System Test Evaluation and Validation Final

June 30, 2018 | Author: Trixia Enriquez | Category: Verification And Validation, System, Product Lifecycle, Evaluation, Design
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System test, Evaluation, and Validation By:: By Ocampo, Abbygail Zabat, Jenilyn

System test, Evaluation and Validation System test, evaluation, and validation activities should be established during the conceptual design phase of the life cycle, concurrently ith the de!nition of the overall system design re"uirements# $rom that point on, %he test and evaluation continues by testing of individual components, the testing of various system elements and ma&or subsystems and then by the testing of overall system as an integrated entity#  %he ob&ective is to adopt a 'progressive( approach that ill lend le nd it self to continuous implementation and improvement as the system design and development process evolves#  %est  %est and evaluation activities ac tivities in this chapter chapte r can be aligned initially ith the design activities describe in chapter)*+ and then etended through production-construction and system utili.ation#

 %he purpose of this chapter is to: •

to present an integrated approach for system test and evaluation to facilitate the necessary validation of the proposed system con!guration and to provide assurance that ill indeed meet the customer re"uirements

System /e"uirements and Evaluation /elationship

Stages of System Evaluation 0uring 1ife 2ycle

2ategories of System test and Evaluation •

3#4#5 Analytical and Simulation Evaluation

 %he utili.ation of analytical models, 2A0 methods, and various combinations of these can be e6ective in the veri!cation of certain design relationships before system is !nali.ed# for eample, the development of system through computer graphics can illustrate the relationships among various system elements and accesses for maintenance and support# $rom this, potential interferences, space utili.ation con7icts can be detected#

2ategories of System test and Evaluation •

 %ype 5 %esting 0uring the early phase of detail design, breadboards, bench*test models, engineering models, engineering softare, and service test models are build ith the intent of verifying certain performance and physical design characteristics# %hese models, representing either an entire system or a designated system component, usually operate functionally 8electrically and mechanically9 but do not by any means represent production e"uipment# n the development of softare, the application of rapid prototyping is sometimes used to verify design ade"uacy#

2ategories of System test and Evaluation •

 %ype 4 %esting $ormal tests and demonstrations are accomplished during the latter part of detail design hen preproduction prototype e"uipment, softare, and similar to production e"uipment 8that hich ill be deployed for operational use9, but it is not necessarily fully "uali!ed at this point in time# A test program may constitute a series of individual tests tailored to the need# Such a program might include the folloing:

 %ype 4 test## •

5# ;erformance tests are accomplished to verify individual system performance characteristics# $or instance, tests are designed to determine hether the electric motor ill provide the necessary output, hether the airplane ill perform its intended mission successfully, and so on# Also, it is necessary to verify form, !t, interchangeability, product safety, and other comparable features# 4# Environmental "uali!cation < temperature cycling, shoc= and vibration, humidity, ind, salt, spray, dust and sand, fungus, acoustic noise, pollution emission, eplosion proo!ng, and electromagnetic interference tests are conducted# %hese factors are oriented to hat the various system elements ill be sub&ected to during operation, maintenance, and during transportation and handling function#

 %ype 4 test## )# Structural tests are conducted to determine material characteristics relative to stress, strain, fatigue, bending, torsion and general decomposition# ># /eliability "uali!cation are accomplished on one or more system elements to determine ?%B$# Also, special tests are often designed to measure component life, to evaluate degradation, and to determine models of failure# +# ?aintainability demonstration < tests are conducted on one or more system elements to assess the values for mean active maintenance time 8?9, mean corrective maintenance 8?ct9, mean preventive maintenance time 8?pt9, maintenance labor*hours per operating hour 8?1@-O@9, and so on

 %ype 4 test## 3# Support e"uipment compatibility tests are often accomplished to verify compatibility among the prime e"uipment, test and support e"uipment, and transportation and handling e"uipment # ;ersonnel test and evaluation are often accomplished to verify the relationships beteen people and e"uipment, the personnel "uantities and s=ill levels re"uired and training needs, both operator and maintenance tas=s are evaluated# # %echnical data veri!cation < the veri!cation of operational and maintenance procedures is accomplished# C# Softare veri!cation < the veri!cation of operational and maintenance softare is accomplished#

2ategories of System test and Evaluation •

 %ype ) %esting $ormal tests and demonstrations, started after initial system "uali!cation and prior to the completion of production, are accomplished at a designated !eld test site by user personnel, operation#

2ategories of System test and Evaluation •

 %ype > %esting 0uring the operational*use phase, formal tests are sometimes conducted to gain further insight in a speci!c area# t may be desirable to vary the mission pro!le or the system utili.ation rate to determine the impact on total system e6ectiveness, or it might be feasible to evaluate several alterative support policies to see hether system operational availability can be improved

;lanning for %esting and Evaluation

5#  %he de!nition and schedule of all tests 4# )#

re"uirements, including anticipated test output for each individual test and integrated here possible#  %he de!nition of organi.ation, administration and control responsibilities#  %he de!nition of test conditions and maintenance and logistic resource re"uirements#

;lanning for %esting and Evaluation ># A description of the test preparation phase for each type of testing method, training of testing# +# A description of the formal test phase# 3# A description of condition and provisions for a retest phase# # %he identi!cation of test documentation

Evaluation of %est /e"uirements

;reparation for system test and evaluation • • • • • • •

 %he selection of the items to be tested, Establishment of test procedures,  %est site selection, Selection and training of test personnel, ;reparation of test facilities and resources, Ac"uisition of support e"uipment,  %est supply support#

 %est performance and reporting •

 %his re"uires operating and supporting the system in a prescribed manner as de!ned in the system test and evaluation plan#

 %est performance and reporting •

 %he folloing "uestions ill be ansered: 5# hat is the true performance and e6ectiveness of the systemD 4# hat is the true e6ectiveness of the maintenance and logistic support capabilityD )# are the initial speci!ed re"uirements being metD

 %est data re"uirements 5#


t provides ongoing data that are analy.ed to evaluate and assess the performance, e6ectiveness, operation, maintenance, logistic support capability, and so on# t provides historical data that are applicable in the design and development of ne systems having a similar function and nature#

0evelopment of a data subsystem 5# 4#

Success data constitute information covering system operation and use on a day*to*day basis# ?aintenance data cover each event involving scheduled and unscheduled maintenance#

 %est reporting 5#  %he !nal e6ort in the evaluation process, 4# t should reference the initial system )#

evaluation planning document, t should describe all test conditions, incorporated system modi!cations during the test, test data, and the results of data analysis#

System Evaluation and 2orrective Action 1oop


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