Synopsis of Travel Portal System

May 3, 2018 | Author: | Category: Model–View–Controller, Databases, Relational Database, Software, Areas Of Computer Science
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Short Description

The main objective of the Travel Agency is to manage the details of Cabs, Payments, Charges,Travel Agency, Bookings. It ...


Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl

Sy`npsis ne Rr Rrovja ovja Xnrtoa Systjl

Xomj - ?

Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl Xomj @n.

Rnpic Ritaj


Ritaj ne tdj prnkjct


I`trnbuctin` ne tdj Xrnkjct


 Ofstroct ne tdj Xrnkjct Xrnkjct


Nfkjctivj ne tdj Xrnkjct


Scnpj ne tdj Xrnkjct


Vjpnrts ne tdj prnkjct


Lnbuajs ne tdj Xrnkjct


I`put boto o`b voaibotin` ne tdj prnkjct


Ejoturjs ne tdj prnkjct


Snetworj Vjquirjj`t Spjcieicotin`


Ibj`tieicotin` ne `jjb


Ejosifiait! Stub!


S!stj bjsi"` ne tdj prnkjct


#sjr I`tjreocj $jsi"`


Xrjaii`or! Xrnbuct $jscriptin`s


Xrnkjct %otj"nr!


Ipajj`totin` Ljtdnbnan"!


Rnnas o`b Xaotenr & Snetworj Vjquirjj`ts


Rnnas o`b Xaotenr & 'orbworj Vjquirjj`ts


S!stj O`oa!sis


$oto $ictin`or!


%n`causin` ne tdj Xrnkjct


Euturj scnpj ne tdj Xrnkjct


(iitotin`s ne tdj Xrnkjct


)ifain"ropd! o`b rjejrj`cjs

Xomj - !

Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl

"`trn#$ctin` ne t%j Xrn&jct Rrovja Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl' Sys tjl' Rdj *Rrovja Xnrtoa S!stj* dos fjj` bjvjanpjb tn nvjrribj tdj prnfajs prjvoiai`" i` tdj proctici`" o`uoa s!stj+ Rdis snetworj is suppnrtjb tn jaii`otj o`b i` snj cosjs rjbucj tdj dorbsdips eocjb f! tdis j,isti`" s!stj+ Lnrjnvjr tdis s!stj is bjsi"`jb enr tdj porticuaor `jjb ne tdj cnpo`! tn corr! nut npjrotin`s i` o snntd o`b jeejctivj o``jr+ Rdj oppaicotin` is rjbucjb os ucd os pnssifaj tn ovnib jrrnrs wdiaj j`tjri`" tdj boto+ It oasn prnvibjs jrrnr jsso"j wdiaj j`tjri`" i`voaib boto+ -n enroa .`nwajb"j is `jjbjb enr tdj usjr tn usj tdis s!stj+ Rdus f! tdis oaa it prnvjs it is usjr/erij`ba!+ Rrovja Xnrtoa S!stj 8 os bjscrifjb ofnvj8 co` ajob tn jrrnr erjj8 sjcurj8 rjaiofaj o`b eost o`o"jj`t s!stj+ It co` ossist tdj usjr tn cn`cj`trotj n` tdjir ntdjr octivitijs rotdjr  tn cn`cj`trotj n` tdj rjcnrb .jjpi`"+ Rdus it wiaa djap nr"o`iotin` i` fjttjr utiaiotin` ne  rjsnurcjs+ 6vjr! nr"o`iotin`8 nr"o`iotin`8 wdjtdjr wdjtdjr fi" nr soaa8 dos cdoaaj`"js cdoaaj`"js tn nvjrcnj nvjrcnj o`b o`o"i`" o`o"i`" tdj i`enrotin`s ne %ustnjr8 Rrovja O"j`c!8 %ofs8 Xo!j`ts8 )nn.i`"s+ 6vjr! Rrovja Xnrto Xnrtoaa S!st S!stj j dos dos bieej bieejrj` rj`tt Rrov Rrovja ja O"j`c! "j`c! `jjb `jjbs8 s8 tdjrj tdjrjenr enrj j wj bjsi" bjsi"` ` j,caus j,causivj ivj jpan!jj o`o"jj`t s!stjs tdot orj oboptjb tn !nur o`o"jrioa rjquirjj`ts+ Rdis is bjsi"`jb tn ossist i` strotj"ic pao``i`"8 o`b wiaa djap !nu j`surj tdot !nur  nr"o`iotin` is jquippjb witd tdj ri"dt ajvja ne i`enrotin` o`b bjtoias enr !nur euturj "noas+ Oasn8 enr tdnsj fus! j,jcutivj wdn orj oawo!s n` tdj "n8 nur s!stjs cnj witd rjntj occjss ejoturjs8 wdicd wiaa oaanw !nu tn o`o"j !nur wnr.enrcj o`!tij8 ot oaa tijs+ Rdjsj s!stjs wiaa uatiotja! oaanw !nu tn fjttjr o`o"j rjsnurcjs+

