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Technology Disposable Syringes P ro d u ct C o d e
Quali Quality ty and Stand Standar ards ds
As per drug drug cont contro roll speci specification ation
P ro d u ctio n C a p a city
Q t y.
P ie ce s
2 ml
1 15 15 .2 .2 La kh kh s
5 ml
1 15 15 .2 .2 La kh kh s
U p lo a d e d o n
Fe brua ry 2 0 08
Introduction Dispos Dispos able Syringes Syringes a re made of plastic material and are used in the field field of medical medical and veterinary science. Due to their availability in sterilized condition, ready to use, and cost effecti effectiveness veness , dispo dispo sable syringes syringes a re fast replacing replacing the ag e-old glass s yringes. yringes. Moreover, the horror of AIDS worldwide has almost dispensed with the reuse of syringes and the demand of disposable syringe has increased increased phenomenally. phenomenally. Dispos Dispos able s yringes yringes a re mostly mostly injection moulde moulde d from polypropylene . Syrin Syringe ge s a re available in sizes of 1 ml, ml, 2ml, 2ml, 5 ml, ml, and 10 ml, ml, in in a v ariety ariety of d esigns an d consist of either two o r three components construction. construction. The number and size of injection moulding machines required depend upon syringe construction, number of mould mould cavities, annua l production. Markett Potential Marke Dispos Dispos able syringe syringe has a wide market potential. The The ag e-old glass syringes syringes a re very fast beco ming ming ob sole te. In the East ern Region of the country there is no unit manufa manufa cturing this this product. Some of the units manufacturing this product are in other parts of the country. 1. Steryware, Faridabad (2) Cadilac (3) Dispovan, Faridabad (4) Cadilac hospital product, Ahmedabad (5) Surgiplus, Ahmedabad (6) Transplastic Pondicherry (7) Disposable mediate, Chennai (8) Suru Chemicals, Mumbai (9) Albert David, M.P. (10) Manoj Surgical, Indore. Some Some of these units are 100% export-oriented export-oriented units. In view of the fast expan ding market market the prosp ects of disposa ble syringe syringe are very bright. bright. Basis and Presumpt Presumptions ions The profile profile is drawn on the basis o f the follow follow ing presumptions: presumptions: W o rkin g h o u rs /d a y
1 6 ho urs
W o rkin g d a ys
To t a l No. o f w o rkin g h o u rs
W o rkin g e fficie ncy
7 5%
Time period for achieving Cap acity utilization utilization Labour charges
max. 3rd year from the date on which Production Production will be started. As per minimum wages act of
Welcome to TIMEIS Ma rgin Mo n e y
. 25% of Cap ital I nv e s t me n t
Rate of interest on fixed fixed and wo rking rking 14% capital O p er era ti tive p er erio d o f th e p ro je je ct ct
1 0 yea rs
Value of machinery and equipment is estimated on the basis of prevailing cost of the market. Implementation Im plementation Schedule Project implementation will take a period of 8 months from the date of approval of the scheme. Brea Brea k-up k-up of activities activities w ith relative time time for each activity activity is is s how n below : Period (per month) (Estimated)
Nature of Activities 1 . Sch e me P re p a r a t io n a n d a p p ro va l
2 . SSI P ro vis io nal reg istra tio n
3 . Sa n ctio n of loa n
4 . C le a ra n ce fro m P ollutio n C o n t r o l Bo a rd
5 . P la ce ment of o rder for d e live ry o f M/c.
