Short Description
Submitted by, Rishabh sinh, R!"" n!#$%&$'% Se(#) Sem#*+d 1
I, +-RIS.A).- /ith Re0N!-$%&$'%- O1 -III+d - Semeste+ has 2+e2a+ed the 2+!3e(t !n- “Ana"ysis !1 +u"e !1 e"e(ti!n”--------In 2a+tia" 1u"1i"ment !1 his4he+ semeste+ (!u+se in the sub3e(t - “T+ans1e+ !1 2+!2e+ty”--du+in the a(ademi( yea+ $%&*#&5 unde+ my su2e+6isi!n and uidan(e0
Sinatu+e !1 1a(u"ty
ACKNOWLEDEGEMENT I, Rishabh /!u"d "i7e t! ta7e this !22!+tunity t! than7 8+ La9mi P+iya :t+ans1e+ !1 2+!2e+ty 1a(u"ty; 1!+ he"2in and uidin me in (!m2"etin my 2+!3e(t0 I /!u"d a"s! "i7e t! than7 !u+ uma+ and !u+ Reist+a+, P+!10P0Sudha7a+, 1!+ i6in me this !22!+tunity t! d! a detai"ed study !n the +u"e !1 e"e(ti!n0 Last"y I /!u"d "i7e t! than7 my 1+iends 1!+ thei+ e11i(ient he"2 and (!#!2e+ati!n in he"2in me (!m2"ete my 2+!3e(t /!+7
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DOCTRINE OF ELECTION # the d!(t+ine !1 e"e(ti!n is emb!died in India in Se(0* !1 the T+ans1e+ !1 P+!2e+ty A(t0 It is a"s! stated in Se( &D% t! &'% !1 the Indian Su((essi!n A(t0
RULE OF ELECTION The +u"e !1 e"e(ti!n says that /hen a 2e+s!n 2+!1esses t! t+ans1e+ 2+!2e+ty /hi(h he has n! +iht t! t+ans1e+, and as a 2a+t !1 the same t+ansa(ti!n (!n1e+s any bene1it !n the !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty, su(h !/ne+ must e"e(t eithe+ t! (!n1i+m su(h t+ans1e+ !+ t! dissent 1+!m it and in the "atte+ (ase he sha"" +e"inGuish the bene1it s! (!n1e++ed, and the bene1it s! +e"inGuished sha"" +e6e+t t! the t+ans1e+!+ !+ his +e2+esentati6e as i1 it had n!t been dis2!sed !1, sub3e(t ne6e+the"ess, /he+e the t+ans1e+ is +atuit!us, and the t+ans1e+!+ has, be1!+e the e"e(ti!n, died !+ !the+/ise be(!me in(a2ab"e !1 ma7in a 1+esh t+ans1e+, and in a"" (ases /he+e the t+ans1e+ is 1!+ (!nside+ati!n, t! the (ha+e !1 ma7in !!d t! the disa22!inted t+ans1e+ee the am!unt !+ 6a"ue !1 the 2+!2e+ty attem2ted t! be t+ans1e++ed t! him0& The 8!(t+ine O1 E"e(ti!n is based !n EGuitab"e P+in(i2"e unde+ /hi(h a 2e+s!n may n!t be a""!/ed t! a22+!6e that 2a+t !1 an inst+ument /hi(h is bene1i(ia" t! him and disa22+!6e its that 2a+t /hi(h !es aainst him0 N! !ne (an a22+!bate and +e2+!bate at the same time /hi(h means /he+e a 2e+s!n ta7es s!me bene1it unde+ a deed !+ inst+ument, he must a"s! bea+ its bu+den0 This EGuity is a22"ied t! e6e+y s2e(ies !1 inst+ument /hethe+ deed !+ /i"" and t! e6e+y 7ind !1 2+!2e+ty m!6ab"e !+ imm!6ab"e0 Se( * !1 the A(t ma7es 1!""!/in 2+!6isi!ns in +es2e(t !1 the +u"e !1 e"e(ti!n# i; @he+e a 2e+s!n 2+!1esses t! t+ans1e+ a 2+!2e+ty /hi(h may !+ may n!t be his !/n0 ii; In "ieu !1 the t+ans1e+, the t+ans1e+!+ !btains (e+tain bene1its u2!n the !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty0 iii; The t/! thins i0e0 t+ans1e+ !1 2+!2e+ty and (!n1e++in !1 the bene1it 1+!m 2a+t !1 the same inst+ument0 Then, the !/ne+ !1 2+!2e+ty is b!und t! e"e(t eithe+ t! ta7e the bene1it and t+ans1e+ his 2+!2e+ty !+ t! +etain his 2+!2e+ty and i6e u2 the bene1it0
Benefit conferred on te o!ner of "ro"ert##
1 A.I.R commentaries , the transfer of property,manohar and chitaley 5