Xomj - 3

Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl ()stroct ne t%j Xrn&jct Rr Rrovja ovja Xnrtoa Systjl' Rdj purpnsj ne Rrovja Xnrtoa S!stj is tn outnotj tdj j,isti`" o`uoa s!stj f! tdj djap ne cnputjrijb jquipj`ts o`b euaa/eajb"jb cnputjr snetworj8 euaeiaai`" tdjir rjquirjj`ts8 sn tdot tdjir voauofaj boto3i`enrotin` co` fj stnrjb enr o an`"jr  pjrinb witd jos! occjssi`" o`b o`ipuaotin` ne tdj soj+ Rdj rjquirjb snetworj o`b dorbworj orj josia! ovoiaofaj o`b jos! tn wnr. witd+

Rrovja Xnrtoa S!stj8 os bjscrifjb ofnvj8 co` ajob tn jrrnr erjj8 sjcurj8 rjaiofaj o`b eost o`o"jj`t s!stj+ It co` ossist tdj usjr tn cn`cj`trotj n` tdjir ntdjr  octivitijs rotdjr tn cn`cj`trotj n` tdj rjcnrb .jjpi`"+ Rdus it wiaa djap nr"o`iotin` i` fjttjr fjttjr utiaiot utiaiotin` in` ne rjsnurcj rjsnurcjs+ s+ Rdj nr"o`i nr"o`iotin otin` ` co` oi`toi` oi`toi` cnputjr cnputjrijb ijb rjcnrbs rjcnrbs witdnut rjbu`bo`t j`trijs+ Rdot jo`s tdot n`j `jjb `nt fj bistroctjb f! i`enrotin` tdot is `nt rjajvo`t8 wdiaj fji`" ofaj tn rjocd tdj i`enrotin`+ Rdj oi is tn outnotj its j,isti`" o`uoa s!stj f! tdj djap ne cnputjrijb jquipj`ts o`b euaa/eajb"jb cnputjr snetworj8 euaeiaai`" tdjir rjquirjj`ts8 sn tdot tdjir  voauofaj boto3i`enrotin` co` fj stnrjb enr o an`"jr pjrinb witd jos! occjssi`" o`b o`ipuaotin` ne tdj soj+ )osicoaa! tdj prnkjct bjscrifjs dnw tn o`o"j enr "nnb pjrenro`cj o`b fjttjr sjrvicjs enr tdj caij`ts+

Xomj - 2

Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl *)&jctivj ne Xrn&jct n` Rr Rrovja ovja Xnrtoa Systjl' Rdj oi` nfkjcti nfkjctivj vj ne tdj Xrnkjct Xrnkjct n` Rrovj Rrovjaa Xnrtoa S!stj S!stj is tn o`o"j o`o"j tdj bjtoias ne Rrovja O"j`c!8 %ustnjr8 %ustnjr8 %ofs8 )nn.i`"s+ It o`o"js oaa tdj i`enrotin` ofnut Rrovja O"j`c!8 Xo!j`ts8 )nn.i`"s8 Rrovja O"j`c!+ Rdj prnkjct is tntoaa! fuiat ot obi`istrotivj j`b o`b tdus n`a! tdj obi`istrotnr is "uoro`tjjb tdj occjss+ Rdj purpnsj ne tdj prnkjct is tn fuiab o` oppaicotin` prn"ro tn rjbucj tdj o`uoa wnr. enr o`o"i`" tdj Rrovja O"j`c!8 %ustnjr8 Xo!j`ts8 %ustnjr+ It troc.s oaa tdj bjtoias ofnut tdj %ustnjr8 %ofs8 )nn.i`"s+ +$`ctin`oaitijs prnvi#j# )y Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl orj os enaan,s'

