System Analysis and Design

November 20, 2016 | Author: Ahamed Nishadh | Category: N/A
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System based Assignment for System Analysis and Design Module at APIIT 1st year 1st Semester...



INCOURSE ASSIGNMENT INSIGHT CENTRE FOR EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT COUNSELLOR ALLOCATION SYSTEM Prepared By A.N.Ahamed Nishadh (CB004081) S.D.Ilangakoon (CB004041) A.C.Tiffaniya Fernando (CB004165) Module Code & Title AAPP007-3-2– System Analysis and Design Cohort DF10A1ICT Date of Submission 10th January 2011 Instructor Ms. Nadeera Ahangama

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Computing

Word Count [3001 words]




System Analysis and Design



System Analysis and Design





System Analysis and Design





System Analysis and Design

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly we would like to thank our lecturer Ms.Nadeera Ahangama for all the help and guidance given to us while doing this assignment. Especially for bearing with us during lectures and always willing to help us out at difficult times. Also there are many individuals who have helped us in numerous ways directly and indirectly so that we were able to complete this assignment. We would also like to thank Mr.Fazmil Fyzer, Manager Programs at Insight Centre for Education Development for all the help provided to us in this project. APIIT Lanka for providing us with resources and the Tech Team at APIIT Lanka for their assistance at required times. And last but not least our friends, parents and the well-wishers without whose moral support and encouragement, we would not have been able to do a good job. Finally, if there are any shortcomings in this project, then we request to excuse us for all those and accept this documentation. Ahamed Nishadh Deshan Ilangakoon Tiffaniya Fernando




System Analysis and Design

TABLE OF CONTENTS WORKLOAD MATRIX .............................................................................................. ii PROJECT GNATT CHART ....................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................ iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................................................................................v TABLE OF FIGURES ................................................................................................ ix 1.0 – INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT...............................................................1 2.0 – INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPANY ...........................................................2 3.0 – THE CURRENT SYSTEM..................................................................................3 2.1 – HOW THE CURRENT SYSTEM WORKS ................................................... 3 2.2 – PROBLEMS IN THE CURRENT SYSTEM.................................................. 3 4.0 – SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE ........................................................5 5.0 – FACT FINDING ..................................................................................................6 6.0 – FEASIBILITY STUDY .......................................................................................7 6.1 – TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY ......................................................................... 7 6.1.2 – PRACTICALITY ...................................................................................... 7 6.1.2 – TECHNOLOGY AVAILABILITY .......................................................... 8 6.1.3 – TECHNICAL EXPERTISE OF THE TEAM........................................... 8 6.2 – OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY .................................................................... 8 6.3 – ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY ........................................................................... 9 6.4 – SCHEDULE FEASIBILITY ......................................................................... 13




System Analysis and Design

7.0 – SYSTEM ANALYSIS .......................................................................................15 7.1 – DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS ......................................................................... 15 7.1.1 – CONTEXT LEVEL ................................................................................ 15 7.1.2 – LEVEL 0 ................................................................................................. 16 7.1.3 – LEVEL 1 – PROCESS 1.0...................................................................... 17 7.1.4 – LEVEL 1 – PROCESS 2.0...................................................................... 18 7.2 – ASSUMPTIONS ........................................................................................... 19 7.3 – DATA DICTIONARY .................................................................................. 19 7.3.1 – EXTERNAL ENTITIES ......................................................................... 19 7.3.2 – DATA STORES...................................................................................... 20 7.3.3 – DATAFLOW .......................................................................................... 20 8.0 – SYSTEM DESIGN ............................................................................................23 8.1 – TABLE STRUCTURES ................................................................................ 23 8.1.1 – CLIENT TABLE .................................................................................... 23 8.1.2 – CLIENT_RESULTS TABLE ................................................................. 23 8.1.3 – COUNSELOR TABLE ........................................................................... 24 8.1.4 – COUNSELOR_DATES TABLE ............................................................ 24 8.1.5 – EXPERTISE TABLE.............................................................................. 24 8.1.6 – MEETING TABLE ................................................................................. 24 8.2 – RELATIONSHIP STRUCTURE .................................................................. 25 8.3 – PROCESS SPECIFICATION ....................................................................... 26




System Analysis and Design

8.3.1 – PROCESS 1.1 - CLIENT PROCESS ..................................................... 26 8.3.2 – PROCESS 1.2 – REQUIREMENT PROCESS ...................................... 26 8.3.3 – PROCESS 2.1 – CHECK COUNSELOR ............................................... 26 8.3.4 – PROCESS 2.2 – DATE CHECKING ..................................................... 27 8.3.5 – PROCESS 2.3 – MEETING ALLOCATION ........................................ 27 8.3.6 – PROCESS 3.0 – MEETING PROCESS ................................................. 28 9.0 – SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT..............................................................................29 9.1 – FORM DESIGNS .......................................................................................... 29 9.1.1 – SWITCHBOARD DESIGN.................................................................... 29 9.1.2 – Add New Application Form.................................................................... 30 9.1.3 – SEARCH COUNSELOR FORM ........................................................... 31 9.1.4 – AVAILABLE COUNSELOR FORM .................................................... 32 9.1.5 – ADD NEW MEETING FORM .............................................................. 33 9.1.6 – PRINT MEETING SHEET FORM ........................................................ 34 9.1.7 – SEARCH MEETING FORM ................................................................. 35 9.1.8 – ADD NEW COUNSELOR FORM ........................................................ 36 10.0 – SYSTEM TESTING ........................................................................................37 10.1 – TEST LOG .................................................................................................. 38 11.0 – IMPLEMENTATION ......................................................................................40 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................41 APPENDIX .................................................................................................................42




System Analysis and Design

1.0 – INDIVIDUAL REPORTS ............................................................................. 42 1.1 – AHAMED NISHADH (CB004081) .......................................................... 42 1.2 – DESHAN ILANGAKOON (CB004041) .................................................. 45 1.3 – TIFFANIYA FERNANDO (CB004165) ................................................... 48 2.0 – MEETING MINUTES .................................................................................. 50 2.1 – 1ST MEETING ........................................................................................... 50 2.2 – 2ND MEETING ........................................................................................... 52 2.3 – 3RD MEETING ........................................................................................... 54 2.4 – 4TH MEETING ........................................................................................... 56 2.5 – 5TH MEETING ........................................................................................... 58 3.0 – INTERVIEW EXTRACT ............................................................................. 59 3.1 – 1ST INTERVIEW ....................................................................................... 59 3.2 – 2ND INTERVIEW ...................................................................................... 59 3.3 – 3RD INTERVIEW....................................................................................... 60 4.0 – SAMPLE APPLICATION FORM ................................................................ 61 5.0 – SAMPLE MEETING SHEET ....................................................................... 62




