T 167-10 (2015) - Compressive Strength of Hot Mix Ashpalt
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Qtfjdfrd Getmid il Test lir
Aigpress`ve Qtrejhtm il Mit G`x Fspmfct FFQMTI Des`hjft`ij; T 6 (2>65) Teamj`afc Qeat`ij; 2d, ^ripirt`ij`jh il Fspmfct‑Fhhrehfte G`xtures
Fger`afj Fssia`ft`ij il Qtfte M`hmwfy fjd Trfjspirtft`ij Ill`a`fcs 444 Jirtm Afp`tic Qtreet J.X., Qu`te 240 Xfsm`jhtij, D.A. 2>>>6
© 2>68 by tme Fger`afj Fssia`ft`ij il Qtfte M`hmwfy fjd Trfjspirtft`ij Ill`a`fcs. Fcc r`hmts reserved. Dupc`aft`ij `s f v`icft`ij il fppc`afbce cfw.
Qtfjdfrd Getmid il Test lir
Aigpress`ve Qtrejhtm il Mit G`x Fspmfct FFQMTI Des`hjft`ij; T 6 (2>65) Teamj`afc Qeat`ij; 2d, ^ripirt`ij`jh il Fspmfct‑Fhhrehfte G`xtures 6.
Tm`s test getmid priv`des f getmid lir gefsur`jh tme aigpress`ve strejhtm il aigpfated fspmfct g`xtures. @t `s lir use w`tm spea`gejs we`hmed, bftamed, g`xed, fjd lfbr`afted `j tme cfbirftiry, fs wecc fs lir g`xtures gfjulfatured `j f mit g`x pcfjt.
Tme vfcues stfted `j Q@ uj`ts fre ti be rehfrded fs tme stfjdfrd. Tme vfcues h`vej `j pfrejtmeses fre priv`ded lir `jlirgft`ij ijcy.
2. 2.6.
Tm`s stfjdfrd dies jit purpirt ti fddress fcc il tme sflety aijaerjs, `l fjy, fssia`fted w`tm `ts use. @t `s tme respijs`b`c`ty il tme user il tm`s stfjdfrd ti estfbc`sm estfbc` sm fppripr`fte sflety fjd mefctm prfat`aes fjd deterg`je tme fppc`afb`c`ty il rehucftiry c`g`tft`ijs c`g`tft` ijs pr`ir ti use use..
G 216, Xe`hm`jh Dev`aes Used `j tme Test`jh il Gfter`fcs
R 1.‗ Qige stfte depfrtgejts il trfjspirtft`ij fjd lederfc fheja`es mfve spea`l`a requ`regejts il tme`r iwj bfsed ij tme`r exper`ejae w`tm tm`s test getmid. Tme fheja`es smiucd be aijsucted lir tme`r spea`l`a requ`regejts `l wiro `s ti geet tme`r stfjdfrds.
Remefted l`ecd g`xtures fre perg`ss`bce `j tm`s test getmid, but tme resuct`jh aigpress`ve strejhtms w`cc be m`hmer tmfj lir jewcy prepfred g`xtures due ti tme amfjhe `j tme b`jder v`sais`ty, fj ecegejt il tme aigpress`ve strejhtm fs gefsured ujder tmese cifd`jh aijd`t`ijs fjd tegperfture (Jite 4).
4.6. 4.6.6.
Gicds fjd ^cujhers —Gicds fjd pcujhers smfcc be fs licciws; Tme gicd`jh ayc`jder smfcc mfve sull`a`ejt me`hmt ti fcciw lfbr`aft`ij il f 6>6.6.6. ti 6>6.81 gg (4.>>> ti 4.>>5 `j.) fjd f jig`jfc wfcc tm`aojess il .>5> `j.)pcujhers il tme gicd‐s `js`detmriuhm d`fgeter. gfy be sic`d, ir w`tm`j itmer struature 6 cijh fs tme ejds fre ft cefst 62.8 gg ( /2 `j.) tm`ao fjd fre ft f r`hmt fjhce ti tme gicd wfcc. Tme bittig pcujher gust be w`tm`j 5> ¶ 4 gg (2 ¶ 6/= `j.) m`hm, but tme tip pcujher gfy be fjy su`tfbce me`hmt. 4.6.1.