The t+ans1e+!+ must (!n1e+ any bene1it !n the !/ne+ !1 2+!2e+ty0 The /!+d H!/ne+ in this se(ti!n has a 6e+y /ide meanin0 It in("udes a 2e+s!n ha6in 6ested inte+est as /e"" as (!ntinent inte+est and a"s! a 2e+s!n /h! has e6en +e6e+si!na+y !+ +em!te inte+est in the 2+!2e+ty0 It is the !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty /h! is 2ut t! e"e(ti!n !1 the 2+!2e+ty0 The+e1!+e, he must be i6en s!me Hbene1it in (!m2ensati!n 1!+ his H!/ne+shi2 !1 the 2+!2e+ty0
$%rt of te &%'e tr%n&%ction # The +u"e !1 e"e(ti!n ta7es 2"a(e !n"y /hen the Ht+ans1e+ and the Hbene1it 1!+m 2a+t !1 the same t+ansa(ti!n0 .e+e same t+ansa(ti!n is meant that the t+ans1e+ !1 2+!2e+ty is t! be made e6ident"y !n"y in "ieu !1 the bene1it0 Thus /he+e the Hbene1it and Ht+ans1e+ a+e inte+de2endent and inse2a+ab"e, they 1!+m 2a+t !1 the same t+ansa(ti!n 0
O!ner(& d)t# to e*ect# I1 a 2+!2e+ty is 2+!1essed t! be t+ans1e++ed and in the same t+ansa(ti!n s!me bene1it is i6en t! the !/ne+ !1 2+!2e+ty, then su(h !/ne+ is unde+ a duty t! e"e(t0 )y his e"e(ti!n he may eithe+ a((e2t the inst+ument /ith a"" its (!ntents !+ +e3e(t it a"t!ethe+0 .e has n! !2ti!n t! a((e2t !n"y the bene1i(ia" 2a+t !1 inst+ument0 @he+e he e"e(ts t! a((e2t the inst+ument, he is entit"ed t! et the bene1it, but he is b!und t! t+ans1e+ his 2+!2e+ty0 I1 he e"e(ts t! +e3e(t the inst+ument he (ann!t ("aim bene1it, but he may +etain his 2+!2e+ty0
MODES OF ELECTION # a; E+"re&& b; I'"*ied, a; E+"re&&- The !/ne+ may e92+ess his intenti!n in ("ea+ and s2e(i1i( /!+ds0 @he+e e"e(ti!n is e92+ess, it is 1ina" and (!n("usi6e0 b; I'"*ied- E"e(ti!n is im2"ied /hen the !/ne+ !1 2+!2e+ty bein a/a+e !1 his duty t! e"e(t and ha6in 1u"" 7n!/"ede !1 the (i+(umstan(es a((e2ts the bene1it0 Su(h e"e(ti!n /!u"d mean that he has (h!sen in 1a6!u+ !1 the t+ansa(ti!n0
Re.)i&ition to e*ect # This is a s2e(ia" 2+!(edu+e 1!+ e92editin e"e(ti!n0 A1te+ the e92i+y !1 !ne yea+, i1 !/ne+ !1 2+!2e+ty d!es n!t e"e(t, i0e0 neithe+ (!n1i+ms n!+ dissents 1+!m the t+ans1e+, the t+ans1e+ee may 6
+eGui+e him t! ma7e su(h e"e(ti!n0 And i1 he d!es n!t e"e(t, /ithin a +eas!nab"e time a1te+ su(h +eGuisiti!n he is deemed t! ha6e e"e(ted in 1a6!u+ !1 the t+ans1e+0
S)&"en&ion of e*ection# @he+e at the time !1 t+ans1e+, the e"e(t!+ is "ea""y disab"ed the e"e(ti!n is 2!st2!ned unti" su(h disabi"ity (eases !+ unti" the e"e(ti!n is made !n beha"1 by a (!m2etent auth!+ity, e00 # his ua+dian0 Lea" disabi"ity may be min!+ity !+ "una(y !1 the e"e(t!+0 Thus, his duty t! e"e(t is sus2ended du+in his min!+ity !+ "una(y un"ess the e"e(ti!n is made by his "ea" ua+dian0
E*ection %/%in&t tr%n&fer# The !/ne+ !1 2+!2e+ty /h!se duty is t! ma7e e"e(ti!n has 1+eed!m t! e"e(t eithe+ 1!+ the t+ans1e+ !+ aainst it0 @he+e he e"e(ts aainst it i0e0 dissents 1+!m the 2+!1essed t+ans1e+, he 1!+1eits his ("aim t! the Hbene1it (!n1e++ed !n him0 .!/e6e+, he (an ("aim any !the+ bene1it /hi(h is i6en t! him inde2endent"y !1 the t+ans1e+ unde+ the same inst+ument0 As an instan(e, /he+e a 2e+s!n is i6en t/! bene1its 9 and y unde+ an inst+ument but !n"y 9 has been i6en in "ieu !1 2+!2e+ty, then, i1 he e"e(ts aainst the t+ans1e+ he 1!