System Analysis and Design

TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1 - System Development Life Cycle ................................................................. 5 Figure 2 - PIECES Framework .................................................................................... 9 Figure 3 - Company Financial Details ....................................................................... 10 Figure 4 - Project Costs .............................................................................................. 11 Figure 5 - Payback Period Calculation ....................................................................... 11 Figure 6 - Net Present Value Calculation................................................................... 11 Figure 7 - ROI Calculation ......................................................................................... 12 Figure 8 - Schedule Feasibility Chart ......................................................................... 14 Figure 9 - External Entities Data Dictionary.............................................................. 19 Figure 10 - Data Stores Data Dictionary .................................................................... 20 Figure 11 - Dataflow Data Dictionary........................................................................ 22 Figure 12 - Client Table ............................................................................................. 23 Figure 13 - Client_Results Table ............................................................................... 24 Figure 14 - Counselor Table....................................................................................... 24 Figure 15 - Counselor_Dates Table ........................................................................... 24 Figure 16 - Expertise Table ........................................................................................ 24 Figure 17 - Meeting Table .......................................................................................... 25 Figure 18 - Relationship Structure ............................................................................. 25 Figure 19 - 1.1 Client Process .................................................................................... 26 Figure 20 - 1.2 Requirement Process ......................................................................... 26 Figure 21 - 2.1 Check Counselor ............................................................................... 27 Figure 22 - 2.2 Date Checking ................................................................................... 27 Figure 23 - 2.3 Meeting Allocation ............................................................................ 28 Figure 24 - 3.0 Meeting Process ................................................................................ 28 ix



System Analysis and Design

Figure 25 - Form Design | Switchboard ..................................................................... 29 Figure 26 - Form Design | Add New Application 1 ................................................... 30 Figure 27 - Form Design | Add New Application 2 ................................................... 30 Figure 28 - Form Design | Search Counselor 1 .......................................................... 31 Figure 29 - Form Design | View Counselors .............................................................. 32 Figure 30 - Form Design | Add New Meeting............................................................ 33 Figure 31 - Form Design | Print Meeting Sheet ......................................................... 34 Figure 32 - Form Design | Search Meeting 1 ............................................................. 35 Figure 33 - Form Design | Search Meeting 2 ............................................................. 35 Figure 34 - Form Design | Add New Counselor ........................................................ 36 Figure 35 - Test Log ................................................................................................... 39 Figure 36 - Application Form Sample........................................................................ 61 Figure 37 - Meeting Sheet Sample ............................................................................. 62




System Analysis and Design

1.0 – INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT In this project, we have introduced a computerized system for a Non-Governmental Organization in automating the process of allocating and storing information regarding one of their projects called the Counseling Program. This system basically will ease the process of allocating counselors to those who request for and also store that information digitally for future reference and storage purpose.




System Analysis and Design

2.0 – INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPANY Insight Center for Education Development is a Non-Governmental Organization that was started in the year 2009 with the intention of uplifting the education standards of the country and also to provide other necessary services in the education field. In 2 years of its existence, Insight has grown from strength to strength undertaking many projects in collaboration with other educational related organizations as well as sole handedly. The organization is primarily funded by donors. Insight now also has its own education institute called the Insight Institute for Management and Technology located in Colombo 3 and also has a technical training campus called the Mawanella Instute of Technical Training located in Mawanella, Sri Lanka. Insight currently also provides counseling services for members of the public. This is done free of charge as a community service and counseling is given in various different areas from education to general affairs. Counselors who have volunteered to sign up with this project are used for in this process in addition to those counselors who have been paid and employed by Insight for specialized counseling. (Fazmil, 2010)




System Analysis and Design

3.0 – THE CURRENT SYSTEM The system that we have been assigned by the client to design is a Counselor Allocation System. This is a system where a client is allocated a counselor according to his needs and requirements who will guide the client in that specific area. After the meeting, the counselor will provide feedback on that meeting and depending on the feedback necessary action will be taken by the manager.

2.1 – HOW THE CURRENT SYSTEM WORKS In the current system, everything is done manually. No computerized system has yet been made for this system. One of the files that are maintained is the students file. This file contains all the application forms that were filled and submitted by the students themselves. Through this application form all necessary information needed by the administrator is taken. Then the administrator analyzes the application manually and identifies the requirements of the student. After which the administrator goes to the other file which contains details of all counselors signed up with Insight and then matches the requirements of the clients with their area of expertise of the counselor and then files another sheet of paper in a third file which contains meeting information. Then the meeting is set up and informed to both parties by the manager. After the meeting has taken place, the counselor provides a feedback on the meeting which is then appended to the meeting information file and then according to the feedback received, the manager can take necessary action.

2.2 – PROBLEMS IN THE CURRENT SYSTEM 1. Security – as all the data is recorded in paper, there is a huge security threat. First it should be noted that all the details provided by the students are private and confidential. And hence these data has to be stored. But as the current system is manual and paper based, no such security methods are available.




System Analysis and Design

2. Data Duplication – the data entered may get duplicated due to simple human error to identify existing data. This may lead to the same data being stored more than once in the same location or in different locations. 3. Wastage of Resources – resources such as storage may be wasted when all the paperwork is stored. Also more staff may be required to handle all the paper work while fewer staff can handle the same job in a computerized system. Also liquid resources such as money get wasted as investment has to be made for the security of the data, the storage etc. 4. Human Errors – human errors may happen in a manual system during the process where a client may enter details which may accidentally not get processed etc. In an automated system this can be eliminated as the client details are entered once and can be retrieved at will to check. 5. Time Wastage –Time wastage can occur. Where a job can be done within a minute in an automated system, it may take around 10-15 minutes on a manual system as all details have to be manually be entered or retrieved. 6. Tracking – in the current system, the staff find it difficult to keep track of the proceedings and there is a lot of paperwork that is available and they usually get lost or forget about certain students when they are working on another student which they find it very frustrating.




System Analysis and Design

4.0 – SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE We have chosen to use the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology for the development of our system. This is one of the widely used methodologies for system development. We chose to go with the SDLC methodology because    

It is a systematic method. Easy to understand and follow. All the members in our team knew this methodology very well. Widely used by many who develop systems.

Figure 1 - System Development Life Cycle (Ahangama, 2010)




System Analysis and Design

5.0 – FACT FINDING Fact finding is the process of finding facts about the system and how it works by the system analyst before the system is designed or developed. There are various methodologies that can be used for fact finding. They are 1. Interviewing. – This is where the system analyst interviews certain people in the organization related to the system and ask questions about the system. 2. Questionnaires – this is where there is a large number of individuals are needed to be interviewed. In this case, the system analyst can use a questionnaire with a set number of questions and then get the individuals to answer them. This can be in paper form or electronic form. 3. Observation – this is where the system analyst will visit the relevant organization and other places where the system will be in use and observe the surroundings and make notes which may be useful during the design and development of the system. 4. Document analyzing – when the system analysts analyzes the existing documents of the existing system. (Ahangama, 2010) In our system, we used the Interviewing methodology. We interviewed Mr.Fazmil Fyzer of Insight Center for Education Development who is the Manager Programs. An extract of the interview we had with Mr. Fazmil has been attached to the appendix of this document.




