Synthesis & Distillation of Isopentyl Acetate using Acetic Acid and Isopentyl alcohol
TA: Pallav Kumar TH 2:!":
Isopentyl Acetate #$anana oil% as synthesi'ed (y com(ining a car(o)ylic acid ith an alcohol forming an ester #isopentyl alcohol%* In +I,* - the reaction shoed acetic acid and isopentyl alcohol (eing com(ined to form isopentyl acetate* +or the reaction to proceed a reflu) techni.ue as used* After the synthesis as performed a distillation procedure as performed to purify the isopentyl acetate* The (oiling point for the purified isopentyl acetate as appro)imately -"/*01* There ere still a fe impurities for the purified sample as the (oiling point shoed3 and the calculated percentage yield as 045*
+I,*-* 6eaction of acetic acid and isopentyl alcohol reacting to form isopentyl acetate*
Isopentyl acetate is a colorless li.uid that is only slightly solu(le in ater3 (ut very solu(le in most organic solvents* Isopentyl acetate has a strong odor7 it smells very much li8e a (anana* It is used as a solvent for some varnishes and nitrocellulose lac.uers3 as ell as (eing a honey(ee pheromone and can (e used to attract large groups of honey(ees to a small area* The intense smell3 pleasant odor and lo to)icity of isopent yl acetate help to test the effectiveness of respirators or gas mas8s.In the e)periment isopentyl alcohol as treated ith acetic acid to synthesi'e acetaminophen3 and as induced (y using a reflu)* A distillation method as then applied to purify the isopentyl acetate*
+I,*2* The overall reaction shows an addition reaction, where the acetic acid
becomes deprotonated and a ester group exchanges places with it.
+ig*"* The image a(ove shos the mechanism
+igure "* shos in detail ho the mechanism as performed3 hat happened in the first step as the car(o)ylic acid accep ted a proton from the strong acid catalyst3 then the non!(onded electrons of the alcohol attac8ed the positively charged car(onyl car(on to give a intermediate* A proton as lost at the o)ygen and gained at ano ther* The mechanism then lost a ater molecule giving a protonated ester* The last step in the mechanism as the transfer of a proton from the second hydro)yl group3 hich forms the ester #the product%* Determining the (oiling point and percent recovery ould determine the success of the e)periment* The (oiling point of the final compound as determined and compared to the literature (oiling point3 hich as -4
* If the (oiling point of
the purified isopentyl acetate ere more9less than 0 degrees from the literature (oiling point then it ould have not (een accurate and could not support the identity of isopentyl alcohol* Percent recovery as measured (y the ta8ing actual amount of grams of isopentyl acetate o(tained divided (y the theoretical num(er of grams that should have (een produced* The goal of the la( as to synthesi'e isopentyl acetate correctly and perform the procedures in order to get a pure sample of the ester and a great percent recovery* A possi(le pro(lem that could have occurred ould have (een that there could have (een impurities still left in the final product3 or the temperature not (eing constant could have played a factor hen doing the reflu) and distillation*
To (egin the e)periment3 an empty 0!ml conical vial as eighed and -* ml of isopentyl alcohol as added3 a reflu) as assem(led #a drying tu(e contained calcium chloride as attached to reflu)%* The conical vial containing the alcohol as then reeighed to o(tain an accurate eight* Then -*0 m of glacial acetic acid as a dded37 three drops of concentrated sulfuric acid ere added carefully to the vial* A small magnetic spin vane as added to the vial and heated* The vial containing the compounds here then reflu)ed for ; minutes at -sing a pipet -* m of sodium (icar(onate as used to separate organic and a.ueous layers #done " times total%* The (ottom a.ueous layer as then removed and disposed* The organic layer #isopentyl acetate% as then dried ith sodium sulfate* The ne)t method used as distillation3 using a still head and a ater!cooled condenser3 hich as used to purify the isopentyl acetate* The final product as then eighed and percent yield and (oiling point ta8en3 and to infrared spectrum graphs ere o(tained*
Results and Calculations:
Ta(le -* omparison of literature (*p* and eight of initial and final product $oiling Point #=% -4=
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