System Analysis and Design - Chapters 1-7 Study Guide

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System Analysis and Design Chapters 1-7 Study Guide Chapter 1

1. Structured analysis is called a ____ approach since it is based on an overall plan. A: managed B: foundation C: basic D: predictive 2. One of the two main sectors of E-commerce is ____. A: business-to-consumer B: brick-and-mortar C: consumer-to-business D: dot-com 3. Software consists of system software and ____. A: application software B: network operating system C: linear software D: data software 4. The term ____ refers to the combination of hardware and software products and services that companies use to manage, access, communicate, and share information. A: practical technology B: electronic technology C: information technology D: systems technology 5. ____ tests system concepts and examine input, output, and user interfaces before final decisions are made. A: CASE tools B: Prototyping C: Investigative design D: Group typing 6. Google is an example of ____. A: an Internet-dependent company B: a brick-and-mortar company C: a B2B company D: an Internet-independent company 7. The programs that control the hardware and produce the desired information or results are referred to as ____. A: data B: people C: processes D: software

8. ____ verifies that an individual demonstrated a certain level of knowledge and skill on a standardized test. A: Certification B: Validation C: Documentation D: Authentication 9. The ____ are logical rules that identify data patterns and relationships. A: linear rules B: system rules C: inference rules D: productivity rules 10. A graphical representation of one or more tasks that a company performs is considered ____. A: a business model B: a business process C: a business profile D: an analytic profile 11. Data that has been transformed into output that is valuable to users is ____. A: mission B: information C: operations D: processes 12. The IT group provides technical support that includes all of the following EXCEPT ____. A: Web support B: application development C: user systems requests D: database administration 13. The newest development in data acquisition is called ____ technology, which uses high-frequency radio waves to track physical objects. A: RID B: RAD C: RFID D: FID 14. A ____ is an overview that describes a company's overall functions, processes, organization, products, services, customers, suppliers, competitors, constraints, and future direction. A: business model B: business process C: business system D: business profile

15. A set of related components that produce specific results is a ____. A: system B: compound C: strategy D: package 16. A development system that focuses on team-based factfinding is ____. A: RAD B: JAD C: either a. or b. D: neither a. nor b. 17. When first introduced, management information systems (MIS) was a category of systems which served ____. A: managers B: administrative staff C: operational personnel D: maintenance staff 18. The ____ is NOT an example of an internal user of a company's information system. A: customers who track their orders on a company's Web site B: company's technicians C: company's sales staff D: company's corporate officers 19. The correct definition of an in-house application is ____. A: an information system developed by outside vendors B: an information system developed by the company that uses the information system C: a software package D: an information system that is Internet-based 20. Structured analysis uses a set of process models to describe a system ____. A: in words B: in numbers C: dynamically D: graphically

Chapter 2 Study Guide

1. An evaluation of the resources needed for users to be trained on a new system is part of ____ feasibility. A: economic B: technical C: operational D: schedule 2. The first step in evaluating feasibility is ____. A: setting priorities B: identifying systems requests that are not feasible or necessary C: conducting a preliminary investigation D: building a prototype 3. The first step in a preliminary investigation is generally to ____. A: evaluate feasibility B: perform fact-finding C: understand the problem or opportunity D: estimate project development time and cost 4. An organizational chart does NOT show ____. A: formal reporting relationships B: an overview of the way each department functions C: the informal alignment of a group D: the names of employees and their positions 5. Many companies use ____ request forms that can be filled out and submitted electronically. A: printed B: faxed C: online D: offline 6. A company's ____ are broken down into one-year, threeyear, and five-year categories. A: objectives B: goals C: requirements D: inventory 7. The coding of data to keep it safe from unauthorized users is called ____. A: prototyping B: encryption C: password access D: key access