+1eits !n"y bene1it 90 )ut he is entit"ed t! ("aim bene1it y0 The “8!(t+ine !1 E"e(ti!n” is based !n the +u"e in C!!2e+ 6s0 C!!2e+0 “COO$ER 0 COO$ER ” ? a6e a (e+tain 2+!2e+ty t! t+ustees !n t+ust t! se"" it a1te+ his /id!/s death and t! h!"d the sa"e 2+!(eeds in t+ust 1!+ his (hi"d+en in su(h 1!+m as his /id!/ sha"" a22!int be1!+e a (e+tain 1i9ed 2e+i!d0 The /id!/ e9e(uted a deed be1!+e the e92i+ati!n !1 the 1i9ed 2e+i!d di+e(tin the 2+!(eeds t! be di6ided eGua""y am!n the th+ee s!ns A, ) and C0 "ate+ she made a /i"" by /hi(h she a6e the 2+!2e+ty t! A, the e"dest s!n and a "ea(y !1 he+ !/n 2+!2e+ty t! the !the+ t/! s!ns, ) and C and t! the s!ns !1 )0 ) 2+ede(eased the testat+i90 The a22!intment unde+ the /i"" /as in!2e+ati6e, inte+ a"ia, as the /i"" t!!7 e11e(t "!n a1te+ the date 1i9ed 1!+ the a22!intment0 A b+!uht the a(ti!n t! (!m2e" C and the s!ns !1 ) t! e"e(t bet/een thei+ ("aims unde+ the deed !1 a22!intment and unde+ the /i""0 It /as he"d that sin(e the testat+i9 /as n!t the !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty, he+ attem2t t! dis2!se !1 it by he+ /i"" /hen she has n! "!ne+ a dis2!sin 2!/e+ !6e+ it +aised a (ase !1 e"e(ti!n aainst the 2e+s!ns /h!, ta7in
unde+ he+ /i"", had an inte+est in that 2+!2e+ty0 L!+d .athe+"ey e92"ained the 2+in(i2"e unde+"yin the d!(t+ine !1 e"e(ti!n thus “the+e is a n !b"iati!n !n him /h! ta7es a bene1it unde+ a /i"" !+ !the+ inst+ument t! i6e 1u"" e11e(t t! that inst+ument unde+ /hi(h he ta7es a bene1it and i1 it be 1!und that that inst+ument 2u+2!+ts t! dea" /ith s!methin /hi(h it /as bey!nd the 2!/e+ !1 the d!n!+ !+ sett"!+ t! dis2!se !1, but t! /hi(h e11e(t (an be i6en by the (!n(u++en(e !1 him /h! +e(ei6es a bene1it unde+ the same inst+ument, the "a/ /i"" im2!se !n him /h! ta7es the bene1it the !b"iati!n !1 (a++yin the inst+ument int! 1u"" and (!m2"ete 1!+(e and e11e(t0” I1 a 2e+s!n t+ans1e+s s!me 2+!2e+ty /hi(h he has n! +iht t! t+ans1e+, and the same t+ansa(ti!n (!n1e+s any bene1it !n the !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty, su(h !/ne+ must e"e(t eithe+ t! (!n1i+m su(h t+ans1e+ !+ +e3e(t it0 I1 he +e3e(ts the t+ans1e+, he sha"" +e"inGuish the bene1it (!n1e++ed u2!n him and the 2+!2e+ty /i"" +e6e+t ba(7 t! himse"1 !+ his +e2+esentati6e as i1 it had n!t been dis2!sed !10
CONDITIONS FOR A$$LICATION OF DOCTRINE OF ELECTION The 1!""!/in a+e the essentia"s 1!+ the a22"i(ati!n !1 the 8!(t+ine !1 E"e(ti!n &0 The t+ans1e+!+ sh!u"d dis2!se !1 the 2+!2e+ty in /hi(h he has n! +iht t! t+ans1e+0 $0 The t+ans1e+!+ must (!n1e+ a bene1it t! the +ea" !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty0 *0 )!th the bene1its (!n1e++ed and the t+ans1e+ made must be 2a+t !1 the same t+ansa(ti!n !+ d!(ument0 50 The !/ne+ is n!/ i6en a (h!i(e !1 e"e(ti!n eithe+ t! a((e2t the bene1it and a""!/ the t+ans1e+ !+ t! +e3e(t b!th0 E00# “A” t+ans1e+ “)”s 2+!2e+ty /!+th Rs0&%% /ith!ut his (!nsent !+ 7n!/"ede t! “C” and in the same t+ansa(ti!n, “A” i6es Rs0&%%% t! “)”0 The basi( !1 this d!(t+ine is that a 2e+s!n /h! ets the bene1its must a"s! bea+ the bu+den0 =ene+a""y, the bene1it is +eate+ in 6a"ue than the bu+den0 The bene1it sh!u"d be e92+ess and 2a+ti(u"a+0 It must be in the same t+ansa(ti!n0 The si"en(e !1 the t+ans1e+ee 1!+ t/! yea+s sh!/s the a((e2tan(e !1 bene1it and a22+!6a" !1 the t+ans1e+ !1 his 2+!2e+ty t! a thi+d 2e+s!n0 8
