T24 Directory Structure And File Classification.pdf

May 2, 2017 | Author: shahed | Category: N/A
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Welcome to the “T24 Directory Structure and File Classification” learning unit. This learning unit will teach you the directory structure and the contents of some important directories that are created when you install T24. It will also teach you the various application classifications in relationship to the files that store data at database level.

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After completion of this learning unit, you will be able to: Explain the directory structure of T24 and the different classifications of applications in T24

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When you install T24, it creates a directory structure similar to the one you are looking at. For ease of understanding, not all directories have been listed here. Only the important directories that you must know about will be discussed. bnk is the name of the parent directory of T24. There are 5 important sub-directories under it which you must know of. T24 uses J4 files to store its data in. As you know, a J4 file is made up of a Data file and a DICT (Dictionary) file. Note: The client can decide which files to convert to JR if required. bnk.data : This directory stores the data files for all applications in T24. There are multiple sub-directories that represent the different products in T24. Data files for applications are stored under the appropriate subdirectories. Examples of subdirectories are AC for the Account product, FX for the FOREX product, EB for the T24 core and so on bnk.dict : This directory stores the dictionary files for all applications in T24. There are no further subdirectories here. bnk.run : This is the home directory for all T24 users. It contains the sub directories t24bin, t24lib, bin and lib. For any software a bin directory executables and a lib directory library files. The sub-directories t24bin and t24lib holds T24’s core executables and libraries whereas the sub-directories bin and lib hold locally developed executables and libraries. bnk.help : This is the directory where help files are installed in the earlier releases of T24. However with the new Multi Tier Architecture (Browser front end), the xml help files can be stored on the Web Server and T24’s Browser component configured accordingly. T24.BP: For a source code release of T24 which is used by the Development department of Temenos, all the code of subroutines that make up T24 reside here. It also contains various ‘include’ files that will be used while writing local code and while creating local applications.

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Data which is entered into T24 applications are stored in Files at database level. 1. At database level these files are broadly classified into three different categories. They are Live files, Unauthorized files and History files. 1.1 Live files store only authorized records. There will be no Record Status for records in Live files. 1.2 Unauthorized files ($NAU) store unauthorized records. There are various Record Statuses that can be associated with records in Unauthorized Files. The Record Statuses are: INAU – Input Not Authorized INAO – Input Not Authorized due to Overrides INA2 – Input requires Second Authorizer RNAU – Reversal Not Authorized RNA2 – Reversal requires second Authorizer RNAO – Reversal Not Authorized awaiting Overrides HNAU – History Not Authorized IHLD – Input on HOLD. 1.3 History files ($HIS) store old copies of authorized records. When an authorized record is edited and the changes authorized, the latest version of the record is stored in the Live file and the old version is moved to the History file. If an authorized record is reversed and the reversal authorized, that record too moves from the Live file to the History file. The Record Status of a reversed record is REVE. Format of the record ID is : ; For Example : 100297;4 100724;3 The History file can store any number of amendments of a particular record. 2. Most of the T24 applications have all the 3 types of files at database level.

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T24 application records might have different statuses at different points in their life cycle. For this purpose, T24 applications have multiple files at database level to store these records based on their statuses. When you input and commit a record in the CUSTOMER application, the record is stored in the unauthorized file CUSTOMER$NAU.

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When a CUSTOMER record in INAU status is authorized, the record is deleted from CUSTOMER$NAU the unauthorized file and written to the CUSTOMER Live file.

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When you edit an existing authorized CUSTOMER record, this amended copy of the record is written to the unauthorized file CUSTOMER$NAU when committed. The authorized copy of this record still remains in the Live CUSTOMER file. At this point in time it is important to understand that if you request for the record using the Input or Authorize function, T24 returns the record from the $NAU file. If you request for this record using the See function, T24 return the record from the Live CUSTOMER File.

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When you authorize the record currently in $NAU it is deleted from CUSTOMER$NAU and written to the Live CUSTOMER file. The previously authorized record will be moved to History that is the CUSTOMER$HIS file in order to keep a trail of all changes to the record.

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Depending in which file (that is Unauthorised / Live / History) a record is present in, you must use different T24 functions to view it. Viewing data from the GUI is pretty simple. You must use an appropriate function depending on the record status. The alternate way to list the CUSTOMER (or any application) records is to do a listing from the jBASE SHELL prompt as follows: To list LIVE Customer records jsh r10 ~ -->LIST FBNK.CUSTOMER To list Unauthorized Customer records jsh r10 ~ -->LIST FBNK.CUSTOMER$NAU To list Customer History records jsh r10 ~ -->LIST FBNK.CUSTOMER$HIS

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Do you think the LIST command without FBNK will give you the required output? No. It will not work without FBNK.


What does FBNK stand for and Why is it important?

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To understand the naming conventions of files at database level that T24 Applications use, you must first understand how T24 Applications are classified.