8. EDI refers to ____. A: external development interchange B: electronic data interchange C: external data interchange D: none of the above 9. A risk is an event that can affect a project ____. A: negatively B: positively C: both a. and b. D: neither a. nor b. 10. The chapter explained four types of project feasibility tests that a systems request must pass and did NOT include ____ feasibility. A: technical B: marketing C: economic D: schedule 11. An examination of the reliability of the hardware and software environment for a new system is part of ____ feasibility. A: economic B: technical C: operational D: schedule 12. A project where management has a yes/no choice to implement is called a ____ project. A: nondiscretionary B: discretionary C: resource D: non-resource 13. A popular technique for investigating causes and effects is called a(n) ____. A: Ishikawa diagram B: arrowhead diagram C: Moore diagram D: Problem/Solution diagram 14. A fact-finding method during the preliminary investigation includes all of the following EXCEPT ____. A: observing the current system in operation B: conducting a survey of users C: reviewing current system documentation D: figuring out the costs of the solution

15. ____ feasibility means that a project can be implemented in an acceptable time frame. A: Technical B: Time C: Schedule D: Operational 16. A SWOT analysis does NOT include an examination of ____. A: weaknesses B: options C: strengths D: threats 17. Vital objectives that must be achieved for the enterprise to fulfill its mission are considered ____. A: the SDLC B: critical success factors C: critical business issues D: CASE tools 18. Hardware-based security controls that can identify a person by a retina scan or by mapping a facial pattern are referred to as ____. A: biological devices B: encrypted devices C: strategic scanning devices D: biometric devices 19. The purpose of a(n) ____ system is to provide the right product in the right place at the right time. A: EDI B: CRM C: CASE D: JIT 20. Microsoft Project is a tool that is often used by ____. A: end users B: project managers C: customer service personnel D: top managers

Chapter 3 Study Guide

1. The project ____ handles administrative responsibilities for the development team and negotiates with users you might have conflicting requirements. A: expediter B: supporter C: coordinator D: leader 2. PERT/CPM is considered to be a ____ technique. A: side-to-side B: parallel task C: bottom-up D: top-down 3. Analyzing risks is a two-step process that includes both ____ analysis. A: qualitative and quantitative B: profit and loss C: timing and critical path D: identification and response 4. Project ____ includes identifying project tasks and estimating completion time and costs. A: planning B: scheduling C: monitoring and controlling D: reporting 5. With PERT/CPM, the ____ is the amount of time it will take to complete a task. A: time assignment B: time duration C: time length D: time pattern 6. A ____ walk-through is a review of a project team member's work by other members of the team. A: status B: structured C: open D: private 7. Project ____ involves the creation of a specific timetable, usually in the form of charts that show tasks, task dependencies, and critical tasks that may delay a project. A: planning B: scheduling C: monitoring and controlling D: reporting

8. With PERT/CPM, tasks that must be completed one after the other, like a relay race, are called ____ tasks. A: dependent B: independent C: fast D: tiered 9. Walk-throughs that take place throughout the SDLC are also called all of the following EXCEPT ____. A: code reviews B: design reviews C: testing reviews D: timing review 10. Project ____ requires guiding, supervising, and coordinating the project team's workload. A: planning B: scheduling C: monitoring and controlling D: reporting 11. Task patterns can involve ____ tasks. A: dependent B: multiple successor C: multiple predecessor D: all of the above 12. Project managers can use ____ software to help plan, estimate, schedule, monitor, and report on a project. A: change control B: project management C: project resource D: path management 13. Project ____ tasks include regular progress reports to management, users, and the project team itself. A: planning B: scheduling C: monitoring and controlling D: reporting 14. When several tasks can start at the same time, each is called a ____ task. A: concurrent B: successor C: predecessor D: dependent 15. When software is ____ it is free, and supported by a large group of users and developers. A: free-source B: open-source C: private-source D: share-source