The t+ans1e+ and bene1it sh!u"d be +atuit!us /ith!ut m!ney0 I1 the t+ans1e+!+ has died !+ has be(!me in(a2ab"e !1 ma7in a 1+esh t+ans1e+ be1!+e su(h e"e(ti!n, then the subseGuent e"e(ti!n by !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty is 6!id0 The 8!(t+ine !1 E"e(ti!n !n"y a22"ies /hen the t/! d!nati!ns a+e 2a+t !1 the same t+ansa(ti!n0
METHOD OF ELECTION E"e(ti!n must be di6ided int! t/! (ate!+ies &0 8i+e(t E"e(ti!n !+ $0 Indi+e(t E"e(ti!n0
&0 Direct E*ection The+e is n! 2+es(+ibed 1!+m0 A "ette+, te"e+am, !+a" /!+ds !1 t+ans1e+!+ !+ any !the+ sin by the 2e+s!n /hi(h (!n6eys the intenti!n !1 the t+ans1e+!+ is en!uh0
$0 Indirect E*ection The+e a+e th+ee ty2es !1 Indi+e(t E"e(ti!n0 They a+e# &0 A((e2tan(e !1 bene1it /ith!ut 7n!/"ede !1 duty t! e"e(t $0 En3!yment 1!+ t/! yea+s and *0 Status Gu! (ann!t be +est!+ed0
&0 Acce"t%nce of 1enefit !ito)t 2no!*ed/e of d)t# to e*ect I1 the d!nee a((e2ts the bene1it (!n1e++ed u2!n him by the t+ans1e+, then su(h a((e2tan(e !n his 2a+t (!nstitutes e"e(ti!n by him0 )ut the a((e2tan(e must be made /ith 1u"" 7n!/"ede !1 his duty t! e"e(t and a"" matte+s ab!ut su(h bene1its0 I1 the d!nee a((e2ts the bene1its /ith!ut 7n!/"ede, then the +e2+esentati6es !1 the d!nee may +e6!7e the e"e(ti!n0 I1 the e"e(ti!n is made unde+ mista7e !1 1a(t, it may be +e6!7ed by the e"e(t!+ !+ his +e2+esentati6es0 )ut i1 the d!nee /i"1u""y abstains 1+!m inGui+in int! the (i+(umstan(es unde+ /hi(h the bene1it is (!n1e++ed u2!n him and ma7es an e"e(ti!n, su(h an e"e(ti!n is bindin !n him and his +e2+esentati6es0
$, En3o#'ent for t!o #e%r&4 5Section 677869 of te Indi%n S)cce&&ion Act: I1 a 2e+s!n /h! has t! e"e(t 7n!/s that he is unde+ a duty t! e"e(t, he must e92+ess his dissent, i1 he +etains the 2+!2e+ty 1!+ s!me time and n!t inte+ested t! e"e(t in 1a6!u+ !1 the 2+!2!sa"0 I1 he 7ee2s the 2+!2e+ty 1!+ t/! yea+s, /ith!ut e92+essin that he is n!t in 1a6!u+ !1 the e"e(ti!n, then it is 2+esumed that the 2e+s!n s! +etainin the 2+!2e+ty is d!in s! /ith 7n!/"ede and a((e2tan(e !1 the d!(ument0 *0 St%t)& .)o c%nnot 1e re&tored In the (ase !1 2+!2e+ty /hi(h is e9haustib"e by (!nsum2ti!n !+ use, i1 he !n(e sta+ts (!nsumin the 2+!2e+ty, e"e(ti!n in his 1a6!u+ is 2+esumed0 N! 2e+i!d !1 (!nsum2ti!n is ne(essa+y 1!+ this 2+esum2ti!n0