System Analysis and Design

6.0 – FEASIBILITY STUDY The System that we will be developing for the client, Insight Centre for Education Development, is system that will help them maintain their student counselors with efficiency and accuracy. Currently they use a manual method to keep record of the counselors and their clients. The way the system manages the clients is by firstly getting the information from the user and then this information is manually given to the management to assign a counselor for the client. This system is a very slow and tedious process and requires a lot of man power to handle and maintain all the information. The proposed solution that we have come up with, after conducting the study is that the we would develop a system would allow the people at Insight to easily enter information and to store and used the information without the worry of losing data in the process of transferring it from one location to another manually. The system will be developed using Microsoft Office Access. This is to ensure that while the system remains simple and easy to work on it will give the user the greatest result.

6.1 – TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY 6.1.2 – PRACTICALITY The practicality of this project was the first area that we looked into as a group when we went to meet the client. We had to ensure that given the constraints like time we had to ensure that we would be able to do the project successfully and without any problems arising towards the latter stages of the project. The main area that we checked when we were assessing the practicality of the project was whether it was within the scope of a project that we could handle. We had to ensure that the project was practical and possible give the constraint of time that we had.




System Analysis and Design

After taking all the information available to us we were able to conclude that the project was practically possible to accomplish give the constraints.

6.1.2 – TECHNOLOGY AVAILABILITY Another main area that was of concern to us was whether Insight had the technological equipment to run a system of this nature in Microsoft Access. It was however easily concluded that the company did in fact have the necessary technological equipment like computers to run the new system that was going to be installed. Also since the system was being developed on Microsoft Access which is widely available on most computers the team will not have to go to extra trouble to acquire special software to run the system.

6.1.3 – TECHNICAL EXPERTISE OF THE TEAM The team comprises of three members who have prior to this worked with Microsoft Access to develop a system. Therefore the team should not find it too complicated to develop the system since they have prior experience.

6.2 – OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY The operational feasibility was carried out using the PIECES frame work. This stands for Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency and Control. Given bellow is the feasibility study using the PIECES frame work: Operational Feasibility (PIECES framework) Performance

The current system employees a slow and tedious method of having to manually enter data save data on hard copies and maintain them and update them manually. The system is compromised heavily when it comes to speed and efficiency. The data also has a chance of being misplace as it is very difficult to maintain back-ups and also to keep the system in check since it is running manually with only hard copies of the data. The new system will be able to overcome this since it will be running from a machine and thus enabling the data to travel much faster.


The information in the current system is in an extremely vulnerable state. The information is kept in files that are stored in filing cabinets. Thus the information has a very large tendency to get misplaced or even damaged due to a variety of possible reasons. The information is also not 8



System Analysis and Design

well protected and therefore is liable to be changed by people who do not have proper authority to access this information. With proper security feature the new system will be able to easily overcome this problem. Economy

The system operates currently by employing several workers to maintain and also to update the system. This method of operation can be very costly as the costs of these employees have also to be covered. Also the cost of time that will be wasted as this system runs at an extremely slow pace have to be taken into account. The proposed new system will greatly help to cut back on the company’s costs as the system will help to reduce needed cost like labor and also to save back on the cost of time wasted.


The current system does not allow too much control over the information for the system users. This problem will be caused again due to the lack of proper security for the system. This can be solved with the security features that we will enable in the new system.


The prevailing system is highly inefficient. The system faces a major problem of time management and also resources like time are also heavily wasted. This can be easily overcome with the new system that we propose to install to replace the existing. The system will also be able to protect the data with a security feature that only allows people with the proper authority to access the information and to make changes to this information.


The services that the current system provides are extremely minimal and thus the information in the system is also constricted. This would be a main area that we will be looking into when developing the new system. Figure 2 - PIECES Framework

6.3 – ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY When it comes to the Economic Feasibility of the project, the main area that we looked into was whether the client had the monetary ability to sustain the development and the installation of a project of this nature. This area is vital since if the company is unable to fund the project during the development stages the company would face huge problem even though a high return on the project might be shown on paper. Therefore this was one of the main areas that we looked into before we took on this project.




System Analysis and Design

The company since it is a charitable organization does not have a high annual profit levels and their main source of income is derived from donations that the organization receives. An estimate of the company income and expenditure is given bellow as we were not granted access to their financial records: Description


Annual Expenditure

Rs. 1,235,000/=


Rs. 1,450,000/=

Net Profit



Figure 3 - Company Financial Details Given below are the estimated costs that will be incurred for the development and the installation of the new system: Cost Specification

Cost Description

Direct Cost –

Central Processing Unit


Amount HP Pavilion p6100z Rs. 40,200/= series (Genuine Windows 7 Home basic with Service Pack 1 (32-bit) AMD Sempron(TM) LE1300 (2.3GHz, 512MB L2, up to 1600MT/s bus) 2GB DDR2-800MHz SDRAM (1 DIMM) 320GB 7200rpm SATA 3Gb/s Hard Drive


HP 2009m 20” Diagonal Rs. 20,700/= HD Ready Widescreen LCD Monitor


Logitech Internet 350 Rs. Vista Qualified USB Keyboard (Black)



Logitech 3-button USB Rs. Optical Wheel MouseBlack (SBF-96)



HP Officejet 6000 Printer




Service Charges

Rs. 15,000/=


Cost of installing the new system and the cost Rs. 15,000/= of transport for the hardware equipment.


Research and Investigation costs.

Indirect Cost –

Other costs that cannot be directly allocated to Rs. 44,000/= 10




DF10A1ICT Miscellaneous

System Analysis and Design

the system development process. TOTAL

Rs. 150,000/=

Figure 4 - Project Costs The projected estimates for this system during the course of its life are given bellow (the benefits are the money that will be saved due to the installation of the system): Cost Year



Cumulative Cost


Cumulative Benefits

Year 0

Rs. 150,000

Rs. 150,000

Rs. 10,000

Rs. 10,000

Year 1

Rs. 26,000

Rs. 176,000

Rs. 60,000

Rs. 70,000

Year 2

Rs. 28,000

Rs. 204,000

Rs. 80,000

Rs. 150,000

Year 3

Rs. 34,300

Rs. 238,300

Rs. 110,000

Rs. 260,000

Year 4

Rs. 45,000

Rs. 283,300

Rs. 130,000

Rs. 390,000

Figure 5 - Payback Period Calculation According to the above information the payback period for the project can be calculated. The payback period is in this situation is 2 years and 5.8 moths. This method is not completely accurate as this method does take into account the depreciating value of money over time. To overcome this problem we have used the Net Present Value (NPV) to appropriate for the depreciation of the value of money over time. Given bellow is the NPV of the project: Cost Year