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1. All banks will have branches. In T24 a branch is referred to as company. T24 supports the definition of multiple companies. When the bank receives the T24 software from Temenos, there will be only one company defined, It is called the Master Company. If the bank wishes to create additional companies then as a part of the implementation process the required number of companies will be created. 2. Before creating the companies, the bank has to decide on the local currency, Company Name and Mnemonic of each of the companies. The use of this Mnemonic field is what you will learn next.

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1. When you install T24, the bnk.data directory already contains a set of files to store application data belonging to the Master Company that already exists. 2. All the T24 files are stored in bnk.data directory which is a sub-directory in T24 directory structure which is located at the Central Server where the T24 installation is being performed. 3. Only one bnk.data directory is created per one installation of T24 irrespective of number of companies created under it. 4. When you create a new company, are the same files used to store its data?. No, a new set is created to store data belonging to the new company. All this is part of the New Company Creation process.

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This is the contents of the T24 bnk.data directory when only the Master Company is present.

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Now when we add another company, a new set of files get created. But, how can you have two files with the same name at database level?

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So in order to differentiate one Company file set from another, the Company Mnemonic is part of the file name.

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All files at jBASE level follow the naming convention F.Filename. So this is how you arrive at the naming convention that T24 uses – F.FileName

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By now you will understand why the commands LIST CUSTOMER, LIST CUSTOMER$NAU, LIST CUSTOMER$HIS do not work.

2. Therefore $NAU and $HIS file names also follow the same naming convention For example FBNK.CUSTOMER, FBNK.CUSTOMER$NAU, etc.,.

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1. List the Live and Unauthorized records for the ACCOUNT Application using the Browser and the Classic User Interface.

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Every time you create a new company in T24, will a separate set of files always be created? At this moment you may think so. You will now learn more about the types of companies in T24 and then try and answer this question again.

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1. Applications in T24 are broadly classified into three types OF CLASSES INT, CUS and FIN. There are other sub-types too, but are not in the scope of this learning unit. 1.1 INT Application Files, which are usually parameter tables or static tables that are common to all companies in the installation fall under this category. For example SPF, PROTOCOL, COMPANY etc where only one file exists at database level regardless of the number of companies. 1.2 FIN Application files store financial data. For example ACCOUNT, LD.LOANS.AND.DEPOSITS etc. Financial information is always stored specific to a particular company. Thus these type of applications will require multiple files at database level depending on the number of companies. 1.3 CUS Application files store customer related information. T24 gives the bank two options of storing this type of data. The first option being similar to the INT type where there will only be one file at database level irrespective of the number of companies if the data is to be shared among the companies or multiple files at database level to store company specific data if data is not shared between companies. 2. The FILE.CONTROL application contains data about which classification an application falls under.

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INT type of files or applications are specific to one T24 installation.


Such type of files are not company specific and have only one file in the first Lead Company irrespective of the number of branches in an installation.


All the other Lead and Branch companies can access these type of files.


As these files are installation specific, the company mnemonic is not part of the file name. The syntax is F..

For example, F.SPF, F.COMPANY are some INT type of files.

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FIN type of files or applications stores the financial information related to a company.


FIN files are not shared. Financial information as a practice is stored company wise. Financial information is crucial in deciding the “health” of the Bank and its branches and thus is stored company wise.


As these files are company specific, the mnemonic of the company is a part of the file name to identify to which company the files belong to.


Syntax of the file name would be F.. For example, FBNK.ACCOUNT

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1. 2. 3.

CUS type of files store customer related details. These files can be shared by companies or each company can have its own file. Syntax of the file name would be F.. For example, FBNK.CUSTOMER

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When creating companies in T24, they can either be Lead or Branch companies. 1. Lead Company : Any company which has its own Financial files is a Lead company. Financial files cannot be shared either with the Master company or with ANY other Lead companies. However Lead companies share the Installation files with the Master company. Lead company may have its own Customer files or may share them with the Master company. Each Lead company operates in one LOCAL currency. 2. Branch Company : This type of companies do not hold any files at the database level. They only share the files of the Lead company. No two branches can be linked to each other. However, each Branch company should be linked to one or the other Lead company. A Branch company cannot exist on its own. This company has to share the LOCAL currency of the Lead company. If the T24 installation has branches around the world that use different local currency, then, within T24, you must define at least one Lead company for each currency. Branch companies will share the LOCAL currency of the Lead company. 3. Both Lead and Branch companies will each have a record in the COMPANY application. 4. T24 comes with a default Lead company record – referred to as the Master company (first Lead Company).

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In an installation of T24 where only Lead Companies are defined it is called a Multi Company setup. Each Company will have its own FIN files. CUS files may be shared if required and of course there is only one set of INT files.

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An example of a multi company set up. At least one Lead Company for each local currency should be created in T24.

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If there is only one Lead Company with multiple Branch Companies, the T24 installation is called a Multi Book Setup. All Branches will share the files of the Lead Company

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In an installation of T24 in which the local currency is the same, then there is no need to create different Lead companies. However, if you need you may also create multiple Lead companies with the same currency.