$RO$ERTY TRANSFERRED MUST BELONG TO ANOTHER N! (ase !1 e"e(ti!n /!u"d a+ise un"ess the 2+!2e+ty t+ans1e++ed is !ne /hi(h the t+ans1e+!+ has n! +iht t! t+ans1e+0 I1 the t+ans1e+!+ had a +iht t! t+ans1e+ the 2+!2e+ty, the 2+!2e+ty /i"" 2ass t! the t+ans1e+ee inde2endent !1 any e"e(ti!n by the 2e+s!n t! /h!m the bene1it is i6en by the same inst+ument0as has been !bse+6ed in @!""ast!n 6s 7in, it is ne(essa+y 1!+ the a22"i(ati!n !1 the d!(t+ine !1 e"e(ti!n that the+e sh!u"d be a ("aim unde+ the inst+ument and a"s! a ("aim deh!+s the inst+ument0 @he+e a 2e+s!n ("aims !n"y unde+ an inst+ument the 1a(t that he is ("aimin unde+ se6e+a" ("auses !1 the same inst+ument /i"" n!t +aise a Guesti!n !1 e"e(ti!n0 N! Guesti!n !1 e"e(ti!n a+ises /he+e a "imited !/ne+ inhe+ited (e+tain 2+!2e+ty 1+!m he+ husband and d!nated the same abs!"ute"y t! he+ a+ise as a (!nditi!n +eGuisite t! be 1u"1i""ed0 .!/e6e+, /he+e the testat!+ by his "ast /i"" had (an(e""ed the 2+e6i!us sett"ement /hi(h /as a(ted u2!n in 1a6!u+ !1 his s!ns J and and beGueathed s!me 2+!2e+ties in("udin items i6en t! by sett"ement t! J, J /!u"d be 2ut t! e"e(ti!n eithe+ t! ta7e unde+ sett"ement !+ /i""0
$ROFESSES TO TRANSFER $RO$ERTY The se(!nd essentia" is that the t+ans1e+!+ sh!u"d ha6e 2+!1essed t! t+ans1e+ 2+!2e+ty, /hi(h as a 1a(t, did n!t be"!n t! him0 Su++ende+ by a .indu /id!/ t! he+ immediate hei+s is n!t a t+ans1e+ !1 2+!2e+ty the se(ti!n has n! a22"i(ati!n t! su(h (ases0 A 2e+s!n is 2+ima 1a(ie 2+esumed t! ha6e t+ans1e++ed !n"y /hat is his !/n, and n!t /hat be"!ns t! !the+ 2e+s!n0 @he+e ,the+e1!+e, a 2+!2e+ty d!es n!t, in 1a(t, be"!n t! a 2e+s !n, his intenti!n t! t+ans1e+ it must be ("ea+ and mani1est !n the 1a(e !1 the deed !1 t+ans1e+0 Su(h 1
intenti!n may be e92+essed in ("ea+ te+ms, !+ i1 it is im2"ied in the te+ms !1 deed, it must be s! 2"ain by dem!nst+ati!n and by im2"i(ati!n that it sh!u"d a22ea+ utte+"y im2+!bab"e that the t+ans1e+!+ (!u"d mean anythin !the+/ise the use !1 ene+a" /!+ds /i"" +aise n! (ase !1 e"e(ti!n and 2a+ti(u"a+"y s!, /he+e the t+ans1e+!+ has a 2a+tia" inte+est in the 2+!2e+ty t+ans1e++ed, as the ene+a" /!+ds a22"y eGua""y t! his !/n inte+est and d! n!t im2"y an intenti!n t! dis2!se !1 any !the+ 2+!2e+ty than his !/n0 )ut /he+e the t+ans1e+!+ is a (!# !/ne+ and t+ans1e+s “/h!"e” !1 the 2+!2e+ty s2e(i1i(a""y (!n1e++in s!me bene1it u2!n the (! !/ne+ the ne(essa+y intenti!n is ("ea+ 1+!m the deed the (!# !/ne+ is 2ut t! e"e(ti!n0 It is n!t ne(essa+y that the t+ans1e+!+ sh!u"d intend t! 2ut the 2a+ty t! e"e(ti!n0 Su(h an intenti!n 2+esumes the 7n!/"ede !1 the eGuitab"e d!(t+ine !1 e"e(ti!n !n the 2a+t !1 the t+ans1e+!+ /hi(h is usua""y absent0 The intenti!n /hi(h the (!u+t +eGui+es t! i6e 2+!2e+ty /hi(h the t+ans1e+!+ has n! +iht t! i6e and t! i6e bene1it t! the 2e+s!n /h! is the !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty0 On(e these t/! intenti!ns a+e ("ea+ 1+!m the deed, the (!u+t d+a/s the (!n("usi!n that the+e sh!u"d be an e"e(ti!n0 The !nus !1 2+!6idin that the+e is su(h an intenti!n +ests !n th!se /h! (!ntend 1!+ a (ase !1 e"e(ti!n0 )ut /he+e the intenti!n is ("ea+ !n the 1a(e !1 the deed t! 2ass the /h!"e 2+!2e+ty and thus t! +aise a (ase !1 e"e(ti!n, the bu+den !1 2+!6in that the t+ans1e+!+ meant t! t+ans1e+ !n"y /hat /as "e1t /ith him and n!t m!+e, "ies !n th!se /h! !22!se e"e(ti!n0 The intenti!n !1 the t+ans1e+!+ must, h!/e6e+, a22ea+ !n the 1a(e !1 the deed0n! e9t+insi( e6iden(e, deh!+s the deed is admissib"e t! sh!/ that the t+ans1e+!+ had an intenti!n t! 2ass /hat /as n!t his and thus t! +aise a Guesti!n !1 e"e(ti!n0