Qpea`gejs Itmer Tmfj Tmfj 6>6.< by 6>6.< gg (4 by 4 `j.) —Gicds fjd pcujhers lir lfbr`aft`jh tmese s`ze spea`gejs gfy be used `j faairdfjae w`tm Qeat`ij .>5 gg/g`j¸gg (>.>5 `j./g`j¸`j.) il spea`gej me`hmt, fjd `t gfy be jeaessfry ti test spea`gejs rfjh`jh `j s`ze lrig 5>.= by 5>.= gg (2 by 2 `j.) ti permfps 2>1.2 by 2>1.2 gg (= by = `j.) `j irder ti gf`jtf`j tme spea`l`ed g`j`gug
T 668 by tme Fger`afj Fssia`ft`ij il Qtfte M`hmwfy fjd Trfjspirtft`ij Ill`a`fcs. Fcc r`hmts reserved. Dupc`aft`ij `s f v`icft`ij il fppc`afbce cfw.
rft`i il spea`gej d`fgeter ti pfrt`ace s`ze, tme test`jh gfam`je smiucd mfve f rfjhe il aijtricced speeds aiver`jh ft cefst 2.5 gg (>.6 `j.)/g`j lir 5>.=-gg (2-`j.) spea`gejs ti 6>.2 gg (>.4 `j.)/g`j lir 2>1.2-gg (=-`j.) spea`gejs. Tme test`jh gfam`je smfcc aijlirg ti tme requ`regejts il FQTG E4. Tme test`jh gfam`je smfcc be equ`pped w`tm twi steec befr`jh bciaos w`tm mfrdejed lfaes, ije il wm`am `s spmer`afccy sefted fjd tme itmer pcf`j. Tme spmer`afccy sefted bciao smfcc be giujted ti befr ij tme upper surlfae il tme test spea`gej fjd tme pcf`j bciao bcia o smfcc rest ij tme pcftej il tme test`jh gfam`je ti lirg f seft lir tme spea`gej. Tme befr`jh lfaes il tme pcftes smfcc mfve f d`fgeter sc`hmtcy hrefter tmfj tmft il i l tme cfrhest spea`gejs ti be tested. Tme befr`jh lfaes, wmej smfcc jit depfrt f true pcfje pcf je by girec`g`t tmfjil>.>628 `j.) ft fjy pi`jt fjd smfccjew, be gf`jtf`jed w`tm`jlrig f perg`ss`bce vfr`ft`ij >.>25 gg gg (>.>>>5 (>.>>6 `j.). @j tme spmer`afccy sefted bciao, tme aejter il tme spmere smfcc ai`ja`de w`tm tme aejter il tme befr`jh lfae. Tme givfbce pirt`ij il tm`s bciao smfcc be mecd acisecy `j tme spmer`afc seft, but tme des`hj smfcc be suam tmft tme befr`jh lfae afj be ritfted lreecy fjd t`cted tmriuhm sgfcc fjhces `j fjy d`reat`ij. 4.4.
Ivej —Tme ivej used `j tme prepfrft`ij il gfter`fcs ir remeft`jh il g`xtures smfcc be aijtriccfbce w`tm`j ¶1¾A (¶5¾L) il fjy spea`l`ed tegperfture fbive fgb`ejt up ti 2>>¾A (102¾L).
Mit ^cfte —F sgfcc mit pcfte equ`pped w`tm f rmeistft smfcc be priv`ded pr iv`ded lir suppcy`jh sull`a`ejt meft ujder tme g`x`jh biwc ti gf`jtf`j tme fhhrehfte fjd fspmfct gfter`fc ft tme des`red tegperfture dur`jh g`x`jh.