6 . Ins t a lla tio n o f ma chine s
7 . P o w e r co n n e ct io n
8 . Tria l ru n
9 . C o mme nce me n t of pro d uct io n
9 o nw a rd s
Technical Aspects Technical Process of Manufacture Manufacture Production of disposable syringe requires special injection moulding machines and special moulds. M/s. Klockner Windsor has introduced Ferromatic Injection Moulding machine for this purpose. Raw material required is polypropylene. It is fed into the injection moulding machine and moulded in chilled chilled condition to ge t bett er clarity clarity.. The moulded syringes is then assembled with the needle in automatic assembly machine. The whole assembly is then sterilized in sterilization plant using ethylene oxide. The completed syringe is then blister packed in a utomatic packing machine. machine. Quality Qualit y Control a nd Standards The product should conform to drug control specification and drug license should be obt ained for production o f this this item. Production Capacity (per month) 2 ml size size - 9,60,000 9,60,000 N os. 5 ml size size - 9,60,000 9,60,000 N os. Pollution Pollut ion Control No sp ecial pollution control measure measure s are ne ede d for manufa manufa cture of this this item. Energy Conservation Proper maintenance of the power operated machines and judicial use of them will conserve energy. Financial Aspects A. Fixed Capital (i) Land and Building
Area sq. ms. Rs/sq. ms.
( Rs.)
L an d
2 500
Built up a re a
35 0
5 000
Welcome to TIMEIS (ii)) Machinery and Equipments (ii Qty. (Nos.)
Value (Rs.)
Zig ma Inje ctio n Mo ulding M ach in e
3000 000
Ste riliz a t io n p la nt (Ethyle n e Ox id e)
1 0 ,0 0 ,0 0 0
Blis t e r P a cking Ma chine
1 2 ,0 0 ,0 0 0
A uto ma tic P a cking Machine
3 0 ,0 0 ,0 0 0
Scra p Grind ing Ma chine
8 0 ,0 0 0
W e ighing Scale
5 0 ,0 0 0
Air C o mpre s s o r
6 0 ,0 0 0
W a te r P u mp
1 5 ,0 0 0
C h illing P la n t
2 ,0 0 ,00 0
Description (i)Production (i)Production Unit
Testing Equipment
Electrific Electrification ation a nd Ins tallation
Firefighting Firefighting Eq uipment
Set of Mould for 2 ml (16 cavities for barrel, 24 cavity for plunger)
Set of Moulds for 5 ml Syringe (16 Cavity for barrel, 16 cavity for plunger)
(ii) Cost of Office Equipment/ Working Table etc
(iii) Pre-operative Expenses
( Rs.)
(P ro ject, no n-r e fu n d a b le d e p o s its )
30 000
Total ( i+ii+iii)
4 56 0 00 0
B. W orking Capita l (per (per month) (i)) Pe rsonnel (i Designation
S alary ( Rs.)
Total (Rs.)
W o rks Ma n a g e r
125 00
25 000
Sa le s E xe cutive
1 0 ,0 0 0
20 000
C h e mis t
1 0 ,0 0 0
10 000
Acco u n t a n t
Ste n o/ Clerk
P e o n /W a tchma n
12 000
O p e ra t o rs
50 000
Se mi-s kille d w o rke rs
36 000
Unskille d w o rke rs
48 000
Perquisites @ 15% of Salaries
(ii) (i i) Raw Materials Including Pa ckaging Requirement (per month) Particulars
Q ty. K. g .
Rate Kg.
Value (Rs.)
Welcome to TIMEIS
Po y pro py py e ne ne wastage
Ne e d le s in in clud ing 2% w a s ta g e 1 9 6 0 0 0 0
10282 50
0 .25
4 9 0 0 00
Packing Material
(iii) Utility (per month)
( Rs.)
P ow ow e r to ta l co nn nn ec ec t e d 30 kW (U (Us in in g 60 % Lo a d o nl nly)
W a te r
2 00 0
4 2000
(iv) Ot Other Contingent Expenses ( pe per month)
( Rs Rs.)