NPV Benefit

Benefits Present Value



Cost Present value

Year 0


Rs. 150,000

Rs. 150,000.00

Rs. 10,000

Rs. 10,000

Year 1


Rs. 26,000

Rs. 23,634.00

Rs. 60,000

Rs. 54,540

Year 2


Rs. 28,000

Rs. 23,128.00

Rs. 80,000

Rs. 66,080

Year 3


Rs. 34,300

Rs. 25,759.30

Rs. 110,000

Rs. 82,610

Year 4


Rs. 45,000

Rs. 30,735.00

Rs. 130,000

Rs. 88,790


Rs. 253,256.30

Rs. 302,020

Rs. 302,020.00 – Rs. 253,256.30 = Rs. 48,763.70


Figure 6 - Net Present Value Calculation




System Analysis and Design

The above table shows the Net Present Values that the new project will generate for the company. The table above shows the project generating a NVP of Rs. 48,763.70. This NPV of Rs. 48,763.70 can be said to be a fairly good NPV for a project of its nature. Another tool that was used to assess the Economic Feasibility of the new system was by checking the Return on Investment of the project. Given bellow is the ROI of the system that we will be developing using the formula given bellow:



Cost Year


Benefits Cumulative Cost


Cumulative Benefits

Year 0

Rs. 150,000

Rs. 150,000

Rs. 10,000

Rs. 10,000

Year 1

Rs. 26,000

Rs. 176,000

Rs. 60,000

Rs. 70,000

Year 2

Rs. 28,000

Rs. 204,000

Rs. 80,000

Rs. 150,000

Year 3

Rs. 34,300

Rs. 238,300

Rs. 110,000

Rs. 260,000

Year 4

Rs. 45,000

Rs. 283,300

Rs. 130,000

Rs. 390,000

Figure 7 - ROI Calculation (


This ROI of 37.66% can be said to be fairly good however require another ROI to compare against.




System Analysis and Design

6.4 – SCHEDULE FEASIBILITY The Schedule feasibility for the student councilor system that we are building is given below: Task

Time allocation

Task assignment

Identifying the problems 25th October 2010 and the requirements of the - 27th November current system 2010 

Interview client


th the 6 November 2010 All Members 20th November 2010

27th 2010 

Feasibility Report

Determine the requirements 


20th November Deshan Ilangakoon 2010 - 27th November 2010

system 28th November 2010 – 30th November 2010

th November Ahamed Nishadh Acquire information 28 2010 – 30th regarding what is needed from the new November 2010 system

Analyze the system needs 1st December 2010 and make initial design – 4th December 2010 

Data Flow Diagrams

1st December 2010 Ahamed Nishadh – 2nd December 2010

Data Dictionaries

3rd December 2010 Tiffaniya Fernando – 4th December 2010

Design the main system

5th December 2010 – 15th December 2010

th Design the system in 5 December 2010 Ahamed Nishadh – 15th December Microsoft Access 2010

Develop and Document the 15th December new system 2010 – 26th December 2010 


December Tiffaniya Fernando – 20th

15th 2010 13



System Analysis and Design


December 2010

Develop the system

15th December 2010 Ahamed Nishadh – 26th December 2010

Document system


27th December 2010 – 2nd January 2011

System Testing

th new 15 December 2010 Deshan Ilangakoon – 26th December Tiffaniya Fernando 2010

th Test the new system 27 December 2010 Deshan Ilangakoon – 2nd January 2011 for bugs

Installation and evaluation 3rd January 2011 – of the new system 7th January 2011 

Install system evaluate performance

rd and 3 January 2011 – All Members th the 7 January 2011

Figure 8 - Schedule Feasibility Chart






System Analysis and Design



7.1.2 – LEVEL 0


System Analysis and Design



7.1.3 – LEVEL 1 – PROCESS 1.0


System Analysis and Design



7.1.4 – LEVEL 1 – PROCESS 2.0


System Analysis and Design



System Analysis and Design


Only the administrator has access to the system. Client fills the form on paper and submits it to the manager (sample of form can be seen in the appendix of this document). The manager enters the details into the system. Then creates the meeting and then prints the meeting sheet (sample of meeting sheet can be seen in the appendix of this document) and sends it to the Counselor and the Client. After the meeting, the counselor will fill out area given in the meeting sheet and submit it to the manager again who will retrieve the meeting and enter the feedback given by the counselor and then take any necessary action.

If a client is to be set up with another meeting with a different counselor after the recommendations of the first counselor, then a new meeting record is created. All paper based documents are discarded after they have been entered into the system.

7.3 – DATA DICTIONARY 7.3.1 – EXTERNAL ENTITIES Name of External Entity


Input Data Flows

Output data Flows


Meeting information such as date, time, venue and Meeting counselor information are Details sent to client


Manager receives the client’s requirements and Client Meeting arranges the meeting with requirements, Details, List of the counselor and gives the Counselor’s counselors meeting details to the client name. back.


Meeting Details, client Counselor gets the meeting requirements, details form the manager. meeting feedback Figure 9 - External Entities Data Dictionary 19

Application information

Meeting details, Manager Feedback



System Analysis and Design

7.3.2 – DATA STORES Name of Data Structure

Meeting Details


Input Data Flows

After date checking process the selected counselor’s name is sent to meeting details store, and if there are any existing meeting is already fixed on the same day the notification of existing meeting will be sent to date checking process again

Output Data Flows

Data Structure

Meeting details= Counselor name+ meeting date+ meeting time+ meeting place

Counselor name, Existing meeting meeting date, time, details and venue

Stores all the information such as Counselor Counselor counselor name and name, client File the available time and requirement date for the meeting.

List of counselors, available dates.

Counselor File= Counselor name+ available time+ date+ educational level.

Figure 10 - Data Stores Data Dictionary

7.3.3 – DATAFLOW Name



Meeting Details 1

After receiving the application from the client, date and time for the meeting sent to the client. Meeting details such as meeting date, time, place and the counselor’s name will be allocated.

Date, time, Venue and counselor for the meeting. Meeting details are allocated and sent to meeting details. Meeting details are allocated and sent to the counselor. What type of

Meeting Details 2

Meeting Details 3

Client Require

Meeting details such as meeting date, time, place and counselor’s name will be allocated and sent to counselor. After the client submits the


Sink/Destinat ion Client External Entity

Data Structure

Meeting Details Data Store

Meeting Details 2= Date, Time, Place, Counselor’s name.

Counselor External Entity

Meeting Details 3= Date+ Time+ Place+ client name+ Educational qualification.