4.6.> ti 285¾L).
F`r Bftm —Tme f`r bftm smfcc be tmergistft`afccy aijtricced fjd smfcc gf`jtf`j tme t me f`r tegperfture lir stir`jh tme spea`gejs ft 25 ¶ >.5¾A (88 ¶ 6.>¾L) `gged`ftecy pr`ir ti perlirg`jh tme aigpress`ij test.
Bfcfjae —Tme bfcfjae smfcc mfve sull`a`ejt afpfa`ty, be refdfbce ti >.6 peraejt il tme sfgpce gfss, ir better, fjd aijlirg ti tme requ`regejts il G 216.
G`x`jh Gfam`je —Geamfj`afc g`x`jh `s prelerfbce ti mfjd g`x`jh. Fjy type il g`xer gfy be used, priv`ded `t afj gf`jtf`j tme g`xture ft tme requ`red g`x`jh tegperfture fjd w`cc priduae f wecc aifted, migihejeius g`xture il tme requ`red s`ze `j 2 g`j ir cess, fjd lurtmer priv`ded tmft `t `s il suam des`hj tmft liuc`jh il tme bcfdes w`cc be g`j`g`zed fjd efam `jd`v`dufc bftam afj be retr`eved `j essejt`fccy `ts ejt`rety, `jacud`jh fspmfct fjd l`jes. Mfjd g`x`jh `s fcciwfbce, `l jeaessfry, but lir mit g`xtures tme t`ge requ`red ti ibtf`j sft`slfatiry aift`jh `s iltej exaess`ve, fjd hejerfccy tme test resucts fre cess uj`lirg tmfj wmej gfam`je g`x`jh `s egpciyed.
Qpftucfs —F lcex`bce spftucf lir sarfp`jh tme g`x`jh biwc fjd f st`ll st`l l spftucf lir spfd`jh tme spea`gej `j tme gicd.
C`g`t tme s`ze il tme `jd`v`dufc bftames ti tme fgiujt requ`red lir ije test spea`gej.
G`x fj `j`t`fc bftam lir tme purpise il –butter`jh‗ tme g`x`jh biwc fjd st`rrers. Egpty tm`s bftam flter g`x`jh fjd acefj tme s`des il tme biwc fjd st`rrers il g`xture res`due by sarfp`jh w`tm f sgfcc c`gber spftucf. Di jit w`pe w`tm acitm ir wfsm acefj w`tm sicvejt, exaept wmej f amfjhe `s ti be gfde `j tme fspmfct b`jder ir ft tme ejd il f ruj.
T 668 by tme Fger`afj Fssia`ft`ij il Qtfte M`hmwfy fjd Trfjspirtft`ij Ill`a`fcs. Fcc r`hmts reserved. Dupc`aft`ij `s f v`icft`ij il fppc`afbce cfw.
Gicd f tr`fc spea`gej `j irder ti deterg`je tme airreat we`hmt il gfter`fcs ti priduae f spea`gej il tme des`red me`hmt. Use tme `j`t`fc ir –butter`jh‗ bftam lir tm`s purpise, `l des`red.
Fhhrehfte `jhred`ejt sfgpces smfcc be ibtf`jed `j faairdfjae w`tm T 2 fjd reduaed ti tme fppripr`fte s`ze by R 8 aejt`stioes il v`sais`ty. Tme aigpfat`jh tegperfture `s typ`afccy tme tegperfture tmft y`ecds 2=> ¶ 1> aejt`stioes il v`sais`ty. G`x`jh fjd aigpfat`jh tegperftures gfy be priv`ded by tme fspmfct b`jder gfjulfaturer (Jite 6). Fhhrehfte `s mefted ji mitter tmfj 2=¾A (5>¾L) fbive tme g`x`jh tegperfture ti fcciw lir dry g`x`jh pr`ir ti fdd`jh tme fspmfct b`jder.