CONFERS ANY BENEFIT ON THE OWNER The d!(t+ine !1 e"e(ti!n d!es n!t a22"y un"ess a bene1it is (!n1e++ed !n the !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty /hi(h is 2+!1essed t! be E9am2"e a 2e+s!n A had a 2!/e+ t! a22!int 2+!2e+ty ? t! his (hi"d ) /h! /as a"s! entit"ed t! it in de1au"t !1 a22!intment0 A a22!inted a 2!+ti!n !1 the 2+!2e+ty ? t! ) and the +eminde+ t! C /h! /as n!t an !b3e(t !1 the 2!/e+0 A did n!t i6e any !1 his !/n 2+!2e+ty t! )0 it /as he"d that the a22!intment !n Cs 1a6!u+ /as in6a"id as he /as n!t an !b3e(t !1 the 2!/e+, and that as n! 2a+t !1 As !/n 2+!2e+ty /as i6en t! ), the "atte+ /as n!t unde+ a duty t! e"e(t0 The L!+d Chan(e""!+ !bse+6ed in a"" (ases the+e must be s!me 1+ee dis2!sab"e 2+!2e+ty i6en t! the 2e+s!n /hi(h (an be made (!m2ensati!n 1!+ /hat the testat!+ ta7es a/ay0
The !2e+ati!n !1 this se(ti!n is e9t+eme"y "imited t! (ases /he+e a 2e+s!n 2+!1esses t! t+ans1e+ 2+!2e+ty /hi(h he has n! +iht t! t+ans1e+ and as 2a+t !1 the same t+ansa(ti!n (!n1e+s a bene1it u2!n the !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty s! t+ans1e++ed0 In !the+ /!+ds the se(ti!n is a22"i(ab"e !n"y /he+e the bene1it and the bu+den (!me di+e(t"y 1+!m the Hsame s!u+(e !+ the same t+ansa(ti!n0 I1 the 2+!2e+ty be"!nin t! a thi+d 2e+s!n is dis2!sed !1 by !ne t+ansa(ti!n and a bene1it is (!n1e++ed !n him by an!the+ t+ansa(ti!n b!th bein inde2endent !1 ea(h !the+, su(h 2e+s!n is n!t b!und t! e"e(t0 Thus, /he+e a .indu /id!/ a6e a/ay s!me imm!6ab"e 2+!2e+ty in e9(ess !1 he+ 2!/e+ !1 t+ans1e+, by a i1t deed, and by a /i"" e9e(uted "ate+ !n, she (!n1e++ed !n he+ +e6e+si!na+y s!me !the+ bene1it and it /as 1!und that the i1t /as n!t sub3e(t !1 the /i""0 In Sardar Muhammad afzal khan v.Nnawab ghulam kasim khan, ? +anted Y, his se(!nd s!n, a 6i""ae 1!+ maintenan(e0 a1te+ the death !1 ? the !6e+nment a"s! +anted Y, a 2!+ti!n !1 the (ash a""!/an(e a""!/ed t! his 1athe+ ?0 the Guesti!n a+!se /hethe+ Y (!u"d be 2ut t! e"e(ti!n in +es2e(t (!u"d a+ise as the +ants /e+e inde2endent and de+i6ed 1+!m di11e+ent s!u+(es0
SUCH OWNER MUST ELECT It is ("ea+ that, a 2e+s!n needs t! be the !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty 2+!1essed t! be dis2!sed !1 by the t+ans1e+!+ he is unde+ n! !b"iati!n t! e"e(t0 Thus /he+e a 2e+s!n (a""s u2!n an hei+ t! 2ass 2+!2e+ty /hi(h be"!ns t! him !n"y in the (ha+a(te+ !1 his hei+ and n!t !the+/ise he is (a""in u2!n his hei+ t! (!n6ey /hat be"!ns t! himse"1 and n!t /hat be"!ns t! the hei+0 The+e /i"" be n! e"e(ti!n in su(h a (ase e6en i1 the hei+ +e(ei6es any !the+ bene1it unde+ the /i"" and the 2+!2e+ty /i"" 2ass 1+!m the hei+ be(ause !1 the intenti!n e92+essed in the /i"" and n!t by e"e(ti!n0 Simi"a+"y /he+e a .indu testat!+ dis2!sed !1 by his /i"" (e+tain !+naments des(+ibed as “my !/n and my /i1es !+naments” and it /as 1!und that he had !the+ !+naments /!+n by he+ !6e+ /hi(h he had a dis2!sin 2!/e+, it /as he"d that the said /!+ds did n!t in("ude the /i1es “st+idhan” !+naments and that the+e1!