16. A(n) ____, or activity, is any work that has a beginning and an end and requires the use of company resources such as people, time, or money. A: event B: task C: habit D: plan 17. Often, two or more concurrent tasks, depend on a single prior task, which is called a ____. A: concurrent B: successor C: predecessor D: dependent 18. The most popular project management software is ____. A: ACT B: Microsoft Office Project 2007 C: Open Workbench D: Project Solution 19. A(n) ____, or milestone, is a recognizable reference point that can be used to monitor progress and manage the project. A: plan B: habit C: event D: task 20. In the situation where concurrent tasks depend on a predecessor task, each concurrent task is called a ____ task. A: dependent B: successor C: predecessor D: dependent

Chapter 4 Study Guide 1. The sales tracking system must produce a daily fastmoving-item report, listing all products that exceed the forecasted sales volume grouped by style, color, size, and reorder status is an example of a(n) ____ requirement. A: output B: input C: processes D: performance 2. Response time must not exceed four seconds is an example of a(n) ____ requirement. A: control B: input C: process D: performance 3. ____ questions encourage spontaneous and unstructured responses. A: Open-ended B: Closed-ended C: Range-of-response D: Leading 4. A ____ is a document containing a number of standard questions that can be sent to many individuals. A: questionnaire B: survey C: both a. and b. D: neither a. nor b. 5. If you want to ensure that the sample is balanced geographically, you could use a ____ sample to select five customers from each of four zip codes. A: random B: systematic C: stratified D: structured 6. In ____ brainstorming, each participant speaks when it is his or her turn, or passes. A: unstructured B: structured C: random D: systematic 7. A ____, such as Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Organizer, can help manage those tasks and provide a personal calendar and a to-do list, with priorities and the capability to check off completed items. A: PDA B: DPA C: PIM D: PMI

8. Chapter 4 describes ____, which involves fact-finding to describe the current system and identification of the requirements for the new system, such as outputs, inputs, processes, performance, and security. A: output design B: requirements modeling C: requirements design D: output modeling 9. ____ refer to the logical rules that are applied to transform the data into meaningful information. A: Outputs B: Inputs C: Processes D: Performance 10. ____ analysis identifies the data flowing into a process, the business rules that transform the data, and the resulting output data flow. A:Structured B: Data C: Enterprise D: Process 11. ____ skills are especially valuable to a systems analyst who must work with people at all organizational levels, balance conflicting needs of users, and communicate effectively. A: Data processing B: Personal C: Analytical D: Interpersonal 12. ____ methods represent a recent trend that stresses intense interaction between system developers and users. A: Co-op B: Object C: Flow D: Agile 13. The end product of ____ is the new information system. A: JAD B: RAD C: both a. and b. D: neither a. nor b. 14. During the ____ phase, users interact with systems analysts and develop models and prototypes that represent all system processes, outputs, and inputs. A: software design B: software rollout C: user design D: user rollout

15. A functional decomposition diagram (FDD) is a top-down representation of a function or process. FDDs also are called ____ charts. A: structure B: pie C: flow D: modeling 16. A ____ diagram visually represents the interaction between users and the information system. A: data case B: requirements case C: use case D: design case 17. A ____ requirement is a characteristic or feature that must be included in an information system to satisfy business requirements and be acceptable to users. A: management B: system C: program D: data 18. The department head must enter overtime hours on a separate screen is an example of a(n) ____ requirement. A: output B: input C: processes D: performance 19. All transactions must have audit trails is an example of a(n) ____ requirement. A: control B: input C: process D: performance 20. Your primary responsibility during an interview is to listen carefully to the answers, concentrate on what is said and notice any nonverbal communication that takes place. This process is called ____ listening. A: closed B: tracked C: open D: engaged

Chapter 5 Study Guide

1. Whether to use a decision table or a decision tree often is a matter of ____. A: personal preference B: data requirements C: cycle times D: number of domains 2. A set of DFDs provides a ____ model that shows what the system does, not how it does it. A: control B: data C: logical D: physical 3. The symbol for an entity is a ____, which may be shaded to make it look three dimensional. A: circle B: triangle C: rectangle D: square 4. ____ maintains consistency among a set of DFDs by ensuring that input and output data flows align properly. A: Diverging B: Balancing C: Looping D: Decomposing 5. The data ____ serves as a central storehouse of documentation for an information system. A: dictionary B: store C: diagram D: partition 6. ____ English is a subset of standard English that describes logical processes clearly and accurately. A: Logical B: Structured C: Simple D: Dictionary 7. A ____ model describes how the system will be constructed. A: physical B: dictionary C: structured D: logical