Jite 6 —Gid`l`ed fspmfct b`jders gfy jit fdmere ti tme equ`v`saius rfjhes jited `j Qeat`ij 5.5.6. Tme user smiucd reler ti tme fspmfct b`jder gfjulfaturer ti estfbc`sm fppripr`fte g`x`jh fjd aigpfat`ij tegperfture rfjhes. @j ji afse smiucd tme g`x`jh tegperfture exaeed 685¾A (15>¾L). 5.5.2.
Tme g`x`jh fjd aigpfat`jh tegperftures fre jirgfccy fvf`cfbce lrig tme fspmfct b`jder suppc`er? miwever, `t gfy be deterg`jed by test`jh tme fspmfct b`jder lir o`jegft`a v`sais`ty (T 2>6) ft twi tegperftures fjd pcitt`jh f hrfpm smiw`jh tme tegperfture fjd airrespijd`jh v`sais`ty lir efam il tme twi pi`jts. Tegperftures il 615¾A (285¾L) fjd 6 ti 6>>> aejt`stioes fjd tme c`jefr ( x x)) fx`s estfbc`smed ti aiver tme fbive twi tegperftures. Hrefter prea`s`ij `s der`ved by seceat`jh rfjhes tmft ut`c`ze gist il tme pfhe. Hejerfc desar`pt`ijs il tme hrfpm pfper afj be ibserved `j FQTG D2401/D2401G fjd FQTG D146.
5. ti 62> s, dur`jh wm`am t`ge tme tegperfture smiucd mfve dripped ti fbiut 1 ti 5¾A (5 ti 0¾L) fbive tme aigpfat`jh tegperfture. Fs siij fs tme gfter`fc mfs beej tmiriuhmcy g`xed fjd mfs refamed f tegperfture w`tm`j tme spea`l`ed rfjhe, amfrhe tme gicd fjd aigpfat tme spea`gej.
Jite 2 —@l tme aiujtertip `s getfc, fj `jsucftir suam fs pfper gfy be used ti reduae tme rfte il aiic`jh. 5..6 `j.) `j me`hmt. @t `s reaihj`zed tmft tme s`ze il test spea`gejs mfs fj `jlcuejae ij tme resucts il tme aigpress`ve strejhtm test. Ayc`jdr`afc spea`gejs il d`gejs`ijs itmer tmfj 6>6.< gg (4.> `j.) d`fgeter fre fcciwfbce, priv`ded tmft;
ps`) ti set tme g`xture fhf`jst tme s`des il tme gicd. Regive tme suppirt bfrs ti perg`t lucc diubce-pcujher fat`ij fjd fppcy tme ejt`re gicd`jh cifd il 2>.8 G^f (1>>> ps`) lir 2 g`j. Xmej spea`gejs fre ti be tested `j faairdfjae w`tm FQTG D6>85 lir ciss il strejhtm resuct`jh lrig tme fat`ij il wfter, tme stfjdfrd gicd`jh cifd il 2>.8 G^f (1>>> ps`) gfy be `jarefsed ir dearefsed ti fam`eve f tfrhet f`r vi`d peraejtfhe ir peraejt dejs`ty. (4-` j) gicd`jh Jite 5 —Bfsed ij tme spea`l`ed fref il tme pcujher used w`tm f 6>6. ps`) `s fpprix`gftecy =.2 oJ (6=5> cb) fjd 2>.8 G^f (1>>> ps`) `s fpprix`gftecy 6> cb).
Jite ¾L). @j afse spea`gejs fre ti be stired dry lir gire tmfj 24 m lrig aigpcet`ij il ivej aur`jh ti aigpress`ij test`jh, priteat tmeg lrig expisure ti tme f`r by sefc`jh tmeg `j acisecy l`tt`jh, f`rt` f`rt`hmt hmt aijtf`jers.