Xrnvi Xrnvibjs bjs tdj sjor sjorcdi cdi`" `" eociai eociaitij tijs s fosj fosjb b n` vorin vorinus us eoctnr eoctnrs+ s+ Sucd Sucd os Rrovj rovjaa  O"j`c!8  O"j`c!8 %ustnjr %ustnjr88 %ofs8 %ofs8 )nn.i`"s )nn.i`"s Rrovja Xnrtoa S!stj oasn o`o"j tdj Xo!j`ts bjtoias n`ai`j enr %ofs bjtoias8 )nn.i`"s bjtoias8 bjtoia s8 Rrovja O"j`c!+ O"j`c!+ It troc.s oaa tdj i`enrotin` ne %ustnjr8 Xo!j`ts8 %ofs jct Lo`o"j tdj i`enrotin` ne %ustnjr  Sdnws tdj i`enrotin` o`b bjscriptin` ne tdj Rrovja O"j`c!8 %ustnjr  Rn i`crjosj jeeicij`c! jeeici j`c! ne o`o"i`" tdj Rrovja O"j`c!8 O"j`c!8 %ustnjr  It bjoas witd n`itnri`" tdj i`enrotin` o`b tro`soctin`s ne %ofs+ Lo`o"j tdj i`enrotin` ne Rrovja O"j`c! 6biti`"8 obbi`" o`b upboti`" ne Vjcnrbs is iprnvjb wdicd rjsuats i` prnpjr  rjsnurcj o`o"jj`t ne Rrovja O"j`c! boto+

Xomj - :

Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl Lo`o"j tdj i`enrotin` ne %ofs I`tj"rotin` ne oaa rjcnrbs ne )nn.i`"s+

Xomj - 5

Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl Scnpj ne t%j prn&jct Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl It o! djap cnaajcti`" pjrejct o`o"jj`t i` bjtoias+ I` o vjr! sdnrt tij8 tdj cnaaj cnaajct ctin` in` wiaa wiaa fj nfvinu nfvinus8 s8 sipa sipaj j o`b sj`si sj`sifa faj+ j+ It wiaa wiaa djap djap o pjrsn pjrsn` ` tn .`nw .`nw tdj o`o"jj`t ne possjb !jor pjrejcta! o`b viviba!+ It oasn djaps i` currj`t oaa wnr.s rjaot rjaotivj ivj tn Rrovj rovjaa Xnrt Xnrtoa oa S!stj S!stj+ + It wiaa wiaa fj oasn oasn rjbuc rjbucjb jb tdj cnst cnst ne cnaaj cnaajct cti`" i`" tdj o`o"jj`t 2 cnaajctin` prncjburj wiaa "n n` snntda!+ Nur Nur prnk prnkjc jctt ois ois ot )usi )usi`j `jss ss prnc prncjs jss s outn outno oti tin` n`88 i+j+ i+j+ wj dovj dovj trij trijb b tn cnputjrij vorinus prncjssjs ne Rrovja Xnrtoa S!stj+ I` cnputjr s!stj tdj pjrsn` dos tn eiaa tdj vorinus enrs 2 `ufjr ne cnpijs ne  tdj enrs co` fj josia! "j`jrotjb ot o tij+ I` cnputjr s!stj8 it is `nt `jcjssor! tn crjotj tdj o`iejst fut wj co` birjcta! pri`t it8 wdicd sovjs nur tij+ Rn ossist tdj stoee i` copturi`" tdj jeenrt spj`t n` tdjir rjspjctivj wnr.i`" orjos+ Rn utiaij rjsnurcjs i` o` jeeicij`t o``jr f! i`crjosi`" tdjir prnbuctivit! tdrnu"d outnotin`+ Rdj Rdj s!st s!stj j "j`j "j`jro rotj tjs s t!pj t!pjs s ne i`en i`enr rot otin in` ` tdot tdot co` co` fj usjb usjb enr enr vori vorinu nus s purpnsjs+ It sotise! tdj usjr rjquirjj`t )j jos! tn u`bjrsto`b f! tdj usjr o`b npjrotnr  )j jos! tn npjrotj 'ovj o "nnb usjr i`tjreocj )j j,po`bofaj $jaivjrjb n` scdjbuaj witdi` tdj fub"jt+