8. A ____ process is a process that has input, but produces no output. A: blue box B: black box C: gray hole D: black hole 9. When you explode a DFD, the higher-level diagram is called the parent diagram, and the lower-level diagram is referred to as the ____ diagram. A: subset B: child C: pet D: subordinate 10. ____ refers to whether the data element contains numeric, alphabetic, or character values. A: Domain B: Type C: Category D: Rules 11. Iteration also is called ____. A: looping B: sequencing C: partitioning D: decomposing 12. In DFDs, a process symbol can be referred to as a ____, because the inputs, outputs, and general functions of the process are known, but the underlying details and logic of the process are hidden. A: blue box B: black box C: gray hole D: black hole 13. To draw a context diagram, you start by placing a single process symbol ____. A: in the center of the page B: at the top of the page C: at the bottom of the page D: anywhere on the page 14. Data elements are combined into ____, also called data structures. A: domains B: records C: skeletons D: iterations

15. Modular design is based on combinations of three logical structures that does NOT include ____. A: sequence B: source C: selection D: iteration 16. The only disadvantage of the four-model approach is the added ____ needed to develop a logical and physical model of the current system. A: time B: cost C: both a. and b. D: neither a. nor b. 17. DFDs use four basic symbols that represent all EXCEPT the following ____. A: data flows B: data stores C: entities D: attributes 18. DFD entities also are called ____, because they are data origins or final destinations. A: pseudocode B: terminators C: originators D: sink holes 19. ____ also is called exploding, partitioning, or decomposing. A: Balancing B: Leveling C: Processing D: Sequencing 20. A ____ documents the details of a functional primitive, and represents a specific set of processing steps and business logic. A: diagram description B: physical model C: data structure D: process description

Chapter 6 Study Guide

1. A ____ is a command that tells an object to perform a certain method. A: note B: tag C: action D: message 2. O-O methodology is popular because it integrates easily with object-oriented programming languages such as ____. A: Java B: Smalltalk C: Perl D: all of the above 3. Objects within a class can be grouped into ____, which are more specific categories within a class. A: sub-states B: mini-states C: subclasses D: mini-classes 4. The line from the actor to the use case is called a(n) ____, because it links a particular actor to a use case. A: association B: partition C: instance D: relationship 5. Just as structured analysis uses DFDs to model data and processes, systems analysts use the ____ to describe object-oriented systems. A: UML B: Java C: FTP D: OOD 6. The ____ shows what is included in the system (inside the rectangle) and what is not included in the system (outside the rectangle). A: system diagram B: system boundary C: system border D: system template 7. When you identify use cases, try to group all the related transactions into ____. A: a single use case B: several use cases C: either a. or b. D: neither a. nor b.

8. All possible states must be documented in the____ diagram. A: state transition B: use case C: object-model D: logical-model 9. Like a DFD, a class diagram is a(n) ____ model, which evolves into a physical model and finally becomes a functioning information system. A: static B: logical C: random D: object 10. The end product of object-oriented analysis is an object ____. A: diagram B: model C: box D: use case 11. A ____ is identified by a dashed line and represents the time during which the object above it is able to interact with the other objects in the use case. A: lifeline B: timeline C: interaction line D: safe line 12. If objects are similar to nouns, attributes are similar to ____. A: adjectives B: verbs C: adverbs D: punctuation 13. A(n) ____ diagram resembles a horizontal flowchart that shows the actions and events as they occur. A: activity B: action C: movement D: process 14. The concept that a message gives different meanings to different objects is called ____. A: multi-use B: state versatility C: action flexibility D: polymorphism 15. All objects within a class share common ____. A: attributes B: methods C: both a. and b. D: neither a. nor b.

