule it.

Using a version you can input records , only when all the mandatory fields of the application are part of your version.

The number of authorizers can be set to 0,1 or 2 in a version

• Special field properties like NOINPUT, NOCHANGE, MANDATORY can

be set using versions.

• Rekey field in VERSION enables enhanced verification by the authorizer

in the Banking System


What Did We Learn? 25

    n     o      i     s      l     u     c     n     o      C

You can now •

 Appreciate the need for Versions Versions in T24 Create simple versions in T24

 Apply additional features in versions versions such as NOINPUT NOINPU T, NOCHAN NOCHANGE, GE, MANDATORY MANDATORY,, AUTOM •


Create associated versions

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