Manager External

Client Requirements 1= Educational

Meeting Details 1= counselor name+ Date+ time+ place of the meeting

DF10A1ICT ments 1

Client Require ments 2

Counsel or’s Name 1

Counsel or’s Name 2

Counsel or’s Name 3

application, according to that the client’s requirements are collected. After client submits the application, the client’s requirement is gathered, and according to the counselor is selected and requirements are sent to counselor’s file. The counselor is chosen by the manager according to the client’s application requirement. After selecting the counselor from the list of the counselors the information sent to counselor file. The selected counselor name sent to the meeting details

After the application process according to the application information, the list of counselors available in specific area sent to manager. Existing Existing meeting meeting details are sent to the meeting allocation, details to allocate date, time and counselor for other meetings. List of counsel ors

Meeting date

Meetings are set according to the


educational counseling the client needs. After checking the counselor the client’s requiremen ts are sent to counselor’s file. Process of choosing the counselor.

System Analysis and Design


qualification+ type of education for counseling.

Counselor File Data Store.

Client Requirement= Client’s educational qualification+ interested education type.

Manager External Entity

Counselor Name= Counselor name+ ????

Finalize the Data Store counselor counselor for for the the meeting. meeting.

Counselor’s name = Counselor Name

Select the counselor and give the details for the meeting. Process of choosing the list of counselors

Meeting details Data Store

Counselor’s Name= Counselor Name

Manager External Entity

List of counselors= counselors name+ counselor specialization+ available day+ time

Process of sending date, time, and counselor name for the new meeting allocation Process of sending the

Data Store Meeting Details

Existing Meeting Details= Date+ time+ Venue+ counselor name

Process Date Checking

Meeting Date= Date




Availab le Dates

availability of counselor and sent to the process of allocating of meeting. The counselor available dates are sent to check the dates for the meeting.

System Analysis and Design

available dates for the meeting

Process of Data Store Available Dates= sending the Counselor Date available File dates of counselor form counselor file. Figure 11 - Dataflow Data Dictionary




8.0 – SYSTEM DESIGN 8.1 – TABLE STRUCTURES 8.1.1 – CLIENT TABLE Field Data Type appID Text First Name Text LastName Text Address Text Telephone Text Mobile Text Email Text Date of birth Date/Time Sex Text NIC Text English Text Sinhala Text Tamil Text Counselling Text Skills Text Other comments text Figure 12 - Client Table

8.1.2 – CLIENT_RESULTS TABLE Field appID OL1_sub OL1_marks OL2_sub OL2_marks OL3_subs OL3_marks OL4_sub OL4_marks OL5_sub OL5_marks OL6_sub OL6_marks OL7_sub OL7_marks OL8_sub OL8_marks OL9_sub OL9_marks OL10_sub

Data Type Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text 23

System Analysis and Design



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OL10_marks Text AL1_sub Text AL1_marks Text AL2_sub Text AL2_marks Text AL3_sub Text AL3_marks Text AL4_subs Text AL4_marks Text AL5_sub Text AL5_marks Text Figure 13 - Client_Results Table

8.1.3 – COUNSELOR TABLE Field Data Type CID Text FirstName Text LastName Text Expertise1 Text Expertise2 Text Language Text District Text Figure 14 - Counselor Table

8.1.4 – COUNSELOR_DATES TABLE Field Data Type CID Text Monday Yes/No Tuesday Yes/No Wednesday Yes/No Thursday Yes/No Friday Yes/No Saturday Yes/No Sunday Yes/No Figure 15 - Counselor_Dates Table

8.1.5 – EXPERTISE TABLE Field Data Type Expertise Text Figure 16 - Expertise Table

8.1.6 – MEETING TABLE Fields meetingID appID CID Meetdate

Data Type Text Text Text Date/Time 24



System Analysis and Design

Venue Text Time Date/Time Counsellor Comments Memo Figure 17 - Meeting Table


Figure 18 - Relationship Structure




System Analysis and Design

8.3 – PROCESS SPECIFICATION 8.3.1 – PROCESS 1.1 - CLIENT PROCESS Name Description Input Output Process Specification

1.1 Client Process Get client information and update the Client File and send the information to Requirement Process  Application Information  Application Information  Client Requirement Begin READ Application Information from the Client UPDATE Client File with Application information READ Client requirement to Requirement Process Process End Figure 19 - 1.1 Client Process

8.3.2 – PROCESS 1.2 – REQUIREMENT PROCESS 1.2 Requirement Process Take the client requirements and pass it on to the Manager Input  Client Requirement Output  Client requirement Begin Process Specification READ Client Requirement from the Client process Process DISPLAY Client Requirement to Manager End Figure 20 - 1.2 Requirement Process Name Description

8.3.3 – PROCESS 2.1 – CHECK COUNSELOR Name Description

Input Output Process Specification

2.1 Check Counselor Check the availability of the Counselor and to update the Counselor File and to provide Manager with a list of the Counselors  Client Requirement  List of Counselors  Client Requirement  List of Counselors Begin GET Client Requirement from Manager READ Counselor details from Counselor file Data Store 26



System Analysis and Design

GET List of available Counselors from Counselor file Data Store DISPLAY List of Counselors to Manager End Figure 21 - 2.1 Check Counselor

8.3.4 – PROCESS 2.2 – DATE CHECKING Name Description Input


Process Specification

2.2 Date Checking Check if the Counsellor is available on the date specified and if available create a meeting date.  Available Details  Existing Meeting Details  Counsellor Name  Counsellor Name  Counsellor Name  Meeting Date Begin GET Counsellor Name from Manager READ Counsellor names from Counsellor File Data Store GET Available Dates from Counsellor File Data Store IF Date is available READ Counsellor Name to Meeting Detail Data Store GET Existing Meeting Details from Meeting Details Data Store READ Meeting date to Meeting Allocation Process ELSE DISPLAY Date is not available END IF End Figure 22 - 2.2 Date Checking

8.3.5 – PROCESS 2.3 – MEETING ALLOCATION Name Description Input Output

Process Specification

2.3 Meeting Allocation Takes the meeting details from the Date Checking Process and allocate a meeting.  Meeting Details  Meeting Details  Meeting Details  Meeting Details  Meeting Details Begin 27



System Analysis and Design

READ Meeting Date from Date Checking Process UPDATE Meeting Details Data Store with Meeting Details DISPLAY Meeting Details to Client DISPLAY Meeting Details to Counsellor End Figure 23 - 2.3 Meeting Allocation

8.3.6 – PROCESS 3.0 – MEETING PROCESS Name Description

Input Output

Process Specification

3.0 Meeting Process Take the meeting details and update the data stored and to send information regarding the meeting to the external parties need to get the information  Meeting Feedback  Manager Feedback  Meeting Feedback  Meeting Feedback  Manager Feedback Begin READ Meeting Feedback from Counsellor UPDATE Meeting Details data store with Meeting Feedback DISPLAY meeting Feedback to Manager READ manager Feedback from Manager UPDATE Meeting Details Data Store with Manager feedback End Figure 24 - 3.0 Meeting Process




System Analysis and Design

9.0 – SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT 9.1 – FORM DESIGNS 9.1.1 – SWITCHBOARD DESIGN This is the system main Screen, which allows the user to select either any of these four options to continue into the system.