Xomj - =

Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl jpnrts ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl' It "j`jrotjs tdj rjpnrt n` Rrovja O"j`c!8 %ustnjr8Xo!j`ts Xrnvibj eiatjr rjpnrts n` %ustnjr8 %ofs8 )nn.i`"s :nu co` josia! j,pnrt X$E enr tdj Rrovja O"j`c!8Xo!j`ts8 %ofs  Oppaicotin`  Oppaicotin` oasn prnvibjs j,cja j,pnrt j,pnrt enr %ustnjr %ustnjr88 %ustnjr %ustnjr88 )nn.i`"s )nn.i`"s :nu co` oasn j,pnrt tdj rjpnrt i`tn csv enrot enr Rrovja O"j`c!8 %ustnjr8 )nn.i`"s

n#$ajs ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl' •

• • •

• • • •

Rrovja O"j`c! Lo`o"jj`t Lnbuaj5 #sjb enr o`o"i`" tdj Rrovja O"j`c! bjtoias+ )nn.i`"s Lnbuaj 5 #sjb enr o`o"i`" tdj bjtoias ne )nn.i`"s Xo!j`ts Lnbuaj 5 #sjb enr o`o"i`" tdj bjtoias ne Xo!j`ts %ustnjr Lo`o"jj`t Lnbuaj5 #sjb enr o`o"i`" tdj i`enrotin` o`b bjtoias ne tdj %ustnjr+ %ustnjr Lnbuaj 5 #sjb enr o`o"i`" tdj %ustnjr bjtoias %ofs Lnbuaj 5 #sjb enr o`o"i`" tdj %ofs i`enrotin`s (n"i` Lnbuaj5 #sjb enr o`o"i`" tdj an"i` bjtoias #sjrs Lnbuaj 5 #sjb enr o`o"i`" tdj usjrs ne tdj s!stj

Xomj - 4

Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl "`p$t /oto o`# 8oai#otin` 8oai#otin` ne Xrn&jct n` Rrovja Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl  Oaa tdj eijabs sucd os Rrovja Rrovja O"j`c! O"j`c!88 %ustnjr8 %ustnjr8 )nn.i`"s )nn.i`"s orj voaibotjb o`b bnjs `nt to.j i`voaib voaujs 6ocd enr enr Rrovja O"j`c!8 %ustnjr8Xo!j`ts co` `nt occjpt fao`. voauj eijabs  Ovnibi`"  Ovnibi`" jrrnrs jrrnrs i` boto %n`trnaai`" onu`t ne i`put I`tj"rotin` ne oaa tdj nbuajs3enrs i` tdj s!stj+ Xrjporotin` ne tdj tjst cosjs+ Xrjporotin` ne tdj pnssifaj tjst boto witd oaa tdj voaibotin` cdjc.s+  Octuoa tjsti`" tjsti`" bn`j bn`j o`uoaa!+ o`uoaa!+ Vjcnrbi`" ne oaa tdj rjprnbucjb jrrnrs+ Lnbieicotin`s bn`j enr tdj jrrnrs enu`b buri`" tjsti`"+ Xrjporjb tdj tjst rjsuat scripts oetjr rjctieicotin` ne tdj jrrnrs+ Eu`ctin`oait! ne tdj j`tirj nbuaj3enrs+ =oaibotin`s enr usjr i`put+ %djc.i`" ne tdj %nbi`" sto`borbs tn fj oi`toi`jb buri`" cnbi`"+ Rjsti`" tdj nbuaj witd oaa tdj pnssifaj tjst boto+

Xomj - 9

Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl Rjsti`" ne tdj eu`ctin`oait! i`vnavi`" oaa t!pj ne coacuaotin`s jtc+ %nj`ti`" sto`borb i` tdj snurcj eiajs+ R%j snet,orj $oaity pao` ,j ,iaa $sj t%j enaan,i`m S6( Strotjmy' •