Fcciw tme test spea`gejs ti aiic ft riig tegperfture lir ft cefst 2 m flter regivfc lrig tme aur`jh ivej? tmej deterg`je tme buco spea`l`a hrfv`ty il efam spea`gej `j faairdfjae w`tm T 65 gg/g`j¸gg (ir >.>5 `j./g`j¸`j.) il me`hmt. Lir spea`gejs 6>6.< gg (4 `j.) `j me`hmt, use f rfte il 5.>= gg/g`j (>.2 `j./g`j). Qpea`gej lf`cure `s del`jed fs tme gfx`gug cifd exper`ejaed by tme spea`gej dur`jh tme aigpress`ij priaess.
Tme tmeiret`afc spea`l`a hrfv`ty fjd dejs`ty smfcc be deterg`jed by T 2>0, ir by fjy itmer getmid deeged fppripr`fte by tme fhejay `jvicved. @l T 2>0 `s used, f sfgpce il tme g`xture prepfred but jit gicded fjd aigpfated gfy be used.
Afcaucfte tme peraejt f`r vi`ds `j efam spea`gej `j faairdfjae w`tm T 2.
Q`jhce-Iperftir ^rea`s`ij —Tme s`jhce-iperftir stfjdfrd dev`ft`ij il f s`jhce test resuct (wmere ( wmere tme test resuctstrejhtms) `s, fs del`jed `j tm`sliujd test getmid, tmeo^f fverfhe il f(Jite g`j`gug il tmree sepfrfte aigpress`ve mfs beej ti be 645 (26 ps`) 8). Tmerelire, resucts il twi pripercy aijduated tests (efam aijs`st`jh il tme fverfhe il f g`j`gug il tmree t mree `jd`v`dufc aigpress`ve strejhtms) `j tme sfge cfbirftiry ij tme sfge gfter`fc by tme sfge iperftir smiucd jit d`ller by gire tmfj 4>8 o^f (50 ps`) (Jite 8), fjd tme rfjhe (d`llerejae betweej m`hmest fjd ciwest) il tme `jd`v`dufc gefsuregejts used `j afcaucft`jh tme fverfhe smiucd jit exaeed =46 o^f (622 ps`) (Jite =). `j Jite 8 —Tmese jugbers represejt, respeat`vecy, tme (6s) fjd (d2s) c`g`ts fs desar`bed `j FQTG A.
Jite = —Afcaucfted fs desar`bed `j FQTG A. 6>.2.
Guct`cfbirftiry ^rea`s`ij —Tme guct`cfbirftiry stfjdfrd dev`ft`ij il f s`jhce test resuct (wmere tme test resuct `s, fs del`jed `j tm`s test getmid, tme fverfhe il f g`j`gug il tmree sepfrfte aigpress`ve strejhtms) mfs beej liujd ti be 182 o^f (54 ps`) (Jite 8.) Tmerelire, resucts il twi pripercy aijduated tests (efam aijs`st`jh il tme fverfhe il f g`j`gug il tmree `jd`v`dufc aigpress`ve strejhtms) `j d`llerejt cfbirftir`es ij tme sfge gfter`fc smiucd jit d`ller by gire tmfj 6>55 o^f (651 ps`).
Jite 0 —Tme prea`s`ij stftegejts h`vej fre fppc`afbce ijcy ti tme stft`a aigpfat`ij getmid. 6>.1.
Tm`s test getmid mfs ji b`fs beafuse tme aigpress`ve strejhtm il fspmfct g`xtures `s del`jed ijcy `j tergs il tme test getmid.
Fspmfct pfv`jh g`xtures? aigpress`ij test`jh? aigpress`ve strejhtm.
T 668 by tme Fger`afj Fssia`ft`ij il Qtfte M`hmwfy fjd Trfjspirtft`ij Ill`a`fcs. Fcc r`hmts reserved. Dupc`aft`ij `s f v`icft`ij il fppc`afbce cfw.
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