Figure 25 - Form Design | Switchboard




System Analysis and Design

9.1.2 – Add New Application Form

Figure 26 - Form Design | Add New Application 1 When the user clicks on the New Application tab, the system takes the user to the Add New Application Form as shown above.

Figure 27 - Form Design | Add New Application 2 30



System Analysis and Design

After the user fills the application form, the user has to save the application by clicking the option called Save Application.


Figure 28 - Form Design | Search Counselor 1 When the user clicks on the Add Counselor button on the figure 25, the system takes the user to the form shown above. And in this form the user can select the options which is stored in the system, it help to get the counselor for the meeting.




System Analysis and Design


Figure 29 - Form Design | View Counselors When the user selects the options on search counselor form and click on search tab, the user will be taken to Available Counselor’s Form shown above. Also by clicking the tabs given in the system as previous and next, the user can view all the counselors available in the selected combination. Once the user finalize the counselor user can click on the Select Counselor tab.




System Analysis and Design


Figure 30 - Form Design | Add New Meeting After the user select the counselor Add New Meeting Form will open by the system. And the system automatically gives the Application ID and the Counselor ID. But the user have to enter the Meeting ID, it should be 3 letters and 4 digit numbers.




System Analysis and Design


Figure 31 - Form Design | Print Meeting Sheet When the user goes back to the switch board design, and click on the Print Meeting Sheet tab, system appears as shown above and the user have to enter the meeting ID as entered before in the Add New Meeting form and select OK. Then the meeting Report will be opened with the details of the meeting searched for which can then be printed.




System Analysis and Design


Figure 32 - Form Design | Search Meeting 1 To search the meeting, the user has to give the Meeting ID and click on search.

Figure 33 - Form Design | Search Meeting 2 When the user enter the meeting ID as shown in figure 32 the system gives the above page, so that the user can edit his meeting details and there is an option available in the system to Save the details, user can click on that tab and save it.




System Analysis and Design


Figure 34 - Form Design | Add New Counselor This form helps to add a new counselor to the system. When the system handler fills the information and click on the save tab it’ll be saved in the system.




System Analysis and Design

10.0 – SYSTEM TESTING Testing is one of the most crucial areas of any System Development Life Cycle. In this area the system will be checked for bugs or any and every error that is inevitably present in any system. The testing phase will also help the system have a greater success rate and fewer errors during the operation of the system. A system test is initially carried by using sample data which is acceptable and also data that will generate an error message to appear. This way the system is checked as to how it will operate under conditions with normal data as well as incorrect data. There are three main way in which to test the system. These methods are Black Box testing, White Box testing and Daily Build and Smoke technique. Under the Black Box testing method what happens is that the system is checked from the outside or external party. This method does not require for a person with special computing knowledge. The next method is called White Box method. This method unlike the black box method the system is checked from inside and in depth. This method will require someone with a though knowledge of computing and also coding. This method though harder is far more effective and more comprehensive. Daily build and Smoke technique is another method that can be used to test the system. This is where the system is tested daily on the work that has done so far. This method is more time consuming but will allow for an early detection of an error and also prevent complication from occurring later on in the development stages of the system. (Ahangama, 2010)




System Analysis and Design

10.1 – TEST LOG The testing that we have done have been logged as follows: Test No.

Test area

Descripti on

Data type

TST0001 .v

newclient form

Valid informati on

TST0001 .iv

newclient form

TST0002 .v

searchcouns elor form

Check if the input masks and validation rules work Check if the input masks and validation rules work Run a search for a counselor

TST0002 .iv

searchcouns elor form

Run a Invalid search for Informati a on counselor

TST0003 .v


Check Valid Validatio informati n rules on and input mask

TST0003 .iv


Invalid informati on


Check Validatio n rules and input mask searchmeetin Search

Expecte d outcome Accept the input

Actual outcome

Comme nt

System Successf did not ul allow for incorrect data to be entered

Invalid Informati on

Deny the System Successf input denied the ul access for informati on to be entered

Valid Informati on

Display available counselo rs

Valid 38

System showed a list of counselor s who were available according to specificati on Do not Will not display show any any counselor counselo s rs Allow System data to allowed be the user to entered enter the informati on Do not System allow did not data to allow the be data to be entered entered Display System

Successf ul

Successf ul

Successf ul

Successf ul



DF10A1ICT for meeting details

System Analysis and Design




meeting details

TST0004 .iv

searchmeetin Search g for meeting details

Invalid input

Will not display any informati on Will allow the user to enter the data

TST0005 .v

newcounselo Input and Valid r validation input rule check

TST0005 .iv

newcounselo Input and Invalid r validation input rule check

Deny invalid data from being entered

TST0006 .v

Creating Reports

Report print check

Valid input

Print report with all the meeting details

TST0006 .iv

Creating Reports

Report print check

Invalid input

Do not print meeting report

Figure 35 - Test Log


opened the form with all the meeting details The system displayed a blank form The system allowed the informati on to me entered The system did not accept the invalid data that was entered The system produced a report with all the meeting details The system did not print a report


Successf ul

Successf ul

Successf ul

Successf ul

Successf ul



System Analysis and Design

11.0 – IMPLEMENTATION There are four ways in which the implementation can be carried out. They are Parallel Implementation, Pilot Implementation, Phased Implementation and Cutover Implementation. The method that we have selected is the Parallel Implementation method. The reason that we have selected this method is because the current method that the client is using is a manual system and therefore the transition will need to be slow. This is because the users will not be used to operating on a computerized system, therefore they will require training to get adjusted to the new system. The way that we will carry out the change is by slowly getting the users of the system to operate both the systems. This way the users will get used to the new computerized system that we have developed. This method will also double as a training session for the users of the system. The user will be trained in the functionalities of the system such as the way to operate the forms and the queries. Basic training on how to repair small problems will also be given to the user during this period of parallel implementation. The reason that we did not opt for a Pilot system is due to the company being so small and because it would be impractical to implement in this method. The choice not to take up a Phased Implementation method is because the system was too small to separate into segments and implement in separate segments. The cutover method was abandoned because the risks involved were quite significant. This is because if a single error occurs the entire system will be down. Therefore this choice was immediately discarded. (Ahangama, 2010)




System Analysis and Design

BIBLIOGRAPHY Fazmil, F. (2010), About Insight Center for Education Development. [Interview] 6th November 2010. Ahangama, N., 2010. Overview of SDLC - Part 1. Presentation. Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology. Ahangama, N., 2010. System Analysis - Part 1. Presentation. Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology.




System Analysis and Design

APPENDIX 1.0 – INDIVIDUAL REPORTS 1.1 – AHAMED NISHADH (CB004081) What I did in the project: 

Project Introduction

Company Introduction

Current System

System Development Life Cycle

Fact Finding

Interviewing Mr. Fazmil Fyzer

Data Flow Diagrams

Compiling the documentation

The System o Tables o Forms o Macros for buttons o VB Codes for buttons.