I` tdj eirst stjp8 wj wiaa sjajct tdj tjst eoctnrs o`b ro`. tdj+ Rdj sjajctjb tjst eoctnrs sucd os rjaiofiait!8 oi`toi`ofiait!8 pnrtofiait! nr jtc8 wiaa fj paocjb i` tdj

otri, occnrbi`" tn tdjir ro`.s+ Rdj sjcn`b stjp is enr ibj`tie!i`" tdj pdosjs ne tdj bjvjanpj`t prncjss+ Rdj

pdosj sdnuab fj rjcnrbjb i` tdj otri,+ Rdj tdirb stjp is tdot ibj`tie!i`" tdj fusi`jss ris.s ne tdj snetworj bjaivjrofajs+ Rdj ris.s wiaa fj ro`.jb i`tn tdrjj ro`.s sucd os di"d8 jbiu o`b anw+

Xomj - ?

Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl +jot$rjs ne t%j prn&jct Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl' •

Xrnbuct o`b %npn`j`t fosjb

%rjoti`" 2 %do`"i`" Issujs ot josj

4ujr! Issuj (ist tn o`! bjptd

Vjpnrti`" 2 %dorti`" i` nrj cnprjdj`sivj wo!

#sjr Occnu`ts tn cn`trna tdj occjss o`b oi`toi` sjcurit!

Sipaj Stotus 2 Vjsnautin`s

Luati/ajvja Xrinritijs 2 Sjvjritijs+

Ror"jts 2 Liajstn`js enr "uibi`" tdj prn"rojrs

 Ottocdj`ts  Ottocdj`ts 2 Obbitin`oa Obbitin`oa %nj`ts %nj`ts enr enr nrj i`enrotin` i`enrotin`

Vnfust botofosj foc./j`b

=orinus ajvja ne rjpnrts ovoiaofaj witd o ant ne eiatjr critjrio9s

It cn`toi` fjttjr stnro"j copocit!+

 Occuroc! i` wnr.+

6os! 2 eost rjtrijvoa ne i`enrotin`+

;jaa bjsi"`jb rjpnrts+

$jcrjosj tdj anob ne tdj pjrsn` i`vnavj i` j,isti`" o`uoa s!stj+

 Occjss ne o`! i`enrotin` i`enrotin` i`bivibuoaa!+ i`bivibuoaa!+

;nr. fjcnjs vjr! spjjb!+

6os! tn upbotj i`enrotin`

Xomj - ??

Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl Snet,orj j$irjlj`t Spjcieicotin` Rdj Snetworj Vjquirjj`ts Spjcieicotin` is prnbucjb ot tdj cuai`otin` ne tdj o`oa!sis tos.+ Rdj eu`ctin` o`b pjrenro`cj oaancotjb tn snetworj os port ne s!stj j`"i`jjri`" orj rjei`jb f! jstofaisdi`" o cnpajtj i`enrotin` bjscriptin`8 o bjtoiajb eu`ctin`oa o`b fjdovinroa bjscriptin`8 o` i`bicotin` ne pjrenro`cj rjquirjj`ts o`b bjsi bjsi"` "` cn`s cn`str troi oi`t `ts8 s8 oppr opprnp npri riot otj j voai voaibo boti tin` n` crit critjr jrio io88 o`b o`b ntdj ntdjrr boto boto pjrt pjrti` i`j` j`tt tn rjquirjj`ts+

R%j prnpnsj# systjl %os t%j enaan,i`m rj$irjlj`ts'

S!stj `jjbs stnrj i`enrotin` ofnut `jw j`tr! ne Rrovja O"j`c!+ S!stj `jjbs tn djap tdj i`tjr`oa stoee tn .jjp i`enrotin` ne %ustnjr o`b ei`b tdj os pjr vorinus qujrijs+ S!stj `jjb tn oi`toi` quo`tit! rjcnrb+ S!stj `jjb tn .jjp tdj rjcnrb ne %ustnjr+ S!stj `jjb tn upbotj o`b bjajtj tdj rjcnrb+ S!stj oasn `jjbs o sjorcd orjo+ It oasn `jjbs o sjcurit! s!stj tn prjvj`t boto+

Xomj - ?!

Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl "#j`tieicotin` ne `jj#' Rdj nab o`uoa s!stj wos sueejri`" ern o sjrijs ne browfoc.s+ Si`cj wdnaj ne  tdj s!stj wos tn fj oi`toi`jb witd do`bs tdj prncjss ne .jjpi`"8 oi`toi`i`" o`b rjtrijvi`" tdj i`enrotin` wos vjr! tjbinus o`b aj`"td!+ Rdj rjcnrbs wjrj `jvjr usjb tn fj i` o s!stjotic nrbjr+ tdjrj usjb tn fj ants ne bieeicuatijs i` ossncioti`" o`! porticuaor  tro`soctin` witd o porticuaor cn`tj,t+ Ie o`! i`enrotin` wos tn fj enu`b it wos rjquirjb tn "n tdrnu"d tdj bieejrj`t rj"istjrs8 bncuj`ts tdjrj wnuab `jvjr j,ist o`!tdi`" ai.j rjpnrt rjpnrt "j`jro "j`jrotin` tin`++ Rdjrj Rdjrj wnuab wnuab oawo!s oawo!s fj u``jcj u``jcjssor! ssor! cn`suptin cn`suptin` ` ne tij wdiaj wdiaj j`tjri`" rjcnrbs o`b rjtrijvi`" rjcnrbs+ N`j nrj prnfaj wos tdot it wos vjr! bieeicuat tn ei`b jrrnrs wdiaj j`tjri`" tdj rjcnrbs+ N`cj tdj rjcnrbs wjrj j`tjrjb it wos vjr! bieeicuat tn upbotj tdjsj rjcnrbs+ Rdj rjosn` fjdi`b it is tdot tdjrj is ant ne i`enrotin` tn fj oi`toi`jb o`b dovj tn fj .jpt i` i`b wdiaj ru``i`" tdj fusi`jss +Enr tdis rjosn` wj dovj prnvibjb ejoturjs Xrjsj`t s!stj is portioaa! outnotjb 7cnputjrijb18 7cnputjrijb18 octuoaa! j,isti`" s!stj is quitj aofnrinus os n`j dos tn j`tjr soj i`enrotin` ot tdrjj bieejrj`t paocjs+ +naan,i`m pni`ts s%n$a# )j ,jaa cn`si#jrj#' •

$ncuj`ts o`b rjpnrts tdot ust fj prnvibjb f! tdj `jw s!stj5 tdjrj co` oasn fj ejw rjpnrt rjpnrts8 s8 wdicd wdicd co` co` djap djap o`o" o`o"jj jj`t `t i` bjcis bjcisin` in`/o /o.i .i`" `" o`b o`b cnst cnst cn`trnaai`"8 fut si`cj tdjsj rjpnrts bn `nt "jt rjquirjb ottj`tin`8 sucd .i`b ne  rjpnrts o`b i`enrotin` wjrj oasn ibj`tieijb o`b "ivj` rjquirjb ottj`tin`+

$jtoias ne tdj i`enrotin` `jjbjb enr jocd bncuj`t o`b rjpnrt+

Rdj rjquirjb erjquj`c! o`b bistrifutin` enr jocd bncuj`t+

Xrnfofaj snurcjs ne i`enrotin` enr jocd bncuj`t o`b rjpnrt+

;itd tdj ipajj`totin` ne cnputjrijb s!stj8 tdj tos. ne .jjpi`" rjcnrbs i` o` nr"o nr"o`i `ij jb b o`` o``jr jr wiaa wiaa fj snav snavjb jb++ Rdj Rdj "rjo "rjotj tjst st ne oaa oaa is tdj tdj rjtr rjtrij ijvo voaa ne 

Xomj - ?3

Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl i`enrotin`8 wdicd wiaa fj ot tdj caic. ne tdj nusj+ Sn tdj prnpnsjb s!stj djaps i` sovi`" tdj tij i` bieejrj`t npjrotin`s o`b o.i`" i`enrotin` eanw jos! "ivi`" voauofaj rjpnrts+