16. A class can belong to a more general category called a ____. A: pseudoclass B: superclass C: subclass D: case 17. When the outcome of one use case is incorporated by another use case, we say that the second case ____ the first case. A: uses B: incorporates C: needs D: pairs with 18. A ____ represents the steps in a specific business function or process. A: task flow B: task case C: use flow D: use case 19. In a class diagram, each class appears as a(n) ____, with the class name at the top, followed by the class's attributes and methods. A: rounded rectangle B: rectangle C: oval D: circle 20. A use case diagram is a visual summary of several related use cases within a ____. A: system B: subsystem C: either a. or b. D: neither a. nor b.

Chapter 7 Study Guide 1. Another term for IBS is ____, because system operations are managed by the outside firm, or host. A: managed hosting B: direct hosting C: outside hosting D: enterprise hosting 2. The choice between developing versus purchasing software often is called a ____ decision. A: make or buy B: build or buy C: either a. or b. D: neither a. nor b. 3. A software package that can be used by many different types of organizations is called a(n) ____ application. A: vertical B: horizontal C: limited D: unlimited 4. ____ was NOT listed as a reason that companies would develop software in-house versus buying it from an outside source. A: Meet constraints of existing systems B: Develop internal resources and capabilities C: Lower costs D: Satisfy unique business requirements 5. Some user applications have powerful screen and report ____ that allow users to design their own data entry forms and reports. A: generators B: creators C: templates D: files 6. The ____ of a project is the total value of the benefits minus the total value of the costs, with both costs and benefits adjusted to reflect the point in time at which they occur. A: ROI B: NPV C: EPS D: IRR 7. When you use an ____, you already know the specific product or service you want and you need to obtain price quotations or bids. A: RFP B: RFQ C: NPV D: TCO

8. The goal of systems design is to build a system that is ____. A: effective B: reliable C: maintainable D: all of the above 9. ____ is a model of software deployment where an application is hosted as a service provided to customers over the Internet. A: SAS B: SaaS C: SSA D: SSaa 10. Web-based software usually requires additional layers, called ____, to communicate with existing software and legacy systems. A: hubs B: portals C: channels D: middleware 11. The outsourcing of a basic business process is often called ____. A: BPO B: BOP C: ISB D: IBS 12. A ____ model has a variable fee based on the number of users or workstations that have access to the application. A: managed B: subscription C: service D: cloud computing 13. The ____ makes, builds, and develops in-house software. A: company's IT department B: company's ASP C: company's IBS D: all of the above 14. An accounting package is a good example of a(n) ____ application because it can be utilized by many different businesses, or separate divisions that exist in large, diversified companies. A: vertical B: horizontal C: limited D: unlimited

15. The following is NOT one of the three ways the chapter listed as a way to customize a software package: ____. A: You can merge two existing packages into one solution B: You can purchase a basic package that vendors will customize to suit your needs. C: You can purchase the package and make your own modifications, if this is permissible under the terms of the software license. D: You can negotiate directly with the software vendor to make enhancements to meet your needs by paying for the changes. 16. Read-only properties means that users can ____. A: view the data B: change the data C: either a. or b. D: neither a. nor b. 17. The Systems Analyst's Toolkit explains how to use three main cost analysis tools that do NOT include ____. A: payback analysis B: ROI C: NPV D: EPS 18. Another valuable resource is the Internet bulletin board system that contains thousands of forums, called ____, that cover every imaginable topic. A: gatherings B: newsgroups C: social groups D: feeds 19. The two major Web-based development environments are IBM's WebSphere and Microsoft's ____. A: .NET B: JavaScript C: Office D: Access 20. ____ development treats the Web as the platform, rather than just a communication channel. A: Internet-based B: Traditional C: both a. and b. D: neither a. nor b.

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