Project Introduction, Company Introduction and Current System I took over doing these areas because I had a previous experience in this organization as well as the existing system that was in use hence I was able to write on these topics easily with my experience and knowledge as well as from the information that I gathered in extra. Fact Finding and Interviewing Once again I took over these sections because I had previous experience in this system and also the Interviewee was known to me personally and the other group members insisted that I do the interview while they take down notes.




System Analysis and Design

Data Flow Diagrams This was rather an interesting section for me. I never had prior experience in making DFD’s and making this was quite a work. With the guidance of the lecturer, I was able to complete the DFD’s in time and also I used Microsoft Visio to make them which made my life easier. The system Making the system was quite a hectic task to do. With the help of others I was able to do it. I did most of the areas since I had prior experience in making systems in Access and also I was able to do the coding in Visual Basic. Compiling the document The hardest of all was this area. Since I had to collect the information from all members, add it to the system and then also to edit it, style it according to requirements, add the other necessary requirements such as captions, citations and making the alignments all were hectic. But with the experience I gained from compiling the documentations of other projects, I was able to handle this section without much hassle. Critical Evaluation By doing this project, I almost was exhausted. Even my prior experiences in making systems and documenting didn’t help me out in this instance as those instances were done for case study situations. This being a real life situation, the system had to be carefully done with very few errors. It was easy working with my group members in this task as all 3 of us have had prior experience in making systems using Microsoft Access and also documenting it. All 3 of us had done ICT for our Advanced Levels and it was in there we gained our prior experiences.




System Analysis and Design

While doing this I did not have much of a negative experience except for the stress of finishing it on time which I was able to successfully overcome due to the timeliness of my other group members who submitted their work in due time by keeping to the deadlines. It should be noted that it was fun working with my group members in this project and also helping each other in the areas that we were not good at increased each other’s knowledge. Finally I would like to thank all my group members for their support and corporation given during this project.




System Analysis and Design

1.2 – DESHAN ILANGAKOON (CB004041) Areas covered by me: 

Feasibility Study o Technical Feasibility o Operational Feasibility o Economic Feasibility o Schedule Feasibility


Process Specification

Data Structure

Data Testing

Gantt chart

Meeting Minutes

Database Queries

Feasibility Study I was given the task creating the Feasibility Study as I had a fair knowledge in the commerce field. The topics under the Feasibility study that I covered are: Technical Feasibility: Under this topic I had to cover the areas of whether the project was practically feasible and whether we could carry it out properly. Operational Feasibility: In this section I evaluated the operational feasibility of the project by using the PIECES framework method. This helped me form a guide line for my feasibility study. Economic Feasibility: there were three tools that I used in the evaluation of the Economic Feasibility of the project. The tools that I employed are the Payback calculation the Return on Capital and the Net Present Value calculations. These tools were used to calculate the economic feasibility of the project. 45



System Analysis and Design

Schedule Feasibility: In this section what was done was to create a table with the work break down, the persons to whom the work had been assigned to and the time frame for the completion of the assigned work. Implementation This section was regarding as to how the system would be integrated into the company and the method used. The method we used to implement the system was the parallel implementation method. Process Specification For this area what I did was the writing about the processes that were there in the system that we were developing. I used the format that had been provided during a lecture by Ms Nadeera Ahangama. Data Structure Here what I have done is to specify what the format of the data is in the system. This was done in tabular format where the field name and the data type of each field in the system was written down. Data Testing In this segment the data was tested by entering values that were both correct, which the system would accept, and data that was incorrect, to access if the system would reject the incorrect data. The details of the results were logged for future reference if needed. Gantt Chart The Gant chart a useful tool in project management to keep the project going so that it would be able to meet deadlines was another essential part. This was done using the Microsoft Project 2010 tool.




System Analysis and Design

Meeting Minutes I volunteered to take on the task of maintaining the meeting minutes for the system that we had created. The minutes were written a day or two after the meeting and were passed off to be correct at the next meeting. Critical Evaluation I have gained a vast amount of experience form carrying out this project. I had prior to this done a project of similar nature however it was based on a case study and not on a real life situation as this project was based on. This project gave me a great amount of exposure to a real life situation and I greatly appreciated the opportunity. Working with the rest of my group was also a new experience as this was the first time in a group with all three members together and it was another novel experience. A draw back that I felt during the assignment was the fact that the company that we did the assignment for was not forthcoming with their financial reports as they were a privately run N.G.O. and this made it harder for me when it came to the creating of the Economic Feasibility, as I had to talk with the contact that we had inside the company to gather a rough estimate of the company’s financial standings. However other than for the above mentioned problem, I did not during the course of the project have any problems with neither system nor the documentation. Neither did i have any problem with the group or the work that I was assigned to work with.




System Analysis and Design

1.3 – TIFFANIYA FERNANDO (CB004165) Parts done in this project 

Data Dictionary 

External Entities

Data Stores

Data Flows

System Form designs

Analyzing system needs

Data Flow Diagrams

System Reports

Data Dictionaries After making the DFDs the data dictionary was made as well. I created the table to write the data dictionaries, so that it will be user friendly to read it. After writing the data dictionaries, it is shown to our lecturer and few errors were corrected. System Form Designs Forms Designs were done by me, I have explained the whole system and the way it works with clear screenshots of the system. It was done after the system was completely finished by our group. This document gives the clear idea and explanation about the system. Analyzing system needs All three types of DFDs were made; all the problems in our DFD’s were later corrected by our lecturers.




System Analysis and Design

Data Flow Diagrams This was an interesting work for me. I already had experience in making DFD’s in my AS level ICT projects. With the help from our lecturer and together with my group member Ahamed, We were able to complete the DFD’s in time and also we used Microsoft Visio to draw it easier. Critical Evaluation As a member in a my team it also helped me in managing the work of the entire team and provided valuable experience on delegating work between members by identifying their strengths. This also helped me find out what exactly user’s requirements mean and what it takes to achieve these requirements. Our project aim mainly was to design a basic system for Insight in order to make the institute to register their clients to Insight. Computerizing the functions carried out would make things simpler to be performed whereas the firm is planning to make use of the MS Access database package. I have been a part of in making this system work out by creation of database, fact finding and conducting interviews, collecting source documents and creating the logical design of the system using data flow diagram along with the data dictionary. However it was a great experience for me although I have done ICT projects for ma Advanced Level, because to work as a group. I enjoyed doing the project and as well I learned so many things in System Analyzing and Designing.