P o s t a g e a n d S ta ti o n e r y
Te le p h o n e
C o n s u ma b le St o re
Re p a ir a n d Ma i nt en a nc e
Tra n s p o rta tio n C h a rg e s
10 000
Ad v er tis eme n t a n d P u b licit y
10 000
Mis ce lla n e o u s E xp end i tur e
39 0 00
(v) To ta l Re cu curring Ex Exp e n d iture (p (p e r mo n th )
21459 25
(vi) To t a l W or orking Ca Ca p i t a l (o n 2 mo n t h ba ba si sis )
42918 50
C. Total Capital Investment 1.
Fixe d C a p it a l
W o rkin g C a p ita l
13 10 18 50
Machinery Machiner y Utilization The unit will wo rk 16 hrs. per day producing 4800 pie ces per ho ur of 2 ml and 5 ml syringes weighing 2.5 gms. and 4.5 gms. respectively. 2% extra raw material is taken as wastage. Financial Ana lysi lysis s 1 . Cost of Production ( per year)
( Rs.)
To t a l re curring co s t p e r ye a r
De preciatio n o n ma chinerie s @ 10%
3 2 60 0 0
De preciatio n o n building @ 5 %
2 1 25 0 0
De preciatio n o n mo u ld s @ 20%
2 4 00 0 0
De preciatio n o n office e q u i p me nt @ 20%
I n te re s t o n t o t a l C a p it a l in ve s t me n t @1 4%
283 778 59
2. Turnover Turnover (per year) Item
Q ty. Nos.
L akhs
Dis p o s a b le Syringe
2 ml
1 1 5 2 0 0 0 0 1.2
13 82400 0
Dis p o s a b le Syringe
5 ml
1 1 5 2 0 0 0 0 1.6
18 43200 0
Total Lakhs
Rate ( Rs.)
Value (Rs.)
Welcome to TIMEIS 3. Net Profit (per yea r)
= Turnover urnover – Cost Cost of Prod Product uction ion = 387814 1
4. Net Profit Ratio Net profit per year × 100 = ------------------------------Turnover
= 12.02%
5. Rate of Return Net profit per year × 100 = ---------------------------------Total investment
= 29.6% 6. Break-even Point (% of Total Production Envisaged) (i) Fixed Cost
De preciatio n o n ma chinerie s @ 10%
De preciatio n o n building @ 5 %
De preciatio n o n mo u ld s @ 20%
De preciatio n o n office e q u i p me nt @ 20%
14 0 0 0
De preciatio n o n ma chinerie s @ 10%
4 0 % o f sa l a r y a n d w a g e s
40 % o f o th er continge nt e xp e n s e s
248 974 0
(ii)) Net P rofit (per year) (ii B.E.P. F.C ×100 = ---------------------F.C.+ Profit
= 39.1 Addresses of Machinery and Equipment Suppliers 1. M/s. D. D. G. P. W indsor India Ltd. E-6, U2 Road, Wo gle Industrial Estate, Thane, Mumbai-400 Mumbai-400 604. 2. M/s. M/s. Sunanda Industri al Machinery A Division of Mafatlal Marg Industries Ltd. 109, Standard Standard Hou se, 83, Maharshi Karup Road, Mumbai-400002.
Welcome to TIMEIS 3. M/s. Indian Hydraulic Ind. Pvt. Ltd. 70 Shivaji Shivaji Marg, Industrial Area, New Delhi-110015. 4. M/s. Ferromatik Milacron India Ltd. Plot No. 92 Phas e-1, G.I.D.C Vatva, Ahmedabad-382445. Addresses of Raw Material Suppliers 1. M/s. Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd. P.O. Petrochemicals Township, Vadodara-391346 (Gujarat.) 2. M/s. M/s. Reliance Reliance Industrie s Ltd. Swastik Mill Compound, V. N Purav Marg, Chembur, Mumbai-400 Mumbai-400 071. 3. Gas Authority of India Ltd. 16 Bhikaji Cama Place, R. K. Puram, New Delhi 110066. Con tact for more information: information: Information Manager TIMEIS TIMEIS P roject E-mail:
[email protected]
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