+e she /as n!t 2ut t! e"e(ti!n as +ea+ds he+ “s+tidhan” !+naments and !the+ bene1it unde+ the /i""0 The !/ne+shi2 +e1e++ed in this se(ti!n is the !/ne+shi2 at the time /hen the "iabi"ity t! e"e(t a+ises0 A 2e+s!n s!uht t! be 2ut t! e"e(ti!n must be the !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty at the time0 @hen the !b"iati!n t! e"e(t a+ises0 I1 he is n!t the !/ne+ at the time he (ann!t be 2ut t! his e"e(ti!n me+e"y be(ause he +e(ei6es a bene1it unde+ the t+ans1e+0 E6en an a(Guisiti!n !1 12
inte+est in the 2+!2e+ty by him a1te+ the time /i"" be !1 n! a6ai", be(ause the eGuities !1 the 2a+ties t! e"e(ti!n must be dete+mined a((!+din t! the state !1 (i+(umstan(es e9istin /hen the duty t! e"e(t a+ises0
SHALL RE0ERT TO THE TRANSFEROR The 2e+s!n !n /h!m the bene1it id (!n1e++ed d!es n!t, by his dissent 1+!m the t+ans1e+, 1!+1eit in its enti+e"y the bene1it (!n1e++ed !n him but !n"y t! the e9tent ne(essa+y t! (!m2ensate the disa22!inted t+ans1e+ee0
CHARGE IN FA0OUR OF THE DISA$OINTED DONEE The +emedy !1 the disa22!inted t+ans1e+ee 1!+ (!m2ensati!n is aainst the !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty t+ans1e++ed0 The e9tent !1 the (!m2ensati!n t! be +e(ei6ed by the disa22!inted d!nee is the am!unt !+ the 6a"ue !1 the 2+!2e+ty that is attem2ted t! be t+ans1e++ed t! him unde+ the deed0 The date at /hi(h the am!unt !1 (!m2ensati!n is t! be as(e+tained is the date !n /hi(h the "iabi"ity t! e"e(t a+ises and n!t the date !n /hi(h the e"e(ti!n is a(tua""y made0 Thus /he+e a 2a+ty ta7in unde+ a /i"" e"e(ted t! ta7e aainst the /i"" a1te+ ab!ut $ yea+s a1te+ the death !1 the testat!+, it /as he"d that the am!unt !1 (!m2ensati!n /as t! be as(e+tained as the date !1 the testat!+s death and n!t as the date !1 a(tua" e"e(ti!n0
RULE MAY BE EXCLUDED BY THE EX$RESS TERMS IN THE TRANSFER The se(ti!n d!es n!t state in te+ms that the +u"e is sub3e(t t! the e92+essi!n !1 a (!nt+a+y intenti!n0 It is (!n(ei6ed that its !2e+ati!n may be e9("uded by e92+ess te+ms in the t+ans1e+ sh!/in a (!nt+a+y intenti!n0 The e9(e2ti!n sh!/s that the t+ans1e+ (an by a22+!2+iate e92+essi!n !1 intenti!n, "imit the !2e+ati!n !1 +u"e t! a 2a+ti(u"a+ bene1it (!n1e++ed0
ELECTION BY A $ARTY BINDS HIS RE$RESENTATI0ES BUT NOT OTHERS, An e"e(ti!n /hen made by a 2a+ty is bindin n!t !n"y !n himse"1 but a"s! !n his +e2+esentati6es0 )ut a2a+t 1+!m his +e2+esentati6es, an e"e(ti!n by !ne 2e+s!n is n!t bindin 13
!n any !the+ 2e+s!n0 Thus, /he+e the+e a+e se6e+a" 2e+s!ns inte+ested as (!# !/ne+s in the 2+!2e+ty dis2!sed !1 by the t+ans1e+!+ and a"" !1 them +e(ei6e bene1it unde+ the t+ans1e+, e6e+y !ne !1 them has a se2a+ate +iht !1 e"e(ti!n
RULE CANNOT BE A$$LIED TO CURE AN ILLEGALITY, The +u"e !1 e"e(ti!n (ann!t be s! a22"ied as t! enab"e the t+ans1e+ t! e6ade any +u"e !1 "a/0 The d!(t+ine !1 e"e(ti!n (ann!t be +est!+ed t! in !+de+ t! (u+e an i""ea"ity the+e1!+e, a i1t /hi(h in1+ines the +u"e aainst 2e+2etuities (ann!t be used t! +aise a (ase 1!+ e"e(ti!n0