System Analysis and Design


Thursday 28th October 2010

Time of Commencement:

03.30 pm

Time of Conclusion:

04.00 pm


APIIT, Union Place, 6th Floor Cafeteria

Members Present:

Ahamed Nishadh Deshan Ilangakoon Tiffaniya Fernando

Agenda: 

Discuss details of the client company

Arrange interview with the client

Making of a Feasibility Study

Maintaining and recording of meeting minutes

Concerns arising from the matters discussed

Minutes The first topic on the agenda for the initial meeting for the System Analysis and Design brought up by Ahamed Nishadh who stated for the minutes that he had been able to locate a company that would allow us to develop a system for them. The company is and N.G.O. called “Insight Center for Education Development”. He also stated that the system that we would be developing for them would be a Councilor system since the existing system was inadequate and cumbersome. The next topic that was discussed was the interviews that would be held on with the client to acquire the information regarding what would be needed to be done by us in the development stages of the project. For this Ahamed said that he would go and set a date for the initial meeting with the client.




System Analysis and Design

The next matter that arose was the making of a Feasibility study. It was decided that Deshan should create the Feasibility Study for this assignment and present it at the next meeting so that the official go ahead for the project could be given. After this the next matter that was brought up was the recording and maintaining of the minutes of the meeting that is being held and those to come. Deshan volunteered to take on this task and said he would maintain all the records. A main concern raised by Deshan at this occasion was regarding the complexity and the level of work that would be needed to be done to develop the project, since if the project was too complex it would be impractical to take on the project and a new project would have to be selected. After this the meeting was adjourned until the interviews with the client were concluded.

………………………. Lecturer




System Analysis and Design



Sunday 28th November 2010

Time of Commencement:

10.30 am

Time of Conclusion:

01.30 pm


Ahamed Nishadh’s residence, Wellawata

Members Present:

Ahamed Nishadh Deshan Ilangakoon Tiffaniya Fernando

Agenda: 

Reading of previous meeting minutes

Review of Feasibility Study

Allocation of works

System Design Planning

Minutes The meeting started with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting by Deshan. After which Ahamed proposed the minutes to be in order and Tiffanya seconded this. The next point that was brought up was the Feasibility study that Deshan had taken on to do. Deshan read out the Feasibility study that he had completed and it was concluded by all present that the Councilor system should be accepted. The next main topic to be discussed was the how and what the system would look like. This being the data inputs the processors and the outputs of the new system. For this section Ahamed agreed to take on the Data Flow Diagrams and the Data Dictionaries would be handled by Tiffanya. Afterwards the way in which the system would operate was discussed. A rough sketch of the Data flow was drawn to act as a guide line when the final Data Flow diagrams would be drawn.




System Analysis and Design

After this the meeting was adjourned until the 7th of December 2010 where the actual designing of the project would start.

………………………. Lecturer




System Analysis and Design



Tuesday 7th December 2010

Time of Commencement:

03.30 pm

Time of Conclusion:

05.00 pm


APIIT, Union Place, 6th Floor Cafeteria

Members Present:

Ahamed Nishadh Deshan Ilangakoon Tiffaniya Fernando

Agenda: 

Reading minutes of the previous meeting

Work Review

System Development

System Development and Documentation

Minutes The meeting started with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting by Deshan. After which it was proposed to be in order by Ahamed and seconded by Tiffaniya. The first matter that was brought up was a review of the work that had been allocated to be done at the previous meeting. The area that was mainly looked into was the section that Tiffaniya was assigned to work on which was the Data Dictionary area. Tiffaniya said that she had finished the Data Dictionaries. Ahamed after this said that the Data Flow Diagrams had also been completed and that he had shown them to Miss Nadeera and that apart from a few corrections she had agreed that they were fine and was overall proper. The next topic that was taken up for discussion was the design that would be done for the system. Topics such as the format and the form layout were discussed. 54



System Analysis and Design

After the design for the system was discussed the documentation and development part was brought up. It was agreed that this segment will be divided among the three members equally. After this the meeting was adjourned until the 27th of December 2010 by which time the system should be completed and ready for testing.

………………………. Lecturer




System Analysis and Design



Monday 27th December 2010

Time of Commencement:

10.00 am

Time of Conclusion:

02.00 pm


Ahamed Nishadh’s residence, Wellawata

Members Present:

Ahamed Nishadh Deshan Ilangakoon Tiffaniya Fernando

Agenda: 

Reading of the previous meeting minutes

Evaluation of the previous meeting minutes

System test designed

Minutes The meeting was started with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting minutes. These minutes were proposed to be in order by Ahamed and this was seconded by Tiffaniya. After this the system that had been developed over the past few weeks was evaluated by all the members and it was said to be in a satisfactory condition and since there were no changes to make to the system it was decided to move on to the next section. The next matter that was taken up was the format and the way in which the testing of the system would be carried out. The test format was designed. The way in which the system would be checked is by entering both correct information into the system and by entering incorrect data into the system and checking out how the system will react to this input of information. After this the initial testing commenced where the screenshots of the errors that appear when you enter wrong data into the system. 56



System Analysis and Design

After this the meeting was adjourned until the 8th of January 2011 where the group would meet up to compile all the documentation that had been done so far.

………………………. Lecturer




System Analysis and Design



Monday 27th December 2010

Time of Commencement:

10.00 am

Time of Conclusion:

02.00 pm


Ahamed Nishadh’s residence, Wellawata

Members Present:

Ahamed Nishadh Deshan Ilangakoon Tiffaniya Fernando

Agenda: 

Reading of the Minutes of the previous meeting

Work Compilation

Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were read and were said to be in order by Ahamed and was seconded by Tiffaniya. After this the main reason for the meeting was arrived upon. This is the compile all the document that has been created so far. All the members gave Ahamed the documents that were in their possession and then Ahamed compiled it into a single document. Finally Ahamed congratulated all the members for a great job and the final meeting was adjourned. ………………………. Lecturer




System Analysis and Design

3.0 – INTERVIEW EXTRACT There were 3 interviews conducted in our project and all interviews were done with Mr.Fazmil Fyzer of Insight Centre for Education Development Extracts of the 3 interviews are below.

3.1 – 1ST INTERVIEW Date: 6th November 2010 Venue: Insight City Campus, Colombo 3 Questions Asked: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What is Insight? A brief history of Insight. What is the system that needs to be made? What is the current system? What are the problems faced in the current system? What kind of a solution is expected by your organization?

3.2 – 2ND INTERVIEW Date: 20th November 2010 Venue: Insight City Campus, Colombo 3. Questions Asked: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Insights into the current system. Give us some samples of the materials that are used in the current system. The expected design and layout of the new system. The technology already available at the organization. The budget of Insight intended for this sytem.




3.3 – 3RD INTERVIEW Date: 27th November 2010 Venue: Insight Head Office, Maradana, Colombo 10. Questions Asked: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Other people who will be using the system. Security measures required in the system. How does the implementation have to be? Are the prototyped designs satisfactory?


System Analysis and Design



System Analysis and Design

4.0 – SAMPLE APPLICATION FORM This is the sample of the application form that is given to the clients. This was given to us by the organization.

Figure 36 - Application Form Sample




System Analysis and Design

5.0 – SAMPLE MEETING SHEET This is the sample of the meeting sheet that is generated by the system to be sent to the counselor by the manager.

Figure 37 - Meeting Sheet Sample


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