Xomj - ?2

Sy`npsis ne Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl +josi)iaity St$#y'  Oetjr bni`" tdj prnkjct Rrovja Xnrtoa Systjl8 stub! o`b o`oa!i`" oaa tdj j,isti`" nr rjquirjb eu`ctin`oaitijs ne tdj s!stj8 tdj `j,t tos. is tn bn tdj ejosifiait! stub! enr tdj prnkjct+ Oaa prnkjcts orj ejosifaj / "ivj` u`aiitjb rjsnurcjs o`b i`ei`itj tij+ Ejosifiait! stub! i`caubjs cn`sibjrotin` ne oaa tdj pnssifaj wo!s tn prnvibj o snautin` tn tdj "ivj` prnfaj+ Rdj prnpnsjb snautin` sdnuab sotise! oaa tdj usjr rjquirjj`ts o`b sdnuab fj eaj,ifaj j`nu"d sn tdot euturj cdo`"js co` fj josia! bn`j fosjb n` tdj euturj upcni`" rjquirjj`ts+ (. cn`nlicoa +josi)iaity

Rdis is o vjr! ipnrto`t ospjct tn fj cn`sibjrjb cn`sibjrjb wdiaj bjvjanpi`" bjvjanpi`" o prnkjct+ ;j bjcibjb tdj tjcd`nan"! fosjb n` i`iu pnssifaj cnst eoctnr+ • •

 Oaa dorbworj dorbworj o`b snetworj snetworj cnst dos tn fj fnr`j fnr`j f! tdj tdj nr"o`iotin`+ nr"o`iotin`+ Nvjroaa wj dovj jstiotjb tdot tdj fj`jeits tdj nr"o`iotin` is "ni`" tn rjcjivj ern tdj prnpnsjb s!stj wiaa surja! nvjrcnj tdj i`itioa cnsts o`b tdj aotjr n` ru``i`" cnst enr s!stj+

. Rjc%`icoa +josi)iaity

Rdis i`caubjb tdj stub! ne eu`ctin`8 pjrenro`cj o`b cn`stroi`ts tdot o! oeejct tdj tdj ofiai ofiait! t! tn ocdi ocdijvj jvj o` occjp occjpto tofaj faj s!st s!stj+ j+ Enr Enr tdis tdis ejosi ejosifi fiait ait! ! stub! stub!88 wj stubij stubijb b cnpa cnpajtj jtj eu`ct eu`ctin` in`oa oait! it! tn fj prnvib prnvibjb jb i` tdj tdj s!st s!stj8 j8 os bjsc bjscrif rifjb jb i` tdj S!stj S!stj  Vjqui Vjquirj rjj` j`tt Spjc Spjciei ieicot cotin in` ` 7SVS 7SVS18 18 o`b o`b cdjc. cdjc.jb jb ie jvjr! jvjr!tdi tdi`" `" wos wos pnss pnssifa ifaj j usi`" usi`" bieejrj`t t!pj ne ern`tj`b o`b foc.j`b paoenrst+

. *pjrotin`oa +josi)iaity

-n bnuft tdj prnpnsjb s!stj is euaa! ovo J Vu`tij 6`virn`j`t L!S4( Sjrvjr   O`! ne Lniaao8 Lniaao8 Npjro8 Npjro8 %drnj %drnj jtc Rncot B >ovo >$ ?+B nr Ofnvj >SX 7>ovo Sjrvjr Xo"js1 L!S4( >cn``jctnr 

Hor#,orj j$irjlj`ts' @olj ne cnlpn`j`t Xrncjssnr  ( Hor# #is n`itnr  Ojy)nor# Oj y)nor#

Spjcieicotin` Xj`tiu III MDFL' ?J L) JF ovo J`b 6bitin` dttp533www+kbfc/tutnrioa+cn3 >ovo o`b Snetworj $jsi"` %n`cjpts f! Oprjss dttps533www+tutnrioaspni`t+cn3kovo3 dttp533www+kovotpni`t+cn3kovo/tutnrioa dttps533bncs+nrocaj+cn3kovosj3tutnrioa3 dttp533www+wopsjrvjr+cn3j`3 dttp533www+>SX+`jt3 dttp533www+tutnrioaspni`t+cn3!sqa3 dttpb+opocdj+nr"3bncs3J+F3isc3tutnrioas+dta

Xomj - !9

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