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Multiple Lead Companies with Branch Companies is referred to as an Extended Multi Company Setup. INT files will be shared by all the Lead and Branch Companies. Example – F.COMPANY, F.SPF. FIN files are Company specific. Example – FCOM1.ACCOUNT, FCOM2.ACCOUNT, FCOM3.ACCOUNT. CUS files can be Company specific or can be shared. Example – FCOM1.CUSTOMER only or FCOM1.CUSTOMER, FCOM2.CUSTOMER and FCOM3.CUSTOMER

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Banks that implement T24 can have branches around the world. Different countries have different local currencies. In such a case in T24 you should create at least one Lead company for each local currency in T24.

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1. Will all companies created in T24 have their own set of files at database level? Now you should be able to answer this question correctly. 2. NO. Only LEAD Companies.

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All branches to be defined in a Bank should have a record in the COMPANY application in T24. The ID of the record is the Company code. Some of the important fields are discussed below. 1. Audio for screen shot 1 The first set of fields in the COMPANY application holds the name and the address of the bank. GB COMPANY NAME : This field holds the name of the Bank. NAME ADDRESS : This field is multi valuable and can store the address where the bank is located. This is used for reporting purposes. A short name is always easier to remember than the actual FULL name. T24 gives you the option of setting a short name for the bank. MNEMONIC : This field holds the short name of the company. This name is used to refer to the actual company. The name given in this field is used as A prefix to the files belonging to this company. You have to set up the language field in the COMPANY application for all the messages, instructions, help text etc. to be displayed when possible in the language indicated. The language codes are pre defined in the LANGUAGE table. T24 supports four languages namely : ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, SPANISH. If the translation is not available for other languages, then ENGLISH will be defaulted. LANGUAGE : This field holds the language of the company.

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Audio for screen shot 1

How do you know whether or not a company is a Lead or a Branch company? It is possible to know this by checking one field in the COMPANY record. FINANCIAL COM : This field holds the ID of a company where the FIN type of files are stored. If the company code in this field is equal to the ID of this company record then it is a Lead company and it will own its own set of Financial files. All Lead companies will have their own FIN files. If the ID in this field is the ID of another company than this is a Branch company and will share all the files from its Lead company. FINANCIAL MNE : If the mnemonic in this field is equal to the MNEMONIC field of this company record then this is a Lead company. If it is not equal to the MNEMONIC of this record then this company is a branch linked to the Lead company.

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FIN type of files cannot be shared. ‘CANNOT BE SHARED’ means that a user belonging to one company cannot manipulate an account record belonging to another company but HE/SHE can use the ID of the ACCOUNT record to debit or credit in any transaction in his own company. An illustration will make this concept clear. 1. Audio for screen shot 1 The account record 3000000085 belongs to the company R10 LEAD CO SINGAPORE. 2. Audio for screen shot 2 The account record 10693 belongs to the company R10 MODEL BANK. 3. Audio for screen shot 3 The user belonging to R10 MODEL BANK is performing an FT transaction, debiting an account from R10 LEAD CO SINGAPORE and crediting an account from his own company, R10 MODEL BANK. T24 allows you to access an account record belonging to another company but will not allow you to edit the record. This is possible as T24 supports Multi Company set up. Though you are using two accounts from different companies, still the FT belongs to only R10 MODEL BANK Company.

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INT type of files are always shared by all Lead and Branch companies.

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CUS type of files are shared in most installations, but can also be separate for Lead companies. All these files are stored at the Central Server.

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CUS type of files can also be separate for each Lead companies. All the Branch companies linked to a particular Lead company will share these files. At the Central Server in the bnk.data directory company specific CUS files are stored for each Lead company.

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FIN type of files cannot be shared. Each Lead company should have one set of FIN files.

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1.Question : globusbin and globuslib are stored under the sub-directory bnk.run TRUE FALSE 2.Question : The function used to list unauthorized records is L TRUE FALSE - E 3.Question : Record status of a History record is REVE TRUE FALSE 4.Question : By looking at which field in the COMPANY application, you will know whether a company is a Lead or Branch company? Answer : FINANCIAL COM and FINANCIAL MNE 5.Question : What type of companies in T24 will have its own set of files in bnk.data? Answer : LEAD companies 6.Question : FILE.CONTROL application is used to store the file type of an application. TRUE FALSE 7. Question : File name syntax for INT type of files is F. TRUE FALSE – F. 8. Question : A set up of multiple Lead companies is called as Multi Company in T24 TRUE FALSE 9. Question : A set up of one Lead company and several Branch companies is called as Multi Book in T24

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In this learning unit/course, you learnt about the File Classification and Directory Structure in T24 You will now be able to •Describe and differentiate various types of files in T24 •Explain the T24 Directory Structure.

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GEN4-T24 Directory Structure and Application Classification-R09.01


GEN4-T24 Directory Structure and Application Classification-R09.01


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