CANCELLATION NECESSARY The 1a(t that the !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty t+ans1e++ed e"e(ts t! dissent 1+!m it d!es n!t +ende+ it ne(essa+y that the d!(ument !1 t+ans1e+ sh!u"d be (an(e""ed0
DOES OR DOES NOT BELIE0E I1 the t+ans1e+!+ 2+!1esses t! t+ans1e+ 2+!2e+ty /hi(h, as a matte+ !1 1a(t, d!es n!t be"!n t! him, (!n1e+s a bene1it !n the !/ne+ !1 the 2+!2e+ty, a (ase !1 e"e(ti!n /i"" be +aised, i++es2e(ti6e !1 the Guesti!n /hethe+ the t+ans1e+!+ be"ie6ed that the 2+!2e+ty /as !+ /as n!t his !/n0
NO ELECTION WHERE THE BENEFIT IS DERI0ED INDIRECTLY A 2e+s!n is n!t 2ut t! his e"e(ti!n me+e"y be(ause he +e(ei6es a bene1it unde+ a t+ans1e+ but be(ause the bene1it he ta7es is a((!m2anied by an !b"iati!n t! i6e e11e(t t! the !the+ 2a+t !1 the t+ans1e+ by 2a+tin his !/n estate 0
$ERSON TAKING UNDER TWO CA$ACITIES @he+e a 2e+s!n h!"ds t/! (a2a(ities he may a((e2t the bene1it in !ne and dissent the+e 1+!m in !the+0 N! Guesti!n !1 e"e(ti!n (an a+ise me+e"y be(ause !/in t! (e+tain (i+(umstan(es,the t/! (a2a(ities ha6e tem2!+a+i"y me+ed int! !ne 2e+s!n 0 14
BENEFIT EX$RESSED TO BE IN LIEU OF THE $RO$ERTY TRANSFER- EXCE$TION I1 a bene1it unde+ an inst+ument is e92+essed t! be in "ieu !1 the 2+!2e+ty /hi(h the t+ans1e+!+ 2+!1esses t! t+ans1e+, and the !/ne+ !1 su(h 2+!2e+ty ("aims t! +etain it, he must +e"inGuish the 2a+ti(u"a+ bene1it, but he is n!t b!und t! i6e u2 any !the+ bene1it (!n1e++ed u2!n him by the same t+ansa(ti!n0
ACCE$TANCE AND BENEFIT The e"e(ti!n (!ntem2"ated by this se(ti!n is a (!ns(i!us (h!i(e by the !/ne+ bet/een t/! in(!nsistent +ihts0 The se(ti!n 2+!6ides that the a((e2tan(e !1 the bene1it /i"" !2e+ate as an e"e(ti!n !n"y i1# • •
The !/ne+ is a/a+e !1 his duty t! e"e(t, and .e is a/a+e, !1 a"" th!se (i+(umstan(es /hi(h /!u"d in1"uen(e the 3udement !1 a +eas!nab"e man in ma7in the e"e(ti!n0
I1 the d!ne a((e2ts the bene1it i6en t! him by the t+ans1e+!+, su(h a(t !n his 2a+t (!nstitutes an e"e(ti!n by him0 It is the+e1!+e, essentia" that the a((e2tan(e !1 the bene1it sh!u"d ha6e been made /ith 1u"" 7n!/"ede !1 his duty t! e"e(t and !1 a"" matte+s (!nne(ted /ith su(h bene1it0 I1 the bene1it is a((e2ted /ith!ut su(h 7n!/"ede, the e"e(ti!n may be +e6!7ed by the +e2+esentati6e !1 the e"e(tin 2a+ty0$Simi"a+"y i1 the e"e(ti!n is made eithe+ e92+ess"y !+ im2"ied"y unde+ a mis(!n(e2ti!n !+ mista7e !+ mista7e !1 1a(t it is n!t bindin and (an be e6!7ed by the e"e(t!+ himse"10 *
$RESUM$TION OF ELECTION FROM TWO YEARS( EN;OYMENT The+e is a 2+esum2ti!n in 1!+m !1 e"e(ti!n0 i1 the 2e+s!n 2ut t! e"e(t 7n!/s that he is unde+ a duty t! e"e(t, he must e92+ess dissent i1 he is +etainin the 2+!2e+ty 1!+ the time bein and is n!t inte+ested in e"e(ti!n in 1a6!u+ !1 the 2+!2!sa"0 I1 !ne 7ee2s the 2+!2e+ty 1!+ t/! yea+s 2 !idney " #o$ss$ra%er, 12 "es 136 3 &ri'ho(andas " smith, 2 )om.316 15
1+!m the day it is (!n6eyed t! him and says n!thin t! e92"ain the (!ndu(t !the+/ise, the "a/ "ea6es e6e+yb!dy t! 2+esume that the 2e+s!n s! +etainin the 2+!2e+ty 1!+ su(h du+ati!n is d!in s! unde+ be"ie1 that it is his !/n and he a((e2ts the d!(ument as !+iina""y 2+!2!sed0
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